[Goanet] The inconvenient truth-CSE's Fortnightly News Bulletin (Feb 3, 2012)

2012-02-04 Thread CSE
CSE's Fortnightly News Bulletin (February 3, 2012)

February, for us, has begun with some really astute investigative work by
our renewable energy team, which has stumbled upon a web of coprorate
fraud, deceit and official stonewalling surrounding the much vaunted
National Solar Mission. The findings point to one company walking away with
40 per cent of the projects in blatant contravention of the one project-one
proponent norm. In fact, a press conference by CSE exposing the scam has
reportedly resulted in the government considering an inquiry. Read the full
story in Down To Earth (this fortnight's cover, details below).

Also in this fortnight's package is a host of new activities and training
opportunities -- media fellowships, seminars and workshops, training
programmes on EIA, rainwater harvesting etc... and two new reports from the
urban water and green building teams.

We look forward to your feedback and inputs.

To subscribe to this newsletter, or any of our other newsletters, please
click on http://cseindia.my2.in/cseindia/?p=subscribe

To unsubscribe from this newsletter, just click

If you have any questions or concerns about newsletter subscription, please
contact Vikas Khanna at vi...@cseindia.org

EDITORIAL: The inconvenient truth
by Sunita Narain

Many years ago, in a desperately poor village in Rajasthan, people decided
to plant trees on the land adjoining their pond so that its catchment would
be protected. But this land belonged to the revenue department and people
were fined for trespass. The issue hit national headlines. The stink made
the local administration uncomfortable. They then came up with a brilliant
game plan—they allotted the land to a group of equally poor people. In this
way the poor ended up fighting the poor. The local government got away with
the deliberate murder of a water body.

I recall this episode as I watch recent developments on climate change. At
the recent Durban climate change conference small island nations—from the
Maldives to Granada —believed, rightly so, that the world has not delivered
on its promise to cut emissions and is jeopardising their future. But they
do not have the power to fight the powerful. So, this coalition of climate
victims turned against its partner developing countries, targeting India,
for instance, for inaction. These nations pushed for India to take legal
commitments to reduce emissions, dismissing its concerns of equity as

The divide is complete. According to Bangladeshi climate change researcher
and old friend Saleemul Huq, the issue of equity—the setting of emission
targets based on the contribution of each country to the stock of carbon
dioxide in the atmosphere—is an old fashioned idea. He says it will not
work in the new world where the dichotomy of the rich and poor countries
has vanished; instead, there are equal and big polluters like China, India,
South Africa and Brazil (BASIC). These, he says, are equally responsible
and must take steps to cut emissions. He wants the notion of historical
emissions junked. For him, countries like the Maldives and Bangladesh are
victims. India is a polluter, a rich country whose government is hiding
behind the poor to avoid cutting emissions.

But the fact is Maldives’ per capita emission is higher than India’s. So,
should the Maldives take mandatory emission reductions? Is it a victim or a
polluter? India also has a longer coastline than vulnerable Bangladesh. Is
it a polluter? Or an equal victim? Sivan Kartha, a climate change
researcher with the Stockholm Environment Institute, tears into this
argument that is dividing the poor world and taking the focus away from
countries that need to be told to take action fast. He compares India and
Africa, countering the charge that Africa is being destroyed because of
rich India’s reluctance to take emission reductions. “Actually, 1.1 per
cent of Africans have made it to the top global wealth decile against 0.9
per cent Indians. As against this, 21 per cent Americans are in the top
global wealth decile. Then, India’s total emissions are only two-thirds of
what Africa emits.” As against this, US emissions are four times India’s.
In this way, while the poor fight over crumbs, the cake is eaten by the

My colleagues at the Centre for Science and Environment analysed income
distribution and emissions data to see if rich Indians emitted more than
their counterparts in rich countries. They found that the per capita
emission of the richest 10 per cent of India’s population was the same or
slightly less than the per capita emission of America’s poorest 10 per cent
and it was less than 

[Goanet] Does Indian IT lag sustainability? | Features | IT PRO India

2012-02-04 Thread Con Menezes


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[Goanet] AUDIO-KONKANI: 2012 Konkani Journalism Day, Goa

2012-02-04 Thread Frederick FN Noronha * फ्रेड्रिक नोरोन्या * فريدريك نورونيا
2012 Konkani Journalism Day, Goa
1   konkani-journalism-day  1:51:30

It was on 2nd Feburary, 1889 that the first Konknni language
periodical in the Romi script was published from Poona. Called the
*Udentechem Sallok* (Lotus of the East), it was the initiative of
Eduardo Jose Bruno de Souza. It started as a monthly periodical and
soon changed to fortnightly.

To mark the Konknni Potrokaritecho Dis (Konknni Journalism Day), the
Goa-based Dalgado Konknni Akademi (DKA) organised a panel discussion
on Konknni Journalism on 2nd Feburary, 2012 at Tiatr Academy Goaâs
Conference Hall, Campal, Panjim at 4.30 pm.

Paul Fernandes, Assistant Editor (Environment Section), Times of India
(Goa Edition), speaks on The state of Konknni Journalism Today.
Prudent Media News Editor of 'Head On' fame Pramod Acharya addresses
the issue of Khobram-potrantlean ani Elektronik madeomantlean Konknni
Potrokaritecho Fuddar (The Future of Konknni Journalism through
Newspapers and Electronic Media), while FN dwells on the topic
'Cyberspace ani Konknni Potrokarita' (Cyberspace and Konknni

Tomazinho Cardozo, Editor of Goykar, Konkani bi-monthly was the
moderator of the panel discussion. Salvador Fernandes and Premanand
Mahambre can be heard speaking too.
FN +91-832-2409490 or +91-9822122436 f...@goa-india.org
Books from Goa,1556 http://scr.bi/Goa1556Books
Audio recordings (mostly from Goa): http://bit.ly/GoaRecordings

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[Goanet] Life in mid-20th century Tanganyika (Oral history project)

2012-02-04 Thread Carvalho
The Histories of British-Goans Project presents a five minute clip of life in 
mid-20th century Tanganyika, now known as Tanzania. In this interview with 
Alfred and Anita Rebello we hear where Goans lived in Tanganyika, schooled, how 
they got married and where they worked. In one instance, Alfred describes girls 
coming over from Goa, not knowing who they were getting married to.
To watch on Youtube:
To visit the Histories of British-Goans website:
Selma Carvalho

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[Goanet] Goa's Flawed Justice

2012-02-04 Thread Arwin Mesquita
**Crores of scams are being reported in Goa and sometimes one hope's that
the Ministers involved will face appropriate action. But the strange thing
is mostly nothing happens to these Corrupt Anti Goan Politicians, who
appear assured that nothing will happen to them. So is there really
true/good justice in India/Goa? And because of the state of Flawed Justice
in Goa, these politicians do what they want with even more arrogance. I
feel that the Investigative Agencies have no credibility and are actually
tools of the Central Government to keep MLA's in check, via blackmail. For
Instance we know well that Goan MLA's were recently investigated by Central
agencies but then these very MLA's were given Party tickets; so what is the
Hypocrisy here? Why is it that many Goan MLA's have suddenly become so
wealthy in a matter of some years and their source of funds are not
investigated? Goans need to think of this when they go out to vote on March
3rd, on how Governments IS fooling us in their greed for Power; so that
they can  continue with the destruction of Goa's Land, Environment and

Arwin  Mesquita, UAE.

Please post your comments on my Blog: http://goanidentity.blogspot.com/

Please also see below:
1. Benaulim Village Action Committee: http://www.bvacbenaulim.blogspot.com/
2. Rape of Goa : http://www.parrikar.com/blog/the-rape-of-goa/
3. MAND - an adivasi-rights resource centre : http://mandgoa.blogspot.com/
5. Goa's Identity Movement group on Facebook:
6. Official Government Site NRI Office (GOA): http://www.globalgoans.org.in/

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[Goanet] FRIDAY BALCAO to focus on Manifestos for the Goa Legislative Assembly Elections.

2012-02-04 Thread Goa Desc
Welcome to the FRIDAY BALCAO
the fortnightly discussion event since 1999

Dear Cybergaonkars on Goanet,

We continue with FRIDAY BALCAO
on 10th February from 4pm. to 6pm.
at Goa Desc Resource Centre
No.11, Liberty Apartments,
Feira Alta, Mapusa.

TOPIC: Manifestos for the Goa Legislative Assembly Elections.
SPEAKER:Open Discussion

We invite you to express your viewpoint
by attending the FRIDAY BALCAO.
If you cannot attend, then please send
your views and action plan suggestions
by email to goad...@gmail.com

best wishes,

Roland Martins
Don't miss out on the discussion. Information is power,
Share it equitably. Lets make things happen in Goa !!

11 Liberty Apts., Feira Alta, Mapusa, Goa 403 507
mail to: goad...@gmail.com


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[Goanet] Indian top court scraps scandal-hit telecom licenses - CNN.com

2012-02-04 Thread Con Menezes


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[Goanet] NEWS: Bishops challenged to offer hope to disillusioned Indians

2012-02-04 Thread Goanet News
Bishops challenged to offer hope to disillusioned Indians
Father Heredia urged the prelates to discern what Christ would do in
modern times.
Posted on February 2, 2012, 8:24 AM

By Jose Kavi

A Jesuit social scientist has challenged Catholic bishops in India to
review and revise the Church’s works to help create a better India.

“We need a renewal of our vision and mission to inspire an agenda for
action,” Father Rudolf C. Heredia told the 30th biennial meeting of
the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of India (CBCI).

Around 170 bishops from India’s 164 dioceses are attending the
February 1-8 plenary meeting to address the theme, “The Church’s role
for a better India.”

Father Heredia, the keynote speaker, urged the prelates to discern
what Christ would do in modern world instead of just repeating what he
did in his time.

“A slavish repetition of what was done centuries ago can only mean a
dead one,” he warned.

The challenge in India now is to offer hope to millions who seem
disillusioned with democracy’s failure to bring justice to the poor
and the marginalized.

“A just society no longer seems to be the first priority of our ruling
elites, who have been the principal beneficiaries of our first freedom
struggle,” said Father Heredia.

According to him, the current social unrest and corruption in India
are the outcome of the rulers pursuing in the name of good governance
a “hidden agenda of growth” that only benefited them.

So much so, those excluded see no difference between present democracy
and the old colonial rule, the Jesuit priest remarked.

Vote-bank politics that encourage exclusive cultural and religious
identities now threaten India’s multi-cultural , and pluri-religious
society, he warned.

For him, slums, poverty, destitution and farmers' suicide amid
opulence and while venture capitalism prospers are “disgraceful,
despairing other side of the slogan “India shining.”

In this context, the Church should give “prophetic witnessing” not
individually but through its vast network of institutions as shown by
Blessed Teresa of Kolkata and her Missionaries of Charity nuns.

Father Heredia noted that the saintly nun is the second most
recognized name after Mahatma Gandhi in India because people of all
religions could see hope in what she did for the poor.

He urged the prelates to bring the Church from out of its current
positions on the margins to the mainstream and create critical
citizenry that would demand justice from the government.

He noted that better organized groups have taken advantage of popular
movements in independent India.

The Jesuit social scientist questioned if the bishops are serious
about their commitment to integral development of all people or just
satisfied with “partisan gains for our institutions and people.”


CBCI , Jesuit , Father Rudolf C. Heredia

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[Goanet] Goan songs, senhorita, birdie dance etc

2012-02-04 Thread JoeGoaUk
Goan songs, senhorita, birdie dance etc

Brothers in arms
Meet Caitani, Domnic, Ivan, Philomen, Marcelino, Kris ..

Watch it here bigger


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In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
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[Goanet] Taligao-che Dev

2012-02-04 Thread JoeGoaUk
Taligao-che Dev

Chora, Dolldirya, Ghatkya, Nagounniya, kuxin sor

Loz aslolyak, kotti bhor udok puro,
nak buddoun jiu diunk

Tumi  anik Poitat kitem? 
Magelem kopall?

Hoi, hoi, tum fokt tonddan bottam galun poi
Amche lagim kainch ek zaumchenam nhoi?

To ek  dev koso zaun vhoir bosla,
tachea kala, ami tache pujari

Oslea kudd’ddea devamchi nindha korunk favo
Tancho bhosm korunk favo, taka khursar marunk favo

Hanvaim hanvaim, kitem amcho bhes?
Arxant pollelyar, maka mojich vitt yeta.
Kitem zait gai amcho fuddar?

Deva magelya voilya deva, tujich vatt polloun rautam
Tujeach hatant hem voddem soddttam

Deva magelya deva,  mazo ek upkar kor
Voch ani tagelya  gomttyak dhor

Copy to Remo

for Goa  NRI related info... 

For Goan Video Clips 

In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc  

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[Goanet] Women in politics

2012-02-04 Thread Nelson Lopes
The women reservation bill is hanging in the Parliament  for what is
called lack of consensus and which be only a distant dream. Women
constitute at least 50% of electorate, whose vote can and always tilt
the balance one way or the other They come out to vote to build
fortune of men. Congress has Sonia Gandhi,Chairman of UPA and head of
congress guiding its destiny She can claim  being handicapped due to
majority Hence one third reservation for women is for ever in limbo it
seems and is not likely to see the light of the day The opposition
from BJP is understandable, as they treat women in low esteem., May be
they do not have daughters and wives that can make the grade. Mulayam
is positively anti women raising the dust of quota within quota as an
alibi. Lalu Prassad is convinced that his wife, Rabri Devi is the only
women in Bihar with all the attributes of intelligence, administrative
vision,albeit,  a rubber stamp, that could be foisted on the state and
remote controlled as the robot The smattering number of women
representatives in parliament is hardly any consolation to  the
massive gender they appear to represent. Here and there few daughters
seem to imbibe the political tastes and traits of their fathers
The parties in general appear to support women representatives in both
the houses of parliament, but that is a tall promise. The only
redeeming aspect is reservations women representatives in local bodies
and rotating the post of head of local body That is some progress at
grass root level to be proud of
What prevents the parties enforcing the reservation suo moto  and
fielding 33% women in that number as candidates at state and
parliamentary elections? It is certainly within their power requiring
no legislative compulsions ?It is all crap hypocrisy in practice about
women being empowered. In Goa  some women , Sangeeta Paraab,
Shashikala, Farrel Furtado.Victoria were briefly decorative flowers in
the  garland  of men Victoria was the only women MLA in Goa, among
forty., who did not find or occupy any significant post as the
woman  representative. Mind you, she represents  Congress party ,
espousing so nobly the cause of women reservation
The Congress is making them feel important, blotting their inflated
egos through Mahila Mandals appointments These experiments are only to
garner votes for men Indians even today feel that women roles are more
designed to rear children and be housewives. Fortunately BJP  has not
been infected with the virus of this chicanery of Mahila Mandals Any
way , they never believe in women emancipation, except that Susma  is
the only epitome of women in politics Can and will women demonstrate
their power by exercising their vote to enforce reservations? Let us
wait and see ,as to how many women candidates will be fielded by the
parties in Goa  and which profess that they really believe in women
Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

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[Goanet] Goa news for February 4, 2012

2012-02-04 Thread Goanet News Service
Goa News from Google News and Goanet.org
Visit http://www.goanet.org/newslinks.php for the full stories.

*** Goa polls: BJP prepares list of 40 candidates - Indian
oll alliance with Maharashtravadi Gomantak Party (MGP) are
underway, BJP in Goa has prepared a list of its candidates for
the March 3 Assembly polls, sources said on Friday. Goa BJP
Election Committee, which met last ...

*** Thanks to Anna, Goa polls would be fought on graft
issues:Remo - IBNLive.com

*** 'Fashion reflects history' - Livemint

*** Goa Speaker dismisses disqualification petition -
inister Francisco Pacheco under the Tenth Schedule of Indian ...

*** Sunil Sethi Goas escalating land wars - Business Standard

*** 'Goa has some of the best musicians in the world' - Times of
EUeMned=usand more »

*** Send IT findings to police for action: IAC - Times of India
mes of IndiaPANAJI: India Against Corruption (Goa unit) has
demanded that findings of IT department's inquiry against
education minister Atanasio 'Babush' Monserrate and others
should be forwarded to the police for suitable action. IAC's Goa
unit coordinator ...a class=

*** Voter ID card is like political ATM card - Times of India
mes of IndiaThe stench of garbage, thrown nonchalantly by the
pathways, mixes with the sights and sounds of a civilization a
far cry from the picture postcard Goa flaunted by tourism and
real estate. Indiranagar is a slum, with a growing migrant
population.a class=

*** Wendell Rodricks rebutts Hugo Gomes - Times of India

*** Goa NSUI demands expulsion of its own vice chairman -
arty activities. Although he is an NSUI leader, he is targeting
Congress leaders, Amin said.a class=

Compiled by Goanet News Service

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[Goanet] Ek Umannem: To melo, taka nikipilo..

2012-02-04 Thread JoeGoaUk

To melo ani taka nikipilo

Uprant kitem zalem? porot jivont zalo?

Nam, tacho fondd porot ustilo ani thuincho kaddun taka eka dusrea 
zagear/ganvant  porot nikipilo

Tor to novean etolo ghai?

Koslim koslim noulam ghottat antamchea tempar
Hanv mhonnttam, taka tea poilea zagear, purloch koso?
Hem umannem konnachean parkunk eta?

What I am talking about or of whom I am talking about?

I heard about it on the very next day but I ignored saying it cannot be true.
Few days later, I heard it again from another source
And now, from a very reliable source

Hint: Religious sect 


for Goa  NRI related info... 

For Goan Video Clips 

In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc 

   Protect Goa's natural beauty

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  Sign the petition at: http://www.goanet.org/petition/petition.php


[Goanet] Goa news for February 5, 2012

2012-02-04 Thread Goanet News Service
Goa News from Google News and Goanet.org
Visit http://www.goanet.org/newslinks.php for the full stories.

*** NCP to get seven seats in Goa, says Praful Patel - Times of

*** A Goan Odyssey - Indian Express
dian ExpressIt was a soiree to celebrate Goa's sartorial history
with the launch of Wendell Rodricks' book Moda Goa: History and
Style. Hosted by the hotel along with Harper Collins India, the
evening saw Rodricks admit that he needed a lot of goading to
finish ...

*** Alemao part of fake currency racket: Ex-NSUI president -
Times of India

*** Garbage keeps Germans away from Goa: Consulate - Times of
heodor Heldman said that Goa needs to handle its garbage on a
priority basis as uncleanliness in Goa, especially on its
beaches, is a major factor turning German tourists ...a class=

*** 'Goa has some of the best musicians in the world' - Times of
EUeMned=usand more »

*** Palolem is latest victim of flash mob but with a twist -
Times of India
mes of IndiaPANAJI: Goa hardly knew what a 'flash mob' was. But
when one hit Palolem recently, locals watched as the dancers
tapped their feet rhythmically on the silver sand and swayed on
the shore. The dancers held pieces of garbage to sweep home the
message.a class=

*** Made in India: From writing music to penning books - Times
of India
uwMned=usand more »

*** Congress relies on Babush for St Cruz - Times of India
harge Mauvin Godinho. In response to the media's persistent
probing on the omission ...a class=

*** It's Carnival time in Goa! - Times of India
mes of IndiaGoa Carnival, held in February, is one of the most
awaited festivals in the country. This year, the Goa Carnival,
will be celebrated from 18 February to 22 February. Colourful
parades, lively processions, foot tapping music and exotic dance
...a class=

*** Gavana magic lights up Monte - Times of India
ld chapel on a hill in Old Goa, a bunch of elegantly-attired men
and colourfully-dressed women file on to a makeshift stage. It's
the first day of the Monte Music Festival, 2012-a legendary
platform for the ...a class=

Compiled by Goanet News Service

   Protect Goa's natural beauty

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[Goanet] The 'haunting' of Padre Lourenço

2012-02-04 Thread Goa-World.com

GULF-GOANS e-NEWSLETTER (since 1994)® 

www.goa-world.com   http://www.goa-world.com/goa/credit%5Ccredit.htm    

 Tumcam Maie-mogacho ieukar. Enjoy Life - This is not a rehearsal! Konkani 
uloi, boroi, vach ani samball - sodankal. Hich Goenchi osmitai ani amchem 
khalxelponn. Goenchi amchi Konkani bhas! Ekvottachem saddon Goenkaranchem.  

Stay tuned to Gulf Goans e-Newsletter - everyday someone, somewhere learns a 

The 'haunting' of Padre Lourenço

by Fr. Nascimento Mascarenhas
If I were to tell you real, true ghost stories from Goa and India, and say that 
Goan ghosts did exist, you would probably scoff and brush them aside as the 
weird beliefs of an old man. You would of course be right, but in the olden 
days in the village of Saligao things were quite different. Let me tell you the 
stories of the “haunting” of Padre Lourenço, the haunted tree near the Seminary 
and Saligao’s very own Goan ghost of Christalina.
It was the second week of May in the year 1952 that Padre Inácio Lourenço 
Pereira was appointed as supervisor of the construction of the Saligao-Pilerne 
Seminary (Seminary of Our Lady, Saligao, Goa). He hailed from Albutriel in 
Portugal (Diocese of Leiria), the place where Our Lady appeared to three 
shepherd children at Fatima. He was a missionary along with his priest brother 
working in Madras-Mylapore diocese. He replaced Fr Paulo Arcanjo Menezes from 
Sangolda, who from 1936 to 1952 was in charge of building of the Diocesan Minor 
Portuguese priest
Fr Menezes used to walk every Sunday from his residence near the unfinished 
seminary to St Anne’s Chapel in the village to celebrate Mass there. However in 
April 1952 he went on a year’s sabbatical leave to East Africa. As soon as 
Padre Lourenço arrived, the chapel committee members requested him to come to 
St Anne’s to celebrate Mass for the parishioners of the three wards — Donvaddo, 
Mudd’davaddi and Tabravaddo-Mollembhat. Padre Lourenço readily accepted the 
proposal and on 25 May 1952 along with his domestic help known simply by the 
name ‘Frank’, drove to the chapel along with a Donvaddo lad who directed them. 
We youngsters at once fell in love with this fair and hefty Portuguese priest 
as he had a big jeep, which was a rarity in those years. After the Mass, we 
altar boys forgot about our breakfast as we went on a joy ride to the seminary 
at the invitation of the new chaplain.

Saligao Seminary. Pic by Frederick Noronha
The work of the seminary was completed by November 1952 and the inauguration 
took place on 6 December 1952. His eminence Cardinal Manual Gonsalves 
Cerejeira, Patriarch of Lisbon, inaugurated it with due pomp and solemnity. Top 
goverment officials,a large number of priests and seminarians of Rachol 
Seminary, and a sizeable crowd of people gave a festive look to the 
inauguration. We, the boys of Mater Dei Institute, were dressed in our Mocidade 
Portuguesa uniforms to receive the dignitaries with a salute. Even the 
‘Christuleacho vôd’ (haunted banyan tree) shook mightily at the command given 
by our troop master.
A few weeks later, one fine Sunday morning in January 1953, the parishioners at 
St Anne’s gathered for the usual Mass, but there was no sign of Padre Inácio 
Lourenço Pereira. So some elders and youngsters walked briskly up the Donvaddo 
hill to his residence near the seminary. What a sight it was! His workers and 
helpers were all around him. Padre Lourenço remained motionless.
Padre possessed by a Goan ghost?
Frank and others began to unfold the happenings of the previous night. As usual 
Padre Lourenço had gone for a walk around the seminary road, but that 
particular night he did not return. As there was no sign of him, some of the 
workers went in search of him. They found him quite close to the infamous 
banyan tree believed to be haunted by Christalina’s ghost, flat on the ground 
with his face in the mud. They shouted for help and their companions came with 
the jeep. They carried him to the jeep, drove to the residence and placed the 
good priest in his bed. All along he remained speechless and motionless. Then 
someone shouted ‘Christalina’ and the news spread like wildfire in the entire 
village of Saligao and the neighbouring villages that Padre Lourenço was 
possessed by the ghost of Christalina. It was an instant talk of the town and 
fear engulfed the folks of Saligao.
In the evening some people, including my uncle Anselmo Mascarenhas, went to 
visit the padre. Rumours were spreading that Padre Lourenço was talking in 
Konkani and in a female voice. People now began concocting all kinds of ghost 
stories and the bizarre incident had a lasting impression on my young mind. I 
lived with it for years till I entered the seminary of Saligao in 1957. So was 
there any truth to this real ghost story in Goa?
If my memory serves me correctly, by Lent Padre Inácio 

Re: [Goanet] Goan ghost stories...

2012-02-04 Thread Edward Verdes
This is what I had posted on 'Tiatrist Fan group'on facebook last month.
There were a few who remembered these incident and commented.

TORCH - is the 2nd song from George Coelho's album 'Tiatristancho Raza'
which was dedicated to M.Boyer
When he was still living. George Coelho in this song tell us that this is a
real story
...it seems there was one Jerry from Cortalim who used to work in Vasco..one
night as he was returning 
home from work late night his bike skipped somewhere in the middle in
a tempo passing by stopped and a man/driver from the tempo came to his help.

This man helped Jerry to start his bike, but realised that his headlights
were not working, 
so the tempo man/driver gave him a Torch so that he can reach home safely. 
Jerry thanked him and asked where he could return the torch..and the tempo
man/driver told him that 
he works in a bank in Sanvordem and that he cud keep that torch in that
Jerry reached home safely that night and so the next morning he went to
return the torch in the bank..
the staff in the bank were shocked to hear, as the man or driver who gave
Jerry the torch had passed away a year back. 
Jerry still cudnt believe this so he asked the address of the man...
when Jerry reached the man's house he was shocked to see the picture of this
man garlanded 
and he came to know from his parents that this man had died on that spot in
Kesarwval a year back.

RICKSHAWALA  - another song...

Thoddim melelim almam borim kortat ani thoddim vaitt..
This song is about a rickshawala picking up a lady passenger late night..
on the way he takes another passenger...the lady tells the rickshawala to
stop near a hill, 
and as she walks towards the hill...the other passenger tells the
see the lady's feet are backwards (porte/ulta)...the rickshawala was
the passenger then tells him look at my legs...the rickshawala fainted.
Someone came back with a feedback saying the Rickshawala passed away
This incident to his mom in the hospital.

And there was another one about the suit in the graveyard...

Edward Verdes...

Looking for any Goan ghost stories out there. If you've written one, kindly
consider sharing it... Contact offline. FN
FN +91-


   Protect Goa's natural beauty

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[Goanet] Fwd: Kawthankar demands probe into Churchill’s wealth

2012-02-04 Thread Arwin Mesquita
   *Kawthankar demands probe into Churchill’s wealth*

*TEAM HERALD teamherald@ herald- goa. com* PANJIM: Unfazed by calls for his
expulsion from National Students Union of India ( NSUI), vice- president
Sunil Kawthankar has now demanded a CBI probe into disproportionate assets
of PWD minister Churchill Alemao and his underworld links.

NSUI Congress’ frontal organization on Friday recommended Kawthankar’s
expulsion for his ‘ anti- party activities’. Addressing a press conference,
Kawthankar alleged that Alemao has amassed huge wealth by largely violating

“ Alemao has failed to justify how he amassed huge wealth, acquired huge
tracts of land locally and abroad and numerous transactions.

He is a white collar criminal and he is in problem because he has no
education,” Kawthankar alleged.

“ It is believed that he has even been investing the illgotten wealth he is
making by looting the State treasury by manipulating the central vigilance
norms and by throwing all procedures to the wind,” he added.

In a fresh complaint before the CBI, Central Vigilance Commission, Central
Board of Direct Taxes and Enforcement Directorate, the former NSUI chief
has also sought re- opening the case wherein the minister had burnt and
trampled National Flag under his feet in 1986.

Kawthankar further said in all likelihood the minister has underworld
connections in Dubai.

“ I am willing to cooperate in the investigation,” he said adding he would
approach the Chief Election Commissioner with the complaint.

To a media question, the youth leader rubbished allegations by NSUI Chief
Hasiba Amin that he was blackmailing Congress through police complaints to
get party ticket from Porvorim constituency.

“ I am a sincere soldier of the party. I did apply for a ticket and I am
going on record to say that my loyalty will always remain with the party,”
he responded.

Kawthankar refuted another allegation that he had support of former tourism
minister and Goa Vikas Party Supremo Francisco ( Mickky) Pacheco.

It is believed that he has even been investing the ill- gotten wealth he is
making by looting the State treasury by manipulating the central vigilance
norms and by throwing all procedures to the wind --- Sunil Kawthankar

Please post your comments on my Blog: http://goanidentity.blogspot.com/

Please also see below:
1. Benaulim Village Action Committee: http://www.bvacbenaulim.blogspot.com/
2. Rape of Goa : http://www.parrikar.com/blog/the-rape-of-goa/
3. MAND - an adivasi-rights resource centre : http://mandgoa.blogspot.com/
5. Goa's Identity Movement group on Facebook:
6. Official Government Site NRI Office (GOA): http://www.globalgoans.org.in/

   Protect Goa's natural beauty

Support Goa's first Tiger Reserve

  Sign the petition at: http://www.goanet.org/petition/petition.php


[Goanet] Goa elections: Cong declares 22 seats, Babush from St Cruz, Sopte-Patnekar get tickets

2012-02-04 Thread Goa-World.com

GULF-GOANS e-NEWSLETTER (since 1994)® 
www.goa-world.com   http://www.goa-world.com/goa/credit%5Ccredit.htm    

Tumcam Maie-mogacho ieukar. Enjoy Life - This is not a rehearsal! Konkani uloi, 
boroi, vach ani samball - sodankal. Hich Goenchi osmitai ani amchem 
khalxelponn. Goenchi amchi Konkani bhas! Ekvottachem saddon Goenkaranchem.   

QUEM QUER ANDA E QUEM NAO QUER MANDA!  http://alexyztoons.com/

Stay tuned to Gulf Goans e-Newsletter - everyday someone, somewhere learns a 

Goa elections: Cong declares 22 seats, Babush from St Cruz, Sopte-Patnekar get 
Posted: 04 Feb 2012 
Congress has declared first list of 22 candidates. It includes all former 
Congress MLAs, except Victoria Fernandes (St Cruz), Pandurang Madkaikar 
(Cumbarjua) and Alex Reginald Lawrenco (Curtorim). Congress has also rewarded 
Dayanand Sopte (Mandrem) and Rajesh Patnekar (Bicholim) for quitting the BJP. 
Most interesting among it is Babush Monseratte being declared as St Cruz 
candidate, indicating that all efforts of Victoria Fernandes to field her son 
Rudolph have gone waste. 
The only two new candidates declared in the list are Panaji Mayor Yatin Parekh 
from Panaji and Caetan Xavier from Cortalim. GPCC president Subhash Shirodkar, 
who was defeated by BJP’s Mahadev Naik, has been nominated from Shiroda once 
again.Congress has also not declared Benaulim seat, from where Churchill’s 
daughter Valanka has already started her campaign. 
Similarly, the Congress has kept on hold the candidature of Taleigao, which was 
held by Babush earlier. He wants the seat for his wife Jennifer. Curtorim is 
probably being held up because South Goa MP  former Curtorim MLA Francisco 
Sardinha is trying hard to get the seat for his son Shalon, sidelining sitting 
MLA Reginald Lawrenco.
The list of 22 candidates is as follows:
§ Mandrem – Dayanand Sopte
§ Pernem – Babu Azgaonkar
§ Valpoi – Vishwajeet Rane
§ Poriem – Pratapsing Rane
§ Sanquelim – Pratap Gawas
§ Bicholim – Rajesh Patnekar
§ Aldona – Dayanand Narvekar
§ Calangute – Agnel Fernandes
§ Panaji – Yatin Parekh
§ St Cruz – Babush Monseratte
§ St Andre – Francis Silveira
§ Ponda – Ravi Naik
§ Shiroda – Subhash Shirodkar
§ Dabolim – Mauvin Godinho
§ Cortalim – Caetan Xavier
§ Nuvem – Alexio Sequeira
§ Navelim – Churchill Alemao
§ Margao – Digambar Kamat
§ Velim – Philip Neri Rodrigues
§ Cuncolim – Joaquim Alemao
§ Quepem – Babu Kavlekar
§ Curchorem – Shyam Satardekar  


2007 Result
INC: 16 | BJP: 14 | NCP: 3 | MAG: 2 | UGDP: 1| OTHERS: 4

2012 Results:    ?
INC: 16 | BJP: 14 | NCP: 3 | MAG: 2 | UGDP: 1| OTHERS: 4
- Forwarded by gaspar almeida, www.goa-world.com 

LAST GASP:   Election Time is Carnival Time in Amchem Goa.  Enjoy.  But ensure 
that you vote for the right candidate 

Indian Bowling League - Kuwait 

The First Online Konkani Music Station - Started on March 14, 2000

Konkani Video on You Tube http://www.youtube.com/uly334 
Mahableshwar http://www.mahableshwar.com

All cartoons are by Alexyz http://alexyztoons.com/

Konknni Sonskrutik Somajik Kala Kendr of Taleigao honoured several outstanding 
Goans drawn from social, cultural, art and sports fields at the Black Box of 
the Kala Academy on January 23, 2012, to mark the memory of the late Dr Jack de 
Sequeira, Father of the Opinion Poll. Cartoonist Alexyz was presented the 
award Pedro Adao Award comprising a memento and certificate, to mark the 
memory of the late Portuguese Consul General in Goa, Pedro Adao, who loved and 
encouraged Goan art and culture. 
The award was presented to Alexyz by the chief guest, Rev Fr Conceicao D'Silva, 
the parish priest of Taleigao. Fr D'Silva lauded the great role played by
Dr Jack de Sequeira for preventing Goa from being merged into Maharashtra, and 
lamented that the Father of the Opinion Poll has been ignored by the 


Alexyz with Sania and Lin Lin at Indo-German Music

Alexyz presented a caricature to young Goan violinist Sania M Cota after her 
music concert along with Lin Lin (on the piano) at the Kala Academy on Jaunuary 
17, 2012. Alexyz, who had drawn the caricature during the event, is seen with 
Sania and Lin Lin in the picture.


Alexyz's Illustrations in New Book

Lourdes Bravo da Costa Rodrigues was released at Fundacao Oriente, Panjim, Goa, 
on January 10, 2011. The book, which documents traditional Goan games, contains 
illustrations by Alexyz. It has been published by LL. The picture shows Alexyz 
lauding the author for the unique book. Alexyz also made it a point that the 
traditional games need be rejuvenated and efforts in this 

[Goanet] Construction begins on hill opposite Panjim

2012-02-04 Thread Rajan P. Parrikar
To Goanet -

I notice that new construction has started on the hill opposite
Panjim.  This is a DLF project (at least it was) that I had
brought to the attention of Goanet years ago.  Here are the
relevant posts -




Brace yourself for a big eyesore every time you drive up and down the
Bandodkar Marg.  These flats like most other mega projects are not
for the benefit of Goans.  They are built for loathsome Indians (mostly
corrupt lowlives from the North) who want to come and turn Goa into 
a toilet.

What a shame.  This project could only have gone through by bribing
the ministers and the Reis Magos panchayat officers.

I predict that GBA will have another bowel moveer, I mean, they 
will fire off another press note.


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Re: [Goanet] Banana Republic Congress Jamboree

2012-02-04 Thread Nascy Caldeira
It does not have to be a choice of either Congress or the saffron  castesit, 
Nazi like Indian Hitlerites, the bjp.
Give a blood line/ life line to the new GRA-GSRP combine; and hope that at 
least they will resurrect GOA!
Nascy Caldeira

 From: Carvalho elisabeth_...@yahoo.com
To: goanet@lists.goanet.org goanet@lists.goanet.org 
Sent: Friday, 3 February 2012 4:06 AM
Subject: [Goanet] Banana Republic Congress Jamboree
Remember the day Tony de Sa was so perturbed by the state of the toilet in 
Panjim that he ran home and wrote an open letter to Digu. Poor Tony didn't know 
that Digu is actually indifferent to the sight and smell of shite. So 
indifferent is he to merde, that on the same day that Babush has been accused 
of taking bribes to the extent of 24 crores, the headlines read that Congress 
will in all probability be giving their ticket to Babush in Santa Cruz.
So dear Tony, rest assured the pipe from the police station into the Mandovi 
River is not the only pipe funnelling merde into the River.  Congress is 
effectively the most indifferent party to merde of every sort. There is not an 
ounce of moral fibre in this party.
I hope to God, BJP comes into power. Five years of yatras, morchas, hurt 
sentiments at the drop of a hat, attacks on Bishops Palace, calling for change 
of road names, smashing of anything that looks Portuguese or Christian, 
cancelling of Christian holidays, suspicious VCDs with revisionist history 
don't sound so bad when compared to the general toilet Congress has managed to 
turn Goa into.

                       Protect Goa's natural beauty

                    Support Goa's first Tiger Reserve

  Sign the petition at:    http://www.goanet.org/petition/petition.php


   Protect Goa's natural beauty

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Re: [Goanet] Goanet - How could we Goans vote for these imbeciles

2012-02-04 Thread Vivian A. DSouza
Freddy Agnelo Fernandes..come to Goa on March 4th or 5th when the voting 
results are
declared and you will find these so-called imbeciles voted back with a 
resounding majority.
Give a Goan a few hundred rupees to spend at the nearest Taverna and he will do 
bidding.  Sad but very true.  And just to make sure, there are vote banks of 
'migrants' who will add to the politicians vote tally.

   Protect Goa's natural beauty

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2012-02-04 Thread Venantius J Pinto
Some weeks ago someone criticized Aires regarding him going after Arya. I
thinks its high time that that/those person/s apologized on Goanet. But
before doing so ask Adv Aires for the information that the RTI made
transparent. This way your conscience/s do not trouble you in pulling a
fast one on you. (Remember this is no sarcasm. Just the kind of stuff that
wakes you up at 3 am; unless you are lost to humanity).

One thing on Goanet is that there are hardly any apologies, among hardly
anything relatively...(lets stop here).

venantius j pinto

 Mesage: 6
 Date: Sat, 4 Feb 2012 06:15:13 +0530
 From: Aires Rodrigues airesrodrigu...@gmail.com

 Goa?s former Director General of Police Dr Aditya Arya had claimed and was
 paid transfer traveling allowance for his wife and daughter without them
 moving residence to Goa. This has been revealed in information obtained
 from the Directorate of Accounts under the Right to Information Act.


   Protect Goa's natural beauty

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2012-02-04 Thread Nascy Caldeira
What is all this long long CRAP that you are writing; take this topic, it it 
has any validity, to a Church Admin Forum; not this one.
Do you not see that No One is responding to your nonsense and that no one is 
interested in your despicable posts!
Nascy Caldeira

 From: jm jorgepm...@gmail.com
To: goa...@goanet.org 
Sent: Friday, 3 February 2012 8:56 PM
 A Frenchman by the name Rene LeBouvier who was baptized when he was kid has
decided to quit catholicism but his local catholic church has refused from
de-baptising or un-baptizing him from Catholicism…..This Frenchman has
filed a application in French court and wants the courts there to issue
order to his local catholic church to de-baptize him and remove him from
the registers of the church.

Jorge Monteiro

                       Protect Goa's natural beauty

                    Support Goa's first Tiger Reserve

  Sign the petition at:    http://www.goanet.org/petition/petition.php


   Protect Goa's natural beauty

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2012-02-04 Thread Mauricio Pereira



Konkani musical drama (TIATR) on Feb 10 

Some of the troupe members of the TiatristA Konkani musical drama, Tiatrist, 
featuring several key artistes from India’s Konkani-speaking communities, 
mainly in Goa, Karnataka and parts of Maharashtra, will be staged at Al Ghazal 
Hall on February 10. It is scheduled for 4pm start.
 Mauricio Pereira wilth MediaPlus will lead the group in the drama, which will 
be scripted and directed by Shahu. The director has to his credit many plays in 
the last several years.
According to the organisers, Shahu rocked at shows in UK (Swindon N Wembley) 
and Kuwait recently and will be primed to present a variety of 20 songs 
including solos, duets, trios, quartets, etc. They will also perform 
sensational skits with comedy.
Many of the artistes in the group are currently based in Kuwait, they said. 
The star cast of the show, include Sylvester Vaz, Irene Vaz, Gracy Morais, 
Edward Estibeiro, Bab Agnelo, comedian Phillip, and world famous trio of 
Cajetan de Sanvordem-Michael D’Silva-comedian Mario de Majorda, among others. 


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Re: [Goanet] Life in mid-20th century Tanganyika (Oral history project)

2012-02-04 Thread Mervyn Lobo
Carvalho wrote:
The Histories of British-Goans Project presents a five minute clip of life in 
mid-20th century Tanganyika, now known as Tanzania. In this interview with 
Alfred and Anita Rebello we hear where Goans lived in Tanganyika, schooled, how 
they got married and where they worked. In one instance, Alfred describes girls 
coming over from Goa, not knowing who they were getting married to.

To watch on Youtube:
To visit the Histories of British-Goans website:
Selma Carvalho


Just so that you are aware of it, the website cannot be opened in Canada.


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2012-02-04 Thread Arwin Mesquita
*TEAM HERALD teamherald@ herald- goa. com* PANJIM: The Congress
announced its first list of 22 candidates, with expected shocks, setting of
a series of rebellions that could throw its campaign into disarray.

The Congress party’s campaign manager Mauvin Godinho though said that
victory for the Congress was a foregone conclusion, a comment which will be
severalty tested over the next 30 days.

Ruling the list were defectors and the tainted. The biggest surprise of the
announcement was that of Victoria Fernandes being left out. Victoria was
the only lady in the 40- member Assembly.

What is even more surprising was that Education Minister Atanasio
Monserrate, who is in the eye of the storm over the Rs 26.58 cr land
conversion scam, has been nominated on the Congress ticket.

Monserrate’s wife Jennifer is most likely to get the Taleigao ticket in the
second phase of announcement.

After intense speculation over giving tickets to defectors, Vishwajit
Rane’s political muscle flexing worked  Continued on pg 17 Despite several
cases against him including the recent Rs 26- cr land conversion scam the
Congress decided to grant ticket to the controversial Atanasio Monserrate
from St Cruz.

If the party sources are to be believed his name figured as candidate for
Taleigao in the list until 10 pm on Friday night and at the last minute it
was changed.

“ The list has been cleared by the AICC president and we have nothing to
say about it,” said GPCC President Subash Shirodkar when asked why
Monserrate was granted ticket from St Cruz despite his involvement in
several scams. Shirodkar stated that the Congress president has taken
everything into consideration before deciding on the ticket. “ These are
just allegations which are yet to be proven and the Congress party will
allow the law to take its own course,” he said.

sOniA enDORses BABusH’s cAnDiDAtuRe l Ravi Naik wants ticket for son
Riteish Naik from Madkai l Churchill Alemao wants to field daughter Valanka
from Benaulim l Joaquim Alemao wants ticket for son Yuri from Sanguem l
Babush wants ticket for his wife Jennifer from Taleigao nO DecisiOn On
FAMiLY tickets Yet PRinceLY PuncH: tickets tO DAYAnAnD sOPte AnD RAJesH
PAtnekAR: The prince of Sattari Vishwajit Rane finally had his way, Rahul
Gandhi be damned. The junior Gandhi’s remark that defectors to Congress
need to work in the party first fell on deaf ears.

MuMMY nOt DeARest: Victoria “ Mummy” Fernandes, dropped after winning the
past elections from St. Cruz.

kickBAck kinG Gets A ‘ HAnD’: Babush Monserrate replaces Mummy as the
shadow of he receiving bribes for Regional Plan land conversions lingers.

cORtALiM cHROMOsOMe: cAetAnO XAVieR cOn- GRess cAnDiDAte: Mauvin Godinho
has his way in a seat which was “ Non Negotiable” for NCP. However, Mauvin
may have done a deal with Mickky Pacheco to field a weak candidate in lieu
of Mickky’s help in Dabolim.

The Congress will pay the price for the grave injustice done to me.

Victoria Fernandes ( St Cruz) Am deeply disappointed.

Will not support Sopte.

The Cong has no emphasis on loyalty. Will discuss with party workers before
deciding on contesting as an Independent.

Sameer Salgaocar ( Mandrem) At any cost, I will surely fight the elections
whether with the party or as an independent.

Naresh Sawal ( Bicholim) dialogue of the disappointed Sopte, Patnekar in,
so is bribe- tainted Babush in first list of 22 List of Congress candidates
on page 5

Please post your comments on my Blog: http://goanidentity.blogspot.com/

Please also see below:
1. Benaulim Village Action Committee: http://www.bvacbenaulim.blogspot.com/
2. Rape of Goa : http://www.parrikar.com/blog/the-rape-of-goa/
3. MAND - an adivasi-rights resource centre : http://mandgoa.blogspot.com/
5. Goa's Identity Movement group on Facebook:
6. Official Government Site NRI Office (GOA): http://www.globalgoans.org.in/

Please post your comments on my Blog: http://goanidentity.blogspot.com/

Please also see below:
1. Benaulim Village Action Committee: http://www.bvacbenaulim.blogspot.com/
2. Rape of Goa : http://www.parrikar.com/blog/the-rape-of-goa/
3. MAND - an adivasi-rights resource centre : http://mandgoa.blogspot.com/
5. Goa's Identity Movement group on Facebook:
6. Official Government Site NRI Office (GOA): http://www.globalgoans.org.in/

   Protect Goa's natural beauty

Support Goa's first Tiger Reserve

  Sign the petition at: http://www.goanet.org/petition/petition.php


Re: [Goanet] SPORTS CONVENTION on Sunday 5th February 2012

2012-02-04 Thread Nascy Caldeira
Hello goanetters, and Goans/Indians in general,  
I cannot comprehend how there can be any 'grace' at a function by the Rascist, 
Fascist, Casteist, and like BJP and other Saffron Shitty groups with their 
policy of primitive ages!  
Let there be 'Liberty, Equality and Fraternity' among all Indians.
Let the Philosophy. Policy and the Law (and other Rules), govern this 
'important dimension' in India. 
They are FOOLS who want to dominate others by Caste, Casteism that is Rascism. 
They will eventualy go Hitler's way!
Down with saffron casteist primitive fascism! And Indian Hindu Hitlerism! 
Nascy Caldeira.

 From: Sandeep Heble sandeephe...@gmail.com
 Subject: [Goanet] SPORTS CONVENTION on Sunday 5th February 2012
Bharatiya Janata Party(Goa Pradesh)
Sports Cell
Cordially invites you
for the
on Sunday 5th February 2012
at 3.30pm at communidade Hall, Mangor Hill, Vasco - Goa.

Please be there and grace the occasion

(Dilip Naik- Secretary)

   Protect Goa's natural beauty

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2012-02-04 Thread floriano


Mr. J.V. Ingle  Flying Squad - 9405145500 [In Charge]
Flying Squad-Control Room - (0832) 2225083

After the foiled attempt by Aldona's blue-eyed boy [of 15 years' continuous 
romp on Goa's exchequer] Dayanand Narvekar's attempts to unload sarees, cash 
and things on the funkot-nagar vote-bank of Sainagar (Aldona) on India's 
Republic Day - 26 Jan, 2012 by the Flying Squad lead by the Assistant in 
Charge Mr. Shrikrishna G. Lotlikar at the Sainagar Temple where the 
blue-eyed boy had to leave with his tail between his legs, his retry on 1st. 
February was also thwarted when the FQ was informed that he would re-attempt 
the exercise to unload his extra baggage. The presence of the FQ at the 
temple premises frustrustrated his attempts again. It is believed that he 
did manage to pass on the threat to this vote-bank that he would see to it 
that all the illegal houses that he has permitted in the area over the 
COMUNIDADE LAND would be demolished if they did not vote for him. But people 
being people, it is said that they just laughed it out and infuriated him 
more. This reminded him of how the vote-bank nursed by the Nachinola Zilla 
Member has turned turtle over him in the recently held by-election in one of 
Nachinola's wards where his dear wife was routed. His further attempts to 
put up a children's park at MOira in the Comunidade property in a jiffy by 
trying to influence the Attorney of the Comunidade has been foiled as this 
blue-eyed boy never expected his arch-rival (yours faithfully) would be the 
Special Attorney of the Moira Comunidade.

His desperate attempts to send 4 busloads of his nursed  voters of PODWAL in 
Corjuem, Aldona was continuously frustrated by the Aldona anti-Narvekar 
vigilance group when the buses arranged to take the gullible voters to 
SHIRDI were stuck at Carona from 4.00 p.m. to late as late as 9.30 p.m. 
yesterday, 3rd Feb., 2012.  I had personally informed Mr. Ingle that the 
buses would take off at 4.30 p.m. from the Corjuem Fort. It is another 
matter that Mr. Ingle couldn't find the Corjuem Fort area and had to be 
continuously directed. His presence with heavily armed police jeep alerted 
Daya's organ-raizer  ( Ex-Sarpanch of Aldona Mr. Polle) enough to keep the 
buses at base in Carona. However, Mr. Ingle who is apparently on the payroll 
of  DN cussed and threatened our vigilance team member for sending him on a 
wild goose chase to the extent of telling him that he would report him to 
his boss and take severe action against him. He even tried hard to extract 
the name of his informer. But when Mr. Ingle was again informed that  a lot 
of ladies had grouped in the area  at 9.00 p.m. with bags waiting for the 
buses, he promptly reached the area and started questioning the ready to 
depart crowd thereby alerting the organizer not to bring-in the buses.  At 
that time Mr. Ingle had yours faithfully to contend with to the point of 
telling him that our informer was none other than the loving wife of 
Dayanand Narvekar himself and that she did not trust him with these ladies. 
Yours cheerfully  has sent Mr. Ingle a crypt message that his boss is going 
to hear all about his cloak-n-dagger flying squad-giri and that he should be 
ready to shed his pants off his conniving back.

A casual talk with the by-standers at the Corjuem Fort who had gathered to 
see the fun were amused by the perseverance of their blue-eyed boy  and made 
statements to the effect that their blue-eyed boy was turning purple, 
indeed,  with desperation, wanting  to hold-on to his slippery  position 
next to the  warmth exuding crores filled  'pot of gold' of the exchequer to 
the extent of getting PARANOID.

They also hinted that the 84 year old from Saligao who is vying for the 
slice of the 'cake' for his dearest Mamta in Kolkata will surely get his 
piece but mixed with a lot of Goa's abundantly available bitter herb 
'KIRAITEM' so that his over-active inflamed  and churning belly is rested.

And all through this scene of acute pain and sweat, the TORTOISE of Aldona 
in Julius Pereira is making his door to door knocks moving on feet, 
unpertubed and un-distracted to the extent that he goes into a deep, well 
earned,  slumber the moment he hits his head over the pillow.

PS: Photographs of the last-night's action shall be loaded later. 


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[Goanet] Speaker rejects disqualification plea against Churchill, Reginaldo

2012-02-04 Thread Goa-World.com

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Speaker rejects disqualification plea against Churchill, Reginaldo

Published on: February 4, 2012 

More in: 

Goa News

PANAJI: The Speaker of the Goa State Legislative Assembly on Friday rejected 
the disqualification petitions filed by former Benaulim legislator, Mr 
Francisco Xavier Pacheco, against Mr Churchill Alemao (Navelim MLA) and Mr 
Aleixo Reginaldo Lourenco (Curtorim MLA) and held their merger in the Congress 
party as valid as they comprised two thirds of the total strength of the Save 
Goa Front (SGF) party.
The order passed by the Speaker also states that the respondents could not be 
disqualified under paragraph 2(1)(b) of the Tenth Schedule also, since they had 
already become members of the Indian National Congress with effect from January 
23, by merger, and thereafter they stood freed from the control of the Save Goa 
The Speaker by an order while disposing off the disqualification petition has 
stated that the prayer for disqualification of the respondents on ground of 
“voluntarily giving up the membership of the Save Goa Front” under paragraph 
2(1)(a) the Tenth Schedule was rejected. 

Mr Rane in his order has also stated that the contention of the petitioner that 
Mr Alemao and Mr Lourenco were subject to disqualification under paragraph 2 
(1) (b) of the Tenth Schedule on the ground that the direction issued by the 
Save Goa Front was violated, was also rejected.
“My job under the Tenth Schedule is strictly confined to that acid test. 
Paragraph 4(2) of the Tenth Schedule is the sum and substance of the scheme of 
protection of claimants of merger. My function under the Tenth Schedule is to 
test the claims and counter claims on this touchstone. I am not supposed to 
wallow into other extra-jurisdictional areas which are in the nature of civil 
disputes,” the Speaker has stated in his order.

In the instant case, both the respondents, who claimed the protection of 
paragraph 4 of the Tenth Schedule, constituted 100 per cent of the Legislature 
Party of the Political Party, namely, the Save Goa Front, and placed before me 
a “claim” that the Save Goa Front had merged with the Indian National Congress, 
said the Speaker.
“I, as Speaker, as a Tribunal under the Tenth Schedule and Rules made 
thereunder, put the claim of merger made by the respondents to the only acid 
test of whether the claimant MLAs, who seek protection against disqualification 
under paragraph 4, constitute not less than two-thirds of the legislature party 
or not, when a claim of merger is made,” Mr Rane stated in his order. Indeed 
the number of claimants was more than the requirement stipulated under, the 
order states.

The Speaker while rejecting the disqualification petition of Mr Pacheco, then 
MLA, in relation to Mr Alemao and Mr Lourenco, under the Tenth Schedule, has 
declared that Mr Alemao and Mr Lourenco would continue as members of the Goa 
Legislative Assembly.
The disqualification petition was filed by Mr Pacheco in 2008 following which 
the process as required under Tenth Schedule was initiated and hearing were 
held on January 5, 2009, April 16, 2009, July 7, 2009 and August 17, 2009. Mr 
Pacheco sought to withdraw the petition on November 2, 2009, which was not 
granted by the Speaker.

Subsequently, another petition was filed in 2011 and hearings on the petition 
were held on June 30, 2011 and August 22, 2011. The orders on both the 
petitions were passed by the Speaker on Friday.

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[Goanet] Apples and Oranges debate of Limitacao!

2012-02-04 Thread J. Colaco jc
Gerald Fernandes wrote:

[A]I admire the ability of my good friend JC to so adroitly shift
attention from LIMITATION to OBITER /RATIO

[B]  However OBITER of the Supreme Court of India on a specific
subject would bind, in the hierarchy of Courts in India,


I agree with my good friend Gerald Fernandes. I did shift attention
from 'Limitation' to 'Obiter'. It helped me determine whether an Apple
should really carry on a discussion with an Orange.

If my good friend Gerald Fernandes goes back (if and when he has the
time, of course) and reviews his quote of a Justice of the Supreme
Court of India, he will surely understand WHY I asked the Obiter v
Ratio question.

I wonder IF Gerald (an ex-Army Captain) believes that Rapes committed
in Goa circa 1961 (and elsewhere antes and thereafter) must be
forgotten after some 12 years (Limitation)?

In # [B] above (supra in Latin) (uuper in Barathi), Gerald Fernandes
insists that an 'Obiter statement by a Justice of the Supreme Court
would be binding on the Lower Courts in India (that is Bharat)

This must be something new.

For, it is not a view shared by (say)  Blacks Law Dictionary,
Wharton's Law Lexicon or by Justice Singhvi of the Supreme Court of



31. In view of above, it is well settled that obiter dictum is a mere
observation or remark made by the court by way of aside while deciding
the actual issue before it. The mere casual statement or observation
which is not relevant, pertinent or essential to decide the issue in
hand does not form the part of the judgment of the Court and have NO

The expression of the personal view or opinion of the Judge is just a
casual remark made whilst deviating from answering the actual issues
pending before the Court. These casual remarks are considered or
treated as beyond the ambit of the authoritative or operative part of
the judgment.

   Protect Goa's natural beauty

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Re: [Goanet] DLF et al

2012-02-04 Thread Con Menezes
Dear Rajan,
Regrettably our compatriots are IDIOTS.
Yes they only see things,alas, when the damge is done. Too late.

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2012-02-04 Thread floriano

- Original Message - 
From: floriano

To: editorher...@herald-goa.com ; Herald
Sent: Sunday, February 05, 2012 12:49 PM
February, 2012


Dear Rahul,

All that you have said in your beautifully thought out EDItT under the above 
caption is very very true. But I must say that it is unfortunate for GOA 
that you have turned out to be a totally BLIND and DEAF editor of a 
Newspaper that is Goa's lifeline and has been,  all throughout it's 

Why do I say this?

The reason behind is that your 'RADAR-SCOPE''  has a crippled and 
short-circuited range.

In technical terms, a radar-scope is designed  in such a manner that it has 
to work under two conditions. (1) During rain or snowfall and (2) In clear 
weather. The two frequency wavelengths used under the two conditions 
mentioned here are 10 Centimeters ( a rather long wavelength) and 3 
Centimeters (a rather short wavelength). Both these frequencies cannot be 
generated from the same unit and therefore two separate individual units are 
installed for this purpose. If the weather condition is clear, meaning no 
snowy or rainy weather, the instrument used is the short wave 3cms 
radarscope. This identifies real targets whether at sea or in the air which 
can be tracked. But this unit (3 Cms) cannot be used in the rainy or snowy 
weather as it will identify rain drops or snowflakes as real targets and the 
radar scope becomes unreliable. This is when the 10 Cm radar is used to 
eliminates all rain drops or snow (clutter in general)  as targets and only 
real moving or stationery targets are indentified.

You Sir, need to install a 10 Centimeter radar-scope for your GR8 Newspaper 
to make it all purpose newspaper and reliably so. Again. Why do I say this??
It is because your  3 Cm political radar-scope can  identify  targets like 
MGP UGDP GVP as the only Goa's Regional Parties for whom you have no great 
love or regard. But you have missed other small parties (which are NOT 
repeat NOT  trying to survive but ARE surviving due to their very strong 
moral and ethical fabric that has gone into making them)  as rain drops or 

Therefore your GR8 edit is wanting.

BTW: Your caption above is totally WRONG and MISLEADING to the people of 

(1) There are no good or bad people. There are only good or bad intensions.
(2) Saints are to be found only in HEAVEN. Never on Earth.
(3) The System that a Political Party is based upon has to be GOOD, 
SELF-SCRIFICING, COMMITTED with total DEDICATION and one that cannot be
MANIPULATED at any time. Goa's poltical parties  with exception of JUST 
ONE,  operate under NO SYSTEM.
(4) A corrupt person has a price which is considered low. A good person too 
has a price which is could be relatively high, but a price nevertheless 
which is relatively CHEAP . (Example: some of our very good, seemingly 
devout MEN OF GOD]   BUT a very good person also cannot be said does not 
have a price. This price could be very very high  ( like changing parties 
from BJP to Congress,  holding the mining ministry for 12 years running, 
gobble and let gobble thousands of crores of rupees and still be the most 
popular person and very much electable).


Yours truly,
for Goa Su-Raj Party [GSRP]
Floriano Lobo
Gen. Secretary/Spokesperson

PS 1:  In case you need the 10 Cm Radar Scope installed in  your good 
office, my services as a qualified Radar Engineer is available at no cost to 
you. My certificate is endorsed by the South Shields (U.K.) Institute of 
Marine Engineering, 1986. Assuredly, this radar scope may also be used by 
you and your staff to identify small, good , reliable political targets 
which GOA can trust and depend upon.

PS 2: The above is not intended to offend your sensibilities. It is only 
meant to EDUCATE you more in political matters. 


  Protect Goa's natural beauty

   Support Goa's first Tiger Reserve

 Sign the petition at: http://www.goanet.org/petition/petition.php
