Re: [Goanet] The SS Gairsoppa

2011-09-28 Thread Patrice Riemens
> Date: Wed, 28 Sep 2011 18:23:04 +0100 (BST)
> From: Ignatius Fernandes 
> To: "" 
> Subject: [Goanet] The SS Gairsoppa
> Thank you Roland Francis for whetting my appetite about
> the SS.Gairsoppa and it's treasure of silver found at the
> bottom of the sea..
> Apparently the finders get 80% of the treasure trove and the rest
> to the owners. Since the silver was looted from the maharajahs
> by the British, should not either the Government of India or the
> individual maharajahs make a claim.
> I very much doubt that Britain would part with anything they
> would hold on to it for dear life. Good example are the Elgin
> Marbles and the Koh-i-Noor diamond.
> Regards
> Ignatius Fernandes.
> --

Actually there might be a finder, but it was the British government which
tendered for the recovery of the SS Gairsoppa, and the American Odyssey
Marine Exploration company won the contract. They indeed will keep 80% of
the proceeds.

Odyssey Marine Exploration may look like an adventurous venture (it is),
but it's very much a for profit professional enterprise which lost 33% of
its share-worth a short while ago, when a  court ruled that the 15.000 kg
of silver coins they had recovered from a sunken galleon off the
Gilbraltar coast rightly belonged to the Spanish government. When news of
the SS Gairsoppa became known, their shares bounced back - but just 12%
(you do the figures ;-)

Cheers, p+3D!

[Goanet] SMILE........................ IT'S WEEKEND (29/09/2011)

2011-09-28 Thread CAJETAN DE
A man (Digu) had just settled into his seat next to the window on the plane, 
when another man (Migu) sat down in the aisle seat and put his dog on the 
middle seat next to the Digu.
Digu looks very quizzically at the dog and asks:
Digu: Why the dog is allowed on the plane.
Migu: (Explained) I am CID and the dog is a "sniffing dog". His name is Sniffer 
and he's the best at his work. you will agree with me when I put him to work. 

The plane takes off, and as soon as it has leveled out Migu tells Digu: 
Migu: Watch this, Sniffer "SEARCH". 
Sniffer jumps down, walks along the aisle, and finally sits very purposefully 
next to a woman for a several seconds. Sniffer then returns to its seat and 
puts ONE paw on the Migu's arm. 
Migu: "Good boy" 
Migu turns to Digu and says: 
Migu: That woman is in possession of marijuana, so I 'm making a note of her 
seat number and the authorities will apprehend her when we land.
Digu: Wow, that's pretty neat. 
Once again, Migu sends Sniffer to search the aisles. Sniffer goes and sits down 
beside a man for a few seconds, returns to its seat, and this time, he places 
TWO paws on Migu's arm. 
Migu: That man is carrying cocaine, so again, I m making a note of his seat 
number for the police.
Digu: Oh really? I like it!.
Migu:  Sniffer, go and "search" again. 
Sniffer walked up and down the aisles for a little while, sat down for a 
moment, and then came racing back to Migu, jumped into the middle seat and 
proceeded to poop all over the place.  
Digu was really grossed out by this behavior and can't figure out how or why a 
well-trained dog would act like that:
Digu: (Shouts) What's this? What's going on?
Migu: (Nervously replied) Sh, please calm down "Sniffer found a 
TIME-BOMB in the plane!"
Cajetan de Sanvordem

[Goanet] Digambar Kamat, A Saint, A Fool Or The Devil

2011-09-28 Thread Freddy Fernandes
Digambar Kamat, A Saint, A Fool Or The Devil

It looks like the sky above Chief Minister Digambar Kamat is about to burst 
open and drown him in the tsunami that he himself has triggered off. Initially 
he was blessed with the mines portfolio by none other than the present leader 
of the opposition Manohar Parrikar, during his tenure as the Chief Minister 
when BJP ruled Goa, it was then that he realized the amount of honey that oozed 
from the mining honeycomb and for the last two terms as the Congress Chief 
Minister he has been very possessive about his honeycomb, that he has not let 
anyone or anything else come near it. The two major portfolios that Digambar 
Kamat holds are very lucrative indeed, mining and TPC.

With excessive mining in Goa, life in and around the mining belt had become a 
nightmare, with death and illnesses a galore, due to reckless driving and 
pollution, excessive mining has also elevated the water problems due to 
receding water tables as a result of which people have revolted all over Goa 
against mining, but with the unlimited wealth at their disposal form mining, 
the mining barons in partnership with our politicians have been using our 
security services to harass, threaten and intimidate the people opposing them 
and their rampant rape of our environment and our ecology.

If mining has been a major problem, the TPC too, with it's support and approval 
for mega housing has given Goans enough headaches to last us a life time, as 
land filling, hill cutting, the destruction of sand dunes and mangroves to 
accommodate mega housing has not only devastated our environment and our 
ecology but also magnified our water, electricity and other infrastructural 
problems. Mega housing has not just affected the topography of Goa but also the 
demographic scale that has tilted against Goans, as migrant vote banks are 
generated at every nuke and corner of Goa, as a result of which we have had 
several intense law and order situations as well.

Digambar Kamat is a very versatile and conniving political tactician, which has 
helped him to survive and overcome the volatility in his political edifice and 
hold on to his throne for two terms, as just before that, Chief Ministers in 
Goa did not survive or last, more than a few months, some not even a week or 
two. Over the years we have only watched in awe, his genius manipulative 
orchestrations, be it to safeguard his chair or his credibility and also to put 
unhealthy and disgruntled elements form his own coalition or outside it, in 
their place and that, he did with aplomb. It's indeed a real pity that a man of 
his caliber, with such a wealth of ingenuity, has come up a cropper short, in 
fair and effective governance.  It is such a waste of talent, if only it was 
used for constructive purposes.

Finally, the vast monstrosity which was being buried in the mining craters of 
Goa's underbelly, that we all knew but could not prove, has finally been 
unearthed by Justice Shah and we have at last come to terms with the 
dimensions, magnitude and the enormity of this monstrosity. I am sure like me 
most Goans did not think much would happen when the Justice Shah was asked to 
do the mining endoscopy on Goa, as commissions have come and gone a galore 
without a whiff or even a wimp in the past, as politicians and bureaucrats 
fortified themselves with their political clout and in untouchable cocoons.

No matter what happens next, Justice Shah should be given all due credit for 
his concreteness, commitment and zest with which he has uncovered the scam. 
Identification of the perpetrators, who have caused unimaginable devastation of 
our environment and ecology for monetary gains, is just a matter of time. 
Justice Shah we Goans and environmentalists around the world salute you and 
pray that the work, that you have done, rubs on to the others around to perform 
and be worthy of their office and cause and we all hope the offenders get 
what's due to them with full interest and your efforts not go in vain.

With all the turmoil, the mining scam has caused, in my heart I still feel, 
though he shouldn't, Digambar Kamat will still come out of this crises 
unscratched but will certainly meet his "Maker" at the next elections, as I am 
sure Madgaokars know when it's time to say, "the buck stops here and now" !

The investigations without doubt point in just one direction, to the Chief 
Minister Digambar Kamat but he has come out strongly saying, that he knew 
nothing about illegal mining in Goa, so is he a saint who does not know or do 
anything evil, or is he a fool who does know what is evil, or is he the devil 
who is all evil ? What's your take ?

Madgoakars you do have a stand to take !

Freddy Agnelo Fernandes

The content of this electronic communication is intended solely for the use of 
individual or entity to whom it is addressed and any others who 

[Goanet] Conspiracy against P. Chidambaram ?

2011-09-28 Thread U. G. Barad
Nelson Lopes, (ref. message No 8, dated: Wed, 28 Sep 2011), brings out
important equations prevailing at the center and in one state. According to
him, Prime Minister (PM) has strong bonding with P. Chidambaram (PC);
Jaylalithaa (JL) has rival relation with PC; trouble shooter Pranab
Mukherjee (PJ) takes back door entry through Raj Sabha nomination and not by
wining any MLA / MP election. He further says that Sonia Gandi (SG) knows
that PM minus PC could be a dangerous concoction and fraught with serious
consequences. Hence, SG directed to defend PC is politically logical and the
right decision are right time! 

In this connection, Nelson may I ask you some questions that pops up. 

1. If JL and PC are not in good books with each other, does that mean that
Indians; concerned state dwellers; judiciary must pardon either of them
depending on their pull / hold they have with SG? 
2. Like PJ, PM too has not won single election and have always come in
central ministry by back door entry i.e. nomination as Raj Sabha member. So
according to you who of these two should have not been brought in back in
present ministerial setup by Kangress and why? 
3. What compels Kangress to nominate PJ to Raj Sabha every time and yet
stamp him trouble shooter? 
4. What is the equation between SG and PC that compelled SG to give
directives to defend PC at all cost?
5. In governance, are equations between two personalities more important or
their working for the cause of nation an important issue? And, if equations
are more important than anything else, than to what extent nation should
bear the blunt on exchequer to maintain different prevailing equations? 
6. Should Indians not question Mr. Cleans who are Mr. Yes-men and not Mr.

Hope you will answer above questions in the right perspective without any
offensive language. Please do keep watching live TV coverage's of different
TV media / reading latest in different print media / listening to different
versions discussed by your friends on the issue of "2 G explosive within
ruling ministry" that is going on at the center. 

Best regards,

U. G. Barad

[Goanet] Utorda locals wrestle against illegal kiosks

2011-09-28 Thread Goa World

Utorda locals wrestle against illegal kiosks

TEAM HERALD teamherald@ herald- goa. com
CORTALIM: The issue of illegal kiosks and stalls has dogged residents of 
Utorda, with authorities remaining mute spectators to the menace despite 
residents petitioning for its removal.
In a complaint to the sarpanch, about 200 residents have highlighted the 
illegal trade at Mollar- Utorda road junction in gross violation to the 
notification issued by South Goa district magistrate which prohibits any 
activity within 50 mtrs radius.
Requesting the sarpanch to remove the illegal structures which are a public 
nuisance, residents have warned of necessary action if the panchayat fails to 
proceed as per the law.
Assuring action against the structures, Majorda- Utorda- Calata Sarpanch 
Visitation D’Silva admitted receiving the complaint from the residents.
“ I will place the complaint letter before the panchayat meeting on September 
30 and the body will decide,” D’Silva said, adding that notices would later be 
issued to violators.
“ Even otherwise, I had already decided to initiate action against them even 
before the complaint was made to the panchayat, as the body was in receipt of 
Magistrate’s letter in this regard,” D’Silva informed Herald.

GULF-GOANS e-NEWSLETTER (since 1994)    


LAST GASP: The UPA government has turned Anna Hazare into the last Gandhian 
standing -  Gaspar Almeida, 

Gulf-Goans e-Newsletter presented by team 


[Goanet] 37th tiatr Competition 2011 - DESVATT

2011-09-28 Thread JoeGoaUk
37th tiatr Competition 2011 - DESVATT 

Most parents now  a days very busy either making money or into so called 
social  work.

While men are busy after making more and more money the women folks seen busy 
with social  activities including religious -
 NGOs be  it ‘Balancho Awaz’ or ‘Bhailanchi Shokti or ‘Bailanchim Karma’ their 
dairies are full  of appointments. 
They leave in the morning and come home very late thus give  little or no time 
to their children.
All  they give to them is the Money (no limit) including latest electronic 
gadgets  like mobile phones, video games. 
What the children really need from the parents  is their time with them which 
they spend may be rebuilding other people’s 
broken  homes ignoring their own. 
By the time they realise their mistake, it’s too late as their  own homes 
completely collapsed and beyond any repairs.

or visit here the skip the rest and for more updates including the tiatr video 
clip etc
Something like  this very beautifully brought out by Peter Vaz in his tiatr 
‘DESVATT’ (Taleigao  Dramtic Troupe) which was the 9th entry in the ongoing  
37th Tiatr Competition organised by Kala Academy of Goa and supported  by Tiatr 
Agademy of goa, TAG.Staged on  28th Sept. 2011-09-29. 

Today’s tiatr was opened at the hands ofDalgado Konknni Academy (DKA) Secretary 
and a  welknown Konkani writer Shri Jose  Salvador Fernandes.
The tiatr had very strong and much need social message, particularly  to 

Father (Elves Sequeira) being abroad, mother (Carmen  Barbosa e sequeira at her 
best) very busy with her social work.
So busy that she does not even remember her  teenage son’s birthday. However, 
there is a party in the house on the same day 
 not a birthday party but to celebrate her promotion in the NGO 
organisation.  Poor son mistook it as his party and even invited his friends..

Son, an introvert, role well played by Jozic D’Silva- Was really so natural, 
lot of hardwork there 
His sister was  Candida D’Souza who did most of the Cant singing and the one 
sang at the time of  her brother leaving 
the home to study out of state (much against his wish) was  really touching , 
which brought tears in many eyes (includes our four).

For most of us, one thing was so sure – The son will  commit suicide in the 
hostel by hanging  which is the No. 1 in Goa 
at  present,followed by Ratol  suicide.But no, the son did not commit suicide. 
Infact, hehas a lover, an African lover with whom 
he  had bonding relationship of an alternate lifestyle.The son had girlfriend 
back home  though.

It’s too late now, son is dying.. Parents, particularly  the mother to blame 
for the neglect and for not allowing him to do what he  always wanted to do 
The son suffered a lot mentally through out his  life including ragging at the 
college/hostel which was forced upon him by his  own parents 
who neither believed in him nor had  time to be by his side when he needed them 
most - Third person  ended up taking advantage of  the situation..

The story well written  taking into account the  currents burning issues that 
affect the society.

Peter Vaz gets full marks for that from JoeGoaUk for  taking up this cause - 
Goa's alarming rate of suicide, is indeed a matter of  concern.

The house cook cum  comedian role played by the Playwright himself (Peter Vaz).
NGO  secretary well played by Tassy Dias and a cameo role of tiatrist uncle 
played by Manuel Vaz who is a very familiar face at Kala Academy campus.

Besides, there was a doctor  (Armando Almeida) and the Son's friends in Goa Mr. 
Klaver Taveira, Myron Viegas  and Josh D'Silva

The tiatr has about 13 songs.
Rich tribute paid to Chris Perry by Anthony and Suzie  Fernandes (remember 
seeing Suzie crooning in Goan bands - Cascades?)
Jr. Nelson (Thomas Afonso) paid tribute to Vasco Sports  club footballer Late 
Andrew D’Souza and pleaded Vasco minister to honour him  
with a State award and Jose Gonsalves' tribute  to tiatrist Jose 
Rod.  Full  Marks to all.

Besides, Comedian Selvy’s comedy solo most loved by all, Betty D’Cunha,  little 
Shayna Britto,Anvilly and  Candida etc sang well.

Quatet by Peter Vaz, Tassy Dias, Klaver and Myron was  good too with Portuguese 

Band by  Agnelo Dias / Vitorin Araujo and group
The tiatr was  houseful

Here are some stage  pics
Liite  Shayna Britto


Husband-wife  in real life  
tribute to Chris Perry  
tiatrist uncle M Vaz (KA Securityman)

[Goanet] Stoic defense of the Caju Feni!

2011-09-28 Thread Bernado Colaco
These days GN has reached its lowest depths. But I was taken by the stoic 
defense of the Caju by xri Cecilio Pinto. This topic raised the heights of Goan 
Nationalism and our Goan pride vide the Caju. I hope one day we can strike the 
devil that enveloped us since 61even if takes to have a bottle of caju as a 
escudo. More on the caju : I think we all 
chukle in regard to the description of the fruit.
BTW does xri Antonio Sá drink Tinto?

[Goanet] [Photo Blog by Rajan Parrikar] Let Sleeping Dogs Lie

2011-09-28 Thread Rajan P. Parrikar
Photo Blog by Rajan Parrikar has posted a new item, 'Let Sleeping Dogs Lie'

You may view the latest post at

Best regards,
Rajan P. Parrikar

[Goanet] When Art met Life

2011-09-28 Thread Goanet A-C-E!

When Art met Life

The festival that made Panjim feel cool about its heritage and its 
architectural vestige was undoubtedly the Fontainhas Festival of the Arts

By Harshvardhan Bhatkuly

News arrived that the deal for this year’s International Film Festival 
of India was inked out in Delhi. Many may assume that the city has begun 
to sport a spruced up look because of the IFFI. Although one cannot 
discount the fact that the IFFI did bring about a change in the way 
Panjim looks, but it surely was not where it all started.

The festival that made Panjim feel cool about its heritage and its 
architectural vestige was undoubtedly the Fontainhas Festival of the 
Arts. By far the best time Panjim has had in one of its most charming 

I was lucky to be a passive party to what could have become an important 
landmark in Goa’s tourism calendar. But fell prey to disinterest and 
later cynicism from the organizers, sponsors, residents and yes, the State.

The first time round when the Fontainhas Festival was planned, it was as 
if the entire jigsaw was waiting to be pieced together. The organizers – 
Goa Heritage Action Group – was a group of very enthusiastic mix of 
professionals and heritage lovers. Goa had a ‘can-do, will-do’ Chief 
Minister in the form of Manohar Parrikar.

The idea was simple – to focus on Panjim’s heritage by using Fontainhas 
as a backdrop. The draw was art and the medium were the houses of local 

For the first time, people in Goa, or for that matter India, opened up 
their homes for other people to walk in. Art was hung and displayed in 
the living rooms of Fontainhas residents. People would walk in and 
appreciate the works, talk to artists and I can name at least a handful 
of artistic careers which have been the direct creation of this 
festival. That done, there would be music and live performances enacted 
in the public squares of Fontainhas. A brass band near Mary Immaculate 
High School, a ‘ divli naach’ near the fountain ( from which Fontainhas 
derives its name), Remo belting ‘ Maria Pitashe’ near Panjim Inn or 
Lorna singing ‘ Red Rose’ from the little ground opposite Antonio 
Sousa’s house.

Add to all this, the essence of authentic Goan cuisine in the bylanes of 
Fontainhas. Mum’s Kitchen, Hotel Mandovi, Raanchikud and others would 
dish out mouthwatering wonders one after the other. It used to be a week 
full of art, music and good cheer. Where friends would meet in the 
evenings for a bite and a bit of music. Where children would get their 
poratraits in pencil drawn by students of the art college. Where decent 
deals for buying local art were cut, thus creating a whole new bunch of 
artistic pool in Goa.

Was the festival successful? Hugely. Just go by how people have begun to 
restore old houses, not to mention the sudden demand for old ‘ 
Portuguese’ houses from cash- rich Delhiwallahs and their ilk. The 
objective of the Goa Heritage Action Group to disseminate information 
about our architectural and cultural heritage seemed to have been 
achieved. But then it was the job of the Tourism Department to latch on 
to such a wonderful property that could have ensured quality tourism for 
years to come.

The one area where the organisers could have fared better was to create 
a bridge with the residents who not only had to open up their houses and 
literally compromise on their household privacy for a week or more, but 
who rightly or wrongly felt used by the authorities. What did they 
receive besides a fresh coat of paint? My gut feeling is that had they 
been offered centrestage to being trustees of the event, the Fontainhas 
Festival would have flourished and gone from strength to strength.

This festival which was put together by the collective genius of a 
handful of people. Further testimony to a fact that the universe 
conspires to get things done when a few people have a larger interest of 
the society at heart. The Goa Heritage Action Group has always been 
blessed with people who mean well for Goa’s cultural and architectural 
heritage. Now the only missing link is the political will.

Sure, the IFFI is a bigger event and draws the stars ( paid for, of 
course), but the Fontainhas Festival brought art and life of Panjim 

Could we have a once more?!


Goanet A-C-E!
Arts ~ Culture ~ Entertainment

[Goanet] Research on needle craft in Goa :: Poonam Pandit

2011-09-28 Thread Frederick FN Noronha * फ्रेडरिक नोरोन्या *فريدريك نورونيا
Recently, I came across Poonam Pandit  who is
currently studying the methods and practice of traditional needlework
embroidery in Goa, broadly categorized into lace work, crochet, cut
work, patchwork, tatting and hand embroidery.

Poonam is looking out for any relevant information on the history of
Goan needle craft including the contribution of the Portuguese
influence, its significance in religious and social practices and the
indigenous or traditional knowledge of the practicing communities. She
mentioned that she is also looking to photograph old designs or motifs
and products, and is locating individual artisans or clusters to
develop actual samples and study the needle craft techniques followed
then and now.

This data is being compiled under a Directorate, Commissioner
(Handicrafts) endeavour to set up a design bank on embroidery through
all states of India. If you have any pointers that could help, Poonam
can be contacted via 9552994780 or

Re: [Goanet] Michael D'Sa RIP.

2011-09-28 Thread joelds
Dear Eric,

Thanks for the information on the passing away of Michael D'Sa.
I am interested in international sportsmen of Goan origin. Hence... how do I
find more about Mike... and even perhaps about the other Goans in the team?

Joel D'Souza.

On Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 12:01 AM, eric pinto  wrote:

>   Mike passed away today in New York.

[Goanet] ALEXYZ Daily Cartoon (29Sep11)

2011-09-28 Thread alexyz fernandes

"Heard Leander Paes is giving up his Racket?"

"Some Scam?"

"No Tennis...'N' Putting his best foot forward for Football"

To enjoy the visual cartoon please visit:
Site sponsored by

[Goanet] The SS Gairsoppa

2011-09-28 Thread Ignatius Fernandes
Thank you Roland Francis for whetting my appetite about 

the SS.Gairsoppa and it's treasure of silver found at the 

bottom of the sea..

Apparently the finders get 80% of the treasure trove and the rest 

to the owners. Since the silver was looted from the maharajahs 

by the British, should not either the Government of India or the 

individual maharajahs make a claim.

I very much doubt that Britain would part with anything they 

would hold on to it for dear life. Good example are the Elgin
Marbles and the Koh-i-Noor diamond.
Ignatius Fernandes.

[Goanet] Three persons from Goa to attend OWC 2011 in Korea (Youtube link) | The CSF

2011-09-28 Thread Con Menezes

[Goanet] Today: Seminar on Goa issues at Alto Porvorim, Sept 29-30, 2011...

2011-09-28 Thread Bipinchandra Kantak
Can you Please provide me the detail address to participate in the 

From: Goanet News

Goa 2011 Seminar at XCHR, TSKK
(At Alto Porvorim, the Xavier Centre of Historical Research and the
Thomas Stephens Konknni Kendr)

September 29, Thursday, Day 1

9.00 am Registration
9.30 am 10.30 am Inaugural Session

Lighting the Lamp

Read all Goanet messages at:

[Goanet] Goa news for September 29, 2011

2011-09-28 Thread Goanet News Service
Goa News from Google News and
Visit for the full stories.

*** Goa mining scam: Ruling NCP demands thorough probe -
Hindustan Times
ed government in Goa, has demanded a thorough probe against
officials allegedly involved in the state mining scam pegged at
Rs10,000 crore by a Congress legislator. ...

*** Goa ban on dumps may hit iron ore supply - Business Standard
ews/edit/9885-pristine-goa-ravaged.html">Pristine Goa ravaged

*** Red signal for Sesa Goa mine - Hindustan Times
cancels clearance to Sesa Goa''s Pirna Iron ore mine

*** Goa mining companies asked to purchase surface rights of
affected areas - Daily News & Analysis
ily News & AnalysisPlace: Panaji

*** 'Let tourists encounter Goa's culture' - Times of India
oa and CSJP, is seeking to set back the negative impacts of
tourism, and promote healthy patterns of tourism. Tourists
should be able to encounter the multiple dimensions of Goan ...

*** Tourism circuit on west coast - Times of India
nd tourists, especially foreigners to Gujarat, Goa and
Maharashtra are working to create a tourism circuit along the
west coast. The circuit will cover tourist destinations situated
in all these three states. ...

*** Goa travel mart to showcase State's 'hidden treasures' -
Hindu Business Line
ndu Business LineGoa Tourism wants to promote the State as one
with "hidden treasures" in the upcoming Goa International Travel
Mart (GITM) 2011 from October 21 to 23. Organised and jointly
promoted by the Department of Tourism, the Government of Goa and
Goa Tourism ...

*** Sesa Goa may slip to Rs 180: Tulsian -
V18, "Sesa Goa, the negative news are getting bunched for the
company. The existing ban in Karnataka has been a dampener. This
also will add more woes to the company and then the Q2
performance which we will be seeing which is always ...

*** Goa Luxury Resort Celebrates the Joy of Giving Week With
Charitable Contributions - MarketWatch (press release)
 Goa Marriott Resort & Spa is proud to announce their
participation in the Joy of Giving Week (JGW 2011) on October
2nd through October 8th. With the aim to prove that nothing is
more satisfying ...

*** Goa's Mickey Pacheco to visit Kuwait - Times of India
ourism Minister was born in Panjim, Goa and is well known for
several interest of the Goan community and Indian populace at
large including social and cultural activities, sponsoring free
education/books, ...

Compiled by Goanet News Service

[Goanet] Political activism and judiciary

2011-09-28 Thread Nelson Lopes
Confrontation with Judiciary
When S.C. formed SIT to probe money laundering by Hassan Ali. the UPA
spokesperson warned the court not to cross Lakshiman Rekha.TamilNadu
Assembly has passed path breaking , dangerous resolution , not to
carry out the death sentence on the assassins of Rajiv Gandhi. The
plot hatched outside the country and carried on by outside elements
deserves no sympathy. Did our P.M.deserve to die such a tragic death
at the promising young age.? Where are our priorities and sentiments
for justice?
Afsal Guru awaiting death sentence  is finding strange friends to
argue for him. The tweet by no less than  an individual, Chief
Minister Omar Abdulla cannot be construed as in individual capacity It
will definitely encourage  separatists and subversive  elements The
attack on temple of democracy, Parliament cannot be considered
lightly. Fortunately on the defenders died to save our M.P.`s. Can
their be a greater crime ? The fights in J.K. Assembly is a disgrace
to the Nation ,on Afzal Guru clemency The petition itself has been
preferred by his wife and the President has rejected it
The courts go through a tedious process to arrive at a conclusion,
giving every opportunity to the accused to plead his case. It is the
duty of the state to carry out the sentence It cannot abdicate its
responsibility, by injecting a new version of law and order problem.
Death sentence is delivered according to the courts in the rarest of
rear cases Is passing of such resolution by the states are not binding
legally are meant to derail the judicial process? Is it not the
Legislature encroaching on the preserve of the Judiciary ? Will the
citizens have any respect for the LAW AND JUDICIARY?
The line separating the Legislature and Judiciary is getting
increasingly blurred and which is not good for the Democracy
Best thing is to abolish death sentence and consequently the Mercy
Petition Life sentence should mean until death in confinement and not
14 years as it is understood to day Retributive justice is fast fading
into oblivion, as the stress is on reformative justice Death sentence
may assure revenge and justice for those undergoing trauma of losing
loved ones without any legal rights to live
Will social order and security not be served by curtailing freedom of
movement as the punishment ? Dead are important , but the living are
more important and tit for tat or eye for an eye is primitive justice
Many a condemned criminal has turned a new life more purposeful than
before and so must be given an opportunity to reform and repent
Populism and vote bank politics should not thread on Judiciary and
judicial process arrived judiciously.Are we making mockery of our
system to play to the gallery of opportunism? Recourse to law is the
best hope for the aggrieved against any injustice as the time passes
the intensity of the offence,empathy, sympathy and even the facts are
forgotten Naturally the sympathy's towards to the accused for
forgiveness Political activism against the Judiciary is a dangerous
precedent to experiment.
Nelson lopes chinchinim

[Goanet] Today: Seminar on Goa issues at Alto Porvorim, Sept 29-30, 2011...

2011-09-28 Thread Goanet News
Goa 2011 Seminar at XCHR, TSKK
(At Alto Porvorim, the Xavier Centre of Historical Research and the
Thomas Stephens Konknni Kendr)
September 29, Thursday, Day 1

9.00 am Registration
9.30 am 10.30 am Inaugural Session

Lighting the Lamp

Welcome Address by Anthony Da Silva, Provincial Goa Jesuits
Introducing the Seminar by Savio Abreu, Director, XCHR, Chief
Guest, Dileep Deobagkar, VC Goa University, speaks. Key note
Address by Peter D Souza, Director IIAS, Shimla 10.30
am-10.45 am Tea

10.45 am - 12.15 pm Session I: Social Movements, Identity and
Culture Chair: Rowena Robinson, IIT, Bombay

Savio Abreu, XCHR "Civil Society movements in contemporary
Goa: themes, issues and perspectives"

Sushila S. Mendes, Dept. of History, Govt. College, Quepem
"The students' movement in Goa in the early 1980's: An
insiders view"

Victor Ferrao, Rachol Seminary "Identity politics in
post-colonial Goa: Achallenge to respond to the past
in our present"

12.15 pm-1.15 pm

Session II: Journalism, Press and Politics Chair: Rudolf
Heredia, Independent Researcher, Mumbai

Maria Rodrigues, State Central Library, Panjim The role of
'O Heraldo' in the opinion poll of Goa"

Frederick Noronha, "Post-1961 press
in Goa, its politics and processes"

1.15- 2.15 pm  Lunch

2.15-3.15 pm session III: Experiences of Subaltern Groups
and Communities Chair: Alito Sequeira, Dept. Of Sociology,
Goa University

Bernadette Gomes "Sons of the mountains: the Goulys of Goa"

Sachin S. Moraes, Chowgule College, Margao "Negotiating male
migration: The experience of women in Goa"

3.15 - 3.30 pm Tea

3.30 - 4.30 pm Session IV: Education and Research
Chair: Majid Siddiqi, Dona Paula, retired CHS, JNU

Richard Cabral, Education Department "Elementary education
during the colonial period and its impact on Goan society"

Agnelo P. Fernandes, Independent researcher, Merces "History
research in the state of Goa"

4.30 - 5.15 pm Session V: Panel Discussion
Rowena Robinson, IIT, Bombay (Chair)
Rudolf Heredia, Independent Researcher, Mumbai
Majid Siddiqi, Dona Paula, retired CHS, JNU
Peter D'Souza, Director IIAS, Shimla

7.30 pm Dinner (paper presenters, moderators & special invites)

Goa 2011 Seminar at XCHR, TSKK

September 30, Friday, Day 2

9.30 am 11.00 am Session VI: Development, Environment
and Heritage Conservation Chair: Peter D'Souza, Director
IIAS, Shimla

Blanche Mascarenhas, Dept. of Economics, St. Xavier's College
"Mining in Goa: an economic activity with environmental harm"

Prajal Sakhardande, Dept. Of History, Dhempe College "The Goa
Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Sites and Remains Act,
1978, the Amendments to this Act, 2010 and the Role played by
the Goa Heritage Action Group in preserving Goan Heritage
since 2000"

Sharmila P. Martins, Dept. of History, St. Xavier's College
"From Caminhao to Aviao: a study on the system of public
transportation in Goa"

11.00- 11.15 am Tea

11.15 am - 12.45 pm Session VII: Language, Culture and
Identity Chair: Chandralekha, TSKK

Vincy Quadros, Goa Konknni Akademi "Rajbhaxechim 25 vorsam
(25 years of state language)"

Parag Parobo, Dept. of History, Goa University and Alito
Siqueria, Dept. of Sociology, Goa University "Does Cultural
Dominance Persist? Language and Culture in Post Colonial Goa"

Pratap Naik, TSKK "Konknni: a language at the crossroads"

12.45 - 1.45 pm Lunch

1.45 pm - 3.15 pm Session VIII: Young Scholars' Panel
Chair: Remy Dias, Govt. College, Quepem

Freda A. Tavares, Dept. of Sociology, Goa University "Pinking
of higher education"

Venisha Fernandes, Centre for Women's Studies, Goa University
"Curdi mhojo ganv: displacement, place and memory"

Priyanka Velip, Centre for Women's Studies, Goa University
"And the business goes on... The stigmatisation of the Velip
in contemporary Goa" 3.15 -3.30 pm Tea

3.30 pm - 4.30 pm Session IX: Legislation and Social Change
Chair: Victor Ferrao, Rachol Seminary

Alexandre M. Barbosa, Assistant Editor, The Times Of India
"Post-liberation legislation that changed Goa"

Remy Dias, Govt. College, Quepem.  "Land Reforms in
Post-liberation Goa: 1961-75"

4.30 pm - 5.30 pm Session X: Panel Discussion & Summing Up
Rudolf Heredia (Chair), Rowena Robinson, Majid Siddiqi, Peter
D'Souza Vote of Thanks by Fr. Apollo Cardozo, Executive
Director, TSKK-

[Goanet] Lecture by Fr. Rui de Menezes SJ

2011-09-28 Thread Richard D'Souza
As part of the Deepen Your Faith programme of Pedro Arrupe Institute, Raia
and in view of the pastoral letter of the Bishop, there will be a
public talk by Fr. Rui de
Menezes SJ, the eminent scripture scholar, on the ecological concerns
in the bible entitled “The Covenant between Humans and Creation” on
Sunday, 2nd October from 5 to 6 pm  in the Chapel of Loyola High
School, Margao.  The talk is open to the general public.

Re: [Goanet] The SS Gairsoppa

2011-09-28 Thread Roland Francis
Very interesting line of thinking Ignatius.
If anyone has a case, it would be the maharajah’s descendants and not the 
government of India, since it happened in 1941 which is before India’s 
When I said “looted” from the rajahs, I did not mean brazenly snatched from 
them. It must have been given voluntarily though under much indirect duress. 
This means that although the British would have legal documents of ownership 
which would include signatures from the donee rajahs, a good lawyer would 
easily be able to prove “duress”.
For example it would not be improbable to prove that the British Political 
Agent had told the rajah that if he did not give “x” amount of funds for the 
war effort, he would arrange to depose the ruler and give the throne to someone 
else. This happened all too often, though the colonial British government 
proved to be much more trustworthy than the succeeding one as any of the rajahs 
will aver.
It is also contingent on documents being available with the rulers’ descendants 
and on the speed with which an injunction is requested in the UK courts. Don’t 
forget that once the silver is actually salvaged, the finders will walk away 
with 80%, sell off the silver and dissolve the company. Recovery will then be 
near impossible. Also there is the question of the affected rajahs uniting to 
do this and having the funds to pay for their lawyers. The India rajahs have 
been impoverished from the time that Indira Gandhi broke the India government’s 
agreement to pay them a yearly royalty and to protect their assets from seizure.
Despite all this, my best wishes to the Indian maharajahs. They were a hundred 
times more concerned with the well-being of their subjects than Indian 
politicians will ever be.
From: Ignatius Fernandes [] 
Sent: Wednesday, September 28, 2011 1:23 PM
Subject: The SS Gairsoppa
Thank you Roland Francis for whetting my appetite about 
the SS.Gairsoppa and it's treasure of silver found at the 
bottom of the sea..
Apparently the finders get 80% of the treasure trove and the rest 
to the owners. Since the silver was looted from the maharajahs 
by the British, should not either the Government of India or the 
individual maharajahs make a claim.
I very much doubt that Britain would part with anything they 
would hold on to it for dear life. Good example are the Elgin
Marbles and the Koh-i-Noor diamond.
Ignatius Fernandes.

[Goanet] Michael D'Sa RIP.

2011-09-28 Thread eric pinto
  Mike passed away today in New York.
He had played forward for the Uganda national hockey team.
He was married to Stella Mascarenhas, formerly of Bombay.

[Goanet] Is the CAG also part of a political game plan?

2011-09-28 Thread SOTER
Fresh controversy is set to erupt over Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) 
Vinod Rai's loss estimates on the 2G spectrum sale. CAG documents accessed 
through Right to Information Act (RTI) by accused show that CAG overruled its 
own auditor on 2G loss calculation.

According to Director General Audit (Post & Telecommunications) RP Singh the 
issue of Unified Access Service (UAS) licences and allotment of 2G spectrum 
caused a loss of Rs 2,645 crore, far lower than the CAG final report's 
presumptive loss of massive Rs 1.76 lakh crore.

Joint Parliamentray Committee (JPC) members have questioned CAG's Rs 1,76,000 
crore 2G spectrum loss figure.

JPC members have sought details Of CAG's loss calculation process. The JPC is 
likely to summon key CAG officials involved in 2G Audit. CAG officials will be 
asked to appear before the JPC and tell about their intention of coming up with 
this figure.

Internal CAG documents raise questions over CAG's loss estimate.

CAG documents accessed through Right to Information Act (RTI) by accused show 
CAG overruled Auditor on losses. Lead 2G Auditor had calculated losses at Rs 
2645 crore loss.

JPC Member Tewari on Wednesday raised the issue of internal CAG differences at 
the JPC meet. He Wanted to know why CAG overruled its own officer.

JPC will summon CAG Vinod Rai, Deputy CAG Rekha Gupta and Director General 
Audit (Post & Telecommunications), RP Singh.

Sources have told CNN-IBN that 17 accused facing trial in the 2G scam will 
Claim that that CAG report is biased and seek probe into it. They will also 
question the basis on which the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) filed the 
chargesheet against them.

[Goanet] Conspiracy against P.Chidambaram ?

2011-09-28 Thread SOTER
That there exists a deep seated conspiracy to oust PC Chidambaram is obvious. 
But this politician, an agent of the mining cartel, does not deserve any 
sympathy. His launch of operation 'Green Hunt' to shoot down militant tribals 
to make way for the mining companies to enter the mioneral rich forests in the 
North East. The economic adventures of Montek Singh, Manmohan Singh and PC 
Chidambaram to furhter corporate interests has spelt doom for the ordinary 
citizens of this country. had it not been for Jairam Ramesh's stubborn bouts, 
the sell out would have been complete. 
The BJP is just chipping at the top brass of the UPA, rendering it headless and 
in the process driving a wedge between the politicians. It hopes that this will 
destablise the Government and usher in a mid-term poll.

Soter D'souza
Socorro, N. Goa

Re: [Goanet] A gift... of Goan books to Karachi

2011-09-28 Thread lyrawmn
Comment to Mr. Fernandes:
Do you think anyone is surprised by the antics of the self-titled “authoress in 
waiting” Mistress Carvalho?
As a self described journalist, her fact-checking is of note – that is lack of, 
which have often compelled retractions.
Can the lack of integrity, and professionalism be surprising? That is along 
with cowardice.
Cyprian Fernandes wrote
> Date: Wed, 21 Sep 2011 10:34:04 -0700
> From:
> To:
> Subject: [Goanet] A gift... of Goan books to Karachi
> Frederick dear,
> Far be it from me to get into a debate about the semantics of Marxism with 
> you. I have and always will be a committed capitalist. There is no need to 
> thank me for my "practical help." In capitalism everything bears fruit in its 
> own time. Capitalism has its own zen theory.
> However getting back to England, we have a lot of Goan bulbuls here known to 
> flap their wings but seldom fly.
> Incidentally, your nostalgic rendering of life in Goa kudds might be coloured 
> by your need to believe that there is such a thing as a free lunch in life. 
> However, a closer analysis of these kudds will reveal that they reveled in 
> the basic capitalistic principle of exploitation of labour. Cheap labour 
> coming in from Goan villages was immediately funneled onto ships and 
> factories. Nobody did this service for free. There were recruiting agents 
> attached to every kudd, who exacted their pound of flesh. The idea that kudds 
> created "social capital" without a cost is utterly and dismally misguided.
> Best,
> selma

 I. Nunes


2011-09-28 Thread JM
Maharashtra CM has urged the Centre to openup 5000 acres of Saltpan lands in
bombay for residential/commercial purpose. Next he will urge the centre,
forestdept, etc to openup the Borivali national forests, byculla zoo, azad
maidan, shivaji park, hanging gardens, playgrounds, powailake, mangroves,
etc for residential/commercial purpose.The past/present/future CMs of
Maharashtra have not done anything to improve infrastructure – industries –
job opportunities in the backward regions & districts of Marathwada  -
Khandesh – Vidharbha – Konkan THE only thing these CMs have been doing is
giving more Land, FSIs, TDRs & relaxation of CRZs to the builders lobby in
bombay and in the process destroyed the ecology & environment of
bombay……….WHATEVER industrial development that you see in Bombay is because
of the British – Parsis – Gujaratis………If Bombay is separated from
Maharashtra the condition of Maharashtra will become worse than Bihar &
Uttar Pradesh…….An important feature of Maharashtra's economy is its
pathetic dependence on Bombay…….Bombay accounts for 75 per cent of the
industrial activity in Maharashtra and nearly 65 per cent of the factory
workers in the State………It is because of Bombay that Maharashtra appears to
be India 's most urbanished and industrially advanced State……..But excluding
Bombay, even now, Maharashtra is not merely as backward as any other state
in India but in certain respects indeed more backward than many other less
industrialized states of the country……..The infrastructure of the economy of
rural Maharashtra is not much developed, Villages in Maharashtra generally
lack adequate means of transport and communication. Particularly road
mileage in Maharashtra is found woefully inadequate when compared to that in
many less industrialized states in India.

Gujarat govt. during the last 20 years gave more importance to industrial
development in different districts of Gujarat so everywhere in Gujarat there
is industrial development – reliance oil refineries – pharmaceutical
companies – tatananofactories – etc etc etc.

Most of the political giants in Maharashtra are builders by default or are
associated directly or indirectly with the builders lobby we all know it
only the paper thin walls don’t know it.Approval letters for all
aspects of building projects - layouts, water supply, drainage,
firefighting, etc are known to be prepared in the builder's office and sent
to the approving officers for their signatures, the price having been
already paid.

Bombay’s watersupply infrastructure publicutilities & other resources is
meant for 5 Million people but there are 20 Million people who are competing
with each other for this watersupply infrastructure publicutilities & other
resources….With more and more skyscrapers, mhada buildings, sra
buildings, govt. rental buildings coming up everywhere in bombay in the
months & years to come expect more & more shortage of watersupply
infrastructure publicutilities & other resources.AND with the rampant
broad-day-light encroachment of THE LAST FEW BITS of openspaces, mangroves,
saltpanlands, gardens, playgrounds you have a serious environmental disaster
waiting to happen in Bombay.

Mukesh Ambani built his billion dollar 170 meter high taj mahal named
Antillia located at Altamount Road, Cumbula Hill, south bombay  & Anil
Ambani is also in the process of constructing his billion dollar 150 meter
(presently permission is for 66 meter but applications have been moved for
150 meter) high Taj Mahal at Nargis Dutt road, Pali Hill, Bandra West, north
bombay. In a country where 300 million people live on less than Rs.20/- a
day how it is possible for some people to become billionaires is amazing and
in a city like bombay where there is watershortage garbage opengutters
inflatedelectricitybills trafficjams crowdedtrains oceanwindblockage
airpollution the Ambanis, Lokhandwalas, Hiranandanis, etc etc etc should
consider themselves fortunate to get permission for their large
building-residential-commercial projects.

Kickbacks & commissions from defence deals & govt. contracts. Free flats –
free cars – election funds – foreign bank accounts – gold jewellery – etc in
return for passing laws – acts – bills – FSIs – TDRs - in favour of builders
lobby, corporate lobby, industrialist lobby, Mining Lobby, SEZ lobby,
Landacquisition lobby. Breaking the spine of common man by frequently
increasing the prices of gas-petrol-diesel-cng-lpg. Not doing anything to
protect the last few bits of openspaces – mangroves – lakes – ponds – wells
– gardens – playgrounds from being grabbed by slumlords, landmafia,
builderslobby. Who is responsible for such behaviour of Politicians ?

Before the next Lok Sabha elections, Assembly elections & Muncipal elections
begin Team Anna & the people of India need to pressurize the current UPA
govt to pass electoral reforms of right to recall & right to reject AND
clearance of the janlokpal bill.

The Marathi migrants in Bombay got what 

[Goanet] Video news, interviews, daily round-ups, market news and analysis -

2011-09-28 Thread Con Menezes

[Goanet] Silk Farming The Silk Road | Adrienne Ferreira | The Monthly

2011-09-28 Thread Con Menezes

[Goanet] On Fred's column on Goa's debate.....

2011-09-28 Thread Carvalho
Cabbages and cauliflower aside, Ms Nunes, I'm wondering why you always refer to 
yourself in the third person. It somehow reminds me of Roman Emperors. - I, 
Claudious the Third, hereby decree that those filthy Goths are self-possessed 
journalists and celibate authoresses, and should be thrown to the lions.

[Goanet] 10 Worst Germ Hot Spots |

2011-09-28 Thread Con Menezes

[Goanet] Conspiracy against P.Chidambaram ?

2011-09-28 Thread Nelson Lopes
Jayalalita  is not to friendly with him. In fact she sees him as a
rival to her grand plan, who can be thorn in her flesh and thwart
close relations with Madame. The election petition  in Tamil Nadu
against P.C. is hanging like a Demoscles sword over his head  Pranab
Mukeerje. has been in the Govt/ Cabinet ever since, but without ever
winning an election. He has the single distinction of back door entry
through Raja Sabha . He has been christened as the trouble shooter of
Madame and unofficially enjoys number two position in the cabinet
hierarchy after the P.M. On the other hand P.C. has long been
associated with Manmohan Singh , as a confidant in pushing forward
liberalisation and economic reforms Naturally he is very close to the
P.M. ,as can be judged by spontaneous reaction of trust and
confidence.There appears to be  a hidden motive to displace P.C in
order to climb the ladder The Chairperson of UPA is too well aware of
the equation between P.M.and P.C.and therefore her directions to
defend him is politically logical P.M.minus P.C could be a dangerous
concoction fraught with serious consequences At this juncture it is in
the fluid stage with P.C. maintaining stoic silence, gauging the
possible outcome Why did Pranab had to resort to this subterfuge
against his own close colleague and then come out in self defense,
that the truth was revealed by RTI Act ? Why he could not have taken
him and others into confidence, before this innocuous, highly damaging
observation ,appropriating the blame to P.C.?  Was it a displacement
strategy, securing safe position in the  eventuality? It certainly
smells fishy as all kings men are trying top put Humpty Dumpty back on
the wall. How did the individual have pointed knowledge to seek the
precise document? Was there a leak regarding its existence to sully
the image of P.C and dethrone him.? P.C is always known to have a
clean image and is far beyond public rebuke for corrupt practices in
his glorious innings as the Finance Minister for many a term.
Nelson Lopes Chinchinim 9850926276

[Goanet] WENDELL ON NDTV/24 X7

2011-09-28 Thread vivek araujo
I think Wendell just spoke his mind out and we should accept it positively and 
for that matter no one should get worried at all , be true to yourself and move 
ahead .

My message to one and all , get united and let's stop all the mess happening in 
Goa  mining has not just started yesterday in GOA  we have been hearing 
about this for many many years and as Goans we did nothing , i guess many did 
benefit from the mining industry .

I had the opportunity to see a very Powerful , touching ,inspiring ,sad 
presentation by Carmen Miranda in UK  on the devastation mining has brought 
about in Goa , for that i am worried  and not worried on Wendell's remarks.

Media needs coverage  and their topics always start with  Political Parties , 
we should not get entangled into that but focus ourselves in cleaning up the 
rot in Goa and this can happen only if we all think in the same direction and 
also in a true Goenkar spirit . 

Goan's should support each other in every way once we do this the rest will be 
a smooth ride to solve many problems unitedly.

Bless you all!!


[Goanet] The Cardiologist.

2011-09-28 Thread eric pinto
    I can attest to the fact that cardiologist Tony has reached out to near 
destitute "authors"  from his mansion atop the hill that fronts New York 
harbour:  a beloved author to that fraternity. 
 Writing on nights when he went hungry would undoubtedly propel Twain to 
literary plots of even deeper fancy.
  I will not speculate about Gomes, but I have noticed that a good meal 
gears our kitty to back wood hunts that are ever cunning and inventive.
  A skilled scientist and clinician whose thinking was clouded by life in 
two large Goa haciendas, Dr. Gomes provides much fodder to medical writers in 
North America.  That is my touch of trivia, on a cloudy Atlantic 
day ! eric.

From: lyrawmn

"As cardiologist Antonio Gomes suggests in his novel  ---

[Goanet] Family Politics In Goa

2011-09-28 Thread Freddy Fernandes
Family Politics In Goa

It's only natural for the poor, to want to be rich and the rich to want to be 
richer; we also feel the same for our children and we often dream about it too, 
if not work towards it. Dreaming and wanting to be rich is neither a sin nor a 
transgression against God or anyone else, but when this want or dream becomes 
an infatuation or an obsession, to be rich at all cost or at everybody's cost, 
it becomes an evil; it leads to indulgence and sin. No, no ! This post is 
certainly not a Sunday homily on sin and indulgence but an illustration of our 
apathy at what's happening in and to our beloved Goa.

The events in the political sphere, during the last couple of months in Goa 
reminds me of the age old tradition in supposedly respectable families, where 
parents would go scouting for prospective well to do grooms or brides 
respectively, as soon as their kids were of marriageable ages, the criteria 
most sought after were, riches, beauty and literacy, in random order with 
morals and virtues as leftovers or toppings.

Not surprisingly, our politicians too have been doing the same, trying to find 
suitors for not just their come of age but aged as well, sprouts, siblings, 
even better halves legal or otherwise and some, for themselves as well, only 
with an eye on the prospect of a financial windfall, as virtues and morals are 
sacrificed on the alter greed. Initially they will be ready to pour out any 
amount of wealth for a license to kill and later on kill, they will, and now 
they are all set to thrust their kith and kin in to the jamboree called Goan 

In Goa, the time of elections has always been a season for political marriages, 
divorces and remarriages, some even preferred "livein" relationships. Mostly 
these relationships are built on suspicion, deceit, selfishness, egos and a 
variegated collection of unethical principles, with one common factor, they are 
all opportunists just waiting for a chance to upstage the other, they are 
rarely compatible but mostly cantankerous, deranged and oddest of alliances 
have been witnessed, with adultery and partner swapping at will, without any 
remorse or shame, as long as they get to climb the economically viable ladder 
of fortune.

Goan politics is certainly devoid of all ethics, honesty, loyalty and 
integrity, as a result of which, politicians in Goa are easily bought and sold 
like hot cakes during the festive seasons. There are neither friends nor foes 
in Goan politics but just purposes to serve. As a result of which Goan politics 
is become a brothel, state your price and take the cake or whatever ! There is 
no doubt that politics in Goa is a money spinning mechanism and today all the 
degenerates just don't want to get out of it, so much so that they are now 
dragging their, siblings, sprouts, wives legal or otherwise, willingly or 
unwillingly for a share of the spoils of the Goa pie.

The power of dynastic political rule in Goa was started by none other than the 
first CM of Goa, the reason behind the "Opinion Poll" the late Dayanand 
Bandodkar, as his sprout Shashikala took the reigns after his death, now after 
a long time in political wilderness, is terrorizing Goan parents, in the guise 
of Identity, I wonder where was the love for our Identity during the Opinion 
Poll. Probably the grass was greener on the other side of the fence !

Not to be undone another former CM Pratapsingh Rane, cunningly brought in his 
sprout on an independent ticket and into his very first term was blessed with a 
ministry and he has already reaped the harvest. Then we have the siblings, 
Dhavalikar and the Alemao brothers, all these luminaries, have already 
fortified themselves and now, the Alemao brothers are bringing in their 
sprouts, Ravi Naik his son, Anil Salgaocar his sons, Navekar his better half, 
Mamie her son and Mikky his aamm partner. It looks like its going to be one 
hell of a family election ! Anyone wants to guess the source of the funds that 
will be used for their campaign ? Yeh ! We Goans have been had for breakfast, 
lunch and dinner, Suckers !

Some heavyweights have already thundered that no matter what, their kith and 
kin will surely contest, form any other party, if not for theirs, that means in 
some constituencies they will fight against their very own party, Ah ! It's 
certainly a humdinger of the essence and the ethics of Goan politics and I am 
already looking forward to it, as it promises a carnival of sorts. No doubt it 
has happened before but certainly not at this scale and measure.

My fellow Goans please do not get fooled with gifts, money and even empty 
promises, a lot is at stake, for the rogues as well as for us but in adverse 
situations. Goa loving Goans, we are already on the brink of disaster and a 
slip now will be perilous and extremely detrimental to the wellbeing of Goa and 
our Goan Identity. With elections just round the corner, be wise and vote 
wisely, to save Goa from the