2012-01-04 Thread MD
My sincere greetings and good wishes to the moderators and the
contributers..something worthwhile is done instead of
'undra muja mama' games.  Keep up the good work all u guys.  Wish you
all a Happy, health and prosperous NEW YEAR 2012.
Maurice D'Mello

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[Goanet] DGP Dr. Aditya Arya transferred

2012-01-04 Thread Sandeep Heble
DGP Dr. Aditya Arya transferred

by rui da Gama

The transfer of DGP Dr. Arya did not come as a surprise to many of us.
The people of Goa know very well that the Head of Police Department
had political horns to dictate terms, with direct interference in
daily affairs of the Goa Police Department.

Dr. Arya taking verbal permission to travel to the neighboring State
in his official car, was only an excuse for his political masters to
transfer him. DGP Dr. Arya had raided police stations in Goa to ensure
discipline in his Department. He personally raided a night club in
Calangute which was operating as a brothel and rescued 18 women. His
transparent way of handling the Police Department was disliked by his
political masters. It was becoming difficult for the mafia, the drug
peddlers, human traffickers and the corrupt to operate with him as
head of the Goa Police. DGP Arya was going to be a thorn in the
political flesh of his masters during the coming election in March. In
the absence of a clearly defined working relationship between the
Executive and the Police, there is constant political interference in
the affairs of police stations around Goa. Even the Police Inspectors
and others in the ranks of Police, have political godfathers in Goa.
How can the head of a Police Department discipline the Goa Police
force when there is so much political interference.

There is almost no criminal investigations by Police and the rate of
convictions have declined in Goa. The elected representative use the
Police against their political opponents to suppress the democratic
voice of the people.

In a democracy, the working relationship between the Executive and the
Police has to be clearly defined so that the power is separated.

In India and Goa, we are using the British model of a Police Bill
drafted in 1850 which means it is 160 years old. Through the help of
the Commonwealth Human Rights branch office in Delhi, we had handed
over to the Government of Goa a draft of the Police Reforms Bill which
clearly defines the working relationship between the Executive and
Police Department in countries such as U. S. A., Canada, England,
Australia, etc.

However, there has to be a political will to pass a new Police Reforms
Bill which does not permit political interference in the working of
the Police Department and Police Stations around Goa. Until and
unless, people raise their voices to demand an immediate Police
Reforms Bill, the security and safety of our citizens in Goa will be
severely compromised at the hands of criminals.

The criminalization of our society in Goa has a direct influence on
people, especially the younger generation who break the laws and use
illegal means to survive.

What about those who are honest, law abiding and want to live
peacefully? Should they silently suffer at the hands of the criminal
and the corrupt?

Herald Jan 5 Edition

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Re: [Goanet] Annual Goanetters Luncheon Meet

2012-01-04 Thread Frederick FN Noronha फ्रेड्रिक नोरोन्या *فريدريك نورونيا
On 4 January 2012 21:31, Richard & Betsy Nunes  wrote:
> As I said to you, we are amazed at the time you are devoting for the benefit
> of all Goanetters and we both take this opportunity to thank you immensely
> for all the work you put into this activity. Do pass on our grateful thanks
> too to your wife, for allowing you to do this for and on behalf of us ALL.
> We really do appreciate that.

Dear Betsy and Richard,

I just rechecked, and confirm that I do have the permission of my wife
to say that I'm very independent in all my (online) activities,
including those which I do without her tacit approval :-)

Just joking there! And thank you for your kind words. But the praise
is indeed undeserved.

Goanet, as everyone who has got tired of me repeating myself
(including Cecil Pinto) by now knows, is a 17 year old experiment
started by a (then) 17 year old Herman Carneiro. As an aside, we will
not be able to say this 17/17 stuff in a few months' time. Because it
was (either by design or chance) quite neatly stitched out, it runs
largely on autopilot with very little human interference.

Okay, the last statement is a bit of an exaggeration. But the "human
interference" involved is not just one or two persons, but teams and
the wider (invisible) networks. The volunteer admin members --
definitely not me alone -- work to keep the list running, and on
track. Every single one who posts adds value to the network.

When Tony Correa-Afonso showed up at the Goanetters' meet the other
day, I (half-embarassed but also gratefullly) reminded him that he was
on this network before me (sometime in 1994), and that it was so good
to have him back after he missed an annual meet or two.

Then there are modest others like JoeGoaUk, journalists who share
their posts, and an interesting base of posters from Goa itself. They
might not be formal admin members, but do so much to add value to this
(and other) network(s) by posting so many useful links from Goa.

Outside of the network, there are so many people following up so many
ideas. Most of these you would not even guess, but since everyone
might not know everyone else, in this hub-and-spokes model, it is hard
to keep track. Sometime back, I had a separate folder called 'Goa
Initiatives' in my email account, and was surprised to see how many
ideas were springing forth. Some realistic, others far-fetched... but
almost all well intentioned.

As for my own regular posts, you probably don't know what a
news-junkie I can be. As a compulsive collector, I've got tonnes of
scraps of paper flooding a dinner table, a bedroom, and more. As my
photographer-friend Lui Godinho reminded me the other day, even before
the Net and the first browsers as we know them emerged, sometime in
the late 1980s I used to cut-and-paste interesting articles and
snail-mail them to a few friends. This photocopied job was christined
"Newsclips From Goa". (In those times, the local press was rather
restricted in terms of what it covered, and my feeling then was the
more interesting articles emerged in the outstation media rather than
locally... hence the attempt to circulate it. Things have changed
somewhat with media competition here now.)

So, Goanet should not be blamed for my own ailment :-) It would have
anyway surfaced in one way or another.

One criticism has long been that Goanet is on an island of its own,
out of touch with the local reality in Goa, because it has been (due
to the way technology spread, rather than design) so expat-oriented.
That has changed somewhat. But still, if you read Goanet and the local
media, you could feel you're encountering two different places :-)

We need to get more diversity into Goanet, and that has been
happening, though slowly, as more people in Goa take the power of
cyberspace seriously. As Goanet touches 18 this year, I think everyone
who posts or reads this network has reason to be proud of what it
achieved. Even if it dies tomorrow (but I suspect enough people are
there who will not allow it to), it place is assured in the media
history of Goa -- even if I'm saying this myself. But we also need to
think of ways by which we can become more relevant to Goa, the
diaspora, and everyone back in the State. We need to think of ways to
involve more people, be able to generate more content, and play a
bigger role towards the goal of a better Goa (however one might define

One thing that happens is, because of my frequent posts, people like
me get the credit (and, less often, the criticism) even when I don't
deserve it. Specially the former. But please don't take that to mean
that I do the work.

The behind the scenes work can often be tougher and bring in less
gratitude. Herman (you probably know his folks from Kenya) is a
low-profile guy in the best of times, so it is sometimes easy to float
the story that he has no involvement with his baby, Goanet. Bosco, who
is an enthusastic organiser (the Ivana photos of an earlier Goanet
meet are still doing the rounds here)


2012-01-04 Thread Aires Rodrigues
Spiraling levels of burglaries is just one indication of the steep rise in
Crime that Goa has been witnessing over the last few years. The official
crime figures infact do not depict the true picture as many victims choose
to bear the brunt of the crime rather than going through further agony of
lodging a complaint and getting entangled in the never ending legal

The rampant criminalization of politics also points to the nexus between
politicians and criminals in Goa. The uncontrolled migration into Goa and
the free access into the State is definitely one of the main causes for the
spate of burglaries. The disorganized and lax policing system only aids the
criminals. It is an irony that the police are preoccupied with the security
and well being of the VIPs while the Aam Aadmi has to fend for himself.
Unless the police are insulated from all political interference and
manipulation the sordid state of affairs will just continue and get worse.

Aires Rodrigues
T1 - B30, Ribandar Retreat
Ribandar - Goa - 403006
Mobile: 9822684372

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[Goanet] SMILE...................... IT'S WEEKEND (05/01/2012)

2012-01-04 Thread CAJETAN DE

One afternoon, a little boy (Pitu) was playing outdoors. He used his mother's 
broom as a horse and had a wonderful time until it was getting dark.

Pitu left the broom on the back porch. His mother (Pakolina) was cleaning up 
the kitchen when she realized that her broom was missing. She asked the little 
Pakolina: Pitu, do you know where my broom is?
Pitu: Yes Mom, I was playing outside with it, but I forgot to bring it in.
Pakolina: Then go get it.
Pitu: But Mom it's dark out there.
Pakolina: So what?
Pitu: I am afraid of the dark, please Mom, I don't want to go out to get the 

Pakolina: (smiled) The Lord is out there too, don't be afraid.

Little boy Pitu opened the back door a little and said: 
'Lord if you are out there, please hand me the broom'.

Cajetan de Sanvordem


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[Goanet] Arun Ferreira takes state government to court *BJP trying to convert Madhya Pradesh into Hindu state | The CSF

2012-01-04 Thread Con Menezes


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[Goanet] Santo Estêvão (Jua) - Ferry, Church, Fort etc

2012-01-04 Thread JoeGoaUk
We visited St. Estevao on 3rd January 2012 for Xmas Crib.
and I did not know there was a ferry point named Daugim -Tolto
and I did not know there existed a fort in St. Estevao.
I did visit the hillock for The Christ the King Shrine in mid 80s but don't 
really remember seeing a fort there. 
No, the fort wasn't built in last 25 years, infact, it was there long before 
Portuguese came to Goa..
..and while I was at it (on the net), I just discovered there exist a village 
named Gaundalim near Old Goa 
with it's own Church (Sao Braz)
So small is our Goa and I think I have not even explored 40% of it so far and
 I don't think I would ever be able to make it to 50% despite having all the 
and money at my disposal. 
Ok, over to..
Santo Estêvão (Jua) 

Santo Estêvão (Jua)
The Church (1575)

Daugim or daujim Ferry Wharf
Tolto, the other side (St. Estevam)
Distance between the two jetties
A holy Cross in the woods
Ferryboat at Tolto

A shrine at the jetty

Main Road, Church etc
Church Main door – with two saints
Don't know what it means (Here's God's door??)

Ave Maria Shrine in front
REDEU, don't know what this mean either..
a house
A river view from the hillock
Christ the King
The Statue of Jesus was brought from Rome in 1926
St. Estevam Fort

at sunset

A view / sunset
Barges, River etc
Videos - Ferry Chruch etc
St Estevao Fort

Ferry, Chruch etc

for Goa & NRI related info... 

For Goan Video Clips 

In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc

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[Goanet] [Photo Blog by Rajan Parrikar] Desai de Arabó

2012-01-04 Thread Rajan P. Parrikar
Photo Blog by Rajan Parrikar has posted a new item, 'Desai de Arabó'

Arabó is a tiny ward of the village of Dhargal on River Chapora in north Goa. 
The name, a Goanized form referring to "Arab," furnishes a clue to its past. 
Arab merchants sailed here in their dhows in mediæval times trading goods with
the locals.  It is a blink-and-you-miss-it kind of place, [...]

You may view the latest post at

Best regards,
Rajan P. Parrikar


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[Goanet] Have Goans accepted RP-2021 and mining?

2012-01-04 Thread SOTER
No sooner the elections were declared the noises against the RP-2021 and mining 
have ceased almost instantly. The English daily which promised to run a 
campaign against the RP-2021 seems to have ignored the issue totally. Some 
village groups are busy with the process of fielding candidates for the 
elections. Some other NGOs that issued press statements, probably to keep in 
the race with the emerging village groups, have also silenced their guns. 
Almost overnight Goa's much hyped issues of mining and RP-2021 have vanished 
from the news. Does the Election Code ofConduct also apply to these civil 
society groups? We hear that the script for raising the pitch on the 
anti-corruption issue is now being chalked out by anti-Congress forces. Was it 
that the masses did not bite the bait of RP-2021 and mining issues as intended 
by politicians, now that they have to fall back on reviving the anti-corruption 
I come to my earlier questions: Are Goans really serious about protecting their 
State? Who and what decides the priority of issues in Goa? 


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[Goanet] ALEXYZ Daily Cartoon (05Jan12)

2012-01-04 Thread alexyz fernandes


"Yes, Accident of Culture! Too many Dances!!!"

To enjoy the visual cartoon please visit: www.alexyztoons.com
Site sponsored by www.goasudharop.org

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[Goanet] Goa news for January 5, 2012

2012-01-04 Thread Goanet News Service
Goa News from Google News and Goanet.org
Visit http://www.goanet.org/newslinks.php for the full stories.

*** 'Scrap export duty hike for Goa ore' - Times of India
low-to-Sesa-Goa-earni.html">Another blow to Sesa Goa earnings

*** Sesa Goa may give 30-35% returns: SP Tulsian -
V18, "Sesa Goa, I have been taking a call for the last one week
that Rs 150 looks to be in. In fact three days back when this
news came, honestly I don't see that it can really fall below Rs
150 inspite of considering this 30%. ...

*** Scam-scarred Goa gears up for polls - IBNLive.com
NLive.comPanaji: From between the mountainous heaps of illegally
mined ore and humungous moral craters of political corruption, a
nervous Goa peers out in worry as March 3 approaches. A chief
minister (Digambar Kamat) and several cabinet ministers have
been ...http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNGqHIbprZX0LCcqb-9c_jXnclTklA&url=http://ibnlive.in.com/news/scamscarred-goa-gears-up-for-polls/217750-3.html

*** HAL Bangalore vs Sporting Clube de Goa Report - Goal.com
ottom placed team three points in Bangalore... By Goal.com
I-League's basement club HAL Bangalore earned just their second
point of the season, as they played out a 2-2 draw with ...

*** Goa Board chalks out timetable of SSC exams - Times of India
ided schools in the state answer the exams ...http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNHkU4zn-tioh8wCWRXoS8Bp7ZLyaQ&url=http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/goa/Goa-Board-chalks-out-timetable-of-SSC-exams/articleshow/11369792.cms

*** Goa Dairy facing shortage of 6k litres per day - Times of
5000 litres per ...http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNHkNP3i7uNdlk96NKrcckFMB7V3xQ&url=http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/goa/Goa-Dairy-facing-shortage-of-6k-litres-per-day/articleshow/11357405.cms

*** Farmers reap benefits in poll year - Times of India
2 for the purchase of farm machinery has been nearly exhausted
by November-December 2011, sources said. "We will settle some
more pending claims with whatever funds are available," an
agriculture ...http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNGrzfCtzoXqPXx66vqMbddESzTk8g&url=http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/goa/Farmers-reap-benefits-in-poll-year/articleshow/11369777.cms

*** Stop mining to save Goa - Times of India
mes of IndiaPANAJI: Mining may have generated a few jobs in Goa,
however, for every job in the mining sector, over 150 jobs are
lost due to fields rendered infertile as a result of mining
rejects, mineral toxicity to plants and a shortage of water
since mining ...http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNG4gKIrF6Lh_0i9oTg-suBdMJXW1Q&url=http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/goa/Stop-mining-to-save-Goa/articleshow/11369769.cms

*** Final arguments on MoI plea today - Times of India
mes of IndiaPANAJI: The high court of Bombay at Goa on Wednesday
adjourned to January 5 the hearing of final arguments on a
petition challenging the decision of medium of instruction (MoI)
for giving grants to English medium primary schools. ...http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNFKFpdVhBo_7ZT5ggdFH64J72RI-Q&url=http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/goa/Final-arguments-on-MoI-plea-today/articleshow/11369807.cms

*** Is BJP scared of its own leader? - Times of India
mes of IndiaPANAJI: North Goa BJP MP Shripad Naik's interest to
contest the new assembly constituency of Porvorim has left
several bigwigs within the party worried. Though the former
state party chief is known to enjoy cadre support at the
grassroots level, ...http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNECO8jZ9E2SF-n8Gh4u_2Pgblr5KQ&url=http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/goa/Is-BJP-scared-of-its-own-leader/articleshow/11369827.cms

Compiled by Goanet News Service

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Re: [Goanet] School Assignments

2012-01-04 Thread Frederick FN Noronha फ्रेड्रिक नोरोन्या *فريدريك نورونيا
Tony, At the risk of repeating myself:

- Net information and real-life learning can go hand in hand,
complement each other. Why not look at the Net as just an
easy-to-access library (which needs to be treated with some caution
though)? What do you have to say about the kiraitem information
already available online? Including photographs?

The comparisons you offer are loaded and misleading; I would like to
be operated by a surgeon who keeps himself abrest with the latest
developments, and it matters little whether he does so via the Net or
any other means.

- Wasn't Cyberage and all those thousands of computers meant to
enhance Net access? Or was it just a program to generate e-wastes?

I'm getting confused by all the diverse issues being raised, and
churned together in a Sumeet mixer-grinder! Teaching children to use
the Net, access to cyberspace, irrational assignments, parents trying
to make up on things they missed out through their children... how are
all these issues linked?

I don't agree with the Parrikar logic that every college kid needs a
PC to get the optimum access. Kids learn computing regardless of
assignments and school-based education; any overlap is purely
coincidental. For instance, my son is fluent at using a range of
computers (with diverse software), a tablet and a Game Boy. Yet he
fails in computing in school! Irrational assignments and overambitious
parents have long been with us. At the end of the day, it probably is
an issue of education just being out of touch with the real world --
in Goa or in the fancied West. Except that we probably waste less
resources than them while being out of touch :-) FN
FN +91-832-2409490 or +91-9822122436 f...@goa-india.org
Books from Goa,1556 http://scr.bi/Goa1556Books
Audio recordings (mostly from Goa): http://bit.ly/GoaRecordings

On 4 January 2012 22:02, Tony de Sa  wrote:
> Rico,
> *You don't seem to get the point. Net learning can at best assist
> comprehension but there is nothing like the real thing. There are many
> websites which allow you to dissect a cyber frog because the prevention of
> cruelty to animal rules do not allow dissection of frogs in colleges. Now
> tell me honestly would you have yourself operated upon by a surgeon who has
> extensively dissected and practiced on cyber cadavers and patients or would
> you prefer one who has practiced on the real thing?
> *I am not against net learning per se. What I am opposed to is a) getting
> your assignment done by a third party - either the cyber cafe operative,
> parent or older sibling and b) children not learning things practically
> through experiential learning. First let us teach children to use the net
> effectively, to reason out things for themselves and draw their own
> conclusions and not reproduce essays, papers and theses verbatim from the
> net. Otherwise we will produce a whole generation of net scientists.
> *Besides, cyberage scheme notwithstanding, how many of Goa's rural children
> have internet facilities at home? If Lisa has learnt to surf the net and
> use Facebook, it is because she has the opportunity, the equipment at her
> disposal and perhaps the time and the interest. Moreover in this case, she
> has supportive parents too. Can you envisage a similar scenario in most of
> our rural areas?
> *Whether our Gennext becomes a generation of consumers or producers will
> depend on what their schools have taught them.
> My beef was about irrational assignments being given to simply satisfy
> certain rules and norms and parents running helter skelter to do their
> children's assignments. As Selma has said, we as parents, are trying to
> make up for the things we missed out on through our children.
> Cheers
> Tony

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[Goanet] AUDIO: The Stunning Stratospheric Sopranos at the Kala (January 4, 2012)

2012-01-04 Thread Frederick FN Noronha * फ्रेड्रिक नोरोन्या * فريدريك نورونيا
The Stunning Stratospheric Sopranos at the Kala (January 4, 2012)

1   01-firstpart48:46
2   02-secondpart   35:48
3   03-hanvsaibapoltodivetaum-konkani   2:46

Pro Musica organised this performance in early January 2012 (Jan 4) at
the Kala Academy. Hear the voices of sopraonos Patricia Rozario,
Joanne D'Mello (both with Goa links and roots) and Susanna Hurrell
along with Mark Troop on the piano. This performance was staged in aid
of Child's Play India Foundation. See http://www.childsplayindia.org
and support generously.

The programme included Handel (Alessandro) - Brilla nell'Alma -
Susanna Hurell. Gluck (Orfeo ed Euridice) - Che fiero momento - Joanne
D'Mello. Mozart (The Marriage of Figaro) - Sull'Aria (Duet) - Patricia
Rozario / Joanne D'Mello. Bizet (Les Pêcheurs de Perles) - Me violà
seule - Patricia Rozario. Handel (Cleopatra) - Piangerò la sorte mia -
Joanne D'Mello. Mozart (Cosi fan Tutte) - Prenderò quell brunettino
(duet) - Susanna Hurrell / Joanne D'Mello. Dvořák (Rusalka) - Song to
the Moon - Patricia Rozario. Puccini (La Bohè) - Quando m'en vo -
Joanne D'Mello. Gounod (Romeo et Juliette) - Je veux vivre - Susanna
Hurrell. Mozart (The Magic Flute) - Der Hőlle Rache - Patricia
Rozario. Mozart (Cosi fan tutte) - Una donna a quindici anni - Joanne
D'Mello. Massenet (Manon) - Adieu, notre petite table - Susanna
Hurrell. Delibes (Lakmé) - Flower Duet - Joanne D'Mello / Susanna
Hurrell. J. Strauss (Die Fledemaus) - My dear marquis - Susanna
Hurrell. Dove (Enchanted Pig) - It's My Wedding - Patricia Rozario.
Dvořák - Gipsy Songs (Trio) - Patricia Rozario / Susanna Hurrell /
Joanne D'Mello. My Song Resounds. Songs My Mother Taught Me. Tune thy
Fiddle, Gypsy!

Artist/Composer: Patricia Rozario (soprano), Joanne D'Mello (soprano),
Susanna Hurrell (soprano), Mark Troop (piano)
Keywords: goa; music; western; sopranos; patricia rozario; joanne
d'mello; susanna hurrell; mark troop

Born in Bombay, PATRICIA ROZARIO studied at London's Guildhall School
of Music, winning the Gold Medal and the Maggie Teyte Prize. Since
then, her career has developed in opera, concert work, recording and
broadcasting. Her unique voice and artistry has inspired several of
the world's leading composers to write for her, most notably Arvo Pärt
and Sir John Tavener, who alone has now written over thirty works for
her, making their collaboration unique in the contemporary field. She
has sung with Solti, Ashkenazy, Jurowski, Belohlavek, Gardiner,
Pinnock and Andrew Davis, sung opera and given concerts in major
venues all over the world. Her wide concert and opera repertoire
ranges from baroque to contemporary music. She has given the premier
performances of many pieces written especially for her, most recently
John Casken's Farness and Chansons de Verlaine at the Wigmore Hall,
and Jonathan Dove's setting of Vikram Seth, Minterne, with Steven
Isserlis and Philippe Honoré. She has so far appeared eight times at
the BBC Proms. Patricia Rozario was awarded the OBE in the New Year's
Honours, 2001 and the Asian Women's Award for Achievement in the Arts,

JOANNE D'MELLO recently completed the Bachelor of Music degree at the
Royal College of Music, London, studying with Patricia Rozario, OBE.
She has a degree in Microbiology and studied singing and the violin in
Goa, before taking up full-time music studies at the Royal College of
Music in London. Joanne has participated in Masterclasses with Jutta
Vulpius, Sarah Walker, Graham Johnson, Yvonne Minton, Ian Patridge and
Jill Feldman. She has performed in concerts at various major venues
around London, Holywell Music Hall (Oxford), Tomar (Portugal), Mumbai,
Bangalore, Pune and Goa. Last December she was invited to do solo
recitals in India with Japanese pianist Kumi Matsuo. In 2009, she was
invited to perform at the Monte Music Festival in Goa by Fundação
Oriente and did a series of concerts with the Goa String Orchestra.
Currently she is based at the Flanders Operastudio in Ghent, Belgium.

SUSANNA HURRELL was born in London to a musical family and joined the
undergraduate programme at the Royal College of Music in 2005. After
graduating with first class honours she gained a place to study with
Patricia Rozario at the RCM International Opera School. During her
time at college she won the English Song competition and second prize
in the LOieder competition, and took part in many acclaimed
performances such as Bruckner's Te Deum with Bernard Haitink and
Mozart's C Minor Mass with Sir Charles Mackerras. Susanna has already
embarked upon a varied solo career. On the operatic stage her roles
include Dido in Dido and Aeneas, the Maid in The Crocodile, Papagena
in Mozart's Die Zauberflöte, Euridice in Offenbach's Orpheus in the
Underworld, Rodelinda in Handel's Rodelinda, Rossanne in Handel's
Alessandro, and Amariili in Handel's Il Pastor Fido.

MARK TROOP, pianist, broadcaster and writer, is th

[Goanet] From The Leopold Cafe, Colaba.

2012-01-04 Thread Roland Francis
An interesting narrative from the owner of the café that became world famous
during the terrorist shootings at the Taj Mahal Hotel. Leopolds is just


“My name is Farzadh Sheriar Jahani. I was born in Bombay and grew up in
Fountain. Flora Fountain area. That’s where, you know, most of the Parsis
and Parsi communities were living back then. We lived in a five storey
building, on one floor was an Iranian family that was living there, working
for the Iranian consulate and there was a Punjabi living on the first floor.
The rest of the flats were all occupied by Zoroastrians, Iranis.

My father got work in Irani restaurants, got the experience then like so
many other Iranis, he took a share in several Irani joints. He ended up a
partner in five restaurants in Bombay. One was called New York Restaurant
which was on Hughes Road and he was a partner in Pyrkes Restaurant which was
at Flora Fountain, he was a partner in Café Paris which was again at Flora
Fountain. He was a partner in Moranaz and Company again very close to, ahhh,
in the area of Fountain, and here at Leopold’s, that’s where my father was
also. In fact, he was most of the time over here in Leopold’s and all the
others were run by my father’s brother, his sister’s husband and other

Mr Rustom was a partner with my father here at Leopold’s and the building
belonged to him That’s why the building is called Rustom Manzil. Also
Aspandiar Ferhandaz Irani was a partner, Sheriar Framroze Jehani was a
partner and Framroze Irani was also a partner – he was Aspandiar’s brother.
These were the four partners that were in Leopold’s. During that time it was
only my father who was running the show. All the other partners were you
know doing something else. Rustom was coming and going. Aspi had a travel
agent called Asiatic Travel Service which was near VT station, right
opposite New Empire Cinema. The other gentleman was Framroze, he was living
in Iran. So it was left to my father to run it daily. And it was in 1980, in
the 80s, early 80s that I was in the 8th grade and I told my father I had an
interest in learning the business.

It was more of an old type Irani café and store back then, they were selling
confectionary items like…all kinds of things, they were selling biscuits and
cakes and they were selling toothpaste, soaps, ah, you know medicines that
didn’t require licences, such as Aspirin. They were selling cigarettes,
cigars, and oh, um, khari biscuits and wafers and samosas and pattice and
there were more sales of meals like English chicken roast and cutlet with
soup, sandwiches, puddings and custards. There were a few Parsi dishes such
as dhansak on the menu but not many. Today we have 140-odd items on our menu
card. The changes came in the late 80s like in ’86, ’87 we introduced
Chinese food into our restaurant, because we realised that people are now
going for Chinese food and so we did too.

I remember my father telling me the 60s was the time of the hippies into the
70s, then the 80s was the time of the Arabs – the phases of Leopold I am
talking about- then came the backpackers and now we have the expats. And a
lot of Indians too as Indians have a lot more money these days than they
used to. 

When I was in my teens I used to meet people that were coming from
Afghanistan, fleeing Afghanistan because the Russians had invaded. And we
had a lot of, as I said, tourists, foreigners that were hanging around
Colaba. So I have seen all kinds of crowd here. During the Iran-Iraq war we
had people that had fled from Iran, young people that didn’t want to go to
the war. I have seen people that were helping Iranians get out of the
country illegally, but none of these transactions would take place in the
premises for the respect of the owners, for the respect of the place and
everybody had a good relationship.


And we had the Zoroastrian Parsis who would come here every Sunday morning,
those were the cyclists. They used to have tournaments, races from Bombay to
Pune and back, those kinds of things. There were a lot of young Parsis who
would come basically on a Sunday – on a holiday. But not the rest of the

There used to be times when I would go with my Dad to Crawford market;
because he would get up at 530 in the morning and by 6 o’clock he used to be
in the market. At that time we had to go over there, we had to buy things
like mutton, chicken, vegetables everything had to be hand picked and then
we had a guy who used to be a cart-puller – he’d load onto the cart and
deliver it to the restaurant over here.

My father used to have his Italian Fiat 1959 model which he used to get in
and come back to Leopold’s in. Sometimes if his car was spoilt I might come
with him and we would get a bus ride, early in the morning, on the BEST as
we call them and I’d come with him, spend the day. Since my house was close
– just 1, 2 kilometres from Leopold’s I could walk back home but no I would
wait for my father , until he had finished, and then

Re: [Goanet] wake up and smell India

2012-01-04 Thread Venantius J Pinto
Ani zoxem nirmilolem te zalem!
Zoxem nirmilolem te zalem?

Goenkar mhunt'llo
Hanv gheolom Igorzentu
Choilo Eunoku

Kit choil' tuvem
Mhunt kit gho eunoku

Eunak gho, Hijrod'do.
Zoddem go tu? Ani tum titiu--khod'do
Hanh te te
Bombaim che Hijzd'de
Voi te te, to te,
Devak meulyai mista
Believers mista--
Toxem zait!
Padre Vigarache amig;
Ami soggle ek Devache

Te chopko marpache, Sambhav, sambhav
Tuz an kit chop marcho? ontoskon choi gho tugellem!

Na gho Devan amcam ekabashin kela
Voi temcaim
Chopkke marinant te
Bombaim baban sangullem, ugdass ass'

Eunak, Yeo naka re, Rab re tinga Nehrua borabor.
Yet zalyaru Goenchem nokli hizryanku capad kor re tu!
Saiba besanvan tujeru.

Hijras 'R' Us
Vasco da Gama, with a p-jama, showing banana

venantius j pinto

Message: 1
> Date: Wed, 4 Jan 2012 11:07:02 +0400
> From: Eugene Correia 
> To: goa...@goanet.org
> Subject: Re: [Goanet] wake up and smell India
> Today's OHeraldo reports that the tourism corporation and other
> hoteliers were happy with the holiday rush. Now who do you blame? It
> is a commercial thing. I wish it didn't happen and Goa was left
> ever-green or rather unmessay and without stink. The GTDC must also
> created the infrastructure, not just be merry over the net result.
> Read the following ? The number of eunuchs multiplied especially along
> Tito?s lane. Same was the case with Lamanis and beggars. The tourist
> security force was mute bystanders,? John Lobo of the Shack Owners
> Welfare Society told Herald.
> Wow, Goa has political eunuchs and this new invacion can make Goa a
> Eunuchland, from being a Unique Land.
> Cheers,
> Eugene Correia
> --

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[Goanet] Goanetters meet, Cricket and TriMooli ki Sabji

2012-01-04 Thread J. Colaco < jc>
1: Thanks FN for those pics of the Goanetters meet. I concur with
Mervyn. It is always good to put a face to a name. Ema and I had
planned to come to Goa for a family event. Unfortunately for us, the
dates clashed with our assigned leave. This is the second wedding in
the family we missed because of a clash of dates. The last one was a
couple of years ago in midApril. Even so  we were happy to see the
pictures of the many names who post.

2: The cricket scene is heating up. It is good to see Pakistan making
a come back. They are a talented lot who have unfortunately got
involved in this sutta-bazi. Sri Lanka should do better once they
correct their 'issues' and make the right team choices. Bangladesh are
a young team and they need some experience. India needs to allow the
older players to retire gracefully. There appears to be significant
talent in the regions and too much load is being placed on the older
players. India also needs to drop the Kohlis and Harbhajans of
cricket. There is no room for 'over-heated folks' in professional

3: Like my good friend Floriano Lobo, I admire Dr. Wilfred de Souza as
a friend, counsellor, teacher (at GMC) and surgeon. I have yet to come
across a better surgeon, anywhere, than Dr. Willie. I know that he has
made significant personal sacrifices in the hope of making Goa a
better place. He (correctly) believed that Bandodkar and the MGP were
the root cause for the 'ghettoization' of the previous GMC hospital
and the degradation of the standard the health-care delivery provided
at GMC. That, sadly, appears to be the case even till this day.  Even
so and as I have stated repeatedly to Dr. Willie, he (Dr. Willie)
would have done more for health care in Goa (Bandodkar, the MGP and
the less-competent deputationists, notwithstanding) by staying OUT of
partisan politics, and IN medicine.

4: I have NO good vibes about this T-mooli outfit. Even so, like in
cricket, it is time for the senior players of politics, to retire and
do the next best thing.


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Re: [Goanet] School Assignments

2012-01-04 Thread Tony de Sa

*You don't seem to get the point. Net learning can at best assist
comprehension but there is nothing like the real thing. There are many
websites which allow you to dissect a cyber frog because the prevention of
cruelty to animal rules do not allow dissection of frogs in colleges. Now
tell me honestly would you have yourself operated upon by a surgeon who has
extensively dissected and practiced on cyber cadavers and patients or would
you prefer one who has practiced on the real thing?

*I am not against net learning per se. What I am opposed to is a) getting
your assignment done by a third party - either the cyber cafe operative,
parent or older sibling and b) children not learning things practically
through experiential learning. First let us teach children to use the net
effectively, to reason out things for themselves and draw their own
conclusions and not reproduce essays, papers and theses verbatim from the
net. Otherwise we will produce a whole generation of net scientists.

*Besides, cyberage scheme notwithstanding, how many of Goa's rural children
have internet facilities at home? If Lisa has learnt to surf the net and
use Facebook, it is because she has the opportunity, the equipment at her
disposal and perhaps the time and the interest. Moreover in this case, she
has supportive parents too. Can you envisage a similar scenario in most of
our rural areas?

*Whether our Gennext becomes a generation of consumers or producers will
depend on what their schools have taught them.

My beef was about irrational assignments being given to simply satisfy
certain rules and norms and parents running helter skelter to do their
children's assignments. As Selma has said, we as parents, are trying to
make up for the things we missed out on through our children.



>Tony, You raise some important points, but I'm not sure I agree with
your conclusions.

* Instead of the parents searching the Net, why not equip the children
to do it themselves? My 13-year-old daughter understands Facebook
better than I do, and I'm proud of that.

* Is knowledge on the Net somehow inferior to "real world" knowledge?
Is it an either-or situation? What if they combined the real-world
knowledge WITH what exists on the Net?

* The biggest challenge before small societies like ours, as I see is,
is: will we simply become CONSUMERS of information, or will we have a
chance to become PRODUCERS too? Depending on the answer to this lies
the future of our kids' generation! FN

PS: If your 'apro' Catholic businessman friend (or his kid) had to
search the Net, they would have found this in two seconds --

Thomas Stephens Konknni Kendr - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomas_Stephens_Konknni_KendrThis institution
gets its name from the sixteenth-century English Jesuit priest, ...
Kiraitem (canscora in English, or Canscora decussata) is from India,
but the zaifoll ...

Canscora decussata (kiraitem) - Groups - Yahoo
groups.yahoo.com/group/goa-research-net/message/52955 Oct 2009 ?
Kiraitem (canscora in English, or Canscora decussata) is from India
... quite some confusions, including uncertainity over its formal
name. ...

Biodiversity in the Western Ghats: An Information Kit (IIRR, 1994 ...
www.nzdl.org/gsdlmod?...Local/Common name. Scientific name. Part used
as vegetables. Additional uses and features  Kiraitem, Chirata.
Swertia chirata. Entire plant ...
www.scribd.com/doc/9635462/MetahistoryThe doors were opened to
unrestricted imports from British India which in turn . Then, in
June 1991, the Archbishop, in the name of the Rachol Museum Trust
. He said he wanted to plant kiraitem in Portugal, because we had
learnt ...

5.2 Conservation of traditional vegetables in the backyard
www.greenstone.org/.../nzdl;...?a=d...Local/Common name. Scientific
name. Part used as vegetables. Additional uses and features 
Kiraitem, Chirata. Swertia chirata. Entire plant ...



** "Tony de Sa" < tonydesa at gmail dot com > **

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[Goanet] Annual Goanetters Luncheon Meet

2012-01-04 Thread Richard & Betsy Nunes

Dear Frederick,
We take this opportunity to thank you for organising this event  
yesterday. It was a great Meet. We both enjoyed meeting several  
attendees who we have read of on the Goanet ...  it was now great to  
meet them in person, i.e. to put a face to the name we read of, as it  
Additionally, we gained the impression that many were ex Africa in  
general and Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda in particular.
Two names that come to our mind are: Stella Mascarenhas-Keyes and  
Jeanne Hromik. It was a delight to talk to everyone there, especially  
these two ladies, who lived in Kenya in their youth and whose parents  
were our friends then.
As I said to you, we are amazed at the time you are devoting for the  
benefit of all Goanetters and we both take this opportunity to thank  
you immensely for all the work you put into this activity. Do pass on  
our grateful thanks too to your wife, for allowing you to do this for  
and on behalf of us ALL. We really do appreciate that.
Reading through the daily postings, we have been able to, in a short  
while, get to know more of Goa, her people around the world and, most  
importantly, what the projects that many of them are involved in.

Thank you and be blessed, Frederick, Betsy and Richard


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[Goanet] Crime In Goa: Exam papers theft, dead crow, suicide, Briton dead, 29-year-old and chest pains, rash driving, theft of gold ring, rash driving, live round with Swede, woman dies, theft, satell

2012-01-04 Thread Frederick FN Noronha * फ्रेड्रिक नोरोन्या * فريدريك نورونيا
-- Forwarded message --
From: PRO GP PHQ Panaji 
Date: Tue, Jan 3, 2012 at 4:17 PM

DATED: 03.01.12

Press Release For the day as on 02. 01. 2012  Pertaining  to the cases
Registered at below mentioned Pollice  Stations / Units are as under.

PANAJI PS;  Smt Rajal W/O Kashyap Shinkre, Principal  Goa College of
Home Science at Campal, Panaji, complained that between  19.11.11 to
24.11.11 TNK at Academic office of Goa college of Home Science,
unknown staff of the college committed theft of one envelope
containing eight assessed answer sheets of food technology paper and
statement of marks from office of the college. CR.No. 01/12 U/S 381
IPC stands registered. PSI B.Z.Pawar is I.O.

2) Dr. Ashutosh Prabhudesai R/O Taleigao lodged his complaint to the
effect that prior to 02.12.12 at 12.45 hrs. at Cardozo wado, Taleigao,
unknown person/s malignantly threw a dead crow in his water tank
knowingly to be likely to spread infection of disease dangerous to the
human life. CR.No. 02/12 U/S 270 IPC stands registered and PSI
B.Z.Pawar is investigating.

3) Upon information from PCR Panaji on 02.02.12 at 00.02 hrs that one
lady jumped in to water and accordingly after verifying the incident
it was revealed that the  name of the deceased was  Mrs. Parvati W/O
Vasudev Nipanikar, aged 56 yrs. R/O Mala, Panaji. PM examination
conducted. Cause of death is certified as as “Asphyxia as a case of
drowning into water. U.D. No. 03/12 u/s 174 Cr.p.C.registered. PSI
Arjun H. Sangodker is I.O.

ANJUNA PS; Upon information from PCR that one foreigner is found dead
in the rented house of Sandeep Kannaik at Wadi, Siolim. As per
passport of the   deceased his name was John Jacob David Tagg, a
Britain national. Dead body preserved in GMC morgue, Bambolim. UD No.
01/12 u/s 174 Cr.P.C. registered.PSI Anant Gaokar is I.O.

CALANGUTE P.S: Shri A. Jones Xavier R/O Khobrawado, Calangute N/O
Bangalore informed in writing that his  friend Domnic Eroni Vareed,
aged 29 yrs. R/O Shivajinagar, Bangalore expired in Chodankar’s
private Hospital  at Porvorim while undergoing treatment  as a case of
chest pain. Dead body preserved in GMC morgue. UD No. 1/12 u/s 174
Cr.P.C. registered. PSI Narayan Chimulkar is I.O.

2)   Pramod Polji, HC, lodged complaint on behalf of the State that on
1.1.12 at 06.55 hrs, accused Vinod S/O Jose Kambreker, Candolim drove
his Kinetic Honda scooter bearing No. GA-01-H-8831, in rash and
negligent manner while proceeding from Calangute to Mapusa and when
reached at Porobwado, Calangute  near Lucky Bar & Restaurant, dashed
to oncoming YAMAHA Motorcycle No. MH-02-C-3573 due to which Motorcycle
rider of YAMAHA M/Cycle Kenneth Fernandes sustained injuries and later
succumbed to the injuries. CR. No. 01/12 u/s 279, 304-A IPC stands
registered. PSI Laxi Amonkar is I.O.

3) Mr. Abdul Gani Badyari R/O Umtawado, Calangute, complained that the
accused namely Ali S/o Zia Khan, R/o Candolim, age 30 yrs. N/O Pune
visited the his shop under the pretext of purchasing gold ring and
after misguiding him committed theft of gold ring W/rs. 30,000/-.CR
No. 02/12 u/s 380 IPC stands registered.  PSI Gauresh Parab is I.O.


VASCO PS: LHC Vanita Vinayak Kelker lodged complaint on behalf of the
State that on 01.01.12 at 02.55 hrs.   accused by name Kaushik
Chakraborthy, aged 20 yrs. R/O Bogda, Marmugao, riding motorcycle
bearing No. GA-06-C-8161 rode the same in rash and negligent manner
while proceeding from Dabolim to Bogmalo and when reached near
Chicolna, dashed oncoming YAMAHA M/cycle bearing No. GA-02-A-6269
which was proceding from Bogmalo to Dabolim due to which rider and
pillion rider namely Sadhik Sangoli and Mallikarjun S/O Prabhakar
Huddar sustained injuries. Later Sadhik Sangoli succumbed to injuries.
Dead body handed over to relatives after all the legal formalities.CR
No. 01/12 U/S 279, 337, 304-A stands registered.  PSI Filomena Costa
is I.O.

2) Shri Nafees Ahmad Shah IC & Inspector of EXE, CISF ASG Goa, lodged
complaint that on 2.01.12 at 12.35 hrs, accused Harding Inger Maria
Kristina, age 53 Yrs. Swedish national was found carrying one live
round in her baggage in her possession without any valid license or
documents while screening by CISF staff at Airport, Dabolim. CR 02/12
u/s 3 R/w 25 Arms Act stands registered. I.O.PSI F.L.Costa.

MAINA CURTORIM PS:  Smt. Caitana W/O Francisco Lario R/o Curtorim,
Salcete lodged complaint that on 1.1.12 between 09.30 t0 14.00 hrs,
accused person Roy Fernandes of Curtorim, Salcete who is boy friend of
 victim/deceased Sabina D/o Francisco Hilario, age 19 yrs, r/o
Curtorim, negligently avoided to provide medical aid/attention to the
victim girl who was vomiting at his residence which resulted in to her
death. Accused arrested on 2.2.12 at 21.30 hrs and placed in lock up
for further enquiry.CR 01/12 u/s 304 A IPC.  I.O. PSI Suraj Samant.

MARGAO TOWN P.S. Shri   Rony Nicholas Vaz R/O Davorlim, Salcete,
complained that on 1.1.12 between 13.00 to 15.00 hrs, unkno

[Goanet] Twitch time !

2012-01-04 Thread eric pinto

'titch' rabid, this claim, and it stands logic on it's head.   eric.


I think prop and chef is Mozambique -ex commando. Son i-l of a great dentist 
late dr. Abel Souza. But I do not know how Anglo Saxons got away with titch 
colonial in North America and Australia.
Next time it is done I recommend *Horseshoe* (near Avanti on Ourem Creek
road. We get that genial Angolan chef-proprietor to open up at noon and do
a simple buffet of greens/soups/cheese, etc. @ abt 200 'rip-offs' (my slang
translation for 'rupee') per person. It might be a titch 'old colonial',
but we must not stand on conventions of nationalist patriotic
sentiment---when there's really good food to be had!

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[Goanet] Dr. Willy adn Trinamool Congress

2012-01-04 Thread floriano

Dr. Willy and Trinamool Congress

Dr. Willy, I must say, has always had a place in my heart. Hold on for a 
moment there. As a politician? Hell, No!.  We have fallen out with each 
other on that count a long long time ago. But  as a dear friend? Yes!. He 
had operated on my late mother for uterine tumor and she lived to a ripe old 
age of 89. He has also caesarian delivered my first born, a timely exercise 
that saved  both lives. Am I grateful? Of course I am.

And to respectfully heed to his invitation that we must talk,  which  I 
actually did not want to do, I mean,  get sour all over again, discussing 
politics with a man who seems to have forgotten what politics is all about, 
but reading and watching the exposure that he has been getting these last 
few days with his vociferous denials that he has yet not accepted the 
invitation by Trinamool Congress of Mamta Banerjee, I decided to take a 
chance and see for myself what tricks the old fox had up his sleeves this 
time when he has taken all the trouble to search for a Bengali  partner. And 
armed with a proposal, should he be in the listening mood, I did go visit 
him this morning, informing  him that I was on my way to his Saligao 

A fifteen minutes one-to one talk went like this:-
[ There was a mutual friend  with him but I preferred to talk one-to-one and 
Dr. obliged]

FL:  Doc. I am happy to see you getting heavy exposure by the press and the 

  media over your supposed joining with the 'TC' of Mamta Banerjee.
Dr:  Welcome, tell me.
FL:  I have a proposal for you, should you be in the listening mood.
Dr:  Tell me.
Fl:  You are well aware that the national parties have earned the dislike 
of the people of GOA for having taken them for a jolly good ride engineering

 manipulations and loot of the worst kind.
Dr: So?
FL: Here is your chance to make a come-back and to take GOA by the storm.
Dr.  How?
FL: You lead 'TC' in Goa. But 'TC' must not get involved in the forthcoming 
   elections. Leave that to the Regional Parties or a Regional Front. 
Your 'Rajiv Congress' [RC] comes
   into the picture as a  regional party. RC + Gomant Lok Pokx, (GLP) + 
Save Goa Front
   (SGF) + Goa Su-Raj Party (GSRP) come together on a simple COMMON 
   a viable Regional Front. Then  invite UGDP, the newly revitalized 
Mickky's GVP and if possible MGP to see where that goes.

Dr:  And you want TC to just sit around and watch?
FL:  No. TC, i.e. 'you'  actively help to put  the Regional Front together.
Dr.  And what does TC get in return?
FL:   Next Parliamentary Elections,  TC represents Goa in the Rajya Sabha 
(you) with  two other distinguished Parliamentarian in the Lok Sabha, I mean 
   Parliamentarians and not Regional thugs. See what havoc these are 
playing in the country's esteemed House of the People.

Dr.   And you want me to wait until 2014? I could be dead  before that.
FL:   So you want to get to places before you die. Is it? That is why you 
want to build-up a  hay-stack with TC in a hurry?  Look here doc, you have 
   your political image so bad that you don't exist any more in the 
hearts of the Goan people. I do hope you are mature enough to know that. The 
   sentiments of the people of Goa are against you. Those who are with 
you are those who are not allowed to do anything but praise you. In short 

Dr.   So, I must learn from you?
FL:   No.  You have passed the stage of learning. And you cannot teach for 
nuts either.

Dr.   Where is the money going to come from in your scheme of things.
FL:   Doc, you are mixing things-up. Money et al comes into play after the 
'intellectual exercise' of building Goa's worthwhile Regional Front to take 
on the national

   parties. Why do you put emphasis on money?
Dr:   My driver does not have a government job. I sent him to Vishwajeet. He 
promised heaven on earth. In the end he stretched his hand forward. There 
  hundreds of guys looking for government jobs that I know of. How are 
you going to give them jobs? What about the garbage. Do you have a solution 
for all

FL: You are catching the tail, again. Look here doctor, Goa needs a change. 
You could very well make this happen especially when the plate is hot.  Just 
tell me
  you will mull over this option, talk to your honchos, whatever and I 
shall go home.

Dr.  No. Your option does not appeal to me. I don't have much time.
FL: So you are building the TC's  hay-stack for you to sit on top. Are you? 
Hope it does not burn your dreams along with you. I wish you all the very 

A long time ago I had walked out on him regarding 'Loud Music Noise 
Today I walked out on him because I found that he was not only the 'empty 
mind' but a hollow one at that, one which affords the other to see through 
and through.
I do hope that Doctor Willy becomes the CM of Goa again, this time rid

Re: [Goanet] Photos from Goa... Goanetters Meet 2011

2012-01-04 Thread Mervyn Lobo
Frederick FN Noronha wrote:
Dear all: Photos from the 2011 Jan Goanetters meet held yesterday:

Thanks for these pictures, FN.
Special thanks for naming who is in each picture.
It is nice to put a face to someone who one reads here and admires.



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[Goanet] TAG's Dance Competition

2012-01-04 Thread Tiatr Academy Goa

TAG’s Dance Competition

Tiatr Academy Goa will organize its 1st Dance Competition with 
choreography on Konkani songs on 28th January 2012 from 10:00 am onwards 
at the Auditorium of Goa State Museum, Patto Plaza, Panjim Goa.

Each participating troupe must consist of not less than 6 participants 
and not more than 10 participants. Any Konkani song on vinyl records or 
CD’s or DVD’s can be chosen to set the choreography of dancing. The 
performance will be judged on arrangement of steps, dance sequence, 
co-ordination with words and music of the song, costumes, expression, 
confidence, etc.

The participating troupes will be provided with traveling allowance of 
Rs. 500/-, Rs. 750/- and Rs. 1250/- according to the distance from where 
the participating troupe comes.

Attractive prizes for performance will be awarded as follows:-
1st Prize – Rs. 7000/-
2nd Prize – Rs. 5000/-
3rd Prize – Rs. 3000/-

Besides cash prizes a memento and certificates will also be presented. 
Best choreographer will be awarded with a cash prize of Rs. 2000/- 
besides a memento and a certificate.

The prescribed application forms are available in the office of Tiatr 
Acadmey Goa, Block A, 2nd Floor, Campal Trade Centre, Campal Panjim.

The last date to submit the application is 23rd January 2012 during 
office hours.

TAG requests lovers of Konkani song, music and dance to participate in 
the competition in large numbers.

Victor de Sa
Member Secretary

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Re: [Goanet] School Assignments

2012-01-04 Thread Frederick FN Noronha फ्रेड्रिक नोरोन्या *فريدريك نورونيا
Tony, You raise some important points, but I'm not sure I agree with
your conclusions.

* Instead of the parents searching the Net, why not equip the children
to do it themselves? My 13-year-old daughter understands Facebook
better than I do, and I'm proud of that.

* Is knowledge on the Net somehow inferior to "real world" knowledge?
Is it an either-or situation? What if they combined the real-world
knowledge WITH what exists on the Net?

* The biggest challenge before small societies like ours, as I see is,
is: will we simply become CONSUMERS of information, or will we have a
chance to become PRODUCERS too? Depending on the answer to this lies
the future of our kids' generation! FN

PS: If your 'apro' Catholic businessman friend (or his kid) had to
search the Net, they would have found this in two seconds --

Thomas Stephens Konknni Kendr - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomas_Stephens_Konknni_KendrThis institution
gets its name from the sixteenth-century English Jesuit priest, ...
Kiraitem (canscora in English, or Canscora decussata) is from India,
but the zaifoll ...

Canscora decussata (kiraitem) - Groups - Yahoo
groups.yahoo.com/group/goa-research-net/message/52955 Oct 2009 –
Kiraitem (canscora in English, or Canscora decussata) is from India
... quite some confusions, including uncertainity over its formal
name. ...

Biodiversity in the Western Ghats: An Information Kit (IIRR, 1994 ...
www.nzdl.org/gsdlmod?...Local/Common name. Scientific name. Part used
as vegetables. Additional uses and features  Kiraitem, Chirata.
Swertia chirata. Entire plant ...
www.scribd.com/doc/9635462/MetahistoryThe doors were opened to
unrestricted imports from British India which in turn . Then, in
June 1991, the Archbishop, in the name of the Rachol Museum Trust
. He said he wanted to plant kiraitem in Portugal, because we had
learnt ...

5.2 Conservation of traditional vegetables in the backyard
www.greenstone.org/.../nzdl;...?a=d...Local/Common name. Scientific
name. Part used as vegetables. Additional uses and features 
Kiraitem, Chirata. Swertia chirata. Entire plant ...


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[Goanet] All government recruitment put on hold by Election Commission

2012-01-04 Thread Sandeep Heble
All government recruitment put on hold by Election Commission

Jobs were distributed after the Election Code was implemented. The BJP
immediately lodged a complaint with the Election Commission in the
State. The Electricity Department, Sports, Accounts, Fire Services and
Animal Husbandry have flouted the rules and while investigation is on
by the Election Commission, 13 freshers who have already taken up jobs
in these departments have been told not to report for work until the
elections are over. They were given appointment letters on the
December 24 and told to report for work on December 26.

The Election Commission should have declared the appointments null and
void, but instead he has instructed the government to defer their

The departments informed the Election Commission that only 13 jobs
were allotted, but the Commissioner feels that 1300 jobs have been
distributed as largesse in the run-up to elections.

Media reports say that Churchill's PWD department, Vishwajit's Health
Departmetn and Social Welfare Department have sent out appointment
letters.All recruitment has been halted, including allotment of
harness cases, where the individual dies in harness and the job is
offered to his family member.

But Viswajit's Health department takes the cake. A senior GMC official
is allegedly on leave and has taken the department stamp with him. It
is reported that the official has been typing out the appointment
letters in his house and dispatching them.

Goa now has 57,000 government servants. Each getting not less than Rs
6000 per month. From the year 2007 to 2010 there were 5600 jobs
distributed.In 2011 alone there were 4,900! The recruits have to pay
anything from Rs 1 lakh upwards for a job. That's a lower side figure
of Rs 49 crore. The actual figure must be much much more which
supposedly goes into a politician's pocket. So the Politician
benefits. The new recruit is now a government servant and the taxpayer
pays out a fat salary with perks and D.A. After he leaves, the
taxpayer continues paying his pension. So the government servant
benefits. What does the  taxpayer get? Nothing. What does Goa get? A
big fat deficit for the next generation to pay.


   Protect Goa's natural beauty

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[Goanet] School Assignments

2012-01-04 Thread Carvalho
Thank you Tony for this wonderful article and hope to read many more from you 
in this year. I do hope you submit this to the daily newspapers in Goa, it is 
one all of us parents should read. I don't know why but we all end up doing our 
children's "fish" assignments. I think parents today are unbelievably 
competitive wanting our children to fulfil not just their own potential but 
ours as well.

   Protect Goa's natural beauty

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Re: [Goanet] wake up and smell India

2012-01-04 Thread Eugene Correia
Today's OHeraldo reports that the tourism corporation and other
hoteliers were happy with the holiday rush. Now who do you blame? It
is a commercial thing. I wish it didn't happen and Goa was left
ever-green or rather unmessay and without stink. The GTDC must also
created the infrastructure, not just be merry over the net result.
Read the following “ The number of eunuchs multiplied especially along
Tito’s lane. Same was the case with Lamanis and beggars. The tourist
security force was mute bystanders,” John Lobo of the Shack Owners
Welfare Society told Herald.
Wow, Goa has political eunuchs and this new invacion can make Goa a
Eunuchland, from being a Unique Land.

Eugene Correia

   Protect Goa's natural beauty

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[Goanet] Goa Arts and Lit. fest

2012-01-04 Thread Ana Maria de souza-Goswami
This is in response to Jason K. Fernandes article which came out in the 
Gomantak Times today and reproduced in the Goanet.

If one is organising a festival of this nature, one plans it months in 
advance. One does not necessarily want to attend all the sessions. Besides 
there are constraints on the part of the audience where transport is 
concerned. I live in Betim. Have to cross the ferry. wait for a bus which 
will take me to Dona Paula. It also clashed with the seminar at the Goa 
University. I agree, some of the sessions were full of people, especially in 
Mandovi and Zuari Hall. Arjun, who is the Programme Coordinator was very 
sympathetic and so was Mr. Mirchandani.  There are many events in Goa which 
start on time, there are others which don't, but that doesn't give the right 
of  one of the organisers being  rude.

Ana Maria de souza-Goswami 


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