2014-12-19 Thread Jose Colaco
On 17 December 2014 at 20:37, Stephen Dias  wrote:

Sub : This has reference to the letter dt. 18th Dec, 2014, by Dr.
Francisco Colaco
in one the section of Press on 'OVERCHARGING PATIENTS"


Dr. Francisco Colaco is a senior specialist physician based in Goa. He took
the trouble to write a letter to the Heraldo about the exorbitant amounts
allegedly charged for patient care by certain hospitals. He also made
reference to a possible attempt to extract funds from a patient for a
procedure the patient allegedly did not need.

Unfortunately, Dr. Francisco Colaco neither named the hospital nor the
doctor who attempted coercion. If he had, patients who do due diligence
would have had the opportunity to review for themselves.

I submit that it is the responsibility of senior physicians to follow such
matters up with the Medical Association and at Conferences. The benefit of
this would also be that the 'accused' hospital would / would not be able to
defend itself by way of CPT (procedural) codes of what needed to be done in
a case of an emergency. These can be reviewed by a select team of impartial

As far as Stephen Dias' 'Open Letter to Dr. Francisco Colaco' is concerned,
I will only state the following:

a: What on earth are "Crack" doctors?

b: Why would any one (Adv. Rui Ferreira included) seek attention at a
hospital for a "minor illness"?

c: I wonder if Mr. Dias knows the meaning of the term 'Offence'.

In conclusion:

1: Private medical care is expensive
2: Private hospital care is even more expensive
3: It is incumbent upon the patient to check the costs before he/she checks
into a hospital
4: Do NOT use hospitals for minor illnesses - unless you can afford the
costs. Remember, it is NOT the duration of time one spends in the hospital
BUT what has to be done and is done while one is there.
5: Please ask the genius who moved the hospital from Panjim to Bambolim:
HELLO where is the hospital for the capital city?

6: There is NO WAY that the private hospitals would last a week IF the care
in the public hospitals was Competent, Caring and Clean.


Corporate hospitals overcharging patients
By Dr. Francisco Colaco, Margao | 18 Dec, 2014, 11:42PM IST

The advent of corporate hospitals in Goa has brought good tidings;
regrettably, however, it has led to rampant commercialization and
overcharging of patients. Recently, a patient of mine from Siridao, who had
a bout of paroxysmal  tachycardia, was admitted to a well known private
hospital in Goa during an emergency. His tachycardia was aborted with
intravenous diltiazem. He stayed just for one day and his total bill was a
whopping Rs 30,000. What is more disturbing is the fact that he was being
further pressed for a coronary angiography which was unnecessary and
unjustified in this patient. Wisely, the patient, sought discharge against
medical advice, despite intense pressure to stay on. It must be said that
on earlier occasions this very patient was tackled for the very same
condition at the GMC and he did not have to spend more than Rs 1000 each
time. Presently, the patient under consideration is leaving for Mumbai for
radiofrequency ablation which is the definitive treatment (not available in
Goa). He is ready to beg and borrow for a new lease of life.

Sometime ago one of our most respected and senior most ENT surgeons from
Goa was admitted for one day at the same hospital
for Vivax Malaria. His bill? A hefty  Rs. 17,000. Despite the fact that the
most ethical and respected doctor, his consultant, forfeited his own
charges! Months ago, a patient with urinary retention was admitted, again
at the same hospital. After catheterization he was discharged after having
had to pay an unbelievable amount of Rs. 20, 000. No surgical procedure was
carried out.

Ever since corporate hospitals have invaded Goa there has been a spurt of
charges that are exorbitant and unacceptable. The whole medical scenario in
Goa is experiencing a dramatic change. It is time the Government steps in
to monitor the fees.


2014-12-19 Thread Jerry Fernandes
Regarding the subject of overcharging patients, its become a common norm
that doctors charge nothing less than 200 - 300 in Goa with no receipts.
Even the follow up visit is charged, which should be free to see the
progress of the medicines prescribed. But who to complaint these matters?

I had been in Mumbai for few days and happened to visit three doctors
there, and I was zapped beyond words, when the charges were Rs 50 and less
by all these three doctors. It made me wonder if I was really with some
doctors in Mumbai. This was all at Mira Road in Mumbai.

Jerry Fernandes


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Sub : This has reference to the letter dt. 18th Dec, 2014, by Dr. Francisco
Colaco in one the section of Press on 'OVERCHARGING PATIENTS"

You are not the only person who have come across to such disparities on
overcharging fees by a private Hospital at North Goa, but I
still remember that a friend of mine Adv. Rui Ferreira telling me that he
too had met a similar treatment in one of the private Hospital at Campal
-Panjim for overcharging fees to his relative for a minor sickness. Many
such cases are found in Goa with such atrocities on overcharging fees
by private Hospitals. It has become a trend by most of the doctors
charging consultation fees of not less than Rs. 200/- per patient but in
case he comes to know that the patient is rich or coming from abroad
(Dubai), the charges shoots up further. Also the next consultation for the
same illness the fees are being charged. Even they are been charged for any
investigation report is shown in the next day. What a common man will do if
such offences are continuing by these private doctors in Goa? Where
is the Medical Council or any Govt Medical Authority or in that respect the
Minister of Health is looking for? There is no control, and still worst
that we have crack doctors mushrooming in Goa, with no permission from
Medical Council but having clinics all around the city who get quite number
of patients because their consultation fees are much less than
a qualified doctor. Will the Health Minister of Goa, Adv. Francisco
D'Sousa will be able to understand such disparities where the patients are
been put in heavy financial loss?
Thank God that the GMC Hospital at Bambolim, is much better now, but
there is still a scope to further improve. We also noticed that there is a
pilferage on medicines and treatment on surgeries above the limits of a
common mam as the Govt exchequer is being affected. It is high time that
present Health Minister regulates all these atrocities and put an end all
these illegalities going on in the state of Goa which includes
private consultation by the Govt doctors.

Stephen Dias
Social Worker
Mob: 9422443110

[Goanet] Fwd: Sesa clinch victory at the death

2014-12-19 Thread Sporting Clube de Goa
Sesa clinch victory at the death

Sesa Football Academy narrowly overcame Sporting Clube de Goa 2-1 in the
Aiff’s U-19 I-League, at Duler Stadium, Mapusa, on Friday. The match was
tied 1-1 at the lemon break.

Sesa drew first blood in the 34th minute when striker Aaren D’Silva
breached the opposition defence to pump the ball home.

The lead barely lasted five minutes as Sporting Goa drew level when Manuel
Fernandes jumped unopposed at the back post to head in from a flag kick.

After the breather the game got intense as both teams went in search of the

 In the dying minutes, Sporting Goa was reduced to ten men as Ganesh Thakur
was momentarily receiving treatment on the touchline. Sesa took the
advantage and Avrishto Fernandes headed in to secure the three points for

PHOTO: A Sporting Clube de Goa and Sesa player jump high to win the aerial

PHOTO:  A Sporting Clube de Goa and Sesa player tussle for possession.


[Goanet] On the 53rd anniversary of India's annexation of Goa

2014-12-19 Thread V M
On the 53rd anniversary of the demise of the Estado da India, I am
taking the liberty of re-posting this short essay written for Caravan
Magazine in 2011.

EXACTLY 50 YEARS AGO, world attention pivoted to focus on Goa and the
451-year-old Estado Português da Índia, the last remaining colonial
possession on the subcontinent.

>From the point of view of the Indian Union, the lingering European
presence had become a prestige issue that demanded quick
resolution—“just a pimple on the face of India”, in Nehru’s
infelicitous phrase. Eventually, as 1961 drew to a close, the Indian
prime minister had had enough. To the international press, he
declared, “Continuance of Goa under Portuguese rule is an

But the Portuguese had no intention of budging. António de Oliveira
Salazar, the arch-conservative dictator who had comfortably held power
for almost three decades, was confident he could stave off an invasion
by getting the US and other Western countries to back an audacious
plan for NATO to set up a military and naval base of operations in

Salazar sent a series of frantic messages to Manuel António Vassalo e
Silva, the last governor-general of the Estado Português da Índia,
demanding that his (mainly African-Portuguese) troops fight to the
last man—a suicide mission that he believed would buy enough time for
Portugal to rally international support against the Indian invasion
that everyone knew was coming. On 14 December 1961, Salazar wrote:

"You understand the bitterness with which I send you this message. It
is horrible to think that this may mean total sacrifice, but I believe
that sacrifice is the only way for us to keep up to the highest
traditions and provide service to the future of the Nation. Do not
expect the possibility of truce or of Portuguese prisoners, as there
will be no surrender rendered because I feel that our soldiers and
sailors can be either victorious or dead. These words could, by their
seriousness, be directed only to a soldier of higher duties fully
prepared to fulfill them. God will not allow you to be the last
Governor of the State of India."

Just four days later, under the command of Air Vice Marshal Erlic
Wilmot Pinto (himself a Goan), the Indian aerial bombardment of
Dabolim airport commenced.

By 10 pm on 18 December 1961, the Portuguese high command—which had
wisely ignored Salazar’s insane instructions—was already negotiating
total surrender. The next morning, the Indian Army marched into Panaji
without facing any resistance, and promptly raised the Indian
tricolour above the fabled Palacio de Idalçao, once the seat of power
for the colonial administration of the entire Portuguese maritime
empire, from Mozambique to Malacca.

Vassalo e Silva, who had also ignored Salazar’s crazed order to
comprehensively destroy the infrastructure of the state, was quickly
taken into Indian custody, and eventually returned to Portugal in
disgrace. The annexation of Goa was complete.

A storm of protest was then raised at the United Nations Security
Council, where a resolution condemning India was vetoed at the last
minute by the Soviet Union. But the military solution to Goa’s plight
also came in for severe criticism from many prominent Indians,
including ardent nationalists like the Goan painter FN Souza. The
brilliant Goan writer Dom Moraes even surrendered his Indian passport
in a kind of symbolic protest—not about Goa joining the Indian Union
(which he supported) but about the way it had happened. Looking back,
in his Never at Home: An Autobiography (1994), Moraes wrote:

"Another reason for the sudden movement of troops was that KV Krishna
Menon, the Defence Minister of India, and one of Nehru’s pets, was at
the time in a very bad odour. Chinese attacks on Indian patrols and
border-posts in 1959, a precursor to full-scale hostilities in 1962,
had found the military entirely unprepared, and this had been blamed
wholly on him. At one point all three chiefs-of-staff had resigned in
protest against his attitude. Krishna Menon was about to stand for
election, and a victory in Goa, which was predictable, would raise him
in public esteem. So the Indian Army went in, and conquered."

As Moraes instinctively gathered, the specific circumstances of
annexation were a disaster for Goans. Even though the majority of the
populace had long been vehemently in favour of joining the Indian
Union (as the Portuguese had themselves found in surveys prior to
1961), the territory was still subjected to a humiliating military
occupation in the wake of annexation, which continued the colonial
experience of being ruled from a distant centre, with local interests
and concerns marginalised to favour those of the conqueror.

Westernised Goans found themselves treated with suspicion by equally
Westernised Delhiwalas. Their complex culture and identity became
slurred as insufficiently Indian in the popular mainstream

[Goanet] GFDO Press Statement

2014-12-19 Thread Edwin/Diana Pinto
Responding to the Chief Minister’s appeal to “people, especially activists, not 
to raise unnecessary objections” to projects like the Mopa Airport and Tiracol 
private hotel, GFDO appealed to the state government, especially the Chief 
Minister not to impose unnecessary and massive projects on tiny Goa, involving 
huge tracts of scarce and valuable land. The hollowness of the Chief Minister’s 
claim that his government is truly “committed to promoting pollution free and 
environmental friendly projects in the state, has been exposed by his 
government’s resounding silence to the concerns raised by the people regarding 
both these projects in terms of viability, environmental concerns and even 
potential for jobs for Goans that he claims is the  justification for these 
unnecessary projects that they allege will cause irreversible damage to the 
state. The people are stakeholders in the state, and governments are only 
caretakers for a period of five years. The government’s wrong decisions, 
especially regarding these massive projects, wherein land is snatched from 
ordinary local Goans and practically gifted to vested real estate sharks could 
result in irreversible damage to the state, its ecology and its people.

Once again, GFDO throws an open challenge to Chief Minister Parsekar to engage 
in an open debate regarding the merits and the dangers of the Mopa Airport 
project. If the Chief Minister and his government are so convinced about the 
benefits of these projects for future generations of Goans, then why the 
reluctance to enter into a dialogue with the real stakeholders of the land – 
the people of Goa who have been raising concerns over these massive projects 
for the last two years?

Referring to the Civil Aviation Minister of State Dr. Mahesh Sharma’s strange 
and inexplicable statement in the Rajya Sabha that “Union Cabinet’s decision 
regarding closure of existing Dabolim airport at Goa might be reviewed so as to 
permit the continuance of Dabolim for civilian operations even after the 
commissioning of the new international airport at Mopa,” GFDO said that this 
was a distressing revelation of the inefficient and careless functioning of the 
NDA(2) government, which was not even aware that the previous UPA  government 
had already reviewed and reversed the decision to close down Dabolim Airport 
taken by the preceding NDA(1)  government.

GFDO said that in any case, reviews of decisions by successive governments were 
irrelevant and would not be the deciding factor if Dabolim Airport was to be 
kept open. Goa’s air traffic, which Aviation experts have deemed insufficient 
to sustain two airports, and the development of new and existing airports at 
Chipi, Belgaum, Karwar, Hubli and Kolhapur would definitely  ensure that the 
government airport of Dabolim would have to be closed down if Mopa was ever 
commissioned. Therefore, GFDO warned the people not to get confused by the 
government’s pretense of  reviewing and reversing a decision that had in fact 
already been reviewed and reversed.  GFDO also calls upon the people of Goa to 
be alert and observe how “Union Cabinets” are capable of reviewing the 
decisions of previous governments and thus go on bluffing the people by 
covering up the real and unpalatable truth that two airports are in fact, 
unviable in Goa.


Fr. Eremito 


Re: [Goanet] One of the Parrikar's failures as Panjim MLA, Opp Leader and Chief Minister

2014-12-19 Thread Venantius J Pinto
Perhaps recommend a name change. Start calling it St. Hagu, St. Muuth. Get
Inez out of this mire!

venantius j pinto

On Thu, Dec 18, 2014 at 2:37 PM, JoeGoaUk  wrote:
>   St. Inez Creek
> Dirty and Stinky
> for Goa & NRI related info...
> For Goan Video Clips
> In Goa, Dial  1 0 8
> For Hospital, Police, Fire etc

Venantius J Pinto

[Goanet] GALF2014 Video - Republic of Kenya at 50: The Goan Contribution

2014-12-19 Thread V M
Fitz de Souza, Luis Assis de Correia & Teresa Albuquerque in
conversation with Eddie Fernandes

[Goanet] Goa news for December 19, 2014

2014-12-19 Thread Goanet News Service
Goa News from Google News and
Visit for the full stories.

*** ISL: Kolkata break Goan hearts in penalty shootout, set up
final with Kerala - Times of India
blasts referee for denying FC Goa penalty in ISL semifinal

*** Goa airport to further strenghten e-visa and VoA facilities
- The Hindu

*** It was a pleasure coaching FC Goa: Zico - The Hindu
eg semifinal on penalty-kicks 2-4 in the Indian Super League.
"It is a beautiful game, it is an emotional game," said the
Brazilian great ...

*** FC Goa 0-0 (2-4 on penalties) Atletico de Kolkata: Habas'
side keep their ... -
wned outfit have progressed into the finals of the inaugural
edition of the ISL to face Kerala Blasters who are co-owned by
Sachin Tendulkar.. Atletico de Kolkata edged past FC Goa 4-2 on
penalties after the two sides played out ...

*** Goa's fight for independence from Portugal - BBC News
C News... for freedom, Goa was only set free when the Indian
army marched across the border into the western territory in
December 1961. Libia Lobo Sardesai, who ran the Voice of Freedom
radio station in Goa, was part of the political struggle to win

*** Goa Congress' media strategy: Start a news channel, cajole
journalists - Firstpost
oor chintan-baithak held in Goa over 13-14 December, which was
attended by the party's state top brass and All India Congress
Committee (AICC) observers, the Congress has resolved to start a
cable news channel as well as identify and tap a ...

*** Sunny side up in Goa, India - The National
e NationalThe behemoth Indian subcontinent can take years, if
not longer, to get to grips with. In contrast, Goa, India's
smallest state, allows you to cover its length in a day. But by
the time you lay your bags down and start sipping on coconut
water with the ...

*** Live Blog: FC Goa vs Atletico de Kolkata - Times of India

*** ATK gatecrash Goa party - Times of India
mes of IndiaAfter the first leg semifinal in Kolkata had ended
goalless, the Goa battle at the Nehru Stadium in Fatorda also
ended in a stalemate after 90 minutes of regulation time and 30
minutes of extra time. In the end, it came to the tiebreaker
where Kolkata ...

*** 'Gadkari agreed to concretize NHs in Goa' - Times of India
onkan concretization project. Gadkari has also advised Goa to
expedite other infra


2014-12-19 Thread Stephen Dias


 Stephen Dias
Mob: 9422443110

[Goanet] Vasco protest by CITU workers tomorrow.

2014-12-19 Thread jatin naik
Reminder :
20-12-2014 (10.00 a.m. to, 12) in mukund bldg, vasco.
Commemoration meeting of 50 th anniversary of martyrdom of two dock workers.
Please attend.

[Goanet] Arrested for doing Traffic cop duty..

2014-12-19 Thread JoeGoaUk

In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc

[Goanet] Today's pics: Boram – Sontram – Onsam – Addsoram – Dallimbam

2014-12-19 Thread JoeGoaUk
Boram – Sontram – Onsam – Addsoram – Dallimbam



For Goan Video Clips 

In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc

[Goanet] QUERY: Laptop for a journo...

2014-12-19 Thread Frederick FN Noronha फ्रेड्रिक नोरोन्या *فريدريك نورونيا
Dear all: A journo colleague wanted advice on (i) which is the best brand
of a laptop to buy? (ii) whom would you recommend as a dealer for the
Panjim area? (iii) what specifications?

Any tips or pointers you could offer would be much appreciated! Your
thoughts could benefit others on this list too...FN

P +91-832-2409490 M 9822122436 Twitter: @fn Facebook: fredericknoronha
Latest from Goa,1556:

[Goanet] RIP: Sister Maria Alina ac

2014-12-19 Thread Frederick FN Noronha फ्रेड्रिक नोरोन्या *فريدريك نورونيا
Just learnt from Livia Noronha that her sister-in-law, Sister Maria Alina
ac, passed away this week in Nagpur after a short illness. She was from the
first St Mary's (Mapusa) batch. Sr Maria Alina was born in Mapusa, did her
Portuguese Escola Normal (teachers' training) and taught in various primary
schools at Curtorim, Majorda, Aldona, etc. In 1960 she joined the
Apostolic Carmel convent in Mangalore  and last year had completed the 50th
year of  her perpetual vows.  She received the best teacher's award from
the President of India when she was teaching in Delhi. A tribute to the
many Goans who devoted their lives to the cause of education and service
across India and beyond, far from their home!
P +91-832-2409490 M 9822122436 Twitter: @fn Facebook: fredericknoronha
Latest from Goa,1556:

[Goanet] Fw: The Lord's Prayer by Andrea Bocelli

2014-12-19 Thread Con Menezes

Click on the Link: >
It was performed by Andrea Bocelli in honor of those who

died in a trainderailment near Santiago de Compostela, Spain last
summer.  Andrea is accompanied by a full orchestra and choir.

This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus protection 
is active.


2014-12-19 Thread Aires Rodrigues
The Press conference scheduled for December 21st at Azad Maidan stands
postponed and the new date will be intimated.

An extensive consultation process is currently underway with the voters of
Panaji on the road map ahead and the manifesto to liberate Panaji from
Manohar Parrikar who has taken the constituents on a jolly good ride for 20
long years. Promised Goa the moon but duped us with unending U turns.

The ensuing fierce battle for Panaji 2015 has to be against Manohar
Parrikar dead on. He should be our target and not any of his ‘chaprasi’
that he may field in an attempt to impose on the people of Panaji.

The true face of Manohar Parrikar needs to be exposed as he has a lot to
answer on the utter mess he has left Goa and Panaji in particular. There
can be no room for Corruption, Communalism and Casteism, a stinking trail
of which Manohar Parrikar has left behind.

Together we can achieve the impossible for the sake of Panaji and Goa at
large. Thank you for your continued support.

Aires Rodrigues

Advocate High Court

C/G-2, Shopping Complex

Ribandar Retreat,

Ribandar – Goa – 403006

Mobile No: 9822684372

Office Tel  No: (0832) 2444012



You can also reach me on AiresRodrigues


Re: [Goanet] Link: Canada's doors are open

2014-12-19 Thread Albert Peres
Crystal or not. And all sentiment aside. When you move from one country 
to another. or one century to another, something has to go.

Likely it's for the better.

When you see your colleague again, giver her a big hug.  Welcome her to where the empty all the office bins, black, grey and blue, 
every night.

Silly for her to not to lock a personal item her overhead cabinet.

Albert Peres
416.660.0847 cell

---nervin wrote---

... Since she had a nice crystal vase to store for the night, she decided to 
leave it in the brand new box which happened to be colored blue.

You can guess what happened that night  For non-Canadian residents, the 
cleaner came in and emptied all the blue boxes into the re-cycling bin.

I had to console a new employee who was in tears the following day. The crystal 
vase from the old country had gone. Forever.