Re: [Goanet] Subject: Indian cry-babies allege "racism"

2010-02-08 Thread Gabriel de Figueiredo

The Aussie Chief of Police said what he said in good faith. That the Indian 
student leader jumped up and down has not been lost within the Indian student 
community, who are angry and upset at this student leader's pronouncements, 
some saying he is pushing his own agenda. A Goan barrister, brother of the 
anthropologist who is currently making rounds in Goa, told me last night that 
he agreed wholeheartedly with the Police Chief.

What the Chief of Police really meant to say is to adopt a profile similar to 
the locals, not to attract undue attention to themselves in terms of clothing, 
manner of talking and general behaviour. The advice of "do not to attract undue 
attention to oneself" has been my parents' advice to us whilst I was growing up 
in Goa, and it is my advice to my children. I think it is rather sensible. 
Don't you?

You come to Melbourne and see how some of these Indian students behave. They 
drink and smoke as though there's no tomorrow, play their iPods loudly 
disturbing other people on public transport, place their feet on seats, some 
behave so arrogantly you need to see to believe, place demands on everything 
and generally have little manners (Please, Thank you, Excuse Me are lost on 
them).  Think I'm repeating what newspapers say? Talk to my wife - she'll tell 
you what she thinks of some of her tram-mates in the mornings (BTW, my wife 
grew up in the quaint village of Chandor).  Please note that I'm not 
generalising, just stating some cold hard facts about some Indian students who 
give the rest of them a bad name, and it is to such that the Aussie Cheif of 
Police was addressing. 

BTW, there are thousands of students from nations other than India that have 
been studying at Australian Universities in the past and at present - China, 
Malaysia, Vietnam, Somalia, Sudan, etc. There are little, if any, complaints 
from them. I leave it to you to reason out why the Indian students, in the last 
couple of years, have suddenly become so vociferous.   

On the other hand, it appears that the UK has also got a problem with North 
Indians - it has clamped down on student visa applications "Indian students in 
trouble as UK halts visa operations"
Casey said that this suspension was necessary to scrutinize the situation and 
to save genuine applicants as there were some cases where people were abusing 
the student visa norms. 
"Some unscrupulous agents mislead youth by telling them that they can easily 
attain PR (permanent residency) through student visas, which is totally wrong," 
he pointed out. 

The situation is similar here in Australia. There are a number of fake or 
near-fake colleges set up here by unscrupulous people of Indian origin, and are 
hand-in-glove with their agents in India. The Australian government is cracking 
down on such fly-by-night colleges, shutting down these fake colleges and 
putting many students to hardship.  Others promise accomodation and assistance 
on arrival, and when they really come here, have absolutely nothing - the 
addresses they're given are fake. I've had to bail-out a girl from Madras 
accomodating her temporarily at my residence until she could find herself a 
place, two years ago. I've heard similar stories from Goan friends in other 
areas of Melbourne. All this indicates that there has something rotten going on 
in the last few years, and these complaints of racism could well be a diversion 
to deflect attention from shady deals carried out by some unscrupulous elements 
of Indian origin.

However, all the brouhaha created seems to have resulted in "Australia tightens 
rules, cancels 20K visas", and appears to follow the UK lead.
He said the current tensions and misunderstandings have been made worse by 
unscrupulous migration agents. 
"[These agents] have been misleading many international students into believing 
that a course in Australia gave them an automatic entitlement to permanent 
residence," Senator Evans said. "It does not, and it will not." 
almost a word-for-word repetition of what the British High Commissioner Casey 


PS I would like you to go across the slums dressed in your sunday best 
overflowing with jewellery in the late hours of the night and see how you fare. 
Haven't there been cases of thugs going around Goa dressed as police, robbing 
people of their jewellery after attending a wedding?

- Original Message 
> From: Tony de Sa 
> To: "Goa's Premiere Mailing List, Estd 1994" 
> Sent: Mon, 8 February, 2010 4:49:39 AM
> Subject: [Goanet] Subject: Indian cry-babies allege "racism"

[Goanet] Daily Grook # 619

2010-02-08 Thread Francis Rodrigues

by Francis Rodrigues

marrying lovers
need no soprano,
since two fivers
get you a tenor!


sheet-music,tab,lyrics,chords of great Konkani pop hits
GOA: PEDRO FERNANDES: Tel.2226642 FURTADOS: Tel.2223278
Check your Hotmail from your phone.

[Goanet] Third time, since 2004, high court has quashed quota for Muslims!

2010-02-08 Thread Dr. U. G. Barad

The present court order has come as a big blow to the Congress government,
which had brought a legislation providing four percent reservation to
certain backward groups among Muslims. Read more by clicking the link
provided here below:

NEW DELHI: Andhra Pradesh High Court on Monday quashed 4% reservation for
minorities in education and the state government services. 

Pronouncing its verdict in the case, the high court said that the quota for
minorities was unsustainable and could not be implemented. However, the
court clarified that admissions done since 2007 on the basis of the present
minority quota would remain valid. 

The court order has come as a big blow to the Congress government, which had
brought a legislation providing four percent reservation to certain backward
groups among Muslims. 

Some individuals and organizations had challenged the bill, contending that
the reservations were unconstitutional. This is the third time since 2004
that the high court has quashed quota for Muslims. 

In 2004 that the state government had provided five percent reservation to
Muslims but the high court had quashed the order. 

However, on the court's advice, the government reconstituted the backward
classes commission and directed it to conduct a detailed survey of the
socio-economic conditions of Muslims. 

On the recommendations of the commission, the government issued an ordinance
in 2005 and subsequently the assembly passed legislation for five percent

However, the high court set aside the legislation on the ground that this
would exceed the 50 percent total reservation limit set by the Supreme

In an attempt to keep the reservations within the 50 percent limit, the
government reduced the quantum to four percent and issued an order in 2007
providing four percent quota in government jobs and educational institutions
for 15 socially and educationally backward classes among Muslims. 

The government brought an ordinance, which was later replaced by a
legislation passed by the assembly. 

The four percent quota was also challenged in the high court. The
petitioners argued that the government identified backward classes in the
community without gathering scientific data. 

The high court, in its interim order, permitted admissions made under the
quota. This was challenged by the petitioners in the Supreme Court. The apex
court stayed implementation of the order but left it to the high court to
dispose off the batch of writ petitions. 

[Goanet] Another Goebbelsian lie nailed

2010-02-08 Thread Tony de Sa
Mario observes:

1. Tony cannot believe that everyone is not like him during the Portuguese
days.  That is sadly his only frame of reference.

2. I wonder if the great chest-thumper and Salvador do Goa and defender of
Goa against all those "foren" NRGs who are stealing his limelight, has made
the trip from Moira to Carmona yet

3. The we saw the claims that John Lobo had rehabilitated one company's
mines in Goa.

4. Now we see some furious tap dancing and carbon copy imitations of the
legendary Pinocchio.

5. First we saw a furious attack on "foren" NRGs and claims that "we and
only we" - referring to RGs - can save Goa.

1. I never lived in Goa during Portuguese times except for a brief visit
when I was a toto.

2. Yes I have made several trips to Carmona. There is  a beautiful beach
there. After all I live in Goa 24x7 at least post 1962.

3. If you are refuting the fact, please provide solid proof. Other wise
don't make baseless statements.

4. That suits your Goebbelsian style. One always sees one's own reflection
in a mirror.

5. Haven't you read my answer to that or are you a glutton for punishment?

Comment: Since you have publicly stated in this forum that you have little
or limited interest in Goa, my advice to you is to keep off Goa's affairs
and keep twiddling your thumbs or whatever you do and keep wasting your time
and talents on your Republicans who got drubbed by the Kenyan Obama.

PS if Obama can become the president of America, why can't you, you second
class citizen?

   Tony de Sa
   M   : +91 9975 162 897
   Ph. : +91 832 2470 148


[Goanet] Cansaulim be alert - All Goa on heightened alert

2010-02-08 Thread roger dsouza
On the eve of the 60th Republic Day of India, to mark the adoption of
the Constitution of India and the transition of India from a British
Dominion to a Republic on January 26, 1950, all villages in Goa need to be
on a heightened alert against the enemy within Goa that is seeking to
destroy Goa. Yes our Goan villages are under attack by a very dangerous
enemy that is seeking to destroy us and that enemy is from within.

Yes - A full-fledged attempt to destroy our Goan villages in the guise of
so-called "Development" by hoisting mega-projects, condominiums, high-rise
buildings with swimming pools, hotels etc. when we do not have even basic
amenities like drinking water or electricity and proper education facilities
for our children to study in our Goan villages. What is shocking are
the reports in the newspapers that even the Goa Medical College doesn't have
water for our sick and dying! Our fields are being destroyed, rivers are
being poisoned by the waste that is being released by hotels and housing
projects with no proper garbage treatment and sewage facilities are
being heaped on us and our scare resource our Goan land is being acquired
for all sorts of mammoth projects that are anti-people and
anti-environmental are being approved in violation of all the rules in the
book and in total disregard of the harmful effects to our Environment.

While our Goan villages through various Gram Panchayat meetings have opted
for Village Panchayat -3 status, it has become evident that many Panchayats
have mis-represented the wishes of the people and have even submitted wrong
plans which is a crime punishable under the law for which they could be
prosecuted and put behind bars.

The Indian Constitution drafted by Babasaheb Ambedkar has been described as
'first and foremost a social document.' ... 'The majority of India's
constitutional provisions are either directly arrived at furthering the aim
of social revolution or attempt to foster this revolution by establishing
conditions necessary for its achievement.' These mega-projects that we see
being hoisted on our Goan villages are anti-people and are a violation of
the fundamental rights and aspirations of the Goan Villagers.

As Mr. Mesquita cautions the brave villagers of Cansaulim who came up with a
thought-provoking and path-blazing resolution at their Gram Sabha meeting
yesterday in saying no to mega-projects, builders and anti-people policies,
while simultaneously revoking the NOC given for a project for the
construction of 46-odd flats with a swimming pool and club house. Attached
below is the Navhind Times report in today's newspaper titled "Cansaulim
villagers say no to mega-projects".

If you see from the other newspaper reports similar Gram Sabha meetings in
Assagao, Rachol, Verna have all  expressed the anguish, deep
sorrow and disgust that our Goan villagers have towards these loathsome and
destructive mega-projects  under the guise of "development"  that our
politicians and corrupt Panchayat  members seek to hoist on our
Goan people.  Assagao has even the Chief Minister of Haryana constructing
his bungalow in Mazalwaddo at the foot of the hills in total violation of
the rules! Here he too needs a swimming pool when we Goans do not get
drinking water! Simultaneously Rahejas, DLF and a host of other
mega-projects are all out to destroy Goa and we all know who has been
granting them the illegal permissions.

Clearly as Mr. Mesquita points out our own Anti-Goan MLA's, working in
tandem with some corrupt Panchayat Members on behalf of these Builders and
their agents, will try to thwart the aspirations and wishes of our Goan
brothers and sisters as we all can see what is happening in all our Goan
villages today. Even our so-called Environment Minister seems to have no
idea of what his roles and responsibilities are - or is he just busy
indulging in his favourite past-time at the Casinos? Does he have no
responsibility for protecting the Goan Environment?

As we celebrate the 60th Republic Day tomorrow we will see all these
politicians, corrupt Panchayat members making all these fake and humbug
speeches, vowing to protect the interests of the people - but that's all a
whole lot of hogwash and baloney. They are all out to make Goa the
playground of the rich and the famous by destroying our Goan villages in the
guise of "development" which is anti-people and not what our fore-fathers
had envisaged for our great Nation.

A concerted effort needs to be made by all our villages to stand up to these
intimidatory and harrassment techniques. We need to make public who these
stooges among our corrupt MLAS, Politicians and Panchayat members are and
how they operate to push the interests of the builders and the Hotel Lobby.
We should name them and shame them so that they are exposed and stop their
chicanery, harrassment and intimidation.

Is the Government of Goa dumb that they do not see the wishes of the Goan
people or are they just blinded by their greed for money and p

Re: [Goanet] Good news for unborn babies in India

2010-02-08 Thread Mario Goveia
Date: Sun, 7 Feb 2010 14:42:43 -0500
From: "J. Colaco  < jc>" 

Individuals like Salus may wish to contemplate WHY many babies get
aborted every year.

Mario asks:

Why do YOU think so many babies are killed every year, JC, when they could be 
given up for adoption?

JC wrote: 

Perhaps, Salus will work hard to make Effective, good quality condoms
available to the sexually active and/or organise the acceptance by
society of ALL children whether they are born in wedlock or not and/or
make available SAFE adoption facilities - putting in place safeguards
to ensure that the adopted children do not get abused by the very
folks who jump up and down about abortion. (I understand that this
still will not take care of the female infanticide prevalent in India)

Mario responds:

Good quality latex condoms are only a part of any "solution".  How these are 
used is the key part of having "safer" sex versus not using condoms at all.  
There is no such thing as "safe" sex.

There are several Catholic and Protestant organizations who will help a woman 
with an unwanted pregnancy to try and save the baby's life.

JC wrote:

Finally, Salus may wish to advise young women what they are to do when
they are raped by a parent.

Though in the case of rape and incest, the only method available might
be the 'morning after pill'.

Mario asks:

What would YOU advise these women, JC, given that the morning after pill is 
nothing but an immediate abortion soon after conception?

Why would these pregnancies be treated any differently than any other unwanted 
pregnancy given that a human life is at stake?

Re: [Goanet] Asia's greatest missionary - Bl. Joseph Vaz: HERALD(Goa), Jan 16, 2010

2010-02-08 Thread FERNANDO DO REGO

Sunday at 17.50

Dear Friend

Yesterday, 16th was the Feast of Fr Jose Vas,
"Asia's greatest missionary" as Valmiki Faleiro rightlycalls him in his 
article which I am forwarding to you in his article in Heraldo a couple 
of days back, but i took some time to FWd to you.

Fr Jose Vas ancestry is from the Village 0f  Sancoale where his 
centuries old HOME is still preserved and it has a jack fruit plant in 
which the tradition says had been planted by Jose Vas.And where there is 
also a Santuaryy which i did visit.

But he was born in the village of Benaulim in the ward called PULVADDO. 
It is also said that it means the following

Pulv= POROBO,  a Hindu surname VADDO= ward, ( Bairro)
That house where the Asia'sgreatest missionary was born and is still 
there with a small stutue in front.very close to the Chapel of Our Lady 
of Patrocinio, whose feast is celebrated in November
In the same ward are the ancestral Homes of the Correia Afonsos, the 
Bras Gomes, Jorge Barreto and little further of Froilano de Melo, the 
Mesquitas ,the Loiola Pereiras etc

If you opened the "Dicionario de Literartura goesa:1771-1963, in the 
Opus Magnum of another Goan historian who resided in this very ward.and 
whose centenary was celebrated on the 18th March 2009 at the Fundacao 
Oriente presided by Bishop Raul Goncaslves ,orginiary from Bambolim, but 
his family lived since long in Fontainahas at a stone throw of the Home 
of Aleixo da Costa
So having been chosen to be the very first Goan Bishop in charge of our 
Diocese, this Fontainhas of mine was very much enriched
In tthe Dicionario,you will find thirty one Pereiras,but all of them not 
necessarily from Benaulim,But one of them is and he is the father of Fr. 
Loiola Pereira, the secretary of two Bishops of Goa , and who was the 
doctor who helped Froilano de Melo in his Leprosaria de Macasana, that 
today has been named after him

For the release of a Book by another from Benaulim, but settled in 
MOntevideu ,Alfredo Mello "From Goa to Patagonia' on 24th August 
1987,presided by Dr Teotonio De Souza who wrote the Forward,a short 
ceremony followed to pay hommage to Alfredo's Father, the famous Dr. 
Froilano de Melo
The presentation of Froilano was done by Fr. Loiola and the one and only 
historian of the indo Portuguese History Percival Noronha, gave a show 
of slides of the life of Froilano
It was very interesting: Percival Noronha a devoted Catholic who even 
was a member of Accao Catolica in the bygone days ,left the Church high 
and dry , because it had sold the valuable lands in Caranzalem, donnated 
to the Church by one Conego do Souto Maior,when according to his opinion 
could have been utilised for many Church activities .But he continues to 
be a member of the Committee of the "Indian Christian art" founded by 
the Gulbenkians and the Fundacao Oriente , first in the rachol Seminary 
but now transfered to the Santa Monica Convent
( those who see the RTPI must have seen a Contacto Goa done by Nalini 
Elvino de Sousa about the same)

And PN says that he does in that spirit of "Ars gratia Artis"

So in that release it was interesting to see a Catholic Priest
Fr Joaquim Loiola Pereira, hand in hand with a non Praticing Catholic 
Percival Noronha, projecting for us the personality of a non practising 
Froilano de Mello

We have three Goan Bishops. Raul Goncalves, from Bambolim,( but whose 
family was resident in Fontainhas) followed by Filipe Nery Ferrao from 
Aldona( the village of my paternal ancestors)
Who will follow? your guess is as good as mine, But Percival confided to 
me that it will be ...Fr Joaquim de Loiola Pereira, of Benaulim ( the 
village of my maternal ancestors)for whom he had a great admiration

In the past the Feast of Patrocinio  was celebrated by the twelve 
Brahimin families of the Pulvado, but now it is done by public 
subscription which is certainly is the correct form which Jose Vas would 
applaud: there should not be caisteisms in the Church
And that continues to exist in Goa even having our "Confrarias' based on 

But who was this Jose Vas after all?
I request you , dear Friend to go to Googles and will find one hundred 
and eighty five thousand references!!
Really there are and many bioraphies of him, one written with one Fr. 
Rego(...not my relative!!) who had gone to his for JV apostolate apud 
Ceiloneses where he also died.

of them sort of overpious meant for the "Beatas"!!as they say in Portuguese
But i wish to refer to a book in Portuguese about Fr Jose Vas writen by 
his "neighbour" in the Pulvavaddo

He had written long back but it was lying in the Form of MNS He did not 
wish to get it printed during the Portuguese regime because the 
"Comissao de Censura a Imprensa"
( one of Salazars idea to muszle the Portuguese People ) would cut some 
parts which would not be palatable to the Regime,for whom any hard truth 
was a lie unworthy to be read.
After the Liberation , he got it published in 

[Goanet] Subject: Indian cry-babies allege "racism"

2010-02-08 Thread Tony de Sa
@ Gabriel


The Aussie Chief of Police said what he said in good faith. That the Indian
student leader jumped up and down has not been lost within the Indian
student community, who are angry and upset at this student leader's
pronouncements, some saying he is pushing his own agenda. A Goan barrister,
brother of the anthropologist who is currently making rounds in Goa, told me
last night that he agreed wholeheartedly with the Police Chief.

Dear Gabriel,
Thanks for your explanation.

I have never been to Australia, though I have close relatives who live

Is it a fact that the Aussie Govt. encourages Indian students in Australia
and that the average Aussie student cannot afford an university education?

= \\-00 Tony de Sa
  C   u
   \ ~/   M   : +91 9975 162 897
 --|><|   Ph. : +91 832 2470 148
 = /  |

[Goanet] Subject: Indian cry-babies allege "racism"

2010-02-08 Thread Mario Goveia
Mario Govia:

Now we see this news report about how Indians have been
treating other Indians IN INDIA.  This should give our Aussie members a
chuckle:Date: Sun, 7 Feb 2010 23:19:39 +0530

From: Tony D'Sa 

Really? When an Aussie Chief of Police advises Indians to tone down their
dress and not to wear ipods and rich stuff, why not go the whole hog and ask 
them to sew chakras on to the left sides of their chests like the Nazi
swinehunds asking the Jews to wear the star of David?

Mario responds:

Tony D'Sa seems to know as much about Australia as he does about Goa.

I think the police chief was trying to make Indians less ostentatious and less 
obvious targets for the bad guys.  He was suggesting that it was not "racism", 
which is the first resort of the Indian cry-babies, that was the reason for the 
attacks but the "rich stuff" they were wearing.

The cry-babies like to ignore the fact that many of these attacks on Indians in 
Australia were by other Indians because of disputes between themselves.

These attacks are clearly by low level street thugs.  I have met several white, 
middle-class and professional level Australians and not one of them were 

Tony D'Sa wrote:

Doesn't this warrant more than a chuckle?

Mario responds:

No, a chuckle is quite enough, since the article I posted was about the irony 
of INDIANS discriminating against INDIANS IN INDIA based on race, while other 
Indian cry-babies in the media and elsewhere are crying "racism" in the 
Australian attacks without any proof that there is any racism involved as a 
general rule. 

[Goanet] Sweet But Deadly

2010-02-08 Thread Freddy Fernandes
Below is an article sent to me by my cousin, written by a Dubai based writer
Neerja Singh, it is a must read.  This is especially for the PRG’s “phoreen”
resident Goans, whose kids literary live on junk food, juices and sweet drinks.
Ye, all you Goans sitting in Toledo,  in your cozy comforts, if you’ll cannot go
down to Goa and do anything for Goa, at least do something for your own kids.
Could the Doctors on this forum shed some light on the seriousness of this
article below:   


What is the one thing every dieter knows must be cut out completely if he/she is
to make any progress losing weight? Sugar. Lack of sugar is the one reason
Eastern nations like Japan and China had the healthiest people in the world till
they too adopted the sugary fads of the West. 

Those who do give up sugar typically lose several kilos in eight to 10 weeks,
have lower blood pressure, better lipid profiles and reduce their risk of Type 2
diabetes and coronary diseases by a good notch. Anybody who thinks these
so-called ‘lifestyle diseases’ are not directly related to sugar should sit
through Dr Robert Lustig’s 90-minute presentation on “Youtube”. 

Dr Lustig is a Professor of Paediatrics at the University of California and has
been working with obese kids for several years now. He has collected extensive
data from innumerable studies proving that sugar triggers a number of deadly
diseases. Ever since the full horror of his findings dawned on him, he has set
out to educate the public while campaigning for governments to regulate the
sweet, white stuff just as they would regulate alcohol or drugs. Yet sadly,
sugary foods are some of the cheapest on the supermarket shelf, regarded as
‘treats’ by most of us — and worst of all, easily given to those most
susceptible: kids. 

With sugar prices now rising across the world and producers in the UAE looking
at revising prices upwards, I wish prices increase drastically enough to deter
us from stocking our homes with juice, chocolates, cookies and ice cream and
dishing them out to children without thought. I am joining Dr Lustig in
educating more people about the true effects of sugar consumption, and in
appealing to the UAE government to heavily tax manufacturers of sugary foods
because they will direct impact the cost of healthcare the nation will have to
bear in 20 years’ time — or even sooner. 

If you’re rolling your eyes at what sounds like lurid exaggeration, try and get
this: just a hundred years ago, human beings got all their sugar naturally from
fruits and vegetables, honey and syrupy saps like maple. At the time, the
average human ingested 100 grams of fibre per day and only 15 grams of sugar.
Today, that number has reversed and we consume an average of 75 grams of sugar,
with only 10 grams of fibre. It is this drastic fall in the fibre content of our
diet that is causing much of our problem, along with lack of exercise and too
much carbohydrate. 

Fibre is more than just a brush for our alimentary canal; it plays an important
role in making us feel full, speeds the food down the intestine decreasing the
uptake of carbohydrates, a natural antidote to sugary foods like bananas. One of
the most important — but not widely known — effects of fibre in the diet is that
it inhibits the absorption of free fatty acids, which are metabolised by colonic
bacteria to short chain fatty acids (SCFAs) — which increase the production of
leptin, also called the satiety hormone because it signals to the brain that we
have eaten enough. 

Dr Lustig has proved that when we consume too much sugar and too little fibre,
our system loses its capacity to trigger leptin, which means we eat more than we
should — yet do not feel full. In innumerable studies conducted by him, children
who were given a can of coke and then left loose in a fast food restaurant
actually ate more than those who did not get a drink. Understanding how exactly
sugar is responsible for triggering this deadly apathy needs a bit of a trudge
through the biochemistry of how sucrose or fructose are metabolised by the
liver, but the fact is that as a society we urgently need to stop poisoning our
children with all artificial sources of sugar.

Governments too need to recognize that sugar is more than just empty calories:
it is highly addictive as any sugar-junkie knows and is single-handedly
responsible for triggering many of the deadly diseases we are grappling with the
world over. Lifestyle diseases are set to add billions in healthcare bills in
the next 20 years — yet there are no controls on the deadly substance. The
Isomil brand of formula milk made for infants, for example, contains 10.3 per
cent sugar, where coca cola contains 10.5 per cent. No wonder for the first time
in history we are seeing obese six-month olds! Paediatric Type 2 diabetes is on
the rise, forty-year olds are keeling over from hypertension and coronary
diseases and insulin resistance has become commonplace for the first time in
human history. 


Re: [Goanet] How many researchers are sincere to their research

2010-02-08 Thread Mario Goveia
--- On Sun, 2/7/10, Mario Goveia  wrote:
> Then we find that their predictions were wrong FOR A WHOLE
> None of the questions in these studies asked why the earth
> had not warmed since 1998 after all these scientists
> predicted it would.? Or why Mars and Pluto were also
> warming when there were no humans around to blame.? Or
> how a trace amount of man-made CO2 - 0.013% total man-made
> CO2 - could be eliminated.? Or how this could have any
> effect on their own theory that CO2 levels are driving
> global warming since most CO2 in not man-made and the CO2
> added by all human activity for over 100 years is like a
> drop in a bucket.
Date: Sun, 7 Feb 2010 07:26:24 -0800 (PST)
From: Santosh Helekar 

I have already provided factual data that debunk the global cooling in the 
1970s myth. Here are the facts provided by the University of California at San 
Diego that support the conclusion that anthropogenic rise in CO2 is responsible 
for global warming:

Mario responds:

All this staunch defending of one-side of the climate change issue - 
unfortunately the side that is now being exposed for a series of unethical 
conduct - seems to be wearing Santosh down.

He is responding AGAIN to what happened in the 1970's where we had the same 
"herd mentality",, "consensus", that we see today on one side worrying 
about global warming, which had ceased back in 1940, with many eminent 
scientists on the other side worrying about global cooling. The "herd" was 
wrong for 40 years until 1980, and have been wrong again since 1998.

In the excerpt of mine that Santosh chose to respond to, there was no reference 
to what happened in the 1970s.  I was talking about the "herd" predicting 
continuous global warming through the last decade, whereas there was none.

Once again, Santosh provides us with what one side of the "herd" has to say, 
which is well known.  Unfortunately, the predictions based on their opinion 
have not come to pass since 1998.  Maybe some day.

I'm really surprised that a scientist is so impressed by "consensus", and seems 
to go along with whatever one side of the debate says or does without even a 
word of acknowledgement about their unethical behavior.

The actual ebbs and flows in global temperatures are what they are.  The causes 
the "herd" believes will be proven or disproven by what actually happens in the 
future.  However, what the environmental extremists want the western economies 
to do, which is basically to shut them down and transfer their wealth to the 
countries who have no environmenal controls even for health reasons, is what 
will have a devastating effect on the entire world.

THAT is what the "herd" and their defenders like Santosh are studiously 
ignoring.  For example, from the same post he has responded to here:

In the US the policy prescriptions are to turn the mammoth US economy back to 
1875 levels in carbon emissions per capita by 2050.  This is nonsense taken to 
a scientific "consensus" level.

We must be very skeptical when only one side of a scientific debate is 
defended, while chicanery by the foremost spokesmen fot the "consensus", Al 
Gore and Rajendra Pachauri who are openly falsifying the science, goes without 

The extreme environmental fanatics want to turn back the western economies to 
emission levels the pre-dated the industrial age, but leave the other countries 
to do whatever they want, i.e continue to churn out man-made CO2.  Does this 
make sense to anyone with more than half a brain, hobbled in their thinking by 

Fortunately, India has had it with the chicanery of the "herd" as we saw in 
another report that I posted on Goanet.  One can only hope that they will 
include both sides of the debate in their deliberations, and not just members 
of the "herd".

[Goanet] Goanet highights: Paradise lost, media hype or what? (Selma Carvalho's summary of Goanet discussions)

2010-02-08 Thread Goanet News
Goanet highlights
By Selma Carvalho

The House at Assagao is a short story included in Peter
Nazareth's recently released anthology titled, 'Pivoting on
the Point of Return: Modern Goan Literature.'

A breath-taking photo of Saligao Church titled The flaming
Cross was sent in by Rajan Parrikar.

Selma Carvalho's weekly column is about being an
Konkani-English interpreter in London.

A Konkani tiatr based on the life of alleged serial killer
Mohananad, titled 'Mahanand Monis Vo Soitan?' is being
currently staged in the UK and scheduled to be staged
elsewhere. But are we jumping to conclusions by publically
sentencing a man before a trial. What "rich traditions are we
talking about?" asks, novelist Victor Rangel-Ribeiro.

Recently the Deputy Director of Tourism of Goa stunned the
world by her statement "you can't blame the locals, they have
never seen such women." Armstrong Vaz forwarded an open
letter by a young girl in India.

Lino Dourado writes his Aitaracheo Katkutleo: Sorgar Vocchunk
Zai, Punn:

JoeGoaUK gives us a dose of nostalgia with his video of a
musical trio playing Portuguese songs.

Writer Lucio Rodrigues introspects on the Goan question: "To
konna'lo?" A literary piece, included in the anthology of
modern Goan literature.

Edward Verdes wants to know if "Alamabradu" was a Konkani

Venantius has a plausible explanation for the word.

Dr. Nandkumar Kamat gives us a cultural history of ragi,
which is a commonly consumed pulse in Goa.

A heated discussion on Goanet this week dwelled on whether
scientist are completely neutral when publishing their
findings or are their publications waylaid by special
interests groups which fund their research especially when it
comes to the controversial topic of global warming. Some
opinions on this matter by:

Gabriel de Figueiredo:

Santosh Helekar:

Samir Kelekar:

  Is Goa a lost paradise or has the recent media hype
  unnecessarily disfigured Goa for the sake of
  sensationalism and cheap TV ratings. Eminent Goan
  author Monohar Shetty shares his views:

An integral part of living in a Goan village and becoming
part of the village is being given a nickname, in Konkani
called a 'vadd naum. Valmiki Faleiro shares an article he
wrote on Goan nicknames.

Antonio Mascarenhas announces the world alliance of Goan

And finally enjoy the singing of two sisters on a video by
Subscribe to Goanet at:

Send in your comments and feedback by simply emailing
Feedback to the compiler at


2010-02-08 Thread francis braz

A packed audience witnessed the  6th Goa  Mando Festival at the Margao
Ravindra Bhawan’s   “Pai Tiatrist Joao Agustinho Fernandes” auditorium
held on 5th February 2010. The  uniqueness of the event was that for
the first time perhaps a lady  Chief Guest for a Mando Festival none
other than Mrs. Asha Digambar Kamat for the Opening ceremony who
declared the festival open with the lighting of  traditional lamp.
Later Mrs. Kamat  released a colourful souvenir which had excellent
write ups by Prof. Bonfilio Da Cruz and  Mr. Valmiki Faleiro.

The festival witnessed top Mando troupes of Goa  and was held in two
categories.  Most of the traditional category songs are the those that
have been sung and retained in its immaculate form, while the original
category are those that have been composed and sung for the first time
and the first being a love song.  The traditional musical instruments
the "ghumot" violin and box guitar have remained unchanged so also the
traditional dress wear.

The Master of Ceremony  lecturer Anant Agni a name synonymous with
Konkani  Festivals shared his moments of wit and humour besides
sharing his research on the origins of Mando and Dulpods.

The mando troupes which thrilled the audience in the following order
Goenchim Noketrem led by  Jina  Mascarenhas Dias, .  Merces Firgojecho
Sadd Merces led by Joaquim Rodrigues,   Sallkam Curtorechim led by
Joel Fernandes Fatordichem Fullam led by Peter Azavedo ;   Curtorechim
Sallkam led by Victor da Costa and  Manddea Mogi – Porvorim led by
Lawrence Fernandes  ;

Fr. Bernardo Cotta was felicitated with a TAME  Life time Achievement
Mando  Award at the hands of  Mr. Elvis Gomes Commissioner of PMC.
with a  coconut, shawl and traditional lamp.  trophy for his
contribution towards the Mando art.

Mr. Gomes in his address for the Prize distribution ceremony said that
the Life time award recipient Fr. Cotta had left behind his foot
prints behind in all the parishes by teaching young

students music right form the time he was posted to Veroda Church till
date. He  stressed the importance of holding the Mando festivals which
in turn help to keep the rich cultural heritage alive. Remarking that
he personally took keen interest in Mandos and this is one forum which
enlightens the audience on present social issues and stressed the need
that the original mandos should be recorded so that future generations
will enjoy the same.  He congratulated the management of TAME Tourism
Airline Management Education,  for conducting the event in Margao thus
helping South Goa mando lovers to enjoy the rich heritage.

Earlier the Director of TAME in his welcome speech credited the
success entirely to the Troupe leaders and the graceful audience
besides the unstinted support and guidance of Chief Minister Mr.
Digambar Kamat who is also the Minister for Art and Culture and
thanked him for his continuous support to this Goan art.  Mr. Rudolph
Noronha introduced the illustrious Fr. Bernardo Cotta highlighting the
works of Fr. Cotta in the form of being a composer, troupe leader and
author on Mando books.

Curtorechim Sallkam led by Victor da Costa  won the  First prize of
Rs. 11,000/- and were the clear winners  who won the hearts of the
audience while the First Runners of Rs. 1/-   went to Sallkam
Curtorechim led by Joel Fernandes Fatordichem and the Second Runners
up were  Goenchim Noketrem led by  Jina  Mascarenhas Dias,

Consolation prizes  were won by  Merces Firgojecho Sadd Merces,
Fatordichem Fullam led by Peter Azavedo  and   Manddea Mogi – Porvorim
led by Lawrence Fernandes  ;

[Goanet] Come join me on THE JAZZ NETWORK WORLDWIDE

2010-02-08 Thread Colin D'Cruz

Hey guys, here's an international community of jazz musicians you can join. A  
great platform for musicians from all over the world!

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To control which emails you receive on the corner, or to opt-out, go to:

[Goanet] Talking Photos: Please identify this old bridge

2010-02-08 Thread JoeGoaUk
Please identify this old bridge (Still in use)
Where in Goa?
And how Old?
see the plantt/tree grown on it
see it closer here

It’s about 125 meter long bridge and about 3.5 mtrs wide
There are four pillars/opening seen in the pic  for water 
passage etc but there are atleast 3 more, one left side 
and two right side, 
now seems reclaimed by nature.
It is obvious that the river was wider and the water 
was flowing/ passing through all 7 openings
say many years ago. And it could be over 300 years
If you know or find anything about this bridge, let me also know.
It’s not in Canacona, Sanguem, Quepem, Ponda, Bicholim, 
Satari,  Pernem or Mormugao talukas
We did talk about another bridge some months ago across the same river.
Ok, here is another pictorial clue –
The tree looks as if standing in the water
This is the other side of the bridge

Note: No one has come back on the previous posting 
re- St. Simao Church on it's age/ history etc.
Except, Rajan says it is more than 400 years old and older than the 
Batim Church of Our Lady of Guadalupe (1541).

for Goa & NRI related info... 

For Goan Video Clips 

In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc

  The INTERNET now has a personality. YOURS! See your Yahoo! Homepage.

Re: [Goanet] S.K. Banerji

2010-02-08 Thread Valmiki Faleiro

Dear Rajan,

I may be wrong, but I think you're mixing up SK Banerji with
Col. Pratap Singh Gill. The latter fits your description below.
I agree about Gopal Singh. But you forget Bhanu Prakash
Singh, who I regard the worst. The only Lt. Guv/Governor of
Goa to be dismissed from office -- you will know the reason.

Rgds, v

- Original Message - 
From: "Rajan P. Parrikar" 

Sent: Monday, February 08, 2010 8:14 AM
Subject: [Goanet] S.K. Banerji

To Goanet -

Former Goa Lt Governor Banerji passes away

New Delhi, Feb 6 (PTI) Former Lieutenant Governor of Goa S K Banerji
passed away this morning. He was 97.

Banerji is credited for having contributed significantly to the
development of Goa as a major tourist destination.

I saw this item posted here when I came in a few
moments ago to give Admin Noronha his semi-annual 

Even by the abysmal standards of governors deputed
to Goa, Banerji was the lowliest of the low (with strong
competition from Gopal Singh).  I don't know where
to begin.  The fellow even carted coconuts from the Cabo
property along with him to wherever it is he went
after his Goa junket.  And then there is the thing
about priceless furniture.  And so on.  Dirty fellow.


Re: [Goanet] S.K. Banerji

2010-02-08 Thread floriano

I am on the same wave length myself.
Except for Governor Jacob, most have been the retired pigs with GOA as their 
retirement gift.

India must abolish this post altogether if it wants to advance in the 
supercharged world.


- Original Message - 
From: "Rajan P. Parrikar" 

Sent: Monday, February 08, 2010 8:14 AM
Subject: [Goanet] S.K. Banerji

To Goanet -

Former Goa Lt Governor Banerji passes away

New Delhi, Feb 6 (PTI) Former Lieutenant Governor of Goa S K Banerji
passed away this morning. He was 97.

Banerji is credited for having contributed significantly to the
development of Goa as a major tourist destination.

I saw this item posted here when I came in a few
moments ago to give Admin Noronha his semi-annual

Even by the abysmal standards of governors deputed
to Goa, Banerji was the lowliest of the low (with strong
competition from Gopal Singh).  I don't know where
to begin.  The fellow even carted coconuts from the Cabo
property along with him to wherever it is he went
after his Goa junket.  And then there is the thing
about priceless furniture.  And so on.  Dirty fellow.


[Goanet] Dr Bhicaji Ghanekar

2010-02-08 Thread Frederick Noronha
Would anyone be able to send me a phone number for Dr Bhicaji Ghanekar (the
compere of the mando festivals, among other things, for many decades in Goa)
off-list? A long-lost friend wants to get in touch and I can't locate the
number in the telephone directory or in the online version of it [] Thanks in advance! FN
Frederick Noronha
Columnist :: journalism :: editing :: alt.publishing :: photography ::

Re: [Goanet] Indian students in Australia

2010-02-08 Thread Vivian A. DSouza

Stories about the Indian students in Australia bring to mind, what I have seen 
in the USA.
I had encouraged my children to associate with Indian students at the 
Universities they 
attended.  The came back to me with horror stories about the boorish behaviour 
of many 
(not all mind you) Indian students, who coverse loudly in Hindi or whatever 
other language they speak -other than Engllish, insist on playing their filmy 
music with volume turned up,
which is a turn off to other students, put their feet up on chairs even in 
crowded cafeterias
or the library,and treat women like dirt.  My children called these Indian 
students "grease
balls" and wanted nothing to do with them.
On the other hand most of the Indian students (except for the so-called grease 
balls) were
serious about their studies, were well mannered and very studious, and outshone 
and out performed the American students and were highly regarded by their 
All it takes is for a few bad apples to taint the rest of the crowd.

[Goanet] GBA Press note: United and Forward

2010-02-08 Thread GBA office
*For favour of Publication*



77, Defence Colony, Lane 4,

Alto – Porvorim, Bardez, Goa – 403521

Tel :(Mob: 9767701245), E- Mail: **

7th Feb, 2010

* *

Goa Bachao Abhiyan convened a meeting of village groups affected by illegal
development in Margao where it was decided to form a united front to address
common issues grossly affecting people today.

Major problems highlighted were of destructive large scale projects
being  rushed
before finalization of the Regional Plan 2021 in contravention of the land
use plans and desired FAR, and degeneration of Gram Sabhas where neither
process nor system are followed despite resolutions as defined by the
Panchayati Raj Act.

The meeting was attended by representatives of Ganv Ghor Rakhan Manch,
Chicalim Village Action Committee, Save our Slopes,  Zagrut Raikaranso
Manch, Carmona Citizens Forum, Keri Nagrik Kriti Samiti, South Goa
Collective Peoples’ Voice, and villages representatives of Cansaulim,
Chinchinim, Raia, Loutolim, Benaulim, Sancoale, Colva and Chimbel.

Speakers included Sabina Martins, Annand Madgavkar, Aravind Bhatikar, Reboni
Saha, Prajal Sakhardande, Geraldine Fernandes, Orlando Da Silva, Peter Gama,
Vera Varghese, Croydon Medeira, Rui Araujo, Sheela Gracias, Ashley
Fernandes, Swati Kerkar, Xavier Fernandes, Agnelo Furtado, Romaldo Carvalho,
and Father Ermito.

A shocking common factor was of fraud perpetrated by elected bodies by
replacement of Village Plans duly submitted by the Regional Plan Village
Committees and ratified at Gram Sabhas, with the result of dual maps being
submitted to the Town & Country Planning Department.  In the case of Raia
and Cansaulim, despite the village opting for VP3, the document re-done and
submitted by the panchayat bodies indicates VP2 or higher, allowing more
built up area amongst other changes.

It was agreed upon that the need of the hour was to be united and share
information in the face of such corrupt forces and to protect what is left
of the identity of Goa. Of the two methods of recourse, since courts prove
beyond many peoples’ means the only option left was to take to the streets,
a demonstration of people’s power.

The key issues that emerged are three fold –

1 – The urgent need to complete the Regional Plan 2021 so as to protect the
eco zones, the lifeline of Goa.

2 – That the Government enforce processes and put into effect capacity
building in accordance with the Panchayati Raj Act immediately, to stop the
encouragement of deliberate chaos.

3 – Not to allow the identity of Goa to be swamped by non-inclusive large
scale projects.

Groups committed to work together will be meeting next week in Panjim to
plan further action. All concerned people and groups are invited to attend.

Thanking You

Reboni Saha - Secretary – Goa Bachao Abhiyan

Tel: +91-9767701245

Tel: +91-9767701245

Re: [Goanet] Moira - the nicknames

2010-02-08 Thread Bernardo De Sousa
Dear Valmiki,

What a pleasure to read your article on nicknames. On the topic of modern 
naming, Vinita and I could not stop laughing after reading the name of a 
new house on our way to Margão to visit you. I am sure you will spot it if 
you pass that way - the name is "Family Jewel"!

Best regards to you and your family

[Goanet] Protect Goa’s identity: GBA

2010-02-08 Thread Arwin Mesquita
   *Protect Goa’s identity: GBA

Giving a clarion call to protect the identity of Goa, Goa Bachao Abhiyan
(GBA) has decided to form a united front to address common issues affecting
people today.

This decision was taken at a recently convened meeting of village groups —
Ganv Ghor Rakhan Manch, Chicalim Village Action Committee, Save Our Slopes,
Zagrut Raikaranso Manch, Carmona Citizens Forum, Keri Nagrik Kriti Samiti,
South Goa Collective Peoples’ Voice, and villages representatives of
Cansaulim, Chinchinim, Raia, Loutolim, Benaulim, Sancoale, Colva and

In a press release issued here by GBA Secretary Reboni Saha, the speakers
highlighted the projects rushed before finalization of the Regional Plan
2021 in contravention of the land use plans and desired FAR, and
degeneration of Gram Sabhas where neither process nor system are followed
despite resolutions as defined by the Panchayati Raj Act.

The meet also discussed the alleged fraud perpetrated by elected bodies by
replacing village plans duly submitted by the Regional Plan Village
Committees and ratified at gram sabhas.

Speakers also felt the urgent need to complete the Regional Plan 2021 so as
to protect the eco zones, the lifeline of Goa and demanded that the
Government expedite processes in accordance with the Panchayati Raj Act.

The meet also resolved not to allow the identity of Goa to be swamped by
non-inclusive large scale projects.

The groups will meet in Panjim shortly to plan the future course of action.

The speakers who spoke at the meet included Sabina Martins, Anand Madgavkar,
Arvind Bhatikar, Reboni Saha, Prajal Sakhardande, Geraldine Fernandes,
Orlando Da Silva, Peter Gama, Vera Varghese, Croydon Medeira, Rui Araujo,
Sheela Gracias, Ashley Fernandes, Swati Kerkar, Xavier Fernandes, Agnelo
Furtado, Romaldo Carvalho, and Fr Ermito.



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Please post your comments on my Blog:

Please also see below:
1. Benaulim Village Action Committee:
2. "Rape of Goa" :
3. MAND - an adivasi-rights resource centre :
5. For the Love of Konkani:
6. Goa's Identity Movement website:
7. Goa's Identity Movement group on Facebook:
8. Official Government Site NRI Office (GOA):

[Goanet] Herald website stops comments

2010-02-08 Thread armstrong augusto vaz
Herald website stops comments

The Message reads: Comments have been stoped due to lots of abusive
language being used online and it will be not available until further

[Goanet] New mining lease applications! --

2010-02-08 Thread armstrong augusto vaz
Saturday, February 6, 2010
New mining lease applications!
New Mining Lease Applications with Department of Mines and Geology.
Please use RTI Act to get further information such as copy of the
mining lease application, name and address of the parties who applied
for each of the leases, Survey numbers covered by each of the mining
lease and copy of the Cadastral Map of the mining lease. All the below
mining leases are for Bauxite, Laterite – that covers everything, and
aluminum, says Sebestian Rodrigues

check here for more details---

Re: [Goanet] Subject: Indian cry-babies allege "racism"

2010-02-08 Thread Gabriel de Figueiredo
First of all, I am not in the education line, so what I have said below are my 
own personal experiences and observations.  

There is a loan available to eligible students, to assist them with their 
studies, though not all get it. See
This loan is usually paid back by the student over a period when they are 
gainfully employed in full-time work.

As to an average Aussie not being to able to afford a University education, if 
they don't make the grade to be into the Commonwealth-supported scheme 
(majority of the seats at Universities are for Commonwealth-supported 
students), they have to pay the full fee, which can be pretty steep. Year 12 
results are declared in the form of a percentage of ranking, so, say, someone 
with an ENTER score of 99.5% can have entry into Medicine at some Universities, 
for example (certain universities have an additional exam mid-Year 12, called 
UMAT, which does a pre-selection using various psychological tests). Even if 
you don't make the grade, there are secondary methods (e.g. after completing 
certain eligible courses in the medical line) to get into Medicine at a 
University in the Commonwealth-supported scheme, so not all hope is lost. At 
least one acquaintance of mine has taken advantage of the latter option.  

Not all Aussie students, however, go to Universities - they may opt to work in 
trade industries as apprentices or go to trade colleges (also called 
Universities these days, like RMIT and Swinburne), even though they may have 
excelled academically at school. Other gifted people, as you may noticed a high 
representation of Aussie athletes at Olympics, go into sports.

Note that usually a tradesman like a bricklayer, plasterer, plumber, 
electrician or a carpenter can start being fruitfully employed within a few 
months of commencing work as an apprentice, though apprenticeship itself could 
take a few years until they get their own "ticket". Once they are independent, 
they could earn much more than their desk-bound coleagues, depending on their 
business skills in addition to their trade skills. It is not only boys who opt 
for such trades, but there are quite a number of girls too who undertake such 
trades these days.  


- Original Message 
> From: Tony de Sa 
> To: "Goa's Premiere Mailing List, Estd 1994" 
> Sent: Mon, 8 February, 2010 9:07:41 PM
> Subject: [Goanet] Subject: Indian cry-babies allege "racism"
> Is it a fact that the Aussie Govt. encourages Indian students in Australia
> and that the average Aussie student cannot afford an university education?
> -- 
>   \\\
> = \\-00        Tony de Sa
>   C  u
>   \ ~/          M  : +91 9975 162 897
> --|><|          Ph. : +91 832 2470 148
> = /  |
> ^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v

Yahoo!7: Catch-up on your favourite Channel 7 TV shows easily, legally, and for 
free at PLUS7.

[Goanet] Talking Photos: Please identify this old bridge

2010-02-08 Thread Venantius J Pinto
It is I believe the Curca Bridge. On the way from Panjim towards
Batim. I forget what it is called. Parallel to it is a new bridge.
Give this a thought, if NRGs, etc., of the region were to at the very
least clean up the extra growth in this case or even in other places.
Spend a day or two doing so--perhaps with village permission.


> From: JoeGoaUk 
> To:
> Subject: [Goanet] Talking Photos: Please identify this old bridge
> Please identify this old bridge (Still in use)
> Where in Goa?
> And how Old?
> see the plantt/tree grown on it
> ?
> see it closer here

> Tips:
> It?s not in Canacona, Sanguem, Quepem, Ponda, Bicholim,
> Satari,??Pernem or Mormugao talukas
> We did talk about another bridge some months ago across the same river.
> ?
> Ok, here is another pictorial clue ?
> The tree looks as if standing in the water
> ?
> This is the other side of the bridge

[Goanet] Great timing - juggling hats

2010-02-08 Thread JoeGoaUk
Great timing - juggling hats

for Goa & NRI related info... 

For Goan Video Clips 

In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc

  The INTERNET now has a personality. YOURS! See your Yahoo! Homepage.


2010-02-08 Thread Gabe Menezes
On 7 February 2010 10:06, Mario Goveia  wrote:

> Date: Sat, 6 Feb 2010 15:07:52 -0500
> Where were these guys when "foren" NRGs were under attack?  Talk about
> impotence.
> Just like the Cockney Loudmouth, these impotent comments show no
> understanding of the discussion, which is pretty amazing coming from "foren"
> NRGs who were the butt of the attacks from some RGs afraid they were losing
> the limelight on doing things for Goa.
> RESPONSE: Better to be a Cockney loud mouth than a sniveling, whining
whippet..self agrandising, good for nothing so and so. One who allegedly
know all things about everything! There aint no one better on
Goanet.oooh, go on and on, it becomes not a chore but a bore.


Gabe Menezes.

[Goanet] Talking Photos: Please identify this old bridge

2010-02-08 Thread JoeGoaUk
[Goanet] Talking Photos: Please identify this old bridge
It is I believe the Curca Bridge. On the way from Panjim towards
Batim. I forget what it is called. Parallel to it is a new bridge.
Give this a thought, if NRGs, etc., of the region were to at the very
least clean up the extra growth in this case or even in other places.
Spend a day or two doing so--perhaps with village permission.

No, it’s not the one.
You are ‘this much’ close though!
We did talk about it (Curca) in details is last August.
Refer here 

for Goa & NRI related info... 

For Goan Video Clips 

In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc

  Your Mail works best with the New Yahoo Optimized IE8. Get it NOW!

[Goanet] Australian visa cutback is good for India -

2010-02-08 Thread Ruby Goes

My dreams are coming true!
Not a moment too soon.

[Goanet] Goa news for February 9, 2010

2010-02-08 Thread Goanet News Service
Goa News from Google News and
Visit for the full stories.

*** India holds two over Goa 'assault on Russian child' - BBC
C NewsPolice in the Indian city of Mumbai have arrested a second
man over an alleged sexual assault on a Russian girl aged nine
holidaying in Goa. ...

*** Mahadayi: Goa CM agrees for talks - Express Buzz
steps to ensure security of tourists: Goa CM

*** Goa poaching case: Forensic report confirms tiger's remains
- Economic Times
forest department drags feet in tiger poaching case

*** Goa Carbon Limited - Financial Analysis Review - New Report
Published - OfficialWire (press release)
Financial Analysis Review - Goa Carbon Limited. (Goa Carbon)
manufactures and sale of calcined petroleum coke (cpc). ...

*** Sesa Goa can move upto Rs 361-365: Anu Jain -
65, says Anu Jain, Vice President - IIFL Private Wealth
Management, India Infoline. Jain told CNBC-TV18, ...

*** GOA - MORTIFIED - BehindWoods
hindWoodsA bunch of friends, oodles of bikini girls and
glamorous heroines, with beaches as the background is how I
would describe 'Goa'. Nothing more, nothing less. ...

*** Turtle symposium to be held in Goa - Sakaal Times
kaal TimesThe 30th annual turtle symposium  "The World of
Turtles" is coming to Goa in 2010 and it is for the first time
that the symposium is coming to the South ...

*** State Pulse: Goa: A "Rape City"? - Central Chronicle
ntral ChronicleIs Goa the "rape city" of the country, as
described by its Tourism Minister Mickey Pachecho? The answer
could turn out to be in the affirmative, ...

*** Old Goa attackers hired for Rs 1L - Times of India

*** Experts, locals seek special ecological status for Goa -
Moneylife Personal Finance Magazine
0M">and more »

Compiled by Goanet News Service

[Goanet] Goa's Monte Music Festival 2010 (Nigel Britto, in TOI)

2010-02-08 Thread Goanet News

Goa's Monte Music Festival 2010
Nigel Britto, TOI Crest, 6 February 2010, 01:38pm IST

It's that time of the year again when people make their way to a
forgotten chapel on a hill for an annual pilgrimage they eagerly look
forward  to, arriving at one of Goa's most spectacular locations, Our
Lady of Monte Chapel in Old Goa (Monte meaning hill in Portuguese).

Built by Portuguese conqueror Afonso de Albuquerque in the 1500s, the
chapel is set against a breathtaking view of the Chorao and Divar
islands on the Mandovi river. This picturesque place provides the
perfect ambience for a three-day series of concerts that begin at
dusk. Artists from all over the country come together to celebrate
heritage and music in this quaint and rather off-the-touristy-circuit
destination. The event marks the forgotten love affair between India
and Portugal. Colonial romances are reminisced and shared histories

>From Portuguese choirs to Kuchipudi dancers to Indian sopranos, the
festival, since its inception in 2002, has had all kinds of
performances for the discerning spectator. Artists dressed in formal
attires offer a glimpse to the audience about their history and

The Monte Music Festival 2010 kicks off this weekend and is scheduled
to run till Sunday. It wouldn't be a bad idea to be there.

Yvonne Rebello, who has coordinated the festival for the past eight
years as part of Fundacao Oriente, a Portuguese organisation aimed at
promoting cultural and artistic ties between Portugal and Asia, says,
"It all started when the government approached us to renovate the
chapel in 1999, which was then in a dilapidated condition." Since
then, Rebello adds, the event has grown and attracts art aficionados
from various parts of the country. A panel at the institute chooses
the western music performers , while Anju Timblo, a Goa-based
industrialist in whose hotel the performers are housed, selects the
Indian performers.

For historical reasons, Fundacao Oriente is located in Goa, housed in
an old Indo-Portuguese building in Panaji's most traditional
neighbourhood. The building was purchased specifically for the

Since Fundacao Oriente used its funds to renovate it, Sergio
Mascarenhas, the organisation's then-director , suggested having an
annual festival there to celebrate heritage and music . Successive
directors have ensured the festival has gone from being a mere
'experiment' to a 'global brand' . "There are lots of people who plan
their vacations in Goa to coincide with our festival," Rebello says

Moreover, the bumpy ride to the chapel doesn't deter music lovers from
flocking to this much-awaited event. One even has to leave his/her
vehicle at the foot of the hill, and take a rickety shuttle up the
serpentine roads. But that just makes the whole trip deliciously
old-world .

At the venue, a makeshift platform serves as a stage for the
performers while the fading Goan sun forms a magnificent backdrop.
Acoustically, too, the setting is perfect. "In the past, Indian
performers were apprehensive about the backdrop and setting; they were
used to auditoriums with perfect sound and light synchronisation. But
having performed here once, artists now believe that this experience
is unlike any other," says Rebello.

But what's making organisers of the festival happier than anything
else is the mix of crowds the event is attracting. There are the
raucous college goers with their flashing mobile phone cameras
-despite requests not to use them - and middle-aged and elderly
quietly looking out for the best seats. In fact, it isn't unusual to
see grandfathers and grandmothers being helped up the narrow winding
staircase by their doting grandkids.

The focus of the festival is not only on international cultural
bonding, but on retaining the local flavour. "We see to it that good
Goan musicians get exposure," says Rebello. And this year,
London-based mezzo-soprano Viola Da Cunha will join tabla player Amit
Bhonsle, sitar exponent Chhote Rahimat Khan, the Goa State Symphony
Orchestra and the Sta Cecilia choir of the famed Rachol Seminary to
form the Goan contingent at the festival. They will make music with
the likes of Portuguese guitarist Manuel Leao, Romanian pianist Delia
Varga and Delhi-based Kuchipudi dancer Shallu Jindal , who is MP
Naveen Jindal's wife.

Even in a music loving place like Goa, it's rare to see classical
forms of music holding such sway and prominence at a public festival.
In a world which seems to have left behind classical and folk genres,
it serves as a refreshing change to spend three days at the festival
in the 'rave capital of India' .

As a bonus, most of Goa's popular beaches - Calangute, Baga, Miramar,
Anjuna - are all within half-an-hour's drive from the
centrally-located chapel. And the fact that it's off-season means
costs are low, the crowds are absent and tranquillity is guarantee

[Goanet] Web based file tracking system introduced in secretariat

2010-02-08 Thread Samir Kelekar



[Goanet] Confusão in a caanso

2010-02-08 Thread Xanno Moidecar

I did debate whether it was worth writing to clear up the confusão that has 
resulted from my post titled ‘Cacophony in a caanso’. 

I was initially inclined to let matters rest but then I have about a week of 
rest and recreation coming up, so thought: what the hell?

Well I shall begin with my friend Frederick’s comment.  I think he understands 
my viewpoint.  I have assiduously attempted to avoid falling into the trap of 
advising my fellow Goemcars, the ‘residentes’, on how to run our Goem.  I 
believe that my self imposed exile comes with a price.  And that is, whatever 
my thoughts and feelings, it is up to the in situ amongst us Goemcars, to take 
whatever steps are necessary to steer the course of our precious land.  

Non resident Goemcars can and should contribute both in word and deed.  However 
those that live on the land are the final arbiters of their priorities.  There 
have been great contributions made by Goemcars who have been sundered by fate 
from the land of their forefathers and it would be a pity if these were 
rejected in a fit of pique.  But I do not think that this is the issue, that 
the current RG –v – NRG debate on Goanet, is really all about.

I believe all parties realise that there is a kernel of the truth and the good 
in the others’ argument. But somewhere along the line, things blurred and the 
debate meandered.

And yes my friend Frederick, now that you point it, the bit about the ‘land of 
our forefathers’ does sound corny.  I got carried away with the moment.  I 
shall try to refrain from such flights of inordinate fancy. 

As for Mario, I have never questioned his integrity.  I understand his zeal in 
wanting to express his views.  I do not question his motives or his methods.  
If he feels strongly enough about his Goem, who am I to attempt gagging him?  

But that Mario was never my aim. I did not want to stop the debate that raged 
between you and Moidecar Tony.  Au contraire.  The raison d’etre of a forum 
such as Goanet is to encourage and energise discussion.  The skirmish between 
you two was ‘gripping’.  I just wanted the fusillades that you were directing 
at each other to be channelled against the real ‘enemy’.

If my post did not make that clear, I apologise and want to stress here that it 
was my intention.

Now for Moidecar Tony.  Arre Anton you are labouring under a misconception.  I 
have gone over my post umpteen times, trying to find what it was in it that 
caused you irritation.  I could not find anything.  As I’ve said above, I want 
the debate on the sacrilege done to Goem broadcast loud and clear.  

The only thing that I think made you angry was the fact that I compared your 
little title tattle with Mario to a Goemcar version of a storm in a tea cup; a 
cacophony in a Goemcar caanso.Well if that hurt your feelings my dear 
Moidecar Tony, then I shall attempt to set that right.  

For the record, Moidecar Tony, your great war of words is no storm in a 
chavechem mog.  It ranks along the great debates of Cicero and Seneca.  Nay 
Sophocles is a mere babe and Churchillian oratory pales into insignificance.

Now for that little dig of yours about the English sacaram.  Ah my dear 
Moidecar Tony.  How hurtful can thou be?  

As a fellow Moidecar, my dear Moidecar Tony, we both know that this pretty 
little village of ours celebrates many feasts and functions.  Fulsome fenim 
flows freely filling frolicsome festacars full of fun and ……fenim?

You will forgive my puzzlement my dear Moidecar Tony.  There have been no 
festas or functions in Moira in the last few days.  

So what fuelled the fury?


Xanno Moidecar


Xanno Moidecar

[Goanet] Konkani fest at Don Bosco Oratory

2010-02-08 Thread Goa World

Konkani fest at Don Bosco Oratory
Written by NT Network
Sunday, 07 February 2010 01:48

Konkani is the official language of the state of Goa. And despite having 
a relatively smaller number of Konkani speaking persons it has a large 
number of dialects. These dialects can be classified according to 
region, religion, caste and the influence of the local language.

Many organisations have taken the initiative to propagate the Konkani 
culture, intending to pass it on to the next generation.

And the Don Bosco Oratory, Panaji is one of these. In this context they 
will be holding a fest February 10 to 12. “We are organising an All Goa 
Konkani Cultural Fest to promote the Konkani culture. This is the second 
year that we are holding this function. We intend to specifically to 
create an atmosphere of Konkani - right from compering - the whole fest 
will have a Konkani flavour,” Fr Jose Sequeira from Don Bosco Oratory, 
Panaji said.

The competition is open to schools, colleges and others. The various 
categories of items held at the fest will include Konkani solo singing, 
duet singing and a Mando competition. “The competitions are divided 
according to age groups - below 12 years, below 16 years and above 16 
years of age,” Fr Sequeira said. The winners will be awarded with cash 

The schedule for the All Goa Cultural Fest is: on February 10, solo 
singing competition to be held at 2 p.m. on February 11, Mando 
competition at 6 p.m. and on February 12 tiatr at 6.45.

(Entries can be sent to Fr Jose Sequeira, Don Bosco Ortaory, Panaji, or 
emailed to This e-mail address is being protected 
from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it . Last date for 
submissions is February 8.)

[Goanet] An expat minister...

2010-02-08 Thread Frederick Noronha
Wonder when Goa will get it's first NRG minister, such as:
... which would also mean living in super-luxury hotels, and speaking
with a cute accent :-)

Mario, would you like to apply :-)
Frederick Noronha
Columnist :: journalism :: editing :: alt.publishing :: photography :: blogging

[Goanet] Pictures of German Week in Goa

2010-02-08 Thread IGSG Goa
We are pleased to inform that our website has been updated with photos and
press clips of the "2nd German Cultural Week, Goa, 9 – 13 December 2009".

Please follow the link:

Unsere Webseite ist aktualisiert worden. Fotos und Presseberichte der "2.
Deutschen Kulturwoche Goa, 9.-13. Dezember 2009" finden Sie unter

Best regards / Mit besten Grüßen

IGSG – Indo German Friendship Society, Goa

[Goanet] Viva Carnival 2010 - Abu Dhabi

2010-02-08 Thread Janice Braganza

Abu Dhabi Goans are organising the Carnival and Valentine Dance 2010. Flyer:

Thanking you in anticipation.


The ABU DHABI GOANS, in association with BIN AL MAS ADVERTISING & 
2010”.  The main sponsors of this event are Musandam Electrical 
Equipment Company LLC, Philips Gulf Electronics, Abu Dhabi and My Money 
Mart, Goa. The show will be held at the Crowne Plaza Hotel, Abu Dhabi on 
Thursday, February 11, 2010 from 8 p.m. onwards.

Join King Momo and his colourful entourage in the fiesta of the 
Carnival; Come, join in the fun!!!

Read all Goanet messages at:

Re: [Goanet] Scientific herd mentality has egg on their face

2010-02-08 Thread Mario Goveia
Mario wrote:
> India has formally announced it has lost all credibility
> with the IPCC, which is the UN body that is a major believer
> and organizer in scientific "consensus" on climate
> change.? Jai Ho, Jairam!:

Date: Sun, 7 Feb 2010 21:27:44 -0800 (PST)
From: Santosh Helekar 

To find out real facts regarding melting Himalayan glaciers uncovered by Indian 
and Nepali scientists, please refer to the numerous authentic studies published 
in scientific journals. Here is one such study entitled "Glaciers, glacial 
lakes and glacial lake outburst floods in the
Mount Everest region, Nepal" published by S. R. Bajracharya and P. Mool in 
Annals of Glaciology:

Mario responds:

I think Santosh is on auto-pilot in his staunch defense of the global warming 
"herd mentality" and seems to have missed the fact that the article I posted 
reported that India has formally rejected the opinions of the "herd" as 
represented by the IPCC that he defends so staunchly and will hereby set up its 
own panels to decide what the "real facts" are.

[Goanet] ART EXHIBITION: Simply Watercolours

2010-02-08 Thread Goanet A-C-E!

Simply Watercolours

A small format painting exhibition

Participating Artists

Edgar Silveira, Kamal Shah, Pradeep Puthoor, Milind Nayak, Ranadip 
Mukherjee, Yolanda de Sousa, JS Mani, Babu Xavier

Wednesday, 10th February, 2010 - 7:30pm
Art Chamber - Galeria de Belas Artes
Castelo Vermelho
115/A Gauravaddo
Calangute  Goa


Goanet A-C-E!
Arts ~ Culture ~ Entertainment

[Goanet] "PONNOS" (JACKFRUIT) - Part II

2010-02-08 Thread Domnic Fernandes


Part I of this article can be found at:

In the olden days, we used pank to catch birds and squirrels. We would 
place pank on a piece of broken tile, climb up a tree and keep it in one 
of its joints. Sometimes, we applied a thick layer of pank directly to 
one of the branches of a tree.

We then placed bait on the pank, as an attraction. Once a bird or a 
squirrel sat on it, it could not fly or move forward. As soon as we 
heard their cries, we would climb up the tree, bring down the catch and 
place it in a cage.

In the past, the heated latex was employed as household cement for 
mending chinaware and earthenware, and to caulk boats and holes in roof 
tiles and buckets.

When I was 11 years old, I attended a wedding in Siolim which lasted for 
8 days – 4 days in preparation of the wedding and 4 days after the 
wedding. There was a huge Rosall jackfruit tree behind the groom's 
house, the lower trunk of which was bore dozens of sprouting jackfruits.

While we roamed the area, we noticed crows pecking at ripe jackfruits. 
When we approached the tree, we found out there were many ripe 
jackfruits. Since everyone was busy with wedding preparations, nobody 
had found time to harvest the jackfruit.

We politely asked the "randpinni" (women cooks) to lend us a "konn'nn" 
(woven coconut leaf,) which they did. We immediately brought down all 
the ripe jackfruits from the tree, placed them on the konn'nn, tore the 
rind with our bare hands and ate so much ghore that we had to skip lunch 
that day. The next day we ate less ghore so we could also eat some lunch.

In the olden days, whenever there was a bumper crop of jackfruit, people 
made "ghoreanchim sattam” (dried jackfruit sweet) out of jackfruit and 
used them as sweets during the monsoon season. The preparation process 
is very simple:

Open ghore, remove bingttam and tear ghore into two halves. Then cover 
them with plenty of sugar and let them dry in the hot sun for at least 
two days. When dried, put them in a glass container with a tight lid to 
prevent ants from getting to it. Dried jackfruit tastes much better 
during the monsoon season than in the summer. Enjoy it with a cup of hot 

In some cases, the ripe bulbs are dried, fried in oil and salted; they 
taste like potato chips.

Tender jackfruit leaves and young male flower clusters may be cooked and 
served as vegetables. Immature fruit can be boiled, fried or roasted.

Many people in Goa, especially the Hindus, prepare "ponnsachi bhaji" 
(jackfruit vegetable) from young jackfruits. The fruit is simply cut 
into large chunks and boiled in lightly salted water until tender, when 
the really delicious flesh is cut from the rind and served as a 
vegetable, including the seeds which, if thoroughly cooked, are mealy 
and agreeable. The pank clinging to the pot may be removed by rubbing it 
with oil.

Nowadays, everything is available in canned form and jackfruit is not an 
exception, but there is no comparison to fresh jackfruit. The crisp 
types of jackfruit are preferred for canning.


"Ponnsachim bingttam" (jackfruit seeds) are edible and nutritious. They 
contain 38% carbohydrates, 6.6% proteins and 0.4% fats. In general, 
fresh seeds are considered to be high in starch, low in calcium and iron 
and are good sources of vitamins B1 and B2. They may be prepared in 
several ways. In the olden days and till today, most people in Goa just 
boil them in hot water or roast them in the hot coals of a dying fire.

We would save the seeds in a "varn" (a special pit meant to husk paddy) 
or in a corner of the kitchen and make use of them at the beginning of 
the monsoon season. Whenever it rained heavily, we would boil ponnsachim 
bingttam and enjoy eating them with a cup of hot tea.

Peeling seeds can be a tedious job, especially if they are not 
well-cooked i.e., if the skin is not cracked and has not come off the 
seed, it makes it difficult for the thumb nail to dig into the skin. 
Usually, by the time one is through peeling the seeds, the skin under 
the thumb tends to crack due to constant use and pressure and it takes 
around 2-3 days for it to heal.

Jackfruit seeds are often included in curried dishes and added to meat 
instead of potatoes. My "gharamaim" (paternal grandmother) used them 
with "sukem, dukrachem kharem mas" (dried, salted pork meat.)

As a child, I would accompany my gharamaim to Vagator beach during her 
yearly ritual sea bath. The norm was to have three baths a day - 
morning, afternoon and evening - for 3 or 4 days. Every day, she would 
prepare "bhuti" (lunch pack) and wrap it in a cloth, which we carried 
with us.

The lunch mainly consisted of a dish of sukem, dukrachem kharem mas, 
which was prepared with onions, green chilies, tomatoes, cumin, cloves, 
cinnamon, binddichim solam, fresh coriander and ponnsachim bingttam.

We carried the d

Re: [Goanet] NEWS: Former Goa Lt Governor Banerji passes away

2010-02-08 Thread dona curiosa


With due respect to the demised, I regret to inform you as under:-

- Mr. Banerji was removed as the Lt. Governor of Goa after Janata 
Government came to power in 1977, for his atrocities committed during 
emergency declared during Indira Gandhi regime.
- Allegations of his atrocities were supported and vouched by the then 
Chief Secretary Mr. Kipgen.
- He tried to loot Goa, but did not succeed, as his seven loaded trucks 
of movable property were impounded at the Goa border by the then PI Mr. 
- People who suffered under him and his two other Bengali cronies from 
different departments will not forget the pains they underwent.


--- On Mon, 2/8/10, Goanet News wrote:

New Delhi, Feb 6 (PTI) Former Lieutenant Governor of Goa S K Banerji
passed away this morning. He was 97.

He retired from the Indian Foreign Service in 1972 as Secretary and
thereafter served as Lt Governor of Goa from 1972-77.

Banerji is credited for having contributed significantly to the
development of Goa as a major tourist destination.

Read all Goanet messages at:

Re: [Goanet] Dr Bhicaji Ghanekar

2010-02-08 Thread floriano

Call 2470540 Felix D'Cunha, a colleague and friend of BG


GOA does not need HONEST persons to contest elections.
Goa does not need 'HONEST'  voters to elect honest persons.
Wherein, even a dishonest person is forced to be honest OR QUIT.

There is no need to look far for such an HONEST SYSTEM.
Goa Su-Raj Party is that 'Honest System',
A 'PRECIOUS GIFT' to GOA by conscious GOANS.
A HOPE in Goa's political wilderness.
Only 'Do not look a 'GIFT HORSE' in the mouth'

Display the 'PPS' sticker on your vehicle today.
To stand against political madness, tomorrow.

- Original Message - 
From: "Frederick Noronha" 

To: "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!" 
Sent: Monday, February 08, 2010 11:58 PM
Subject: [Goanet] Dr Bhicaji Ghanekar

Would anyone be able to send me a phone number for Dr Bhicaji Ghanekar 
compere of the mando festivals, among other things, for many decades in 

off-list? A long-lost friend wants to get in touch and I can't locate the
number in the telephone directory or in the online version of it [] Thanks in advance! FN
Frederick Noronha
Columnist :: journalism :: editing :: alt.publishing :: photography ::

Re: [Goanet] S.K. Banerji

2010-02-08 Thread Rajan P. Parrikar
To Goanet -

Dear Valmiki,

You may be right about the coconut heist and its link to
that douchebag par excellence Partap Singh Gill.  
It has been so many years.  I am sure if I bother a couple 
of folks in Goa (then PWD engineers in charge of Cabo
maintenance) they will be able to furnish all the dirt on 
S.K. Banerji's heroics while in residence.

When I think of S.K. Banerji, I usually associate him with
the pre-1990 cast of the Governors' rogue's gallery.  The
post-1990 fellows took it up several notches and were 
certifiable criminals.

Amid this dismal cast there was the rare exception, such
as I.H. Latif.  But he was doing double duty here (his
prime appointment was as Gov of Maharashtra, I think).
I remember running into him on several windswept 
evenings in Miramar during the monsoons, strolling 
with his wife Bilkees.  And I recall the informal brief 
chats with him saying that he had never seen a place
as magical as Goa.  But that was a very different Miramar 
and Goa.

Why do Goans still behave obsequiously towards these
scofflaws deputed as Governors?


[Goanet] GBA's Nanutel show

2010-02-08 Thread soter
Isn't it a contradiction of sorts? Of all the places, GBA goes to Nanutel, 
Margao  to redraw its strategy for combating the massive projects in the 
villages. Strategising to save villages in a hotel owned by real estate 
promoters. Spaces and places also reveal a lot about the outlook of those that 
use them. Seems that villagers have not shaken off their colonial mindset.
-Soter D'Souza

Re: [Goanet] Indian cry-babies allege "racism"

2010-02-08 Thread newton filomeno

Hi Guys - who are discussing on this topic.

I don't care if what I say really warrants a chuckle or not, but I will 
still make my point:

I live in Melbourne and do not boast of knowing everything that happens 
here either.
I was speaking to a taxi driver (Aussie) recently, and he has been on 
the job for over 56 years now, and he was telling me that,

This sort of bashing is ongoing since so many years now, except that 
1. Pubs are open until late in the morning (5:00am) allowing people to 
drink more and making them more vulnerable to fights and quarrels.
2. The local press has nothing better to report, but such saucy news 
like 'racial attacks'.

My son (22 yrs old) goes clubbing every week-end and he tells me that, 
if common sense prevails, no one attacks you for nothing.
You just got to stay out of trouble. So true with entering lonely and 
dark parks at nights frequented by druggists or alcoholics. This may not 
be the case in Goa, but most definitely in Mumbai or Manila?

Therefore just stay away from trouble and when in Rome do as the Romans.

Having said that, yes it is unfair to disrespect your guest, especially 
those who are filling up the govt. coffers (Indian Students). There 
could be an element of hatred perhaps, but not in the open for sure.
Going back to Indian taxi drivers, I live here and I know it, some of 
them are as cruel as the ones in Mumbai or Delhi (they are out to get 
the mega bucks illegally) and even treat their very own Indians like 
dirt at times.
Of course all are not the same, those that are, do get in trouble with 
the drunks.

What the local Govt. got to do is:
1. The govt. should implement rigid methods to curb binge drinking and 
stop bar operating beyond the midnight hour.
2. Indian students themselves should take more precautions and avoid 
lonely and dark places; use more common sense.
3. We Aussies should honour our guest better and treat them more 
respectfully (as they are indirectly feeding the govt. coffers)
4. Lastly, racial prejudice should be done with in this modern day 
Australia, especially when you "do want to milk the cow" and as Tony 
said, can't afford to go to university yourselves.

Now, I do not want to have an argument on this please, this is only my 
opinion and I know much can be said.

Take it or leave it, for I know a lot who can harp without knowing the 
It is also more honorable to accept your mistakes and on behalf of all 
Aussies down under, I'd say yes it is a mistake! and we ought to accept 
this fact.

Cry babies or not!


Newton Marques,


[Goanet] Traditional water harvesting

2010-02-08 Thread Frederick Noronha
>From other parts of South Asia, but Goa's traditions are as rich:
Anupam Mishra: The ancient ingenuity of water harvesting
Frederick Noronha
Columnist :: journalism :: editing :: alt.publishing :: photography :: blogging


2010-02-08 Thread Mario Goveia
Date: Mon, 8 Feb 2010 11:05:56 +0530
From: Frederick Noronha 

Guys, some unsolicited advice: at some point in the debate, one or
both (unlikely!) will have to give up on last-wordism :-)

Mario observes:

The last word in a public forum should always be some semblance of the truth.  
Now, if the following epiphany exhibited by Mr. D'Sa means what it says, that 
discussion will have ended.

Because of your previous comments which showed no cognizance of the discussion 
that had been taking place you may not have noticed that the guy who started 
the attack has broken it off, no doubt convinced by the error of his ways and a 
new found appreciation of NRGs and RGs working together regardless of their 
domicile and citizenship.

Date: Mon, 8 Feb 2010 10:45:29 +0530
From: Tony de Sa 

"Turn your firepower on the real enemy.  Rogues desecrating the land of our 

Mario observes:

By jove!  Do you think he's finally got it?

[Goanet] ALEXYZ Daily Cartoon (9Feb10)

2010-02-08 Thread alexyz fernandes

"Kids! They're not easy. But there has to be some penalty for Sex"

To enjoy the visual cartoon please visit:
Site sponsored by


2010-02-08 Thread Aires Rodrigues
The sudden suspension of Goa's senior Judge Mrs. Anuja Prabhudesai is
deplorable. The justice delivery system has failed a very senior,
knowledgeable and distinguished judge. Mrs. Prabhudesai is known to be a
very talented, well mannered, soft-spoken yet very firm in the dispensation
of justice. Even when posted as Law Secretary of the State she refused to
bow to the illegal and unjustified designs of the politicians.

As she was the senior most  District judge of Goa , her suspension could be
a very systematic ploy to sideline and abort her hopes of elevation as judge
of the Bombay High Court. If this is proven, the conspirators of this plan,
of framing fake charges against her should not be spared.

If the injustice meted out to Mrs. Anuja Prabhudesai is not rectified, the
credibility of the judiciary which is the third and vital pillar of our
constitution is at stake. We need to stand in solidarity with this very
distinguished judge while she braves this attack on her.

Aires Rodrigues
T1 - B30, Ribandar Retreat
Ribandar - Goa - 403006
Mobile: 9822684372

[Goanet] Sharad Pawar should apologise for surrendering before Bal Thackeray:JD(U) - (WHAT COMES AROUND GOES AROUND)

2010-02-08 Thread Ruby Goes

It just isn't cricket! 

Hahaha. Whine and squabble amongst yourselves.


[Goanet] Was that his job?

2010-02-08 Thread Dr. U. G. Barad
Maharashtra's minister of state for home Ramesh Bagwe, was seen carrying
Rahul Gandhi's shoes, apparently for safe-keeping, during his recent visit
to Mumbai. 

Read more by clicking the link provided here below:

Re: [Goanet] Scientific herd mentality has egg on their face

2010-02-08 Thread Bosco D

From: Mario Goveia

> India has formally announced it has lost all credibility with
> the IPCC, which is the UN body that is a major believer and
> organizer in scientific "consensus" on climate change.  Jai Ho, Jairam!:

RESPONSE: British newspapers have this habit of playing tricks on Mario.

Indian prime minister backs IPCC boss Rajendra Pachauri
Manmohan Singh said an error did not change the facts regarding the 
harmful impact of greenhouse gases on the planet

India boosts climate data contribution to IPCC
A scientific network set up recently by India's environment ministry 
will contribute formally to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate 
Change (IPCC), the country's prime minister has announced

And what is this "herd" business, Mario? Leaning on gratuituous 
commentary, again?? Tch-tch-tch!!! What next? Are you going to forward 
links from the Drudge Report?? After Huffington & Breitbart is it gonna 
be DR??

- B

[Goanet] Talking Photos: Please identify this old bridge

2010-02-08 Thread Venantius J Pinto
2nd Try: Siridao old bridge?


> From: JoeGoaUk 
> To:
> Subject: [Goanet]  Talking Photos: Please identify this old bridge

> Thanks,
> No, it?s not the one.
> You are ?this much? close though!
> ?
> We did talk about it (Curca) in details is last August.
> ?
> Refer here
> ?

[Goanet] Dr. Ganecar's phone no.

2010-02-08 Thread Fausto Da Costa

Ganecar's phone no. 0832 2431365
Frederick wrote:
Would anyone be able to send me a phone number for Dr Bhicaji Ghanekar (the
compere of the mando festivals, among other things, for many decades in Goa)
off-list? A long-lost friend wants to get in touch and I can't locate the
number in the telephone directory or in the online version of it [] Thanks in advance! FN

[Goanet] Experts, locals seek special ecological status for Goa

2010-02-08 Thread roger dsouza
There is an urgent need for Goa to be granted special ecological status
before it’s too late. The destruction of our coastal Goan villages continues
unabated. Do our traitors masquerading as our MLAs even care as long as they
can make their big bucks?  Do they even understand terms like "ecology",
"biodiversity" and protecting our environment? What about the Minister of
Environment for Goa - do we even hear a single statement from him in this
regard? All of them are a useless, corrupt bunch and traitors to Goa and

This article by Aaron Rodrigues appeared in Moneylife.

Experts, locals seek special ecological status for Goa

-Article in “Moneylife” February 08, 2010 by Aaron Rodrigues**

Top of Form

Goa is seismically susceptible and has hydrography that is vulnerable to
small swings in the courses of the various rivers flowing into the state.
Goa is also witnessing deposits of marine fossils due to a drop in sea
levels. Locals and experts want it to be given special ecological status

Apart from being seismically susceptible, Goa, a major tourist destination,
is also categorised by a peculiar hydrography which is making it vulnerable
to small swings in the courses of the rivers flowing into the state. Goa’s
emergent parts are witnessing deposits of marine fossils due to a fall in
sea levels. Experts and local residents now want the state to get special
ecological status.

In a letter to Jairam Ramesh, the Union minister of state for environment
and forests, Nandkumar Kamat, assistant professor at the department of
botany in Goa University has said, ”A single major ecological catastrophe
may tilt the balance and finish what remains. On several accounts, Goa can
be given a special ecological status.”

Following a public hearing on the Coastal Zone Management Act (CZMA) at
Verna in Goa attended by the minister, Mr Kamat had sent a letter to Mr
Ramesh giving reasons for granting the special ecological status to the

“The landmass has undergone three major folds and violent tectonic changes.
The west coast fault runs close to Goa,” Mr Kamat has mentioned in his

He has also said that the state is crisscrossed by six geological faults due
to the geodynamic activities that have resulted in Goa’s beautiful
landscape. However, this phenomenon also makes the state geologically
exposed to seismic activity.

According to Mr Kamat, tectonic influences are exhibited on the courses
along the western rivers flowing into the state and not a single major river
flowing through Goa has its source within the state. So being a lower
riparian state, Goa is extremely vulnerable to interstate water disputes.

“(There is) the possibility of the process being reversed by global warming
and sea levels rising because Goa’s landmass is a mosaic of submerged and
emergent parts,” Mr Kamat has said.

The emergent parts indicate deposits of marine fossils, due to a fall in sea
levels by four to six metres over the past 6,000-8,000 years. Marine fossil
beds are located near Mapusa River, Chapora River, and beaches like
Chicalim, Siridao and Bambolim, Mr Kamat has said. A major part of coastal
Goa is at (or below) sea level and is also densely populated.

The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) had in a report said that about 5%
of Goa’s land mass would be submerged in this century, making Goa the most
vulnerable state in India in terms of the impact of global warming and
subsequent land cover loss.

Renowned for its beaches, places of worship and world heritage architecture,
Goa is visited by large numbers of international and domestic tourists each
year. It also has rich flora and fauna, owing to its location on the Western
Ghats range, which is classified as a biodiversity hotspot.

Bottom of Form

[Goanet] Experts, locals seek special ecological status for Goa

2010-02-08 Thread Samir Kelekar



[Goanet] Dr Bhicaji Ghanekar

2010-02-08 Thread SHRIKANT BARVE

 Current Residence of 

Dr Bhicaji Ghanekar is 

Lydia Gardens, Opp PWD, St Inez, Tonca. 
Shrikant Vinayak Barve

  The INTERNET now has a personality. YOURS! See your Yahoo! Homepage.

Re: [Goanet] Herald website stops comments (reply)

2010-02-08 Thread Stephen Fernandes

we have some problem then dont read it, dont ask to stop it everyone show the 
deep feeling and the anger we Advice our comment so in future it will be Peace. 
i congrat Herald well done keep it up stephen Muscat
--- On Mon, 2/8/10, armstrong augusto vaz  wrote:

> From: armstrong augusto vaz 
> Subject: [Goanet] Herald website stops comments
> To:
> Date: Monday, February 8, 2010, 6:12 AM
> Herald website stops comments
> The Message reads: Comments have been stoped due to lots of
> abusive
> language being used online and it will be not available
> until further
> notice


[Goanet] Daily Grook #620

2010-02-08 Thread Francis Rodrigues

by Francis Rodrigues
spies it is said
tryin to nail us,
follow a thread -
as they tailors!

sheet-music,tab,lyrics,chords of great Konkani pop hits
GOA: PEDRO FERNANDES: Tel.2226642 FURTADOS: Tel.2223278

[Goanet] Goa Telephone Directory

2010-02-08 Thread Salus Correia
Fred Noronha wrote:

A long-lost friend wants to get in touch and I can't locate the

number in the telephone directory or in the online version of it [] Thanks in advance! FN




I tried using the above 'online' version of the telephone directory, and it
does not give any information, just useless.  Most simple names do not even
come up.

It would be great if some of you in Goa could take it up with the telephone
department so that this very vital site could be made workable and a bit
more user friendly.  Maybe this link can be shown to them:



[Goanet] Fr. Agnel taught here

2010-02-08 Thread Venantius J Pinto
Hi JoeGoaUK,
You must consider going to my aunt Tia Olgas place in Calangute,
Gauravaddo and take a couple of pictures of the top storey where
presumably Pdr. Agnel de Souza taught classes. Its pretty decrepit.
The house is referred to as Dumticaragher. Her name is Olga de Souza.
Her husband was Felicio de Souza. Properties like no ones business,
but... (always a Goan butt).

Them her I sent you. Speak in Konkani or Portuguese. Be nice.
Pronounce my name as in the Portuguese. Do not grab anything on the
way out. Not much now though other than oodles of vor. Hahahahaha.

venantius j pinto


2010-02-08 Thread SHRIKANT BARVE
Its very sad news to read that a honest upright officer implicated in a false  
We require honest people like Anjuja Prabhudesai in Goa's Administration. 

She had come few times to our program.
I will Invite her as chief guest again at next immediate occasion.

Shrikant Barve
The sudden suspension of Goa's senior Judge Mrs. Anuja Prabhudesai is

deplorable. The justice delivery system has failed a very senior,
knowledgeable and distinguished judge. Mrs. Prabhudesai is known to be a
very talented, well mannered, soft-spoken yet very firm in the dispensation
of justice. Even when posted as Law Secretary of the State she refused to
bow to the illegal and unjustified designs of the politicians.

As she was the senior most  District judge of Goa , her suspension could be
a very systematic ploy to sideline and abort her hopes of elevation as judge
of the Bombay High Court. If this is proven, the conspirators of this plan,
of framing fake charges against her should not be spared.

If the injustice meted out to Mrs. Anuja Prabhudesai is not rectified, the
credibility of the judiciary which is the third and vital pillar of our
constitution is at stake. We need to stand in solidarity with this very
distinguished judge while she braves this attack on her.

Aires Rodrigues
T1 - B30, Ribandar Retreat
Ribandar - Goa - 403006
Mobile: 9822684372

 Shrikant Vinayak Barve

  The INTERNET now has a personality. YOURS! See your Yahoo! Homepage.

[Goanet] Talking Photos: Please identify this old bridge

2010-02-08 Thread Salus Correia
Old Siridao bridge??



[Goanet] Goa Kashi of the Konkan

2010-02-08 Thread Dr. U. G. Barad

Goa called 'Kashi of the Konkanï' by the Hindus who hold it sacred came to
be considered the Rome of the East for its beautiful churches. (Kashi, now
called Varanasi or Benaras is associated with Lord Shiva and is one of the
holiest cities on the banks of the Ganges River of the Hindus.)

Since ancient times Goa has for the Hindus, been a seat of Vedic and
Sanskrit learning and a center of pilgrimage. Fr. Francisco da Souza, the
Jesuit historian testifies in his 'Oriente Conquista' (1699): "The island of
Divar was as much venerated by the Hindus as the Holy Land is by us on
account of a temple of many indulgences and pilgrimages. And even at present
on a certain day of the year, the Hindus hopefully flock there to bathe
themselves in the margin of the river facing the locality where the temple
was formerly situated, so that they might not lose their plenary

According to Leonardo Paes in his 'Prontuario das definicoes Indicas', there
was hardly a place where a Hindu temple couldn't be found in Goa. 

"These idol - worshipping people have some houses where they install their
Gods or idols. So many are these temples that there is no place in their
land where these don't exist. As the cities, villages and wards are not
sufficient for them, temples are found even on the highest hills and on any
island or cliff formed by the sea".

After the original temple on Divar Island was destroyed by the Portuguese,
it was relocated at Narve in Bicholim sub - division. The original site is
now known as 'Porne Teertha' (Old Holy Site) by the Hindus. In 1668 it was
rebuilt by Shivaji the Maratha King. Called Shri Saptakoteshwar Temple after
the seven sages who did severe penance, it is dedicated to Lord Shiva who
was pleased and agreed to make the island his abode.

Various 'Mutts' (Vedic Hindu colleges) of Goa like Kavle, Shankar and
Partagali still carry on the tradition of Vedic and Sanskrit learning. 

The Shri Kaivalya Mutt at Kavle that traces an unbroken line back to the
founder of the Advaita School of philosophy, Shri Gaoudapadacharya, the
grand guru of Adhishankarcharya, was originally situated on the banks of the
Zuari River at Kushasthali (Cortalim). Shri Ramchandra Teertha was the
founder of Partagali Jeevottam Mutt and was sixth in line from Shri Narayana
Teertha, the founder of the first Vaishanava Mutt in 1475 at Bhatkal.

With temples being dedicated to most of the prominent deities of the Hindu
pantheon, Goa over the years has been the land of many dynasties and cults.
Some of these which have temples dedicated to them are Surya, Brahma,
Ganapati, Nagesh, Ramanatha, Kartikeya, Chandranatha, Mangesh, Rama,
Somanatha, Narayana, Durga, Mallikarjuna, Chamunda, Vithala and Datta,
Parashurma, Narasimha, Kamaxi, Hanuman, Krishna, Mahalaxmi and Mahamaya.
Also there are aboriginal deities like Vetal (the head of spirits of
ancestors), Sateri (Mother Earth in the form of a termite hill) and
Ravalnatha (an incarnation of Shiva) which are worshipped as the presiding
deities of villages.

Swami Vivekanand, the great Hindu spiritual thinker during his India tour
visited Goa. He stayed at the Rachol Seminary to study Christianity and also
at Nayak House in Margao.

With the return of deities to their original sites from where they were
uprooted, renovation of old temples and construction of new temples and
mutts, the awesome Hindu heritage of Goa is now seeing a revival.