Re: [Goanet] Goanet Reader: The tale behind the tail (Mervyn Maciel)

2012-08-03 Thread Gabe Menezes
On 20 May 2012 06:40, Goanet Reader  wrote:

> The tale behind the tail
> Or, what happened to the Goan community that served in Kenya
> By Mervyn Maciel
> (For obvious reasons, this
> account is written more from a
> personal angle)
> Most of the Goans who, like me, came to the U.K. after Uhuru
> (Swahili for "freedom") in the mid and late sixties,
> encountered no difficulty in finding jobs either in the civil
> service or private sector..
>   A clubhouse and grounds which we had bought in 1983
>   from the Times Group of Newspapers, and where we
>   held many of our sports and social events, was
>   sadly to fall victim to an arson attack, when it
>   was burnt to the ground in 1998.  A sad blow, but
>   the Goan Association (UK) remains undaunted and
>   continues to flourish.

RESPONSE: Perhaps a bit late in the day but better late than never. Had the
property not been burned down it was still on the block for sale. So not a
sad blow...what was achieved was worth more than a sale of the whole!

It is not proper to give an impression that we would still be inheritors of
a Club House and grounds, if not for the arson attack. A resolution to sell
lock, stock and barrel was made and the present President took on the post
on this condition.


Gabe Menezes.

[Goanet] Not just granny tales... in Konkani

2012-08-03 Thread Frederick FN Noronha * फ्रेड्रिक नोरोन्या * فريدريك نورونيا
*Not just granny tales... in Konkani*

*Sunetra Jog's day-job is to help keep Goa's telecom infrastructure up and
running.  She has been working in Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited for the last
28 years.  But that's not all there is to her.  Recently, she took up an
unusual challenge -- translating the work of author-social worker-computer
scientist-engineer Sudha Murty into Konkani.  Ms.  Jog made it possible for
the Infosys Foundation's chairperson's first book to come out in that
language.  She tells FREDERICK NORONHA why and how.*

*FN: Tell us something about the book, please?*

The original book 'How I Taught My Grandmother to Read and Other Stories'
is a very nice read.  Everyone should read it.  It tells us about values,
morality, how we should face difficulties in life, the importance of
education, time, and money.

It also tells us about the charity work its author Sudha Murty has done
through the Infosys Foundation and so many such things and experiences of
the author.  I sometimes wonder how a single person can have so many
experiences in life.  She is really great.

*FN: Why did you choose this book?*

In fact I liked all of Sudha Murty's books that I read. I strongly felt
that at least one book should come out in Konkani and that I had to do it.
 I choose this book because it teaches us so many things.

*FN: Translation can be tough, tiresome and time-consuming work.  Did you
enjoy it?*

This is the my first translation and I enjoyed it a lot. I never found it
difficult or tiresome or time consuming work.  I loved doing it.

In fact I finished it within just one month.  I typed directly onto my
laptop, no question of writing [in long-hand].  I had the English text and
dictionary in front of me and did the translation.

*FN: Tell us something more about your family and its strong interest in
things literary...*

My father, the late Yeshwant Patwardhan, was a headmaster of primary
school.  He used to write short one-act plays for children and perform
programmes along with children on All India Radio.  I also started writing
and performing for AIR.

Besides winning prizes at poetry, story and essay contests at school, I
have some poems which are mostly not published.  They are for my own self,
for my happiness, as a way of giving way to my feelings.

My husband Gajanan Jog is a well-known Konkani writer and he has published
four books so far.  He got a Sahitya Academy award for children's
literature for his novel 'Vars Phukat Vachunk Na' [A Year Not Wasted] for
the year 2011.

My son Snehal has been studying theatre art at the Kala Academy and has
also written two plays, which were performed on stage.  He is doing
commercial shows.  Now my daughter Snigdha says that since all in the
family are writers, she too should write something.  Snehal and Snigdha are
twins incidentally.

*FN: Would you like to work on further translations of books into Konkani?
 Why do you see this as important?*

I would love to do more translations in Konkani. I have started with Sudha
Murty's book 'Wise and Otherwise', and have taken permission for one more
book titled 'The Old Man and His God'.

Such good books should be translated into Konkani so that [their ideas]
reach Konkani readers and the students.  Good literature from other
languages should make its presence felt in our language too, and for this
we need to do as many translations as we can.

*FN: What were the biggest challenges for you while translating this book?*

The one and only challenge I felt was to manage to express Sudha Murty's
writings in the same way she expressed her thoughts in English.  I mean,
without changing the meaning, without affecting the flow and conveying it
in Konkani with the same style and the sweetness of language.

*FN: Do you think enough works are currently being translated into Konkani?*

I don't know exactly how many books have been translated from other
languages to Konkani so I can't say anything on this.  I know that a few
stories have been translated from other languages.  As far as I am
concerned, I will surely try to translate as many books I can in Konkani.

*FN: What could be done to make more translations happen?*

First of all, we should be good readers. I mean we should read good books
from other languages.  When you read a lot, you can decide what to
translate, which are the best books that come out in some other languages.
 If you don't read much, than how can you do anything?

I feel frustrated when students of literature, even those doing their
post-graduation, are sometimes very poor in reading.  They don't know
anything about writers, about the books written.  I feel ashamed to say,
they don't even know the names of the writers, forget about what they have

*FN: If you had a choice, which three books would you like to translate
into Konkani?*

'Wise and Otherwise' (which I've already started working on), 'Old Man and
his God', 'Grandma's bag of stories', and 'Gently Falls the Bakula', among
others.  My 

[Goanet] When battered people took on the pesticide industry-CSE News Bulletin (Aug 3, 2012)

2012-08-03 Thread CSE
Fortnightly News Bulletin (August 3, 2012)

This is India: The world's biggest power outage happens here, and the power
minister goes public claiming his tenure was "excellent", even as he is
moved to take charge of one of the most critical ministries, home! Quite
opportunely, Down To Earth takes a close look at what ails the Indian solar
manufacturing sector, hile Web DTE goes to the heart of the matter in 'The
power trip' by looking at the whys and wherefores of the outage.

Also on this fortnight is a relook at the endosulfan saga in Kerala --
Sunita Narain's editorial brings back the memories of suffering and the

Do check out our 'Endoban tracker' as well on

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training teams...

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EDITORIAL: When battered people took on the pesticide industry
by Sunita Narain
Today, I want to tell you a true story of extraordinary courage. The past
week, I was in Kasaragod, a district in Kerala, splendid in beauty and with
abundant natural resources, but destroyed by the toxic chemical,
endosulfan. The pesticide was aerially sprayed over cashew plantations, for
some 20 years, in complete disregard of the fact that there is no
demarcation between plantations and human habitation in this area. It is
also a high rainfall region and so, the sprayed pesticide leached into the
ground and flowed downstream. The poison contaminated water, food and
ultimately harmed human beings.

This story is known. But the personal battles that make up the story of
this poisoned land and its diseased people are not known. More importantly,
it is not asked where this story ends?

Leelakumari Amma is the original heroine of this plot. In early 1990s, she
came to Kasaragod, ironically, as an agriculture scientist, whose job was
to push farmers to use pesticides. Her brother died mysteriously while she
was building her house. But she did not connect the dots and moved in, only
to realise that the pesticide spray was poisoning her land and water. Fish
she put in her well died. She could not open the windows of her house for
days when the helicopter sprayed poison. It eemed a thick cloud was hanging
over her house. She could not breathe and worried about her children. Then
she noticed that many people living close to her seemed diseased— children
were born with deformities and severe neurological problems afflicted

Leelakumari Amma petitioned for help. But received threats from the
Plantation Corporation of Kerala (PCK)—the public sector company, which
owned the cashew lands. In 1998, she filed a case in the local court. The
threats became more venomous. But she did not give up. In 2000, the court
ordered an interim ban on spraying. Some months later, the vehicle she was
travelling in was hit by a truck. Leelakumari Amma lost a leg. She told me
that this was an accident. Maybe, but then maybe not.

About this time, Mohana Kumar, a doctor practicing in a neighbouring
village, wrote to the medical fraternity about the incidences of
abnormality and deformities,but got nowhere. Shree Padre, a freelance
journalist of the area, also decided to write explaining the plight of
people. His email reached Anil Agarwal, director of the Centre for Science
and Environment (CSE), who decided in mid-2000, to send a team to
investigate and collect water, soil and blood samples. The results showed
high levels of endosulfan—proving what was only suspected till then. The
question, still, was what this meant for human health?

The pesticide industry hit back. It first hired a laboratory to ‘clean up’
the results. When this failed, it decided to hurt the storytellers. Mohana
Kumar was served legal notices—so many he cannot even count. But hope was
not dead. In 2001, the National Human Rights Commission intervened and
asked the Indian Council of Medical Research for a detailed report.
Scientists from the Ahmedabad-based National Institute of Occupational
Health (NIOH) analysed blood samples for pesticides and concluded there was
significantly higher incidence of abnormalities and diseases in populations
exposed to endosulfan as compared to the control population. Endosulfan's
effect on humans was established.

This study was even more inconvenient to industry. The investigators were
attacked and vilified. A case was filed against the key scientist, 

[Goanet] Song for the day...

2012-08-03 Thread Gabe Menezes
Tennessee Waltz



Gabe Menezes.

Re: [Goanet] London Olympics hockey: New Zealand- it happened...(Link)

2012-08-03 Thread Albert Peres

Video Link:

When London 2012 boss Sebastian Coe expressed concerns about security 
staff numbers, someone had to do something.  Cue the New Zealand Black 
Sticks male hockey team.

Albert Peres
416.660.0847 cell

Re: [Goanet] Is Modi the demon?

2012-08-03 Thread SOTER
Statements like:
"On the other hand his trade mark is development and progress are the  hall
> marks of his  achievements , which are indisputable, measurable indices.It
> is almost a decade  now and the world has moved on so far to hold him
> morally responsible  and hostage to one incident.There is a general feeling
> that Modi can deliver at the National level. He has no selfish motives to
> prosper and amass wealth at personal level He is seemingly above the level
> of corruption and so is  his responsive administration ""Modi is on the 
> ascendancy graph in political hierarchy and much can be
> expected from him for  an effective ,corruption free administration The
> Congress and UPA II are neck deep in monumental loot of the Nation and with
> the pulls and pressures exerted by sulking allies dominance of UPA
> Chairperson,.the P.M is rendered impotent"
Simply Excellent Wisdom of the parivartan era!  Hitler was also an excellent 
administrator and strategist. PROJECTS A SAD FUTURE FOR DEMOCRACY IN INDIA!   
"Undrachea ragan khoim ghorak uzo."

[Goanet] Aleppo- Born to Die.

2012-08-03 Thread eric pinto
This is from Egypt in Ancient Times by Donald Redford of the Univ. of Toronto.
  Yamkhad-Aleppo, a powerful Amori kingdom was deferred to by both Mari and 
Hammurabi of Babylon. A fleet of five hundred vessels plied the Euphrates and 
policed Mesopatamia, tapping commerce from Cyprus to Iran.
    This rich kingdom may have excited the cupidity of Turkey/Antalya's 
Hatti-Kadesh. King Hattusali
was the first to invade Aleppo, and his successor Mursilli of Khate destroyed 
it forever.  By 1500 B.C. he had annihilated Babylon and the Khana state.
   A second ethnic group looming large on the horizon was the Harrian. An 
Indo-Aryan element out of Iran,  they introduced Dagan to the Semitic pantheon. 
The migration provided  the Mesopatamia to
Punjab stretch with a dominant aristocracy:  the phenomenon is remembered in 
the Puranas,  "Prasatas had one hundred sons, all kings."  Aryan names are 
replete with infixes of the principal Vedic  gods Mithra, Varuna and Indra.  
Aryan customs like cremation and horse drawn 
chariots would prevail. 
    Frederick - my stylus goes to your query.  I have nicked a billowing 
windmill's wing in a private 
communication : one does not lance a campaneiro. 

[Goanet] ‘Gangs’ and ‘Mafia’ tagging of South Goa’s mulnivasi Taxi owners is part of wider Brahmanical conspiracy

2012-08-03 Thread sebastian Rodrigues

Thanks to the 108 year old movement led by Mahatma Jyotibha Phule,
Chatrapati Shahu Maharaj and Mahamanav Vishwaratna Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar from
1848 to 1956 we can now see through all the trickeries to keep us, the
mulnivasis suppressed. 


Bharat Mukti Morcha strongly condemns the tagging of South
Goa taxi owners as ‘Gangs’ and ‘Mafia’ by weekly ‘The Goan’ on its July 28,
2012 inaugural issue. The weekly carried the two-page centre spread (page
16-17) focus on taxi owners referring them as ‘mafia’.  The weekly is started 
by Fomentos that is
involved in large scale destruction of Goa due to its mining activities in
evergreen Western Ghats forest inhabitated by mulnivasis people. The Fomento
group belongs to Bamon Avdooth Timblo. He has hired Bamon Sujay Gupta as the
editor of his weekly.

The story has the colored caricature of taxi owners in mafia
outfit and carrying hockey sticks for assault. In democracy the words are
weapons. Avaduth Timblo after using Police as weapon against people of Colomba,
Sanguem has ventured into starting of newspaper and in the first issue itself
has launched attack on organized group of taxi owners in South Goa. 

It is important to unearth massive conspiracy with long term
implications involved in the tagging process here. The tags are labeled on
people from South Goa who are carrying on their businesses in tourism sector
with legitimate licenses from the respective government agencies. When
government agencies has given them the licenses to carry on their trade then
how did they became ‘mafia’? If they were ‘gangs’ and ‘mafia’ then they should
have been booked by the state law enforcing agencies. This is not the case.
What is the worry for Fomentos owned by bamon Avadooth Timblo now? The worry is
very simple. Taxi owners are mulnivasis, they are Shudra, and they are
Catholics and they are Goans too. So what is the compulsion of newspaper that
is named ‘The Goan’ to attack in such a vociferous manner these Goan taxi
owners, taxi drivers?  This means that
the paper is not meant to defend the interest of Goans who are mulnivasis,
Goans who are Shudra. This is crystal clear from the defaming attack launched
against South Goa Taxi owners. Now, why did the paper named as ‘The Goan’? It
is named ‘The Goan’ in order to create hiding mask for Bamons. This hiding mask
is named as ‘The Goan’. It is very important to understand this politics in
order to destroy Bamon Raj in Goa that is trying to tag Goa’s Shudra, mulnivasi
people as ‘mafia’ and as ‘gangs’.

Why Bamon has to hide under the name ‘The Goan’? This is
because all the Bamons are Eurasian invaders in India and this proved is from
their DNA testing by Michael Bamshad of Uttah University, USA. This includes
owners of weekly ‘The Goan’. When invaders start their newspapers they do it in
order to create public opinion in their favor. Why do they need to create
public opinion in their favour? This is so because Bamons are tiny minority as
against overwhelming mulnivasi majority. In order to make them a majority and
rule mulnivasis they create many hiding masks for themselves. ‘Goan’ is one of
them. The other hiding masks for Bamons in India as well as Goa are ‘Hindu’,
‘Secular’, ‘Communal’, ‘Socialist’ etc. This time Bamons has decidedly brought
about the mask of ‘The Goan’ in the forefront to hide their face. Why did they
do so? They are using this in order to de-stabilize and destroy mulnivasi,
Shudra in Goa bit by bit. Mulnivasis are original people of India, original
people of Goa. This is the fight between Foreigners i.e Bamon versus Indigenous
i.e Shudra, mulnivasis. Taxi owners are Shudra, they are mulnivasis. Bharat
Mukti Morcha stands in defense of mulnivasi people from Eurasian Bamons. 
was also Eurasian Bamon whose two distinctions are waging of bloody wars
against mulnivasis of India and killing of his own mother Matha Renuka because
she was a mulnivasi. All women in Bamon houses are mulnivasis and that’s why
they are declared Shudra through Constitution of Bamons – Manusmriti. 

This Parshuram’s picture is on the cover page of the Goa
vision 2035 document submitted to Goa government recently. This document
outlines details as to how Goa is to be transformed into Bamon Raj.  This 
document recommended that all the powers
to give construction licenses be taken away from village Panchayats. Large 
of buildings all over Goa is facing stiff opposition at the Gram Sabhas and
number of projects stalled. In Salcete number of villages has voiced strong
opposition to granting of construction licenses to buildings. In Benaulim
mulnivasis people mostly in the profession of tourist taxis organized the
public opinion against various buildings. One of the casualties of this protest
has been the building project of Bamon from Margao Datta Naik who earlier used
the masks such as Samata Andolan and Lok Shakti to hid


2012-08-03 Thread SOTER
Power bills to go up

  August 3, 2012
MLAs hike their monthly salary to Rs 1 lakh
August 3, 2012

Revenue Minister promises to appoint 16 more mamlatdars

August 3, 2012
Govt to cancel 'shady' recruitments
Published on: August 3, 2012 - 02:35 

Mr Parrikar also maintained that the government would, instead of recruiting 
candidates in singles and doubles, now go for a consolidated recruitment 
process, wherein large number of people would be recruited in the government 
service. "By tomorrow we are advertising 2,200 posts of the police staff, and 
the advertisements will also be sent to the temple and Church committees as 
well as NGOs so that maximum people are aware about this recruitment drive," he 
stated, mentioning that the government is also in the process of filling 
vacancies reserved for ST community.

Re: [Goanet] (no subject)

2012-08-03 Thread Nelson Lopes
> Anna`s decision
> The move of the team Anna to raise the issue of corruption succeeded like
> never before.  Collectively they used means to push it with force and to be
> made into law. The political masters adept at game playing frustrated every
> attempt, but were brought on their knees to concede space to him. .After
> realising  that nothing will be come forth as planned, the sight for
>  choices for further action were eminent  The politicians tired them out to
> the limit of elasticity of patience. They tried their best at maligning the
> core members, character assassination, raising doubts about their
>  integrity, physical attacks on the members, et al. The Govt deliberately
> managed to divide the team with political astuteness and chicanery. All the
> talks  and consultations made the subject  more complex , complicated and
> more distant. The recent  unearthing of multiple scams involving crores of
> rupees have left the public breathless The supremacy of the Parliament and
> not the Constitution has been established by  way of inordinate
> delay, postponement in combination  with all the parties. The politicians
> will never want to bind themselves in knots. The Lok Pal Bill has been
> hanging fire for the last decade or so, The team Anna has pushed it to
> where it finally rests. The conscience of the public is raised, the ill
> effects of corruption is put on the pedestal of public awareness and the
> massive support of the public is the demonstration of the real pulse of the
> general public This time around the Govt. just ignored the fast, because of
> dwindling numbers  conjured ,as the lack of earlier response due to waning
> of interests  with the passage of time. The reasonable hopes raised have
> been shattered rocks of reality
>  to clean the system . Some demands were too far fetched, there was
> absolute rigidity and the need to  accept the act in the first place with
> some infirmities was lost to the advantage of the ruling dispensation
> The hopelessness of fighting against the wall  was natural outcome and the
> end of the road for any further progress precipitated the present decision.
> The political  course is the latest option mooted by some prominent
> intellectuals and men of social standing is recent time. It is a tactical
> retreat as an strategy. . It should not be presumed as the loss of face and
> defeat of the movement, or that it was indirectly the solution envisaged
> right from the start. The Congress alone is reacting in a sarcastic way and
> may be it will to benefit them the most. The opposition will the loose the
>  edge at Congress bashing , which was its best bet.Corruption is the fodder
> of all political parties , individuals be at the State or National level No
> one have been purified by the scourge of this this disease of greed and
> avarice and to remain in power.
> The membership is a ruse to explain the expenditure  and income of
> Elections. Donations  legal or otherwise,  forced or voluntary, in return
>  for political patronage to the parties is another  way of circumventing
>  the evil. State funding of elections as the means to stop corruption will
> never be agreed ,as there is no scope for personal enrichment
> and amassing of wealth The setting up of  party, running and keeping it
> responsive to needs of the people is easier said  than done The financial
> implications are not easily surmountable without corruption and black money
> , flowing into party funds. Politics is money swallowing contraption .
> Corruption is sustained to fuel  winning of elections The money power
> decides win ability and with it surfaces muscle strength. No honest person
> with lofty ideals and principles can ever hope to win elections as the
> party, with some exceptions. The strength of numbers will be counted in the
> end to exert pressure Will the wide spread followers result into votes?
> There are now close to 60 parties wit 7 National parties and one more will
> not change the balance of political climate .Slowly with pulls and
> pressures , inducements,compulsions of coalition politics will erode and
> dilute the basic nature of the mas movements. The single minded purpose
> will be dissipated .The party may have born with one idea, but political
> party cannot be hinged on forever to one single factor of Corruption. Anna
> the diminutive individual will go down in history,as the selfless person
> with his attachments in his home state too. He may not live long enough to
> see his dream come true and without him the appeal will never be the same.
> It is said the first five years the party will loose, next five years it
> will help  others to loose and in the next five years hope to win
Anna has created a  spontaneous revolution without the money machine and
pulled crowds like no other politicians .LONG LIVE ANNA
Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

[Goanet] Goanet Reader: If you care for Konknni, go by the ground reality... (Pratap Naik, SJ)

2012-08-03 Thread Goanet Reader
If you care for Konknni, go by the ground reality...

By Pratap Naik, S.J.

When the Sahitya Akademi of New Delhi gave recognition to
Konknni there was no mention of the script it was to use, in
the minutes.  On 21 November 1981, the Advisory Board for
Konknni, which consisted of a majority of Devanagari
proponents, through their shrewd manipulative skills,
recommended that Devanagari should be the script for Konknni.

Since then, the Sahitya Akademi accepted Devanagari script as
the official script of Konknni.  Konknni speakers, writers
and leaders of various other scripts were not consulted while
taking such a major decision.  There was no public debate to
reach a consensus on this important issue of script. The
entire process was a clandestine exercise of a few.

  Subsequently whenever the question of script was
  raised, the proponents of the Devanagari script
  silenced the voice of their opponents by
  vociferously proclaiming that the Sahitya Akademi
  had recognized Konknni only in Devanagari script!

When Konknni was included in the Eighth Schedule of the
Constitution of India on 20 August 1992 there was again no
mention made of its official script.

The Sahitya Akademi's awards are given exclusively to books
written in Devanagari script.  Sahitya Akademi's recognition
to Konknni first sowed the seed of division among the
supporters of Konknni and supporters of Marathi.  Secondly,
it created a rift between supporters of Devanagari script and
the supporters of other two major scripts of Konknni, namely,
Roman and Kannada scripts.  This gap is widening day by day.

Prior to the recognition, these three groups lived and worked
together with dignity.  The Sahitya Akademi's recognition did
more harm to the unity and harmony of Konknni than good!

In 1985 the Goa Government-founded Goa Konkani Akademi (GKA).
GKA was filled with Devanagari proponents and they
interpreted Konknni to mean Konknni in Devanagari script.

Till 2005, the GKA hardly did anything to fulfill its primary
objective.  In 2005, due to the demands of Roman script
supporters, the Government ordered the GKA to give financial
assistance to books written in Roman script as well.

  Since the inception of the Goa Konknni Akademi, not
  a single Roman script writer has been appointed as
  the President of it.  The Kala Academy stopped
  giving awards to Konknni books written in Roman
  script from 1987.  So far, not a single book
  published in the Roman script has been given a
  Sahitya Akademi award.  Why is the Devanagari lobby
  silent about this injustice?  They used Devanagari
  as a tool to suppress and oppress the minority
  community, to perpetuate their supremacy in the
  field of language and literature and to grab
  awards, felicitations, positions, jobs, power and
  government funds.

On 4 February 1987, the Goa Legislative Assembly passed the
Official Language Bill.  In the Official Language Act (OLA),
under definitions 2(c) it is stated that "'Konkani language'
means Konkani language in Devanagari script." Who created
this deliberate mischief to include the definition for
Konknni?  What was the need to include such a definition?

The main objective of the State Language is to give
preference to native speakers for government jobs. The OLA
is biased towards one section of the Goan community.

In Goa, for the purpose of securing government jobs, a
knowledge of Konknni in the Devanagari script is essential
and the knowledge of Marathi is desirable.  With this policy
those who know Konknni in the Devanagari script and Marathi
are given preference for jobs.

Due to this, the present OLA does not promote unity and
harmony in Goa.  Instead it has created disunity, mistrust
and divisions in Goa.  Prior to the passing of the OLA, the
situation in Goa was much more cordial and friendly.

  It was falsely presumed that Konknni in the
  Devanagari script would promote unity in Goa.  But
  the reality is that the Hindu community continues
  to use Marathi for religious services, education,
  the mass media and in cultural domains.  In Goa
  neither the Hindu community nor the Catholic
  community has fully accepted Konknni in Devanagari
  script.  It is nobody's baby, yet this unwanted
  baby is being artificially kept alive through
  generous grants of the government.

In Goa, Konknni for oral communication and English for
written communication will definitely unite all Goans --
irrespective of their caste, creed and region.  Whatever may
be the medium of instruction, the proponents of Devanagari
script should have demanded from the government to make
Konknni a compulsory subject in schools.  So far they have
not done so.  Why?

  The reason is crystal clear.  As per the OLA,

[Goanet] Endosulfan saga in Kerala -- Sunita Narain's editorial brings back the memories of suffering and the struggle.

2012-08-03 Thread armstrong augusto vaz
Endosulfan saga in Kerala --
Sunita Narain's editorial brings back the memories of suffering and the

EDITORIAL: When battered people took on the pesticide industry
by Sunita Narain
Today, I want to tell you a true story of extraordinary courage. The past
week, I was in Kasaragod, a district in Kerala, splendid in beauty and with
abundant natural resources, but destroyed by the toxic chemical,
endosulfan. The pesticide was aerially sprayed over cashew plantations, for
some 20 years, in complete disregard of the fact that there is no
demarcation between plantations and human habitation in this area. It is
also a high rainfall region and so, the sprayed pesticide leached into the
ground and flowed downstream. The poison contaminated water, food and
ultimately harmed human beings.

This story is known. But the personal battles that make up the story of
this poisoned land and its diseased people are not known. More importantly,
it is not asked where this story ends?

Leelakumari Amma is the original heroine of this plot. In early 1990s, she
came to Kasaragod, ironically, as an agriculture scientist, whose job was
to push farmers to use pesticides. Her brother died mysteriously while she
was building her house. But she did not connect the dots and moved in, only
to realise that the pesticide spray was poisoning her land and water. Fish
she put in her well died. She could not open the windows of her house for
days when the helicopter sprayed poison. It eemed a thick cloud was hanging
over her house. She could not breathe and worried about her children. Then
she noticed that many people living close to her seemed diseased? children
were born with deformities and severe neurological problems afflicted

Leelakumari Amma petitioned for help. But received threats from the
Plantation Corporation of Kerala (PCK)?the public sector company, which
owned the cashew lands. In 1998, she filed a case in the local court. The
threats became more venomous. But she did not give up. In 2000, the court
ordered an interim ban on spraying. Some months later, the vehicle she was
travelling in was hit by a truck. Leelakumari Amma lost a leg. She told me
that this was an accident. Maybe, but then maybe not.

About this time, Mohana Kumar, a doctor practicing in a neighbouring
village, wrote to the medical fraternity about the incidences of
abnormality and deformities,but got nowhere. Shree Padre, a freelance
journalist of the area, also decided to write explaining the plight of
people. His email reached Anil Agarwal, director of the Centre for Science
and Environment (CSE), who decided in mid-2000, to send a team to
investigate and collect water, soil and blood samples. The results showed
high levels of endosulfan?proving what was only suspected till then. The
question, still, was what this meant for human health?

The pesticide industry hit back. It first hired a laboratory to ?clean up?
the results. When this failed, it decided to hurt the storytellers. Mohana
Kumar was served legal notices?so many he cannot even count. But hope was
not dead. In 2001, the National Human Rights Commission intervened and
asked the Indian Council of Medical Research for a detailed report.
Scientists from the Ahmedabad-based National Institute of Occupational
Health (NIOH) analysed blood samples for pesticides and concluded there was
significantly higher incidence of abnormalities and diseases in populations
exposed to endosulfan as compared to the control population. Endosulfan's
effect on humans was established.

This study was even more inconvenient to industry. The investigators were
attacked and vilified. A case was filed against the key scientist, Aruna
Dewan, the day she retired from government service. The Centre set up
committee after committee, headed by ?eminent? scientists to debunk the CSE
and NIOH reports. This was fought back, at considerable personal cost.
Thanal, a Kerala-based NGO, plays a critical role in research and campaign
against pesticide industry smear and smut. This battle has not been easy.
Over the past 10 years, industry has made it a habit to attack all research
and threaten all scientists.

As a result, it has taken over 15 years for the truth to be known.
Currently, the Kerala government?s ban on endosulfan prevails. Last year,
the Supreme Court banned manufacture and use of the pesticide in the
country. The state has accepted the need to provide compensation to
?endosulfan victims?. A part of the compensation money will be paid by the
PCK. Liability has been established.

Much more remains to be done?from rehabilitating the living to providing
specialised health care to the very ill. Also cleansing traces of
endosulfan in Kasaragod's soil, and taking the district towards organic
farming. The stigma of pesticide contamination has to be wiped clean.

This will happen. I am sure. In

[Goanet] The tale behind the tail(Mervyn Maciel/Gabe Menezes)

2012-08-03 Thread Mervyn & Elsie Maciel
In his recent, albeit belated posting, Gabe Menezes wrote:

"It is not proper to give an impression that we would still be inheritors of
a Club House and grounds, if not for the arson attack. A resolution to sell
lock, stock and barrel was made and the present President took on the post"


I fail to see where Gabe gets this idea that I might have
insinuated that "it is not proper to give an impression that we would still
be the inheritors of a Clubhouse and grounds". Nothing could be
further from the truth.
I merely pointed out that despite the setback of the arson attack,
The Goan Association(UK) was still functioning and continuing to
provide a valuable service to the Goan community at large.

Mervyn Maciel

Re: [Goanet] The tale behind the tail(Mervyn Maciel/Gabe Menezes)

2012-08-03 Thread Gabe Menezes
On 3 August 2012 14:08, Mervyn & Elsie Maciel <> wrote:

> In his recent, albeit belated posting, Gabe Menezes wrote:
> I fail to see where Gabe gets this idea that I might have
> insinuated that "it is not proper to give an impression that we would still
> be the inheritors of a Clubhouse and grounds". Nothing could be
> further from the truth.
> I merely pointed out that despite the setback of the arson attack,
> The Goan Association(UK) was still functioning and continuing to
> provide a valuable service to the Goan community at large.
> Mervyn Maciel

RESPONSE: This is what was written :-

  A clubhouse and grounds which we had bought in 1983
  from the Times Group of Newspapers, and where we
  held many of our sports and social events, was
  sadly to fall victim to an arson attack, when it
  was burnt to the ground in 1998.  A sad blow, but
  the Goan Association (UK) remains undaunted and
  continues to flourish.

COMMENT: What exactly was meant by "was sadly to fall victim to an arson
attack, when it was burnt to the ground in 1998. A sad blow" Had it not
have been for the arson, we would have still had the Club House and
grounds? May be I am getting a bit too old to understand.My take it was
not a sad blow but as told to the members at that time it was a "God send"
please kindly correct me if I am wrong. The devil is in the writing and in
the understanding!


Gabe Menezes.

Re: [Goanet] Fwd: Sad Trip.................I Need Your Help!!!..... (Alda Figueiredo)

2012-08-03 Thread Gabe Menezes
On 3 August 2012 11:50, Frederick FN Noronha फ्रेड्रिक नोरोन्या *فريدريك
نورونيا  wrote:

> Please, could someone tell Alda in the UK that her address has been
> hijacked by scamsters. Please don't fall for such messages too. FN

COMMENT: Yet again it is an attack on a Yahoo account - moral of the story
- stay away from Yahoo!

> --

Gabe Menezes.

[Goanet] Punjab To Launch Card For NRIs

2012-08-03 Thread Tim de Mello
Chandigarh: The Punjab government Monday announced that it will soon launch an 
NRI card for Punjabis living abroad to identify them for official purposes and 
facilitate various services for them.

He (Punjab Deputy Chief Minister Sukhbir Singh Bada) said that these steps 
would inculcate confidence amongst NRIs who feel insecure sitting in a foreign 
land about their land, property and investments in Punjab.

More at:

So why not the same, at least, for Goan NRIs?


[Goanet] Goa Card - any good?

2012-08-03 Thread Tim de Mello
Any one have any experience with the Goa Card?

I have not heard of anyone even applying for it.

Re: [Goanet] The tale behind the tail(Mervyn Maciel/Gabe Menezes)

2012-08-03 Thread Roland.francis
Let me try to take the devil out of the misunderstanding:

There is an old man (the clubhouse) whose death (sale) will result in a 
financial bonanza for the relatives (members).

While the old man lives, money is required for his sicknesses and his upkeep 
while his relatives continue to live in penury. 

Now, an armed burglary takes place and the old man is shot dead. 

Now should that event be considered a tragedy like Mervyn Maciel did, or a 
bonanza which you some members maintain it was.

Perhaps like MM there are others who will take a windfall when they get it but  
will rue it should it not come in the natural order of things.


Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S III

 Original message 
Subject: Re: [Goanet] The tale behind the tail(Mervyn Maciel/Gabe Menezes) 
From: Gabe Menezes  
To: "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!"  

On 3 August 2012 14:08, Mervyn & Elsie Maciel <> wrote:

> In his recent, albeit belated posting, Gabe Menezes wrote:
> I fail to see where Gabe gets this idea that I might have
> insinuated that "it is not proper to give an impression that we would still
> be the inheritors of a Clubhouse and grounds". Nothing could be
> further from the truth.
> I merely pointed out that despite the setback of the arson attack,
> The Goan Association(UK) was still functioning and continuing to
> provide a valuable service to the Goan community at large.
> Mervyn Maciel

RESPONSE: This is what was written :-

  A clubhouse and grounds which we had bought in 1983
  from the Times Group of Newspapers, and where we
  held many of our sports and social events, was
  sadly to fall victim to an arson attack, when it
  was burnt to the ground in 1998.  A sad blow, but
  the Goan Association (UK) remains undaunted and
  continues to flourish.

COMMENT: What exactly was meant by "was sadly to fall victim to an arson
attack, when it was burnt to the ground in 1998. A sad blow" Had it not
have been for the arson, we would have still had the Club House and
grounds? May be I am getting a bit too old to understand.My take it was
not a sad blow but as told to the members at that time it was a "God send"
please kindly correct me if I am wrong. The devil is in the writing and in
the understanding!


Gabe Menezes.

[Goanet] No height provided for Mary Kom_just accept it at that

2012-08-03 Thread Venantius J Pinto
Hi all,
Took a look at the Womens boxing site (Fly weight) and learnt that Siona
Fernandes of New Zealand was born in Ribandar.
Happy to know that, since my grand-uncle was Pdr Alvaro Lodovico Figueiredo
was its Parish priest decades ago.

On, Chungneijang Mary Kon Hmangte' page, her height is not provided. I
guess one must simply see that as one of our strategies. And nothing else.

Just accept it yaar. "Tereko" kyun pada hai. Besides its only a minor
Like making something major of minor tissues, issues...

Never a dull moment.

venantius j pinto

[Goanet] Goa news for August 4, 2012

2012-08-03 Thread Goanet News Service
Goa News from Google News and
Visit for the full stories.

*** Goa to ban sale of alcohol in sachets: Parrikar - New York
Daily News
police anti-terror squad gets government nod

*** Goa to host first Indian TV festival - Deccan Herald
ay Indian TV Fest, to be held in Goa in November. The festival,
scheduled for Nov 2-3, will play host to interactive seminars,
key-note sessions, events, content, business ...

*** Goa bill proposes minorities panel - New York Daily News
oing monsoon session of the assembly is aimed to "safeguard the
interests of the minorities in the state of Goa and to provide
for matters connected therewith or incidental ...

*** Karma? Mickky to probe Roy's drug mafia links - Times of
olice nexus in Goa prompted chief minister Manohar Parrikar to
assure them that he would set up a House committee under the
chairmanship of Nuvem MLA ...

*** Government to get more from mining - Times of India
ills-to-go-up/62689.html">Power bills to go up

*** Cattle transport from Karnataka to Goa raises cloud of
suspicion - Times of India
mes of IndiaCANACONA: Environmentalists in Canacona taluka have
raised apprehensions over transportation of cattle for grazing
on comunidade lands of Canacona, Quepem, Sanguem and Betul by
farmers from Majali, Sadashivgad and its neighbouring villages
of ...

*** Now, casinos to come to Punjab after Goa, Sikkim - Times of
ember team comprising a PIDB official and two members from an
empanelled private agency Infrastructure Leasing & Financial
Services Limited (IL&FS) was sent on a four-day visit to Goa
last week to study and explore the possibility of ...

*** Goa government pitches for fish-devourable Ganesh idols
(With Image) - New York Daily News
ed coalition government is pitching for idols made of papier
mache that can be devoured by ...

*** Goa finally notifies state RTE rules - Times of India
mes of IndiaPANAJI: Goa, on Thursday, finally complied with
legal requirements of the central government by notifying the
Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education (RTE) Act,
2009. Goa was the only state that had not notified the rules
even two years ...

*** 'Delayed police verification delays passport issuance' -
Times of India
mes of IndiaPANAJI: Confirming that delays in police
verification were the primary reason for delays in dispatching
of new passports, Muktesh Kumar Pardeshi, joint secretary and
chief passport officer on the Passport Seva Kendra Project said,
"In Goa, only a third ...

Compiled by Goanet News Service

[Goanet] Welcome to Mapusa Friday Market

2012-08-03 Thread JoeGoaUk
Mapusa Friday Market
3rd Aug. 2012

A short tour

or visit this blog for more pics / Videos etc

Dry / Salt fish

Divo or dive (Kerosene lamps)

Konkom or konknno dudi

New Mapusa Fish Market soon – Status Aug. 3, 2012

Mullo or reddish

Pumpkin or dudi

Tomattam ou tomatoes

Laranjam or Oranges

Veggies – Brinjals, cucumber, beans, French beans,
carrots, cabbage
Ladyfingers etc

Tendlim stems for growing in the backyard / fields

Banana sapling Rs.40 each / Keddsumbe

Beans – green peas

Katt-kumvor (aloe vera)

Sausage zone – Cheurisam

Toranj or toranjam or Pomelo

Fruits variety – Oranges, apples, Papaya, Mangoes, pears,
banana, custard apples,Corn, dates etc

My favourite (Ghanvtti variety but hard to find) antonam

A popular variety of Goan Banana

Zaddu sarun brooms etc

Coir broducts – Razu, Sutli, sumb, Rope etc

This one reminds me of H Britton Song
Glass bangles or Kouchechim Kanknnam

Kitchen Curry stuff

Ambott or ambttann or Tamarind Kokum or bindda solam

Banana zone (non-goan)

Bambo productz – Zone
Pattim, Xempul, Pantli panz cage baskets

supam Panttli etc

Rojinn or Rojinnio – Marigold plants for growing

Grafts or garfam – Mango, Chickoo,

timber zone
Adavo or adolli bamkin etc

Tambreth, stools etc

Uxim godd or Jaggery

Podrage bol ani Kazara bol

suklo sungttam sold by ‘poll’ or podd an unit of measurement
Salt, Tisrio etc are still sold thus

Zayo sale at the entrance

for more pics / Videos etc

Shakuntala fountain

Mapusa feast
