Re: [Goanet] Let us pray

2009-11-09 Thread Santosh Helekar
--- On Mon, 11/9/09, Ivo da C.Souza  wrote:
>Not every "Hindu priest" has the competence to discuss the relationship 
>>between Science and Religion. It is quite true that "a scientist may not >be 
>able to tell us anything about religion", as it is the case with >Dr.Santosh 
>for the last seven years... My statements are not only "within >the limits of 
>Christianity", but in the light of modern Science.

I forgot to mention that chauvinism of devout individuals of the type that is 
evident in the above statement, and the inherent conflicts between their 
religion and science, as well as the religion of others, often makes them 
oblivious of their own limitations. I hope nobody is foolish enough to believe 
that he can learn anything about science from a priest.




Re: [Goanet] Is this not the best approch to resolve tension between two big Indian communities.

2009-11-09 Thread Carvalho

--- On Sat, 11/7/09, SHRIKANT BARVE  wrote:

> According to the Holy Quran, God has sent 1,24,000
> prophets, he claimed and said "Rama and Krishna may be among
> them. If Muslims accept them as messengers of God, then the
> differences will be wiped off".
I can't remember who but someone one said of religious wars that they are a 
good way of proving my imaginary friend is better than yours. As long as India 
is caught up in this idea of propagating, perpetuating and coercing other 
people to believe in their imaginary friends, we will not progress beyond this.



[Goanet] Weekend Short Story #5

2009-11-09 Thread Francis Rodrigues

Weekend Short Story #5
Tales Of The Unexpected


(a modern retelling, with a twist, of  the great classic Greek tale
of true friendship, "Damon and Pythias". The concluding verses of M.
Boyer's "Ixttaghot" actually recounts in song, the original legend).


Syracuse, Greece, circa 4 B.C.

The boy Pythias loved mathematics - fascinated, he went to study further
at the feet of Pythagoras, where he met the consummate logician Damon.
Instantly bonding, they swore friendship until eternity, Pythias even
pledging his soul to his new friend. When Damon quietly expressed hurt
at mistreatment by their tyrant ruler Dionysius, Pythias bristling, set
out to assassinate Dionysius, but was unfortunately caught and condemned.

Damon smoothly offers his own life as security so Pythias can return home
to bid his folks farewell. Pythias returns almost too late as Damon seems
prepared to pay the forfeit. Dionysius is so impressed with their loyalty
to each other that he pardons Pythias. Arm in arm, the great friends walk
off together, Pythias gasping for breath and scarcely believing his luck.

Damon leads him to the banquet hall and as the doors close, Pythias plunges
into the bowels of hell. Stunned he angrily questions the strongly-clasping
Damon, who points out Pythias' promise of a bond to eternity, even unto his
soul. "I have only come to collect" says his false friend, "for I am Demon!"

This is a work of fiction. No resemblance to anyone living or dead intended.
Windows Live: Friends get your Flickr, Yelp, and Digg updates when they e-mail 

[Goanet] Drugs rife in India's Goa despite crackdown

2009-11-09 Thread armstrong augusto vaz
Drugs rife in India's Goa despite crackdown
By Lita Barretto (AFP) – 6 hours ago
ANJUNA, India — Two foreign tourists walk down to the shore at Anjuna
Beach in the Indian resort state of Goa. In tow is a local man,
persistently offering them a menu of illegal drugs.
"You want hash?" he asks in a whisper, glancing to left and right, as
the couple smile politely and decline. "Coke? I can get you coke. Or
pills. It's no problem."
Aggressive drug pushing is commonplace at Anjuna Beach, a popular
resort in the north of the former Portuguese colony, which has been a
haven for foreign visitors since the days of the hippie trail in the
1960s and 1970s.
Local police launched a crackdown on dealers and users after the death
of British teenager Scarlett Keeling in February 2008 and a state
government warning that Anjuna and other places like it were "hotbeds
for drugs".
North Goa police superintendent Bosco George told AFP in February that
the raids had been largely successful.
But one of his senior colleagues in the area disagrees.
"The situation is the same. No amount of raids can control the
problem," he said last week on condition of anonymity.
Witness statements supporting the charges against two local men
awaiting trial in connection with Keeling's death lay bare the extent
of the drugs culture.
The 15-year-old was found to have taken a cocktail of drink and drugs
before she died.
In his statement to federal investigators, obtained by the media last
week, Murli Saga Bolluju said all types of drugs -- from hashish,
cocaine and ecstasy to ketamine and LSD -- were readily available in
Anjuna Beach.
"In most shacks (beachside bars), the foreigners and Indians (use)
hash joints," added Bolluju, who said he had been at the Lui Cafe, one
of the places where Keeling was seen before she died.
"No shack owner will stop a hash joint user. Sometimes he will also
join the foreigners and have a puff."
Lui Cafe waiter Chandru Chauhan also accused the bar's owners of
procuring drugs.
Placido Carvalho, one of the accused and a former employee of the Lui
Cafe, brought in cocaine and kept "it below the plastic cloth on the
table meant for chopping vegetables", Chauhan added in his witness
A conviction for possession of illegal narcotics carries a maximum
seven-year jail term in India.
One former convict, who spent seven years in prison for drug offences,
said local youths were lured into the trade because of high drop-out
rates at school and the prospect of earning quick, easy cash.
"First it's the temptation to own a stylish motorbike and later to
make huge money that attracts them towards this," he said, on
condition of anonymity.
"The drug lords always have their faithfuls here in the state who
recruit these people to scout for foreigners to sell the contraband
"Parking lots in front of nightclubs, beach shacks and taxi drivers
are the reference points for the availability of the drugs."
According to the former prisoner, the drugs trade in north Goa is
handled by "two big lobbies" -- Russians and Britons, the two national
groups who make up the majority of the 400,000 foreign visitors who
come to the state each year.
"The state police are very well informed about these lobbies, which
again came to light during the investigation of the Scarlett Keeling
case," he added.
Police dismissed the witness claims in the federal charge sheet as
"nothing new", as they had been made during the local police
Scarlett's mother, Fiona MacKeown, has accused police of protecting
local drug gangs by not initially opening a murder inquiry and
dismissing her daughter's death as accidental drowning

[Goanet] Re. Anticipated!

2009-11-09 Thread Francis Rodrigues


Perhaps this isn't your first visit to Barcelona
(or Spain), but if it is, obviously you will take
in Las Ramblas - the exotic (esp. by night!) central
boulevard. Did a fair bit of Spain in my time - it
was dearer than Portugal, but not any more, with the
advent of the Euro, Lisbon's actually more expensive!

But, back to Las Ramblas -
It's superbly served by three metro stops, which is
the crux of it's 'great reputation!". Las Ramblas is
the pickpocket capital of the world! I recall the last
time I was there a couple of years ago, being told over
one hundred professional light-fingered gentry had been
rounded up that weekend in Las Ramblas - mostly Romany.

If you google info, you'll be stunned at the ingenuity
of these vast gangs and their reach. Virtually no-one is
beyond their grasp. Do pass on Goveia's regards to them!:-)



On Sun, 8 Nov 2009 Gilbert Lawrence wrote:

Subject: [Goanet] Anticipated!

I did not know?Frs. Corbella (SFX college), Pujol
(Sodality House) etc came from Catalona.?
Do you remeber Fr. Ferrer and Fr. Montalvo?
All these?guys very likely have passed away.
Yet, we are their legacies.
With your info, I will add a vist to a Jesuit
monastery to my list of 'sites to visit' in
Barcelona in addition to the landmark 'Catedral'.
Regards, GL

Eligible CDN College & University students can upgrade to Windows 7 before Jan 
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[Goanet] One Fine Day at the Saligao Church Confessional

2009-11-09 Thread Cecil Pinto
"Forgive me Father for I have sinned."

"But Father you are the Vicar and I am only an assistant priest. How
can I hear your confession?"

"You can Father. There is no rank in the confessional."

"Ok Father. Tell me what happened."

"Yesterday evening, just when the sun was about to set I saw this tall
bald man approaching the church from his parked car. Behind him was a
short driver type guy struggling under the load of a tripod and a huge
camera bag. It looked like one of those drawings of safari hunters in
Africa who had slaves carrying their equipment."

"I know what you mean Father. Some people are like that. Can't carry
their own load."

"So this fat spectacled guy then starts a big production of getting
his camera and tripod up."

"But Father, I thought you said he was tall and bald?"

"He was tall and bald and fat and spectacled."


"So anyway this chap starts talking loudly to his driver, Babu, about
something called ISO 800 and ISO 100 and Canon Tilt-Shift 17mm lens.
It was obvious that Babu didn't understand and cared even less about
these technical terms. The braggart was just trying to impress me and
some other parishioners who happened to be within earshot."

"I know the type Father. We see them around all the while. Was he an NRI?"

"Looked the type. Very boastful. Anyway this ill mannered chap then
has some problem with his tripod being jammed and utters all sorts of
vile curses at the tripod and at Babu and at the world in general.
Even blamed the current Government for his tripod being jammed."

"I know the type Father. Either boasting about or blaming their tools."

"Now I had to intervene since Holy Mass was going on and there were
parishioners within earshot. I approached him and asked him to stop
cursing. This got him even more agitated and he started calling me a
'tiresome clown' and 'big banana' and he called the parishioners

"Really Father?"


"And he also called me a little git. What's a git?"

"I don't know Father."

"I politely told him to mind his language or he would have to wash it
in Holy Water. He started shouting about court fees and applications
and called me charlatan."

"He called you a charlatan?!!"

"Yes he did! That was the last straw. I told him this was place of
prayer and place of God and that he should take his equipment and his
foul mouth and leave immediately."

"So then what did he do Father?"

"He was muttering something about ghantis and exposing me on something
called GoaNet and putting up large prints of the Church for sale in

"I wished him luck in his endeavours but insisted that he leave
immediately and not sully our holy grounds with his vile presence."

"Well done Father. You did the right thing! But then what is the sin
you want to confess?"

"I wonder if I did the right thing?"

"Of course you did the right thing Father. His curses and foul
language have no place on church grounds. It has nothing to do with
photography and all to do with manners and courtesy and respect.
Dozens of photographers come to our church every day and take photos
without making a big production of it. We never object to them."

"That I know but maybe I could have responded differently."

"Like how?"

"Maybe I should have kicked him in the butt and physically thrown him
out of the church compound!"

"No Father. That would have been a sin. But a pardonable sin!"


- Original Message -
From: "Rajan P. Parrikar" 
Sent: Saturday, November 07, 2009 7:42 PM
Subject: [Goanet] Shame on Saligao's parish priest

> To Goanet -
> I had a nasty verbal altercation this evening with, as it turned out, the
> parish priest of the Mae de Deus church in Saligao.
> Background: I was at the Mae de Deus church at daybreak a couple of
> days back and again during the twilight hours yesterday, for what
> turned out to be fulfilling sessions of photography.  I have several
> captures of the church taken in the years past (see, for example,
> Armed with the newly released Canon Tilt-Shift 17mm lens, ideal for
> architectural photography due to its Shift capability, I was eager to re-do
> some of Goa's special sights.  During my shoot yesterday, I inadvertently
> set the camera ISO to 800 (which is not that big an issue with my dSLR
> body given its superb high-ISO performance).  But I wanted to reprise the
> scene with ISO 100, which is why I was again in Saligao this evening.
> Earlier at daybreak this morning, I had scored an atmospheric shot
> of the Panjim church.
> Since I got there early enough, I sauntered to the front door and
> watched the evening mass for a while.  While fiddling with my tripod
> there, I discovered to my dismay that it had jammed, and so knew
> right away that my photo session was shot (pardon the pun).  As
> I made my way back, this small fellow intercepted me and said
> rather brusquely, "You can't take photographs here."  I asked him
> the reason.  He

[Goanet] taking a pic of a religious place --- my view

2009-11-09 Thread MD
Any structure, facility or installation that comes under the
'national security point of view' I believe is off limits to
photography.  The Sea Bird naval base could be seen clearly from the
NH17 until 08/07 (I believe). Later, a very high wall has been
constructed throughout, so the base can no more can be viewed from the

Also, if you recall, 26/11/08 attack, how those guys knew their way?
They probably may have been trained and breifed with audio/visual aid
of the target places and the way to reach them. (I still feel sorry
for the death of Hemant Karkare, Maharashta Police’s Anti-Terrorism
Squad chief during the attack).

The building/structure plan too comes handy for the rescue, commando
search and destroy operation to plan a strategy.  This is what I
believe and hence all airports are off limits to photographs.  Of
course there was a time, one could reach the tarmac of Santacruz
airport...there was absolutely no restriction at that time, but that
was a long time ago.

The advisory on photography at the church in focus could be to retain
the sanctity of the place, not to disturb who are praying or both?

It is quite common for tourists to get themselves photographed against
the backdrop of interest.

Just expressing my views.


Message: 6
Date: Mon, 9 Nov 2009 05:21:58 +0530
From: Frederick Noronha 
To: "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!"
Subject: Re: [Goanet] taking a pic of a religious place --- my view
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

2009/11/9 Naguesh Bhatcar :

> from the ground! I have never ever understood
> as to why the Government agencies in Goa, try to
> prevent photography of certain buildings.

Dabolim airport is also "out of bounds" for photography. That's
because it's Navy controlled. And, the rules go back to a pre-Internet
era when security-by-obscurity was more easier to practise. FN

Frederick Noronha :: +91-832-2409490
Writing, editing, alt.publishing, photography, journalism

Re: [Goanet] Shame on Saligao's parish priest

2009-11-09 Thread Mervyn Lobo
Joaquim Almeida wrote:
> Reply to Topic one - To Mervyn
> Dear Mervyn,
> If tourist happen to visit your house early morning and somehow you welcome 
> him to 
> get inn.  As you goes to wash your face and mean time this tourist starts 
> shooting 
> your house around which is not tidy.  What would be your reaction towards 
> this 
> TOURIST?  You would abuse him because you don't know him and asking him to 
> delete 
> from media tape what he captured.

> Probably this priest asked you donation so that he could keep the church 
> clean and 
> shine for the next person to shoot.

> We(catholic?) are very wise to make others hear us because we go to 
> church(start of 
> mass push in and while finishing push out) no opportunity to speak but only 
> heard 
> from priest.  If we would speak to God in His temple would not speak to 
> others 
> outside till revealing our nakedness.

> Lets remove the log in own self eye instead of searching dust particle in 
> others eyes.

> KEEPER OF THE FAITH? - it shows you are selfish.  Faith on us was passed by 
> our 
> ancestors and you are asked to pass it on and not to keep it.  who is a 
> priest? Is 
> he not somebody's brother or son?  Is brother or son not tend to fall in sin? 
> (Prodigal Son)


I think you have mis-identified me. 
I am the one who had no objections, none what-so-ever, to making a donation to 
parish priest.

As for you your first question, ALL the tourist that come to my house tell me 
that my 
place is not tidy. Maybe I do not meet the tidy expectations of society. 
However, here 
is a picture for you to comment on. Does it really matter if my place is tidy 
or not?


Ask a question on any topic and get answers from real people. Go to Yahoo! 
Answers and share what you know at

[Goanet] FRIDAY BALCAO: 25 years of the Bhopal Gas Disaster and lessons for Goa.

2009-11-09 Thread Goa Desc
Welcome to the FRIDAY BALCAO

Dear Cybergaonkars on Goanet,

We continue with FRIDAY BALCAO
on 13th November from 4pm. to 6pm.
at Goa Desc Resource Centre
No.11, Liberty Apartments,
Feira Alta, Mapusa Goa.

TOPIC: 25 years of  the Bhopal Gas Disaster and  lessons for Goa.
SPEAKER: Open Discussion

We invite you to express your viewpoint
by attending the Friday Balcao event
but if you cannot attend, then please send your
views and action plan suggestions by post to
FRIDAY BALCAO Post Box 78, Mapusa 403 507
or by email to

best wishes,

Roland Martins
Don't miss out on the discussion. Information is power,
Share it equitably. Lets make things happen in Goa !!

11 Liberty Apts., Feira Alta, Mapusa, Goa 403 507

Working On Issues Of Development & Democracy

[Goanet] Talking Photo: Pl identify these fingers

2009-11-09 Thread JoeGoaUk
Ok, identify these fingers
clue: Powde,. Silviano, tamrind, chinche bottam? 

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[Goanet] Shame on the parish priest

2009-11-09 Thread Albert Desouza

Albert writes:- wedding day and marriage jubilees comes once in your life time 
and you want it to be the best. So one likes to keep a memories of wedding day 
and so the photography is needed. I have my wedding snaps and looking at those 
photographs my children remember us on our wedding day and they often 
remark.See how mummy was looking so thin and chubby, and dad was a hero and now 
! goes the remark. when i see the photograph I remember even those who were for 
my wedding and now with the Lord. It is a memoir. Of late I have heard that 
there is lot of restriction for photography in the church and I think the 
parish council then had made all these dirty rules many years ago. I have seen 
Saligao church all close once the mass is over and if you are lucky to have one 
door open so there is no question of photography at all. Many churches in Goa 
are closed and if we have any guests coming from outside the state they are not 
able to see the interior church and they cannot even pray if they want. The 
priest are often absent from the church. Once I wanted a baptism certificate of 
my son and the time was ten o clock. The clerk told me to come at 12.30 for the 
certificate as that is the rule made by the parish priest and only when I blew 
my top the clerk went inside and asked the parish priest to sign which he did 
it as my voice was louder than his. 
Windows 7: Find the right PC for you. Learn more.

[Goanet] Mapusa...

2009-11-09 Thread Frederick Noronha
Mapusa market images
Frederick Noronha :: +91-832-2409490
Writing, editing, alt.publishing, photography, journalism
Books from Goa:

[Goanet] Is this not the best approch to resolve tension between two big Indian communities.

2009-11-09 Thread Venantius J Pinto
No harm in transliterating the Bande Mataram in Urdu script, and also
translating it. Perhaps it should also be done in languages inhabited by
Naxalites too. It is frankly mind-boggling that Sudarshan is finally
understanding what should have been done at least 25 years ago, if not say
35, or at least 45 years ago.

In fact he does not even have to reference the prophets etc. just bring
meaning to people's life. That should be easy as pie. On top of it perhaps
the RSS, is it is not already in touch with Deoband -- should make haste and
do so. Religious construction though is not as easy to wipe off. Hinduism
even at this point has strong dharmic principles, and Hindus should never
feel threatened. The politicians wil keep doing their machinations.

venantius j pinto

> Message: 8
> Date: Sat, 7 Nov 2009 18:28:54 -0800 (PST)
> To:, goanet 
> Subject: [Goanet] Is this not the best approch to resolve tension
>between two big Indian communities.
> RSS says Vande Mataram could be translated into Urdu
> Ayodhya, Nov 7 (PTI) The RSS has said it would translate the 'Vande
> Mataram' into Urdu for distribution among Muslims.
> "We will get the Vande Matram translated into Urdu and it will be
> distributed among the members of Muslim community," former RSS chief K C
> Sudarshan told a meeting of senior Sangh functionaries here yesterday.
> According to the Holy Quran, God has sent 1,24,000 prophets, he claimed and
> said "Rama and Krishna may be among them. If Muslims accept them as
> messengers of God, then the differences will be wiped off".
> Stating that Ayodhya is a holy place for both Hindus and Muslims, the RSS
> leader said, "It is the birth place of Hazrat Nuh (one of the messengers of
> God according to Quran).. Manu and Ram were also born here.
> Shrikant Vinayak Barve

Re: [Goanet] Is this not the best approch to resolve tension between two big Indian communities.

2009-11-09 Thread Frederick Noronha
A good article from the Times of India (pls see full text online):

The politics of Vande Mataram
Jyoti Punwani

The real problem with Vande Mataram comes with the RSS slogan Is desh
mein rahna hoga to Vande Mataram kahna hoga. This slogan, used in
every RSS/Shiv Sena campaign, and part of every communal riot, kept
cropping up during the Srikrishna Commission hearings into the
1992-'93 riots. Policemen deposing before the Commission were amazed
that they should even be asked why they had not taken action against
those mouthing the belligerent slogan-significantly, so were their
lawyers as well as the counsel for the government. It was left to
Justice Srikrishna to point out that laying down conditions of
residence on any citizen, let alone a community, by another group was
not just communal but also fascist.

> --- On Sat, 11/7/09, SHRIKANT BARVE  wrote:

> Ayodhya, Nov 7 (PTI) The RSS has said it would
> translate the 'Vande Mataram' into Urdu for
> distribution among Muslims.

> "We will get the Vande Matram translated
> into Urdu and it will be distributed among
> the members of Muslim community," former
> RSS chief K C Sudarshan told a meeting of
> senior Sangh functionaries here yesterday.

Frederick Noronha :: +91-832-2409490
Writing, editing, alt.publishing, photography, journalism

[Goanet] Goa University Merit List, April-2009

2009-11-09 Thread St. Xavier's College - Mapusa - Goa - India - 403507 (TEL: 0832-2262356 WEBSITE:

The Goa University has recently declared the all Goa final Merit List of 
students of 
the Third Year B.A./B.Sc./B.Com. Goa University Examination held in April-2009, 
wherein St. Xavier's College of Arts, Science & Commerce, has bagged 5 ranks in 

The following are the rankers:

  Ms. Kelkar Manjiri Madhav
  Third Year B.A.
  2nd Rank

  Third Year B.A.
  3rd Rank

  Third Year B.Sc.
  2nd Rank

  Third Year B.Sc.
  3rd Rank

  MS. pawar paloma prakash
  Third Year B.Com.
  3rd Rank

[Goanet] permission for photos

2009-11-09 Thread jane gillian rodrigues
The Catholic Church in India, should take an immediate decision to totally stop 
the filming of advertisements and bollywood and hollywood movies near or within 
the premises of its Catholic schools, colleges and churches, instead of 
stopping only tourists or visitors from clicking photos, if they are so worried 
about security.
Date: Sun, 8 Nov 2009 19:46:49 +0530
From: "floriano" 
ome body should take the initiative to prevail on the Bom Jesus Basilica 
authorities to change the wording of the notice board displayed in the 
picture to
'DO NOT' instead of 'DONT'
Such careless/crude wordings in a place such as Bon Jesus Basilica does not 
go well with Goa and Goans.
Also, the word 'PLEASE' is conspicuous by its absence for a place of God. 
Looks like the ASI is in command here instead of the Church authorities
Just my thoughts


[Goanet] Tiatr Festival begins from Today

2009-11-09 Thread Tomazinho
Press Note

for favour of publication

Panjim: 09 / 11 / 09

Tiatr Festival begins from Today

A festival of Award winning tiatrs organized by Tiatr Academy Goa (TAG) begins 
(10 / 11 / 09 ) at at 7.00 p . m at the Hanuman Theatre, Mapusa. In all 4 award 
winning tiatrs in the recently concluded 35th Tiatr Competition organized by 
Akademy, Goa will be staged.  As per the schedule "Asro Zai" written by Agnelo 
Borim will be staged on 10th November, "Kallokhi Uzvadd" written by Derick 
on 11th November,  "Rinn" written by Peter Vaz on 12th instant and "Eksiddent" 
Tomazinho Cardozo on 13th November.

A nominal entrance fee (ticket) of Rs. 30 per person has been fixed. As there 
is no 
reservation the sitting will be provided on 'first cum first serve basis'.  A 
limited number of Seasonal Passes are made which will cost Rs. 100/- for all 

The Tiatr Festival of Award Winning Tiatrs is organized for the purpose of 
opportunity to the tiatr lovers from other parts of Goa to witness prize 
tiatrs of Kala Akademy's yearly Tiatr competition. This festival will be held 
different places every year so that the people of Goa may be able to taste the 
richness of tiatr staged in the yearly Tiatr Festivals by Kala Akademy.

Tiatr lovers from Bardez and surrounding areas are requested to take note of 
festival and attend in large number so that they get the first hand information 
the tiatrs staged by amateur artistes in the yearly Tiatr Competitions.

Tomazinho Cardozo

President - TAG

[Goanet] Email or contact of family of late Noel Lima Leitao

2009-11-09 Thread Bernado Colaco
I have been requested to get the email address of the family of the late Noel 
Lima Leitao by a former Vasco player and now children trainer 'Pele". Any help 
is appreciated.


[Goanet] Talking about the photography, stealing etc

2009-11-09 Thread JoeGoaUk
Talking about the photography, stealing etc
Internet has become such a source/place nowadays, that most take it as ‘free 
for all’
I know, universally, when it comes to payment it really hurts 
But for most of us Goans, just to say ‘thank you’ which is FREE also hurts.
Some of them thinks by cropping or editing  the stolen pic they can get away.
Some months ago. May 2009, a local daily used my pic  ‘Bol’ (Wedding bol)  in 
such a way that only 2/3 of it used.
Full pic is here.

I may have over 6000 pics on the net.
but I at once recognise which one is mine
and then I log on to double check..
Check this out.
the above pic came on today’s GT page 3.
I wrote:
If the writers (e.g.Julio D'Silva etc) are paid for the articles, then they may 
be paid less  for stealing the pic from the net or for not giving the due 
credit. At least they will not do it again.
It may be reminded that this is not the first case,  
last one was in last month on Colva Fama Pics where in 4 pics were used
NT too used two pics from the net dtd 6/11/09 on Konkani Oldies films
and put under Chritina Viegas/NT NETWORK banner.
TOI, H, GO, NT, GT have at least one case each
I also see some articles in the  Goan internet forums which have stolen pics in 
it but in the end they write ‘all rights reserved’ (including the stolen pics?)

When you have to listen to from the road side vendors to Field workers and 
from Govt building to Catholic Churches/priests, how would you feel?
When you complain to the NPs they may come back to say
‘The photo was sent to us by the author and we had no idea he had downloaded 
it. We will try to be more careful next time’
Some will not bother to write back despite keeping the subject line ‘To the 
‘Photos are there for everyone and may be for FREE but please don’t take and 
claim it yours’
Remember, by using pics without credit, you are claiming both the article and 
the pics are yours.
Thank you. 

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For Goan Video Clips 

In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc

  The INTERNET now has a personality. YOURS! See your Yahoo! Homepage.

Re: [Goanet] Goa University Merit List, April-2009

2009-11-09 Thread Victor Rangel-Ribeiro
Congratulations to St. Xavier's, Mapusa, for continuing to provide high quality 
Victor Rangel-Ribeiro

--- On Mon, 11/9/09, St. Xavier's College - Mapusa - Goa - India - 403507 (TEL: 
0832-2262356 WEBSITE: www.xavierscollege-  wrote:

From: St. Xavier's College - Mapusa - Goa - India - 403507 (TEL: 0832-2262356 
WEBSITE: www.xavierscollege- 
Subject: [Goanet] Goa University Merit List, April-2009
To: "Goanet" 
Date: Monday, November 9, 2009, 12:13 AM


The Goa University has recently declared the all Goa final Merit List of 
students of 
the Third Year B.A./B.Sc./B.Com. Goa University Examination held in April-2009, 
wherein St. Xavier's College of Arts, Science & Commerce, has bagged 5 ranks in 

The following are the rankers:

  Ms. Kelkar Manjiri Madhav
  Third Year B.A.
  2nd Rank

  Third Year B.A.
  3rd Rank

  Third Year B.Sc.
  2nd Rank

  Third Year B.Sc.
  3rd Rank

  MS. pawar paloma prakash
  Third Year B.Com.
  3rd Rank

Re: [Goanet] [goanet] Global Goan Convention Report in Daiji World

2009-11-09 Thread Caetano Rosario
Namaste Rabindra, 
Kudos to the organizers of the Global Goan Convention. From news from 
Oman including daijiworld we learnt that you were not present on the first 
day. On the second day, you left mid-way through and eclipsed from the scene 
with your elderly buddy in the dark. Hence, your conclusion to praise the 
organizers is rather a ploy for cheap publicity gimmicks as always, and does 
not augur well.  In Konkani there is a mhunni (saying) famous all over Goa and 
Mangalore - meja vellem kellem kaddilem ani saggvat zoddili. I think the 
goanetters will understand. Anyways hope this is an eye opener to you and your 
Goan club as in the past not more than 30 persons attended whenever Shri Eduard 
Faleiro and NRI delegation visited Kuwait.  I was present on two such occasions 
at Hotel Carlton.  Please get your act done, honourably, next time. It's 
technology, my friend, you cannot blame us for your tell-tales.
Now that the convention is over, let us see the progress of Shri Eduardo 
Faleiro and his team. Otherwise it could be yet another "Ghel're ghel'lo na" 
(what happened? Nothing dear?" episode.
With cheerful wishes and let us hear from you more.  Call me
Caetano Rosario 
+965  2 4 8 3 4 3 2 0


Having witnessed the deliberations on 6th of November, 09, I must say, the 
organizers have donea wonderful job to ensure that the Global Goan Convention 
at Muscat, was a grand success. 

Kudos to you all! I am of the firm belief that, well done is better than well 
said; you certainlydid everything well!! 

Congratulations! once again, on a job well done God bless Goa and Goans 

With kind regards,Rabindra PimentaKuwait. 

  The INTERNET now has a personality. YOURS! See your Yahoo! Homepage.

[Goanet] VIDEO: Sonia Sirsat sings Fado, at first night of Casa da Moeda festival 8/11/2009

2009-11-09 Thread tambdi mati

[Goanet] Parish priest's denial of photography.

2009-11-09 Thread Vivian A. DSouza
In my humble opinion given the scenario as described by Rajan, the Parish 
priest erred.
But lets take the Parish priests viewpoint, since he is not likely to be a 
member of GoaNet  and will most likely not defend his actions or give his 
perspective on the incident
Saligao church is indeed a beautiful and scenic building.  I have seen pictures 
of the church on various tourist brochures and coffee table books.  As such it 
must attract so many photographers that it may become a nuisance to the church 
goers and to the parish priest who manages the facility.  The harried parish 
priest must have been less than diplomatic in asking Rajan to stop taking 
pictures, and from Rajan's narrative of the incident, he would not take no for 
an answer and in his own words gave as good as he got "xapotam"
So in my opinion there were no good guys or bad guys in this incident, and both 
parties could be at least partially at fault.

[Goanet] Pricing the priceless (Letter in the Herald re. Mega Projects)

2009-11-09 Thread Arwin Mesquita
*Pricing the priceless
Reuben Sequeira, Chicalim
*People opposing housing projects in the state are often deemed as rabble
rousers and labelled anti-development. There has been name calling and
accusations on both sides – that is, builders and politicians versus
villagers and activists.
It is common knowledge that most real estate deals in our state are
accomplished through underhand deals. Neither the government nor the courts
bother to deal with the numerous illegalities and violations unless the
concerned parties are bigwigs with influence. Files go missing and so do
government personnel as well as the infamous Sarpanchas and panchas whenever
there is any objection raised.
It seems as if everyone is harping about the value of basic infrastructure
like housing, electricity and water supply. Take the example of a normal
2BHK flat in Goa, whose price ranges from Rs40 lakh to Rs3 crore depending
on the location and amenities. What of the forests destroyed to create these
concrete monsters? What of the wildlife displaced? What of the irreparable
damage caused to our unique cultural traditions? What of the dilution of the
Goan identity? Who is going to pay the price for this?
What Goans need to focus on is the value of our culture, pristine beaches,
verdant forests, wildlife, spirituality and humanity. We need to literally
put a price on these priceless things and ask the government if they are
willing to compensate us for them. If the prices of flats in Goa are any
indicator, then, for a start, we should demand Rs1000cr as compensation for
the destruction of our heritage village of Chicalim by the new mega-housing
projects envisioning just under 2000 new flats sanctioned under the ODP
through active collusion of the PDA and Panchayat.

Please post your comments on my Blog:

Please also see below:
1. Benaulim Village Action Committee:

2. "Rape of Goa" :

3. MAND - an adivasi-rights resource centre :


5. For the Love of Konkani:

6. Goa's Identity Movement website:

7. Official Government Site NRI Office (GOA):

Re: [Goanet] Giorgi’s Two Buddhas_corrected

2009-11-09 Thread Venantius J Pinto
Some funky Theology (perhaps most theology is funky).

Read William Jone’s Ancient Theology by Urs App, under Sept 2009. In the
sidebar, go to Giorgi’s Two Buddhas. Make what you will of it. Read other
chapters too.

venantius j pinto

Re: [Goanet] Is this not the best approch to resolve tension between two big Indian communities.

2009-11-09 Thread Santosh Helekar
--- On Sat, 11/7/09, SHRIKANT BARVE  wrote:
> Stating that Ayodhya is a holy place for both Hindus and
> Muslims, the RSS leader said, "It is the birth place of
> Hazrat Nuh (one of the messengers of God according to
> Quran).. Manu and Ram were also born here.

It looks like these people believe in the literal truth of their mythology.




[Goanet] Booze for Thought_Goan thoughts

2009-11-09 Thread Venantius J Pinto
Lies About Marijuana Drive People to a Much More Harmful Drug -- Booze


[Goanet] Questioning the conventional wisdom on global warming

2009-11-09 Thread Mario Goveia
Mario Goveia wrote: 

> Let's leave aside for now the questionable notion that 0.04% [rounded 
> off] of a clear gas in the atmosphere can trap heat like a "greenhouse" 
> while letting in heat from the sun.

Date: Tue, 27 Oct 2009 19:51:03 -0700 (PDT)
From: marlon menezes 
Re: [Goanet] Motorbikes, two-wheelers and Global Cooling

Mario, I can give you a vial of cyanide with a concentration of 0.04%. If you 
think it is insignificant, please do us a favor and lap it all up. Just because 
a number is small does not make it insignificant. Dopants as little 0.01% 
(and much less) can change the properties of materials drastically. 

Mario responds:

This is a red herring.  Cyanide is a known poison, which is lethal at certain 
concentrations.  In lower concentrations it is harmless.

Using a known poison like cyanide in a solution as an analogy, environmental 
activists often try to show that 0.036% of a clear plant food like CO2 mixed in 
with 99.964% of other gases in the atmosphere will make the atmosphere act like 
a "greenhouse", i.e. physically block heat from escaping and thus causing the 
earth to warm up.  This is a bogus analogy between a poison that must be 
ingested and a gas that is said to block heat like a "greenhouse".

This would have been simply an interesting scientific debate, but the 
environmental extremists want to use their controversial theories to impose 
controls on only the western economies which will bring them down towards the 
least common denominator and make them more like the less developed countries 
are today, i.e economically weak.

Only 0.013% of the earth's atmosphere is comprised of man-made CO2. The 
environmental extremists ask us to believe that they can control this minute 
amount by requiring only the western economies to turn back the clock on their 
economies by 80% by 2050 from 2000 levels.  In the meantime all the less 
developed countries can continue business as usual, including Russia, China, 
India, Australia, Brazil and Mexico.

Of course this makes no sense, because the effects will be in opposite 
directions cancelling each other out.

What the environmental extremists are  essentially trying to convince us is 
equivalent to pretending that smoke in the atmosphere in a closed hall can be 
controlled by having a large and growing smoking section on one side.

Their time could be put to better use if they tried to come up with contingency 
plans to cope with whatever Mother Nature has in store for the earth.  Some 
scientists think that any further warming will be modest and may even be 
beneficial to humans by having positive effects on food production and by 
reducing the need for energy for heating. 

[Goanet] [goanet] Misleading political distortions

2009-11-09 Thread Mario Goveia
Date: Wed, 4 Nov 2009 21:05:30 -0500
From: "manuel tavares"

George W. Bush was the most irrational president that the USA have ever had. It 
is precisely because of his irrationality that he plunge the U.S. into the Iraq 
and Afghanistan wars to the exclusion of involvement in domestic and basic 
economic policies that has plunged the world into this economic meltdown. His 
policy of affording tax cuts to the very rich has resulted in the trillions of 
dollars of deficits facing the U.S. That is why he is the most unpopular 
president in the U.S., his country. 

Mario responds:

President Bush's unpopularity was largely due to the spread of such completely 
distorted information by much of the left wing media mostly because of their 
opposition to the liberation of millions of Muslims from Muslim tyrants in Iraq 
and Afghanistan, which Manuel is repeating here.

Was President George Bush "irrational"?  Only if one doesn't care about the 

What about the events that led up to the liberation of Iraq, including the 17 
UN resolutions over twelve years asking Iraq to comply with disclosure of his 
WMDs that he had agreed to, the massacres using WMDs of innocent Iraqi Shia and 
Kurds, the looting of the oil for food program, the need for no-fly zones 
patrolled by Americans and Brits to protect Iraqis, etc.?

What about Al Qaeda and its attacks on US interests throughout the 90's, or 
about 9/11, the Al Qaeda training camps in Afghanistan or the Taliban and their 
brutality towards women and their harboring of Al Qaeda and Osama Bin Laden, 

The tax rate cuts that President proposed and supported were for everyone, not 
just the rich, and caused the economy to recover quickly from the recession 
that Bush inherited, and INCREASED tax collections by growing the economy in 
spite of the shocks of 9/11.  Since tax collections increased from the tax rate 
cuts, it stands to reason that the deficits were caused by government spending 
on social programs and the two wars of liberation. 

Let's consider the size of the Bush deficits. At the end of Bush's term the 
deficit was 3.5% of GDP.  Obama's policies have increased that to 10% in one 
year and it is projected to continue to rise if other Obama-supported 
initiatives pass.  The unemployment rate at the end of the Bush term was at a 
high of 5.8%.  After one year of massive spending ostensibly to create jobs, 
the unemployment rate stands at 10.2%, and is expected to rise.

Thus Manuel needs to check his sources and wise up.

Manuel wrote:

President Clinton was the one who started the campaign to aid victims of Aids 
in Africa making cheap medicines available to Aids victims through Governments 
and NGA's and George W.Bush just carried on with the trend perhaps not knowing 
due to his ignorance. 

Mario responds:

This, too, is completely false, as the following sources show:

Manuel wrote:

If George W. Bush had paid enough attention to his domestic Agenda, the world 
would be a better place economically. Shows you what you get when you elect a 
Cowboy to the highest office in the land doesn't it.

Mario responds:

Not true.  The financial disaster was started, increased, protected and 
defended by the Democrats, starting under the Clinton administration.  This 
included President Obama when he was a Senator.  Using the Community 
Reinvestment Act they forced private banks to lend to low income home buyers 
who were credit risks.  The banks then sold the high risk loans to 
quasi-government institutions like Freddy Mac and Fannie Mae.  Because of his 
support for such risky programs, Senator Obama became the biggest recipient of 
campaign funds per annum from those at the center of the financial crisis, 
Freddy Mac, Fannie Mae and AIG.

President Bush tried to stop the madness but did not have the votes to do so as 
the timeline in the following video report shows:;=1 

Re: [Goanet] JoyBoy...A blind date with you...

2009-11-09 Thread Alfred de Tavares

My mogal...mui querido Zezinho de Goa e Reino Unido...

How sweet...generous...gracious of you to accomodate my request
at such scarce noticemy cup of joy nearly overflowed

But alás...just as every cloud has a sliver of silver... so does it have
a great load of doom

The date you give me...November 31, is quite impossible...

However, I am longing to hold hands with you...& gorge you on ladoos
& other various sweets & have placed my in a most unholy

Let me explain & you will appreciate my bitter plight!

You see...I reserve the date granted me by you...the 31st of November,
unequivocally, for purposes of severe serious applied devotion...

While others observe Nov 1 as all Souls Day, & Nov 2 as Festa de todos Santos, 
I, combine the two solemnities and jointly observe them in a round-the-clock 
day-long vigil in Church...

Zo, unless you can grant me another date, within the frame of my imminent 
supplied you...I am in toto woebegone to myself offer you an alternate date, 
a later visit to a couple of months...

Would February 31st, Anno Domine 2010 suit you?

Hopefully...hoping it does...I will keep it, free as lark, to regale you!

Let us, please, fix the evening at my old friend's renowned Martin's Corner in 


Yours & everybody's Alfred Chachaaa...

> Date: Sun, 8 Nov 2009 07:22:29 +
> From:
> To:
> Subject: [Goanet]  JoyBoy...A blind date with you...
> Thanks
> Deal sealed!
> It on 31st Nov 7pm at Martin’s Betalbatim
> Conditions:
> 1. Photography strictly not allowed, you are liable to be searched (Frisking) 
> 2. Be natural i.e. no hair dying, no use of perfumes/aftershave et.
> 3. Be casual (dress). Simple T shirt or Buskott will do.
> 4. Be punctual – be on time. It’s our first date. Remember, first impression 
> counts.
> 5. Restaurant charges etc to be shared (equally).
> Looking forward to meet you soon.
> Goodnite and sweet dreams
> quote:
> [Goanet] JoyBoy...A blind date with you...
> Alfred de Tavares alfredtavares at 
> Sat Nov 7 09:45:54 PST 2009 
> Dear Joe-bab...
> I will be in Goa from Nov 17 to ca Dec 13...
> Could I request a date with you, at your convenience, during this period?
> Your condition: Either I come blindfold...or, 
> for Goa & NRI related info... 
> For Goan Video Clips 
> In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
> For Hospital, Police, Fire etc
>   The INTERNET now has a personality. YOURS! See your Yahoo! Homepage. 
Keep your friends updated—even when you’re not signed in.

[Goanet] Fwd: *Cansaulim* Mega Project

2009-11-09 Thread Arwin Mesquita
Cansaulim meet turns stormy over mega project
TNN 9 November 2009, 06:17am IST

MARGAO: The gram sabha of Cansaulim village panchayat on Sunday turned
stormy over the issue of a proposed mega project in the village.

A lengthy verbal duel between the panchayat body and the gram sabha members
over the issue finally resulted in the gram sabha unanimously adopting a
resolution demanding that the panchayat conduct a scrutiny of the project by
taking the gram sabha into confidence.

Villagers also placed on record the need to conduct an environment impact
assessment of all proposed mega projects by the authorities before granting
them the approvals.

Pointing out to an earlier gram sabha resolution that asked the panchayat
body to place all proposed mega housing or commercial projects before the
gram sabha for discussion, agitated members took the panchayat body to task
for forwarding the file regarding the proposed project in question to the
town and country planning (TCP) department by ignoring the gram sabha, thus
"violating" the gram sabha resolution.

While proponents of the project maintained that the gram sabha had no powers
to stop a mega project possessing all statutory approvals, the gram sabha
members maintained that it was binding on the panchayats to implement all
such gram sabha resolutions that were in consonance with the law.

"We are only demanding that the panchayat body, along with villagers,
scrutinize the project before approvals are granted. We want to make sure
that the demography of the village will not be affected and that the
existing coastal rural infrastructure is not burdened by this project," a
gram sabha member said.

A resolution suggested that a resource management plan be formulated by the
panchayat by taking into consideration the views of skilled and resourceful
persons from the village with a view to "preserving the fragile coastal
ecology" of the village. It was suggested that a committee be formed under
the plan that will also be empowered to scrutinize any proposed mega housing
or commercial projects coming up in the village.

The issue of a public road leading to the beach through the property of a
starred resort also came up for discussions with the villagers expressing
their strong resentment over beachgoers being frisked by the resort's
security personnel.



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Please post your comments on my Blog:

Please also see below:
1. Benaulim Village Action Committee:

2. "Rape of Goa" :

3. MAND - an adivasi-rights resource centre :


5. For the Love of Konkani:

6. Goa's Identity Movement website:

7. Official Government Site NRI Office (GOA):

[Goanet] PRESS RELEASE: Novena and Feast of Saint Francis Xavier

2009-11-09 Thread Goanet News Service

Basilica of Bom Jesus, Old Goa
24 November - 3 December 2009

The annual Feast of Saint Francis Xavier will be celebrated on Thursday, 
December 3, 
2009 at the Basilica of Bom Jesus, Old Goa. The 9-day Novena to Saint Francis 
will be held from 24 November to 2 December 2009.

The theme for this year's celebration is "Inspired by the Faithfulness of Saint 
Francis, let us Shine like Jesus, the Star". The theme draws light from the 
Universal Church's declaration of 2009-10 as a Year for Priests. Similarly, the 
celebration will also reflect on the Archdiocese of Goa and Daman's focus on 
youth this year.


During the course of the Novena (24 November - 2 December 2009), Masses will be 
celebrated at 6.00 am, 7.15 am, 8.15 am, 9.30 am, 10.30 am, 11.30 am, 3.45 pm, 
pm and 6.15 pm. On Sunday, November 29, 2009, an additional Mass will be 
at 5.00 am. However, no Mass will be celebrated at 10.30 am on 25 and 26 

The Novena Mass will be celebrated daily at 8:15 am. This year the parishes of 
Mandur, Panjim, Marcela, Mapusa, Nuvem, Azossim, Cortalim, Fatorda and Bambolim 
celebrate the Novena Mass.

Besides Konkani, Masses will also be celebrated in the following languages:

- English: Everyday at 6.15 pm
- Hindi: 28 November (11:30 am), 29 November (2.30 pm), 30 November (11.30 am)
- Malayalam: 24 November (11:30 am, 12:30 pm), 29 November (12:30 pm)
- Marathi: 2 December (12:30 pm)
- Portuguese: 2 December (11:30 am)
- Tamil: 29 November (11:30 am)

This Year being dedicated to Priests, the Archbishop-Patriarch of Goa and 
Most Rev Filipe-Neri Ferrão, will celebrate a Mass for Priests and Vocations on 
November 30 (3.45 pm). Similarly, a Mass for Youth will be celebrated on 
November 26 
(3.45 pm). A Mass for the Sick will be celebrated on November 27 (3.45 pm).

Special Masses have also been planned for Couples for Christ (29 November, 9:30 
Volunteers (1 December, 11:30 am), the Pilar Society (2 December, 5:15 pm) and 
Goa Jesuits (3 December, 6:00 pm).

An Inter-Religious Meet for peace and communal harmony will be held on 
November 26, 2009, at 10:30 am. Leaders of different religious communities will 
address the gathering which is expected to be attended by a cross-section of 


The Feast of Saint Francis Xavier will be celebrated on December 3, 2009, with 
Solemn High Mass at 10:30 am. The Main Celebrant for this year will be Most Rev 
Peter Machado, Bishop of Belgaum Diocese. Archbishop-Patriarch Filipe Neri 
and Archbishop-Patriarch Emeritus Raul Nicolau Gonsalves will concelebrate at 
Feast Mass.

Besides the Feast Mass at 10:30 am, Masses on the Feast Day will be celebrated 
4:00 am, 5:00 am, 6:00 am, 7:00 am, 8:00 am, 9:00 am, 12:30 pm, 4:00 pm, 5:00 
pm and 
6:00 pm (English).

The Sacrament of Confession will be held daily from 24 November to 2 December 
between 5:30 am to 10:30 am and 3:30 pm to 5:30 pm in the Sacristy of the 
of Bom Jesus, Old Goa.


Born a nobleman on 7 April 1506 at Javier, in the Spanish kingdom of Navarre, 
Francis Xavier had everything it took to win the glories of the world. A fine 
sportsman and a bright scholar, he enrolled at the College of Santa Barbara, 
to secure a Masters in humanities. Little did he know that his encounters with 
roommates, Peter Faber and Ignatius Loyola, would change his worldview. "What 
it profit a man if he gains the whole world but loses his own soul?", Ignatius 
Francis Xavier. Nothing seemed more convincing to Francis Xavier than 
himself to God's service along with Ignatius Loyola and five other companions. 
Together they formed the Compagnia di Gesù better known as the Society of Jesus 
the Jesuits. On 15 August 1534, Francis Xavier pronounced vows of poverty and 
chastity and was ordained a priest on 24 June 1537.

Fired with zeal to proclaim the Good News of Jesus, Francis Xavier readily 
volunteered to be sent to the Indies. He set sail for India in 1541 and after 
months of a harrowing voyage, reached Goa on 6 May 1542. Having arrived in Goa 
as a 
Papal Legate, Francis Xavier chose to stay at the Royal Hospital and cared for 
sick inmates. Armed with a cross in one hand and a bell in another, he walked 
streets of Goa teaching children catechism in song and verse. His ardent desire 
spread the Kingdom of God never tired him from crossing newer thresholds. 
established Goa as the base of the Society of Jesusin the entire East, Francis 
Xavier braved the seas and travelled to Cochin, the Malabar coast, Tamil Nadu, 
even ventured as far as Malacca and Japan. Nothing deterred him from attempting 
impossible. It was his spirit of magis (more) that characterised his life as 
Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam (for the Greater Glory of God).

In 1552, Francis X

[Goanet] Kallokhi uzvadd - winner of nine awards Tiatr to be staged at Mapusa

2009-11-09 Thread Goa Desc
Do GOACAN a favour, circulate this email to your
family members, relatives, neighbours and friends.
Help CONSUMERS in Goa to be better informed.
Documented by Goa Desc Resource Centre (GDRC)
Kallokhi uzvadd - winner of nine awards Tiatr to be staged at Hanuman
  theatre Mapusa on Wednesday11th November 7pm
 Newcomers Serula Art and Culture Academy, which comprises
of the villages of Pomburpa, Penha de Franca, Socorro and Salvador
do Mundo will stage its much acclaimed tiatr “Kallokhi Uzvadd” at
Hanuman theatre, Mapusa at 7pm. The tickets are only Rs.30 per
show or Rs.100 pass for all four shows and are available at the counter.

The Tiatr Academy of Goa in its bid to promote tiatr in bardez will
stage four award winning tiatrs from the 35th All Goa Tiatr competition
held at the Kala Academy recently. On the 10th “Asro zai”, 11th
“Kallokhi Uzvadd”, 12th “Rinn” and 13th “Eksiddent” will be held
at 7pm.

It’s the first time in many years that tiatrs will be held at 7pm instead
of its usual mapusa time of 3:30pm.  Says Mr. Mario Fernandes
Spokesman for Serula arts and culture academy, “We are delighted
and pleased that the tiatr academy of goa has chosen Mapusa to be
the venue for this tiatr festival. Presently tiatr lovers from bardez have
to travel to Panjim or Margao to watch quality tiatr which means
travelling a lot of distance. Our tiatr Kallokhi Uzvadd has given us
an opportunity to promote young talent.

“The teen stars of the academy made us all proud by winning three
first prizes. Little dynamite Shenaya Pereira won the best child artist
and a merit certificate for singing as she did a brilliant job by keeping
the entire audience entertained with her charm, also Wonder Boy
Cameron Fernandes who one the first prize in singing with his
melodious voice and style and 17 year old British born Ashley
Fernandes and his band were declared the first prize as the
“Best Band” at the competition. The seven man band comprising
of Francis Azavedo on Trumpet, Dominic de Souza on Bass,
Ashley Fernandes on keyboards, Sammy Braganza on trombone,
Tony Fernandes on rhythm guitar and Roy Menezes on saxophone.

We are particularly pleased that the band has won the first prize as
the young musicians practised hard and the result bodes well for
the future”.

The academy are also going to participate in the forthcoming All Goa
Marathi Natak Competition to be held at the Kala Academy in
January 2010 and many of our actors and musicians will be part of
the competition.
For more information write to ashley fernandes

11 Liberty Apts., Feira Alta, Mapusa, Goa 403 507
Working On Issues Of Development & Democracy

[Goanet] goa tourism

2009-11-09 Thread armstrong augusto vaz
Goa hopes to cash in at WTM
Goa hopes to cash in at WTM
In the docklands in London, travel agents and hotel lobbies have
gathered from all over — Madagascar to Goa. Such is the array of
representation that finding the Goa kiosk is no easy task. Tucked in a
corner with others States of India, the Goa stall is nothing much of
an allure. But the men representing Goa, are pretty sure that this is
an occasion that Goa can make most of by selling its profile to the
representatives of other countries. For, this is the annual World
Travel Mart.
Director of Tourism, Swapnil Naik is of the opinion that “after the
decline in visitors numbers Goa has seen in the last two years, this
meet will help improve and boost the number of tourists. Hope things
will be better this year”, he says adding “the response has been good
so far and we expect things to pick up as the day goes by”.
On a more upbeat mood is Ralph D’Souza, President of the Travel and
Tourism Association of Goa. Ralph views this annual event as an
opportunity to consolidate Goa’s market share. “Goa has reached over
45 new destinations in the charter market and we intend adding to this
figure, during this mart”, was how he spelt out Goa’s expectations.
Through the years, Goa has known to sell itself as a destination for
the sun and the sea. It has had its hiccups too. Bad foreign
publicity, unfortunate, isolated incidents…perhaps, because of this
D’Souza thinks that it is important to re-establish “Goa as a friendly
destination” before venturing to elaborate the other aspects that Goa
has to offer.
“We are developing the hinterland tourism in Goa. Goa has some
beautiful rivers that run to about 350 kms. We are getting these
rivers to be navigable. We are building various jetties at various
places. We are also trying to sell the cultural heritage. We already
have over twelve museums in Goa. The last one was opened in Benaulim,
so we are doing a lot and want to showcase this during this mart”,
explained D’Souza.
So what does one actually do at a Mart of such proportions?
The WTM is basically a gathering of travel operators from different
countries. It is a place where meetings are pre-arranged and as such
is a convenient place for all to meet and sell their products. It is
here that deals are struck, rates are agreed upon and resources are
The WTM, explains D’souza, “is a venue that makes it logistically and
commercially viable for us to come to serious discussions about the
future of the industry”.
Director of Tourism, Swapnil  Naik, informed Herald, that Goa is this
year being represented by seven organisations. “Minister for Tourism,
Mickky Pacheco, is expected to arrive this afternoon and will be
visiting the Goa stall in the evening”, he informed.
>From among the Travel Operators, Banyan Tours and Travels –
represented by Oscar Da Cunha — the only travel agency that deals with
Foreign Individual Tourist, is having a busy time. “The tempo will
pick up by tomorrow and we hope a good response”, was Oscar’s
Unlike yesteryears, the Goa stall is bereft of any fancy design. The
days of Francisco Martins and the cultural charades seem over. The
design this year for the Goa stall has been tendered to AMO — a Mumbai
company. As the evening wears out, the participants then indulge in
wine and foodand more talk.
It’s best they say to the strike iron when it is hot!

Re: [Goanet] Let us pray

2009-11-09 Thread Ivo da C.Souza

From: "Santosh Helekar" 

--- On Mon, 11/9/09, Ivo da C.Souza  wrote:

Not every "Hindu priest" has the competence to discuss the relationship 
>between Science and Religion. It is quite true that "a scientist may not 
>be able to tell us anything about religion", as it is the case with 
>Dr.Santosh for the last seven years... My statements are not only "within 
>the limits of Christianity", but in the light of modern Science.

I forgot to mention that chauvinism of devout individuals of the type that 
is evident in the above statement, and the inherent conflicts between 
their religion and science, as well as the religion of others, often makes 
them oblivious of their own limitations. I hope nobody is foolish enough 
to believe that he can learn anything about science from a priest.

***Again, Dr.Santosh has picked up a colateral statement and given his usual 
wrong conclusion. What is "chauvinism of devout individuals"? I repeat that 
not "every Hindu priest can discuss the relationship between Science and 
Religion". Every Catholic priest studies science, philosophy and theology, 
and even so not every Catholic priest may be able to discuss this point. 
There are professors of Papal Seminary, today  called  Jnana-Deepa 
Vidyapeeth, in Pune who can discuss it well. How can a Hindu priest discuss 
the topic, except if he has studied science and Hindu theology? Dr.Jose 
Pereira, from Fordham University, would be able to discuss it, as well as 
the theologians of the Catholic Universities who are teaching Hinduism. I am 
discussing about Christianity and Science. Dr.Santosh cannot discuss this 
point, if we go logically according to his own premise: one should know 
science to discuss it. But one should know also theology. Dr.Santosh is not 
discussing the relevant issues, but harping on side issues... He is not 
discussing the topic. He is "oblivious of his own limitations"! I am 
discussing the topic of relationship between Bible and Science. I taught 
this topic for years. I stand by my statements. It is wrong and foolish to 
say that "nobody is foolish enough to believe that he can learn anything 
about science from a priest". There are priests teaching Science in Catholic 
Colleges and Universities. There are Catholic priests who are the authors of 
scientific theories. There are Catholic priests who are working in the 
Pontifical Academy of Sciences at the Vatican. Dr.Santosh seems to be 
ignorant in this field.


[Goanet] Turf Wars and Goa Inquisition

2009-11-09 Thread Gilbert Lawrence
Turf Wars and the Goa Inquisition

Who ever thought of such an association? (written with tongue-in-cheek) 
Teo's article in the Herald reinforces what is apparent to anyone who looks at 
the Goa Inquisition and analyzes its dynamics. It would appear that Fr. 
Constantino was a young 28-yr old hot-head, not withstanding that he was a 
Jesuit. With Teo's well-described "background perspective" the young man 
(priest) was in the wrong place, at the wrong time, and with the wrong 
attitude.  He did not fit into the workings and 'balance of power' between and 
within the colonial "troika" of military, civilian and religious  authorities 
(my theory about the Goa Inquisition).  
Fr. Constantino was his own worst enemy. His real crime was visiting hostile 
territory and for a minimum 'giving comfort to the (Portuguese) enemy' - the 
Marathas.  In this respect, is that very different from what we see today, 
even in the USA? 
I know a local Iraqi cancer specialist still in jail for helping Iraq (actually 
their orphaned children) during Saddam Hussein's rule.  Once the doctor's fate 
was sealed for allegedly "helping Saddam Hussein with  foreign currency" (this 
was in the heyday of the anti-Saddam / anti-Al Qaida fervor in USA), many other 
charges (trumped and otherwise) are piled-on. This is routine legal 
prosecutorial practice. 
We see similar piled-up charges against Fr. Constantino - three centuries ago 
in Goa. These charges as Teo states, "declared a hardened heretic and apostate, 
pretender, falsifier, dissimulator, guilty of praying to Hindu deities, etc, 
I am always intrigued by these 'new findings'.  Present day history readers 
should note, that is why we call the Portuguese reign in Goa as colonialism and 
not democracy. The other point one can make of such examples, the inquisitor 
and the colonial powers were an "equal opportunity offender".  Yet we today 
mistakenly describe one or another targeted individual as part of a group 
(which the reader or writer may be associated with) as "special targets" of the 
Goa Inquisition.
Regards, GL

[Goanet] National Geographic: India Rain - A Harvest of Water

2009-11-09 Thread Goanet News Service
"Where the rain runs, we make it walk; where it walks, we make it crawl," 
Crispino Lobo, one of WOTR's founders, using an analogy the organization often 
employs when introducing the concepts behind watershed work to farmers. "Where 
crawls, we make it sink into the ground." Runoff is reduced. The water table 
for the 
whole area rises, wells are less apt to go dry, and especially with some 
simultaneous efforts to use water more efficiently, everybody needs to worry 
about when it will rain again.

Mr Crispino Lobo

Crispino Lobo's list of academic achievements is long and impressive. An 
alumnus of 
the Gokhale Institute of Politics and Economics, India, and the Kennedy School 
Government, Harvard University, USA, Crispino has five academic degrees 
covering the 
fields of philosophy, theology, psychology, economics and public 
administration. In 
fact, he would have been in a commanding position in corporate circles had his 
and heart not turned him to taking up the cause of the villagers. He is well 
in development circles for his knowledge and achievements in the fields of 
resource management, participatory watershed development and integrated water 
resources management. He co-founded WOTR, together with Fr Bacher. He now heads 
Sampada Trust, a microfinance and entrepreneurship development centre

The Watershed Organisation Trust 

[Goanet] Comments on the Global Goan Convention 2009 held in Muscat

2009-11-09 Thread Goa's Pride
World Goan Convention - 2009 in Muscat

Carmo Santos
Monday, November 09, 2009

I take this opportunity to thank the organizers for their hospitality and 
attention to our Goan delegation from Kuwait during our visit to Oman for the 
Convention. The whole programme was well presented and coordinated and my hats 
to all the organizers and your team. Personally, it is my opinion that the 
and presentations meteculiously put up by Mr.Yusuf Abdulla Sheikh, Dr.Oscar 
N. Shivdas, Simon D'Silva, Dr.Prajal Sakhandande, ex-Speaker and Tiatr Academy 
President Mr..Tomazinho Cardozo, Mr.Satish Nambiar, Mr.Ulas Kamat, Dr.Lad and 
Mr.Clearance Pinto were the highlights from the participants as there was a 
message in their powerful words and facts that need the attention of the Goa 
Government. The Indian Ambassador's generosity and cooperation is well noted 
and I 
wish him my best regards. The media coverage (Times of Oman, Oman Observer, 
well as and the Gulf-Goans e-Newsletter) was commendable, prompt 
highlighted the proceedings of the Goan Convention. The Team work was 
excellent. If 
we all Goans in the gulf join hands and works collectively then we can achieve 
goals. Once again my sincere appreciation on behalf of our Goan delegation from 

Carmo Santos
Chairman, Goan Cultural Centre-Kuwait

[Goanet] Prince Jacob's wake-up call in "ZAIAT ZAGE"

2009-11-09 Thread Kala Mogui
Prince Jacob's wake-up call in "ZAIAT ZAGE"

PRINCE Jacob is all set to present his Konkani drama "Zaiat Zage" - 70 mm 
Entertainment in Kuwait on 13th November 2009 (Friday) at the Daiya Fencing 
Hall (2nd Ring Road-Daiya) at 4:15 p.m. sharp. The show is organized to 
the 7th anniversary of Kala Mogui Kuwait. Transport arrangement has been made 
Kuwait City - Bus will ply from Tasty Restuarant, Near G.P.O., Kuwait City.

The chief guest, H.E. Shri Ajai Malhotra, Ambassador of India and the guest of 
honour is Mr. Albano Pinto. Prince Jacob & his Troupe will take the stage as 
scheduled to meet the chief guest's schedule.

Book your seats in advance to avoid last minute disappointment and the 
seek full cooperation from the Konkani loving people and thank in advance.

For reservations please contact Raja Stores, Kuwait City - Tel: 22412970 or 
organizers: 99391452, 97439165, 24726524 or email:


"I was crying bitterly at the death of my father and suddenly, I heard the 
laugh", recalling a scene from Roseferns' Akant (one of his early dramas) he 
"From that instant I realized that the audience expected only comedy from me." 
Several laughter filled years later, Antonio Pereira crowned Minguel Jacob 
Luis Fernandes, the Prince of Comedy after a laugh-riot role in Tapot - hence 
born Prince Jacob.

It began at a tender age of 13 for the then Don Bosco Oratory student when late 
Rosario Dias introduced him in Chuk Hanvench Adarli, ever since, there was no 
looking back, recalling his Oratory days he remembers his mentor Fr. Henry 
who instilled a certain discipline in him and bro, Felix who imparted valuable 
in composing songs and skits. A front runner in singing, acting and debates, 
owes his success as an able orator to teacher, Fatima Rebello who shaped him up 

"They say it is dangerous to give a mike to an orator and the dog, a bone", 
Jacob. The keen interest for tiatrs was developed in the formative years. "I 
used to 
accompany the late Souza Ferrao for his plays and manage to get a free entry 
for his 
tiatrs." Ferrao was encouraging and even introduced Jacob to Melody King, late 
Alfred Rose, who predicted potential in him. Late Jacinto Vaz Charlie Chaplin 
Konkani stage gave his budding career the necessary thrust by constant 

Jacob's young talent was then tapped by star directors like Ligorio Fernandes 
Roseferns an in 1985, teaming up with brother Humbert and Milagres he 
Prince Jacob Production. In his initial days, Jacob was known for directing 
beginning with the alphabet P, "I did 25 tiatrs right from Pinzrem to Padri, 
one tiatr was being staged my audience would suggest the title of my next 
he recalls. After exhausting P he went on to R with Rodonaka.

Today he commands a dedicated fan following not just in Goa but across India, 
States & UK. To tiatr loving Goans spresd over the world, Prince Jacob 
represents a 
vibrant brand ambassador of contemporary tiatrs. A serious actor who graduated 
comedy, Jacob is a born entertainer, "To have the ability to provoke laughter 
is a 
God-given talent".. He says. "I thank God as I feel I have helped the audience 
putting their sorrows away", Jacob reveals saying if he wasn't a tiatrist he 
have been a priest.

Jacob has dared to bring bold innovations to tiatrs - from making a Doberman 
act in 
Pavnnek, doing magic in Raza Raani and four roles in Rupnem - based on the 
hit-play Sahi-re-Sahi. Jacob took his entire star cast to Mumbai to watch it 
doing his Konkani adaptation and he watched it 12 times. Jacob's works included 
centuries in tiatrs which have been appreciated by his countless fans who have 
helped him bag awards like Goa Post, Gulab and Kala Academy. Recently, Jacob is 
ruling the air waves through Big FM 92.7 as its celebrity RJ. "I have entered 
people's hearts through tiatrs, now I want to enter their homes", says the 
of 11 audio releases.

Jacob feels, as a tiatrist can be very exhausting when you are an actor, 
producer and director, and to elucidate the dilemma to his children, Jacob 
introduced his eldest daughter Jewel Valankanni in Passport and recently son 
in Viswas. "Now Emerald is beginning to realize that it may be her next", he 
says of 
his youngest daughter. Apart from tiatrs, Jacob has also produced Padri - a 
that has so far been screened 315 times - it ran for a record two months (4 
daily) at Margao and two weeks in Panjim, and also one show each in State of 
& Kuwait. His other VCDs on St. Francis Xavier and Fr. Jose Vaz have also been 

In his latest, "Zaiat Zage", Jacob is giving a clarion call to Goans to wake-up 
defend Goa. "I foresee what will happen ahead and portray it in my script," he 

[Goanet] This Wednesday (11th Nov) at the Art Lounge

2009-11-09 Thread Goanet Events
This Wednesday at the Art Lounge: Fr. Delio de Mendonca, dynamic director of 
Xavier Centre for Historical Research, will discuss his impassioned involvement 
master painter Angelo Fonseca and his role as custodian of a large number of 
works, followed by an interactive session. Join us.

>From now on Art Lounge sessions will start at 5.45p.m. sharp.  Please try to 
>be on 

A little more on Fr. Delio.
Fr. Délio de Mendonça (b. 1958, Beira - Mozambique)  - Ph.D. in History and M.A 
Portuguese Literature and Culture - is a  Jesuit priest. After completing his 
schooling in Beira he entered the Society of Jesus in Goa in 1979. He is the 
Director  of the Xavier Centre of Historical Research(, Alto 
Goa. He taught Portuguese Literature and Culture at the Goa University. Besides 
having written several articles and edited books he is the author of 
Conversions and 
Citizenry: Goa under Portugal 1510-1610 (2002) and Saint Francis Xavier in 

Sunaparanta - Goa Centre for the Arts

63/C-8, Near Lar de Estudantes
Panaji  Goa

+91 (832) 2421311

[Goanet] Verodiano award conferred on Victor

2009-11-09 Thread Goanet News Service
Verodiano award conferred on Victor
TNN 10 November 2009, 06:37am IST

BENAULIM: The efforts of Victor Hugo Gomes in setting up a private museum were 
recognized by the US based Vincent Xavier Verodiano Foundation which conferred 
him the 2009 Vincent Xavier Verodiano Award. Gomes is the owner and curator of 
Goa Chitra museum in Benaulim, and the award was given in recognition of his 
commitment to conserve and showcase Goa's ethnographic past for posterity's 
and realization.

Officiating president of the foundation in Goa Norma Alvares congratulated 
Gomes for 
his efforts on setting up the museum as an example to safeguard Goa's heritage 
is slowly disappearing.

Speaking at the award ceremony psychoanalyst and novelist Sudhir Kakar said, "I 
here to illustrate with Victor's example what one man, who combines a vision 
hard work and action, can achieve. Goa Chitra might have started as a vision, 
seeing something invisible, but to become a reality it needed to be broken up 
many tasks that had to be performed."

Sahitya Akademi award winner Damodar Mauzo spoke about the significance of the 
museum as being the epitome of Goan culture and the relationship it has with 
Konkani language. "It is important that the efforts of this young curator be 
acknowledged, as we have to boost the youth otherwise their efforts take on the 
of disillusionment," said Mauzo.

The award was instituted with the objective of promoting the wellbeing of 
through individual advancement in the field of art, music, literature, science, 
medicine or humanities. The award was founded by Dom Martin in 1989, in memory 
his late father Vincent Xavier Verodiano.

[Goanet] Goa festival features 200 films

2009-11-09 Thread armstrong augusto vaz

Goa festival features 200 films
Event stretches November 23 - December 3
By Nyay Bhushan
Nov 9, 2009, 11:05 AM ET
NEW DELHI -- The 40th International Film Festival of India will be
held November 23 - December 3, featuring 200 films from about 50
countries with a continent focus on Africa and Latin America while the
country focus will be on Italy, France, Poland, Croatia and Estonia.

[Goanet] Global Goan Convention in Oman

2009-11-09 Thread Freddy Fernandes
Global Goan Convention in Oman


The 4th Global Goan Convention opened with flair and finesse, the location was
well set within the Indian Embassy in Oman, within close proximity of the
British and the American Embassies, for once I felt proud to note that the
Indian Embassy had a much bigger area than the rest.


The convention started with the welcome song and lighting of the lamp by the
elite dignitaries and the main office bearers of the Organizing Committee. The
atmosphere and the ambience was very good. The welcome address by the President
of the Organizing Committee,  Mr. Flynn De Lima said a lot about his personality
and his ability in organizing events of such scale.  Dr Mario De Souza was his
diplomatic self but stressed as he pointed out deficiencies that needed to be
rectified by the NRI Commission.


The address by the NRI Commissioner His Excellency Mr. Eduardo Faleiro, was well
presented if one may say so,  his usual flair and theatrics combined had people
smiling and laughing and promised to do whatever he can for the NRG's, there was
not a single "no" I cannot do it attitude, in his talk but one will have to wait
to see, if things discussed will infact be put into prospective.


The simplicity and the charm of His Excellency, The Indian Ambassador to the
Sultanate of Oman, Mr. Anil Wadhwa was very much obvious as he mixed freely with
the participants and the organizers, we had heard a lot about him, his good work
and his simplicity, which did not take long for us to affirm. In his address he
poured out platitudes of the Goan Community in Oman, said that Goans in Oman
were well respected and law abiding, he also said that he never came across,
situations wherein he had to intervene with the Local Government for the sake of
Goans. He also said Goans in Oman, greatly contributed to the unity and progress
of the Indian community in Oman. It was indeed a proud moment, for all of us
Goans who were present, to be Goans,  


Dr. Satish Nambiar, the President of the Indian Social Centre too amply praised
the loyalty and the unity along with the good civility shown by the Goan
community in Oman, the contributions made to the Indian Community too were

Dr. Oscar Rebelo, the orator he is, spoke well and made sure that we all
understood that in 1961, it was the united Goa that fought and won, but in 1966
it was a divided Goa, which means, it was Goan v/s Goan  that fought with each
other during the Opinion Poll, then again 20 years later, in 1986 again it was
it was Goan v/s Goan fighting for Konkanni, yet again 20 years later in 2006 it
was Goan v/s Goan fighting against the Regional Plan and asked for how many more
years would we be fighting each other ? He further gave us four points that are
to be looked at if we need any semblance of a chance to come out of the muck we
are in. 1st that we should be a totally secular Goan Community no matter what.
2nd that we protect our environment at all cost. 3rd We maintain steady growth
along with environmental ambiance. 4th Law and order with equal measures for all
without any distinction in class or creed. A very sound theory and a perfect
recipe for Goa. As I reflected on the speech, it was very much true, it just
struck me that post 1961, our esteemed corrupt politicians were responsible for
all the major upheavals in Goa, which were a direst result of their greed for
money and power, playing Goans against Goans for their own selfish benefits, and
we Goans kept falling for it.   

Agnelo Fernandes MLA from Calangute and the Chairman of EDC spoke well about the
schemes brought forth by his department, he also spoke of the tourism activities
in his constituency..

Simon D'Silva, the President of Goan Welfare Association, Doha, Qatar, spoke of
the present scenario and asked that employment and investment opportunities be
created for NRG's

Prajal Sakhardande was just outstanding as he portrayed pre liberation, post
liberation and the present day Goa with vivid slides, his knowledge of the
history of Goa is unmatched. Fantastic presentation. 

Rajendra Kerkar was at his humorous best as he picked on the Goan politicians
while explaining the importance of preserving our ecology and environment and
explained the deadly affect on Goa if the water of river Mandovi was diverted.
He also explained the connection of numerous folk songs and religious songs with
mother nature and asked us to fight tooth and nail to preserve our ecology and
our environment, and stop the destruction of our natural heritage.

Arwin Mesquita from Abu Dhabi, place before us the reality, that at the way
things are going on in Goa, our Goan Identity and our culture is at stake and
emphasized the need to protect our Goan Identity and our culture, and explained
the means and ways to do it.

Freddy Fernandes from Dubai, humbly yours explained in details the ills of mega
housing and mining and asked the people to help put an end to the atrocities
against mother nature and a

[Goanet] Job creation: getting it right --- My article in Herald today

2009-11-09 Thread Samir Kelekar
Innovation and quality education are the mantras for job creation, but our 
government has abjectly failed in this, says SAMIR KELEKAR


[Goanet] Ghor-Ghorkarn ani Ghorabo

2009-11-09 Thread Goa World
 Ghor-Ghorkarn ani Ghorabo
Jedna Rochnnar Bapan moniszatik sonvsarik jivit dilem tedna moniszat 
kitli-xiNCH milEANV vorsam ek zon’varuch koxem jiyeli. Lohu-lohu kuddint ani 
gineanant bodlop zaunk laglem. Moniszaticho bezo sudrot vetana, ani gineanar 
vaitt-boreacho uzvadd poddot astana, mon’xan apli vinglli kudd lojen zhaddachea 
panamni dhampli. Pottache bhukek ran’votti zon’voram horvinch khalim. Visov 
gheunk zhaddachea mullant nidhlim. Tankam pavs, thonddi, gormi kaim ek lagu zai 
naslem. Oxem toren ti moniszat anik kitli-xim mileanv vorsam hea sonvsarant 
gineana viret jiyelim.

Mon’xachea jivitacher bodol zait gelo. Gineanache podd’dde ugte zait ravle. 
Chuki ghoddtat tatunt sudravnni zali ani aste-aste, jim adim kosloch addos 
nastana pavsant, votachea dhogant dhullent jiyetalim, tannim fatra-matiechieo 
vontti ubarun tokle voir zhaddanchea panancho adharan apleak asro kelo. Aiz, 
hea sudorlolea sonvsarant hea asreak ami mhonntat ‘ghor’. Magir ti zaum lhan 
khomp, vhodd bonglo vo imarot, tatunt asro kelo mhunntoch tem zalem ‘ghor’

Ghor bandlem mhunntoch tea ghorant ravpak mon’xanchi goroz. Soimbanuch ek 
dadlo, eke ostore thaim dhormik rit-chali pormonne logn zaun novench bandlolea 
ghorant aple ‘ghorkarn’-ik haddta. Amchea Kristi dhorman ghorkar-ghorkanin 
sogllem somzun vorunk, vaitt boreak pavunk, sukh-dukh-piddent ani bholaikent 
eka-mekak soglo adar divnk logn-sonskara velar ami bhas ditat ti veharant 
ghalunk amcho nichev asta ani hacheruch amcho ek boro ‘ghorabo’ ubo zata.

Ghorabo mhollear ek nove modichem ghor vo bonglo nhoi. Duddvankaramni vhoddle 
bongle bandle, imaroti bandleo punn ghorabo bandunk mat visorle. Aichea hea 
sudorlolea somazan ghov-bailechea jivitar ek firti nodor marlear, ek nattokuch 
koxem dista. Ghor bandlem punn boro ghorabo bandunk tanchean zaina. Tor 
khuimchea ghorabeachi tum khobor korta?

Ghorabo mhollear ghov-bail ani tanchim mogachim bhurgim. Kristi dhormant St. 
Juze, Maria amchi avoy ani Jezu ek povitr ghorabo oxem ami mandtat. He povitr 
ghorabea bhoxen amche ghorabe povitr asonk zai. Rit-rovis ani mannsugecho 
ghorabo amcho zaunk zai. Ghorabo sukhi zaunk poilea suvater zonn ekleachem 
jivit nitoll-moriadichea panvddear cholunk zai. Ghorkaran aple ghorkani sovem 
aplea daddleaponnacho kaido pallun aplea hodd’deak ghorkarachi medal launchi 
asta. Ani toxench ghorkarnin aplea ghorkarak visvaxi ghorkarn zaun aplea 
bhurgeam thaim doyall ani moipaxi avoy koxi jiyeunk zai. Hoi! Hatuntuch amcho 
ghoracho zolmak yeta.

Mhojea ieka ixttachi ghorchi poristithi polleun, taka hi mhoji lhan-xi kanni 
sangli ani taka vicharlem. Ghor-Ghorkarn punn tum Ghorabo kedna bandtolo?

Lawry Fernandes Kepem/Kuwait
Voilo lekh ' Novembr 2009 ankar 'GULAB' masikar chhapun aila

[Goanet] Global Goan Convention 2009 in Muscat

2009-11-09 Thread Remmy Mascarenhas
Dear Concern,

These Global Goan Conventions are held only held to waste time and money so 
that E. 
Falerio can get free trips and entertain himself and at the end of the day take 
gifts from the Gulf Goans. These conventions do not achieve the basic 
necessities of 
the Gulf Goans like direct flights to Goa (Air India Express). Indian Airlines 
flies three times a week, there are thousands of Goans who want to come to Goa 
Christmass to be with their loved ones, but unfortunately there are no seats 
available. Request to Indian Airlines to re-instate the daily flight has failed.

E. Falerio (who ever you may be) stop these unnecessary conventions and get 
down to 
do the basics to make life easier for fellow Goans.

Air India Express flies to Mangalore 10 times a week direct. Can you do 

Remmy Mascarenhas

Read all Goanet messages at:


[Goanet] Daily Grook #564

2009-11-09 Thread Francis Rodrigues

by Francis Rodrigues

seemed a beggar,
but he said no -
im jst a loafer
makin' no dough!
sheet-music,tab,lyrics,chords of great Konkani pop hits
GOA: PEDRO FERNANDES: Tel.2226642 FURTADOS: Tel.2223278
Eligible CDN College & University students can upgrade to Windows 7 before Jan 
3 for only $39.99. Upgrade now!

[Goanet] Business Week's Asia's Best Young Entrepreneurs

2009-11-09 Thread marlon menezes
One of them is Carlos Fernandes. He is of Goan origin from Mumbai and is 
currently based in Singapore. He was in the Bay Area for a short one year stint 
about 5 years ago.

Re: [Goanet] Let us pray

2009-11-09 Thread Santosh Helekar
--- On Tue, 11/10/09, Ivo da C.Souza  wrote:
>I repeat that not "every Hindu priest can discuss the relationship >between 
>Science and Religion". Every Catholic priest studies science, >philosophy and 
>theology, and even so not every Catholic priest may be >able to discuss this 
>point..How can a Hindu priest discuss the topic, >except if he has studied 
>science and Hindu theology? 

Is there a Hindu priest on Goanet who can tell us whether the above 
chauvinistic claims about the limitations of every Hindu priest, as opposed to 
every Catholic priest, are true or false?

It would be a shame to have such blanket assertions regarding other people's 
religion go unchallenged in a public forum, if indeed they are completely 
bogus. I being a scientist can only say that the claims regarding science in 
the above post are pure nonsense.




[Goanet] ALEXYZ Daily Cartoon (10Nov09)

2009-11-09 Thread alexyz fernandes
"Dr V.P. Sharma, Ex Nat Dir Malaria..."

"Mr CM you said you will eradicate Malaria in 2014...I can do it in 6 
me a chance"

To enjoy the visual cartoon please visit:
Site sponsored by 

[Goanet] A garden, a bandstand & memories

2009-11-09 Thread Goanet News Service
A garden, a bandstand & memories
TNN 10 November 2009, 06:50am IST

Of all the structures in Panaji that have been undergoing renovation of late, I 
nostalgically remember Jardim Municipal Garcia de Orta, where as a child and 
I have spent happy moments. For a city and an era where limited recreational 
activity was available, it was this municipal garden which was the center of 
activity and leisure for all citizens.

The square was developed as a garden in the second half of the 19th century, 
the rule of Portuguese king D Luis I (1861-1889). The garden was given the name 
the king and called jardim D Luis. Later, it was renamed after the famous 
physician and naturalist, Garcia de Orta, whose treatise on plants and their 
medicinal values, titled 'Coloquios dos simples e drogas de India', was 
published in 
Goa in the 16th century.

The garden is located opposite the square, where once stood the majestic 
building of 
Primeiro Senado de Goa (Panjim municipal council). This square was known as 
Praca de 
Flores and was some years back, after Goa's liberation, turned into a 
park. The garden had access on all four sides of the square. There were tarred 
spaces for people to move freely in the garden. Flower and plant beds were well 
organized and were on a higher level from the open spaces. At the center was a 
bandstand. A beautiful piece of architecture it had cement rims on top for 
to grow. The enclosure had precast cement blocks shaped in the form of harps. 
flights of steps, on either side, led to the bandstand. Besides flowers and 
there are mango and palm trees in the garden. The trees besides giving shade 
the day to visitors was a resting place at night for birds.

Evenings saw Panjimites visit the garden to spend their time. People would 
around or sit on the many benches scattered at various places and chat with one 
another. Regulars had their favourite benches, which were placed on the side of 
Central (today's Mr Baker) and near the bandstand.

Men sat on one side while the ladies on the other. There were two small houses 
either side of the entrance on the southern side of the garden. In one of those 
functioned the AIWC branch and Centro de Cultura Latina de Goa, founded by 
pharmacist Renato de Sa. Another room was used by the record jockey to play 
music in 
the garden. This structure lies demolished today.

In the other house was barber Guna's salon for men and women too. I think, 
the many male saloons in the city, Guna was the only one who had a separate 
room and 
chairs for ladies. If I am not mistaken it was in the enclosed veranda. Today, 
house also lies demolished, after having been used, for a number of years, to 
ready-to-wear clothes.

In between both the house, facing one of the entrances, stands a monument-a 
pillar with a base on which is today the Ashoka symbol. However, this monument 
originally built to commemorate the 400th year jubilee of the discovery of the 
route to India by Vasco da Gama. It was erected in 1898. The monument consists 
of a 
pillar resting on a big masonry block formed of a pedestal box and a causeway. 
the top of the pillar was placed the bust of Vasco da Gama.

With a view to attract more people to the garden, the administration arranged 
brass bands to play at the bandstand. Popular bands of the time such as 
Police and Cotta's played regularly. The repertoire included western, light and 
classical music, and it was always announced in the local newspapers.

The municipality, in the 1960s, arranged for recorded music to be played in the 
garden. This was seasonal entertainment because during the rains the garden was 
empty. If I recall correctly, the 'garden season' started in October and ended 
May. Besides the regular activities, the garden was also used for other 
such as organizing various competitions of singing, carol singing, fancy dress, 
plays and other cultural activities. Even King Momo proclaimed his decree for 
carnival from the bandstand. To fulfill wider needs of many organizers, a stage 
built next to the monument.

Let us hope that once the renovations are complete the activities initiated by 
'Together for Panjim', with the cooperation of Corporation of the City of 
will restart and make it a living garden, once again!

The writer is a senior librarian.


2009-11-09 Thread marc dsouza
Heart wrenching poverty, potholed roads, traffic jams, overcrowded trains &
buses, water shortage,  overflowing gutters, garbage, an all pervading
stink, increasing slums, stress & frustration due to poor management. Who is
to be blamed? The Corporator who is powerless? The Bombay Muncipal
Corporation (BMC), who is accountable to the Maharashtra State? The
Maharashtra State, which is burdened with too many issues? The Bombayite,
who is suffering everyday? If there are so many problems and no one is at
fault, then there is something wrong with the system.

What is even shameful is that the illegal migrants who have encroached land
in broad daylight with the connivance of the slumlords, police and municipal
officials are given voting rights, ration cards, legal protection and free
300 sq.ft. flats. This is the reason why slums keep growing in Bombay.

The people of Bombay elect 36 of 288 representatives for the state
legislature. The MLAs elect the Chief Minister. It is to be remembered that
the CM may not be from Bombay. He could be a representative from some other
constituency severed from the issues of Bombay.

This CM appoints the BMC Commissioner and Additional Municipal Commissioners
who have the executive powers. The BMC is divided into 24 administrative
wards each with a population of upto 11 lakh people. These wards are
answerable to the Commissioner.

We elect 227 Corporators who in turn elect a Mayor. ‘Mayor’ is a ceremonial
post without any executive authority. The elected Corporation has only
deliberative powers for policy making but no say in execution or planning.
Thus our elected representatives are powerless and have to go to the lowest
rung BMC executive with joined hands to get any work done.

The unlimited Floor Space Index (FSI), the creation of extra avenues to dump
transfer of development rights (TDR) on the suburbs, the growth of slums and
the 1948 Rent Control Act are the major reasons for aggravating Bombay’s
infrastructure problems. In town planning terms, these are means to
strangulate a healthy city.

Multiple parallel agencies like PWD, MSRDC, MMRDA, MHADA, etc. truncate the
powers of the Commissioner and BMC. They are directly controlled by the
state and are not answerable to the citizens of Bombay. Also central
agencies like MBPT & Railways, AAI, Defense, who occupy a large chunk of
land, are not accountable to the BMC (for Municipal Governance/Services). In
this city structure where is the room for people’s participation? The State
controls the City Municipal Governance without being directly answerable or
accountable to people of Bombay City. The system lacks leadership and is
badly designed - administratively and managerially!

Bombay Natives Website:

Bombay Muncipal Corporation Website

Maharashtra Government Website

India Government Website

Marc D'souza
Ranwar Village, Bandra,