[Goanet] Priorities Of Our Freeloaders

2011-02-15 Thread Freddy Fernandes
Priorities Of Our Freeloaders 


The freeloaders are back in the news, probably trying to justify their claims
for freebees from Digambar Kamat and company. I mean no disrespect to the
authentic freedom fighters, as far as authentic freedom fighters are concerned;
we are thankful and gracious to you all. 


But the so called freedom fighters, I mean the pseudo freedom fighters led by
freeloader Flaviano Dais, are certainly a different cup of woes, who want
Portuguese names to be changed and are planning to travel through 200 villages.
Flaviano claiming to be a freedom fighter like Karmali, should now be surely
over 60 years of age, where was he and all his other stooges, all these while,
since the so called liberation ? Which by facts and records was indeed nothing
else but annexation. Where they busy wiping Bandodkar's nose, adjusting
Shasikala's skirt or licking and polishing the boots of all the subsequent Chief
Ministers of Goa ?  


Since 1961 what have been the objectives and achievements of our so called
freedom fighters ? Have they ever come forth with any constructive issues or
solutions for issues plaguing Goa and Goans ? Or has it only been the Portuguese
paranoia and their phobia for all Portuguese names and culture ?  If it is the
latter, than the freeloaders will be disappointed because every third person in
Goa is a Catholic having a name that is the legacy of the Portuguese and
freeloader Flaviano Dais himself has a Portuguese name ? How is that for
Portuguese-phobia ?


Change of names means nothing, names are just an acknowledgment of the past
which can never be wiped off, and they are a part of our history whether we like
it or not. Just because majority of Indians are Hindus can the Muslim and the
British history connected to India be ever forgotten. Can new names ever wipe
away history ? All this is just a drama, just an effort and exercise to digest
their ill-gotten freebies that often cause ethical indigestion and heartburns in


Calvinism, nationalism, patriotism and heritage are good but unfortunately they
cannot change history. In Goa what we really need to do today is, to protect our
ecology and our environment, fight against corruption, casts and religious
segregations and gender biases, right to education for all, eradicate poverty,
health policy that will benefit every Goan and water and electricity in every
home, running 24 hours a day, these are the most essential requirements today.
Change of Portuguese names will not alleviate our problems nor will it change
our status. 


As a result of annexation Goans were thrown from the frying pan into the fire,
which is no consolation at all but only torture. It is only the legacy of
corruption and communalism that we have inherited as a result of annexation by
India, as a result of which all the respective governments have failed to come
up with solutions to the basic needs of Goa and Goans. Each and every government
in power has done absolutely nothing to alleviate the problems encountered by
the common man, for our basic necessities. On the contrarily the Indian ruling
coterie has successfully made India, including Goa a banana republic. At the
moment for Goans there is absolutely nothing to be proud of, neither being a
Goan nor being an Indian by virtue of forced annexation.


If we were ostracized by Salazar under the Portuguese, we are no better today,
burdened, ravished and rapped under the pseudo democratic and pseudo secular
policies and norms of India, as the supreme Constitution itself is beaten with a
broomstick by the very people who run the central and local governments is a
fury for self development. The earlier our freeloaders accept this fact and
change their perception, the better it will be for all concerned. 


In India there is a belief that every freedom fighter has the values and virtues
of Bapuji in him but in Goa our so called freedom fighters have no resemblance
in any way, neither to the life nor to the morals of Bapuji. Bapuji once said
freedom of India is not complete, until and unless every house and home in India
is free. Are we Goans free ? Don't kid yourselves, we may have been freed from
the dictatorial rule of Salazar but unfortunately we are made slaves by the
pseudo democratic and pseudo secular entity called India, the forced annexation
is ample evidence of it, as for the promises that were made then, have been
conveniently and conspicuously forgotten and our so called freedom fighters have
no qualms about it nor do they see anything wrong with what's going on in Goa at


The true freedom in Goa means nothing to our so called freedom fighters, as long
as they get their freebies from every government that comes into power. The
ravaging scavengers at the helm of affairs in Goa have been fooling gullible and
selling Goa to the highest bidder, with rampant corruption and creating vote
bank leading to influx of migrants, diluting our very Goan Identity, prices of

[Goanet] Cancel Portuguese street names : Panel - Herald

2011-02-15 Thread Camillo Fernandes

Source :  Herald

Cancel Portuguese street names: Panel


A newly formed committee headed by senior journalist and freedom fighter 
Flaviano Dias has demanded cancellation of Portuguese names designated to 
several roads, villages and localities and rename the same after national 
heroes, freedom fighters and eminent personalities loyal to this country and 
The committee named ‘Goa liberation-50: From Torture to Strength and Progress’ 
has been formed to chalk-out exhaustive year-long programme to create awareness 
about Goa’s freedom struggle.  
Working president of the committee Subhash Velingkar said, “The demand would be 
placed before the government. This is not just the demand of this committee but 
from a section of the society. We will pressurize the government till it comes 
out with a decision in this regard.” 

Comments :  Camilo Fernandes
I was shocked  and had a laugh to read the above report demanding cancellation 
of Portuguese names.  Does the so called freedom fighter Flaviano Dias and his 
team  not have  better things to do in Goa than embark on this stupid mission.  
Would this make Goa a better place?  There are so many major  problems facing 
Goa and if only these so called freedom fighters come into the forefront to 
protest and  lead the way, Goa would not be getting ruined day by day.   Did he 
get his inspiration from the Shiv Sena and their leaders  in Mumbai who are 
against English yet clamour to send their family members to the best English 
convent schools by force.
Dev borem korum
Camilo Fernandes  

[Goanet] Daily Grook #884

2011-02-15 Thread Francis Rodrigues

by Francis Rodrigues

 heart'y gift for chef
of lotsa pork dishes,
cover him with enuff
of hogs and quiches!

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sheet-music,tab,lyrics,chords of great Konkani pop hits
GOA: PEDRO FERNANDES: Tel.2226642 FURTADOS: Tel.2223278



[Goanet] Obituary - Philomena Braz e Crasto

2011-02-15 Thread Domnic Fernandes

The following obituary appeared in today's O Heraldo:

Philomena Braz e. Crasto 
(Tiatrist - Ex NTC Mumbai)

Beloved wife of late Bernabe Crasto
Beloved mother/mother-in-law of Candida (Candy)/
Dennis (P&O Oceana)
Doting grandmother of Deidre, Deandra  Dascha

Funeral Cortege will leave her daughter's residence at Deussua 
TODAY 16/02/2011 at 3.45 pm to St. Anthony Chapel, Deussua
for mass followed by burial at Chinchinim Cemetery.

Ms Philomena was a good actress and singer. She belonged to the
Bombay Tiatrists' Group. Besides singing solos and duets, she sang quartets 
with late Souza Ferrao, Star of Arossim and Rico
Rod. Our heartfelt condolences to her family. May her soul rest in peace.

Domnic FernandesAnjuna, GoaMob: 9420979201


[Goanet] Re. Death of Goa's fields - thanks to the lack of low cost (manual)

2011-02-15 Thread Arwin Mesquita

(1) Surely you must limitation of land in accomodating more people and the
need to maintain a balance towards agriculture vs. destructive development.

(2) Surely you must understand the essence of controlled migration and why
its necessary; or maybe perhap you do not and your own personal interests &
immigrant status make up your myophic views.

(3) I appreciate that labour is an issue but do we follow a "herd" mentality
in converting  Agricultural land into concrete jungle; or to we look at CAN
DO possibilities of maximising on agriculture.

Please do write to the Goan Media on you support to Goa turning into a
concrete Jungle. Let see the feedback. Also please do state you status, i.e.
in Goa/NRI/ Citizen of  another country


2b. Re: [Goanet] Death of Goa's fields
Posted by: "marlon_e_menezes" goa...@yahoo.com   marlon_e_menezes
Tue Feb 15, 2011 7:08 am (PST)

This is another example of hypocrisy by anti-immigrant, non-resident pseudo
Goans like Arwin and Rajan.

One reason why agriculture is a dying industry in Goa because of the lack of
manpower. There is limited manpower thanks to the large out flow of Goans,
like Arwin and Rajan to other parts of India and the world.

Landowners would like to get access to manual labor to get farm work done,
but we have anti-immigrant bashers like Arwin and Rajan, and extreme
leftists like Soter who oppose such free movement of labor to satisfy market

With the land lying fallow, it makes a lot of sense for the landowners to
sell their properties to the construction industry. It is almost as if the
anti-immigrant groups are working hand in glove with the land sharks.


Please post your comments on my Blog: http://goanidentity.blogspot.com/

Please also see below:
1. Benaulim Village Action Committee: http://www.bvacbenaulim.blogspot.com/
2. "Rape of Goa" : http://www.parrikar.com/blog/the-rape-of-goa/
3. MAND - an adivasi-rights resource centre : http://mandgoa.blogspot.com/
5. Goa's Identity Movement group on Facebook:
6. Official Government Site NRI Office (GOA): http://www.globalgoans.org.in/

Please post your comments on my Blog: http://goanidentity.blogspot.com/

Please also see below:
1. Benaulim Village Action Committee: http://www.bvacbenaulim.blogspot.com/
2. "Rape of Goa" : http://www.parrikar.com/blog/the-rape-of-goa/
3. MAND - an adivasi-rights resource centre : http://mandgoa.blogspot.com/
5. Goa's Identity Movement group on Facebook:
6. Official Government Site NRI Office (GOA): http://www.globalgoans.org.in/

Re: [Goanet] Death of Goa's fields

2011-02-15 Thread Rajan P. Parrikar
To Goanet -

Marlon Menezes wrote:
>This is another example of hypocrisy by anti-immigrant, non-resident pseudo  
>Goans like Arwin and Rajan.  One reason why agriculture is a dying industry in 
>Goa because of the lack of  manpower. There is limited manpower thanks to the 
>large out flow of Goans, like  Arwin and Rajan to other parts of India and the 
>world.  Landowners would like to get access to manual labor to get farm work 
>done, but  we have anti-immigrant bashers like Arwin and Rajan, and extreme 
>leftists like  Soter who oppose such free movement of labor to satisfy market 
>needs. Have these  anti-free market, anti-immigrant clowns ever spoken to 
>farmers and landowners  about the problems they face?  With the land lying 
>fallow, it makes a lot of sense for the landowners to sell  their properties 

>the construction industry. It is almost as if the  anti-immigrant groups are 
>working hand in glove with the land sharks.  

Marlon Menezes is right only about one thing: I am against migration
into Goa.  We are bursting at the seams here.  I have laid out my reasons 
in some detail over many posts here on Goanet.

But on the topic of fields being destroyed, Marlon Menezes is talking
out of his behind.  I had given the specific example of Taleigao, where
communidade land has been commandeered by Monserrate and
his band of thugs for construction.  The space for cultivation for
the local gaude has shrunk to a patch here and a patch there.
Exactly the same thing has happened everywhere else in Goa.
Fields - often communidade fields - have been converted from
agricultural to commercial purposes for the express purpose of
erecting concrete structures and filling the pockets of politicos,
sarpanchas, panchas, and of course the builders.

The gaude could have been elevated form subsistence farming
to a sustainable operation.  I am not surprised by Marlon's bullpucky
about "manpower."  Exactly the same reasons are trotted by others
here who want cheap ghati labour.

All this is so well known that it is surprising that Marlon Menezes
is so out of touch with Goa.  Perhaps he is a non-Goan masquerading
as a Goan.  Many ghatis in Goa these days change their names
from, say, Rudrappa, to Ronald D'Souza.  Who knows, 
Marlon "I-know-how-to-spell" Menezes may well be one of those.



Re: [Goanet] Goanet Digest, Vol 6, Issue 157

2011-02-15 Thread Charudatt Prabhudesai

Dororbab boroitat: 
"and her own Hindu defender in our argument, 
named Charudatt Prabhudesai.

Hau mhontaum:

Are baba, mhaka re bhitar kityak otta tu?

Santosh's scientific cannon is firing full cylinders and 
all guns or whatever the phrase may be, and it will not stop
before a complete anihilation of the contradicting species!
He accuses me, without scientiphic basis or without peer-approval,
of being "her own Hindu defender in our argument". (I did not understand 
the 'her' bit)I agree to having in the past 
defended the so called Hindu 'thing' so far on this forum but when Hindus 
will get too intolerant of Catholics or Musselmans, or even Jews for that 
matter,I shall defend the underdog. Not a reason, that, to compartmentalize 
me and my intentions.

Sarke mu dotorbab?

Charudatta Prabhudesai


[Goanet] Liars and Layers of corruption

2011-02-15 Thread soter
There is no doubt that the cause is just and that is why I decided to overcome 
my inhibitions and attend the meeting called to protest the suspension of the 
male judge. One has to enter the fearful tunnel of litigation to understand the 
contradictions of that face screaming against corruption in public and the same 
face behind the bar. What greater corruption can there be when you are not 
aware that you lawyer handling your litigation against a builder is also a 
legal consultant of the real estate forums? What greater conspiracy can there 
be when the real estate legal consultants are parked in the Goa Law Commission 
prompting changes in Goa's laws. 
We are human. Memories of betrayals and conspiracies against the Goan people 
are bound to ring alarm bells in the mind no sooner one sees even the faint 
shadow of Goa's stinking political stunt masters. Our eyes cannot help seeing 
and our ears hearing. It is an untold suffocation that one has to put up with. 
While Ram factor was loud, Rahim element was missing and the Rebello factor got 
drowned by the galaxy of more entertaining seasoned orators. It appeared more 
of  a remix of the failed anti-corruption rally trying to exploit the occassion 
afforded by the suspension of an upright judge. The discomfort of trying to 
wear the modern technologically refined latex was evident with the nirodh users 
of yester years. 
The grounds at Azad Maidan witnessed yet another 'Kama Sutra' performance with 
Goa's band of liars and layers of corruption unfolding. We could just not 
ignore the entourage of Datta boys and Digu chums displaying their adorable 
shapes and sizes. Oh, one needed to be there to witness the tears and cheers 
from the Ram element apologising publicly for not raising the banner of revolt 
ten months ago after the suspension of a lady judge. It was but obvious that 
some sort of a rationalisation had to be put forth to justify the unbiased 
nature of the current noises being trumpeted against the corrupt judiciary in 
defence of a suspended male judge. The fact of the matter is that probably the 
lady's suspension came a bit too early for it to be of any importance in the 
run-up to the assembly or CCP elections. Or probably, for an action to be 
officially termed as unfair or corrupt in Goa one has to be among those who 
take a weekend ride on the golden chariot around that deceptive circle on the 
fringes of South Goa's capital. And we cannot ignore the fair share, of 
otherwise over enthusiastic Goans who cheer others into action in cyber world, 
that were fence sitting on the pavements outside Azad Maidan. Ultimately it was 
only the spray of black and white that covered the lawns with the real Goan 
Our sympathies remain for the suspended Goan male judge.

[Goanet] Degradation of Goan paradise.

2011-02-15 Thread Con Menezes
Hello Rajan,

Thank you for  repeatedly drawing attention to the devastating  effect  of the  
the degradation   of our formerly beautiful Goa.
I was in Goa just  three weeks ago , regrettably for just  three weeks, and I 
was distressed  to observe what has been done by the selfishness of the 
I happened to lunch at a landmark  hotel  and noticed  that about a dozen of 
these rascals were enjoying  a lunch, no doubt  the tab picked up by the 
Noted  too, the fields are a shadow of what were formwerly to be rice granaries 
of our land in the days gone by, but now crowded with mega housing projects.
Where will it end
I  enjoy & appreciate   your photos  and other 
material you post on Goanet.
Thank You,

[Goanet] Regurgition of Goa's history (part 6)

2011-02-15 Thread Gilbert Lawrence
Politica dos Casmentos - Fact or Fiction which keeps being regurgitated? (final 
- part 3)
12. Portuguese soldiers and sailors had opportunities to taste the hot tropical 
summer, treacherous monsoon weather and the many tropical diseases. (Goaeven at 
its later ‘golden peak’ was called the grave-yard of the Portuguese).
13. Soldiers could return home on the ‘Carreira da India’ with their individual 
booty of black pepper contained in their freight-free ‘caixa de Liberdade’ or 
‘liberty chest’. This would be good retirement savings for even a poor sailor; 
as the life expectancy was another 20 years (total only 40 years).  Petty 
officers took a caixa of more expensive and lucrative spices, like cinnamon and 
nutmeg to make a fidalgo’s living and retirement. Senior officers and the 
capitaums got a higher quota of duty-free and freight-free caixa-allowance with 
their compensation package (in lieu of higher salary). Depending on the spice, 
prices in Europewere 5 to 10 times more than in India.
14. Likely there were some soldiers who opted for the fidalgo life on Tiswadi 
with the ‘Politica dos Casmentos’. Yet, there were few women to choose from 
next paragraph) if there were any. And one needs to question those who may 

15. How many women of what ever culture and what ever era would turn around to 
marry the murderer of her husband and father of her children?  

16. In my analysis, there likely were NO widows of soldiers on Tiswadi.  Look 
back! Yusuf Adil Shah marched in a hurry from Bijapur to recapture Goa.  This 
does not permit an army to mobilize the families.  An average army marches 
miles a day on foot (there was no transportation system in 1510). To get to 
the army had to march over the Western Ghats. Perhaps native Goans can tell us 
the distance between Bijapur and Goa.  From Alexander the Great, (350 BCE) it 
was difficult to feed, care-for and house soldiers during a march. Soldiers 
spend the night in large tents or camps. To have wives, children and other 
dependents in a military march is definitely not a military strategy. 

17. On Tiswadi a scene of two prior battles, (third impending) soldiers lived 
camps and forts; because everything else was destroyed in the battles. There 
no time to build housing for families with oncoming hostilities. And soldiers 
and commanders do not have their family in the midst of a battle zone.
18. Even if there were non-combatants on the Isle of Goa / Tiswadi in early 
November 1510, they would be / could be easily ferried across the small 
tributary of the river out of Tiswadi prior to or, in worst case scenario, 
cover of darkness during the hostilities. All one needed was a canoe (voddem) 
dhow. Most Goans have crossed this small tributary by boat or walked the 
bridge in a short time (less than an hour).
19. The battle started November 25 ending on December 10, 1510. This 
some (frequently regurgitated) historical reports that claim that the third 
battle for Goawas a 2-day effort.  
I look forward to alternative explanations for or against my point that the 
reported ‘Politica dos Casmentos” was a non-event or a fabrication of later 
Once again those whose literary works contains reference to this event should 
avoid taking my analysis personally.
Regards, supurlo Goenkar, GL

[Goanet] Cancel Portuguese street names: Panel

2011-02-15 Thread soter

A newly formed committee headed by senior journalist and freedom fighter 
Flaviano Dias has demanded cancellation of Portuguese names designated to 
several roads, villages and localities and rename the same after national 
heroes, freedom fighters and eminent personalities loyal to this country and 
The committee named 'Goa liberation-50: From Torture to Strength and Progress' 
has been formed to chalk-out exhaustive year-long programme to create awareness 
about Goa's freedom struggle.  
Working president of the committee Subhash Velingkar said, "The demand would be 
placed before the government. This is not just the demand of this committee but 
from a section of the society. We will pressurize the government till it comes 
out with a decision in this regard." 
The committee will also programmes in villages where freedom fighters rebelled 
against the Portuguese regime. 
"We want to visit those villages and places where rebellion took place and hold 
functions there. The aim is to make locals aware about the importance of these 
places," he Velingkar mentioned. 
"If possible, we will felicitate freedom fighters who participated in the 
rebellion of their respective villages," he added.  
The committee's year-long programmes will commence from February 20 at Kala 
Academy where Goa's first martyr Bala Raya Mapari, who died on February 18, 
1955, will be remembered. The inaugural would also see release of special 
issues based on various historical aspects of Goa's freedom struggle.
 "The 6th volume of prestigious 'Vishwa Charitra Kosh' would also be released 
on the occasion," Velingkar informed.
Apart from this, the committee would also pay gratitude to six freedom fighters 
- Prabhakar Sinari, Nagesh Karmali, Verissimo Coutinho, Madhukar Mordekar, 
Chandrakant Kenkre and Flaviano Dias.
 "This is not felicitation but an act to convey that we are indebted to these 
brave hearts," Velingkar stated.
The committee with its 600 volunteers is aiming to associate with around 250 
organizations for the entire programme. 


[Goanet] Obituary: Sr. Tiatrist Philomena Braz

2011-02-15 Thread JoeGoaUk
Philomena Braz e Crasto  
Funeral today at her daughter's residence, Chinchinim, Goa

For more pics and video clips - see links within


for Goa & NRI related info... 

For Goan Video Clips 

In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc

Re: [Goanet] Panjim's disgrace (Letter in Herald)

2011-02-15 Thread Rajan P. Parrikar
To Goanet -

Rajendra Kakodkar wrote:
>Comments: Which is better? chasing your own tail as per your 1st post or 
>spending the next 3 or 4 lifetimes as per your 2nd post?  Fighting battles 
>may not succeed in many lifetimes. But create things and keep, which 100 

>can take up their own novel or silly ways. One of them may succeed. Shift from 
>"I succeed" to "my objective succeeds". 


To your first question - it depends on the situation.  I am here for
4 weeks and from past experience I know that making the rounds
(i.e. chasing my own tail) results in temporary relief.  Think of it 
like the tablet you take for a cold - doesn't really cure it, but lets
you sleep soundly for a while.  Similarly, in this instance the noise 
abates for a short period but then gets back up again.

As I have told you in an earlier post, I have tried other approaches
as well.  The real problem is that most of the citizenry is comatose.
If enough Ponjekars begin banging on doors and chasing their own
tails, maybe we will see real change.  Right now all we get is 
empty talk (the well known "kottolo ahlo") from some and nothing
from the rest.

If you have any further questions, please ask.



[Goanet] There's more democracy in Goa???

2011-02-15 Thread Melvyn Ferrao

Part of this news item does not make sense. Babush takes care of his voters
by getting them out of trouble by paying money even if they have committed a
crime. Is this democracy?

I can understand the part which talks about Manohar Parrikar doing good work
for Panjim and Digambar Kamat being available on phone.

But this??? This is corruption and should be titled There's more corruption
in Goa.

-Melvyn Ferrao

Re: [Goanet] Is this a fig (from a Margao-Borda garden).. (Goan saying: stolen fruit is always sweet.)‏

2011-02-15 Thread Domnic Fernandes
These are wild figs. There were many wild fig-trees in the villages in 
Goa (very few are left now,) which produced wild figs. In Konkani, the 
tree is called ‘rumbodd’ and the fruits are called ‘rumbram.’ As 
children, we sometimes ate these fruits; we didn’t like them much 
because they were dry and not sweet enough. Our parents always cautioned 
us not to go near these trees, as they were frequented by cobras, and, 
surprisingly, we would come across one when we visited such trees; 
sometimes, we saw snakes on the trees.


Domnic Fernandes
Anjuna, Goa
Mob: 9420979201

Chanced upon this fruit while ambling through some Borda gardens in

the afternoon (climb the wall and pray the dogs are..)the owners

were on their afternoon napin the scramble, one did not have a

moment to check the name plate buthush...its a certain Mr.

Faleiro ???

Did not know figs grow in Goa...or is this a fig?

Do take a look,


What nextthe Saligao wine collective will experiment with fig wine?



[Goanet] ALEXYZ Daily Cartoon (16Feb11)

2011-02-15 Thread alexyz fernandes

***  TOURIST  ***

"Apart from it's Temples, Churches & Beaches...Goa is also famous for 
it's Garbage"

To enjoy the visual cartoon please visit: www.alexyztoons.com
Site sponsored by www.goasudharop.org

[Goanet] Goa news for February 16, 2011

2011-02-15 Thread Goanet News Service
Goa News from Google News and Goanet.org
Visit http://www.goanet.org/newslinks.php for the full stories.

*** TN and Goa registers easy wins - Zee News

*** Sessions judge suspension triggers protests in Goa - Indian
protest two Goa judges' suspension

*** McNally Bharat Engineering receives Order from Goa Shipyard
- Equity Bulls

*** River Princess saga: Arihant deposits performance guarantee
- Times of India

*** Two caught with illegal narcotics in Goa - Washington Bangla

*** Iffi to have exclusive festival dir; Ravindra Bhavan to host
Iffi 2011 - Times of India
elated infrastructure, Menon asked the Goa government to upgrade
the facilities at Ravindra Bhavan to which the state government
has agreed. Officials said that work would begin by March-end or
April and would be completed by September. ...

*** Martyr's Day on Feb 18 - Times of India
ong celebration for the 55th Martyr's Day at Assonora ...http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNHE6Ku6LJJ_INpvdEpc6ypDBytdHw&url=http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/goa/Martyrs-Day-on-Feb-18/articleshow/7505201.cms

*** SAB TV Channel Hindi Show Sajan Re Jhoot Mat Bolo Cast &
Crew in Goa - Washington Bangla Radio
anyal on 15 February 2011 Mumbai, [Feb 11, 2011]   (Washington
Bangla Radio / PRLog) - Sajan Re unit gets a day off in Goa!
Guess who enjoyed in Goa recently? None other than the entire
cast of Sajan Re Jhoot Mat Bolo! ...http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNGaEs_H23O3Njpf5KA-0uFCxRWXWg&url=http://www.washingtonbanglaradio.com/content/22034211-sab-tv-channel-hindi-show-sajan-re-jhoot-mat-bolo-cast-crew-goa

*** Goa freedom fighters to revisit uprising against Portuguese
- Sify
entury old Luso regime. Speaking to reporters here Tuesday, a
group of freedom ...http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNFBDv9MLFJAT-5hVPZ5yfKjJLOa9w&url=http://www.sify.com/news/goa-freedom-fighters-to-revisit-uprising-against-portuguese-news-national-lcpt4gcfdef.html

*** Cops-drug mafia case: Home min misled house, claims BJP -
Times of India
mes of IndiaThe home minister has misled the Goa legislative
assembly and taken it for a ride. He has made a false statement
before the house. He should resign from his post as home
minister," Arlekar said.http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNEnP5kzXQKepOLdK7slijw8c6XiOQ&url=http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/goa/Cops-drug-mafia-case-Home-min-misled-house-claims-BJP/articleshow/7505146.cms

Compiled by Goanet News Service

[Goanet] Goanet-CyberMatrimonials - February 2011

2011-02-15 Thread Goanet-CyberMatrimonials

Goanet-CyberMatrimonials - February 2011

LOOKING OUT for a life partner? Circulate your message among thousands
of largely-Goan readers. For a listing in this column send details to
christina at goanet.org with the subject line CYBER-MATRIMONIALS. This is a
free, volunteer-driven service undertaken in community interest. Feel
free to share this ezine among others who might find it useful.

FEMALE (Looking for a Groom)

RC Goan, Female 54, with a kind, caring and affectionate nature. Working 
in UK. Seeks trustworthy, honest, sincere RC male.

Email: genieto...@hotmail.co.uk

28 Year old RC female 5ft 7" from Australia, graduate and teaching in RC 
school, seeks alliance from educated RC bachelors.

Email: con...@yahoo.com.au

Goan RC spinster, 39/5'2", fair, pretty, professionally qualified and 
living in Toronto in her own apartment seeks Goan bachelors upto 45 
years, based in Toronto or willing to re-locate. I am looking for 
someone who is caring, romantic, respectful, easygoing, understanding 
and above all, with a good sense of humour.

Email: canadiana_2...@yahoo.com

Our daughter is 33 yrs / 5'.5" / slim / pretty looking convent 
educated/First class graduate in Architecture from Bombay University. 
Looking for a well qualified bachelor with good moral values from 

Email: dr_0...@yahoo.co.in

The parents of a 22 year old girl who is about to graduate in Business 
Finance from University of Colorado are looking out for a smart young 
man whom she could get to know, with a view to marriage, within the next 
few years. She has spent most of her life in UAE, Saudi Arabia and USA, 
and traces her roots to Mumbai / Goa / Kerala. Hence, an interesting 
match would be one who is 24 to 26 years old, progressive and modern in 
outlook, God-fearing, loving, with good Christian values, and who is  / 
or is studying to be professionally qualified, preferably based in US / 

Email: marton...@yahoo.com

27year old RC Goan female, Bachelors in Computers, looking for an 
educated RC Goan from decent background, well presented with good 
manners and should be 27-33 years of age.

Email: mystery009...@gmail.com

RC Goan parents with a good cultured family background invite alliance 
for their spinster daughter 26 years of age, 5'6" slim, fair, beautiful 
MCA employed in an MNC as a Software Engineer from suitably qualified 
bachelors of age upto 35 years.

Email: ced...@gmail.com

Goan RC parents are looking for a Goan RC bachelor for their spinster 
daughter, 37 years old, 5"3", fair complexion, MA(Socio) working for a 
leading investment bank in Mumbai. He should be between the ages of 37 
to 46 years, well qualified & professionally settled, God fearing with a 
good character.

Email: joanelle...@yahoo.com

RC Goan female, 47 yrs old, attractive, well-educated, in the teaching 
profession, seeks marriage alliance from well-settled, good natured, 
decent bachelors with good family values.

Email: jeansc...@yahoo.co.in

Good looking Goan RC, graduate spinster, 40-years-old (but looks about 
26 or 27) homely, with a pleasant personality & working in Goa, seeks 
marriage alliance from good natured bachelors.

Email melody_...@yahoo.co.in

Goan RC spinster, 38 yrs, 5'2", working as a Project Manager for an MNC 
inviites alliance from RC Goan/East Indian bachelors, based in India/Abroad.

Email: aqua...@gmail.com

Parents of RC Goan Spinster, 38 years, 5'2" living in Canada seek 
alliance from qualified Goan Bachelors 38 - 43 years and  willing to 
move to Canada.

Email: digip...@gmail.com

Looking for serious marriage proposals for a single RC Goan spinster, 
42; never married, good looking, well educated, kind, good family 
background, from single unmarried,  well settled RC bachelors.

Email: sp6...@gmail.com

53 year old RC Goan female, very fair, well setlled, looking for a good 
fearing soul mate Goan bachelor aged between 49-60yrs old. I'm living 

Email: zira_d...@hotmail.com


MALE (Looking for a Bride)

RC Goan bachelor with height 5'6", 31years old, B.C.A. from Goa 
University working for a reputed company in Bangalore seeks a God 
fearing Goan girl with good family values.

Email: goenkar.bache...@gmail.com

I am a 35 year old, 5'9" tall, slim RC Goan bachelor. I am a graduate 
and also a qualified Chartered Accountant working for a reputable 
private equity firm in the City (London). I am looking for a slim, fair, 
well educated girl, up to 32 years old, with a good family background, 
who is also living and working in the UK.

Email: foxhoun...@hotmail.co.uk

38 year old Goan RC bachelor, B Sc, PG Dip in Environment Tech., 5'6", 
average built, good natured with sober habits, working as an 
Administrator for a reputed Cruise Lines Company aboard the cruise ship 
in USA. Seeks allia

Re: [Goanet] Death of Goa's fields

2011-02-15 Thread Ashley D'Silva
True - this was what struck me too.
The fenced fields were looking lush and appealing.
Witnessed this on 9th feb 2011

-Original Message-
From: goanet-boun...@lists.goanet.org
[mailto:goanet-boun...@lists.goanet.org] On Behalf Of Rajan P. Parrikar
Sent: Tuesday, February 15, 2011 11:57 AM
To: goa...@goanet.org
Subject: [Goanet] Death of Goa's fields

To Goanet -

Quick & brief -

On the way back to Panjim this morning from an early photo shoot
in Loutolim, I saw a Goan farmer selling fresh vegetables by the 
roadside in Agacaim.

Gaunthi vaingim -


Looking at these magnificent brinjals I couldn't help but reflect on 
what might have been if Goan agriculture - and with it our traditional
farmers, mostly gaude - had not been systematically destroyed
and diminished.  You can't get this quality of produce and its taste 
anywhere in the world, not even in fertile California.

Goa could have been self-sufficient, and farming could have 
been an export industry as well.  We could have employed all
our traditional folks, saved our open spaces and fields, and
thwarted the take-over by ghatis.  Shame on us.

The thug Monserrate has destroyed live cultivable fields in Taleigao
to make way for monster concrete buildings, mostly to be lapped
up by outsiders.  If you have sampled the vaingim from Taleigao
you will know what real vaingim taste like.



[Goanet] Panel report has buried the truth: Saldanha

2011-02-15 Thread Marshall Mendonza
Former judge of Karnataka High Court M.F. Saldanha said on Saturday that the
final report of the Justice B.K. Somasekhara Commission, which went into the
church attacks in the State in September 2008, “has buried the truth and is
a bundle of falsehoods”.

He was speaking at a public meeting against the Somasekhara Panel's Report
organised by the Udupi branch of International Federation of Karnataka
Christian Associations and Bharatiya Christa Okkoota, near the Deputy
Commissioner Office here.

Mr. Saldanha said the police had colluded with the elements of Bajrang Dal
in the church attacks. The then Home Minister V.S. Acharya could not escape
the responsibility for these attacks. A nun had lost her eye in the attack.

He had conducted a People's Tribunal Enquiry and had gone into all the facts
about the church attacks. He would submit his report to the President of
India Pratibha Patil in New Delhi on February 14.

Though the Somasekhara panel blamed the saffron groups in its interim
report, the findings of the final report contradicted those of the former.
“Unless the guilty are punished, they will feel encouraged,” Mr. Saldanha

The former Chairman of Legislative Council David Simeon said the attacks on
religious minorities in the State began within six months of the Bharatiya
Janata Party (BJP) coming to power in the State. The BJP was raising the
bogey of conversion for its own selfish ends.

Recently a large number of Dalits had been converted to Buddhism in
Gulbarga. Did the Government arrest them? It was incumbent upon leaders of
all political parties to condemn such attacks, Mr. Simeon said.

General secretary of State unit of Karnataka Komu Sauharda Vedike (KKSV)
K.L. Ashok said the Somasekhara Panel's report was fit to be consigned to
the dust bin. The Report was tailor-made to save the BJP Government from any
embarrassment. “If conversions had to be stopped, why was the Pejawar seer
visiting Dalit colonies? Any attack on Muslims or Christians is an attack on
democracy and secular fabric of the nation,” he said.

The meeting passed six resolutions. The CBI should be asked to probe the
church attacks. Continuous protection should be given to places of worship
belonging to minority communities. Proper compensation should be given to
the places of worship and individuals during the attacks. Organisations and
individuals responsible for the attacks should be punished. Cases slapped
against innocent youth should be withdrawn.

Episcopal Vicar of Udupi district Baptist Menezes, Area Chairman of
Karnataka Southern Diocese Edward Karkada, president of Udupi district unit
of KKSV G. Rajashekhar, president of Catholic Sabha, Mangalore, Walter
Pinto, president of District Minorities Forum Khatib Rashid, president of
Udupi Muslim Okkoota M.P. Moideenabba, Secretary of Popular Front of India
Rafiq Majur, president of DSS Udupi unit Shekhar Hejmady were present.


Mangalore staff correspondent writes:

The Mangalore Central Committee staged a demonstration on Friday seeking the
release of “innocent” persons who had been arrested on charges of terrorism
and also against the Justice B.K. Somasekhara Commission report.

The protestors took out a procession from Kudroli and gathered in front of
the Deputy Commissioner's office.

Addressing the protesters, leader of the youth wing of the Jamat-e-Islami
Hind Mohammed Kunhi said that “innocent persons” who had been arrested on
charges of terrorism in the country should be released.



[Goanet] Panjim's disgrace (Letter in Herald)

2011-02-15 Thread rajendra kakodkar
Dear Rajan,
Your first post: For 4 years I have been fighting the menace of noise pollution 
on River Mandovi by the cruise boat operators.  I have filed many complaints 
with the Pollution 
Board and made a dozen trips to the Collector's office over the years.  But the 
problem continues to worsen by the year.  Today I went through the rigmarole 
again.  The Addl Collector sent me to the PI who in turn directed me to the 
DySP who routed me to the Pollution Board from where I rebounded to the DySP.  
was like chasing my own tail.  
Your second post: The Courts are not the solution in India.  They can - or tend 
to - haul 
only civil officials before the court, not the politicos involved.  And it 
is the politicos who run the show and to whom the civil officials
are beholden.  So despite court rulings, there is no enforcement 
of the ruling (*).  Right now there is a High Court order directing the CCP
to enforce civic order in Panjim.  Do you think the CCP is following
it?  I filed a contempt petition but then realised that I would have
to spend the next 3 or 4 lifetimes in courts to get anywhere.
Comments: Which is better? chasing your own tail as per your 1st post or 
spending the next 3 or 4 lifetimes as per your 2nd post? 
Fighting battles alone may not succeed in many lifetimes. But create things and 
keep, which 100 others can take up their own novel or silly ways. One of them 
may succeed. Shift from "I succeed" to "my objective succeeds". 

[Goanet] Death of Goa's fields - thanks to the lack of low cost manual labor

2011-02-15 Thread marlon menezes
This is another example of hypocrisy by anti-immigrant, non-resident pseudo 
Goans like Arwin and Rajan.

One reason why agriculture is a dying industry in Goa because of the lack of 
manpower. There is limited manpower thanks to the large out flow of Goans, like 
Arwin and Rajan to other parts of India and the world.

Landowners would like to get access to manual labor to get farm work done, but 
we have anti-immigrant bashers like Arwin and Rajan, and extreme leftists like 
Soter who oppose such free movement of labor to satisfy market needs. Have 
anti-free market, anti-immigrant clowns ever spoken to farmers and landowners 
about the problems they face?

With the land lying fallow, it makes a lot of sense for the landowners to sell 
their properties to the construction industry. It is almost as if the 
anti-immigrant groups are working hand in glove with the land sharks. 



From: Rajan P. Parrikar 

On the way back to Panjim this morning from an early photo shoot
in Loutolim, I saw a Goan farmer selling fresh vegetables by the 
roadside in Agacaim.

Gaunthi vaingim -


Looking at these magnificent brinjals I couldn't help but reflect on 
what might have been if Goan agriculture - and with it our traditional
farmers, mostly gaude - had not been systematically destroyed
and diminished.  You can't get this quality of produce and its taste 
anywhere in the world, not even in fertile California.

Re: [Goanet] Rajan Parrikar's Letter to Herald (Feb 15th, 2011). . .

2011-02-15 Thread DAN DRISCOLL
I guess my point is that noone really knows for sure if they (passengers)
really want noisy music. I have been a 'passenger', and I wanted to
experience the visual delight of circling the Estuary at sundown; I did not
want noisy music, but got it anyway. I feel that there are others who may
share that preference for those sunset cruises.

On Tue, Feb 15, 2011 at 12:00 PM, Frederick Noronha <
fredericknoro...@gmail.com> wrote:

> If they passengers really want noisy music, can't they be made to go
> in for "silent noise"?
> http://www.silentnoise.in/
> FN
> Frederick Noronha :: +91-9822122436 :: +91-832-2409490
> On 15 February 2011 11:22, Dan Driscoll  wrote:
> > Absolutely in agreement, having to listen to the racket from Swastik on
> the
> > Betim side every evening for a half hour before it mercifully 'pushs
> off'.
> >
> > But there is particular point he makes that I would call attention to : I
> > paste, verbatim ---
> >
> > "Why is amplified music allowed on the boats at all?  Any civilized
> person
> > wanting to enjoy a ride on the water would want to take in sights in a
> > tranquil
> > setting without having his ear drums pierced."
> >
> > Exactly! Could not the marketing people do 'a study'---by simply testing
> > client preference with one or two of the 'Cruise Liners' adopting 'SILENT
> > MODE'---at least for the time needed to assess the result . Some
> appropriate
> > 'tags' could be tried, inviting those who would like to simply view the
> > lovely surroundings, without having to endure brain-bashing disco. Try
> > advertising 'Silent Cruise Mode' on FM Rainbow?

Re: [Goanet] Video clip: Azad Maidan Protest Meet on 14.2.11

2011-02-15 Thread joelds
Hi Joe,
Thanks for the video clip of the meeting at the Azad Maidan on Feb 14.


[Goanet] 2 killed, 43 hurt in Sanquelim mishap

2011-02-15 Thread samir umarye
Samir Umarye

Two persons were killed while around 43 others were injured when a passenger
bus and a truck collided at Vijaynagar-Karapur, Sanquelim, on Monday
According to reports, the mishap occurred at about 6.10 pm when the bus
(GA-01-U-2603), which was proceeding from Panjim to Valpoi, dashed against
an oncoming truck (GA-04-T-1769) on the slope at Vijaynagar.
The bus was packed to capacity and the impact of the collision was such that
after the hit, the bus rested on the truck, injuring almost all the persons
in the bus. The truck driver, however, managed to escape from the site.
Onlookers rushed to the spot and broke the windows of the bus, to pull out
the passengers.
Bus driver Davlatrao Rane from Advai-Sattari died on the spot, while
passenger Kalpana Kerkar from Parye-Sattari died in hospital.
The Emergency Services swung into action and shifted the injured to PHC
Bicholim and Sanquelim.
Thirteen passengers who were shifted to the PHC Bicholim were Vrunda Sawant
(Valpoi), Anand Naik (Parye), Zarina Sheikh (Valpoi), Bhikaji Naik
(Sanquelim), Keshav Sawant (Honda), Rama Jalmi (Pali), Pradeep Gaonkar
(Valpoi), Shreya Barve (Valpoi), Sachin Tambul (Sanquelim), Priyanka Chari
(Valpoi), Vasudha Desai (Advai), Nima Zalmi (Valpoi) and Prajot Kanekar
(Sanquelim). They were later shifted to GMC Hospital in Bambolim.
About 30 other passengers were shifted to the PHC Sanquelim. PI Harish
Madkaikar is investigating the case.
Speaking to Herald, one Firoj Khan, who was injured in the mishap, said the
bus had a snag in its engine.
“The bus had some problem and after we complained to the conductor, he tried
to meddle with the engine at the Bicholim bus stand. He told us that it
would still work and we might reach Valpoi”, said Khan.
“After reaching Karapur, the bus driver lost control over the vehicle and
hit the oncoming vehicle”, said Khan.
“There was a loud noise and within a minute, the bus was resting on the
truck. There was commotion all over as people pushed and trampled others in
a bid to save themselves”, said a visibly shaken Khan.

[Goanet] Panjim's disgrace (Letter in Herald)

2011-02-15 Thread Rajan P. Parrikar
To Goanet -

Rajendra Kakodkar wrote:
>COMMENTS: Central pollution Control Board has an Pollution Monitoring Program. 
>Recently we got ambient dust pollution  monitoring station for Curchorem.  Get 
>noise monitoring station installed at Betim or Panjim where noise is max.  

>that data approach High Court for relief.

Please spare me this babble.

Been there, done that.

The Courts are not the solution in India.  They can - or tend to - haul 
only civil officials before the court, not the politicos involved.  And it 
is the politicos who run the show and to whom the civil officials
are beholden.  So despite court rulings, there is no enforcement 
of the ruling (*).  Right now there is a High Court order directing the CCP
to enforce civic order in Panjim.  Do you think the CCP is following
it?  I filed a contempt petition but then realised that I would have
to spend the next 3 or 4 lifetimes in the corridors of the courts
to get anywhere, if at all.

So, thanks, but no thanks, to your advice.

(*) You know what Digu did to the Supreme Court ruling, donchya?


[Goanet] PM to resign tomorow?

2011-02-15 Thread rajendra kakodkar
If he still is what he was in 1990s, he would put the country first and resign.
No doubt, he is indebted to Sonia for making him PM from nowhere. He may accept 
to continue spoiling his reputtion for the sake of personal indebtedness. But 
will he spoil country's prospects for personal debt? 
Or is he entangled in some weakness?
Manmohan Singh to respond to scam charges in press conference tomorrow (Times 
of India)
NEW DELHI: Besieged by a series of corruption scams, Prime Minister Manmohan 
Singh will on Wednesday meet the press to field questions on the opposition's 
charges ahead of the budget session of parliament beginning next week, official 
sources said. 

The sources said Manmohan Singh will meet TV editors at his official 7 Race 
Course residence on Wednesday morning. 

The conference will be covered live by state-run Doordarshan from 10.30 am 

The sources said that the Prime Minister's Office (PMO) was working out the 
modalities of the telecast. Permission to allow private TV channels to bring in 
their cameras was under consideration. 

The other possibility for private channels, the sources said, is to get the 
feed recorded by Doordarshan. 

The media conference that comes in the wake of a number of corruption scams is 
significant as it comes in the backdrop of several allegations of financial 
irregularities, including in the allocation of spectrums of 2G spectrum and 

Re: [Goanet] ultrasonic sound waves/radio frequency electromagnetic waves.

2011-02-15 Thread Santosh Helekar
Most Goanetters should know this. But in case someone does not, let me state 
the obvious. Reliable medical knowledge cannot be sought from the random claims 
made by lay journalists in newspapers and political activist websites screaming 
all kinds of world-wide conspiracies. As I have mentioned in my earlier posts 
in this and related threads, WHO and other international health agencies state 
that there is no clear evidence for a link between mobile phone use and cancer 
(Please see my most recent Goanet post at 
http://www.mail-archive.com/goanet@lists.goanet.org/msg73334.html). Human and 
animal studies have predominantly discounted any such link. This is also true 
of the WHO study misreported in the newspaper link provided by Ferdinando 
below. Here is the entire original article describing that study, published in 
the International Journal of Epidemiology:


I quote below the conclusion statement in this paper:

This is the largest study of the risk of brain tumours in relation to mobile 
phone use conducted to date and it included substantial numbers of subjects who 
had used mobile phones for ≥10 years. Overall, no increase in risk of either 
glioma or meningioma was observed in association with use of mobile phones. 
There were suggestions of an increased risk of glioma, and much less so 
meningioma, at the highest exposure levels, for ipsilateral exposures and, for 
glioma, for tumours in the temporal lobe. However, biases and errors limit the 
strength of the conclusions we can draw from these analyses and prevent a 
causal interpretation. 



--- On Tue, 2/15/11, Dr. Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão  
> Sorry Santosh, I do not need to be educated on falsehood.
> We already have 40
> people in Goa who profess falsehood and give false
> assurances to Goans on a
> daily basis. They, like you believe: “INNOCENT until
> proved guilty!”
> Santosh, I
> regret I have to expose your ignorance on Goanet as you are
> incapable of
> giving responsible advice to layman on a public forum. I
> would have preferred a
> personal talk were it any other rational colleague. It must
> be remembered that
> medical professionals are duty bound to advise for
> betterment of humanity and
> not for their destruction. Whenever there are health risks,
> one needs to advise
> accordingly. Medical ethics do not permit giving false
> assurances when health
> risks are well documented.
> Is WHO a
> irresponsible institution according to Santosh? Please read
> here. Mobile phones
> increase risk of cancer, WHO study says :
> http://www.telegraph.co.uk/health/3208416/Mobile-phones-increase-risk-of-cancer-study-says.html
> "Interphone
> Study Reports on Mobile Phone Use and Brain Cancer Risk"
> The real
> truth about the hazards, told by independent scientists.
> Physicians and
> Scientists for Responsible Application of Science and
> Technology (PSRAST)
> http://www.psrast.org/mobileng/mobilstarteng.htm
> Subjective
> symptoms, sleeping problems, and cognitive performance in
> subjects living near
> mobile phone base stations. Occup Environ Med. 2006
> May;63(5):307-13. U.S.
> National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health
> :
> http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16621850?dopt=Abstract
> http://www.psrast.org/mobileng/mobilstarteng.htm#junk
> Dr. Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão.


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[Goanet] Talking Photos: Some Margao Pics

2011-02-15 Thread JoeGoaUk
Talking Photos: Some Margao Pics 

The much talked about A/c toilet
Yesterday, I was there but inside was not cool enough
I asked any problem with the split a/c?
The reply was ‘ Andar ekdom thanda ta, isliye a/c bond kya’
As he find very  cold inside, he switched off the a/c
Said the only staff member of the a/c toilet
this reliance house and another  building you see here..
The Margao newest cinema theatre ‘Blue Pearl’ existed here
another  view/angle
Same road (Isidore Baptista Road) next building is Timblo’s
Little further, after Dr. Hubert Dentel Clinic (same road)
But on a inside road right we saw this Chapel
Outside Meenakxi hotel where we had Fish curry Rice thali
A view from Colva Taxi stand (same road)
Idea sim card sale, on the spot connection
Rs.10 sim card with lifetime validity etc (same place)
These School  kids waiting for their bus at Kamat Hotel 
Near MMC garden (same road) opp BX Furtado
Grace Church entrance getting new look

the great royal circus at KTC Margao
21st Feb Last day
Shows 1, 4 7pm
Tickets 150, 100, 70 & 40


for Goa & NRI related info... 

For Goan Video Clips 

In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc

[Goanet] Panjim's disgrace (Letter in Herald)

2011-02-15 Thread rajendra kakodkar

COMMENTS: Central pollution Control Board has an Pollution Monitoring Program. 
Recently we got ambient dust pollution monitoring station for Curchorem.
Get a noise monitoring station installed at Betim or Panjim where noise is max.
With that data approach High Court for relief.
Administration will only shunt you because Goa has DEMON-CRACY: Of Digu, By 
Digu, For Digu + chors.
Rajan P. Parrikar" :
For 4 years I have been fighting the menace of noise pollution on River Mandovi
by the cruise boat operators.  I have filed many complaints with the Pollution 
Board and made a dozen trips to the Collector's office over the years.  But the 
problem continues to worsen by the year.
Dan Driscoll Mon, 14 Feb 2011 21:57:47 -0800:
Absolutely in agreement, having to listen to the racket from Swastik on the 
Betim side every evening for a half hour before it mercifully 'pushs off'.

Re: [Goanet] India: Hostage to a Demented Culture

2011-02-15 Thread Santosh Helekar
It looks like Selma here rests her cases entirely on her own imagination and 
self-centered petulance. All it takes for her to accuse me of prejudice is a 
disagreement with her own precious self. The Catholic person here is herself. 
The Portuguese surname is her own. The fact that the substance of Rajiv's post 
with which I agreed, and that of her own posts, with which I disagreed, does 
not matter to her. I suspect that it would also not matter to her that I know 
that Rajiv has a Catholic family and a wife with a Portuguese name. Heck, for 
all I know, he might even have converted to Christianity. But no matter what, 
she will find some other excuse around it to stick to her hyperbolic narrative. 
Why spoil another perfectly good opportunity for grandstanding?

Let us all forget for her sake that I have disagreed strongly with all of the 
very few self-identified Hindus with non-Portuguese surnames who post in this 
predominantly Catholic Goan forum, who do not even possess Catholic wives, such 
as Rajan Parrikar and Anil Desai, and her own Hindu defender in our argument, 
named Charudatt Prabhudesai.



--- On Mon, 2/14/11, Carvalho  wrote:
> Santosh Helekar wrote:
> There is a lot of truth to what Rajiv has written below.
> And so I rest my case. 
> Prejudice on this forum is determined entirely by the
> surname one writes under. 
> What is "prejudice and/or prejudgment" under a Catholic
> Portuguese surname is a 
> "lot of truth" under an Indian Hindu name. 
> And in the end, that is what hurts the most. Because as a
> secular Catholic Goan, 
> I have always wanted to believe in the honesty, integrity
> and moral rectitude of 
> every human being as equal unless circumstances compel them
> otherwise.
> (this post is not a reflection on Rajiv's article which is
> excellent)
> Best,
> Selma

Re: [Goanet] Is this a fig (from a Margao-Borda garden).. (Goan saying: stolen fruit is always sweet.)

2011-02-15 Thread Reena

Great pics, Edgar.

Edgar Silveira wrote:

Chanced upon this fruit while ambling through some Borda gardens in
the afternoon (climb the wall and pray the dogs are..)the owners
were on their afternoon napin the scramble, one did not have a
moment to check the name plate buthush...its a certain Mr.
Faleiro ???
Did not know figs grow in Goa...or is this a fig?

Do take a look,

What nextthe Saligao wine collective will experiment with fig wine?



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