[Goanet] Women drivers I know

2010-09-13 Thread Cecil Pinto
Women drivers I know
Give me a smaller eight! – Steve Winwood

By Cecil Pinto

Take it from me, nobody quite knows how the female mind works. You can
read a hundred books with names like ‘What Do Women Really Want’ and
you will continue to be clueless. The famous tiatrist late Jacinto Vaz
apparently once said “You can never tell what’s in a woman’s mind, and
if she’s from Salcete there’s no use even trying.” Of course it sounds
much better in Konkani.

But this is not about gender differences, it’s about driving. Women
drivers are not a gender - they are a separate species. First let’s
get something out of the way. I am not saying, repeat not saying, that
all women are bad drivers. I know many good women drivers, including
my wife Beatrice and at least one of her five sisters, all of who
drive cars. In fact my friend psycho-analyst Anjali D’Souza is far
superior to me, and most men I know, as a driver. It’s just that the
vast majority of women drivers I have encountered are either plain
pathetic and irritating, or arrogant and irritating.

I would place all incompetent women drivers into these two main
categories. Now as an example of pathetic I give you my friend Nirmala
who works in a Government office and is unmarried. Nirmala didn’t
learn to ride a cycle as a child and directly learnt to ride a
gearless Kinetic scooter in her early twenties. Her sense of balance
is hence underdeveloped. When Nirmala went for her two-wheeler license
test, like all other applicants, she was made to do a figure of ‘8’ in
the space earmarked for the purpose on the football ground near Mapusa
Housing Board. I know what happened because I was present.

Nirmala starts off and after a relatively large initial semicircle her
subsequent semi-circle in the opposite direction takes her to the
distant border of the football ground, while the rest of the
applicants and the Police Inspector look on aghast. Eventually to
everyone’s relief she does return to the starting point and stops,
removes her helmet, puts her bike on its stand and approaches the
Inspector with a smug self satisfied look on her face. The Inspector,
mouth gape, is speechless for a while but manages to stammer, “Madam,
can we have a smaller eight please?”

Nirmala seems shocked that her ‘eight’ was not acceptable and starts
scowling with a hint of a tear. Many tries later she manages a
reasonable, but still expansive, ‘8’ and the Inspector finally passes
her because (a) he’s running out of time and patience and (b) he’s
afraid Nirmala will burst into tears and start bawling any moment. In
a similar fashion a few years later Nirmala gets her car license, by
dint of stubbornness and emotion rather than any noticeable driving

You can spot Nirmala from many cars away in traffic. She will be
driving in the exactly correct gear as specified in her car manual and
maintaining the correct speed and distance from the next car as
mandated or recommended by law. She drives by the book and not by
natural instinct and a feel for the road and for gears. She rarely
overtakes and while crossing a vehicle on a narrow road she will come
to a stop as she need a good two feet clearance on both sides of the
car to feel secure enough to let the other vehicle pass. In other
words Nirmala is an absolute pain in heavy traffic. I will not even go
into the histrionics she goes into while reversing, or getting in and
out of a ferry boat. It’s a wonder her head doesn’t snap off with all
that neck movement. What are rearview mirrors for Nirmala?

Some day when Nirmala sells her car as a ‘lady driven’ one she will
get a good price for it as she maintained it well and regularly, and
got the oils changed at the prescribed intervals etc. But the car also
bears the curses of a thousand other motorists she blocked with her
overly cautious and paranoid driving.

But despite all her flaws I prefer pathetic Nirmala to arrogant Anita.
This is the wife of a relatively rich though small-time trader friend
of mine, Anil, who hit it big time overnight tendering for supplying
office furniture to Government offices. The nouveau rich Anita has all
the driving incompetence that Nirmala exhibits and more, but the
difference is her attitude. This comes to the fore when she is
confronted by some other driver, or traffic cop, or observer, or the
khaki clad guy who directs traffic into an out of the ferry boat.

Nirmala will admit to her driving flaws and willingly take directions,
advice and help. Anita on the other hand gets adversarial and verbally
attacks (read barks at) anyone who suggests her driving skills are not
up to the mark. Also Anita is short and can barely see the road and
sides properly from her semi concealed seated position. This
shortcoming combined with her driving incompetence leads to regular
infractions and consequent road-rage. Someday someone will slap Anita
and you can’t say she’s not been asking for it.

You will find Nirmalas and Anitas everywhere you go, specially engaged

[Goanet] Daily Grook #807

2010-09-13 Thread Francis Rodrigues

by Francis Rodrigues

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wishes to be
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[Goanet] Parking maketh a man

2010-09-13 Thread Cecil Pinto
Parking maketh a man
How we drive says a lot about us

By Cecil Pinto

We all know the phrase, ‘Big car – small appendage’. This is mostly
true. A man who is insecure about his manliness tries to compensate by
buying an oversized car. But we are not taking into account here that
ownership of a big car isn’t always a free choice. One may inherit a
huge car from a rich relative, or one may have a huge family, or one
may have five dogs like my friend Annirudha, or one may be
transporting a lot of people around for money.

In other words ownership is sometimes not in one’s hands. It’s not
important how big it is but what you do with it. So although size does
matter we shall not concentrate on that but rather analyze usage to
understand male mentality. Don’t forget we are talking about cars.

Now if you are planning to marry a particular man, or employ him, or
do major business with him, it would pay well to observe his car
habits for a few days. By car habits I don’t mean just driving but
more importantly, parking.

Come with me for a tour around Panjim city. Let’s start off from near
Magsons supermarket in Miramar. Both sides of the inside road have
large and prominent No Parking signboards. This does not deter anyone
except the few good souls who park their cars little further, near the
rickshaw stand, where there is abundant space. The well heeled Magsons
customers feel status bound to park their cars bang in front of the
supermarket entrance – right under the No Parking signboard. Maybe
they suffer from the rich man’s disease, gout, and therefore have to
step out of their car directly into the supermarket without walking
even a few meters. But why does their car have to be parked there for
the duration?

Naturally this attitude causes traffic chaos the entire day in this
narrow road near Magsons but these drivers wouldn’t be bothered. Think
carefully. Would you like to marry, employ or do business with someone
who is either ignorant, arrogant or irresponsible - or all three?

Move little further to Red Rosary School at about 1.30 pm when school
gets over for the day. A whole army of small cars and two wheelers,
driven by parents, is awaiting the kids to transport them home.
Everybody parks a good distance from the school. Despite the seeming
confusion there is a large degree of politeness and civic sense here.
People give way to others graciously. There are no ego issues that
lead to traffic snarls. This is also largely true even outside schools
like Don Bosco or Immaculate Conception or Mustifund. Despite being
located in very busy city areas, with loads of traffic, somehow there
is a give and take during peak hours and a lot of mutual

Contrast this with the scene near Sharada Mandir School at Miramar at
1.30 pm. The same mentality as that near Magsons seems to abound. Big
or fancy cars with drivers with even bigger egos – or gout. Very few
will park at a distance and walk the few meters, but most of them have
to be at the very entrance itself to pick up their wards. And given
the economic and social status of most of these parents this becomes a
high tension zone with each father showing his superiority by
thrusting his vehicle closer to the school than the other. Given a
chance I am sure they would drive right into the school and into the
specific classroom so their child is not inconvenienced.

Of course my perspective is a very middle class one. Perhaps these
high class folks have other concerns that I cannot comprehend. Perhaps
they are afraid of kidnapping. Yes that is a distinct possibility.
These children will certainly fetch a handsome ransom, certainly in
many lakhs, from their molly coddling rich parents. Maybe it is this
fear of kidnapping that makes them ensure that their children are
picked up right from the doorstep of the school. But then on the other
hand which kidnapper in his right mind would choose to kidnap a kid in
broad daylight in the presence of hundreds of parents and children and
even police officers. And more importantly even if they succeed how
will they get away with so many cars blocking their path?

Speaking of police officers there are some children here that are
picked up by government vehicles, some of them even sporting a siren.
Must be children of senior bureaucrats or ministers or something. It
would be interesting to know if these vehicles have been specifically
sanctioned for picking up children from school or are being misused.

Even the drivers who have been sent to pick up children have picked up
the arrogance of their masters.

This is true even on 18th June Road where arrogant husbands and
drivers obstruct traffic by just stopping and waiting while their
wives and mistresses go shopping. Why they can’t just find a parking
spot and do a bit of walking, like us lesser mortals, is beyond me.

Local TV Channels like Prudent and Goa 365 have the technological
capacity to show us Assembly proceedings and major festivals live. The
same technology 

[Goanet] Goans abroad: From dreams to nightmares

2010-09-13 Thread Carvalho
I am appalled absolutely appalled at this article which appeared on Asian Age.

I don't know why these writers write with such a bias against Goans. For 
instance this paragraph:

There are thousands of Goans like Tony, who live and work abroad,
often illegally and more often than not they possess a Portuguese

How did the writer, Priyak Mithra, find out that there are thousands of Goans 
working illegally more often than not with a Portuguese passport. If she/he 
had done even an elementary bit of homework, she would known that those with a 
Portuguese passport are Portuguese nationals and as such they are allowed to 
work perfectly legally in EU countries, as is their right. There is absolutely 
no connection between illegality and Portuguese passport. 

There are a small number of Goans who jump ship and work illegally in the US. 
This number too is dwindling because as these sailors have found out, their 
ships black-list them and once they return from the US they are virtually 
jobless, which means an early retirement.

She then goes on to quote someone saying  Most Goans are not
well-educated and lack conversation skills, so once they go abroad,
many are left with no option but to take low paid menial jobs at
construction sites, oil rigs or in kitchens 

Oh really, most Goans are not well-educated?  

I must be dreaming then when I come across perfectly educated Goans who work as 
doctors, accountants, salesmen, managers, nurses and teachers, abroad. I'm 
surprised Priyak, didn't tell us that Goans are all ayahs, butlers and cooks.

The article ends with this:
The accounts of Goans roughing it out are endless. From Savio, who was
a steak chef in a Kuwait hotel when Saddam Hussain attacked to Justin,
who left for Portugal 30 years back and is one of the top lawyers in
that country today. Like Justin, some stories have happy endings while
others end in a lot of sweat and heartbreak, but Goans continue to
apply for Portuguese passports.

Oh really?? I'm sure the writer has heard of endless accounts of Goans 
roughing it out during her interviewing phase. Unfortunately, the writer 
doesn't seem to have met any Goans who also lead decent, middle-class lives 
abroad and the writer certainly hasn't met any Goans who've made it to the top, 
abroad. But the clincher comes when he/she finishes with but Goans continue to 
apply for Portuguese passports. As if this is a cautionary tale. Apply for a 
Portuguese passport and live a life of hell. I wonder if 50 years of liberation 
and being part of the Indian Union has allowed Goans to lead a life of absolute 
bliss in India?


[Goanet] Living Will Provision in India. . .Toronto U Medical School;

2010-09-13 Thread Dan Driscoll
I have received a copy of 'Burial and Committal Service', for a First Cousin 
of mine who passed away in Toronto a few months ago. He had stipulated in 
his Will that mortal remains could be used for medical and scientific 

Toronto U. Medical School did a beautiful committal service for him---along 
with over a hundred others, who were named. There was a lovely Letter of 
Thanks, signed by First Year Med Class; Order of Service; Music ((Intermezzo 
from Cavalliria Rusticana)---everything 'done decently and according to 
order' as St. Paul would have it.

INTERESTING COINCIDENCE: just a few weeks back I asked my consulting 
physician about possibility of one (in Goa) donating mortal remains for 
medical and scientific purpose. Doctor is busy person, so answer was brief: 

But do not Med Students at the great GMC (Asia's First Medical College) have 
dissection of human cadaver as part of their Syllabus? I suppose I should be 
going directly to GMC about this; but maybe there are those in our posting 
community who can comment. 

Re: [Goanet] Gabe's gift: A Melodious US Anthem.

2010-09-13 Thread Mervyn Lobo
eric pinto wrote:
 A small untrained militia guarding Washington in 1814 was no match 
 for five thousand hardened Redcoats who had fought Napoleon, and 
 the city was easily overun by the British invading force which burnt down 
 the White House on the first day, and both Houses of Congress, the 
 Supreme Court, Treasury and State Departments on the next.

Strangely enough, up here in Canada, there is a different version of your tale.
Here is what WikiAnswers had to say when I typed in the question:

Who burnt the White House in 1914?

Canadians. The war of 1812 was the US attacking Canada. The US got 
their asses thoroughly kicked, their white house burned to the ground, 
and the border set at the 49th parallel. They have wisely not tried it again.


 It took only weeks for the whole country to recite it, and then sing 
 it to the tune of an English taverna song, To Anna in Heaven.  
 The US now knows it as The Star Spangled Banner, the nation's 
 anthem, but Merwyn alone knows that it was composed by our Gabe, 
 no less !!  Let us keep the secret from Mag. Gouveia.

As far as the US anthem is concerned, I am totally out gunned at 
home as I have two and a half people singing it every time they want
to tickle my monkey. The half person was told that the words of the 
Canadian anthem went:

Oh! Can you get me a beer
to my home and resting hand.

She caught the right words, in both languages, when she got to Grade I


[Goanet] VIP in Democracy

2010-09-13 Thread John Gomes
Reference US Pastor's stunt(as described by  President Obama) which was 
definitely outrageous and condemnable and the politics involved, the 
fundamental right of the obscure individual is paramount  and upheld, unlike in 
India where action can be easily taken on grounds of apprehension of communal 
violence, or public order (which is the State fails to prevent/uphold).Despite 
our Constitutional provisions, sorry to note that the majority imposes its will 
on the minority/individual as they do not recognise VIP as meaning the citizen 
is the very important person in a Democracy ,and not the mob or Very Idiotic 

[Goanet] FOUR new batches - BASIC IN PHOTOGRAPHY in Panjim, Mapusa, Vasco and Margao.

2010-09-13 Thread CLICK Photography School

CLICK Photography School
starting FOUR new batches - BASIC IN PHOTOGRAPHY
in Panjim, Mapusa, Vasco and Margao.

Learn the Aesthetic of Photography and different compositions techniques.
Learn about digital Cameras - Point  Shoot, Bridge  Dslr.
The different modes – Auto, Shutter, Aperture, Program  Manual.
And photo editing software and photography tricks - light painting, splash,
panning, etc

Hands on and practical training, cameras provided. Limited seats.

Starting in
PANJIM (20th to 25th Sept)
next to Way to Wealth office, opp Krishi Bhavan, Miramar,

MAPUSA (27th Sept to 2nd Oct)
above Vodaphone Center, Comunidade Ghor,

VASCO (4th to 9th Oct)

MARGAO (Sunday batch from 3rd Oct)
BM Office, Aquem

all batches starting at 3pm to 6pm

for more details contact
CLICK Photography School
BM Office, near Torsanzor, Aquem, Margao,
call Lynn - ph: 9822151419

CLICK Photography School
Promoting BETTER Photography in GOA


[Goanet] Talking photos: Please identify these spots (3)

2010-09-13 Thread JoeGoaUk
Where in N. Goa you think this is?
The cross, the temple, the road,  U turn, a scooterist etc
a clue
At the foot of the Cross, it says..
Some one may pl translate it into english)
A popular Hindu Goddess with sitar..
(Name of the Road/building please)
A clue

One of the 4  toilet/Utility rooms on all four sides
of  soon to be inaugurated garden (Oct.2)
Jardim de Garcia da Orta,
Panjim Municipal Garden
As usual, come back even if you know just one.
thank you for your support.

for Goa  NRI related info... 

For Goan Video Clips 

In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc

Re: [Goanet] Living Will Provision in India. . .Toronto U Medical School;

2010-09-13 Thread Gabe Menezes
On 13 September 2010 07:33, Dan Driscoll law...@dataone.in wrote:

 But do not Med Students at the great GMC (Asia's First Medical College)
 have dissection of human cadaver as part of their Syllabus? I suppose I
 should be going directly to GMC about this; but maybe there are those in our
 posting community who can comment.

COMMENT: India is aaah so big; I was informed by a medic who was a plastic
surgeon, trained in India, that the bodies used to stinkthey were picked
off the streets and taken in for dissection. He commented that at least in
the West they did not have to put up with what Indian medics have to.


Gabe Menezes.

Re: [Goanet] GMC

2010-09-13 Thread J. Colaco jc
On 13 September 2010 07:33, Dan Driscoll law...@dataone.in wrote:

But do not Med Students at the great GMC (Asia's First Medical
College) have dissection of human cadaver as part of their Syllabus? I
suppose I should be going directly to GMC about this; but maybe there
are those in our posting community who can comment.


Dear Dan,

GMC was born in 1963. It is not the first medical college in Asia. The
first medical school in Asia was the Escola Medico Cirurgica de Nova
Goa or the 'escola medica.

From my knowledge of their curriculum, it has a very strong Anatomy
component. Escola students studied anatomy in much more detail (and in
French) than those of us who did the MBBS program at GMC. I remember
Dr. Dessai who was my lecturer in Anatomy. He was from the Escola era.
Not only did he deal with us in a super-gentlemanly manner, he was an
excellent teacher.

My understanding is that, in the escola days, cadavers were not always
available for dissection purposes. So, plastic models were at hand.

hope this helps


Re: [Goanet] Goans abroad: From dreams to nightmares

2010-09-13 Thread J. Colaco jc
Dear Selma,

You have made some good points. Personally, I have come to accept that
most non-Goan writers will write about Goa and Goans with minimal
amount of knowledge and research. They then speak to one or two Goans
and add it to their pre-conceived idea of Goa and Goans.

I am not sure why Mitra chose to pick on the small number of Goans who
work in the restaurants in the US. Has she been to the US and visited
the Indian restaurants in the US?

Even though the Asian Age article makes no mention of the EU, you are
quite right to make that point.

One thing which I found interesting about Portuguese nationality is
what I read in the Mitra article i.e. Since the state was governed by
the Portuguese till 1961, any Goan whose parents were married in Goa
before 1961 can apply for a Portuguese passport.

I'd add that such half-baked articles will continue to appear in
Indian newspapers. What else can one expect from those who publish
without knowing or researching adequately?

Here is something you might enjoy from another 'Goa-expert'

What sets the 102 km coastline of Goa apart from other beach
paradises is the laid-back, don't-care-be-happy of the punch-drunk
Goans, who when they are not snoring off sarpotel lunches, are ready
to break into song and dance at any hour of the day.

good wishes



On 13 September 2010 02:42, Carvalho elisabeth_...@yahoo.com wrote:

I am appalled absolutely appalled at this article which appeared on Asian Age.

I don't know why these writers write with such a bias against Goans.
For instance this paragraph:

There are thousands of Goans like Tony, who live and work abroad,
often illegally and more often than not they possess a Portuguese

How did the writer, Priyak Mithra, find out that there are thousands
of Goans working illegally more often than not with a Portuguese
passport. If she/he had done even an elementary bit of homework, she
would known that those with a Portuguese passport are Portuguese
nationals and as such they are allowed to work perfectly legally in EU
countries, as is their right. There is absolutely no connection
between illegality and Portuguese passport.

There are a small number of Goans who jump ship and work illegally in
the US. This number too is dwindling because as these sailors have
found out, their ships black-list them and once they return from the
US they are virtually jobless, which means an early retirement.

She then goes on to quote someone saying  Most Goans are not
well-educated and lack conversation skills, so once they go abroad,
many are left with no option but to take low paid menial jobs at
construction sites, oil rigs or in kitchens

Oh really, most Goans are not well-educated?

Re: [Goanet] Goans abroad, from dreams to nightmares

2010-09-13 Thread Vivian A. DSouza
Almost every Goan I knew in my years in the USA, did well for himself and his 
family.  As immigrants, we worked hard and despite being foreigners and having 
to compete with the locals, worked our way up the ladder and our children did 
well in school and did well in their careers.  I am sure there are exceptions 
the rule.

I remember meeting a Goan waiter at at Indian restaurant in Maryland, USA.   He 
told me that he worked long hours, slept in shifts with others in a dingy 
apartment room.  From his story, even though he did not reveal this to me, I 
guessed that he must have been an illegal immigrant.  He even showed me his 
Identity card as a Panch from Bambolim.  I left the Maryland area soon 
after our 
encounter, or else I would have checked on him.  I believe that
Indian restaurants in the USA take advantage and exploit such illegals paying 
them under the table below legal hourly rates.  This is another twist to the 
sweat shops of yore. Very sad.

Some youth work on Cruise ships as cabin boys, others work as chefs and food 
beverage workers or bartenders.  I am sure that those with the appropriate 
training as chefs, and other catering trades must do quite well.  But cabin 
who are at the low end,  work at back breaking jobs with barely any time off or 
rest.  If one is injured or gets sick, they are fired promptly.  Some hide 
injury out of fear and continue to work.  I met one such youngster on a cruise, 
and all he dreamt of doing was jumping ship in the USA and remaining there. I 
felt sorry for him.

Seeing people returning  to Goa from abroad, flaunting their wealth, it is no 
wonder that every Goan youth dreams about going abroad.  I have counselled many 
who have come to me for advice.  Some had only a 7th or 8th Standard 
Their only question to me was, what is the air fare to get there.  Their 
expectation probably was that somehow there are riches out there for the 
plucking.  I have encouraged those with the education or skills to get ahead and
had to discourage those dreamers who had nothing to offer.

India has progressed a great deal over the last decade.  I feel certain that 
youngsters have a lot more opportunities here in India than our parents did in 
the old days. 
To emigrate or not ?  It depends on what you have to offer to a prospective 
employer.  With the Industrialized West currently in such an economic 
comundrum,  I would think deeply before taking the plunge.

[Goanet] One in six people under 35 'suffers from high cholesterol'

2010-09-13 Thread Gabe Menezes
High cholesterol could be a primary cause of heart disease.



Gabe Menezes.

[Goanet] Digambar's fish monger and lobsters tot ake baton and RP 2021 to delhi

2010-09-13 Thread soter
If you cannot sell the proposition in Goa then do it via Delhi. The malyalee 
fish monger and his lobsters have not been able to sell the RP-2021 to the goan 
crabs on behalf of Digambar and his builders. The goan crabs have refused to 
bite it and instead have bitten those very people who have betrayed the goan 
So Digambar's baton with his RP2021 Special Task Force is now slated to arrive 
in Delhi on 18th September 2010 and will be received the Goenkarancho Ekvott. 
Minus the speaker Mathany Saldanha and the chair for one session Dr. Peter 
Rony, it is hard to notice any other that does not directly or indirectly tow 
the builder /real estate developer agenda in presenting the USP of the RP2021 
before supposedly goan masses to get their stamp of approval and market it back 
to the people in Goa. It is like a cat covering its shit.
What is simply misleading is the fact that this RP-2021 process is being hailed 
as 'participatory'. The note of Goenkarancho Ekvott states; it is first time 
spatial planning and land use is being determined with people's participation 
from the village level upwards.   Merely sending down pre-determined 
settlement fencing maps and road lay outs (designed by those with vested 
interests in real estate) to the Village Panchayats for suggestions and 
corrections cannot be claimed to be participatory planning from the village 
level upwards. It could  be remotely considered as  'participatory 
consultation' on RP2021.  Where are the village socio-economic plans prepared 
under this RP2021 so called participatory process? The RP 2021 is a fraud. It 
may be participatory for architects, engineers, real estate developers and 
planners in safe-guarding their long-term business interests from the national 
builders/real estate developers and nothing more. That is why some of the 
torch-bearers of the Goa Bachao Abhiyan in 2006 are today busy erecting or 
supporting massive gated projects in the villages and have even disputed the 
right of Gram Sabhas to decide on spatial plans and the type of development in 
their villages. They do not mind the local Devashri's, Sapna's, CD's, mosiacs 
and others from developing on hill slopes, all they are concerned about is 
obstructing DLF and Raheja by cheering unsuspecting desperate villagers. 
This RP2021 cannot be claimed to be in consonance with article 243ZD of the 
Constitution of India. Even the consultative process carried out in villages 
has no legal status. There were no notified guidelines. The forwarding letter 
from the CTP was vague and interpreted by the representative planners as per 
the interests they wished to protect. At least 50% of the village Gram Sabhas 
in Goa are in the dark on this process. It were the local MLAs and Sarpanchas 
that nominated a committee and sent in their suggestions without consulting the 
Gram Sabha. That is why the government is now contemplating to release the RP 
2021 in phases and taluka-wise so that there is no major out-burst. 
The entire process continues under the very same primitive and obsolete TCP Act 
of 1975 that gave birth to a monstrous RP 2011. Except that the 'Monster Rat' 
has now been replaced by 'Monster Foxes'. There are no 'District Development 
Plans' in place. What is in place is a plan to ensure the future loot and 
ransacking of the villages of Goa and infusing migrants in gated housing 
complexes. This is a road map on how Goans will be reduced to ancient specimens 
by 2021 for migrant site seeing. It is an investment map for the Ramani's, 
Lamani's, Jaitley's, Chauhan's, Tariqs and the rest.
Concerned Goans in Delhi and elsewhere need to take a close look at the RP 
2021process which is being marketed to them as 'Unique' if they are to 
understand the 'Picnic' of architects, engineers, builders and bureaucrat 
planners in this deceptive RP.

-Soter D'Souza

[Goanet] Unhealthy conditions continue to prevail at Mapusa Asilo Hospital

2010-09-13 Thread Goa Desc
Do GOACAN a favour, circulate this email to your
family members, relatives, neighbours and friends.
Help other CONSUMERS to be better informed.
Documented by Goa Desc Resource Centre (GDRC)
Email: goad...@gmail.com
New district Hospital opening likely by September 16
Unhealthy conditions continue to prevail at Mapusa
Asilo Hospital.
by Erwin Fonseca

A month has passed by since the Chief Minister,
Mr Digambar Kamat, along with Mr Vishwajeet Rane,
the Minister for Health, the Mapusa MLA, Mr Francis
D'Souza and the Director of Health Services, Dr Rajnanda
Dessai, had visited the dilapidated Mapusa Asilo hospital.

On that visit, Mr Kamat had assured that he would hold a
meeting  of all the concerned authorities, immediately after the
Assembly Session and 'partly' shift the working of the old Asilo
to the New District Hospital at Peddem, as a start. However
this is yet to happen. Even the medical superintendent of the
Asilo, when contacted, said that so far he not received any
written order to this effect. With this delay the public and
ailing people of North Goa are forced to put up with the
tremendous difficulties and hardships caused at the Asilo
hospital at Mapusa.

The Asilo hospital, an important lifeline of North Goa,
once upon a time, had all the latest up-to-date medical
facilities and was a boon in the medical field to the people
of North Goa. The Asilo had all facilities ranging from
casualty, OPD, pathology, sonography, X-Ray machine,
ICCU, OT, pharmacy, blood bank and a morgue. The
OPD was commissioned in the seventies, first floor in 1981,
and ICCU in 1987.

However, in recent years, the morgue was closed and used
as a storeroom. Although there are 30 specialised doctors
and 22 medical officers, it is not enough to cope with the rush
experienced everyday, as there is a great number of patients
who come for treatment here, particularly on Fridays.

Most of the doctors working here are also engaged in private
practice and do not give proper attention to patients at Asilo.
The pharmacy closes quite early in the evening, forcing people
to buy medicines from the other pharmacies. It was also
noticed that some tablets given at the hospital pharmacy had
melted in their strips, even before the expiry date. Some
patients questioned how such medicines could be given by the
pharmacy staff, saying that this could be one of the reasons
why health of the patients does not improve here.

The registration counter also closes at 12 noon. Due to poor
back up power, the medical equipment cannot be used in case
of a power shut down. On September 3, during a power shut
down patients who had come for sonography were rudely
told that they would have to make fresh appointments.

The condition of the Asilo hospital is getting worse by the day.
There are wires hanging everywhere, plaster from the walls is
peeling off, grass has grown wild behind and around the
hospital, the backyard is filthy and the general hygiene is
deplorable. There are red marks of paan spit on the walls
and the toilets are filthy and poorly maintained. Tending to
a sick relative during the night is a nightmare. The male ward
is absolutely shabby with even fungus noticed under the
bed mattress.

The female medicine ward and the paediatric ward are
much better, but then these are maintained by the Rotary
Club and the Lions Club.

All these factors point that the government either has no
control over the functioning of the Asilo or is least bothered
of what goes on there. Entering the Asilo is sure to worsen
the condition of the patient. There are however, a few doctors
and nurses, who try  their best to act humanely under these
trying conditions.

It is reported that every facility and equipment is ready at the
new District hospital, but there is still no sign of when the
shifting exercise will begin. The government is already spending
lakhs of rupees on maintenance of machines, even though the
hospital has not been inaugurated. The warranty on some of
the machines has already lapsed.

There are reports that shifting of the Asilo could be done
before Ganesh Chaturthi, however, no one could either
confirm or deny this.

Meanwhile, the Mapusa BJP block president, Mr Rajsingh
Rane has said that they had pinned hopes on the Chief
Minister, Mr Digambar Kamat and had withdrawn their
planned agitation. “As Ganesh Chaturthi is approaching we
have suspended our plans for the time being, however,
if there are no sign of shifting  the Asilo, then we will start
our agitation in the last week of September.”

A boy who recently met with an accident and was treated
at the Asilo 

[Goanet] A Britto-boy who went on to become Jesuit principal: late Ozie Ferrao SJ (Nagoa, Bardez)

2010-09-13 Thread Frederick Noronha
A Britto-boy who went on to become Jesuit principal: Ozie Ferrao SJ

Frederick Noronha +91-9822122436  +91-832-2409490

[Goanet] Talking photos: Please identify these spots (3)

2010-09-13 Thread Silvan M. De Sa
Hi JoeGoaUK,

The answer to Part III:

The Road is: 18th June Road in Panjim
Name of building is: SARASWATI  MANDIR 

Sender: SILVAN De SA, Socorro, Goa.


Message: 9
Date: Mon, 13 Sep 2010 10:13:12 + (GMT)
From: JoeGoaUk joego...@yahoo.co.uk
To: goa...@goanet.org
Subject: [Goanet] Talking photos: Please identify these spots (3)
Message-ID: 860554.27909...@web25901.mail.ukl.yahoo.com
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

Where in N. Goa you think this is?

A popular Hindu Goddess with sitar..
(Name of the Road/building please)
A clue

[Goanet] Cornel DaCosta, condolences to the family.

2010-09-13 Thread rui nuvo
Alas, I knew Cornel well. Gilbert's comments were justifiable in my view
without wishing to grade Gilbert on some fallacious concocted scale
of gentlemanly conduct.

We have to accept views of ourselves dead or alive with equal grace. The now
liberated Cornel would have wanted that I am sure.

Cornel wanted to be respected for his achievements and sadly almost demanded
it. In doing so he unfortunately reflected his caste and I am now looking at
Mario Goveia :).

My condolences to Cornel's family.


[Goanet] Re Goanet - Gabe's gift - a melodious US anthem

2010-09-13 Thread Vivian A. DSouza
According to Merv, the US attached Canada in the war of 1812.  Did Canada exist 
as a nation in 1812 or was it just a British colony and it was the Brits that 
former Brits, then Americans went after ?

Re: [Goanet] Living Will Provision in India. . .Toronto U Medical School;

2010-09-13 Thread DAN DRISCOLL
Ah-Ha. . .had not thought of that; but very much a point there.

On 9/13/10, Gabe Menezes gabe.mene...@gmail.com wrote:

 On 13 September 2010 07:33, Dan Driscoll law...@dataone.in wrote:

  But do not Med Students at the great GMC (Asia's First Medical College)
  have dissection of human cadaver as part of their Syllabus? I suppose I
  should be going directly to GMC about this; but maybe there are those in
  posting community who can comment.

 COMMENT: India is aaah so big; I was informed by a medic who was a plastic
 surgeon, trained in India, that the bodies used to stinkthey were
 off the streets and taken in for dissection. He commented that at least in
 the West they did not have to put up with what Indian medics have to.


 Gabe Menezes.

[Goanet] GOANS OF ARUSHA - website.

2010-09-13 Thread renebarreto
Goenkars !!

A post from the Goans of Arusha - I share.

Please do send Seby a note of appreciation..this will 
encourage our Goans in Arusha ... (I believe they number about 15O? )
to be a part of Global Goanlink. 

thanks - rene 


From: seby fernandes des...@mediaworksglobal.com
To: goan...@yahoo.co.uk
Sent: Mon, September 13, 2010 3:09:07 PM
Subject: Goans Of Arusha

Dear Rene,

Trust all is well at your end. As per our chat I am sending you this e-mail.

We, the goans of Arusha have just launched our website with a new look. 
We are planning to communicate with the rest of the goans abroad .
Please take a look at the website http://www.goarusha.com/

Please let me know if you know Goans around the globe who would like to post 
their link on our website and also we could have our link on their website.

Looking forward to hear from you.

Thanks  Regards

seby fernandes 

Goans Of Arusha, 

The Goans of Arusha 

Goans of Arusha - celebrated World Goa Day on the 22nd of Aug 2010.

Face book  -   World Goa Day
36 new photos

TOGETHER we are building a better GOAN WORLD. 

rene barreto
Goanworld : http://worldgoan.blogspot.com/



2010-09-13 Thread Dan Driscoll
Someone handed me a copy the other day, and a couple of names in the inner 
flyleaf rang bells---Fred Noronha's GOA 1556, and Fr. Delio Mendonca @ XCHR.

I was about to consign Goa Masala to the lower shelf (since at the moment 
Ms. Selma Carvalho's DIASPORA book is getting a lot of attention) when our 
'reading hour' approached for wife Germana---who by now has become a 
listener rather than reader, but retains her fondness for 'Goan Stories'. As 
a Canadian I was also just a bit intrigued by 'Goan's writing in Canada'.

Opening the volume ad lib, I started with Marina De Souza's two pieces---ALL 
fifty years auditory association with Konkani language I am (while not by 
any means 'fluent') able to navigate (in reading) for Konkani words and 
phrases. Dear Germana is wholly enthralled by Ms. Marina's sallies in 
Konkani. As victim of 'text-editor syndrome' I would be inclined to 
blue-pencil some of Marina's English idiom, but dear wife insists that her 
bracketed Konkani covers any multitude of English idiomatic sins.

Interesting slant on Literary Values, to be considered in this type of 
Collection---something that I had not really been aware of before. 

Re: [Goanet] Cornel DaCosta, condolences to the family.

2010-09-13 Thread Frederick Noronha
On 13 September 2010 21:40, rui nuvo rui.n...@gmail.com wrote:

 Cornel wanted to be respected for his achievements and sadly almost demanded
 it. In doing so he unfortunately reflected his caste and I am now looking at
 Mario Goveia :).

To believe that people behave in a certain way because of caste
certainly sounds racist to me! But am I reading too much in believing
that rui nuvo is betraying both arrogance and a fear of the critique
of casteism that Cornel put forth in the first place? FN

Re: [Goanet] Goans abroad, from dreams to nightmares

2010-09-13 Thread Tony de Sa
Vivian:  Seeing people returning? to Goa from abroad, flaunting their
wealth, it is no
wonder that every Goan youth dreams about going abroad.??I have counselled
who have come to me for advice.? Some had only a 7th or 8th Standard

Hi Viv,

These guys ought to read Dick Whitington if the poor guys can read at all.

Sounds cynical, no? The sooner these guys wake up to reality and either
improve their education or get a job in Goa itself, else with the Goan
scenario being what it is they will be lured to the next most lucrative
things: drug peddling, or crime or touting or gambling.

These guys need counseling and help.


Tony de Sa.  tonydesa at gmail dot com   M   : +91 9975 162 897  Ph. : +91
832 2470 148


[Goanet] From dreams to nightmares

2010-09-13 Thread Camillo Fernandes

Selma Carvalho elisabeth_...@yahoo.com wrote :
I am appalled absolutely appalled at this article which appeared on Asian Age.
I don't know why these writers?write with such a bias against Goans. For 
instance this paragraph:
There are thousands of Goans like Tony, who live and work abroad,
often illegally and more often than not they possess a Portuguese
How did the writer, Priyak Mithra, find out that there are thousands of Goans 
working illegally more often than not with a Portuguese passport. If she/he 
had done even an elementary bit of homework, she would known that those with a 
Portuguese passport are Portuguese nationals and as such they are allowed to 
work perfectly legally in EU countries, as is their right. There is absolutely 
no connection between illegality and Portuguese passport. 
There are a small number of Goans who jump ship and work illegally in the US. 
This number too is dwindling because as these sailors have found out, their 
ships black-list them and once they return from the US they are virtually 
jobless, which means an early retirement.
She then goes on to quote someone saying ?Most Goans are not
well-educated and lack conversation skills, so once they go abroad,
many are left with no option but to take low paid menial jobs at
construction sites, oil rigs or in kitchens 
Oh really, most Goans are not well-educated?? 
I must be dreaming then when I come across perfectly educated Goans who work as 
doctors, accountants, salesmen, managers, nurses and teachers, abroad. I'm 
surprised Priyak, didn't tell us that Goans are all ayahs, butlers and cooks.
The article ends with this:
The accounts of Goans roughing it out are endless. From Savio, who was
a steak chef in a Kuwait hotel when Saddam Hussain attacked to Justin,
who left for Portugal 30 years back and is one of the top lawyers in
that country today. Like Justin, some stories have happy endings while
others end in a lot of sweat and heartbreak, but Goans continue to
apply for Portuguese passports.
Oh really?? I'm sure the writer has heard of endless accounts of Goans 
roughing it out during her interviewing phase. Unfortunately, the writer 
doesn't seem to have met any Goans who also lead decent, middle-class lives 
abroad and the writer certainly hasn't met any Goans who've made it to the top, 
abroad. But the clincher comes when he/she finishes with but Goans continue to 
apply for Portuguese passports. As if this is a cautionary tale. Apply for a 
Portuguese passport and live a life of hell. I wonder if 50 years of liberation 
and being part of the Indian Union has allowed Goans to lead a life of absolute 
bliss in India?
Comments :  Camilo Fernandes


Selma is absolutely  right as regards the adverse article written by Piryak 
Mithra about Goans.  This article is biased  and all Goans would rightly feel 
it is in bad taste.  Priyak seems to have written this article with tainted 
glasses.  She has picked up only a minority of failure stories about Goans very 
conveniently ignorning the majority  of Goan success stories.  Similarly she 
has commented that the majority of Goans are not educated maybe out of 
ignorance, which is absolutely ridiculous.  


As Selma wrote :  I must be dreaming then when I come across perfectly educated 
Goans who work as 
doctors, accountants, salesmen, managers, nurses and teachers, abroad. I'm 
surprised Priyak, didn't tell us that Goans are all ayahs, butlers and cooks. 
 Yes Priyak must be imagining that most Goans are illiterates while in fact 
there are so many Goans holding prestigious jobs in India as well as abroad and 
 doing extremely well.


It may be true that  maybe a small number of Goans who while working on ships 
have illegally jumped ship and work illegally

 in the US,  in the vast majority of cases they continue their legal employment 
with their shipping employers.  Priyak  has just picked a few a few bad apples 
and tainted all Goans with being uneducated, illiterate and cheaters.


Best wishes,

Dev borem korum.

Camilo Fernandes



[Goanet] Important Message for travellers to UAE/Gulf

2010-09-13 Thread cesar de goa

Yesterday I came to know of a case from a friend of mine which is very scary. 
One of his friends was traveling to UK via Dubai . Unfortunately he was 
carrying a packet of Khas Khas which is a commonly used spice in some Indian 
curries and sweets. Khas Khas is also known as poppy seed which can be sprouted 
to grow narcotics (afeem etc.). 

This innocent person did not know that recently the laws in UAE and other Gulf 
countries have been revised and carrying Khas Khas is punishable with minimum 
20 years of imprisonment or even worse with death penalty . Currently, the 
person is in a jail in Dubai for the last two weeks. His friends are 
frantically trying hard for his release but are finding that this has become a 
very very serious case. Lawyers are asking huge fees amounting to AED 100,000 
even to appear in the court to plead for his innocence. 

Please forward this email to all you know specially in India . They should know 
the seriousness of this matter and should never ever carry even minutest 
quantities of the following items when traveling to Gulf countries: 

1. Khas Khas whether raw, roasted or cooked. 
2. Paan 
3. Beetle nut (supari and its products, e.g. Paan Parag etc.) 

The penalties are very severe and it could destroy the life of an innocent 

I appeal you to create the awareness by forwarding this email to all Goanetters 




[Goanet] Hindu-style caste system

2010-09-13 Thread armstrong augusto vaz

Obama Derangement Syndrome
The Economist (blog) - ‎1 hour ago‎
Interestingly, the Christian community in Goa retained a Hindu-style
caste system, with Catholic Brahmins continuing to discriminate
against Catholic dalit ...

[Goanet] Fwd: Colva heroes

2010-09-13 Thread Arwin Mesquita
 Colva heroes
Arwin Mesquita, Abu Dhabi

I appreciate the efforts of the Colva Civic Consumer Forum. It is amazing to
see the persistence and determination of a small but spirited group of
people, fighting to preserve my beautiful village against the onslaughts of
destructive builders, corrupt politicians and other vested interests, who
want to destroy the village for personal gains. Their efforts are a clear
lesson to the overall susegad Colvenkars that things can really improve with
a ‘can do’ attitude. I hope more villagers join these spirited activists.

Please post your comments on my Blog: http://goanidentity.blogspot.com/

Please also see below:
1. Benaulim Village Action Committee: http://www.bvacbenaulim.blogspot.com/
2. Rape of Goa : http://www.parrikar.com/blog/the-rape-of-goa/
3. MAND - an adivasi-rights resource centre : http://mandgoa.blogspot.com/
5. For the Love of Konkani: http://www.radiogoa.net/
6. Goa's Identity Movement website: http://www.goamag.net/gim
7. Goa's Identity Movement group on Facebook:
8. Official Government Site NRI Office (GOA): http://www.globalgoans.org.in/

[Goanet] Appeal from Goa State Pollution Control Board for Ganesh Chaturthi

2010-09-13 Thread Goa Desc
Do GOACAN a favour, circulate this email to your
family members, relatives, neighbours and friends.
Help other CONSUMERS to be better informed.
Documented by Goa Desc Resource Centre (GDRC)
Email: goad...@gmail.com
Appeal to celebrate an eco friendly Ganesh Chaturthi.
Goa State Pollution Control Board

Considering the severe impact on our environment due to
wide spread use of Ganesh Idols made of Plaster of Paris
and Chemical Paints, uncontrolled use of fire crackers and
playing of loud music during the Ganesh Chaturthi Festival,
the general public is hereby requested to follow simple tips
to celebrate eco friendly Ganesh Chaturthi.

Use Ganesh Idols made of traditional clay only painted
with water soluble and non-toxic natural dyes.

Do not use Ganesh Idols made of Plaster of Paris.

Prior to immersion, remove all the worship material like
flowers, vastras (cloths), decorating material (made of
paper, thermacole, plastic etc.). Such material should be
handed over to the Municial Council or Village Panchayat
for safe disposal.

Say NO to firecrackers and say YES to life. The fire
crackers give only temporary joy but releases toxic gases
that are harmful to the health of all living beings and also
causes nuisance to neighbours.

Do not play loud music, Say No to playing of loud music
and bursting of fire crackers between 10pm to 6am.

Make minimum use of plastic. Do not throw any solid waste
into the rivers, lakes, ponds etc.

Air  Water; a vital resource for life; protect it, conserve it.
Only one Earth; Care and protect it.
Wishing you all an eco-friendly Ganesh Chaturthi
Dr. Simon N. de Souza
Goa State State Pollution Control Board

The Navhind Times 11/9/10  page 5

promoting civic and consumer rights in Goa
GOACAN Post Box 187 Margao, Goa 403 601
GOACAN Post Box 78 Mapusa, Goa 403 507
mail: goa...@gmail.com Visit: http://goacan.blogspot.com

[Goanet] One in six people under 35 'suffers from high

2010-09-13 Thread Peter Fernandes
I also have Cholestrol, high BP and also I'm diabetic.
Daily I walk 60 to 75 minutes to control.
About three months back some one forwarded me a mail, lady finger control
Cholestrol Sugar and Cucumber BP.
At night before goint to bed, I cut 4 bhenes in small slices, soak in a cup
with hot water and drink the water moment I get up in the morning, the same
sliced bene i resoak in hot water and drink the water soon after reaching
home from office.
With this my sugar and cholestrol remained under control.

If you are diabetic please give a try.

Peter Fernandes

[Goanet] Guess...

2010-09-13 Thread Frederick Noronha
Guess how many Goanetters are included here:

Frederick Noronha  +91-9822122436  +91-832-2409490

[Goanet] Real Estate Tax

2010-09-13 Thread Arwin Mesquita

Real Estate Tax

MANY European countries have speculative taxes on real estate, which aims to
restrict capitalistic speculators, from creating excessive and un-necessary
demand for real estate.

I hope we all appreciate that excessive real estate development has severe
negative implications for the environment and contributes significantly to
global warming. I suggest that these types of taxes should be imposed in Goa
on all non-Goans, purchasing real estate or land here. These taxes can be
further increased significantly on any additional real estate/land purchase.
The small state of Goa particularly needs urgent curbs on un-necessary real
estate and land sales favouring non-Goans, given the rapid
destruction/contamination of its land, water and environment, with other
negative implications like rapid reduction in Goan demographics/identity,
influx of un-necessary migrant labour for construction etc. This was
suggested to the Chief Minister in December 2008 by an NRI delegation that I
was part of and I have also suggested the same to PWD Minister, Mr Churchill
Alemao during his recent visit to the UAE, in June this year. Hoping for
positive action on the same.

Please post your comments on my Blog: http://goanidentity.blogspot.com/

Please also see below:
1. Benaulim Village Action Committee: http://www.bvacbenaulim.blogspot.com/
2. Rape of Goa : http://www.parrikar.com/blog/the-rape-of-goa/
3. MAND - an adivasi-rights resource centre : http://mandgoa.blogspot.com/
5. For the Love of Konkani: http://www.radiogoa.net/
6. Goa's Identity Movement website: http://www.goamag.net/gim
7. Goa's Identity Movement group on Facebook:
8. Official Government Site NRI Office (GOA): http://www.globalgoans.org.in/

[Goanet] Message 9

2010-09-13 Thread Jose Pereira
Behold the cross of the Lord. Flee hostile [adversae] parties. Christ conquers, 
Christ reigns, Christ commands. Christ defends His people from every evil.


[Goanet] Toronto Goan soccer league semis

2010-09-13 Thread Eugene Correia

Loutolim and Aguada to clash in Toronto’s Goan Inter-Village Soccer final on 
Sept 18

Monteiro stars in Loutolim’s win, while Clayton nets lone goal for Aguada

Loutolim Goatees and Aguada Waves will clash in the final of the Goan 
Inter-Village Soccer final at the Esther Shriner Stadium on Saturday, Sept. 18, 
at 10 am.
Ron Monteiro scored in each half in Loutolim’s facile 2-0 win over Aldona, 
while Clayton D’Mello helped Aguada prevail over Dabolim by a solitary goal 
scored early in the first half.
In the semifinals held at the Centennial Park, the first match between Loutolim 
and Aldona was evenly matched. Loutolim had more of the play after taking an 
early lead and had more scoring chances. Aldona were hard put to defend and 
made occasional runs into the rival’s goal area.
In the second match, Aguada controlled the game right from the start. With a 
young and fit side, Aguada made repeated forays into the Dabolim defence only 
to be prevented from scoring further by goalkeeper Conrad Colaco.
Aguada’s forwards lacked skills when, at least on two clear occasions, they 
only had to beat the goalkeeper but muffed up the chances.
Dabolim, with many players seemingly unfit, could not keep up to the pace set 
up the the rivals. Their forwards rarely had good tries at the Aguada goal.
The highest scorers for this year’s end of league phase were Keegan Moraes 
(Bogmalo) and Neil D’Silva (Loutolim)  with 16 goals each, breaking the 
previous record of 13 goals set by David D’Souza (Parra) in 2001. 
Esther Shriner Stadium is located at Bathurst Street and Finch Ave in Toronto.

[Goanet] The Late Cornel Da Costa

2010-09-13 Thread Roland Francis
My condolences to the family of Cornel.

To those who knew him, Cornel was a bon-vivant, notwithstanding what
some people would conclude about his personality from some of his
Goanet posts. He had this bugbear about caste. But then who among us
does not have some kind of irritation at best and hatred at worst at
some thing or other that was experienced at some vulnerable time in

Me, I hate Goans who would stoop to really low levels as amply
demonstrated on Goanet. They know who they are. Now, I do understand
that it's not just Goans who have their bottom feeding sections. It's
just that in my mind a Goan is somebody who is the embodiment of
honor, gentleness, kindness and many such characteristics that I have
experienced in abundance throughout my life no matter which country,
from fellow Goans. But times must change, only with Goans it's largely
for the worse. When Goans were poor they were a simple but honorable
community. When they came into riches, they somehow let corruption
both moral and fiscal into their souls. To the end, Cornel remained a
gentleman Goan. One of a dwindling number that hopefully will continue
to breed for ages to come.

In an email a long time ago, Cornel confided to me about the one
experience that his father endured from a higher-caste indivdual.
Cornel, a boy, was with his father in a public place in Benaulim, his
village, where this incident took place. It was this event that
forever soured him against all those who pertuate the Goan Catholic
caste system. Out of respect I shall not describe this further
although he divulged the minutest details as if it happened on the day
he wrote to me. Cornel being young and impressionable, would have been
marked for life. If it were me, I would have long ago brushed off that
bad feeling and relegated it to the back of my memory bank. But who is
to say how one should remember an experience?

There are some simple truths that forever hold true. One of them is
that one never speaks ill of the dead. One day all of us shall surpass
our mortal bonds and rue the people who would use the occasion to tell
the world about anything but good about us. When we speak ill of
someone dead, we exalt ourselves. And the consequences of that are
well known.

Rest Cornel. You have done your good. You have marked your presence
among the Goan community. If you can smile at us, do so. We are your

Roland Francis


2010-09-13 Thread lusofoniazores gmail

 comunicado à imprensa em anexo

O Presidente da Comissão Executiva, Colóquios da Lusofonia,
Telefone: (351) 296446940,Telemóvel: (351)919287816/ 916755675 E-fax 
Correio eletrónico: coloquioslusofo...@gmail.com  , lusofo...@sapo.pt  ; 
* Todos os colóquios: http://www.lusofonias.net
XIV Colóquio BRAGANÇA 2010: http://www.lusofonias.net/lusofonia2010/index.htm
XV Colóquio MACAU 2011: http://www.lusofonias.net/encontros2011Macau/index.htm
Tudo sobre o Acordo Ortográfico 
Cadernos/Estudos Açorianos http://www.lusofonias.net/Estudos e cadernos 
* Patronos: Malaca Casteleiro Academia Ciências de Lisboa/Evanildo Cavalcante 
Bechara Academia Brasileira de Letras
* Protocolos e Parcerias:
o Direção Regional das Comunidades da Presidência do Governo Regional dos Açores

Re: [Goanet] Goans abroad: From dreams to nightmares

2010-09-13 Thread Gabriel de Figueiredo
If I may add ...

Mithra talks about people who go abroad to make money, as if US and EU 
are other Gulfie places which they are not - doesn't talk much about people 
who have actually migrated to the US, EU, AUS and CAN to give themselves and 
their progeny a new, different, start in life. . 

- Original Message 
 From: J. Colaco  jc cola...@gmail.com
 To: Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994! goanet@lists.goanet.org
 Sent: Mon, 13 September, 2010 10:15:32 PM
 Subject: Re: [Goanet] Goans abroad: From dreams to nightmares
 Dear Selma,
 You have made some good points. Personally, I have come to accept that
 most non-Goan writers will write about Goa and Goans with minimal
 amount of knowledge and research. They then speak to one or two Goans
 and add it to their pre-conceived idea of Goa and Goans.

[Goanet] Goa - Small State; Big Corruption By Aravind Bhatikar

2010-09-13 Thread roger dsouza
*Goa - Small State; Big Corruption*


*Corruption in Goa is firmly inbuilt into our democratic structure, says

Transparency International has ranked most countries of the world in its
Perceived Corruption Index (PCI). The least corrupt is ranked the highest,
and the most corrupt the lowest. In 2001, India was ranked 72nd amongst 91
countries surveyed. And in 2008, it was ranked 85th amongst 180 countries. A
cursory glance at the list suggests that economic development is inversely
related to the level of corruption, and that poorer countries are likely to
be more corrupt.

It is not known whether there has been any survey of Indian states to
compile a national PCI. Not withstanding this, the thesis that corruption is
inversely related to the level of economic development may not hold good in
all cases. At least, it is not true in the case of Goa, which has the
highest per capita income in the country.

For its size, population and achievements, the vertical and horizontal
spread of corruption in Goa is perhaps more appalling and frightening than
in most other states. Like everywhere else in India, corruption in Goa is
election-centric. The abnormal number of assembly constituencies (40), the
narrow victory margins, the nimble footed loyalties of MLAs and the absence
of credible whistleblowers are some of the main factors responsible for

A speciality of politics in Goa is the liberal distribution of cash by some
ministers throughout the year, in addition, of course, to the widespread
misuse of liquor and money power on the eve of polling day. Goa is perhaps
the only state in the country where you can find a powerful politician
liberally distributing 100-rupee notes to all those in the queue at his door
on a scheduled day of the week. There may be only a few other constituencies
in the country where voters are showered with liberal financial help during
marriages and deaths in the family, construction/repairs of the house or
celebration of village festivals.

Goan politicians were late entrants to democracy, but quick learners.
Politicians of few other states can equal their expertise in building
permanent vote banks, through extension of illegal patronage. There are at
least seven constituencies in Goa where ministers / MLAs are heavily
dependent on the votes of migrant labourers illegally settled on comunidade
or government land, and provided with all civic amenities and goodies.

Goa has the highest ratio of government servants to population. One in every
five families has somebody in the family working as a full-time government
employee. The number of government employees has increased from 40,000 in
the year 1999 to about 50,000 in the year 2009. There is one ‘dynamic’
minister who openly boasts of having “fixed” about 2,000 youth in the
departments controlled by him over the last three years.

It is axiomatic that those who liberally misuse their money and official
power to perpetuate their stranglehold on office, have to mobilise those
resources within the same political system. Corruption in Goa is, firstly,
inbuilt into our democratic structure and, secondly, a product of wily
politicians’ ingenious initiatives.

As soon as Goa became a state in 1987, it set up a constitutionally mandated
Public Service Commission. However, the system managers took care to ensure
that the Goa Public Service Commission (GPSC) dealt with recruitment, etc,
only of Class I and II government officials, accounting for hardly 10 per
cent of the workforce. Government departments (Ministers?) directly
recruited Class III and IV employees. In many other states, there are Staff
Recruitment Boards for Class III and IV employees. Goan politicians know
where their bread and butter comes from. They have never considered the
setting up of such a Staff Recruitment Board.

It is widely believed that the annual budgeted expenditure on plan scheme
generates about Rs1,000 crore in unaccounted wealth. The Public Works (PWD),
Transport, Planning and Development Authorities (PDAs), Forests, Mining,
Revenue and Home departments are widely perceived as hotbeds of corruption.
Consequently, these ‘lucrative’ departments have to be equitably allotted to
all the political parties forming a coalition government, or to various
factions in any single-party government.

Goa is, perhaps, one of the few states where lucrative departments are
publicly claimed and fought for by Ministers, and shamelessly debated by
civil society through the print and electronic media.
Not inherent in the structure but rooted in the ingenious initiative of
politicians are oft promoted mega-projects, which have an easy passage in a
deliberately built corruption-friendly political structure. The
controversial Sports City for the National Games, the so called
International Cricket Stadium in an area reportedly classified as forest,
and the proposed ‘Sea-Link’ between Mormugao and Dona Paula are a few
example of such mega-projects, 


2010-09-13 Thread christopher fernandes
IFRA (Indian Football Referees Association) the only registered Indian 
referees body in Kuwait have been appointed  to officiate the 
prestigious Gulf Goans Cup 2010 being organized in Dubai by AVC-Kuwait 
in association with Festa Entertainments -Dubai.The IFRA officials 
will leave for Dubai on the 9th of September 2010 for the 7 a side 
soccer tournament to be held on the 10th of September 2010 from 9:00am 
onwards at the famous Iranian Stadium in Karama, Dubai.  It is a special 
honour for IFRA to be considered for officiating  such an important 
overseas  tournament which will have 24 teams from all over the Middle 
East participating.

[Goanet] Goa news for September 14, 2010

2010-09-13 Thread Goanet News Service
Goa News from Google News and Goanet.org
Visit http://www.goanet.org/newslinks.php for the full stories.

*** Pacheco's ex-wife inquired by CBI in forgery row - Oneindia
ife Sara has been interrogated by the CBI over the illegal
immigration racket ...

*** Sonia to nominate Goa state chief - Sify
arty polls, a state leader said ...

*** Earthmoving machinery brought in Goa exempted from entry tax
- IBNLive.com

*** Obama Derangement Syndrome - The Economist (blog)
tyle caste system, with Catholic Brahmins continuing to
discriminate against Catholic dalit ...a class=

*** Some govt primary schools have as few as two students:
Statistics - Times of India
mes of IndiaPANAJI: There are nearly 90 government primary
schools ( GPS) in Goa with a total student strength of not more
than ten students per school. ...a class=

*** Mamlatdars to detail pending tenancy cases - Times of India
mes of IndiaPANAJI: The high court on Monday directed the
mamlatdars of North and South Goa to file affidavits within two
weeks giving details of pendency of references ...a class=

*** Almost decade later, building rules notified - Times of
mes of IndiaAfter nearly a decade, the government finally
notified the Goa Land Development and Building Construction
Regulations, 2010, on September 9. ...a class=

*** Dharbandora to be the smallest taluka in state - Times of
mes of IndiaPANAJI: It is becoming increasingly clear now that
the new proposed taluka of Dharbandora will be the smallest
taluka of Goa. Official sources said that ...a class=

*** Goans in Canada: A likely tourism mkt - Times of India
trong Goan population in Canada is being looked at as a
potential tourism market by the state government. Goa Tourism
Development ...a class=

*** RTI query reveals rot in Goa Police ranks - Sify
fyMore than 50 percent of the superintendents of police in Goa
have faced disciplinary action, and only 19 percent of police
inspectors have a clean record, ...a class=

Compiled by Goanet News Service

[Goanet] ALEXYZ Daily Cartoon (14Sep10)

2010-09-13 Thread alexyz fernandes

He's not going to Play Cricket...He's dressed up to Watch 20-20 Cricket!

More Cricket more Madness

To enjoy the visual cartoon please visit: www.alexyztoons.com
Site sponsored by www.goasudharop.org

[Goanet] GOANS OF ARUSHA - website.

2010-09-13 Thread John Moniz
First of all Congratulations Ray and Susan on heading a well organised 
GOA a small but very effective membership. Seby what nice infomative 
website keep up the good work. Arusha like Zanzibar are the gemstones of 
Tanzania and Africa a must for every ex-Tanzanians to visit.

Susan your Mum and Dad are doing well, when are you coming for a visit.

All the Best Goa-Arusha

Bosco Moniz

From: seby fernandes
To: goan...@yahoo.co.uk
Sent: Mon, September 13, 2010 3:09:07 PM
Subject: Goans Of Arusha

Dear Rene,

Trust all is well at your end. As per our chat I am sending you this e-mail.

We, the goans of Arusha have just launched our website with a new look.
We are planning to communicate with the rest of the goans abroad .
Please take a look at the website http://www.goarusha.com/

Please let me know if you know Goans around the globe who would like to 
post their link on our website and also we could have our link on their 

Looking forward to hear from you.

Thanks  Regards

seby fernandes

Goans Of Arusha,

The Goans of Arusha

Goans of Arusha - celebrated World Goa Day on the 22nd of Aug 2010.

Face book - World Goa Day
36 new photos

TOGETHER we are building a better GOAN WORLD.

rene barreto
Goanworld : http://worldgoan.blogspot.com/

Re: [Goanet] Goanet Reader: Dr Cornel DaCosta, two reviews...

2010-09-13 Thread TC
As a Goan born in Kenya, of parents still wondering how the Indians took 
over our Goa, I do not agree with your anti-potuguese sentiments. I 
agree the white Portuguse in Canada may still harbour demeaning 
attitude towards Goans, but I do not subscribe to the theory that all or 
most Goans were exalted to be freed by the Indians. Only when India, 
that largest democratic republic, completely and fully recognises our 
differences, in religion and culture, and gives us the full support to 
continue our desire to remain Christian Goans, in peace and in harmony, 
yet in a distinctive indian society, in practice and in name, I shall 
classify ourselves as a people occupied.  anthony.

[Goanet] ALLIANCE FRANCAISE,PANJIM conducts French Classes

2010-09-13 Thread Marise D' Lima



French Classes



Mapuca ,Panjim,Vasco,Margao

Contact: Fabron at 0832-2420049 for details

[Goanet] Talking Photos: Panjim Police Station has Paul the Octopus, Dolphins, sea shells, River Yamuna, snakes etc

2010-09-13 Thread JoeGoaUk

Panjim Police Station has Paul the Octopus, Dolphins, 
River Yamuna,  Vasudev, Sheshnag / Multi-hooded Snake,  
Bal Krishan, Lord Ganapati in a  sea shell etc
Paul the Octopus ?

Father carrying his son in the basket over his head
(Crossing the flooded River Yamuna) and the 
Multi-hooded snake protect the little god from 
Rains and storms
The hooded snakes actually moves (mechanized)

The lord of the festival ‘Mangal Murti or Gajanana or Ganesha’
Seated in a sea-shell – With dolphins in front as if pulling 
the Lord’s chariot through the Sea.
Lord’s favourite ‘Matoli’ items also seen –hanging above
Good art, this year by Police Mamas
I like it.
Panjim police Station -Pic from archive

At Church Square


for Goa  NRI related info... 

For Goan Video Clips 

In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc

[Goanet] Could This Common Beverage Be the Cause of Your Psoriasis?

2010-09-13 Thread Con Menezes
Could this popular common beverage be the cause of your psoriasis??
Alice Wessendorf in 'Healier Talk'

Re: [Goanet] From dreams to nightmares

2010-09-13 Thread Roland Mascarenhas
Before posting my comment, I would like to take this time to introduce
myself to the Goanet readers. My name is Roland Mascarenhas and I am a
Goan-Canadian involved within the Educational realm in Toronto. While I can
certainly understand the sensationalized if not inflammatory comments by
Priyak Mitra, rather than just discarding it I think we should take a closer

The author awkwardly forces the line “most Goans are not well-educated and
lack conversation skills” which is contrary to what statistics reveal – that
Goa has one of the highest literacy rates at above 80% in India, (although
the credibility can be taken into account as Goa is the 25th largest state
in population). Needless to say, Goa has undoubtedly thrived on fisheries,
tourism and hospitality dollars – an industry which requires little need for
‘higher’ education. Surely, we cannot put Goa in the same bracket as the
Mumbaites who mimic Western capitalistic behavior in which the gap between
the rich and the poor is only widening. Thus, what is so wrong about stating
that Goans are ‘not’ well-educated? Is it merely that we are

Furthermore, as someone who is heavily involved with a Goan youth in a North
American Diaspora, it is challenging to define what is considered
“well-educated.” The standards exist based on family history and the
obsessive need for upward mobility – seen both in income and in social
status. Where as one adult from a highly-educated background would consider
the pursuit of graduate or professional studies acceptable, others would
consider a ‘college’ education suffice. (In Canada, the educational system
is often two-tiered with colleges often admitting students in the 60% mark
range in schools – something famous American political scientist Charles
Murray greatly frowns upon as superfluous). Could it be that the degree is
used as a tool to demonstrate an artificial social status to fuel this
obsessive need for economic advancement and wealth? Ms. Vivan D’Souza seems
to think so when she states “seeing people returning to Goa from abroad,
flaunting their wealth, it is no wonder that every Goan youth dreams about
going abroad.”

In regards to the piece about “lacking conversation skills,” I have had
hands-on experience with hundreds of Goan youth in Toronto and it befuddles
me the lack of “professional abilities” that youth demonstrate when in
unfamiliar terrain. I believe the root of this is a lack of confidence, but
it is only amplified with the ongoing tension between Goan (parents) about
socioeconomic status, class and family background. Needless to say, this
topic needs to be covered entirely in a different piece.

There are a plethora of ‘highly-educated’ individuals (M.D, Ph.D and so
forth) on the Goanet mailing list, but do you need a “degree” from to
justify that you are “well-educated?” As a young adult who reads Goanet
everyday, I am amazed at the verbal dexterity displayed by the many writers
– regardless of whether they attended a college or university. Take it from
one of the famous North American writers of our time who did not attend
school past eleven years old, “I have never let my schooling interfere with
my education.”


Roland Mascarenhas

[Goanet] Digambar's fish monger and lobsters tot ake baton and RP 2021 to delhi

2010-09-13 Thread manuel tavares
Hi Soter,

These vermin never give up do they? Their greed knows no bounds and they will 
stoop to whatever means they can to achieve their corrupt goals. 

ordinary Goan can do to stem this unnecessary bleeding that these corrupt 
individuals are imposing upon us?  If there is, pray let us know as I feel it 
is imperative that we put into motion plans to upset and stop this Rape of our 
beloved Goa. If there is any one with any suggestions as to what we can do to 
achieve our ends and the aspirations of the humble majority of Goans, please 
post your views so that we all UNITED  and change the course of this 
unsustainable and devastating path that Kamat and his Forty thieves are leading 
us down.

Regards and best wishes.

Manuel (Eddie) Tavares

Re: [Goanet] Goans abroad, from dreams to nightmares

2010-09-13 Thread Gabriel de Figueiredo
That is true of any Indian arrival in Melbourne. I have met a Sikh taxi-driver 
who worked during the night whilst studying during the day, others who were 
half-asleep during TAFE (Technical and Further Education) classes as they 
worked night-shifts in their uncle's restaurant, etc. In the case of the Sikh 
taxi-driver, he told me that he was in Melbourne to make money - I couldn't 
but feel pity for him, as he was probably unaware that this was not a place for 
such ventures ...

- Original Message 
 From: Vivian A. DSouza socorro...@yahoo.com
 To: goanet@lists.goanet.org
 Sent: Tue, 14 September, 2010 12:28:11 AM
 Subject: Re: [Goanet] Goans abroad, from dreams to nightmares
 I remember meeting a Goan waiter at at Indian restaurant in Maryland, USA.   

 told me that he worked long hours, slept in shifts with others in a dingy 
 apartment room.  

Re: [Goanet] Living Will. . .Toronto U Medical School;

2010-09-13 Thread Mervyn Lobo
Dan Driscoll wrote:
 I have received a copy of 'Burial and Committal Service', for a First Cousin 

 mine who passed away in Toronto a few months ago. He had stipulated in 
 his Will that mortal remains could be used for medical and scientific purpose.

 Toronto U. Medical School did a beautiful committal service for him---along 
 with over a hundred others, who were named. There was a lovely Letter of 
 Thanks, signed by First Year Med Class; Order of Service; Music ((Intermezzo 
 from Cavalliria Rusticana)---everything 'done decently and according to 

 as St. Paul would have it.

I dusted off my organ donor papers and started to check the fine print for the 
following reason, I do not want to miss my final party.

Since the university provides last time donors good music, I think it would 
also be a great idea to meet the people who will work on me for the last time.
Here's the plan. I am going to call the medical school and ask if I can have
my musical farewell ceremony while I am still alive. After the music is over, 
I will invite all the first year students to the closest party place so that we 
all have a great time. When I do go, those students will remember the party 
and will definitely have an easier time working with my cadaver. 
Can anyone of you imagine how much easier it would be for a first year 
student to work on the cadaver of just a strange person instead of a stranger?

[Goanet] Almost decade later, building rules notified for Goa- By Paul Fernandes TOI

2010-09-13 Thread roger dsouza
Almost decade later, building rules notified

Paul Fernandes, TNN, Sep 14, 2010, 03.39am IST

PANAJI: Group housing units and multi-storied buildings will face stringent
action in future if they misuse parking space for commercial and other

After nearly a decade, the government finally notified the Goa Land
Development and Building Construction Regulations, 2010, on September 9. The
new rules seek to wrap up under one package provisions related to building
and construction activity scattered in various other Acts. These include the
Goa Town and Country Planning Act, 1974, Goa Municipal Act, 1968 (bylaws),
Goa Panchayati Raj Act, 1994,City of Panaji Corporation Act, 2002, and
various regulations of the planning and development authority ( PDA),
sources said.

The concept of post-occupancy audit has been introduced for the first time
to prevent misuse of parking space, Morad Ahmad, chief town planner, town
and country planning (TCP) department said.

Explaining further, he said licensing authorities, PDAs, municipal councils
and village panchayats will have to carry out random inspections of
buildings within five years after construction to check for any violations
of the approved plans. If any deviation is found, the parking area will be
cleared of any structure and restored for parking purpose only, said Ahmad.

Architects, structural engineers and surveyors will also come under the
scanner for any violations during development and construction. If any
deviation from the plan designed by the architect and on record is noticed,
he (the architect) will be held responsible for the violation and his
registration can be at stake, senior town planner S T Puttaraju said.

The roles of civil engineer, structural engineer and other professionals
have also been clearly defined and a system of imposing fines for violations
has been introduced for the first time. If a consultant engineer or surveyor
shows the wrong contour of a hill slope, he/she will be held responsible

Professionals across the board feel the new provisions can help curb
irregularities. The provisions will bring about accountability among
architects and others, said reputed architect Dean D'Cruz.

Tulio de Souza, member of the national executive of the Indian Institute of
Architects, however, pointed out, The audit is welcome, but some issues,
especially enforcement, remain unclear. Why should TCP point fingers at
panchayats and municipalities to take action when it (TCP) grants approvals
under the new Act?

Meanwhile, the audit for violations of parking space or any other deviations
will commence effectively from the date of issue of occupancy henceforward,
said officials.

Stilt parking at any level can be provided by the developer within the
building, be it the ground floor or any other floor, and this clause is
expected to ensure its non diversion to commercial uses, Puttaraju said.

The planning and development authorities, municipal councils and village
panchayats will have to issue notices to the owners and developers to raze
any illegal structures in space meant for parking. Any change of use of
building or part thereof other than parking, which obstructs space for
circulation and movement of vehicles as shown by them in the plans will have
to be cleared, Ahmad said.

The licence issued for any shop or for any other trade in the parking area
will be cancelled by the authorities, he added.

The regulations have also been updated by incorporating national codes to
improve structural and strategic safety of buildings to cope with disasters.
Extracts from national building codes on quake mitigation, fire
regulations, barrier-free conditions for physically handicapped persons, and
central regulations notified from time to time, concept of green buildings
are incorporated in these regulations, Ahmad explained.

While the new rules are part of the Goa Land Development and Building
Construction Act, 2008, the process for formulating a uniform set of rules
was initiated in 2001 during chief minister Digambar Kamat's tenure then as
urban development minister. These (too many scattered regulations) resulted
in lack of control, overlapping of powers and divided responsibility,
Puttaraju said.

While the steering committee headed by Kamat commenced its work then, the
process was involved in legal tangles for some time. After Kamat became
chief minister in 2007, the process was revived, sources said.

[Goanet] GOA SUDHAROP: Konkani filmbook KONKNNI CHOLCHITRAM, Sept 21 launch

2010-09-13 Thread George Pinto

  Goanet joins Noel Rebello to raise money for Daddy's Home (Margao, Goa)
  Sponsor Noel as he climbs Mt. Kilimanjaro (5,882m or 19,298 ft)

Make a donation at www.Goanet.org, click on MAKE A DONATION,
   state Daddy's Home in the Donation comments

 For more information see: http://bit.ly/SupportDaddysHome

Author Isidore Dantas's much anticipated Konkani filmbook KONKNNI CHOLCHITRAM 
released in honour of GOA SUDHAROP's 10 year anniversary will have its Goa 
launch at Hotel Mandovi, Panaji, on Tuesday, Sept 21 from 4-6pm. All invited, 
there is no cost to attend.

The book has been very well received. Here is one review from Canada (privately 
sent so name withheld).

Isidore Dantas has truly surpassed himself in his book Konknni Cholchitram. 
It is a very comprehensive and detailed description of the making of over 30 
Konkani films, the actors, music and background of each film. For a Konkani 
movie lover, his book is a well-researched must-have.
His personal involvement in the music world in Bombay during the making of 
these Goan classics has been documented in this voluminous collection and is 
fascinating to the reader as you are taken  down memory lane.
The book is written in Roman script Konkani and the language is truly Amchem 
Bhass. It encompasses Konkani film from both Hindu/Manglorean and Christian 
background. It has the melody line and chords from the original film music 
scores and as a hard-covered publication is worth the investment.
For the diaspora Goan who may claim ignorance about reading Konkani, the book 
is still a fascinating pictorial depiction of the Konkani stage with stars from 
the sixties right up to today. The likes of Leena Fernandes, Rita Lobo, Freida 
Pinto and countless others speak to the beauty of our Goan damsels on the 
international scene. The pictures are truly evocative and bring back nostalgic 
memories of the B  W screen classics.
Offering thanks and credit to his supporters and sponsors, Dantas will always 
remain in the spotlight for his herculean effort in promoting our Goan music, 
language and culture.