[Goanet] AUDIO: Edwin Nadason Thumboo

2014-02-03 Thread Frederick FN Noronha फ्रेड्रिक नोरोन्या *فريدريك نورونيا
Edwin Nadason Thumboo...  one of the pioneers of English literature in
Singapore. (February 1, 2014)


FN Phone +91-832-2409490 Mobile +91-9822122436

Blog: The View From My Window  
About.me: http://about.me/noronhafrederick
Goa,1556: http://bit.ly/Goa1556Books2

[Goanet] The Senility Prayer

2014-02-03 Thread roland.francis
God, grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked, the good fortune 
to meet again the ones I did and the eyesight to tell the difference. 


Sent from Samsung Mobile

[Goanet] NEWS: Goa speaker threatens to sue activist, media (IANS)

2014-02-03 Thread Goanet News
Goa speaker threatens to sue activist, media

Goa,Politics, Mon, 03 Feb 2014IANS

Panaji, Feb 3 (IANS) Goa legislative assembly Speaker Rajendra Arlekar
Monday threatened to sue the media and an activist who accused him of
having disproportionate assets and committing irregularities in
purchasing property, even as anti-corruption officials quizzed him as
part of a preliminary probe.

Addressing a press conference here, Arlekar said that all the
allegations levelled against him were "baseless and unfounded".

According to a complaint filed by local lawyer activist Aires
Rodrigues, the Bharatiya Janata Party legislator had bought a
500-sq-metre plot worth Rs.72 lakh from a Delhi-based journalist.

The sale deed, Rodrigues says, does not even mention the mode of
payment Arlekar adopted to purchase the plot

The complainant also said that the money used to buy the plot was
disproportionate to Arlekar's declared income, which is around Rs.2.76
lakh annually as per the details in the affidavit filed by him ahead
of the 2012 assembly polls.

Refuting the allegations, Arlekar said that the activist never
approached him for clarifications, but also added that he had partly
paid for the plot through a banker's cheque as well as from his wife's

Arlekar also said that Rodrigues had relied on his pre-poll affidavit
filed in 2010-11 for details of his income and also added that his
income had since increased because of his appointment as the assembly
speaker as well as his own business prospering.

Arlekar's clarification came minutes after Anti Corruption Bureau
officials visited his office as part of a preliminary probe into
Rodrigues' complaint.

Police sources said that Arlekar was asked to produce documents
related to the land deal. The assembly speaker, sources added, was
also asked to furnish details of his tax returns as well as his income
details for the last five years.



2014-02-03 Thread Aires Rodrigues
Finally the beleaguered Speaker of the Goa Legislative Assembly Rajendra
Arlekar has broken his silence. It was about time. He has however tried to
claim in vain that the Rs 72 lakh plot at Porvorim was bought partly with a
bank loan and a private loan.

As per the Reserve Bank of India directive banks are prohibited from giving
a loan for the purchase of a plot. Besides any sale deed with a bank loan
would have the date and number of the cheque or draft incorporated in the
sale deed. Rajendra Arlekar's sale deed surprisingly is silent on whether
the 72 lakhs claimed to have been paid was paid by cheque, draft or cash.

Rajendra Arlekar has today alleged that the issue against him of the
alleged disproportionate asset of this Rs 72 lakhs plot at Porvorim was
raised by me to blackmail him. A public challenge to the Speaker of the Goa
Legislative Assembly Rajendra Arlekar to prove this allegation. I dare him
to reveal the details of the so called feelers he has claimed he received
but could himself not substantiate when asked by the press today.

If even an iota of the allegations made by the Speaker is proved I would
step aside from the noble legal profession. Rajendra Arlekar on the other
hand would have no moral authority to continue as the Speaker of the
Legislative Assembly if he cannot corroborate the reckless and false
allegations made.

Rajendra Arlekar should realize he is occupying the high constitutional
post as Speaker of the Goa Legislative Assembly. He should not attempt to
circumvent the truth by making such fake and baseless allegations.
The case against Rajendra Arlekar is now before the Special Court under the
Prevention of Corruption Act. The current probe being conducted by the
Anti- Corruption Bureau and the Income tax authorities should get to the
bottom of the rot.

Rajendra Arlekar before eyeing that plot worth Rs.72 lakhs was duty bound
more so now as the Speaker of the Legislative Assembly to first pay up the
costs of Rs.10,000 imposed on him by the Bombay High Court at Goa on 27th
May 2005 in the election petition 2/2002 while setting aside his then
election as MLA. Please pay up Mr. Speaker. The Court has been waiting for
almost nine years. Should we start a Rajendra Arlekar relief fund to save
the Honour of the Speaker's Chair.

Aires Rodrigues
T1 - B30, Ribandar Retreat
Ribandar - Goa - 403006
Mobile: 9822684372

[Goanet] Kandhamal Unresolved

2014-02-03 Thread Marshall Mendonza
The film "Kandhamal Unresolved" has been selected for a screening at Mumbai
International Film Festival (MIFF) from 03/02/14 - 09/02/14.  The screening
is followed by a discussion.

The film is available on YouTube:


Date of Screening: 06/02/14
Time: 02:00 pm - 03:30 pm
Place: Godrej Theatre, NCPA, Nariman Point, Mumbai
Duration: 60 minutes

[Goanet] Supreme Court plans to revisit its 1995 Hindutva verdict

2014-02-03 Thread Marshall Mendonza
Supreme Court plans to revisit its 1995 Hindutva verdict

New Delhi: The Supreme Court plans to revisit its 1995 judgement in which
the court ruled that seeking vote in the name of Hinduism is not a corrupt
practice. The court decided to constitute a larger bench to have a relook
at its judgement in the wake of high voltage election campaign for the
national elections due by May this year.

"It is a matter relating to elections. 2014 elections are important.
Whether one can seek vote in the name of religion has to be considered in
interpreting Section 123 (3) of the Representation of the People Act," the
court order issued today said.

The Bombay High Court had set aside the election of Shiv Sena leader
Manohar Joshi. The matter was then moved to Supreme Court, which in 1995
overturned the High Court order saying Hindutva is a way of life.

Since then, the issue was raised in the top court many times, including in
2002 when the court referred the matter to a seven-judge bench for clarity.

On Thursday, the issue was raised before a five-judge Constitution bench in
a petition which then directed the Supreme Court registry to place the
matter before the Chief Justice of India to constitute a seven-judge bench
soon to look into it.


[Goanet] Fwd: Latest pics of the new house and view outside

2014-02-03 Thread Bernice Pereira
Re: House on lease in Anjuna

Tucked Away from the noise of the busy street with an unobstructed view of
the wide expanse of  rolling fields and distant hills lies our newly
remodelled bungalow. It has 2 large bedrooms with bath/toilets attached, a
dining room, large living room, 3 balconies overlooking the field, a wash
room and terrace. Co 9833506239 email periber...@gmail.com.  Pictures

[Goanet] [JudeSundayReflections] 5th Sunday of the Year

2014-02-03 Thread Jude Botelho

Dear friend,

All of us have been inspired by the lives and the actions of some people we 
admire, be they personalities like Mandela, Gandhi, Mother Teresa or people 
close to
 us like a true friend, class mate or colleagues who lead exemplary lives. 
These people urge us on to push ourselves to excellence and doing our very 
best. To be people of faith does not mean that we merely are believers, close 
not only to God, but also deeply concerned about our
 fellow men. Have an enthusiastic weekend re-enkindling the fire of Life and 
sharing it!! Fr. Jude

Sunday Reflections: Fifth Sunday - Be salt of the earth! Be the light of the 
world! Let your light shine before men! 9-Feb-2014

Isaiah 58: 7-10;  Corinthians 2 :1-5;   Matthew 5 :13-16;

In the first reading from Isaiah, the prophet speaks plainly about what is 
expected of the true believer. In earlier Jewish history, fasting and
 fast days were part of the liturgy, in which rich and poor 'humbled' 
themselves before God. The rich fasted and expected a divine reply in the form
 of greater prosperity. They asked why God did not answer their prayer. In 
today's reading the prophet tells them that for fasting to be acceptable to God 
it must be meaningful.  Genuine fast before God requires the social awareness 
and concern
 spelled out by the prophet. "Share your bread with the hungry, and shelter the 
homeless poor, clothe the man you see naked...then your light will shine like 
the dawn." It is by such actions that genuine worship gives glory to God.

Be not simply good…
Alexander Solzhenitsyn recalls, as he says, 'with shame', an incident he 
witnessed when he was captain in the Russian army. "One day I saw a sergeant of 
the secret police, on horseback, using a whip on a Russian soldier who had been 
captured serving in a German unit. The man, naked from the waist up, was 
staggering under the blows, his body covered in blood. Suddenly he looked at me 
and cried out: "Mister Captain, save me!" "Any officer in any army in the world 
should have put a stop to this torture, but I was a coward. I said nothing, I 
did nothing. This picture has remained in my mind ever since." He could have 
brought light into a dark situation but he didn't. "Be not simply good", says 
Thoreau, "be good for something."
Flor McCarthy in 'New Sunday and Holy Day Liturgies'

Today's gospel speaks of the practical implications of being followers of Jesus 
Christ. Jesus uses simple images, which would be easily understood by his 
Palestinian followers. "You are the salt of the earth. You are the light of the 
world." His listeners knew how essential salt was in those days. In fact people 
traded in salt as they traded in silver and gold. Salt was essential to flavour 
and preserve food. Its absence in food was immediately
 noticeable. Light too played an essential function of
 enlightening, guiding, and making ordinary tasks possible. What Jesus is 
saying through these images is that his disciples have an
 essential function to play in the world. Belief has to be seen in action. When 
Jesus spoke of letting our light shine among men he was not speaking of 
parading our good works, or of attracting attention to ourselves. The purpose 
of putting on the light is not that we might look at the light but be able to 
see things and do whatever needs to be done. Our good deeds should inspire 
others to do what needs to be done in their own lives. "Your light must shine 
in the sight of men, so that, seeing your good works, they may give praise to 
your father in heaven." Our deeds do not have to be spectacular because even 
little deeds done regularly can make a difference in people’s lives. As 
Christians we have a very positive role to play in the world. We have something 
to offer, something the world desperately needs, even though it may not always 
welcome it. Shedding light and witnessing to the light not only makes people 
see things clearly but it also puts our
 own life under the spot light; we can be vulnerable and exposed. Yet the light 
should not be hidden, it has to burn brightly.  Just as salt is worthless if it 
loses its saltiness and light is useless if it is kept under covers, so the 
Christian life is meaningless unless faith is witnessed in love and concern for 
others. Religion is no private affair between me and my God. Our lives have to 
impact others and lead them to God.

Keeping the lights on
"A mother and her small child once drove past the restored home of Abraham 
Lincoln in Springfield. It was night and the national shrine of the United 
States was brightly lit. "Look, mama," the child said excitedly, "Mr. Lincoln 
has left his lights
 on."  The mother smiled. "Yes" she replied; "he left
 them on for the whole world to see." Although Lincoln has been dead since 
1865, he is still a tremendous
 inspiration to all people. But in a much more true sense Christ, 'God from 
God, Light from Light' remains and will remain to the end t

[Goanet] Fwd: Song for the day....

2014-02-03 Thread Gabe Menezes
Martha & The 
in the Streets"



Gabe Menezes.

[Goanet] Book Club

2014-02-03 Thread books

  The Book Club will meet on 19th February 2014 at 8.15 pm to
discuss The Elephant's Journey by Jose Saramago over potluck