Re: [Goanet] Remo-Dump all 40 MLAs into sea

2010-04-28 Thread rcabral
All of us have different roles to play. Remo is a musician. We cannot take on 
all the roles. A few may play multiple roles. That is an exception to the rule.
Richard Cabral
 rajendra kakodkar  wrote: 
> Remo's outburst against our politicians (for raping Goa) is very 
> understandable and laudable. As reaction to this some want him and other good 
> guys to contest next elections, which too is good suggestion. 
> But, what till next election which is 2 years away? Till then can't we 
> at-least say that "We would not share dais with the 40 chors and we would not 
> accept honours, awards in the hands of the 40 chors." I request Remo to start 
> the boycot. Let us convince every awardee to boycot the 40 chors. 
> Rajendra Kakodkar 9822101450

Re: [Goanet] Saluting the real son of Goa - courtesy TOI

2010-04-28 Thread Camillo Fernandes

Courtesy: TOI

Saluting the Real Son of Goa 

Posted: 20 Apr 2010 09:29 AM PDT

The resounding verdict of the Opinion Poll held on 16th Jan 1967 saved Goa and 
Goans from being gulped by its big neighbor Maharashtra . Though all out 
attempts were made by the first Chief Minister of Goa late Dayanand Bandodkar 
and his Maharashtra Gomantak Party ( MGP) ably supported by the politicians 
from Maharashtra to get Goa assimilated into its northern neighbour . It was 
under the stewardship of the then charismatic leader Joao Hugo Eduardo de 
Sequeira or popularly called Dr Jack de Sequeira that Goans from all walks of 
life defeated the nefarious designs of pro merger forces . So passionate and 
strong were the anti merger views of this first time MLA from Panjim and later 
three times MLA from neighboring Santa Cruz that this pro Goa group soon became 
abode to both commoners and Goan luminaries of that era like V.M. Salgaokar, 
Ulhar Buyao, Uday Bhembre, Chandrakant Keni etc.. 
If Goa had become a part of Maharashtra it would have lost its unique identity. 
It’s rich heritage of art and culture would have got completely deluged in the 
waters of “Marathi Asmita” . An elegy on Konkani language would have become a 
reality. Goans would have become minority in their own land . And worse Goa 
would have become one of the secluded districts of Maharashtra like Sawantwadi 
or Ratnagiri .
The way Goa is being turned into a concrete jungle, construction of high 
storied buildings, pristine land being sold to the highest bidder i.e. the real 
estate agents , cutting of hills , hacking of trees , mushrooming of both legal 
and illegal mining etc etc All these ecologically unsound activities would all 
have made Dr Sequeira feel sad and despondent. The founder president of United 
Goan Party (UGP) wanted Goa to be developed as the numero uno eco friendly 
tourism place of India.
A worthy point to ponder is that during the time of Dr Sequeira flora and fauna 
was given paramount importance . For instance unlike the present concrete state 
existing in the left hand side stretch from Campal to Miramar, there existed 
green fields. People connected with the anti merger group nostalgically 
remember that Dr Sequeira joined politics to save Goa. He was immensely proud 
of his Goan roots . Dr Sequeira did not look at politics as a avenue to 
embezzle public money which is the trend with most of the present day State’s 
Out of Dr Sequeira’s nine children only his eldest son late Erasmo Jesus de 
Sequeira entered politics . The two time MP from Marmagoa parliamentary 
constituency apart from being a top leader of UGP also worked whole heartedly 
for creating favourable opinion in the 16th January 1967 referendum. Today none 
of his five surviving children are in the murky world of Goan Politics. 
Yes, the need of the hour is that Goa needs more and more politicians who have 
a character like Dr Sequeira who was a businessman by profession and often used 
to contribute to run the affairs of UGP from his own pocket . Being a God 
fearing person he would ensure that he did not miss the evening rosary with his 
family at home.
We need to constantly work to fulfill the dreams of Dr Sequeira for a better 
and safe Goa. All right thinking Goans whether they are Hindus, Catholics or 
Muslims need to work vigorously to fight the evils engulfing Goa like 
desecration of the places of worship, environmental degradation caused through 
mining and mega projects, very long delay in the incorporation of Roman script 
in the official language Act, garbage strewn all over the state, narrow roads, 
prostitution dens masquerading as massage parlors, politicization of police, 
removal of river princess- - a ship half sunk from Candolim beach and so forth.
NGOs and groups like GBA who really feel for Goa should come forward and unite 
to save this lovely state from the clutches of haphazard development which one 
day would destroy the real essence of Goa . GBA would really do a stupendous 
service to Goa if it contests the next assembly elections by nominating 
candidates with right credentials. Dr Sequeira had honesty inborn in him.
It is sad that most of us in Goa today have forgotten the breathtaking role 
played by Dr Sequeira in keeping Goa as a separate unit of the Indian Union. 
Most of our children hardly know who Dr Sequeira was because not a single 
chapter is devoted in Goa’s school on the father of the Opinion Poll. To keep 
the legacy of this greatest of the great Goan leader alive , a permanent chair 
should also be established at Goa University to study the life and times of Dr 
Jack de Sequeira. 
It is a big shame that our State government did not have funds to get his 
statue erected. Incidentally, the cost of the statue at Donna Paula circle was 
borne by Dr Sequeira’s family. Why have we forgotten our hero so soon ? Will 
our State government celebrate the centenary celebrations in the next four 
years with 

[Goanet] The Changing faces of Goa

2010-04-28 Thread Alda Figueiredo

Dear Readers

I am sending this article to all Goans living abroad to make them aware 
what is happening in Goa today. If anyone who have had similar 
experiences as I have had should write to the authorities concened and 
may be something will be done to improve the present situation in Goa.

A discontented daughter of Goa

The Changing Face of Goa

I am a proud Goan by birth, living abroad for the past 48 years.  I love 
my motherland and visit every year religiously, spending on average 
three months a year. I have many relatives and friends in this beautiful 
place. During my youth (all of it spent here in Goa) I came to see Goans 
as sincere and God-fearing individuals. This was my real experience. 
This image has now become rather distorted and I feel that each year I 
return Goa is getting from bad to worse.  Once upon a time, Goa was 
considered to be so safe that people would sleep at night with doors and 
windows open.  But not today, our houses are like oppressive cages, 
where burglaries still occur, often taking place in broad daylight.

Every year people from abroad experience some very upsetting situations 
in Goa. I address in this letter some of these issues. I believe, the 
major reasons for these difficulties are the greed, exploitation, 
incompetence and corruption from the authorities, including politicians, 
government officials, ministers, lawyers, the corrupt police, bank 
officials, hoteliers, and taxi-drivers. Even the lowest wage earner like 
messengers will demand bribes to perform a simple task for which they 
are already paid.

In the past I have written articles to three main newspapers about these 
grievances, but to my knowledge none were published.  This year I have 
been living in Goa for a longer period of five months and have been 
following very carefully the interesting newspaper articles written by 
individuals on various themes about Goa.  I feel very much grieved and 
ask why our beloved country is made to look like a scapegoat.  In the 
past many foreigners were killed in Goa, but none of the deaths were 
scrutinised and every time their families were made to believe that the 
cause of death was a suspected drug overdose. The case of British 
teenager Scarlett Keeling’s rape and murder has highlighted the hidden 
evil of the drug mafia which has been going on for years unnoticed under 
the protection of the corrupt police officers and the politicians.  Yet 
the Government of Goa continues to fail to recognise these shortcomings, 
thus causing an embarrassing situation for the country abroad and 

To illustrate my point, I recount just a few tales of my own 
experiences.  In Nov 2002 I booked a guest house for my family of six 
for two weeks and paid a deposit a year in advance.  The following 
November I visited the owner of the guest house to confirm the 
reservation.  I was reassured that all was well.  A week before my 
family’s arrival I received a telephone call from the owner of the guest 
house that the booking I made last year was now not available, as he had 
found a larger family looking for an accommodation for three weeks (who 
obviously were paying more).  To my dismay, the owner refused to refund 
my deposit.  Being the Christmas season, I had to pay an exorbitant 
amount to find an alternative accommodation at such a short notice.

Sadly, the sorry tale does not end there.  I made new arrangements with 
the Manager of a reputable holiday resort and paid a large deposit in 
the presence of a witness I had taken with me at the time.  When my 
family arrived I was astonished to hear the remarks made by the staff of 
the hotel.  The booking clerk asked me to speak in Konkani because there 
were white members in the group. He stated that the original offer had 
to be re-negotiated because of the white members.  I was flabbergasted 
that such a racist attitude could happen here in Goa.  To this I replied 
the so called ‘white’ members were part of my family and I refused to 
speak in Konkani.  The Manager of the hotel later apologised for this 
act of ignorance.  It appears that some of our Goans do not know the 
meaning of integrity and manners.

I have been a resident in the UK for the past 37 years.  There are 
approximately 53,000 ex-pat Goans settled permanently and happily in the 
UK enjoying a level of security that our legitimate Goans lack in their 
own motherland. How sad this is for me.  In the UK, we UK Goans can buy 
and sell homes just like any citizen of the country without any 
restrictions. We can buy properties abroad in Europe without fear of it 
being confiscated or being made to feel unwelcome.  I love Goa and 
despite the obstacles I have endured I will continue to visit my 
motherland to live in hope that the wonderful image of Goa that existed 
before will be restored to its glory.

Surprisingly, there has been a lot of publicity that foreigners are 
banned in purchasing properties in Goa.  Some of the foreigne

[Goanet] Daily Grook #682

2010-04-28 Thread Francis Rodrigues

by Francis Rodrigues

he left the society
of sex studs strong,
he had a difficulty
he couldn't be'long!


sheet-music,tab,lyrics,chords of great Konkani pop hits
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[Goanet] Cancellation of OCI & PIO

2010-04-28 Thread Samir
Hi All,

Does anyone the procedure for cancellation/surrender/revokation of OCI
& PIO. Is it possible?


[Goanet] PPS

2010-04-28 Thread Mario Andrew Rodrigues


Dear Floriano, 

As always, my  best wishes , support for PPS continues. 

Yes noted on Remos public statement.

Noted that south Goans do take up causes in unity. 



> --
> Message: 1
> Date: Mon, 26 Apr 2010 21:36:58 +0530
> From: "floriano" 
> To: "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!"
> Subject: [Goanet] PPS goes public in South Goa - Attached: PPS
> sitcker, FAQ w.r.t. PPS, Herald Report of 26 April 2010
> Message-ID: <585cd8e130e44f95a71db4b9c5c97...@home>
> Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset="iso-8859-1";
> reply-type=original
> Date: 25 April, 2010
> Place: Grace Church Hall - Margao-Goa.
> Preamble:
> South Goa has the distinction of coming to Goa's rescue on two counts.
> GOA was thus saved once through the ferociously fought Opinion Poll of 16 
> January, 1967, Goa remaining Goa that was for 450 odd years, thus saving 
> Goa's 
> culture, ethnicity, unique identity and above all the Goanness of Goans, 
> irrespective of their religious beliefs and other definitions. All this 
> would have been lost if South Goa did not fight tooth and nail against the 
> Merger of Goa into Maharashtra.
> GOA was saved the second time when Goa's mother tongue was threatened, not 
> being able to occupy the status of Goa's Official Language and when Goans, 
> especially the Shastikar Goans again fought tooth and nail for KONKANI in 
> 1986. It is altogether a different matter that Devnagiri script was elevated 
> to ignore the much widely used Konkani's Roman script. The tussle that we 
> see today between these two scripts only helps in keeping Goa's mother 
> tongue less developed and less effective.
> Since 1986, Goa has been torn to pieces, Goans never seeming to unite as one 
> to keep Goa's mainstays which are its hills, its vales, its rivers, its 
> forests and green cover, its wild-life, its water-falls, its endless 
> stretches of golden beaches, its agricultural fields, in short Goa's basic 
> and world admired ecological balance and environmental marvel. But more than 
> that the Goan Identity seems to be on the diluting trend. And as expected, 
> when Goans themselves have been divided in the understanding as to what 
> exactly they want, outsiders have edged in and taken advantage to the extent 
> that most Goans that matter believe that their beloved GOA has reached a 
> stage where it is beyond saving. The most blamed entity is Goa's Political 
> class, warranting Goa's much loved artist and singer-musician- REMO 
> Fernandes to publicly declare with frustration that Goa's politicians of 
> all colour and creed must be drowned into the Arabian Sea.
> The Question is : 'Is there a hope for GOA, then?'
> The deafening answer is 'YES', through the newly born 'PPS' - the superior 
> movement of the conscious people of Goa which will work towards uniting all 
> other people's movements in Goa for just one cause, on one agenda... the 
> agenda to provide Goa the much needed 'POLITICAL SANITY' where 'political 
> madness has been reigning steadfast since 1961.
> The 'PPS' movement is designed to be totally and completely 'political', non 
> competitive and 'non-partisan' in nature. Goans are fed-up and frustrated of 
> being taken for jolly good rides by cunning and self-seeking politicians for 
> far too long. They have now chosen to come together to demand political 
> sanity in the way Goa is governed. And to demand this of Goa's political 
> dispensation, who else is better positioned than the Shastikars who have 
> been the guardians of Goa? In the maiden meet of the PPS, the following 
> RESOLUTION is unanimously passed on 25th. April, 2010 at the Grace Church 
> Hall, Margao [South Goa] in order to rise to the occasion of saving Goa for 
> yet the third and hopefully the last time, which resolution reads as 
> follows:

[Goanet] Bebddeak, Devachi Savlli Ambea MhuLlant

2010-04-28 Thread Goa World
 Bebddeak, Devachi Savlli Ambea MhuLlant
Dis Aitar. Sat voram vazlolim. Bail-bhurgeam vangddam Jezuchem dhorxonn ghevnk 
vadeantlea kopelan vochunk bhair sorlolom. Mukhi rostear eka ambea zhadda 
mhullant mhoji nodor thorli. Thoimsor ek modlea piyrayecho daddlo bosun aslo. 
Rosteavelea dhulan mhottvem khalsanv ordem mhellem zalear, tache angar 
pinzkurem baniyen aslem. Hanga-thoim piklolem lamb kens, khadd ani payank 
roborachim zottim. Tacho bhes khub churchureancho diso. Tachi nodor amcher 
poddona borobor, eka hatant dortoricho adhar ghevn utthlo. Zumzumit varear 
zhaddanche khandde haltat-doltat toxe toren to hallunk laglo. Oi! To sokall 
fuddench soro piyela mhunn kolltalem. To khoinsor bosla ani kitem korta taka 
zanniv nasli. To ek bebddo aslo.
Misachi bhett 7.15 vorar suru zaunchi asli. Dekhun amchi cholpachi gotti 
(speed) vaddli. “Lawry bab”, oxem mhojem nanv ghetloleacho avaz mhojea kanar 
poddlo. Pattim volun mhoji nodor tea bebddeacher ghatli ten’na mhaka kollun 
ailem tannench mhaka voddkiloso. Halot-dolot-lokot amchea samkara ubo zalo.
“Lawry bab…” , tachem  aikochem soddun taka vicharlem.
“Tum konn?”
“Hanv konn to tuka uprant sangtam. Tumi itlea sokallim khoim vetat?”
“Tuka khobor nam, aiz Aitar mhonnon?”
“Zannam hanv. Aiz Aitar mhunn. Punn tumi edeya vellar vetat khoim?”
Soreachea gunddear astona taka hanvem kitem mhunn zap divnchi asli? Ani dil’li 
bhi zalear  hea poristithircher tachea toklen tori vechi? Hanvem taka mhonnlem
“Ami Devak mellunk vetat” Ho mhozo zabab aikun bebddo mottean hanslo.
“Devak mellunk vetat? Vochat. Ani Dev melltoch mhaka yevn mellat. Ek sang. Dev 
khoim asa?”
Taka noikarun, ami kopelachi vatt dorli. Mis sopun porot ghora yetana tea ambea 
mhullant nodor ghatli, punn bebddo thoim naslo. Konn kay to? Tacho ganv 
khoincho ani to mhaka ani tenvuim zalear mhojea nanvan ollkota? Hea vicharamni 
mhojem mon guspollan poddlem.
Dev khoim asa? He tache tin sobd mhojea kanar bhitor sorun  mhojem xant mon 
uchabollan bhorlem. Tache tin sade sobd punn tacher thonddayen nyall kelear 
zanvayeche sobd koxe mhaka disle. To bebddo mhaka porot mell’lo zalear, taka 
koslo zabab dinvcho, hea prosnachea somdiran buskelom. Somdirant lhan vhodd 
lharam yevn koddpancher bosun ozar udka tembe ximpodttat toslinch mhojea 
monantlim lharam yevn mhojea kopalache toddir futllim punn zap mat mellunk nam. 
Tachea nenarponnachea vicharak mhozo xanneponnachi zap mhaka koxi melot?
Ek dis nokrecho ghora yetana tea ambea mhullant fatracher bosun konn tori eklo 
pustok vachtolo, mhoje nodrek zollkolo. Ani toch bebddo ghoddie zait oso odmas 
korun, hanv lagim sorlom zalear mhojem gonnit sarkem zalem. Az to soreachea 
nadar asunk na ani angarui nitoll kopdde aslole hanvem pollele. Pustok vachtona 
kitem tori to monantlea monan gunngunntalo. Mhaka pollevn utthlo ani mhojea 
bholaikechi khobor ghetli. 
“Asa borom. Punn tum konn ami mhaka koso ollkotay??”
“Dev khoim asa ho prons, pondra dis fattim tuka kelolo toch bebddo hanv.”
“Ollkila tuka hanvem. Punn mhaka ek zannom zaunk zai tujem nanv ani tum 
khoincho ganvcho poi to”
“Mhojem nanv Bosteanv, punn lok mhottvea nanvan mhaka Bostu mhonntat. Ak’koch 
Kepemcho ganv mhaka Bostu bebddo mhontlear ollkotat.
“Toxem zalear tum amcheach ganvcho?”
“Oi! Hanv tuje bhoxen Kepemkar. Tuka, hanv bhes boro ollkotam. Punn tunch hea 
bebddeak ollkunk visorta. Mhojea vicharak tunvem zabab haddla?”
”Nam. Azun meren boroso zabab mellunk nam”
“Naka mhaka tuzo zabab. Tuka vicharlolea prosnachi zap mhaka mell’li ani aiz 
tuka sangtam. Fattlim kaim vorsam soro ek devuch koso hanvem manddlolo. Kiteak, 
mhojem ekui kam’ monam purtem zaunk naslem. Mhoje bebddikayen, mhaka nokrecho 
kaddlolo. Charui konxeamni odruxtt bhitor sorlolem ani hem sogllem sosunk nezo 
zaun hanv soreacho gulam zalom. Mhojea jivitacho adhar zalo soro. Dev mhontlolo 
nam. Dev aslolo zalear mhojer odruxttachim kupam yevn hanv kalloki jivit 
jiyepacho nhoi aslo oxem mhaka poilim yevzotalem, punn auchit ghelea Aitara 
mhojea panch vorsanchea putan mhojea monancher uzvadd ghatlo. Aplea dortonichem 
pustok haddun mhojea hatant dilem. Dotorn xikovpi tticher, taka oso prosn 
ghatlolo. “Where is God?” Hea vicharachi zap magloli. Puta ani mhojea sovem oxi 
chorcha zali”
“Daddy sang nhoi dev khoim asa poi to?” Putan anekdam vichar kelo.
“Mhaka poddunk nam tujea devachem. Dev mhontlolo nam.”
“Zori havem zap borounk nam zalear fuddlea Aitarak tticher mhaka punishment 
“Tuka zai tem boroi”, dengso ghalun tachem pustok taka dilem, ani tem ghevn eka 
konxak bosun kitem tori borovpak laglo. Boroun somplea uprant to mhojemxim ailo.
“Daddy, hanvem dil’li zap sarki asa vo na tem matxe polle”, mhojea hatant 
ghalolea pustokar boroiloli zap  God is nowhere (dev khoinsorunch nam) vachtana 
to fuddem uloilo. “Daddy, tuvem sanglam toxench hanvem boroilam”
Ghontlolo soro mhojea tokler choddun aslo. Pustokar boroilolim okxoram muyeo 
(ants) zololea porim voir sokoll dhanvtalim. Mhoje dolle motte kor

Re: [Goanet] Remo-Dump all 40 MLAs into sea

2010-04-28 Thread rajendra kakodkar
Dear Cabral,
Everyone understands what you said and which is ok. But with due respect to 
you, your reply created more questions: who all are included in your "we"? Is 
Remo included? Are you spokesperson for Remo or something equivalent? 
Can persons other than your "we" still say "We would not share dais with the 40 
chors and we would not accept honours, awards in the hands of the 40 chors." 
With thanks and warm regards. 
Rajendra Kakodkar 9822101450

--- On Wed, 28/4/10,  wrote:

Subject: Re: [Goanet] Remo-Dump all 40 MLAs into sea
To: "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!" 
Cc: "rajendra kakodkar" 
Date: Wednesday, 28 April, 2010, 10:45 AM

All of us have different roles to play. Remo is a musician. We cannot take on 
all the roles. A few may play multiple roles. That is an exception to the rule.
Richard Cabral
 rajendra kakodkar  wrote: 
> Remo's outburst against our politicians (for raping Goa) is very 
> understandable and laudable. As reaction to this some want him and other good 
> guys to contest next elections, which too is good suggestion. 
> But, what till next election which is 2 years away? Till then can't we 
> at-least say that "We would not share dais with the 40 chors and we would not 
> accept honours, awards in the hands of the 40 chors." I request Remo to start 
> the boycot. Let us convince every awardee to boycot the 40 chors. 
> Rajendra Kakodkar 9822101450

[Goanet] ARSHAD,TUSSHAR smoke in Goa college campus

2010-04-28 Thread Mauricio Pereira

Tobacco watchdog National Organisation for Tobacco Eradication (NOTE) has filed 
a police complaint against Bollywood actors Arshad Warsi and Tusshar Kapoor for 
smoking in a college campus in Goa. 

In his complaint to the district Superintendent of Police Allen D'Sa and 
officials of the state tobacco control cell, NOTE general secretary Shekhar 
Salkar said the actors, who are shooting at the Chowgule College campus in 
Margao, about 35 km from here, were caught smoking in campus Tuesday. 

"Arshad Warsi was even signing autographs for children with a cigarette 
dangling from his fingers. Such behaviour and violation of the no smoking norm 
is unacceptable. The college authorities should also be fined for letting them 
smoke in campus," Salkar said. 

The NOTE official has also submitted four photographs showing Warsi and Kapoor 
smoking in the college campus to the enforcement authority. 

"Chief Secretary Sanjiv Srivastava in the last state tobacco control cell 
meeting had specifically asked the police to implement the anti-smoking law 
ruthlessly within school and college campuses and about 100 yard around the 
educational institutions. They should implement the laws properly," said 
Salkar, whose organisation has in the past dragged Bollywood stars Amitabh 
Bachchan and Shah Rukh Khan to court. 

State Tobacco control cell official said the actors would be soon fined for 
their misdemeanour
Hotmail: Free, trusted and rich email service.

[Goanet] Here is the latest "khobor" from Montreal. QUEBEC GOAN ASSOCIATION

2010-04-28 Thread goanint

Global Goenkars ! 

Here is the latest "khobor" from Montreal. 

The 33rd Annual General Meeting of the Quebec Goan Association was held
 at on Sunday, April 25th, 2010 at the Forest Village Community Centre, 
457 Spring Garden Road, D.D.O., Quebec. A new Board of Directors was 
unanimously elected.  

Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Executive Committee 2010 /11

President.Mary Silveira514-685-2563

Vice-President..Luiza D'Sa450-676-8560

SecretaryFelix D'Sa.450-676-8560 

TreasurerAustin De Souza 514-626-8516

Director-Social.Lovie Ferns/Rivard..514-421-0841

Director..Fermin Gonsalves.514-333-9170 

Director..Neru Rodrigues450-466-4469

C. Felix D'Sa
QGA Secretary 



 Movies: ]
Goan Associations of Canada 
rene barreto




[Goanet] Study finds green tea could reduce glaucoma risk

2010-04-28 Thread Con Menezes

Yet another benefit of green tea...New study.
Drink more of it for the benefits listed here...

[Goanet] Lion Roars - Politicians are about self-development

2010-04-28 Thread Lionel Messias
  Egg or chicken?

What will come first, the much delayed Regional Plan 2021 for Goa or Goa’s
Mineral Policy? If the former is out first, this government will fall and
that is the odds on favourite and not all the income tax raids in the world
will make Humpty Dumpty (read as in the seven MLA’s called the G7) fall from
the wall. So, the Mineral policy will come out first because Jairam Ramesh,
the Union Minister, has asked Digambar Kamat to impose a moratorium on new
mining leases. The Minister of State for Environment & Forests has also
returned all the proposals sent to him from Goa. Both decisions were taken
under the provisions of the Environment Impact Assessment Notification,
2006. To make damn sure everybody in Goa understands this, the Director,
Ministry of Environment & Forests, Dr. O.L Ahujaraj even shot off a memo, a
copy of which was delivered to the Goa State Pollution Control Board.

Litmus Test

The Regional plan won’t be out because our politicians strongly believe in
‘development’ which in Goa means building huge, expensive buildings which is
why the Corporation of the City of Panjim (CCP) is planning to build a
spanking new headquarters for itself. Because in Goa development is meant
only for the self-development of politicians. And guess who will make a
whack on the proposed Rs 97 crore building, though this is something that is
very much in the air at the moment. Talking about air, if it gets down from
there and becomes reality (or should I say Realty?) on the ground, it will
mean demolishing the CCP’s existing building and constructing a new one.
Unless of course, the CCP has the guts to take on the Army which has this
huge plot of land adjacent to its headquarters in a prime location tucked
away in the heart of Panjim which it uses as some kind of garage. The land
belongs to the CCP. And if you still are confused over what will come out
first, here’s a benchmark to help you make your decision. None of the 8,600
suggestions/objections made by the public have been considered for the
Regional Plan by the people in charge. On the other hand, the PWD has signed
an agreement with Sesa Goa by which it will acquire land for the mining
company whose annual profits exceed Goa’s budget to build a 10 km long road
from Codli to Panchwadi.

Should GSPC change its name?

The Goa State Pollution Control Board (GSPB) has received 45 complaints from
individuals on mining ore dust pollution between July 1, 2009 and November
13, 2009. All the GSPB did was forward the complaint letters to such
authorities as the local police station in the area, the Director of
Transport or Director of Mines and Geology. What could be worse than that?
So, is GSPB confused about its role in life and is actually trying to
prevent punitive action against mining polluters? It should consider
changing its name to Goa State Protection of Polluters Control Board.

Notorious Public

It’s not only the people who run government and those that bring it down
occasionally so they can sit on the throne that are greedy and corrupt. It
is also those that sit on the sidelines. Show me a trader or vendor who
won’t cream you off and top it with a prayer on how corrupt the entire
political establishment is. There is a new entrant to the greedy brigade –
Notary Public and Sub-Registrars. The Sub-Registrar in Vasco da Gama demands
and gets Rs 3,000 per sale agreement he attests. The gratifying thing is he
does not assess his ‘self-development fee’ on the basis of the value of your
newly-bought house like the official taxman does, he just set his ‘fee’ at
Rs 3,000 and has stuck to that till last week. Considering his rather large
fiefdom which includes lucrative real estate areas like Vasco itself,
Sancoale and further, this modern day feudal lord hardly ever looks up from
his desk as he collects his daily plunder. He even pockets the change left
over after billing you for the T-Form. Not so the Notary Public. These men
and women across Goa look only at that line, that damaging line that reveals
how much you paid for that house, factor in that unsaid black money (and
experience has gained them much knowledge) and slam you with a fee that
could knock you off that cheap furniture you find in every lawyer’s office.
Sometimes you get a rather convoluted lecture (I was witness to one recently
in Panjim) on the revenue loss to government which you are not supposed to
understand why at that point in time, but becomes abundantly apparent in a
flash after you are told the cost of that crucial signature.

Cashing in on river Mandovi

Aditya Puri, the HDFC’s MD stretched his banking experience to the banks of
the river Mandovi in Ribandar just after the Chorao Island ferry crossing.
Awed villagers there wonder what it takes for Goans to build such a huge
bungalow on the banks of the river with a swimming pool thrown in for good
measure. Further down the road villagers say a son of Anju Timblo bought out
the erstwhile Camelot (the antique furniture shop) a

[Goanet] Boycott Goan Politicians

2010-04-28 Thread Freddy Fernandes
Boycott Goan Politicians

This morning as I was proceeding to office in a bus, all of a sudden I found
myself uttering the famous rhyme, Twinkle twinkle little star, how I wonder what
you are, up above the world so high, twinkling like a diamond in the sky, and
the Filipino sitting next to me burst out laughing, asked me, man are you going
to a kinder garden or office ? This put me in a rather embarrassing position,
thank God there were just a few of us in the bus and no ladies around. 

I was fascinated by the stars right from my childhood and this rhyme, in a way
was my connection with them, in fact this was the very first rhyme I taught my
kids and now I am a grandfather, but till today I often recite the old rhyme
unknowingly, mostly when I am alone, at home or walking or sitting by the sea or
admiring the beauty of nature, it just pops out of my mouth without me making
any effort. 

Yes ! we are all fascinated by the stars, up in the sky or on earth, we often
try to reach out to them or emulate them, most of the youngsters today want to
be like one of the top film stars, sportspersons or wealthy business man, but
seldom do we like to be a social worker like Bapuji or work for the destitute
like Mother Theresa and others like them, why, may I ask ? Are they not the
shining stars ? The truth is there for all to see, the glitter of the film stars
and the sportspersons dwindles and disappears after a period of time, but the
glitter of the true stars like Bapuji and Mother Theresa is everlasting and
these are the stars that we should emulate.

It is tradition that for any occasion, we invite chief guests and guests of
honour, mostly they are stars in films, sports or politics. People invited to be
chief guests or guests of honour by default should be role models with an
impeccable persona. But unfortunately that is not what we do, today we invite
our bloody politicians to do the honours knowing that they are the worst
possible role models that we could ever display. What message are we trying to
convey to the future and the budding generations ? Is it okay to loot, rob,
rape, murder and to be involved with all the drug lords, scams, pimps and
gangsters ?  Is this what we want flashing before their innocent eyes ?

It is beyond my imagination, inspite of all that we hear and know about our Goan
politicians and their corrupt practices, we still run hitter and thither to
invite and honour them. Does it make any sense that activists and social workers
in Goa and abroad are crying for their blood and some of us want to honour them,
it's disgusting, in fact pigs in the muck would be better company, than to sit
with these stinking reptiles. 

Even here in the Gulf, some people go out of the way to invite these skunks, all
expenses paid, run around them like Man Fridays awaiting their master's
commands. Why and for what ? Do we work for them ? Do they pay our bills ? Do
they support our families ? Remember my dear Goans, we have elected these damn
skunks and it is we who put them in power, to work for the common good of Goa
and Goans, and not for themselves.

What good have our politicians done for the Aam Aadmi and for Goa ? Ever since
we elected them to power they have been sodomising and destroying the natural
beauty of Goa and selling Goa to the highest bidder, thereby inflating their own
fortunes and their bank accounts, least interested in the welfare of Goa and
Goans, and their simmering greed will never ever dissipate or be quenched. So
why are we honouring these monkeys ?

I make a fervent request to all the committees, organisations and welfare
groups, in Goa and outside Goa please do not promote these corrupt Goan
politicians, who are responsible for the rape and destruction of our beloved
Goa. Put a blanket ban on Goan politicians, boycott all their functions and
those they are present, as a sign of protest, a sign of solidarity with Goa and
Goans. If we keep on honouring our corrupt politicians, we are only encouraging
them to do what they do best, which is worst for Goa and Goans.

Yes ! Intrinsically we should love our true stars, invite them to be our role
models and emulate them but surely not our neo-rich corrupt Goan political

Freddy Agnelo Fernandes

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[Goanet] Probe into police-politician-drug nexus being sabotaged: BJP

2010-04-28 Thread D'Souza, Avelino
Probe into police-politician-drug nexus being sabotaged: BJP  

A senior crime branch official investigating the police-politician-drug
mafia nexus in Goa is sabotaging the probe on the instructions of
certain tainted senior police officers, the state Bharatiya Janata party
(BJP) alleged Wednesday. 

The BJP also alleged that the crime branch knew the identity of the
influential politician's son involved in drug trade, as alleged by a
Swedish model, but were doing their best to protect him. 

'DSP (Deputy superintendent of police) Chandrakant Salgaonkar is
sabotaging the case on the instructions of a bigger coterie of senior
police officers involved in drug trade,' Leader of Opposition Manohar
Parrikar said, addressing a press conference in Panaji. 

The Swedish model, Lucky Farmhouse, is the former girlfriend of arrested
Israeli drug dealer Yaniv Benaim alias Atala. Lucky's spycam videos of
Atala boasting of his links to the police and politicians had exposed
the nexus, resulting in the arrest of six policemen, including a police
inspector who formerly headed anti narcotics operation, and Atala

Lucky, who is currently in Sweden, has in an email interview claimed
that she has more spycam videos which establish links of a senior
politician's son with the drugs mafia in Goa. 

'Salgaonkar also knows who is the influential politician's son, who has
links with Atala. The police is only interested in covering up. The case
should be handed over to the CBI,' Parrikar said, adding that the BJP
would approach the Bombay High Court seeking a CBI probe in the nexus. 

'The home minister should give the case to the CBI or the needle of
suspicion will point towards him,' he said. 

On Tuesday, Salgaonkar had told IANS that the crime branch probe into
the police-politician-narcotics mafia nexus may have reached a dead end
and that Atala's interrogation had resulted in no fresh leads. 

'Atala was in our custody (police) for only 14 days. He has not told us
anything much. We have already arrested six people and one more person
is absconding. There are no more names with us to follow up right now.
The spycam videos, which Lucky claims to have, would help in further
investigation,' Salgaonkar had said, adding that the drug dealer had not
revealed names of any politician or that of more policemen during



[Goanet] Heavy rains at Agxi/Cortalim.

2010-04-28 Thread JoeGoaUk
Heavy rains at Agxi/Cortalim.
28th April, 2010
Time around 8.30pm

No rain at Majorda/Utorda, Cansaulim/Velsao but rain clouds over cansaulim were 
looking like this At 7pm
from Sacoale onwards we notice some thunder showers with heavy 
rain around agassaim.  
Just after the bridge (Towards Agassaim) traffic was jammed due to 
some tree branches that 
came down on the NH17 blocking vehicular traffic for about 30 minutes. 
This pic taken from the car at the bridge
Local policemen seen clearing up the road with the help of their
 vehicles (pulling the branches to one side of the road).
Locals also seen with bagful of mangoes  on  Moita-Pilar road that 
were fallen on the road/side due to thunder storm.

 After St. Cruz/Merces there was less rains and in the capital city 
there was no rain at all.
We were to go to  M Boyer Songs show at Zuari, Goa-Velha but had 
to give up because of all this one hour rain-storm show.

I am sure the show was cancelled.
At Cotta Mansion, there was a wedding reception too that got 
interrupted at least till  9.30pm

Just a week ago, it rained heavily around Bambolim where water 
was seen logged all over the road NH17 but it was completely dry 
around Agassaim, Goa-Velha and capital city, Panjim 

for Goa & NRI related info... 

For Goan Video Clips 

In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc

Re: [Goanet] Earth Day April 22nd, 2010, during International Year of Biodiversity 2010

2010-04-28 Thread usha lachungpa
Dear All,
The attachment seemed to be missing in Venatius's email. Please find it
Kind regards,

On Tue, Apr 27, 2010 at 11:37 PM, Venantius J Pinto <> wrote:

> Dear Goans,
> Bibhas Amondkar, an alumnus of JJ Applied send me the following post.
> It would be good for Goans to get in touch with Usha Ganguli-Lachungpa.
> (venantius j pinto)
> +
> Please see attached ppt. which I would be really grateful if you could
> air on Nayuma Cable TV for the benefit of the public on occasion of
> Earth Day April 22nd, 2010, during International Year of Biodiversity
> 2010.  Would it be possible to pass it on to other districts of Sikkim
> so all could see it on same day?
> Its 3.49 minutes long only and would be a great filler.
> Am sure you would all agree it touches all of us inside.
> And do pass on to others.
> Also check up
>  for more details how each of us could make the difference to make
> each day Earth Day.
> Kind regards
> Usha
> --
> Usha Ganguli-Lachungpa
> Sr. Research Officer (WL)
> Dept. of Forest, Env. & WL Mgmt.
> Government of Sikkim
> Deorali, Gangtok 737102
> Tel/Fax:91-3592-280402;
> Cell:094340-25273

[Goanet] Lonelyplanet list

2010-04-28 Thread Frederick Noronha
Can't imagine how Goa escaped being on this list :-)
Frederick Noronha.
If the fight is tomorrow, why then clench your fist today? -- Proverb
from Cameroon

[Goanet] Subject: Re: Remo-Dump all 40 MLAs into sea

2010-04-28 Thread Carmen Miranda
Let's be practical about Remos' suggestion.
Who ever is going to take on the task of dumping the 40 MLAs into the
Arabian Sea, please make sure that they first return all the loot they
amassed to the Goa State coffers...
Carmen Miranda

[Goanet] May-June issue of The Goan Review

2010-04-28 Thread Fausto Da Costa

May-June issue of The Goan Review

The May-June issue of the popular Konkani-English bi-monthly The Goan Review 
edited by Fausto V. da Costa is out on sale. This issue contains a cover 
feature on Summers in Goa - Then and Now by Cursino R. Pinho besides the 
regular thought provoking articles by the stalwarts: the editorial - 
'Mumbointlea Gõykaranchi Xokti', 'Konn Ghantti?' (Soter Barreto), 'Shiv 
Sena - Adim Ani Atam' (Felix P. da Cruz), 'Odhikar' (Guadalupe Dias), 'Ek 
Ganv' (Vincy Quadros), 'Mhoji Dusri Bail' (Prakash Thali) etc. in the 
Konkani section and 'Konkani Literature caught in a script Whirlpool' (Sri 
Govind Raju), Enterprising Konkanis Win Many positions and hearts (Dominick 
Rodrigues), Home Guard Rendering Yeoman Service (John Aguiar) etc. in the 
English Section.

This issue also features the 13th. Annual Report of Goan Review Art 
Foundation (GRAF), the cultural body of The Goan Review.

Priced at Rs. 15/- the issue is available at the regular outlets. For more 
details kindly contact: 9821228684

Re: [Goanet] Earth Day April 22nd, 2010, during International Year of Biodiversity 2010

2010-04-28 Thread Venantius J Pinto
Hi Usha,
Thank you. Goanet does not carry the attachments. I will try and post it on
my blog or send it to those who request it.

Best regards.


On Wed, Apr 28, 2010 at 3:08 PM, usha lachungpa wrote:

> Dear All,
> The attachment seemed to be missing in Venatius's email. Please find it
> attached.
> Kind regards,
> Usha
> (DEL)
>> Also check up
>>  for more details how each of us could make the difference to make
>> each day Earth Day.
>> Kind regards
>> Usha
>> --
>> Usha Ganguli-Lachungpa
>> Sr. Research Officer (WL)
>> Dept. of Forest, Env. & WL Mgmt.
>> Government of Sikkim
>> Deorali, Gangtok 737102
>> Tel/Fax:91-3592-280402;
>> Cell:094340-25273

[Goanet] First Directory of Tiatr Artistes with some popular email IDs etc

2010-04-28 Thread JoeGoaUk
First Directory of Tiatr Artistes with some popular email IDs etc
- There about  248 tiatrists/Artistes entries with personal details like Pics, 
address, DOB, contact numbers ets
(Including musicians, ticket sellers, group dancer, one time actors etc)
- Youngest one is Master Karan (2000) and the senior most is Master Vaz (1927)
- Tomazin Cardoz troupe alone has about 14 actors.
- Of the 248 artistes,  about 48 has email Ids.
But some of the  email IDs seems to have some errors
(Don't know if there are any errors in their Contat numbers etc)

i can understand Assis cardoz and Joao Cardoz sharing 
the same emaild Id
But Antonette Mendes email ID is also same as
Comedian Humbert?
and Joss de Ribandar ?
There was another one Danny  of Ribandar, whose Id ended
so also Edwin Roque ending as
John D' Silva's ended as
Mario Menezes ended in
another one
joeboy...@com ?
following is just a selection of Tiatrisrs IDs of popular ones

Agnes D’Silva, Panjim
Antonette Mendes, Bombay
Anthony Caido, Azossim
Cajetan de Sanvordem
Com. 64, Christopher, Piedade
Com. Domnic,  Ponda  (or ?)
Cosma Fernandes,  Corgao
Francis de Verna
Gemma Fernandes, Salvador du mundo
John D’ Silva, St. Jose de Areal
Joe Fernandes
Kenny (Kenneth Zuzarte), Bombay
Luis Bachaan, Ponda
Laurente Pereira, Utorda
Lawry Travaso, Quepem
Premannand A lotlikar, Colva
Premanand Sangodkar, Navelim
Roseferns, Benaulim
Sharon Mazarello, Fatorda
Tomazinho Cardozo, Candolim
Mario Menezes, Chinchinim
Victor Fernandes, Ribandar
Willy Xavier Fernandes, Curchorem
Wilson Mazarello, Wilmix, Fatorda 

for Goa & NRI related info... 

For Goan Video Clips 

In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc

Re: [Goanet] Boycott Goan Politicians

2010-04-28 Thread Gabe Menezes
On 28 April 2010 10:39, Freddy Fernandes  wrote:

> Boycott Goan Politicians
> This morning as I was proceeding to office in a bus, all of a sudden I
> found
> myself uttering the famous rhyme, Twinkle twinkle little star, how I wonder
> what
> you are, up above the world so high, twinkling like a diamond in the sky,
> and
> the Filipino sitting next to me burst out laughing, asked me, man are you
> going
> to a kinder garden or office ? This put me in a rather embarrassing
> position,
> thank God there were just a few of us in the bus and no ladies around.

COMMENT: I know what you mean like this?.

Gabe Menezes.

[Goanet] Rethinking the way we care for dementia patients

2010-04-28 Thread Con Menezes
Rethinking the way care for dementia patients.
>From "HSI" 

[Goanet] Russians in Goa

2010-04-28 Thread Michael Ali


Interesting article on Russians in Goa by the Washington Post!


[Goanet] Samir's suggestion that Remo stand for elections

2010-04-28 Thread Camillo Fernandes

Samir you have got me wrong about me being keen that you stand for elections.  
I sugested this only because  you always potray being concerned about Goa and 
very loyal.   You can  prove this  with your actions rather than words.  Just 
as you suggested that Remo, a world renowed musician could be good in politics 
I felt you could take that step first and prove your loyalty.  Why expect 
contribution from me for elections?  Approach any political party of your 
choice and see where you stand?   It is only my personal opinion that Remo 
would be a misfit in politics as music is his first love.



C. Fernandes

Date: Tue, 27 Apr 2010 20:54:11 -0700 (PDT)
From: Samir Kelekar 
Subject: [Goanet] Camillo Fernandes and elections
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
Since Camillo seems to be so keen that I stand for elections, I have decided to 
doing so provided I am able to raise enough funds. So, Camillo, please send
your election contribution (a check of substantial amount) to me!
Btw, I dont know why Remo would be unfit for politics while I would be fit (I 
that is what Camillo means I suppose).
Climate, controversies and the changing signatures of nature

Re: [Goanet] For Goa?s sake, pl help achieving this target

2010-04-28 Thread Tony de Sa
Dear Venantius

[1] Was this petition only an electronic or was there also a paper
version that people could sign?

[2] Was this petition sent to places where people congregate, say
places of worship; taken door-to-door in villages; colleges, cultural
groups, etc.

Re[1] This is a very moot point. IMHO A physical i.e. paper petition is
worth much more than an electronic one. When a physical petition is sent,
there is acknowledgment by the receiver/ receiver's office. This gives the
petition a reasonable chance of being seen by the addressee. As a rule I do
not generally sign an email petition because the collection of email ids
generated by the petition would make a spammer's day.

Re: [2] In Goa at least this was not done.

 Tony de Sa
M   : +91 9975 162 897
  Ph. : +91 832 2470 148


[Goanet] TAG: Nominations for Konkani Song & Music Awards 2009

2010-04-28 Thread Tiatr Academy Goa

Nominations for Song & Music Awards

Konkani Song & Music Awards 2009 instituted by Tiatr Academy of Goa will 
be declared and presented on 30th April 2010 at 5 pm at Conference Hall 
of Tiatr Academy of Goa, S-1/S-4, Block-A, 2nd Floor, Campal Trade 
Centre, Opp Kala Academy, Campal, Panaji, Goa. The artistes/albums 
nominated for various awards are as under:-

I.  Best Male Singer
1.  Anthony San
2.  Sidhanath Buyao
3.  Lawry Travasso

II. Best Female Singer
1.  Lorna Cordeiro
2.  Lulu Fortes
3.  Nephie Rod

III.Best Lyricist
1.  Ravindra Pawar
2.  Lawry Travasso
3.  Vikas Prabhu

IV. Best Music
1.  Norman cardozo
2.  Sidhanath Buyao
3.  Webly Gomes & Felipe Barreto

V.  Best Album
1.  Valley of Colorz
2.  Nisha
3.  Mogachea Pinzreant

Fr. Peter Cardozo, Director of Pilar Music Academy and Mr. Joel Pereira, 
a musician of repute from Mangalore were the judges for Best Male & 
Female Singers, Best Music and for Best Album while, Mr. Jess Fernandes, 
winner of Sahitya Academy award and Fr. Nevel Gracias, lyricist, writer 
and director judged the lyrics of the songs.

Dr. Francisco Colaco, singer and musician will be the Chief Guest and 
present the awards. Shri. Tomazinho Cardozo, President and Shri. 
Roseferns, Vice President of Tiatr Academy of Goa will grace the 
occasion. Nominated artistes and the producers of nominated albums are 
requested to remain present for Award Presentation without fail.

Victor de Sa
Member Secretary

[Goanet] Goa news for April 29, 2010

2010-04-28 Thread Goanet News Service
Goa News from Google News and
Visit for the full stories.

*** 12 hurt as Emirates flight hit air-pocket over Goa -
ound Emirates flight from Dubai, hit an air-pocket above Goa on
Sunday, Apr 25, morning, ...

*** Goa CM to discuss police-drug dealer nexus with Home
Minister - Zee News
know the Goa politician linked to drug trade: BJP

*** Have videos linking drug mafia, Goa police: Swedish model -
Times of India
can prove Goa police-drug mafia nexus: Swedish model

*** Arshad, Tusshar smoke in Goa college campus - Times of India
Warsi Denies Smoking On Campus

*** Liquidate Sesa Goa from your positions: Forefront Capital
Management - Economic Times
">Flat markets expected in the short term: Forefront Capital

*** Lost in Goa - Tablet Magazine
art report filed from Goa, India. Read the first installment
here. After Shabbat dinner in Goa, the three Israelis, Elad,

*** Conservation tourism? Goa shows way - with turtles! - Times
of India
M">and more »

*** Goa Shipyard Limited Jobs 2010 - Naukri News (blog)

*** Sesa Goa not a bad pick to accumulate: : Sandeep Wagle -
Economic Times

*** Revised film finance scheme launched in Goa - digITal Goa
gITal GoaCM appealed to the Film Makers of Goa to take benefit
of the new revised scheme. Chief Executive officer of Goa
Entertainment Society Manoj Srivastav was ...

Compiled by Goanet News Service

[Goanet] OPINION: Who Really is JoeGoaUk?

2010-04-28 Thread Venantius J Pinto
> My comments below as vjp (venantius j pinto).

> Message: 6
> Date: Wed, 28 Apr 2010 00:35:38 -0400
> From: Goanet News Service 
> To:
> Who Really is JoeGoaUk?
> A simple act of sharing online can go a long way writes FREDERICK NORONHA
> (DEL)

> There are a couple of objections about such posts .  First, ?Who is
> JoeGoaUk?? The insinuation here is that since he?s anonymous and
> unwilling to reveal his  identity, he must be up to no good. The other
> objection is over motives involved. Tiatrists and Konkani cantarists
> sometimes have a problem here. JoeGoaUk is a big fan of theirs, and he
> has done a great deal to make their work visible online ? including
> listings of the latest Konkani VCDs released. But some see someone video
> filming them as a violation of copyright and a disruption of their
> programmes.

vjp: Even if JoeGoaUK is a fan, and his intentions are decent -- it is
unconscionable of him/she/shim/it to tape performances. And this is not a
foreign yard-stick. Leave the tiatrists alone to their ups and downs. For
all one knows he has permission, and requests to tape from some of them.

Perhaps Frederic, consider running a workshop (in collaboration with well
intentioned groups. Of course, as with anything -- easier said than done)
for tiatrists and performers.



> Fact of the matter is that nobody is going to make their millions
> working in the Goan cultural industry. Not yet, at least. There is a
> remote possibility that, one day, the music and theatre of Goa might get
> as widely known as music from tiny Cuba or the remote Balkans, catch
> wider global audiences for itself, and start earning decent levels.

vjp: This should never be the point of contention. Explain it better. People
who inclined towards seeing the grass may be greener on the other side --
that someone is biting into their pie, etc., although pathetically;
correctly feel this way about money. Help them see it better. Besides are
those people really on Goanet.  It is not millions, but MANY SMALL THINGS/
EVENTS. There are those who are making a few Rs. 200 here, a Rs. 1000 there,
3-4 Rs. 500 someplace else, a couple of trips, a decent assignment, a gift
of books, a shirt, or maybe a tin of KRAFT cheese. It all adds up, NOT to a
MILLION, but to having a different life.

The above is NOT directed at you -- Frederick, yet is a response to the
point about "millions."

It does not happen simply, but is a result expressed as initiative,
determination, perhaps a labor of love (not easy to discern always). That
should be seen as the point, even if those who complain may think in
millions (of anything) as well as the other side saying something akin to
"nobody is going to make their millions working in the Goan cultural
industry. Not yet, at least. "

Further, people may not make money, but the investment, even a ticket to
travel; say to Jhansi, leave alone Cabo Verde is coming from somewhere. And
that they are able to do so; perhaps they are blessed, or have chutzpah --
which is what people may not be able to see. And yes I understand that all
this leads to engaging with people and it is all GOOD. When thoughts about
money are thrown around, such are the thoughts that run through their minds,
including acceptance, entry, CHALAKI, which is what most minds yearn for.

Its like me writing something and writers suggesting I read their books —
which often do not deserve the Western prices assigned to them. NOTE: I am
being specific about certain books. But that is as they see it their

> But here is the catch: unless we work to make it visible, widen the
> market, and make its appeal wider (as of now, not even all expat Goans
> are aware of what?s available), nothing of this sort is going to happen.

vjp: Of course. Its time to stop thinking too much of expat Goans, or giving
them the precise second of the moment. Unless, one cannot not think of them
as a business/ buying base.

> There are some concerns here. The tiatrists and cantarists have put in
> the primary work, and feel they should not lose control of their
> product. They would not like a poorly-recorded version to be put out
> online. Likewise, it makes no sense if their entire work is available
> online even before, say, their tiatr is taken to Gulf shores.

vjp: This should never happen.

> At the end of the day, we cannot insist on our ?right? to film a
> performance ? on stage or of music ? without the permission of its
> creators. Yet, there needs to be a better understanding of the power of
> cyberspace, and why all sides of this sharing ?game? should co-operate
> with each other.

vjp: True.

> The Net gives a tiny society a whole lot of possibilities to make itself
> visible, to make its products noticeable, and to deepen an understanding
> of its own culture. The bigger danger is that smaller cultures will die
> out due to obscurity, not ?piracy?! Let?s try and understand the motives

[Goanet] Cold remedies: What works, what doesn't, what can't hurt -

2010-04-28 Thread Con Menezes
The cold that have presently induced me to check on possible remedies.
This site has been helpful
Mayo Clinic

[Goanet] Why boycott elections or contest them?

2010-04-28 Thread Melvyn Ferrao
I think the possibility of Camillo contributing to Samir Kelekar's election
fund is zero. That is true not only of Camillo but of everyone involved in
cribbing about current politicians. If any of these people start out to
contest elections, they will themselves manage to gather no funds. This
means everyone of these guys will boycott elections but will never contest
them. So for eternity we will have people daringly stating that all
politicians should be drowned. This also means we will have a bad government
like the current one over and over again for us, our children and their

What would be worthwhile is to unitedly go for the better alternative party
which has proven themselves in Goa in the past instead of boycotting

Melvyn Ferrao

On Tue, Apr 27, 2010 at 8:54 PM, Samir Kelekar wrote:

> Since Camillo seems to be so keen that I stand for elections, I have
> decided to consider
> doing so provided I am able to raise enough funds. So, Camillo, please send
> your election contribution (a check of substantial amount) to me!
> Btw, I dont know why Remo would be unfit for politics while I would be fit
> (I presume
> that is what Camillo means I suppose).
> regards,
> Samir
> Message: 7
> Date: Tue, 27 Apr 2010 11:47:31 +0530
> From: Camillo Fernandes 
> To: 
> Cc:
> Subject: [Goanet] Samir Kelekar should himself stand for elections and
> fightfor Goa
> Message-ID: 
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
> Instead of advising Remo Fernandes to stand for elections in Goa, it
> would be a good idea if Samir Kelekar who potrays himself as very
> patriotic and lover of Goa stands for elections and practices what he
> preaches.  Remo is an international renowed musician and it is his wish
> if he wants to be a politician.  However Remo will be a misfit in
> politics if he enters into it.
> Regards


2010-04-28 Thread soter
LETTER NO. 3 below which was sent to Herald on 26/4/2010 and has not been 
published for reasons best known to the Editor. Muzzling of Truth?

"The Panchayat Minister's case about insufficient funds to Panchayats in Goa 
(Herald, 25/4/2010) seems unreasonable considering extravagence in 
expenditures by these local bodies that have no proper annual development 
plans in place.
Taking the case of Socorro Village Panchayat itelf, the Gram Sabha was 
shocked to learn last week that the existing building of the Village 
Panchayat built as lately as 1970 is being demolished to make way for a 
rupees 2 crore project of the Goa Infrastructure Development Corporation 
with provisions for 20 shops besides the office and community hall. This 
wastage of public money takes place when several Village Panchayats in the 
State do not have a decent office and community hall and Gram Sabha meetings 
have to be convened outdoor under a tree or pandal. A Gram Sabha resolution 
was slipped into the minutes somewhere in the year 2006 without it being on 
the agenda of the meeting. Thereafter, protests from the people were 
forwarded to the concerned department but there has been no action probably 
because it enjoys the blessings of the local MLA. The existing Panchayat 
hall was built at a cost of just 45,000 rupees and  was the first indoor 
badminton court in Goa which has been host to several State level badminton, 
table tennis and chess tournaments even in the monsoon season. That was the 
foresight of the then Sarpanch and the Panchayat Body. All that is now 
required is a few lakhs of rupees to replace the roof, construct one or two 
rooms and other maintenance. But instead, we have 2 crores of rupees being 
wasted and which could have been used to build infrastructure for some needy 
Today, we have nothing but brokers and agents in Village Panchayats who look 
for every opportunity to float tenders for construction. The benefits of 
this is well known to the public. The Village Panchayats in Goa must be 
rechristened as 'Contractor Panchayats'. The Minister for Panchayati Raj is 
another added disaster to the already degraded Panchayati Raj system in the 

-Soter D'Souza

[Goanet] Step Aside, Chicken Soup: Eight Cold Elixirs - ABC News

2010-04-28 Thread Con Menezes
Eight effective  folk remedies from around the world for Common cold.
>From 'ABC' video

[Goanet] A discontented daughter of Goa

2010-04-28 Thread manuel tavares
I really have empathy for the sentiments expressed by the 'discontented 
daughter of Goa' in her letter posted on Goanet Vol 5, Issue 410. It is surely 
time for all the law abiding citizens of Goa ( who are the majority)  to unite 
against all these injustices perpetrated by the minority whose only interest is 
to enrich themselves at the expense of the people and land of Goa. The 
elections are just two years away, but the time to act is NOW. We must energize 
the grass roots to ensure that they register as voters and then to come out and 
vote so that beginning with the top, Alibaba Kamat and his forty thieves can be 
soundly defeated and a new era in Goa's history is born. This will lead to the 
weeding out of corrupt officials from top to bottom. commencing with the very 
top in every sphere of government to the lowest rank ensuring that bribery, 
corruption, nepotism, dishonesty and illegal transactions of every nature  be 
they in the civil service or in public life are not only exposed, but routed 
out completely.

Goa used to be the most peaceful corner of the subcontinent of India, now it 
has become the most unruly spot and instead of being the pearl in the Indian 
Crown, has degenerated into a den of thieves, scoundrels and cheats. The only 
way that some semblance of Law & Order can be restored is to have a total 
transformation and this has to start from the very top and continue to the very 
bottom. The people have the power and they must exercise it and thereafter 
continue to be vigilant in defending the true values of old which must be 
upheld. There is no place for injustice, deceit and self enrichment in a 
society which has not known of such activities until the ill fated Liberation 
which has only brought untold misery and hardship to the peaceful and peace 
loving people of Goa.

My only consolation is in the fact that some citizens of Goa are waking up to 
the situation affecting them and are willing to challenge the powers that 
presently rule Goa. One can only hope that this spirit is contagious and will 
spread like wild fire come election time.

Manuel ( Eddie) Tavares

[Goanet] Kuwaiti 'soccer' overwhelms Churchill's Indian 'football'

2010-04-28 Thread gaspersWorld
Churchill Brothers let in 7 goals to 1 
:::Kuwaiti 'soccer' overwhelms Churchill's Indian 'football'::: 
By Gasper Crasto / Kuwait
Defending Champions Kuwait SC proved too good with their ‘soccer’ 
Tactics for Churchill Brother’s ‘football’ as the hosts overwhelmed the Goan

Outfit by a huge margin of 7-1 goals . 
N. Silveira was the lone goal scorer for Churchill while the Kuwaitis scored

At will scoring 3 in the first half and 4 in the second. Needless to say, 
Once again an Indian club failed to break the jinx of continued losses in 
The first leg between Kuwait SC and Churchill Bros played in Goa was a 2-2 
Draw. Both teams, however, have already qualified for the round of 16. 
Kuwait SC topped the group with 10 points. 
The match played at Kuwait SC stadium, Kaifan, Kuwait City was attended by a

Large number of Indian spectators, mostly Goans working here. However, the 
Kuwaitis gave the crowd little to cheer throughout the match. 
Churchill Brothers patron and PWD Minister with the Goa Government Mr. 
Churchill Alemao was among the crowd. Churchill’s striker captain Odafe was 
Absent suspended following two yellow cards while Kuwait SC’s Brazilian 
Coach Arthur Berinandes was nowhere to be seen with the team, apparently 
Resigned just a day before the match. 
Its hard to believe.!!! Such a huge loss. What happened? 
Well, look around and the result can be said as – “it was coming”. 
Gahwas (coffee/hookah) shops in Kuwait are generally filled with males of 
All ages staring at a glaring TV screen, which is most likely broadcasting a

‘soccer’ match. 
Most of the teams regularly followed here will not be local or national, but

A major game between two internationally popular teams. If they happen to 
Watch a local game, it might be the Gulf Cup or the Kuwaiti Amiri Cup final 
Between Al Arabi or Qadsiya – two major ‘soccer’ rivals in Kuwait. 
But why is it that local youths are more likely to be Manchester, Barcelona 
Or Chelsea fans than say, Salmiya SC – a local Kuwaiti ‘soccer’ club, 
The answer was all there to be seen at the Kuwait SC stadium for the 
Churchill-Kuwait match. The Goan supporters outnumbered the Kuwaitis. That 
Churchill Brothers failed to live up to people’s expectations is another 
Ball game altogether. 
There are several reasons why Kuwaitis are looking toward foreign ‘soccer’ 
As a means of entertainment rather than their own. Some fans argue that 
There is a lack of quality in the local product despite such huge victories 
As 7-1 against Churchill, and Qadsiya winning 4-1 against East Bengal. 
The late 1970s and 1980s was considered the golden age of ‘Kuwaiti football’

For the national team – they played in their first and last, their only 
Appearance in the FIFA World Cup in 1982, and had the most talented players 
In Kuwait’s footballing history. 
On the other hand, the current clubs and national squad lack the standards 
That allowed the older team to qualify for the world cup just a few decades 
Ago. Teams today, are perhaps badly managed, and they say the local sports 
Federation has become an inheritance for the rich and connected types. This 
Lack of proper management reflects on the professionalism of the clubs and 
The ‘soccer’ leagues, and subsequently its games. 
The players are kept at an amateur level because of the absence of proper 
Guidance and leadership. This could be one reason why Kuwait SC failed to 
Fulfill the criteria and qualify for the more lucrative Asian Champions 
League despite being Champions last year. 
In addition, the performance of local teams is always overshadowed by 
European and South American ‘soccer’. These western teams are 100 years old 
– or older – and their collective histories arguably add to their grandeur 
And professionalism. 
It can also be argued that what has spurred the rising popularity of Western

‘soccer’ and killing of local games is the growth of satellite TV, specially

The 10 plus Al-Jazeera Sports channels available in the region. Today one 
Can watch all of the English, Spanish, Italian, German and Champions league 
‘soccer’ games with Arabic and English commentary – and at the finest prime 
Time in Kuwait. 
Unfortunately, it is only when a major international ‘soccer’ team like AC 
Milan (2000), Brazil (2006), Barcelona (2009) comes to play a match with a 
Local team, do you hear any local buzz. There was hardly any news in the 
Local media on the Kuwait SC - Churchill Bros match and perhaps there won’t 
Be any despite such a huge tennis score victories. 
Hopefully, with time, Kuwaiti clubs will gain the same professionalism and 
Credence as their Western counterparts, to be really appreciated. As for 
Churchill Brothers, well, what can we say? Indian bikes are fit for Indian 
Roads only..? 
Check Gasper Crasto’s blog: 

Re: [Goanet] Thurs, May 6 at NYU: Free Screening, "My Name is Khan"

2010-04-28 Thread Venantius J Pinto
My Name Is Khan (2010, 126 min., India)

with screenwriter Shibani Bathija
Q and A will follow

Thursday, May 6th 6:00PM
Cantor Film Center
36 East 8th Street, New York

Moderated by Richard Allen, Chair of NYU Cinema Studies

Screening cosponsored by:
DePauw University
Fox Searchlight
NYU Cinema Studies
and NYU Film and Television’s Directors Series

Released in America earlier this year, My Name is Khan has already become
the second-highest grossing Bollywood film in US history. See it again, or
for the first time, with screenwriter Shibani Bathija in attendance to
answer questions about the film.

This event is free and open to the public.

Film Synopsis:
Rizvan Khan, a muslim man from India, moves to San Francisco and lives with
his brother and sister-in-law. Rizvan, who has Aspergers, falls in love with
Mandira. Despite protests from his family they get married and start a small
business together. They are happy until September 11, 2001 when attitudes
towards muslims undergo a sea-change. When tragedy strikes, Mandira is
devastated and they split. Rizvan is confused and very upset that the love
of his life left him. To win her back, he embarks on a touching and
inspiring journey across America.

Official Website:

[Goanet] SMILE.................... IT'S WEEKEND (29/04/2010)

2010-04-28 Thread CAJETAN DE

A tour bus driver (Ladru) was driving with a bus load of seniors down a 
highway. When he is tapped on his shoulder by an old lady (Rubertina). 
Rubertina offers him a handful of peanuts which Ladru gratefully munches up. 

After about 15 minutes, Rubertina taps Ladru on his shoulder again and she 
hands him another handful of peanuts.   

Rubertina repeats this gesture about five more times. 

When Rubertina is about to hand him another batch again Ladru asks the little 
old lady: 

Ladru:  Why don't you eat the peanuts yourself? 

Rubertina: We can't eat them because we have no teeth.

Ladru: (puzzled) Then, why do you buy them?

The old lady Rubertina replied:  

"We just love the chocolate around them, which we chew and instead of throwing 
the peanuts out for the waste I have given them to you."
Ladru: Hak Thuu. (spat out)
Cajetan de Sanvordem

[Goanet] Daily Grook #683

2010-04-28 Thread Francis Rodrigues

by Francis Rodrigues

coffee unstirred 

i've often found, 

tastes like mud

cos it's ground!


sheet-music,tab,lyrics,chords of great Konkani pop hits
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