[Goanet] Make in India -- The Defence Sector (Manohar Parrikar, PIB Features)

2015-01-28 Thread Goanet Reader
Make in India -- The  Defence Sector

[A Special Feature from
the Indian Ministry of
Defence.  Republic Day 2015.]

By Manohar Parrikar

Achieving self-reliance and reducing dependence on foreign
countries in defence is a necessity today rather than a
choice, both for strategic and economic reasons.  The
Government in the past has created production capabilities in
defence in form of ordnance factories and public sector
undertakings to cater to the requirements of our armed
forces.  However, there is a need to enlarge the role of
Indian private sector as well to develop capabilities and
capacities for production of various defence equipments.

Our Prime Minister has taken a very important initiative in
form of 'Make in India' to promote and encourage domestic
manufacturing of various items.  The requirement for domestic
production of defence equipment is more than for any other
sector because it will not only save precious foreign
exchange but will also address the national security concerns.

  The Government being the only consumer, 'Make in
  India' in defence sector will be driven by our
  procurement policy.  The Government policy of
  promoting domestic defence industry is adequately
  reflected in the Defence Procurement Policy,
  wherein preferential treatment is given to 'Buy
  (Indian)' and 'Buy and Make (Indian)' categories of
  acquisition over 'Buy (Global)'.  In the days to
  come, import is going to be the rarest of the rare
  option and first opportunity would be given to the
  Indian Industry to develop and manufacture the
  required systems.  As Indian companies presently
  may not have adequate capabilities in terms of
  technology, they are encouraged to partner with
  foreign companies for joint ventures, technology
  transfer arrangements and tie-ups.

If we look at the profile of Acceptance of Necessity (AONs)
granted by Defence Acquisition Council (DAC) in the last
couple of months after the new Government has come to power,
proposals worth more than Rs.65,000 crores have been
categorized under 'Buy (Indian)' and 'Buy and Make (Indian)'.
The process of further orienting the Defence Procurement
Procedure towards procurement from domestic industry will
continue in future as well.  The procurement process would be
made more efficient, time bound and predictable so that the
industry can plan its investment and RD well in advance to
meet the requirement of our armed forces.

Till now, there were many entry barriers for the domestic
industry to enter into defence sector in terms of licensing,
FDI policy restrictions etc.  In the last six months, the
Government has taken several policy initiatives to ease the
process of entry into defence manufacturing.  The most
important is the liberalization of the FDI policy regime for
Defence sector to encourage foreign investment in the sector.

FDI up to 49% is allowed through Government route (with FIPB
approval).  FDI above 49% is also allowed on a case-to-case
basis with the approval of Cabinet Committee on Security
wherever the proposal is likely to result in access to modern
and state-of-the-art technology in the country.  Restrictions
in earlier policy related to Foreign Institutional Investment
(FII) and majority shareholding to be held by single Indian
shareholder have been removed.

Even though private sector industry was allowed to enter in
defence manufacturing since 2001, after obtaining industrial
licence under IDR Act, the process of obtaining industrial
licence was very cumbersome and used to act as a major road
block for the industry, particularly small and medium
industry, who were in the business of making part,
components, sub systems and sub-assemblies.

  The Government liberalized the licensing policy and
  now most of the components, parts, raw materials,
  testing equipments, production machinery, castings,
  forgings etc.  have been taken out from the purview
  of licensing.  The companies desirous of
  manufacturing such items no longer require
  industrial licence and will also not be subjected
  to FDI ceiling of 49%.  A comprehensive Security
  Manual indicating the security architecture to be
  followed by various class of industries has been
  put in public domain, so that companies could
  easily access the same and follow it accordingly.
  The initial validity of industrial licence has been
  increased from two to three years.

For the first time, a Defence Export Strategy has been
formulated and has been put in public domain.  The strategy
outlines specific initiatives to be taken by the Government
for encouraging the export of defence items.  It is aimed at
making the domestic industry more sustainable in the long run
as the industry cannot sustain purely on domestic demand.


[Goanet-News] Make in India -- The Defence Sector (Manohar Parrikar, PIB Features)

2015-01-28 Thread Goanet Reader
Make in India -- The  Defence Sector

[A Special Feature from
the Indian Ministry of
Defence.  Republic Day 2015.]

By Manohar Parrikar

Achieving self-reliance and reducing dependence on foreign
countries in defence is a necessity today rather than a
choice, both for strategic and economic reasons.  The
Government in the past has created production capabilities in
defence in form of ordnance factories and public sector
undertakings to cater to the requirements of our armed
forces.  However, there is a need to enlarge the role of
Indian private sector as well to develop capabilities and
capacities for production of various defence equipments.

Our Prime Minister has taken a very important initiative in
form of 'Make in India' to promote and encourage domestic
manufacturing of various items.  The requirement for domestic
production of defence equipment is more than for any other
sector because it will not only save precious foreign
exchange but will also address the national security concerns.

  The Government being the only consumer, 'Make in
  India' in defence sector will be driven by our
  procurement policy.  The Government policy of
  promoting domestic defence industry is adequately
  reflected in the Defence Procurement Policy,
  wherein preferential treatment is given to 'Buy
  (Indian)' and 'Buy and Make (Indian)' categories of
  acquisition over 'Buy (Global)'.  In the days to
  come, import is going to be the rarest of the rare
  option and first opportunity would be given to the
  Indian Industry to develop and manufacture the
  required systems.  As Indian companies presently
  may not have adequate capabilities in terms of
  technology, they are encouraged to partner with
  foreign companies for joint ventures, technology
  transfer arrangements and tie-ups.

If we look at the profile of Acceptance of Necessity (AONs)
granted by Defence Acquisition Council (DAC) in the last
couple of months after the new Government has come to power,
proposals worth more than Rs.65,000 crores have been
categorized under 'Buy (Indian)' and 'Buy and Make (Indian)'.
The process of further orienting the Defence Procurement
Procedure towards procurement from domestic industry will
continue in future as well.  The procurement process would be
made more efficient, time bound and predictable so that the
industry can plan its investment and RD well in advance to
meet the requirement of our armed forces.

Till now, there were many entry barriers for the domestic
industry to enter into defence sector in terms of licensing,
FDI policy restrictions etc.  In the last six months, the
Government has taken several policy initiatives to ease the
process of entry into defence manufacturing.  The most
important is the liberalization of the FDI policy regime for
Defence sector to encourage foreign investment in the sector.

FDI up to 49% is allowed through Government route (with FIPB
approval).  FDI above 49% is also allowed on a case-to-case
basis with the approval of Cabinet Committee on Security
wherever the proposal is likely to result in access to modern
and state-of-the-art technology in the country.  Restrictions
in earlier policy related to Foreign Institutional Investment
(FII) and majority shareholding to be held by single Indian
shareholder have been removed.

Even though private sector industry was allowed to enter in
defence manufacturing since 2001, after obtaining industrial
licence under IDR Act, the process of obtaining industrial
licence was very cumbersome and used to act as a major road
block for the industry, particularly small and medium
industry, who were in the business of making part,
components, sub systems and sub-assemblies.

  The Government liberalized the licensing policy and
  now most of the components, parts, raw materials,
  testing equipments, production machinery, castings,
  forgings etc.  have been taken out from the purview
  of licensing.  The companies desirous of
  manufacturing such items no longer require
  industrial licence and will also not be subjected
  to FDI ceiling of 49%.  A comprehensive Security
  Manual indicating the security architecture to be
  followed by various class of industries has been
  put in public domain, so that companies could
  easily access the same and follow it accordingly.
  The initial validity of industrial licence has been
  increased from two to three years.

For the first time, a Defence Export Strategy has been
formulated and has been put in public domain.  The strategy
outlines specific initiatives to be taken by the Government
for encouraging the export of defence items.  It is aimed at
making the domestic industry more sustainable in the long run
as the industry cannot sustain purely on domestic demand.


[Goanet] Keeping The Spirit of Gandhi Alive - Prabhakar Timble...Navhind Times

2015-01-28 Thread Robin Viegas
From: bcsabha.kal...@gmail.com


BY PRABHAKAR TIMBLEJanuary 30, 1948. Gandhiji left his room in Birla House for 
the prayer meeting. 5.12 pm.  A young man offered “pranam.” Three shots were 
fired from point-blank range piercing the frail body. India lost the Father of 
the Nation to the bullets of a Hindu fanatic.The men in ‘khaki ganvesh’ 
continue even today to glorify the killing. They are coached to spit venom 
alleging the Pro-Pakistan stance of the Mahatma. They make the Mahatma a 
spectacle of public ridicule by describing the world apostle of peace as the 
Father of Pakistan. He is accused of sheltering the Muslims and for being 
responsible for India’s partition. For the fundamentalist and fanatic Hindu, 
providing shelter to Indian Muslim is a crime against nation, little short of 
treason and the butchery through sponsored communal riots is atonement of sins 
committed by Gandhi. The fundamentalists and votaries of Hindu Rashtra 
gleefully paint Gandhiji as anti-Hindu. The killer is adored as the saviour of 
‘Bharatmata.’ Two days before the insane assassination, Gandhiji had said, “If 
I’m to die by the bullet of a mad man, I must do so smiling. God must be in my 
heart and on my lips. And if anything happens, you are not to shed a single 
tear.” Rightly so, he collapsed without an iota of hatred or anger on his face 
and with ‘Hey Ram’ on his lips.Refuses to dieGandhi’s relevance for a just and 
peaceful world multiplies in geometric proportion as religious fundamentalism 
and madness in the name of Prophet, Christ and the thirty-three crore Gods of 
Hindu religion progresses at arithmetic rate. Barack Obama unequivocally 
echoed, “If Gandhi was not born; I would not have been President of United 
States of America.” This shows the power of Gandhian thought and the sway it 
holds in this land of democracy and opportunity. Kailash Satyarthi, on getting 
the news of the Nobel Prize for Peace, visited Rajghat to pay tributes to 
Mahatma Gandhi signalling his school of inspiration. Nelson Mandela 
acknowledges that Gandhi’s writings kept him alive in prison. Malala Yousafzai, 
the Pakistani activist of female education and the youngest ever Nobel Prize 
laureate draws strength from Gandhiji not to hate the Talib who shot her. It is 
clear that Gandhiji’s life and teachings are requisitioned to father political 
leaders, social activists and mass movements for human causes all over the 
world. Gandhi is formally taught in over 300 universities and there are over a 
lakh of published titles on his life, teachings and work. Without hesitation, 
Gandhi can be portrayed as the ‘Jesus’ of peace, ‘Koran’ of ahimsa, ‘Gita’ of 
truth and the magician of ‘satyagraha.’Of late, we are watching the festival of 
intolerance and communalism with the new government of ‘hope and aspirations’ 
playing the game of participant on some occasions and a mute spectator on most 
junctures. Much to the chagrin and annoyance of the fanatic forces, the Mahatma 
refuses to die and hence the multi-pronged attack to kill. The latest strategy 
at home is to take ownership of the Mahatma and consign him to garbage and 
cleanliness. It is also a grave inconsistency that the President of USA takes 
credit for being a product of Gandhian philosophy and gives the topmost 
priority to arms, warfare and nuclear power during his Republic Day visit to 
India, as if there are no other areas of cooperation for human development. 
Even otherwise, little can be expected from a country like USA which boasts as 
the world policeman of human rights and democracy and claiming legitimate 
rights to invade any part ofthe world.Nation in dangerIndia would stay unsafe 
as a nation in our attempts to kill whatever Gandhi stood for and sacrificed 
his life. The demand for deification of Nathuram Godse by establishing houses 
of worship cannot come unless the Hindutva brigade is engaged in preparing the 
soil at the grass-roots. Performance sessions based on the story revealed by 
the killer himself receive standing ovations from the crowd hungry for the 
blood of other communities. Though, there should be no restriction on freedom 
of expression, the concern is to the negative values held by the literate and 
educated Hindus.As we enter the 68th Martyrs Day, the political leaders will 
once again pay homage at the Gandhi Samadhi and simultaneously the Hindu 
fanatics in politics and society will continue to damage the idea of India. The 
communal elements in the Muslim clergy and politics will fall prey to the 
propaganda and add fuel to communalism.As if some kind of premonition, Gandhi 
had said, “If someone were to shoot me in the belief that he was getting rid of 
a rascal, he would kill not the real Gandhi, but one that appeared to him a 
rascal.” The current organised war of the Hindu fundamentalists and the 
loyalists of ‘sangh parivar’ frontal organisations including the 

[Goanet] (no subject)

2015-01-28 Thread Eunice Fernandes
Dear Esteemed Members of the Media,

Kindly find the Press Release on Goa Tower Run 2015 attached herewith.

I would be most obliged if you will carry it in your esteemed Media

Thanking you,

With warm regards,

Thanks and Regards,
Gazal Bhambri
State Head-Goa

Confederation of Indian Industry
502, Unitech City Center,
M. G. Road, Panaji, Goa 403 001
Tel: 0832 - 2422790 / 2422796
e-mail: gazal.bham...@cii.in

[Goanet] Caution on RP 2021(Navhind Times)

2015-01-28 Thread roger dsouza
Caution on RP 2021

Posted by: Navhind Times http://www.navhindtimes.in/author/user/January
28, 2015 in Opinion http://www.navhindtimes.in/category/opinion/

Deputy Chief Minister Francis D’Souza might want to take the bull by the
horns, but when it comes to the Regional Plan 2021 it is better to tread
with caution. He recently told the media that one meeting to sort out
issues (and issues there are many) was held on Monday and the second would
be held Friday. It is interesting to note that the first meeting
deliberated in 3,500 suggestions, most of which were private in nature.
Private, in this case, would mean requests to release land locked in the
regional plan for construction. What D’Souza did not say, and this could
eventually become a stumbling block, is how many were considered. The good
news though is that D’Souza is of the view that the plan should not be

Nothing stirs up passion in Goa like the regional plan. It was notified by
the previous Congress government after a five-year long process that saw
people’s participation for the first time. The exercise released forces
that pushed and pulled in several directions and it was a miracle that the
plan actually saw the light of day. Villages stepped up to the challenge
and set up committees with technically competent persons to survey and
finalise the plan. The fallout of this process was that villages began to
think like republics and went beyond their brief. The result was opposition
to new roads, widening of old roads and public utility projects. In
addition, over 10,000 requests, which were never made public, were accepted
directly by the town and country planning department and incorporated into
the plan after a screening process.

The BJP cashed in on the resentment against the plan and promised to
de-notify it if elected to power. After it formed government a promise was
made that plans would be sent back and the entire village would be allowed
to vote on it. When it realised the complications such an exercise would
create, it simply started delaying the process of reconciliation. However,
by superimposing the regional plan 2001 on RP 2021 it sought to curtail
conversion of land. This formula remained in place until D’Souza began the
process to finalise the plan once and for all. One is tempted to ask if the
Deputy Chief Minister has bitten off more than he can chew because there is
a chance the process could spiral out of control if ground rules are not

First, the Deputy Chief Minister must clearly and unequivocally declare if
the government is still keen on sending plans back to the village for
reconsideration and voting. Second, since he agreed with the view expressed
by Leader of the Opposition he must state if he also agrees that only plans
of 15 villages need to be viewed afresh, or all. Third, he must specify how
the department plans to deal with the 3,500 requests for land conversion.
It might be recalled that over 1,000 revisions or amendments were made to
RP 2001. Does the BJP government want to launch the plan with 3,500
revisions? Fourth, he has to state if new requests will be entertained.

When dealing with the mining issue, the Supreme Court introduced the
principle of inter-generational equity which when spelled out meant all the
ore should not be exploited by one generation. This is the guiding
principle behind the regional plan and hence special protection was
accorded to forests, paddy fields, orchards, water bodies and hill slopes.
Land was sought to be released on the basis of population requirements and
economic needs. However, some powerful vested interests also got included
in the process. If the intention of the Deputy Chief Minister is to weed
out these vested interests and finalise the plan, it is welcome. If, on the
other hand, fresh requests are going to be entertained, then it will result
in chaos. The Deputy Chief Minister and government need to think carefully
before venturing into the regional plan minefield.

[Goanet] Easy Listening selection for today...Tony Orlando Dawn.

2015-01-28 Thread Con Menezes

 “ Tie a yellow ribbon..”   

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[Goanet] Inspirational story of good manners and upbringing - dailymail.co.uk

2015-01-28 Thread Camillo Fernandes



2015-01-28 Thread Aires Rodrigues
After a thorough discussion and deliberation with my supporters it was
today unanimously decided to support the Congress candidate Surendra
Furtado at the ensuing Panaji by-election scheduled on February 13th.

The Independent candidates Sameer Kelekar and Sadanand Vaigankar are
undoubtedly very respected and credible persons with integrity. However in
the current scenario Surendra Furtado is better poised to defeat Manohar
Parrikar’s handpicked puppet Sidharth Kuncalienker. The voters of Panaji
must unitedly and fearlessly ensure that Manohar Parrikar’s candidate is
resoundedly routed as a mark of protest to the gross acts of omission and
commission committed over the last three years in particular by the former
Chief Minister.

The Panaji by-election is an opportunity to censure Manohar Parrikar for
eroding democratic values and subverting freedom of speech. Manohar
Parrikar as MLA for the last twenty years has high-handedly fooled the
people of Panaji and taken them for a ride.

Manohar Parrikar must agree to an open debate on what he has achieved for
Panaji over the last twenty years as MLA and the rampant corruption and
nepotism of the last three years. Manohar Parrikar has miserably failed on
all counts by being unable to even cleanse the awfully sewage loaded
stinking St Inez creek. The high-handed never ending concretization of the
Miramar- Dona Paula Road is an example of how Manohar Parrikar has got his
priorities wrong. Garbage disposal, parking vows and other pressing issues
grappling the city have been conveniently overlooked.

The people of Goa had in 2012 ousted the Congress and voted in the BJP
because of their tall promise of a Parivartan by way of Good governance and
Zero tolerance to Corruption. But people across Goa are today utterly
dismayed and mourning that they have sadly landed from the frying pan into
the fire.

Manohar Parrikar after all his rampant corruption, nepotism and U turns has
left Goa in an utter mess only to slip off to Delhi to be the Defence
Minister. At this Panaji by-poll there is need to put Manohar Parrikar’s
dictatorial, dubious, vindictive, and intimidatory tactics to an end.

Aires Rodrigues

Advocate High Court

C/G-2, Shopping Complex

Ribandar Retreat,

Ribandar – Goa – 403006

Mobile No: 9822684372

Office Tel  No: (0832) 2444012

Email: airesrodrigu...@gmail.com



You can also reach me on

Facebook.com/ AiresRodrigues


[Goanet] Fwd: Song for the day...

2015-01-28 Thread Gabe Menezes
Ray Charles My Heart Cries For You




Gabe Menezes.

[Goanet] Goa's Da Vinci passes away in NY

2015-01-28 Thread Gabe Menezes

Gabe Menezes.


2015-01-28 Thread Aires Rodrigues
The National Green Tribunal (NGT) was constituted with limited powers under
the National Green Tribunal Act 2010 for effective and expeditious disposal
of cases relating to environmental protection and conservation of forests
and other natural resources.

A bear reading of the very controversial order passed by the NGT on January
23rd prohibiting sale of alcohol in Goa on 26th January and declaring it as
a dry day was a very high-handed order passed without any jurisdiction
whatsoever. The NGT  has infact totally erred in trying to usurp and
exercise  powers under Article  226 and/or 132 of the Constitution of
India,  which powers and authority the NGT is not empowered with.

Notifying a dry day is a State policy and is not within the domain of any
Court more so the NGT. What is further objectionable is that the order was
passed by the NGT ex-parte without hearing the government. That the
government did not swiftly move to get the order rectified or even set
aside by the Supreme Court is another issue. It was a fit case to promptly
knock the doors of the Supreme Court and undo such a blatant illegal order.
The stoic silence on the issue by Goa’s Advocate General Atmaram Nadkarni
who is India’s highest paid public servant is very deafening.

Ironically though the Supreme Court has time and again laid down the
parameters on grant of ex-parte reliefs especially in matters having fiscal
/ policy ramifications, the NGT curiously gave the same a total go by.

Though the NGT has done a lot for the sake of environment, such out of the
blue, illegal and high -handed orders can open a Pandora’s Box and slowly
erode its credibility.

Aires Rodrigues

Advocate High Court

C/G-2, Shopping Complex

Ribandar Retreat,

Ribandar – Goa – 403006

Mobile No: 9822684372

Office Tel  No: (0832) 2444012

Email: airesrodrigu...@gmail.com



You can also reach me on

Facebook.com/ AiresRodrigues


[Goanet] Goa news for January 29, 2015

2015-01-28 Thread Goanet News Service
Goa News from Google News and Goanet.org
Visit http://www.goanet.org/newslinks.php for the full stories.

*** Goa: Environmental clearances awaited to resume mining -
Hindu Business Line
mining ban lifted but operations remain unattractive

*** Dempo SC 3-0 Sporting Clube de Goa: Golden Eagles secure
first win over ten ... - Goal India
 win over Sporting Clube de Goa in an I-League third round
encounter at the Fatorda stadium on Tuesday evening. Lenny
Rodrigues (28') gave Dempo the lead before Joseph Clement was
sent off for a second ...

*** Jharkhand wallop Goa 8-3 in final, win sub-junior Nat title
- Times of India
 at the end of the first session. But some sloppy defending saw
them concede six goals in the second half. Goa's goalscorers
were Aaron Barreto (33rd), Boris D ...

*** Tourists Responsible For Social Diseases In Goa, says Goan
Governor - Huffington Post India

*** North Goa collector upholds ban on Sri Ram Sena chief Pramod
Mutalik - Times of India
to approach court against ban on entering Goa

*** India's secret weapon or Obama's 'beast': What WAS that
giant crab on the Goa ... - Firstpost
authuser=0ned=usand more »

*** Proud Goa loses 2 prominent sons - Times of India
a-Vinci-passes-away-in-NY/84057.htmlGoa's Da Vinci passes away
in NY

*** Aqua Goa festival to begin on Jan 29 - Times of India
kbs_GMauthuser=0ned=usand more »

*** Goa named and shamed in British Parliament - Oherald
eraldWhen the MP for East Worthing and Shoreham Tim Loughton,
raised the issue of confiscation of property from British
nationals in Goa and corruption amongst government officials in
the West Minster Hall in the British Parliament, many Goan's and
those ...a class=

*** Jharkhand wallop Goa 8-3 in final, win sub-junior National
title - Times of India
 at the end of the first session. But some sloppy defending saw
them concede six goals in the second half. Goa's goalscorers
were Aaron Barreto (33rd), Boris D ...a class=

Compiled by Goanet News Service

[Goanet] Easy Listening selection for today.........Michael Buble.

2015-01-28 Thread Con Menezes

  ‘Young at heart’

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[Goanet] Resist the urge to critisize.

2015-01-28 Thread Con Menezes

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

[Goanet] Lacking awareness

2015-01-28 Thread Isidore Mendis
Lacking awareness

TNN Jan 29, 2015, 02.00 AM IST
Isidore Domnick Mendes

Surrounded by the Arabian Sea in the west, River Sal in the east and bordered 
by six villages—Benaulim and Navelim in the north, Telaulim and Orlim in the 
east, and Carmona and Cavelossim in the south—Varca is one of the first few 
villages to have a bailing machine to compress dry waste into small, manageable 
bales which is then transported by the Goa state pollution control board to be 
used as recycling fuel in a cement facility at Cacora in Quepem taluka. For the 
first time since the new panel came into being after the May 2012 panchayat 
elections in Goa, Varca's local governing body collects around three tonnes of 
garbage every week, free of cost. Wet garbage is easy to use as animal feed and 
manure for plants. To start with, around 15 awareness programmes were organized 
by the panchayat under the guidance of environmentalist Clinton Vaz, which was 
supported by Our Lady of Gloria Church, St Mary's High School, shopkeepers, 
builders etc. The builders since then have agreed, in principal, to have 
composting units in all their future projects. Varca comprises seven wards and 
13 vaddos including Chadvaddo, Novangully, Calvaddo, Laxette/Uddo, Reprovaddo, 
Razvaddem, Guneavaddo /Langotten/Sanvaddo, Pedda Utordoxi, Pedda Numeio, Pedda 
Dumotlem, Cobia Pedda, 2nd Fatrade and 3rd Fatrade. 

One still finds plastic bags, disposable plates, empty bottles, and cans dumped 
at the shopping complex, market area, bus stop opposite the village church or 
in the fields on the interior roads. There are still a few villagers, tenants 
and tourists who are acting as roadblocks to keep Varca permanently free from 
garbage. Awareness programmes on usefulness of collecting and segregating both 
dry and wet garbage has to be revisited again, says Havelock Ferrao of Chad 
Agrees Solon Furtado, a resident and owner of a supermarket, The mess has been 
occurring because a few villagers still lack awareness that proper disposal of 
garbage could lead to a win-win situation. A conscious effort has to be made to 
target people's way of thinking that it is ok or our right to dirty or mess up 
anything which is outside our compound. The panchayat has done commendable 
work to disseminate the message of using eco-friendly disposable mediums like 
recyclable bags which has made a big impact in our village. The use of plastic 
bags in almost all commercial establishments, including shops, restaurants or 
hotels has declined drastically, he adds. Says Agnel Fernandes of Calvaddo, 
To begin with, even when the guidelines for segregation of wet and dry garbage 
came up, there was resistance but with the passage of time, the residents of 
most houses, barring a few, have completely adjusted. 
Villagers suggest that the school has to be made an important platform in 
future educational programmes on garbage management. Our children, especially 
students, can be made the real agents of change as they will play a big role in 
correcting not only their own parents, but, also others, like tenants and even 
tourists who indulge in littering both public and private places in our 
village, says Delociana Luiza Jacques D'Souza, a teacher by profession and a 
resident of Reprovaddo. Villagers feel let down that despite Varca being home 
to so many five-star hotels and boutique hotels, none of them have helped the 
panchayat in its effort in garbage collection and segregation. It is sad that 
none have a corporate social responsibility (CSR) structure in place to support 
the initiatives of garbage management by the panchayat, says panchayat member 
and ex-sarpanch Crosly Charlton Lourenco. 
The panchayat is gearing up to face the challenge coming in the way of cent per 
cent success in garbage management. We have already penalized a few offenders 
who were found dumping waste by levying a fine of `5,000. At the same time, the 
panchayat needs financial support from the state government as it incurs a 
monthly expense of around `32,000 on garbage collection and segregation, says 
Varca sarpanch Francisco Simao Fernandes. 
Benaulim MLA Caetano 'Caitu' Silva is conscious of the fact that the garbage 
challenge can be combated by regular educational programmes. Few villagers 
have not taken a wholehearted interest in the garbage collection and 
segregation programme. My support to the villagers and the Varca panchayat in 
their endeavour of garbage collection and segregation is total. Sums up 
ex-sarpanch and present panchayat member Luisa Rodrigues from the ruling panel, 
Very few residents of Varca are still awaiting re-enlightenment on the 
benefits that accrue after segregation of dry and wet garbage. If garbage is 
managed well, it is wealth.

Problem Problem 

Lights out 
Locals point out to decorative streetlights erected in Varca and adjoining 
areas during the tenure of former industry minister Luizinho Faleiro which 
hardly function as most of the 

[Goanet] MEDIA COMMENT: The only bomb in the beautiful 66th Republic Day parade in Delhi was the Goa float (TargetGoa.com)

2015-01-28 Thread Goanet News
  The heavy drizzle pattered down, but it did not
  rain on our parade and halt it in any way.  The
  66th Republic Day Parade of India went through
  beautifully, complete with airshow and motorcycle
  acrobatics.  The only negative was the ghastly Goa
  float.  If they were looking for bombs, this had to
  be it.  The Goa float bombed fair and square.  The
  dancers looked bedraggled, the poor things must
  have been freezing; there was no live music band,
  and instead of the usual three-part float, there
  was one miserable segment with a giant ugly-as-sin
  crab taking pride of place.

CRAB MENTALITY most apt for the shenanigans that goes into
throwing merit out of the mix.
View all photos at:

Why are most Goans disgusted at the sight of the Goa float?
Because Goa's float used to be the preserve of one man --
Francisco Martins, also known as Fanquito. For some reason
the BJP decided he had had enough of his day in the sun and
it was time to give someone else a chance.  As usual there
was politics at play in the choice of float design. Of course
it was also a matter of almost a crore of public money.

In January 2012 Francisco Martin's float won the 1st prize
among the states as it had many times before. In March 2012
the BJP stormed into power in Goa and Manohar Parrikar became
Chief Minister. In December 2012 when Francisco Martins sent
in his design to be sent as Goa's entry to the screening
committee in Delhi, his design was held back and a design
made by S Khedekar, Vice Chairman of Kala Academy was sent
instead. Khedekar, let it be pointed out, has in the past
designed floats for Goa and won the second prize.

PARTICIPATED. Those vibrant colours of 2012 and that golden
sun was badly needed in today's grey weather.

The R-Day parade screening committee in Delhi sent the design
back asking for it to be improved. It was improved and sent
back and it was rejected.  For the first time Goa, which had
won the first prize the previous year, did not even qualify
for 2013.

In December 2013 when artists were asked to submit designs
and quotes for the R-Day Parade of 2014 an angry Francisco
Martins decided not to send in a design. He did not send a
design for the 2015 Republic Day parade either. Instead, we
the people of Goa paid out Rs 98 lakh for this -- thing.

  The only Goa smiling when he saw the float was the
  Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar.  It was a brave
  smile considering that he set in systems in Goa
  that shut persons like Francisco Martins out from
  places that matter.  Have a look at the last Goa
  float designed and set up by Francisco Martins in
  the 63rd Republic Day Parade in 2012.

It's right and fitting that a godawful giant crab should be
the pièce de resistance of the 2015 Goa float. It brings out
the crab mentality that ends up destroying merit in Goa.

The front of the 2012 float (top) and the rear portion of the
same float (bottom)

[Goanet-News] MEDIA COMMENT: The only bomb in the beautiful 66th Republic Day parade in Delhi was the Goa float (TargetGoa.com)

2015-01-28 Thread Goanet News
  The heavy drizzle pattered down, but it did not
  rain on our parade and halt it in any way.  The
  66th Republic Day Parade of India went through
  beautifully, complete with airshow and motorcycle
  acrobatics.  The only negative was the ghastly Goa
  float.  If they were looking for bombs, this had to
  be it.  The Goa float bombed fair and square.  The
  dancers looked bedraggled, the poor things must
  have been freezing; there was no live music band,
  and instead of the usual three-part float, there
  was one miserable segment with a giant ugly-as-sin
  crab taking pride of place.

CRAB MENTALITY most apt for the shenanigans that goes into
throwing merit out of the mix.
View all photos at:

Why are most Goans disgusted at the sight of the Goa float?
Because Goa's float used to be the preserve of one man --
Francisco Martins, also known as Fanquito. For some reason
the BJP decided he had had enough of his day in the sun and
it was time to give someone else a chance.  As usual there
was politics at play in the choice of float design. Of course
it was also a matter of almost a crore of public money.

In January 2012 Francisco Martin's float won the 1st prize
among the states as it had many times before. In March 2012
the BJP stormed into power in Goa and Manohar Parrikar became
Chief Minister. In December 2012 when Francisco Martins sent
in his design to be sent as Goa's entry to the screening
committee in Delhi, his design was held back and a design
made by S Khedekar, Vice Chairman of Kala Academy was sent
instead. Khedekar, let it be pointed out, has in the past
designed floats for Goa and won the second prize.

PARTICIPATED. Those vibrant colours of 2012 and that golden
sun was badly needed in today's grey weather.

The R-Day parade screening committee in Delhi sent the design
back asking for it to be improved. It was improved and sent
back and it was rejected.  For the first time Goa, which had
won the first prize the previous year, did not even qualify
for 2013.

In December 2013 when artists were asked to submit designs
and quotes for the R-Day Parade of 2014 an angry Francisco
Martins decided not to send in a design. He did not send a
design for the 2015 Republic Day parade either. Instead, we
the people of Goa paid out Rs 98 lakh for this -- thing.

  The only Goa smiling when he saw the float was the
  Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar.  It was a brave
  smile considering that he set in systems in Goa
  that shut persons like Francisco Martins out from
  places that matter.  Have a look at the last Goa
  float designed and set up by Francisco Martins in
  the 63rd Republic Day Parade in 2012.

It's right and fitting that a godawful giant crab should be
the pièce de resistance of the 2015 Goa float. It brings out
the crab mentality that ends up destroying merit in Goa.

The front of the 2012 float (top) and the rear portion of the
same float (bottom)

[Goanet] ED threatens to sue media, British nationals over graft charges

2015-01-28 Thread Gabe Menezes
No threats, Just do it!

The Enforcement Directorate
here has threatened to file a defamation case against a local English daily
and British national for tarnishing its officials' reputation.

References were made in the British Parliament Tuesday about the woes of
British nationals, whose properties have been frozen or confiscated by the
ED in Goa. It was subsequently reported in a local English daily.

ED spokesperson Pravin Pawar, in a formal press statement issued Wednesday,
threatened to file defamation suit against the daily and a British national
for tarnishing the reputation of its officials.

On Tuesday, Britain's Conservative MP Tim Loughton, who represents the East
Worthing and Shoreham constituency in South East England, raised in the
parliament the issue of bogus complaints against British nationals who have
purchased land in the coastal state of Goa.

Loughton also cited a specific case where he claimed two Britons were
inconvenienced due to the seizure of a hotel which they had purchased in
the south Goan village of Canacona, 100 km from Panaji.

He added that the issue also concerned several hundred British nationals
who had purchased property in Goa, the transactions which are now in peril.

The subject has potential to ruin the parents of one of my constituents
and apparently affect 100s of others who are invested in property in Goa,
he said, adding that British nationals were frustrated by lack of action
by Indians and Goan officials also alleging blatant corrupt practices at

Loughton also said that he had raised the issue with Union Finance Minister
Arun Jaitley as well as Goan Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar, but to no

In 2008, the state government had asked the ED to probe nearly 480 cases
where land in Goa was purchased by foreigners using allegedly fraudulent
means (before 2008) following official enquiries revealing that several
revenue and Reserve Bank of India's (RBI) foreign investment norms had been
allegedly flouted in these real estate transactions.

The government also froze sale of land to foreigners in Goa, pending the
completion of the ED probe, especially after a police probe revealed that a
coastal property in Morjim, 30 km from here, had been purchased by a
company partly owned by Russian nationals with alleged mafia links.

Land deals conducted by foreign nationals pre-2008, worth over Rs.7 crore
are being probed by the ED.

Currently, around 200 are under various stages of investigation, while 22
properties which had been illegally purchased had been confiscated by the

In many of the cases, the owners of the confiscated property had gone in
appeal before the Special Director (Appeals) in Mumbai.

Loughton Tuesday also named an appellate official in the ministry of
finance, based in Mumbai, for having demanded a bribe of Rs.10 lakh from
the British hotel owners in his address in British Parliament.

The ED in their statement has claimed that the Appellate authority is not
an official of the agency.

No official of the Enforcement Directorate Goa Office was named by Tim
Loughton for extorting money from British nationals. He had named the
appellate authority based in Mumbai who is not an ED official, the ED said.

Media reports have named two ED officials, who are allegedly involved in an
extortion racket, pressurising the foreign nationals to shell out money in
exchange for regularising their confiscated property, a charge that Pawar
has denied.

The ED official has claimed that the department would file a defamation
suit for tarnishing the reputation of its officials by malicious reporting
and by not bothering to check the facts either with the department or with
the complainant.


Gabe Menezes.

[Goanet] Uma Snaker an IAS officer

2015-01-28 Thread Nelson Lopes
Uma Shanker IAS officer

He has been accused of violating service rules and directed not to
propagate his religious view publicly even after office hours He has been
doing it for the last 3 years Article 25 of the constitution confers
freedom of religious transmission of faith. Can a delegated legislation
deny the fundamental right, even though it has been not challenged so far
for the last 66 years of Independent India and does it not override all
other rules? Can a contractual agreement undermine rights under art 25 of
the Constitution Reasonable restrictions are a constitutional norm as
applicable under emergency, armed forces, even Judiciary. He has not been
accused of partisanship, eve subtle bias  in dispensation of duties to his
clan or accused of conversions to other faith. Citing law and order
problems is understandable as legitimate concerns of the administration. He
is spreading his beliefs in the confines of the church, which is normally
open to the believers of faith and is not an open invitation to others He
is convinced of his belief and says so to his believers in particular, but
it is the outsiders, who are raising objections menacingly. Is he creating
any law and order problems or the so called rabid Nationalists
organizations to impose their will, encouraged by party in power, He has
faced 3 murderous attacks on his life but fortunately was saved by the law
enforcing agencies .Momentarily he has accepted the directive of the
superiors, but intends to take the issue at next level to defend his rights
guaranteed under Constitution. The norm and conduct by traditions is
necessarily the right stand. President Obama in his final address
emphasized freedom under art 25 of Indian Constitution. Currently there
seems to be intolerance towards faith of the minority community or dissuade
by fear and violence. India is a multi religious, multi lingual Nations and
this  unique characteristic must be preserve the fabric of unity of a
diverse national identity

Nelson Lopes Chinchinim