2014-04-20 Thread Aires Rodrigues
Nobody is above the law. The law cannot be twisted and warped for anybody’s
benefit, however rich, mighty or well-connected. Unfortunately this has
happened with Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar and Advocate General Atmaram
Nadkarni conniving by their dubious role in facilitating and allowing the
high profile marriage of former Solicitor General of India Harish Salve’s
daughter to be illegally registered in Goa under the Special Marriage Act
1954. Harish Salve is Amicus curiae in infamous Goa illegal mining case
pending before Supreme Court.

The marriage of Saaniya Salve with Armaan Siddiqui which was solemnised on
February 24th this year at Vijay Mallya’s King Fisher Villa at Candolim in
presence of Mapusa Sub Civil Registrar was a complete unconstitutional and
illegal act, with blessings of Chief Minister and Advocate General after an
illegal notification hurriedly issued by Goa Government on 17th
January. Despite
Special Marriage Act, 1954 not been extended to Goa, the Government
appointed the Sub-Registrars as “Marriage Officers” under that Act.

This hastily issued fraudulent notification must be immediately rescinded.
This blatant fraud has serious repercussions on the powers of the State
Government to proceed under a Central Law, not extended to the State, as
also putting the registrations of marriages under the existing Portuguese
Laws in jeopardy.

By this illegal notification Government has created a situation whereby
illegal marriages  would continue with no legal status for the couple,
which would not only be bad for women who get cheated by fake marriages,
which the Supreme Court intended to curb, but having no legal effect and
validity on the relationship of the couple. It should not be forgotten that
there can be no estoppel against law. This allows a situation whereby
bigamy would flourish and no criminal action would succeed as the essence
of the offence of bigamy mandates existence of an earlier valid and
subsisting marriage in terms of Section 494 IPC.

The notification was issued despite the State Registrar having in his
noting opined that it would be a retrograde measure opening a Pandora box.
Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar overruled that opinion and Law Secretary’s
note reminding that the Special Marriage Act had not been extended to Goa.
Chief Minister conveniently merely recorded on file that he telephonically
discussed the matter with Advocate General while directing that
notification be issued. Chief Secretary’s’ views were also not sought which
was complete breach of Rules of Business, especially in a matter having
widespread ramifications.

The motives of Government in acting so swiftly and issuing the notification
in a tearing hurry in just one day is highly questionable. India’s highest
paid Advocate General Atmaram Nadkarni grossly abdicated in his duty by not
placing correct legal position before the government. State of Goa has
Portuguese Laws in force including Portuguese Civil Registration Code, 1911
for registration of marriages and this law is not contrary to any of
constitutional provisions and continues to be in force to date.

The contention of Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar in defending the illegal
notification is a sad reflection of his ignorance of law or a deliberate
intention to misguide Goans.  Instead of humbly accepting that this
notification was issued erroneously, he has chosen to defend it, by falsely
claiming that by virtue of State’s Re-organisation Act, 1987, all Central
laws became applicable to Goa. This is a gross mis-statement and Chief
Minister owes an apology for such blatant falsehoods. Surely Goa was not a
foreign territory before it attained Statehood!  Yet, President of India
promulgated regulations to extend certain existing pre-Liberation Laws, to
Goa, Daman & Diu.

The contention of the Chief Minister that under the Portuguese Law,
non-Goans cannot register their marriages in Goa is ridiculous. Who has
given him such insane advice? The Chief Minister also claims that under
Portuguese law in Goa, a person has to wait for 30 days to perform the
marriage. Has the Chief Minister failed to see provisions of Special
Marriage Act and compare it with Portuguese law in force? The Portuguese
law allows waiver of the period, which is not the case with the Special
Marriage Act, which does not allow a marriage to be held until 30 days
elapse after the publication of notice of 1ntended Marriage. So whom is the
Chief Minister trying to fool?

 Interestingly Delhi  based Saaniya Salve in her notice of intended
Marriage submitted to Panaji Sub Registrar on 20th January falsely declared
that she was residing in Goa for more than six months while giving her
address as 105/106 Altess Manor at Tonca, Caranzalem which is an apartment
owned by Advocate General Atmaram Nadkarni. She did not submit a residence
certificate nor an affidavit to the effect while Marriage officer also
conveniently failed to demand it.

Advocate General Atmaram Nadkarni’s questiona

[Goanet] Roland Francis: G.O.A. Toronto and Canorient Merger : Part 3 - The Backdrop. Stray Thoughts of a Toronto Goan

2014-04-20 Thread Eddie Fernandes
By Roland Francis
Source: Goan Voice Daily Newsletter 20 April 2014 at www.goanvoice.org.uk

It was the late 1980s. A group of senior executives of the two associations
who were personal and social friends and kept in contact with each other for
the sake of the community's affairs, floated the idea of a merger. It made
sense to them that not only the two Toronto Goan Christian biggies should
merge but also that a couple of independent Goan associations in other parts
of the Ontario province should join the bandwagon in the form of chapters. 

There were concerns then as there are now. What would be the name of the new
organization? Would it lose the all-important acronym G.O.A, in deference to
the non-Goan Christian members of Canorient who then comprised about 2% of
that body and were mainly East Indians and Anglo-Indians. Huddles were held
and those minorities confirmed that the name issue was not important to
them. They were more concerned with full membership and voting entitlement.
No objection was seen to that. Then there were rumblings from Canorient's
parent body in Montreal. That too quietened down when the strategy of making
the Toronto body independent of Montreal was ideated. Meanwhile there were
some prominent Canorient members who voluntarily applied for G.O.A.
membership in addition to retaining their Canorient status.

By that time G.O.A. had acquired a large piece of property on the outskirts
of Toronto with various future plan options. The Canorient people wanted
G.O.A. to divest itself of that property, bring in the proceeds of the sale
into the new merged body and concentrate future plans on the Canorient's own
asset. The G.O.A. thought it would have some time to do this, but then deep
recession struck. Members were losing jobs, the sale price automatically
depressed and would be less than the outstanding mortgage and this plan had
to be quickly shelved. The property eventually became a millstone round
G.O.A's neck and it would take many years for the club to be fortunate to
get a business-minded young banker president to dig the body out of its
financial hole aided by the generosity of several members who invested
moderately large sums of money to be converted into bonds that would help to
sustain the mortgage. It was only in this year and last that the final
outstanding bonds were redeemed in full. With this unfortunate set of
circumstances playing out, the idea of merger died a natural death. It was
not due to opposition from any side, just the economic climate that affected
them both.

I have given you the G.O.A side of the story in my last article. Now for the

The Canorient comprises not only of the main membership, it also encompasses
a senior's club that pays its own dues, part of which goes towards
membership of the main body. In that it is different from the G.O.A. where
the senior members do not have something of their own within the club and
are an undistinguishable part of the whole where having paid membership for
some years, they are absolved of future dues on attaining age 65. This
automatically reduces the G.O.A.'s membership revenues. Dues are what
sustains all 'not-for-profits', along with some government grants. There is
a move to change the free-riding. 

Back to the Canorient's seniors. They are a powerful but not unreasonable
old guard of the club. They are not convinced of the need of a merger and
need to be presented with a strong business and community case. They feel
that the G.O.A. and the Canorient can present a united front for any need of
the community without an outright merger. They are by no means a stubborn
lot averse to change. A little work can bring them onside. The rest of the
club shows no outright opposition at this stage. I find them liberal and
more amenable to the idea of the merger than the G.O.A. who to all
appearances is the conservative partner in this proposed marriage. I am not
judging G.O.A., but I cannot get rid of an intuitive spasm that they are
going into this, with full brakes on.

When asked about the slowness of their approach, G.O.A. sources say that it
is from the necessity to exercise an abundant note of caution about
convincing members without upsetting the apple cart, which in this case
means shooing some members out the door of an already depleted list. There
is a lot more work both clubs can do about getting in new members through
some fancy marketing and a little appeal to the Goan Diaspora spirit. For
example the Middle-easterners in Toronto are a large but largely ignored
lot, left to licking their wounds about the East African domination, real or
imagined. Deal with that better than so far done and you will see a spurt in
new members.

We cannot let history repeat itself and bring in another set of
circumstances that puts the merger again on the wayside.

For Part 1 see:  Goan Voice, 31 Mar. 2014. For Part 2 see Goan Voice 14 Apr

[Goanet] Wishing you a Happy and Glorious Easter.

2014-04-20 Thread Gabe Menezes
You can view it by clicking here:

Lily and Gabe.


Gabe Menezes.

[Goanet] Quebec Goan Association: Happy Easter Greetings & AGM Info.

2014-04-20 Thread Flora Marlow

Dear Friends,

It is with great joy, that I greet you this beautiful spring morning.  I wish 
each and every one of you a very Happy Easter.  
The Annual General Meeting of the Quebec Goan Association will be held on 
Sunday, the 27th of April 2013, at the St. Ignatius of Loyola Church (Warden’s 
Room), at 2 p.m, located at 4455 West Broadway (intersection of Sherbrooke 
street West) Montreal. You are kindly requested to attend. Your presence will 
be greatly appreciated
Best Regards: Flora Almeida Marlow
President: Quebec Goan Association 
1215 Garden Avenue
Mascouche, Quebec,  J7L-0A2, CANADA
Cell: (514) 779-0203

[Goanet] GOA Picnic - April 27, 2014

2014-04-20 Thread goansofamerica

Hi All,

Here's wishing you a very Happy and Blessed Easter!
Just a reminder about our picnic.
The GOA is going to be having their Annual Picnic.

Sunday, April 27, 2014  
§ 11:00am until 5:00pm

Join us for a fun  day in the sun!

Soccer, Sack race, Bingo, Tug o' War, and more...

  Potluck lunch:
Singles bring an appetizer or dessert & 1 liter drink
 Families bring a main dish & 1 liter drink

Please bring your own plates, cups and silverware.

  GOA will provide tea & snacks.
Columbia Park  
4045 190th Street, Torrance, California 90504  
Selma Rodrigues

[Goanet] Aitaracheo Katkutleo: Eka Patkeak Lagun…Ahmadi Igorjentli Bizli Gheli Ten’nam…

2014-04-20 Thread lino dourado
 Eka Patkeak Lagun…Ahmadi Igorjentli Bizli Gheli Ten’nam…
Khub tempan vo ghoddie bhouch vorsamnni eka Son’varak Ahmadi ‘Our Lady of 
Arabia’ igorjent vochunk dislem. Ani thoim vochpachem kharan, konnem tori 
mhojea kannar ghatlem Fadar Gaspar Fernandes thoddea disamni Kuwait soddun 
vochpacho asa mhunn. Pativ Gaspar, Kuwait xarantle igorjent astona tagelea 
Misant vantto ghevnk, ek onek torechi umed distali. Tannem suru kello sermanv 
ken’nam khabar nam zauncho oxem mhaka diso. Pativ bab, Ahmadi igorjent vavrunk 
gheloleak, ek pavtti tori tachea Misant vantto ghevnk distalem. Ani dekunuch, 
ghelea mhoineant Marsachea 29th, sanjecha 6 voranchea Misak ajir zalom.
Xarantlea igorjent hanv ken’nanch bankar bosonam. Eka vorachem prachit. Ubo 
ravun Misant vantto ghetam. Punn tea disa, itlea poisulean ek xarantlo soiro 
Ahmadi igorjent aila, mhonntoch; mhaka dislem bankar  boch’chem. Ani bostanch 
vo kulle bankar tenkoitanch, igorjentli bizli gheli. Igorz, kallokant buddli. 
Igorjent ap-vavurpeanchi (volunteers) danvpoll suru. Konn eklo menvati petoun 
haddta zalear dusro mobile fonachi‘light’ pettoun taka kallokantlo marg 
dakoitalo. Modlea altarar sogllea vellar pettloli menvat, akh’khea igorjek 
uzvadd ditali. Itle vhodd igorjent ‘emergency lamp’ kiteak nant vo bosoinant, 
tem hanv chintunk poddlom. Oxe toren apa-lipa khelltole bizlicher fuddarak tori 
bondabost korun igorjanim ‘emergency lamp’, toyaren dovortole kai? Hea vicharan 
astana, konn eklo boro Samaritan uzvaddik ‘lamp’ ghenv bhitor sorlo. Tachea 
fattafatt sevadhormik ani Misachi Bhett bhettounk iadnik Padr Gaspar.
Kallokant ani mike nastana Khursachi kuru kaddun iadnik baban Povitr Misak 
survat dili. Misant vanttekar asloleank apunn dista kai mhunn vichar kelo. 
Ekach, mottea avazan lokan ‘hoi’ mhunn zap dili ani to fuddem uloilo. “Aichea 
disachem Xubhvortoman amkam Somiachê adniecho ugddas korta. Jezun mhunntlem: 
‘Hanv sonvsaracho Uzvadd. Mhozo pattlav korta to kednanch kallokant sanddchona’ 
Ahmadi Igojent hanv vavrunk laglear poilech khepek bizli ghelea. Igorjichea 
sorbhonvtonni bizli asa punn fokot igorjent nam” Hem padr babchem aikona 
Mhojea pottant bara vazlim. Padricho sermanv vonniek nhoi mhonntat. Punn aicho 
sermanv mhojea oslea pois sanv ail’ea patkeak? Kalliz dapeunk laglem. Presanv 
choddta vo denvtta gomona zalem. Bolsantlo lens kaddun kopolar ailolo gham 
puslo. Dor Son'varak xarantle igorjent vochpi patki, zaitea tempan Ahmadi 
igorjent Misak pavlo mhunn. bizlek rag ailo kai? Mon sotavunk laglem. Hoi! Tea 
oparachi ugddas yeun hanv anikui ghamen buddlom. Eka patkek lagun khuim tarum 
Lino B. Dourado
Avnddeta Khuxall Bhorit Paskanchi Porob ani Purnotjivont Zal’lea Jezuchi Xanti 

[Goanet] GSRP Press Release for kind favour of publication.

2014-04-20 Thread floriano lobo

Congress 'Baboons' needs to close shop in Goa: GSRP

Ridiculing the Congress for its inability to control its party leaders and stem 
the one-up-manship in the local unit, Goa Su-Raj Party (GSRP) opined that in 
the interest of protecting the political image of one of India's longest 
surviving political party, the Goa Pradesh Congress Committee must shut shop.

Speaking on the issue, Savio Rodrigues, Secretary & President (Youth Affairs), 
stated, "Congress leaders are like 'Baboons' always trying to prove their 
one-up-manship amongst their own party members. Not known to many, but the fact 
remains that  the dictionary meaning to the word  'Congress'  was earlier 
assigned to a 'group of Baboons'. What we see is that the congressmen are only 
being true to their monkey nature. Such parties need to shut shop. In the 2007 
assembly elections,  the people of Goa showed them the door and, now,  in the 
Lok Sabha elections, Congress tried to rely on its 'secular' mantra to fool the 
people once again. However that mantra will not work."

Further commenting on the subject, Rodrigues added, "GSRP extends its 
invitation to those members of the Congress who are  committed to Goa and the 
wellbeing of Goans to join GSRP. Congress has no value for its loyal and 
committed members. Even in the Lok Sabha 2014, Congress party had to rely on an 
Independent candidate for support who left the Congress. At the Centre too 
UPA's days of corruption and destructive governance are over.  Now they show 
their foolishness talking about BJP Chief Minister putting agents to destroy 
Congress party in Goa, little realizing that BJP-Congress are two sides of the 
same coin and Goa is controlled by politicians on both sides with vested 

On being questioned on the criticism of the Congress, Rodrigues, expressed, 
"Goa has two devils. Congress and the BJP. The Congress 'devil' is on a 
ventilator. GSRP will be doing the Congress in Goa a favour by disconnecting  
the ventilator so that it may forever R.I.P. On the other-hand, GSRP will 
ensure, in the months to come,  that the BJP's cup which is presently 
overflowing, runs dry"

Savio Rodrigues
Secretary & President (Youth Affairs)
Goa Su-Raj Party

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[Goanet] FRIDAY BALCAO to focus on the career options available in Goa

2014-04-20 Thread Goa Desc
  Welcome to the FRIDAY BALCAO
the fortnightly discussion event since 1999

Dear Cybergaonkars on Goanet,

We continue with FRIDAY BALCAO
on 25th April from 4pm to 6pm
at Goa Desc Resource Centre
No.11, Liberty Apartments,
Feira Alta, Mapusa.

TOPIC: Career options available in Goa
SPEAKER:Ramdas Kelkar, Principal, Sapteshwar Institute
for Higher Secondary Education, Mandrem

We invite you to express your viewpoint
by attending the FRIDAY BALCAO.
If you cannot attend, then please send
your views and action plan suggestions
by email to goad...@gmail.com

best wishes,

Roland Martins
Don't miss out on the discussion. Information is power,
Share it equitably. Lets make things happen in Goa !!

11 Liberty Apts., Feira Alta, Mapusa, Goa 403 507
mail to: goad...@gmail.com

[Goanet] The Blast the Govt Censored

2014-04-20 Thread roland.francis
Thanks FN for the link to the Wiki narration.

It was wartime so I suppose the government would have automatically censored 
such things but it's not that anyone in Bombay would not have known about it. 
What they would have achieved by suppressing the incident would be how powerful 
the blast was, how many people were killed and what supplies were destroyed. 
Perhaps German or Japanese intelligence would have been interested to know how 
the blast would affect Britain's naval capacity in Bombay.

Years later while in St Xaviers school, once or twice weekly in the large 
Drawing Class premises on the upper floors (what a large room with a 
magnificent view that class had), I would be fascinated by a tall window with 
broken glass. This broken window which could be opened and shut had another 
window outside of it to protect against the elements. It was an odd sight until 
I learnt that it was maintained as the school's sole reminder of the 1944 SS 
Stikine blast at Bombay harbour that shattered many of the schools other 
windows. The school was no more than about 5 miles from the blast.

Any Bombay resident who lived through the blast has a vivid tale to tell. 800 
people dying may be a grim statistic but the story that comes along with it 
brings that figure to life.


Sent from Samsung Mobile

[Goanet] Goa news for April 21, 2014

2014-04-20 Thread Goanet News Service
Goa News from Google News and Goanet.org
Visit http://www.goanet.org/newslinks.php for the full stories.

*** Goa breaks election records thanks to silent voters - NDTV

*** Shooting in Goa made Amitabh Bachchan nostalgic - NDTV
ear-old is getting nostalgic too. "It is hard to forget the
various films that were shot here, in what ...

*** Implementation of Mhadei tribunal order to be Goa's focus -
Times of India

*** Royal rumble: explore hidden Goa on motorcycle - India Today
ashioned R and R (rest and relaxation), is today crammed with so
many things to do, you are more likely to end up with travel
fatigue. To truly find the spirit of susegad alive and kicking

*** Buses collide on Mumbai-Goa highway; 2 dead, 9 injured -
Times of India
n collision on the accident prone Mumbai-Goa highway, near Mahad
in Raigad district on early Saturday, killing two persons and
injuring nine others. The injured have been sent to a government
hospital in ...

*** LS results may change Goa's political contours - Times of

*** Humble Cowpea Could be a Cash Cow for Tribals in Goa - The
New Indian Express
e New Indian ExpressThe cowpea crop, which can be harvested in a
very short period and does not require much irrigation, could
provide a financial boost to the tribal farmers of Goa,
according to the Indian Council for Agricultural Research. ICAR
is currently working with ...http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&ct2=us&usg=AFQjCNFtsogTAcV5Kf4RLUey9TxRGZvZLw&clid=c3a7d30bb8a4878e06b80cf16b898331&cid=52778477556916&ei=flhUU-jgDIr8gAf8swE&url=http://www.newindianexpress.com/nation/Humble-Cowpea-Could-be-a-Cash-Cow-for-Tribals-in-Goa/2014/04/20/article2179365.ece

*** Year on, Goa earned Rs 28.60 crore from entry fee - Times of
ee booths at five border points, the state has collected a total
of 28.60 crore. That was the collection as of April 12, 2014.
The entry fee ...http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&ct2=us&usg=AFQjCNFRdMnGuVQyEUIxUjedEtAMYLkkgQ&clid=c3a7d30bb8a4878e06b80cf16b898331&ei=flhUU-jgDIr8gAf8swE&url=http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/goa/Year-on-Goa-earned-Rs-28-60-crore-from-entry-fee/articleshow/33971758.cms

*** Drivers dead in collision on Mumbai-Goa highway - Times of
n on the Mumbai-Goa highway were reportedly killed early today.
They have been identified as Yellapa Damodar Nagappa, (30) and
Aniket U Batre (24). While Nagappa ...http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&ct2=us&usg=AFQjCNEl0SsJezMVDEgVGPE-qp_y2jQztA&clid=c3a7d30bb8a4878e06b80cf16b898331&ei=flhUU-jgDIr8gAf8swE&url=http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/navi-mumbai/Drivers-dead-in-collision-on-Mumbai-Goa-highway/articleshow/33965877.cms

*** Only 88% midday meal coverage in Goa in 2013, finds HRD -
Times of India
mes of IndiaPANAJI: The Union human resource development (HRD)
ministry has found Goa's midday meal coverage to be only 88% of
the total enrolment upto Class VIII during the period June 2013
to December 2013. Goa is far behind the 99% coverage of states
like ...http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&ct2=us&usg=AFQjCNEVgwWBIkQexY7o7OPeiDT4nOaimg&clid=c3a7d30bb8a4878e06b80cf16b898331&cid=52778478447393

[Goanet] Fwd: SWORD ATTACK AT DOWN THE ROAD PUB AT PATTO BRIDGE.(.reported by all the newspapers in Goa.)

2014-04-20 Thread Stephen Dias
Dear Panjimites

The sword attack by Zaine Almeida from Duler-Mapusa over a girl at the
Night club, “Down the Road” situated at Patto  Bridge, on two persons
Rafael D’Costa from Caranzalem and Raju Sarin from Altinho who are serious
at GMC and one of them even lost his eye, is shocking and that the Manohar
Parrikar, Home and Chief Minister  of Goa, and MLA of Panjim should
instruct the Police Dept to conduct an inquiry and see that such kind of
incidents does not take place in  future. I feel that this kind of PUB’s
needs to be closed down in Goa immediately.  This PUB is beeing run quite a
number of  years and that many boys and  girls are been attending this
Night Club regularly, which I was told that this is an illegal kind of pub,
and that many untoward incidents has earlier taken place which went
unnoticed. Who knows what kind of activities is going on over there. Even
there is no parking place available for this PUB. Vehicles are found parked
all over the Ourem road at night times. FDA also can have a check for
food adulteration.  Police never bothered to conduct any surprise checks
 to see whether the drugs, alcohol drinks being consumed all over the
night, and that could give rise this kind of nasty incident which took
place on Easter Day at 5.45 AM.  Better that this PUB owner to be called
and investigated about this incident so that people frequenting this PUB
are safe.

Stephen Dias