2013-04-29 Thread Aires Rodrigues
The Supreme Court has given the Central and State governments time till the
second week of July to take remedial measures to drastically reduce the
number of constitutional authorities who can use the red beacon light on
their official vehicle.

The Supreme Court has warned that if the governments do not act, that it
would itself decide as to who is entitled to the use of red beacons,
currently being flaunted by persons as a status symbol. The Supreme Court
has also suggested that the current fine of Rs 100 for unauthorized use of
the red beacon be increased to Rs 10,000.

Ironically while the Supreme Court is all geared to slash the use of the
red beacon, the newly appointed Chairman of the Goa State Public Commission
Mr. Kurapati Dwarakanath Row has now also sought a red beacon for his
official car.

In pursuance of powers under clause (iii) of proviso to rule 108 of the
Central Motor Vehicles Rules 1989, the State Government is empowered to
notify as to who is permitted to use a red beacon.

In Goa by a notification dated 8th March 1994 the Governor, Chief Minister,
Speaker, Deputy Speaker, Ministers, High Court Judges besides the
North Goaand South Goa District Judges were allowed use of the red
beacon. By that
order the Chief Secretary, IGP, District Magistrates and SPs were also
permitted the use of a red beacon.

Then after almost five years on 30th December 1999 this privilege was
extended to Atmaram Nadkarni during his earlier stint as the Advocate
General of Goa. Over the years the list went on increasing to include the
President of the Consumer Dispute Redressal Commission, Deputy Chairman of
the Goa State Planning Board,  Mayor of Panaji, President of Administrative
Tribunal,  Presiding officer of Labour Court, Director of Prosecution,
State Election Commissioner, President of Children’s Court and the
Principal Secretary for the State of Goa. These are the only persons
currently permitted to use the red beacon. Most of these authorities can
now hope to see their red beacon washed away in July when the Supreme Court
cracks the whip.

Others presently high handedly flashing the red beacon are doing so
unauthorisedly and illegally. The list of these offenders is long and
includes the Chairman of the Goa Law Commission, NRI Commissioner, Goa
Zilla Parishad Chairpersons and Chairpersons of various Municipalities
amogst others.

A few years ago the then Chairman of the Goa State Pollution Board Dr L.U.
Joshi started high handedly unauthorisedly using the red beacon. But
fearing that the law would catch up with him the red beacon soon vanished.

Now with the Supreme Court having shown the red card to misuse of the red
beacon we may soon see a very trimmed list of those entitled to this
privilege in the State of Goa.

Aires Rodrigues
T1 - B30, Ribandar Retreat
Ribandar - Goa - 403006
Mobile: 9822684372

[Goanet] Mining does not help Goans- goanspirit.com -by Lionel Messias

2013-04-29 Thread Camillo Fernandes

Lion Roars - 2  
April 22-28, 2013Mining doesn’t help GoansThey keep telling us how the tourism 
industry is our savior notwithstanding our firm dependence on St Francis 
Xavier.  They said the same about the mining industry, only we discovered that 
some of the biggest gainers were a few of the men who turn out as your duly 
elected MLAs, and particularly even those who contested and lost.  The 
thousands that get the fringe jobs because of the mining industry are largely 
migrant workers.  Many of the barge owners too are non-Goans or politicians 
with deep pockets.  And that goes for the barge crew too.  Point is the tourism 
industry really doesn’t help you and I, the real aam aadmi.  In other words, we 
the people without the SUVs, pony tails, designer clothes, Page 3 mentions and 
that swagger that comes with piles of cash.Point is also, tourism has also 
degraded Goa to the worst extent.  Only, it has never been recognized as so.  
With the exception of perhaps two originally Goan owned 5-star hotels, all the 
rest are owned by big chains based outside Goa.  If my memory services me 
correct, no Goan has built possibly even a single 3-star-upwards hotel in Goa 
in the last decade.  On the other hand, take the case of the shack owners who 
literally have to beg for a license on which the government has put a cap and 
which as happened this year, were issued quite late in the day.  But when it 
comes to licensing hotels, it matters little where you want to build 
one.Ordinary stakeholders can’t protest evenIn fact if you are an MLA like 
independent Rohan Khaunte it could be a breach of privilege if you protest 
outside his office, as come cab drivers found out this month.  The Goa Speaker 
Rajendra Arlekar called it an attempt to intimidate Khaunte.  The first time 
MLA invoked the cab drivers wrath when he said in a legislative debate that 
taxi drivers were fleecing customers, esapecially tourists.  We ask where in 
India do cabbies not fleece you?  Might we add that in Goa, they are also rude 
and bully you on the road.  A millionaire businessman (assets: Rs 
5,87,89,835/source: Association for Democratic Reforms) Khaunte has perhaps 
taken few cab rides in his life, so he wouldn’t know.Neither does tourismNot 
really.  Here is a case that passes as the best example of both environmental 
degradation and that Goans do not get jobs in the hotel industry.  The Goan 
Real Estate Pvt. Ltd, owners of Hotel Grand Hyatt, were investigated on August 
29, 2012 for certain violations in Nashi and Pirabhat in Bambolim.  The 
investigating agency was the supposedly toothless Coastal Zone Regulating 
Authority which issued a typical show cause notice (GCZMA/TIS/BAM/12-13/01/154 
dated May 17, 2012).  A year later and no action has been taken.  Nada.  
Goanspirit learns that till date the GCZMA had not even asked them to give a 
verbal representation of their wrongdoings.The August (pun intended) inspection 
(we have the report) said this: “Illegal filling up of mud and have also dumped 
construction material at the site illegally. Dumped mud of approx. 9,000 sq 
mts.  Illegally constructing a retaining wall of approximately 700 m”.  The 
inspection report confirmed that the degradation was on “on the HTL (high tide 
line) of river Zuari”.  What transpired was the GCZMA ordered “stop work at 
site with immediate effect.”  But no action was taken.Now the GCZMA likes to 
appear toothless but that it is not, clearly.  It was constituted by the 
Ministry of Environment  Forests, Government of India on the direct orders of 
the Supreme Court to deal with violations of the Coastal Regulation Zone (CRZ) 
notification.  The additional Collector and additional district magistrate in 
north and south Goa are the officers responsible for executing its directives.  
Read that as “carrying out demolition of unauthorized constructions in order to 
effectively tackle the serious problem of volations of CRZ Regulations and the 
Environment (Protection) Act, 1986”.According to the CRZ Notification of 2011, 
the entire belt of 100 metres from the high tide line (HTL) of the river and 
200 metres from the HTL from the sea is designated as the No Development Zone 
(NDZ) and hence no construction of any kind is permissible on this belt.  Yet 
at item no. 9 of the site inspection report ‘Distance of seaward boundary from 
river/sea High Tide Line’ – the inspectors said, “On the HTL of River Zuari”.  
Clearly, this is a violation because “all 
re-construction/construction/development/repair between 200 m to 500 m of the 
HTL from the sea and 100 m from the river, require the prior approval of GCZMA 
under the CRZ Notification of 2011.  It’s crystal clear.  Yet the only NDZ 
violations that have ever faced the axe in Goa were those committed by 
small-timers as happened recently in Canacona and some years ago in Baga.  No 
big company has so far had even the most blatant infraction demolished.  None 
whatsoever and never 

[Goanet] The man who keeps wells intact - thegoan.net

2013-04-29 Thread Camillo Fernandes

The periodic cleaning of residential wells is important and Austin Nicholas and 
team certainly do not muck around on the jobBharati Pawaskar / The Goan  27 
April 2013
It was past eight pm when Cathy’s pet cat fell in to the neighbourhood well. 
Sadly her soft mew could not be heard. The next morning, all that was left was 
a bloated body floating in the water. While Cathy felt sorry for the poor cat 
that lost its life, her immediate concern was to remove the carcass and get the 
water cleaned. Enter Austin Nicholas of Austin Enterprises from Calangute who 
removed the cat and cleaned the water with H2O, a neem-based water cleanser as 
he believes that potassium permanganate, chlorine or other chemicals are 
harmful.  Armed with degrees in mechanical, civil and software engineering, 
Nicholas chose to open his own company, ‘Austin Enterprises’ in 2004. “We have 
cleaned more than 500 wells in the last eight years,” boasts Nicholas adding 
that April and May is peak season for the team.“Wells link our healthy past to 
our hygienic future and we must preserve them,” he declares, reminiscing that 
Goa had abundant water in the past and each house was blessed with a well with 
enough water to sustain even large families through the summer. “The increasing 
thirst of the industry is taking a toll on the water table which is fast 
depleting,” he adds.In today’s modern set up, wells are neglected. Their 
importance is sidelined. Many a times old wells are filled in and closed to 
make way for new constructions. “This disturbs the ecology,” states Christopher 
Prim, a supervisor at Austin Enterprises and points out that over the years, 
the fissures in the well get clogged, thus resulting in a reduced water yield. 
Also sediments like mud, muck other debris, and even fish, frogs and turtles 
make the well water dirty and unsafe for drinking. “It is for this reason that 
wells must be cleaned regularly,” states Prim, who advises against putting fish 
or turtles in the well as their waste makes the water unsafe for 
consumption.“If a well is not cleaned for 10 years, there would be around 2,000 
litres of muck accumulated at the bottom of the well,” calculates Nicholas 
adding that sometimes people lie about when the well was last cleaned. “In such 
cases, and especially if the well is more than eight metres deep, we do a fire 
test. (See box). Extremely narrow wells also pose a problem. The first person 
who goes down can suffocate and even go into a coma. Oxygen cylinders are 
costly and we can’t afford them, so we do manual fanning and keep an extra team 
ready in case of emergencies,” he expounds.   Goans are attached to their wells 
and clean them regularly. They are a part of Goan life as we know it. 
Hopefully, more people will come forward and maintain their wells, which will 
be a big step towards water self-sufficiency in the state.  

[Goanet] Matanhy Saldanha Memorial Football finals 28.4.13

2013-04-29 Thread JoeGoaUk
Matanhy Saldanha Memorial Football finals 28.4.13
T B Cunha Sports Complex, Cansaulim

Wilred Leisures SC, Curtorim v/s CRC Chinchinim


A short video clip – Football Finals


for Goa  NRI related info... 

For Goan Video Clips 

In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc 

[Goanet] Arossim beach - 28.4.13 (corrected)

2013-04-29 Thread JoeGoaUk
Arossim beach

Little bridge – access to the beach

Lifeguard and his hut

the beach

A short video clip 28.4.13


for Goa  NRI related info... 

For Goan Video Clips 

In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc

[Goanet] House for sale in Cavellossim - Goa

2013-04-29 Thread john desa
House for sale in Goa

170 Sq meters.
close to the main road.
For more details 
Pls call +919920515640

[Goanet] Off topic: The joys of offshore banking

2013-04-29 Thread Mervyn Lobo
Strangely enough, tiny Cyprus seems to be sending the correct message to all 
those who send their money abroad so as to escape taxes. The message is: Pay 
your taxes at home and let the local economy benefit from your deposits or let 
the tax haven banks decide what to do with your money.

The Bank of Cyprus, the island’s largest bank said it has converted 37.5% of 
deposits exceeding 100,000 euros into a Class A share, with an additional 22.5% 
held as a buffer for possible conversion in the future.

Anther 30% will be temporarily frozen and held as a deposit.  So the amount of 
money that has been taken from the Cyprus depositors is an all practicality 
almost their entire accounts.  Major depositors funds have now been taken in 
grand style. 

Depositors everywhere are now defined as lenders to the banks.  Today is a day 
of financial infamy.  History will see this event as serious as the flushing of 
Lehman Brothers 

The flushing of Cyprus was done to steal massive funds from depositors.  The 
major percentage of their funds taken were replaced by worthless stock in a 
bankrupt bank.  Up to now everything in Cyprus was speculation as no definitive 
action had taken place.  Now it has. 

Are you a depositor in your bank?  Then know you are now lending your money to 
that bank with virtually no return.  So the bank earns big money and you get 
none of it, but assume all of the risk.  If the bank goes broke because of 
their criminal activities, you lose your money.

From Jim Sinclair
28th April 2013

[Goanet] SEQC May Quiz

2013-04-29 Thread Rajiv D'Silva
Hi all,

The May Quiz of the Sunday Evening Quiz Club will be held on the 5th of May
at 5 pm at the International Centre Goa, Dona Paula. The quiz will be hosted
by Aniruddha Sen Gupta, and is open to all. For more details, log on to




[Goanet] Act against ex-sarpanch, secretary: Mayem locals

2013-04-29 Thread samir umarye
Samir Umarye

BICHOLIM: Villagers of Mayem Vaiginim on Sunday decided that there will be
no discussion on panchayat budget till a police complaint is filed against
former sarpanch and secretary for allegedly ‘issuing and disappearing’
several NOCs given to a mining company in 2010.
During the special gram sabha, some villagers raised the query regarding
earlier resolution to file police complaint against the former sarpanch and
secretary for allegedly issuing several No objection Certificates (NOCs) to
the mining companies.
The villagers asked the secretary if he managed to find the missing NOCs
and sought to know how such documents could go missing from the panchayat.
The secretary was unable to answer their questions.
There was uproar over the issue and the villagers said they will not allow
the panchayat to finalise the budget till NOCs are found. The villagers
also sought why no complaint has been registered till date despite of the
earlier resolution.
Later, it was resolved that a formal complaint should be filed with
Bicholim Police and only then discussion on budget be taken up.
Discussion on alleged murder of Dilip Naik by a villager also took central
stage. It was unanimously demanded with the law enforcing body to give
death penalty to the accused for murder of Naik (42) in 2011.
It may be recalled that South Goa Principal District Sessions Judge Nutan
Sardesai on April 12 held Janardhan Kokre guilty of the gruesome death of
Dilip Naik of Poriem.
Accused Kokre was arrested by Ponda Police after a long delay due to
failure in identifying the charred dead body of Dilip.
The murder came to light when police recovered a charred body from a burnt
jeep at Borkotto-Mollem on April 10, 2011, with the upper part of the body
missing. Dilip had also gone missing on the same day.

[Goanet] Petits bourgeois naïfs (or, Of callow propositions and schemata)

2013-04-29 Thread Venantius J Pinto
Sundry Sunday thought (April 28, MMXIII):
In India it is a summarily “chalta hai”** towards any concern that is
raised about methodology, process; heck, quality assurance, or any process.
Here, in my US ambit...


[Goanet] Ladainh (Litany) in Latin

2013-04-29 Thread JoeGoaUk
The ongoing preparations for Holy Cross Feast on 3rd May
This was captured yesterday 28.4.13

Sing along Video 3 in 1

Rosa mystica,  Ora pro nobis
Turris Davidica,  
Turris eburnea, 
Domus aurea,  
Foederis arca,  
Janua caeli,  
Stella matutina,  
Salus infirmorum,  
Refugium peccatorum,  
Consolatrix afflictorum,  
Auxilium Christianorum,  
Regina angelorum,  

Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi:  P 
    Parce nobis, Domine. 
Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi:
  E    Exaudi nos, Domine.
Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi:
 M      Miserere nobis.

II – 
Regina    (after Easter)
Regina coeli, letare, alleluia
Qui quem, meruisti portare alleluia
Resurrexit.  sicut dixit alleluia
Ora pro, nobis Deum alleluia

III  (Konkani)
Vatte voilea Khursa
Vhoiru badill peddo
Amchea pasot Jezu,Khursa melo  - 2

Ankvan Sominnim
 hatak gatleai nille
Tini marle Khille Jezu,  Khursacheri - 2

Khusa Vhoilea Jezun 
Manu keli ankddi
Maim-i zali babddi aplea  putra sorxim  - 2

Ruka vhoili saulli
Khursacheri pauli
Kai- borem mornu Jezu  seputrari - 2

More of Ladin etc


For Goan Video Clips 

In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc    

[Goanet] Four held for rape of mentally ill Mapusa woman

2013-04-29 Thread samir umarye
Samir Umarye

BICHOLIM: Bicholim Police on Friday arrested four persons in connection
with the rape of a 20-year-old mentally challenged woman from Mapusa.
It may be recalled that woman was reported missing at the Mapusa Police
station on April 14. The woman had left her residence to proceed to a
temple on April 13, but when she did not return home till late evening, her
father rushed to the police station and lodged a missing complaint and
provided his daughter’s mobile number to the police.
Police sources said they managed to obtain call details of the woman’s
mobile phone number and traced her calls to Pradip Malik. The police traced
Malik at Latambarcem and arrested him from a house, but did not find the
During the course of interrogation, Malik admitted that the woman had
already left for Mapusa by public transport. Police immediately contacted
the Karasvaddo Police outpost and asked them to stop the bus. The police
intercepted the bus at Karasvaddo-Mapusa and asked the woman to alight from
the vehicle.
The police later arrested another accused, Chandrashekhar Malik, in
connection with the case.
When the victim’s statement was recorded on April 22 in the presence of
NGOs and a psychiatrist, police was informed that she had been raped by
four more persons at Mayem and Ladphem on April 18, after she was taken in
a car to an isolated place.
Police have arrested the four accused under Sections 365, 354, 342 and 376
read with 34 of IPC. They were later remanded to four days police custody.
Bicholim PSI Razashad Shaikh is investigating the case under the guidance
of PI Ninad Deulkar.
 and DySP Gajanan Prabhudesai.