[Goanet] It is decided: English will be MoI from next Academic year.

2011-03-31 Thread rajendra kakodkar
Though govt has decided to maintain status quo (Grants only to Indian MoI) 
officially, it is reliably learnt that a very strong politician has worked out 
modalities to facilitate English as MoI from next Academic year.
This, very closely held secret proposal, was reportedly unvieled during the 
discussions with a highly placed and respected religious leader. The politician 
seems to have convinced mining lobby to contribute to English MoI schools so as 
to compensate for the lack of grants from the govt. The govt in turn may not 
levy higher taxes on them. 
Will the agitation and counter agitation peter off once the key men get the 
wind of this?

[Goanet] Priest attacked in Khandwa diocese in Madhya Pradesh.

2011-03-31 Thread Nelson Rodrigues

Father Sebastian Kaiparambil in hospital 
Priest attacked in Khandwa diocese in Madhya Pradesh.
Father Sebastian Kaiparambil in hospital 
A Catholic priest was attacked and seriously injured by three youths today in 
Khandwa diocese in Madhya Pradesh.
Father Sebastian Kaiparambil, who received  head injuries and multiple 
fractures, said the assailants entered his bedroom around 2:30am local time 
after breaking a window and demanded several school documents from him.
The priest, who runs St. Mary’s Higher Secondary School, in Badwah, Khargone 
district, said he told them to come to his office in the morning at which point 
one of the attackers hit him over the head with a spade handle.
“I ran to the toilet screaming but the assailants, all in their twenties, 
followed hitting and kicking me,” he said from his hospital bed.
After beating me up, the assailants fled with two mobile phones and 70,000 
rupees (US$1,555) in cash, he said.
After the attack Father Kaiparambil said he somehow managed to reach a security 
guard who informed some nuns.
The nuns took him to the government hospital in Badwah from where he was rushed 
to a private hospital in Indore, 70 kilometers away.
Doctors said the priest’s condition is not life threatening.
Khandwa Diocese public relations officer Father Philip Kaduthanam said police 
had been informed and were investigating.

[Goanet] Priest attacked in Khandwa diocese in Madhya Pradesh.

2011-03-31 Thread chandor cotta



Father Sebastian Kaiparambil in hospital 
Priest attacked in Khandwa diocese in Madhya Pradesh.
Father Sebastian Kaiparambil in hospital 
A Catholic priest was attacked and seriously injured by three youths today in 
Khandwa diocese in Madhya Pradesh.
Father Sebastian Kaiparambil, who received  head injuries and multiple 
fractures, said the assailants entered his bedroom around 2:30am local time 
after breaking a window and demanded several school documents from him.
The priest, who runs St. Mary’s Higher Secondary School, in Badwah, Khargone 
district, said he told them to come to his office in the morning at which point 
one of the attackers hit him over the head with a spade handle.
“I ran to the toilet screaming but the assailants, all in their twenties, 
followed hitting and kicking me,” he said from his hospital bed.
After beating me up, the assailants fled with two mobile phones and 70,000 
rupees (US$1,555) in cash, he said.
After the attack Father Kaiparambil said he somehow managed to reach a security 
guard who informed some nuns.
The nuns took him to the government hospital in Badwah from where he was rushed 
to a private hospital in Indore, 70 kilometers away.
Doctors said the priest’s condition is not life threatening.
Khandwa Diocese public relations officer Father Philip Kaduthanam said police 
had been informed and were investigating.

Re: [Goanet] Doctor in the House?

2011-03-31 Thread J. Colaco < jc>
Dan Driscoll wrote

1: For ten years or more we have had the same Doctor...

2: However, on a Sunday morning, two weeks back, I became convinced
that a doctor housecall was of urgent need, so I called our Doctor.

3: No way could a house call be made on that day. Patient would have
to be taken to one of two clinical venues; medical conference going on
all day; etc, etc.

4: On bringing the matter up, as of today, with Doctor I showed some
residual ill feeling, and he, in a voice quite as raised as was mine,
he assured me that if he were to make a housecall in my vicinity he
would be neglecting patients in his own area of responsability.

5: My point was not that he should neglect anyone, but that the
medical fraternity should try to have two or three doctors on standby
who could respond to an urgently stated need for housecall.

6: He (no doubt rightly) points out that by calling 108 one could
avail of an ambulance facility---which has a doctor in attendance. I
was not aware of this; the 108 protocol is of quite recent vintage;
not everyone is well informed about it;

7: I have seen references about it but would have thought that
personnel staffing an ambulance would be paramedics rather than

8: Perhaps if Doctor had given me this advice when I first phoned, in
my panic, it might have helped calm me down.

Dear Dan,

I have read Roland's response to you. It is, possibly, a practical or
explanatory way of looking at issues. I do not agree with that
approach. Accordingly, I will attempt to put my two cents worth from
an ethical and legal-medical viewpoint.

Allow me to preface my remarks by stating that ANY society which does
not make provisions for the appropriate care of its young, disabled,
disadvantaged and its elderly is a heartless and pointless society.
You can take all the five-star hotels and razzmatazz and throw it in
the River Sal along with all the other junk that it floating there. It
is not worth the outdated escudo which might be hiding in the attic.

Allow me, however, to return to the points from your post which I have
excerpted above. My comments are in the following micro-mini-segments:

[A]: Granted that no human being (doctors included) can be 'available'
24/7 for the sake of his/her patients; The important point here is
that the Doctor (Dr) was your doctor for 10+ years. No question that
there was an established PHYSICIAN-PATIENT RELATIONSHIP.

[B]: It is quite possible that the Dr. may not have been able to
render much more than comfort and advice in a non-hospital situation.
The question is whether there was an ABANDONMENT of the patient by the
Dr.; I submit that there was.

[C] A patient/individual CANNOT reasonably expect that a group of
doctors will make "cover arrangements" amongst each other. However, it
is, I submit, the legal-medical obligation of the doctor to make
Alternative Arrangements for his patients when he his likely to be
busy with necessary events like "conferences, vacations etc'. This
Arrangement has to be made known to the patient - at least at the time
the patient contacts the Dr.

[D] The explanation given to you by the Dr. in #4 is nonsense.

[E] The advice re Emergency Ambulance too was negligent. IF, another
Dr (say from 108) was expected to take over care, it was the duty of
your Dr. to HAND OVER CARE of the patient to the next doctor...even by
way of phone.

These principles are universal, not just in Canada, US or UK etc. Just
because they may not be followed in Goa, at this point and time, does
not mean  they should not be aired out in the open and 'worked
on'...unless, in our quest for whatever, we have lost our

ps: All CAPS are terms which can be researched.

Re: [Goanet] Doctor in the House?

2011-03-31 Thread Frederick Noronha
I don't agree with Roland Francis here.  He's one step short of
suggesting that if you migrate Westwards, you can defy normal aging
processes :-)

Health-care has been a serious issue, and a fast-changing one, in Goa
of late. While we are obsessed with our pet peeves (land,
"non-Goans"), we often overlook the relevance of such debates. Hence,
it is a nice thing that Dan has raised it here.

Sadly, in keeping with the tendency of middle-class (and expat) India
to simply "secede" from the nation with affluence, the same has
happened with hospitals. Crucial institutions run by the State,
whether GMC or the district hospitals, have been left to fall to
neglect and/or dubious policies.

In my experience, while the State-run network faces overcrowdings and
delays, the doctors are still often very responsive, and you can count
on them not to overmedicate you for commercial reasons.

Some of the new commercial hospitals that have come up are terribly
mercernary. But others, like the church-run JMJ at Alto Porvorim,
offer reasonably priced services and have some good doctors on their
roll. In addition to this, ventures like the Goa-America Heart
Foundation (an expat-driven venture) have also been working to build
the infrastructure at such places. More needs to be done clearly, and
we can learn from South India where health facilities have grown by
leaps and bounds in recent years.

Knowing where to run in a crisis could make a crucial differences in
such emergencies. Looking forward to inputs from others with an
experience in such fields. FN

Frederick Noronha :: +91-9822122436 :: +91-832-2409490

On 1 April 2011 00:17, Roland Francis  wrote:
> Dan, not to be rude, especially in view of your recent loss, but when both
> of you took the decision to leave Canada and settle in Goa many years ago,
> you must have been aware of the implications that would result.
> One of those would be that the medical care you would get would be of
> another dimension. Of course the many positives of living in Goa would
> perhaps have compensated for the negatives of which medical care is one and
> all things considered, you must have taken the decision to relocate.
> Of course one can always wish that thinks will improve and speedily, but
> since you asked, I would say " you can't have your cake."

[Goanet] INVITE: Your Goa 101 Saturday, May 7th 2011

2011-03-31 Thread Mervyn Lobo

Are you curious to learn more about your heritage? The Goan Overseas 

(G.O.A.) welcomes you to an informative interactive speakers session about Goa 
on Saturday, May 7th 2011 at the Franklin Horner Community Centre in 
The goal of this event is to educate the Goan diaspora in the GTA about the 

heritage of the place we all call our own – AMCHE GOA! 

The day will start with an overview of Goa highlighting interesting facts, 
pictures and anecdotes about the State. Speakers will also focus on the history 
of Goa from the pre-liberation period to current modern times. But this just 
isn’t a history lecture; we will be lunching on traditional Goan cuisine, 
learning some basic Konkani and having an open forum from participants of the 
Know Goa Program on current issues Goans are facing. The event will conclude 
with a lesson on the popular Goan folk dance, the Lancers.

Know Goa Program participants will be holding a raffle to raise funds and 
awareness of Goa Chitra, a museum in Benaulim, showcasing traditional Goan 
farming implements and other Goan antiques.

You will leave this session feeling a true Goenkar!
For more information please see the flyer or contact
Marcelina Dias (905) 828-1274 or ld...@goatoronto.com.

Marcelina Dias  Cultural Secretary   

The Goan Overseas Association Toronto | PO BOX | Toronto | Ontario | Toronto | 

[Goanet] Goan who played a key role in African liberation struggles to be remembered

2011-03-31 Thread Bernado Colaco
One has seen the effects that ravaged the former 'empires' because of forced 
decolonisation. Aquino in my belief should have fought for gradual cessation of 
colonial rule in Goa. Incidentally today Mozambique has joined countries of the 
Commonwealth:)) besides being part of the Lusofonia family.


Goan who played a key role in African liberation struggles to be remembered

PANJIM, Mar 31: An Africa-based hero from Goa will be remembered on
the 25th anniversary year of his death in a mysterious plane-crash in
Mozambique. Aquino de Braganca -- who traces his roots to Mapusa -- was
an important intellectual and political figure in the years leading up
to and immediately after Mozambican independence.

"As a journalist, an academic and a public intellectual he engaged
passionately with the issues of his time. As a confidante of President
Samora Machel and a frequent envoy of the Mozambican government, he
translated his convictions into action, eventually losing his life
alongside Samora in the service of the liberation of southern Africa,"
says one online tribute to him.

? ? ? ? ?Aquino's children Maya and Radek are today based abroad,
? ? ? ? ?while he has several relatives and friends in Goa. His
? ? ? ? ?widow Silvia Braganca will be releasing an English-language
? ? ? ? ?book, Battles Waged, Lasting Dreams, a tribute to his work
? ? ? ? ?titled at the Hotel Mandovi on April 2, 2011 at 5 pm.
? ? ? ? ?NRI Commissioner Eduardo Faleiro will release the book.

This function is open to the public.

The book includes reminiscences about his work and times, and is an
attempt to pay tribute to his role, in his home State.

Aquino was known for his links with the liberation movements across
Africa -- from Morocco to Algeria, Mozambique, Angola, Cabo Verde, and
Sao Tome. Figures like Nelson Mandela and Julius Nyerere were
his comrades.

Born Tomaz Aquino Messias de Braganca in 1924 in Bardez -- to Joao
Paulo Proenca Braganca and Ana Carlota Praxetes Antonia do Rosario
Sousa ?-- ?he left Goa as a young man for Mozambique.

After studying in Portugal and France, he was convinced that the end
of Portuguese rule in Goa was achievable, and made contact with
nationalists from other Portuguese colonies.

In 1957 he moved to Morocco to teach science. When the PAIGC and the
MPLA set up the CONCP (Conference of Nationalist Organizations of the
Portuguese Colonies) in 1961 in Rabat to coordinate the struggle,
Aquino represented the Goan People's Party in the new organisation. He
soon became an indispensable member of the CONCP secretariat.

He was an active journalist, writing for such publications as the
progressive Afrique-Asie (Paris) and Revolution Africaine (Algiers).

? ? ? ? ?When the MFA -- Movement of the Armed Forces
? ? ? ? ?(Movimento das Forcas Armadas) -- overthrew the
? ? ? ? ?Caetano regime in Portugal on 25 April 1974, he
? ? ? ? ?was the person that the Mozambique liberation
? ? ? ? ?movement Frelimo turned to, sending him to Lisbon
? ? ? ? ?to evaluate the volatile situation.

After Mozambican independence, South African activist Ruth First and
Aquino set about recruiting a group of committed radical scholars from
Mozambique, South Africa, and Western Europe, and forming them into a
research collective through the Centro de Estudos Africanos that
focussed on current issues of social and political transformation.

Ruth First was killed by the erstwhile apartheid South African regime, via a
parcel bomb in 1982.

? ? ? ? ?Aquino de Braganca was a trusted confidante of Samora
? ? ? ? ?Machel, and undertook numerous delicate diplomatic
? ? ? ? ?missions on behalf of the Frelimo government.
? ? ? ? ?Nicknamed "the submarine" in party and government
? ? ? ? ?circles, he was known for his ability to keep an
? ? ? ? ?exceedingly low profile.

He was killed on board the Tupolev Tu-134 with Samora Machel when it
crashed at Mbuzini -- a village in South Africa -- on 19 October 1986,
in circumstances that have yet to be fully clarified.

His best-known publication for English-speaking readers is probably
The African liberation reader (London: Zed Press, 1982; 3 volumes),
co-edited with Immanuel Wallerstein and originally published in Lisbon
in Portuguese under the more interesting title Quem e o inimigo?

Re: [Goanet] Goans gets 30%, rest of India 70% - Goa Housing Board logic

2011-03-31 Thread floriano
95 per cent of any housing board projects must be strictly kept for bonafide 

The remaining 5 % should go to legally naturalised Goans having been settled 
in Goa for the past 15 years and who are on the electoral roll after having 
cancelled their names from the electoral roll of their original states.

If this criteria is not met, then the housing board should not do any 

and or
the housing board should embark on projects only if there are deserving 
people (95 per cent of Goans) in that area.

What is this? According to Nilkant Halarnkar, Charity starts outiside 

Ye bodmas Goemche ghanti amchea Goemchem padd galunk bhair sorleat.


- Original Message - 
From: "SOTER" 

Sent: Thursday, March 31, 2011 8:28 AM
Subject: [Goanet] Goans gets 30%, rest of India 70% - Goa Housing Board 

Villagers to get 30 p.c. quota in GHB projects


Minister for  Housing Board   Nilkanth  Halarnkar  today  declared  that  30 
per cent  of  housing  in  housing board  projects will be reserved for 
locals of the village where  the project is located.
Halarnkar made the statement while speaking  during  Question Hour to a 
question tabled  by  Shiroda legislator Mahadev Naik  with respect  to land 
acquired by the Goa Housing  Board (GHB)   in   Shiroda  constituency.
The Shiroda MLA  drew  attention   of  the  housing board minister that 
locals are opposed to the   housing  board   project  with it being close to 
a  religious  place.
"The church authorities believe that the housing board project in their 
vicinity will cause   disturbance to their  activities," stated  the Shiroda 
legislator while   urging the minister to  have  discussion with  church 
authorities  on this issue.
The  village  panchayat,   which   had   initially  granted a  provisional 
no objection certificate (NOC) to GHB to  go  ahead  with the project, 
changed  its stance following  opposition  by the locals,  said the Shiroda 
However, the minister  maintained that GHB  has complied  with all 
formalities and considering opposition  to GHB  projects   it   has been 
decided to  keep  30 per cent  of the  units  to  locals   of the village, 
stated  the housing board minister.


[Goanet] It was "sad" that the Pakistani cricket team had to be publicly warned by the country's interior minister not to indulge in match-fixing ahead of their semifinal clash against India.

2011-03-31 Thread Nelson Rodrigues
It was "sad" that the Pakistani cricket team had to be publicly warned by the 
country's interior minister not to indulge in match-fixing ahead of their 
semifinal clash against India.

Malik's warning to Pak cricket team 'sad', Omar tweets 
Jammu: Chief Minister Omar Abdullah, an avid cricket fan, said that it was 
that the Pakistani cricket team had to be publicly warned by the country's 
interior minister not to indulge in match-fixing ahead of their semifinal clash 
against India.
"This is my page not the CM of J&K's. Retweets don't have to mean I agree they 
just mean something interested me. This shouldn't be tough to understand :-) 
(sic)," he posted on microblogging site Twitter.
"It's a sad day for cricket in Pakistan when a team has to be publicly warned 
their Interior Minister not to fix the semifinal match," he tweeted.
Rehman Malik warned the Pakistani cricket team Sunday that their telephone 
and visitors were being monitored and that Pakistan had faced great 
embarrassment when a spot-fixing scandal had surfaced in England last year.
"If I was in the Pak cricket team, I'd tell the Interior Minister just where to 
keep his advice/warning. Which is to himself or at least not in the public 
domain like this," Omar tweeted.

[Goanet] "The notion of 'mother tongue' is thus a mixture of myth and ideology."

2011-03-31 Thread Frederick Noronha
Examples and Observations:

"[T]he general usage of the term 'mother tongue' . . . denotes not
only the language one learns from one's mother, but also the speaker's
dominant and home language, i.e. not only the first language according
to the time of acquisition, but the first with regard to its
importance and the speaker's ability to master its linguistic and
communicative aspects. For example, if a language school advertises
that all its teachers are native speakers of English, we would most
likely complain if we later learned that although the teachers do have
some vague childhood memories of the time when they talked to their
mothers in English, they, however, grew up in some non-English
speaking country and are fluent in a second language only. Similarly,
in translation theory, the claim that one should translate only into
one's mother tongue, is in fact a claim that one should only translate
into one's first and dominant language.

"The vagueness of this term has led some researchers to claim . . .
that different connotative meanings of the term 'mother tongue' vary
according to the intended usage of the word and that differences in
understanding the term can have far-reaching and often political
(N. Pokorn, Challenging the Traditional Axioms: Translation Into a
Non-Mother Tongue. John Benjamins, 2005)

Culture and Mother Tongue
"It is the language community of the mother tongue, the language
spoken in a region, which enables the process of enculturation, the
growing of an individual into a particular system of linguistic
perception of the world and participation in the centuries old history
of linguistic production."
(W. Tulasiewicz and A. Adams, "What Is Mother Tongue?" Teaching the
Mother Tongue in a Multilingual Europe. Continuum, 2005)

"Cultural power can . . . backfire when the choices of those who
embrace Americanness in language, accent, dress or choice of
entertainment stir resentment in those who do not. Every time an
Indian adopts an American accent and curbs his 'mother tongue
influence,' as the call centers label it, hoping to land a job, it
seems more deviant, and frustrating, to have only an Indian accent."
(Anand Giridharadas, "America Sees Little Return From 'Knockoff
Power.'" The New York Times, June 4, 2010)

Myth and Ideology

"The notion of 'mother tongue' is thus a mixture of myth and ideology.
The family is not necessarily the place where languages are
transmitted, and sometimes we observe breaks in transmission, often
translated by a change of language, with children acquiring as first
language the one that dominates in the milieu. This phenomenon . . .
concerns all multilingual situations and most of the situations of
migration." (Louis Jean Calvet, Towards an Ecology of World Languages.
Polity Press, 2006)


_/ FN +91-832-2409490 or +91-9822122436 (after 2pm)

[Goanet] Goa news for April 1, 2011

2011-03-31 Thread Goanet News Service
Goa News from Google News and Goanet.org
Visit http://www.goanet.org/newslinks.php for the full stories.

*** Dum Maaro Dum Theatrical Trailer - Bollywood Spice
oa-undecided-dum-maaro-dum">Goa undecided on 'Dum maaro Dum'

*** Smartlink Network Systems sells Digilink to Schneider -
InformationWeek India
ompete condition for a ...

*** Guv not answerable under RTI: SIC - Times of India
tates/article1588899.ece">Governor is a public authority: Goa
Information Commissioner

*** 74 foreigners booked in drugs cases in Goa in four years -
Daily News & Analysis
elated cases in the coastal state in the last four years. In
reply to a question in the state Legislative Assembly, Goa home
minister Ravi Naik said this included Israelis ...

*** 'Probe crime branch handling of Atala case' - Times of India
olice-helped-atala-get-bail-parrikar/631307.html">Goa police
helped Atala get bail: Parrikar

*** Sebi clears Sesa Goa open offer for Cairn India; stocks up -
Economic Times
isted metals and mining major Vedanta Resources has moved closer
to acquiring control of Cairn India, with capital market
regulator Sebi clearing its subsidiary Sesa Goa's open offer for
shareholders of the Indian oil and gas explorer. ...

*** Shivling flowers in full bloom at Bondla - Times of India
mes of IndiaThere are very few places in Goa where the trees of
Shivling are seen. Though the tree is native to the northern
portion of South America, especially the Amazon basin and the
southern Caribbean, it became one with Indian soil more than a
thousand years ...http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNH9j5zjXRlHDImqELjkXS1p8aBuug&url=http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/goa/Shivling-flowers-in-full-bloom-at-Bondla/articleshow/7839716.cms

*** Taxi driver arrested for molesting Brit in Candolim - Times
of India
ear-old British national who was on a holiday in Goa with her
husband and daughter was molested by a 23-year-old taxi driver
in the garden of the starred hotel in which she was residing at
Candolim. The British woman in her complaint said ...http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNH53keZmfgXwDlI0WQV4h3-ZsxbzQ&url=http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/goa/Taxi-driver-arrested-for-molesting-Brit-in-Candolim/articleshow/7839634.cms

*** Peace stays put in volatile Khariawada - Times of India
harge Johnson Fernandes told TOI ...http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNFFY7ghSGTELktsSRmQkFf2dPIEvQ&url=http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/goa/Peace-stays-put-in-volatile-Khariawada/articleshow/7839621.cms

*** GMC saw 17 hepatitis A, B deaths in 2010 - Times of India
17. According to data available with ...http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNEyNPquVtYx-ORQ35xeZreasJHX8A&url=http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/goa/GMC-saw-17-hepatitis-A-B-deaths-in-2010/articleshow/7839586.cms

Compiled by Goanet News Service

Re: [Goanet] Doctor in the House?

2011-03-31 Thread Roland Francis
Dan, not to be rude, especially in view of your recent loss, but when both
of you took the decision to leave Canada and settle in Goa many years ago,
you must have been aware of the implications that would result.

One of those would be that the medical care you would get would be of
another dimension. Of course the many positives of living in Goa would
perhaps have compensated for the negatives of which medical care is one and
all things considered, you must have taken the decision to relocate.

Of course one can always wish that thinks will improve and speedily, but
since you asked, I would say " you can't have your cake."

Good wishes,
Roland Francis

-Original Message-
From: goanet-boun...@lists.goanet.org
[mailto:goanet-boun...@lists.goanet.org] On Behalf Of Dan Driscoll
Sent: Thursday, March 31, 2011 1:29 PM
To: Goanet Post
Subject: [Goanet] Doctor in the House?

In any case, it's over now; and I must apologize for having today ventilated

my distress to the good Doctor himself, in his own chambers. I'm still left 
with the notion that (somewhat like 'Sunday Open Pharmacy') the public 
should be able to avail of a 'doctor housecall', without having to move a 
critically ill patient or resort to an ambulance service. Is that a 
feasability---or am I just being a bit 'old fashioned'? 

Re: [Goanet] Was Mahatma Gandhi bisexual ?

2011-03-31 Thread George Pinto
> Subject: Was Mahatma Gandhi bisexual?

The short answer is NO
The long  answer is NO
Hope that helps.

Now get back to real-world, current issues/problems.


[Goanet] Buying salt

2011-03-31 Thread Frederick Noronha
Buying salt

_/ FN +91-832-2409490 or +91-9822122436 (after 2pm)

[Goanet] Was Mahatma Gandhi bisexual ?

2011-03-31 Thread SOTER

Michael Prabhu wrote:
"If one is homosexual, bisexual, or "trisexual", he goes against the natural 
order ordained by God in creation for procreatiion, and could not possibly 
be a "good human being; "

Perfect case of God's toilet paper human beings playing God by interpreting 
the mind and designs of God.


[Goanet] Re GHB :ONLY 30% reservations for Goans in Housing Board Projects in Shiroda, GOA

2011-03-31 Thread Gerald Fernandes
The audacity of Mr Shirodkar that only 30% of new houses will be reserved for 
Goans in Shiroda, Goa in a  Project to be undertaken by Goa Housing Board is 
GALLING, to say the least. Perhaps Mr Subhash Shirodkar has his eyes on the 
forthcoming Assembly Polls wherein not being sure of his performance wants 
to manufacture an artificial majority through DEMOGRAPHIC DESTABILISATION of 
the Constituency. We have witnessed such demographic destabilisation being 
resorted to in other Constituencies by Right Wing Ideology Parties. It appears 
the the Party of Mr Shirodkar is taking a page out of the book of the Right 
Wing Parties. This approach is needed to be nipped in the bud.Else it would be 
an ominous portent for Goa AND INDIA. Politicians willy-nilly in their all 
consuming desire to win Elections would destroy the fine balance and 
the quasi-federal nature of the Constitution of India. Imagine such a stance 
being adopted in the States of Meghalaya,
 Manipur,Tripura,Nagaland,Arunachal Pradesh, Assam,Sikkim. Later it would then 
become IMPERATIVE to adopt the same stand in JAMMU & KASHMIR. THE REMEDY WOULD 
This should send alarm bells ringing in the Congress Working Committee of which 
Mr Luizinho Faleiro of Goa is a Member. Rember that Mr Faleiro is also holding 
charge of some of these sensitive NORTH-EASTERN STATES of our country. It is 
time that better sense prevails. 

[Goanet] Doctor in the House?

2011-03-31 Thread Dan Driscoll
As some may know, I have just experienced the demise, and obsequies held, 
for my wife. We lived a long and eventful life together, so I'm not about to 
grieve in any negative fashion. One aspect of it all however prompts me to 
make a suggestion that might be open to discussion in our GoaNet Forum.

We were both quite cognizant of the fact that ageing process was implacably 
at work, and we felt that doctoring and hospitalization could be more of an 
irritant than anything else. For ten years or more we have had the same 
Doctor, with whom I have no reason to complain even at this stage.

However, on a Sunday morning, two weeks back, I became convinced that a 
doctor housecall was of urgent need, so I called our Doctor. No way could a 
house call be made on that day. Patient would have to be taken to one of two 
clinical venues; medical conference going on all day; etc, etc.

On bringing the matter up, as of today, with Doctor I showed some residual 
ill feeling, and he, in a voice quite as raised as was mine, he assured me 
that if he were to make a housecall in my vicinity he would be neglecting 
patients in his own area of responsability.

My point was not that he should neglect anyone, but that the medical 
fraternity should try to have two or three doctors on standby who could 
respond to an urgently stated need for housecall. He (no doubt rightly) 
points out that by calling 108 one could avail of an ambulance 
facility---which has a doctor in attendance. I was not aware of this; the 
108 protocol is of quite recent vintage; not everyone is well informed about 
it; I have seen references about it but would have thought that personnel 
staffing an ambulance would be paramedics rather than doctors. Perhaps if 
Doctor had given me this advice when I first phoned, in my panic, it might 
have helped calm me down.

In any case, it's over now; and I must apologize for having today ventilated 
my distress to the good Doctor himself, in his own chambers. I'm still left 
with the notion that (somewhat like 'Sunday Open Pharmacy') the public 
should be able to avail of a 'doctor housecall', without having to move a 
critically ill patient or resort to an ambulance service. Is that a 
feasability---or am I just being a bit 'old fashioned'? 


2011-03-31 Thread SOTER
When jackals masquerade as sheep. Nationalising the Denationalised Goans?

Activists call for peace meet on April 4

Expressing concern over the restlessness building up amongst Goans over the 
medium of instruction, around 11 activists from across Goa, including freedom 
fighters, have hoped the meeting scheduled at the Azad Maidan on April 6 will 
not be a show of strength, but rather a show of thought.
The activists will meet on Dalgado Day on April 4 at 10 am at the T B Cunha 
memorial at Azad Maidan, Panjim, where veteran freedom fighter, writer and 
former Navhind Times Editor Lambert Mascarenhas (94) will light the lamp in 
search of peace after garlanding the portraits of Mahatma Gandhi and Mons 
Freedom Fighter Gurunath Kelekar said, "We Goans these days due to many reasons 
are in a restive mood. "Medium of instruction has added to this restlessness".
He further said: "We as Indians are proud of our linguistic heritage. 
Knowledgeable in many Indian and foreign languages, we want our children to be 
perfect in ours and some foreign languages, including English. We are sure, 
will accomplish this, provided we stand firmly on the foundation of our Indian 
Kelekar said "In the words of Francisco Luis Gomes, let us say: "we belong to 
that race, that produce Mahabharata, which has something eternal in it", while 
appealing to those who support the view of the activists to join them at the 
Azad Maidan, Panjim on April 4 at 9.30 am to participate in prayers and 
brotherly dialogue.
"In a democracy, differences of opinion are bound to appear among the citizens. 
Goans have shown ability to resolve their differences in an atmosphere of 
brotherhood and friendship", he said, adding "our Goa is a holy place where 
peace and unity reign supreme. The nation appreciates us for this inherent 

[Goanet] Lenten Season

2011-03-31 Thread Ivo

*Fr. Ivo da Conceição Souza

 We are in the Lenten season. For us Catholics it is a season of hope. 
In the Holy Week we shall celebrate the Passion, Death and Resurrection of 
Jesus of Nazareth, the Christ. The whole world has come to know the Gospel 
values (or spirituality), proclaimed by the disciples of Jesus. Lenten season 
prepares us for the celebration of the Easter, the Resurrection of the Lord. It 
is the central mystery of the Christian life, the Mystery of the Death and 
Resurrection of Jesus, God become Man, living with us in the Eucharist.

  Lent is the time of renewal of the spiritual life of the faithful, 
begun in Baptism. Historically, also the catechumens were preparing themselves 
for the baptismal bath at Easter liturgy. Vatican II has aimed at the renewal 
of the Christian life of the faithful, it was a pastoral Council. It speaks 
clearly in the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy: 

"The season of Lent has a twofold character: primarily by recalling or 
preparing for baptism and by penance, it disposes the faithful, who more 
diligently hear the Word of God and devote themselves to prayer, to celebrate 
the Paschal Mystery. This twofold character is to be brought into greater 
prominence both in the liturgy and by liturgical catechesis". 

 In these precarious times of relativism and a-moralism the Church 
reminds us "not only of societal consequences of sin but also of the virtue of 
penance as detestation of sin as an offence against God. During Lent penance 
should not be only internal and individual, but also external and social" 
(Sacrosanctum Concilium, no.109). 

   In the first place, there is the Word of God, which is primordial in 
the Christian life. It is the leaven of spiritual renewal. It has to be read 
and interiorized within our hearts and minds. The world today needs it. This 
continual interiorization by the Word of God invites us and operates in us 
radical transformation. Everyone needs an internal surgery of hearts, stripped 
of the "old man" so as to dress us up with the "new man". The Risen Lord is the 
catalyst of this inner healing and transformation. The Gospel reminds us that 
"The time has come. The kingdom of God is near. Repent and believe the good 
news!" (Mk 1:15). Christian metanoia is the clarion-call for us all to change 
our minds, to change our hearts. We have to tear our hearts, not our clothes: 
"Rend your hearts and not your garments. Return to the LORD your God, for he is 
gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in love, and he relents 
from sending calamity" (Joel 2:13). 

   The Church has mitigated the rigor of external mortification, but does 
not underestimate in any way the importance and value of penance in the 
Christian life; on the contrary, taking into account the spiritual maturity of 
adult believers, it seeks to foster the genuine interior spirit that will be 
translated into faithful observance of their duties of the state as well as 
into fully voluntary imposition of privations and other concrete ways, left to 
our discretion and choice.  


Lent calls us all, sinners and holy ones, for the yearly renewal in the Mystery 
of the Lord. Penance means inner transformation through internal and external 
acts and through prayer. The Word of God calls us continuously for the trust in 
God and updating of our lives. Lenten spirituality cannot do without fraternal 
love, as the prophet Isaiah puts it: "Is this not the fast which I choose, To 
loosen the bonds of wickedness, To undo the bands of the yoke, And to let the 
oppressed go free And break every yoke? (Is 58:6-7). Or also: "Learn to do 
good; Seek justice, Reprove the ruthless, Defend the orphan, Plead for the 
widow" (Is 1:17). 

The world needs reconciliation--nations after nations, communities, 
religions, theists and atheists, scientists and believers. We need to pay 
special attention to the weaker sections of the society, to the marginalized 
and ostracized. The Lord reminds us of the fundamental choice in our lives: 
"Whatever you have done to the least of my brethren, you have done to me" (Mt 

Our celebration will be existential and a lived experience only if 
we deepen the Word of God and, in that light, also our daily existence.

Death and Resurrection of Jesus needs more reflection, it will show 
us that the Lord has been crucified for the world. It fills us with hope for a 
better world.



[Goanet] Whose Mother is she anyway?

2011-03-31 Thread Jason Keith Fernandes
Standing for Rights

The demand for English and the ‘Mother tongue’

(First published in the Gomantak Times, 30 March 2011)

The events subsequent to spectacular showing at FORCE’s (Forum for Rights of
Children's Education)* *rally on March 20, present a delightful opportunity
for us to reflect on the nuances on Goa’s complex politics.

To begin with, the opponents to this move have raised the predictable bogey
of ‘mother tongue’. The attempts by FRCE and related groups and individuals
so far has been to respond to these arguments by rather weak formulations.
In these formulations, lacking anything more than a superficial
understanding of Goa’s linguistic politics, as well as operating as if
movements in the rest of India did not matter, they fall over themselves
while making statements about Marathi and Konkani, alienating rather than
gaining allies. This situation could be resolved by focussing on the real
issue here, that of power. Addressing the situation in this manner, will
provide them an effective platform to display the mother tongue argument for
what it is, a scam.

An essay in a recent issue of the Economic and Political Weekly pointed out
that ‘In the case of historically marginalised sub­jects who have been
denied their rights, such as Dalits, arguments in favour of Eng­lish as the
language of empowerment and emancipation have been around for some time
now.’ These pan-Indian movements, most notably Chandra Bhan Prasad’s
celebrations of Macaulay’s birthday, and the setting up of the cult of the
English *Devi*, point to the question of power. In which language is power
held they ask? The answer is quite clear. Universally, nationally, and
locally in Goa, as demonstrated by the publication of the State-s Gazette,
power is wielded in English. As groups since freedom struggle times have
realised, access to English is imperative to demand rights that are being

Within Goa, there is another language that holds power; Konkani. This
Konkani while masquerading as the popular language of Goa, is not a Konkani
(or mother tongue) universally spoken or written by all Goans. It is
primarily a Konkani spoken by the Sarasawat and its allied castes, and is
presented to the rest of the Goans as the pure language that they must all
mimic. The model for Goanhood is thus, the Saraswat, and all other local
cultural and life-style models are either faulty, or as some would not
hesitate to bluntly accuse, anti-national. By this model, despite the
suggestion that one can eventually ‘blend in’, one can never be properly
Goan, until and unless one is Saraswat or part of a similarly aligned caste.
The operation of Konkani in Goa therefore, confers supreme power on some
(caste groups), and deprives others of power completely.

This latter reason ensured a participation in the March 20 rally that cut
across divisions of caste and religion. The demand at the rally was truly
unitedly ‘Goan’ in that sense. It is perhaps also for this reason that the
Education Minister, Mr. Monserrate, who represents a social group largely
excluded from official power, responded positively to the rally’s demand.

The letter written by Fathers Mousinho de Ataide and Jaime Couto to the
Archbishop in opposition to this demand however, point to an interesting
fact. The leadership of this demand, as evidenced by those who were on the
platform on the 20th, are largely Catholic (and I dare hazard a guess and
suggest dominant caste/ middle class). FORCE would do well to make its
leadership more representative of the forces that support it. This would be
the perfect and only way in which it can effectively respond to its critics,
gain its objectives and not fall into the Marathi trap that the Konkani
lobby regularly lays. In other words, they need to forge alliances with
those Hindu *bahujan* who were clearly present at the meeting and also wish
a support for State supported English language education. This alliance can
only come about, if the current leadership of FORCE takes the perspective of
power seriously. To do so would require them to relook the Konkani-Marathi
agitation, and ask the questions that Dr. Oscar Rebello asked us recently,
why did almost the entire *Bahujan Samaj* want to merge with Maharashtra?
The answer is that they feared power be firmly established in Brahmin hands.
Those unaware of the history of ‘Konkani as mother tongue’ should know that
it has largely been a brahmanical history dominated by the socio-political
goals of the Saraswat caste. Merely look at the caste origins of those
opposing the current demand to understand the value of caste analysis.

Caste analysis would also warn us that those in favour of support for
English education need not engage in Saraswat bashing. For, does the
opposition to English not include Mrs. Shashikala Kakodkar under the banner
of *Bharatiya Bhasha Suraksha Manch*? Caste analysis will point out that
support for ‘Indian’ ‘mother-tongues’ is largely the tool of brahman

[Goanet] Vasco Khariawado Demolitions - Video

2011-03-31 Thread JoeGoaUk
Vasco Khariawado Demolitions - Video


for Goa & NRI related info... 

For Goan Video Clips 

In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc

[Goanet] Goan who played a key role in African liberation struggles to be remembered

2011-03-31 Thread Goanet News
Goan who played a key role in African liberation struggles to be remembered

PANJIM, Mar 31: An Africa-based hero from Goa will be remembered on
the 25th anniversary year of his death in a mysterious plane-crash in
Mozambique. Aquino de Braganca -- who traces his roots to Mapusa -- was
an important intellectual and political figure in the years leading up
to and immediately after Mozambican independence.

"As a journalist, an academic and a public intellectual he engaged
passionately with the issues of his time. As a confidante of President
Samora Machel and a frequent envoy of the Mozambican government, he
translated his convictions into action, eventually losing his life
alongside Samora in the service of the liberation of southern Africa,"
says one online tribute to him.

         Aquino's children Maya and Radek are today based abroad,
         while he has several relatives and friends in Goa. His
         widow Silvia Braganca will be releasing an English-language
         book, Battles Waged, Lasting Dreams, a tribute to his work
         titled at the Hotel Mandovi on April 2, 2011 at 5 pm.
         NRI Commissioner Eduardo Faleiro will release the book.

This function is open to the public.

The book includes reminiscences about his work and times, and is an
attempt to pay tribute to his role, in his home State.

Aquino was known for his links with the liberation movements across
Africa -- from Morocco to Algeria, Mozambique, Angola, Cabo Verde, and
Sao Tome. Figures like Nelson Mandela and Julius Nyerere were
his comrades.

Born Tomaz Aquino Messias de Braganca in 1924 in Bardez -- to Joao
Paulo Proenca Braganca and Ana Carlota Praxetes Antonia do Rosario
Sousa  --  he left Goa as a young man for Mozambique.

After studying in Portugal and France, he was convinced that the end
of Portuguese rule in Goa was achievable, and made contact with
nationalists from other Portuguese colonies.

In 1957 he moved to Morocco to teach science. When the PAIGC and the
MPLA set up the CONCP (Conference of Nationalist Organizations of the
Portuguese Colonies) in 1961 in Rabat to coordinate the struggle,
Aquino represented the Goan People's Party in the new organisation. He
soon became an indispensable member of the CONCP secretariat.

He was an active journalist, writing for such publications as the
progressive Afrique-Asie (Paris) and Revolution Africaine (Algiers).

         When the MFA -- Movement of the Armed Forces
         (Movimento das Forcas Armadas) -- overthrew the
         Caetano regime in Portugal on 25 April 1974, he
         was the person that the Mozambique liberation
         movement Frelimo turned to, sending him to Lisbon
         to evaluate the volatile situation.

After Mozambican independence, South African activist Ruth First and
Aquino set about recruiting a group of committed radical scholars from
Mozambique, South Africa, and Western Europe, and forming them into a
research collective through the Centro de Estudos Africanos that
focussed on current issues of social and political transformation.

Ruth First was killed by the erstwhile apartheid South African regime, via a
parcel bomb in 1982.

         Aquino de Braganca was a trusted confidante of Samora
         Machel, and undertook numerous delicate diplomatic
         missions on behalf of the Frelimo government.
         Nicknamed "the submarine" in party and government
         circles, he was known for his ability to keep an
         exceedingly low profile.

He was killed on board the Tupolev Tu-134 with Samora Machel when it
crashed at Mbuzini -- a village in South Africa -- on 19 October 1986,
in circumstances that have yet to be fully clarified.

His best-known publication for English-speaking readers is probably
The African liberation reader (London: Zed Press, 1982; 3 volumes),
co-edited with Immanuel Wallerstein and originally published in Lisbon
in Portuguese under the more interesting title Quem e o inimigo?.



Aquino de Braganca photo-set on Flickr

Online list of writings, etc

Aquino de Braganca blog

Contacts for Silvia Braganca silviabraga...@gmail.com
In Goa +91-832-2287155 or +91-8605515933

Book cover

[Goanet] Talking Photos: Vasco demolition begins (as per High Court Order)

2011-03-31 Thread JoeGoaUk
Talking Photos: Vasco demolition of illegal structures begins 
(As per High Court Order)

There were about 150 standby police force including CIPF seen around
TB Cunha Chowk.
Although there was section 144 in place, there were many seen in groups 
and the hundreds of police there did not do much to enforce it.
We only saw them driving away the onlookers at the demolishing sites.

Most shops in the Vasco city remained closed today. 
All migrant fruits vendors/stalls remained closed too. 
However, some women folk seen selling fruits and veg. at the fish 
market at their usual places
Most bars around the demolition area were closed

The high court of Bombay at Goa directed South Goa deputy collector 
to provide a squad to demolish 87 structures that have been identified 
as illegal by Mormugao Municipal Council (MMC) at Khariawada, Vasco. 
(17 obtained stay order at the last minute, including 2 from Local 
Minister Jose Philip D'Souza's Brother Clement - GT)

Earlier, 363 such structures have been identified against whom 
final notices have been issued by the council. 
Out of these, owners of 276 (+17 ) structures had obtained stay 
orders from the administrative tribunal.

Demolition started on 31.3.11 as above 
Khariawado, Vasco da Gama

Some pics










police at the bar

Fruit vendors closed on the main road


video to follow


for Goa & NRI related info... 

For Goan Video Clips 

In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc

[Goanet] Protest Meet at Kala Academy Complex(Friday, April 1st, 10 am)

2011-03-31 Thread Sandeep Heble
Dear all,

A meeting of citizens of Panaji/ Goa has been organized on Friday,
April 1st, 10 am at Kala Academy Complex, Campal-Panaji to protest
against the Kala Academy extension and the cutting of trees to make
way for the proposed construction.

Please join us at the venue to oppose the expansion.

Yours sincerely

Sandeep Heble

(Posting on behalf of all organizers)

[Goanet] Indian Mother awesome joke

2011-03-31 Thread Freddy Fernandes
Check this one joke out:


King Arthur suspecting his wife's infidelity puts a chastity belt on Queen
Guinevere and locks it and as he leaves for war throws a key to his "faithful"
knight Lancelot and tells him to take care of his castle and the queen and
leaves with his generals. A couple of hours later Lancelot comes galloping on
his horse, the king gets worried and asks his knight "What made thou to leave my
castle in such a hurry Lancelot" ? Lancelot bows and says, "you gave me the
wrong key, my Lord" !


Freddy Agnelo Fernandes

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[Goanet] Aspirin linked to stomach bleeding risks

2011-03-31 Thread Con Menezes


[Goanet] [JudeSundayReflections] 4th Sunday of Lent

2011-03-31 Thread Jude Botelho

Dear Friend,

We often pity the blind and feel sorry for them. But we may also be aware of 
blind people who have risen above their handicap and are leading very 
lives. On the other hand we see many who have physical sight but are blind! 
are the prejudiced, those who chose to keep their eyes shut and refuse to see, 
and those who cannot see beyond the obvious. Do we have Vision? Can we look 
beyond? Can we see the awesomeness of life and the hand of God around us? Let’s 
pray that we may see again! Fr. Jude

Sunday Reflections: Fourth Sunday of Lent –‘I know, I was blind but now I see 
again!’ 3-Apr-2011
1 Sam 16: 1, 6-7,  10-13;  Ephesians 5: 8-14;John:  9: 

In today’s first reading we see God commissioning Samuel to seek and anoint a 
new king in place of Saul who proved to be a failure. Samuel’s search leads him 
to Bethlehem to the house of Jesse and his sons.  One by one he is introduced 
his seven sons, all of whom possessed outstanding physical attributes. Samuel 
was impressed but not satisfied till he sees the youngest –David –a mere youth. 
God asks Samuel to anoint David as the new King of Israel. God’s choice is so 
different from man’s, God sees the heart!

Blinded by Prejudice
In the late 1700s the manager of a large hotel in Baltimore refused lodging to 
man dressed like a farmer. He turned the farmer away because he thought this 
fellow’s shabby  appearance would discredit the reputation of his distinguished 
hotel. The farmer picked up his bag and left without saying a further word to 
anyone. Later that evening, the innkeeper discovered that he had turned away 
none other than the Vice President of the United States - Thomas Jefferson! 
Immediately, the manager sent a note of apology to the famed patriot, asking 
to come back and be his guest in the hotel. Jefferson replied by instructing 
messenger as follows, “Tell him I have already reserved a room. I value his 
intentions highly, but if he has no room for a common American farmer, then he 
has no room for the vice-president of the United States of America.”
Brian Cavanaugh in ‘The Sower’s Seeds’

The Gospel of John contains the lengthy story of the man who was born blind 
who’s sight Jesus restores and who follows him. Jesus had not come merely to 
give  sight to the blind. He poses a deeper question: Who are blind?: the 
physically blind or people like the Pharisees who refuse to see! In the Old 
Testament blindness and suffering were connected to sin, seen as a punishment 
God. The people who see the man born blind are wondering whether he is 
because of his sins or the sins of his parents! Jesus says: “Neither this man 
nor his parents, but in order that the works of God may be displayed in him.” 
then goes on to heal the man and reveals the compassionate face of God in the 
face of human suffering. Finding the cause of the suffering does not matter, 
does it help the one who is suffering. The suffering of others will always 
remain a mystery to be lived not a problem to be solved. The suffering of 
provides us with an opportunity to show care, to reveal God’s love through us. 
Doing something now is the moment of salvation for ourselves and others. We 
shall pass through this  world but once. Any good, therefore, that we can do, 
any kindness that we can show, to any human being, let us do it now; let us not 
defer it or neglect it, for we shall not pass this way again.

God’s Living Word
One of the most appealing advertisements for Third World help is one asking for 
a few pounds to save a person’s sight. Apparently, there is an eye disease 
prevalent in some countries that leaves many people blind but which can be 
prevented by simple remedies if there are enough resources available. The 
advertisement is asking us to do what we can to give a person sight for life. 
was the same request that the blind man made to Jesus in today’s gospel. Jesus 
answered the request and more. He gave the man back his sight so that he could 
see the world about him like the rest of us. But he gave him something more as 
well. He gave him vision to penetrate the deeper realities, faith to know  that 
Jesus is Son of God, come into this world. Sight enables us to see the obvious 
things as they are. Vision explores ideals, faith, hope, love mercy, trust and 
generosity. Such vision is a gift of God, a gift we need individually and as a 
people. The young thirst for such a gift. We are called to create an atmosphere 
where they are open to receive it and to respond to it.
Tom Clancy in ‘Living the Word’

Now I See Again!
During World War II John Howard Griffin was blinded in an airplane explosion. 
For the next 12 years he couldn’t see a thing. Then, one day he was walking 
a street near his parent’s home in Texas. Suddenly he began to see “red sand” 
front of his eyes. Without warning, his sight returned again. An 

[Goanet] Vitamin K may benefit both elderly men and women: Study

2011-03-31 Thread Con Menezes


[Goanet] English as medium of Instruction: DBE must take bold decision.

2011-03-31 Thread SOTER

Gerald wrote:
"We find ourselves in agreement with the views expressed by Fr Pratap Naik. 
S. J & Mr Soter Dsousa. The Diocesan Board of Education (DBE) in Goa should 
seriously consider the option of foregoing Grants from the Govt. of Goa and 
switch to English as the medium of instruction in all its Schools.. Parents 
and students could rhen exercise the option to choose the medium of 
instruction.It is neccessary that a conviction deeply held by the DBE must 
not be sacrificed at the Altar of Govt Grants."

Thanks Gerry!
The DSE schools can keep one division for konkani and another for English, 
if they at all want to prove their patriotism to konkani fundamentlists. 
This was the approach followed in Karnataka with one division for Kananda 
and another for English. There is little doubt that it has been the Church 
which has kept Konkani alive through the the centuries.


[Goanet] The Time Bank..........

2011-03-31 Thread Gina Fernandes

The Time BankImagine there is a bank
that credits your account
 each morning with $86,400.

It carries over no balance from day to day.
 Every evening the bank deletes
 whatever part of the balance
 you failed to use during the day. What would you do? 
Draw out every cent, of courseEach of us has such a bank.
 Its name is TIME.
Every morning, 
it credits you with 86,400 seconds.

Every night it writes off, as lost,
 whatever of this you have failed
 to invest to good purpose.
It carries over no balance. 
It allows no overdraft.
Each day it opens a new account for you.
Each night it burns the remains of the day.
If you fail to use the day's deposits,
 the loss is yours. 
There is no going back.
 There is no drawing against the "tomorrow".
You must live in the present
 on today's deposits.
 Invest it so as to get from
 it the utmost in health, happiness, and success!
The clock is running.
 Make the most of today.
To realize the value of ONE YEAR,
 ask a student who failed a grade.
To realize the value of ONE MONTH,
 ask a mother who gave birth to a premature baby.
To realize the value of ONE WEEK,
 ask the editor of a weekly newspaper.
To realize the value of ONE HOUR,
 ask the frinds who are waiting to meet.
To realize the value of ONE MINUTE,
 ask a person who missed the train.
To realize the value of ONE SECOND,
 ask a person who just avoided an accident.
Treasure every moment that you have! And reassure it more because you shared it 
with someone special, special enough to spend your time.

Remember that time waits for no one.
Yesterday is history.
Tomorrow is mystery.
Today is a gift.
That's why it's called the present!

Re: [Goanet] Indian Mother awesome joke

2011-03-31 Thread DAN DRISCOLL
Not bad. I have a 'clerical version' of that story. A closely observant
Parish Priest had the feeling that his curate was cutting corners in recital
of 'The Divine Office', considered a serious offence, and binding under
'pain of mortal sin'. Upon leaving for vacation he told the curate to do a
refurbishing job on the main altar tabernacle, and give him a report.

Upon PP's return, question soon arose about the work on tabernacle. Young
man sez, "Father, I wanted to get it done, but hunted everywhere for the
tabernacle key and it was not to be found anywhere".

P.P.: "Well, that's strange"; I left it where I was sure you should find

On Wed, Mar 30, 2011 at 5:02 PM, Gina Fernandes wrote:

> Mom comes to visit her son Kumar for dinner.. .. who lives with a girl
> roommate Sunita. During the course of the meal, his mother couldn't help
> but
> notice how pretty Kumar's roommate was. She had long been suspicious of a
> relationship between the two, and this had only made her more curious.
> Over the course of the evening, while watching the two interact, she
> started
> to wonder if there was more between Kumar and his roommate than met the
> eye.
> Reading his mom's thoughts, Kumar volunteered, "I know what you must be
> thinking, but I assure you, Sunita and I are just roommates."
> About a week later, Sunita came to Kumar saying, "Ever since your mother
> came to dinner, I've been unable to find the silver plate. You don't
> suppose
> she took it, do you?" Kumar said, "Well, I doubt it, but I'll email her,
> just to be sure."
> *So he sat down and wrote :  *
> Dear Mother:
> I'm not saying that you 'did' take the silver plate from my house, I'm not
> saying that you 'did not' take the silver plate.. But the fact remains that
> it has been missing ever since you were here for dinner.
> Love, Kumar
> *Several days later, Kumar received an email from his Mother which read :
> Dear Son:
> I'm not saying that you 'do' sleep with Sunita, and I'm not saying that you
> 'do not' sleep with Sunita. But the fact remains that if she was sleeping
> in
> her OWN bed, she would have found the silver plate by now under
> thepillow...
> Love, Mom.
> *Lesson of the day:**
> *Don't Lie to Your Mother.. ..especially if she is Indian!* **
> This e-mail and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended
> solely for the use of the individual or entity to which they are addressed.
> If
> you have received this e-mail in error please notify the system manager at
> hotl...@maerskoil.com.

[Goanet] Song for the day.

2011-03-31 Thread Gabe Menezes
Lettermen - Till George Pinto's House in the first clip scene?


Gabe Menezes.

[Goanet] DERRAMA

2011-03-31 Thread Dr . Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão

‘Derrama’ is a local ‘Surcharge’ on income generated through commerce,
industrial or agricultural source. It is prevalent mostly in Portugal and Spain
and was in their colonies. If you Google "derrama' in the region of Portugal, 
you will get the details required.






Dr. Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão.


[Goanet] Was Mahatma Gandhi bisexual ?

2011-03-31 Thread SOTER

Barad wrote:
"People should evaluate his views
dispassionately and not just accept them because he was a Kangressman."

Fully agree. One ought to be a poster boy of Bharat Jhalao Party or Digu 
Chaka Chak Abhiyan for anyone to be declared the unquestionable saint in 
India . Belonging to Kangress was a fatal mistake by M. K. Gandhi.


[Goanet] Goans gets 30%, rest of India 70% - Goa Housing Board logic

2011-03-31 Thread SOTER
Villagers to get 30 p.c. quota in GHB projects


Minister for  Housing Board   Nilkanth  Halarnkar  today  declared  that  30 
per cent  of  housing  in  housing board  projects will be reserved for locals 
of the village where  the project is located.
Halarnkar made the statement while speaking  during  Question Hour to a  
question tabled  by  Shiroda legislator Mahadev Naik  with respect  to land  
acquired by the Goa Housing  Board (GHB)   in   Shiroda  constituency.
The Shiroda MLA  drew  attention   of  the  housing board minister that locals 
are opposed to the   housing  board   project  with it being close to  a  
religious  place.
 "The church authorities believe that the housing board project in their 
vicinity will cause   disturbance to their  activities," stated  the Shiroda 
legislator while   urging the minister to  have  discussion with  church 
authorities  on this issue. 
The  village  panchayat,   which   had   initially  granted a  provisional  no 
objection certificate (NOC) to GHB to  go  ahead  with the project, changed  
its stance following  opposition  by the locals,  said the Shiroda MLA.
However, the minister  maintained that GHB  has complied  with all formalities 
and considering opposition  to GHB  projects   it   has been decided to  keep  
30 per cent  of the  units  to  locals   of the village,  stated  the housing 
board minister.


[Goanet] Healthier Food Choices - Increase Willpower - Making Smart Choices - Health Tip - RealAge

2011-03-31 Thread Con Menezes
Willpower?? Here's how..easy!