[Goanet] MG Vassanji's 'At Home Was Kariakoo': A Returnee's Memoir

2015-02-13 Thread V M

In 1895, the British foreign office took over the administration of the
Imperial British East African Company’s territories in what are now Kenya
and Uganda, and persuaded the colonial government of India to sanction
large-scale emigration of indentured labour to construct the Uganda Railway
(aka “the Lunatic Express”) from the port city of Mombasa to Lake Victoria.

Some 30,000 Indians, shipped in on contract, were joined by thousands of
others—Gujarati shopkeepers, Goan tailors and civil servants, Punjabi
policemen—pursuing the East African opportunity described by Sir Harry
Johnston, special commissioner of Uganda from 1899-1901, as a possible
“America of the Hindu”.

 “It seems incredible today to imagine Africa as the land of milk and honey
that it was for Indians,” writes M.G. Vassanji in his latest book, And Home
Was Kariakoo—Memoir Of An Indian African. “By the early twentieth century,
Indians could be seen everywhere in East Africa, in every town, large and
small…But these ‘Jews’ of Africa, as they were sometimes called, were
rarely appreciated. To the poor Africans they were the ones raking in the
cash. To the white colonials they were often an irksome, alien presence,
the bone in the kabab—to use an Indian metaphor—spoiling their pure
black-and-white picture of Africa—the whites the superior race out to
convert and civilize the blacks, and later the benefactors bringing aid,
the blacks the beneficiaries. In their writings and nostalgic musings about
East Africa, the white settlers seem to have simply wished the brown man

Moyez Vassanji is one of Canada’s acclaimed writers, the first double
winner of the country’s prestigious Giller Prize (Alice Munro has since
also won it twice), and author of six novels and two short-story
collections. Born in Kenya and raised in Tanzania, he left Africa to study
physics in the US and Canada, and eventually settled in Toronto. His
fiction returns again and again to migrant preoccupations: shifting
identities, the idea of belonging, topographies of loss.

And Home Was Kariakoo is best understood as companion to Vassanji’s
previous book and his only other volume of non-fiction. A Place Within :
Rediscovering India is a telescoped account of the author’s travels around
his ancestral homeland—first visited when he was already 43: photos,
personal anecdotes and family stories set off by broader-frame historical
sketches of the places visited. He wrote that India “spoke to me; I found
myself responding to it, it mattered to me. It was as if a part of me which
had lain dormant all the while had awakened and reclaimed me”.

 Similar sentiments gird And Home Was Kariakoo, another extended travelogue
that tracks the author’s exhaustive (and exhausting) recent journeys—mostly
by public bus—through Tanzania, with a brief stop in Nairobi, in
neighbouring Kenya. It is also a valuable, often insightful, book on the
theme of “the returnee”, about which Vassanji writes, “Circumstances took
me away, and for a long time it seemed to me that I would never visit those
lost dimensions, experience the land in its variety, appreciate the
diversity of its people. I was wrong, all it required was a will to go and
do just that.”

Vassanji’s slow, difficult, almost compulsive perambulations through
Tanzania—to the Malawi and Burundi borders, up and down the coastline from
Tanga to Kilwa and across to Zanzibar—make for rather moving reading.
Despite all the years away—and the celebrated literary life in Toronto—his
desire to write “not as an outsider reporting to outsiders but as someone
from there, who understood”, is palpable. You recognize the truth when he
writes, finally: “I wished I could go on and on, from place to place, and
never stop. But I was not young anymore, and one lives with constraints;
twice I had to be told *Enough*, and reluctantly, facing an inviting,
unvisited landscape, I turned back. I had to stop.”

One main compulsion driving the book is familiar to Indians and other
former colonials. It is the reclamation of place. The precise question that
struck Vassanji after learning all about the pioneering explorers of East
Africa, John Hanning Speke and Richard Burton and David Livingstone and
Henry Morton Stanley, was, “Where was I in all this history?” Thus his book
returns again and again to “that irresistible and obsessive subject”, the
Khoja community in which he grew up, and its own strand in the East African
narrative. But there is also a strong measure of what was quite unique in
the Indian African experience: a sense of wholehearted belonging to the
modern, post-colonial nationalistic project. Thus, Vassanji deplores
Tanzania’s descent into donor dependence, “for those of my generation who
have not forgotten the calls for self-reliance and dignity, who volunteered
to build houses during our vacations, and recall the pride we felt at
(Julius) Nyerere’s rebuff of a pushy foreign

[Goanet] Goa Sidelined at the Canonization Mass

2015-02-13 Thread Roland Francis
Thank you Melvyn for all the facts presented in your interesting Goanet Reader 

It was of course a pity that the Sri Lanka ecclesiastical authorities did not 
give any importance to the canonized saint's Goan heritage or to the thousand 
Goan and Indian visitors to the celebrations.

However, in all fairness, it was their moment of a place in the Catholic sun 
and they may have wished not to share it.

There could be Goa's own celebration of the canonization out-rivalling theirs 
for there is great reverence for the holiness of Jose Vaz in Goa even to this 
day. The presence of a Pope even as good a specimen as Francis One does nothing 
to increase the sanctity of the achievements of JV.

If Catholic is universal, then the saint belongs to all Catholics, though in 
practice most of the saints are "political" appointments (ask George Pinto) 
with the convenient finding of miracles where there are none and fast tracking, 
a move inspired by Indian TADA courts, no less.

If you ask me, your late and sainted father, Valentine in his own way outdid 
the Catholicism of many saints and himself deserved to be canonized. I say this 
not lightly, but from knowing him for many years. No wonder the Protestants say 
that every true believer is a Saint.


Sent from my iPhone

[Goanet] BJP is different

2015-02-13 Thread Nelson Lopes

It was very much publicized that BJP is  a party with difference. It was
widely understood that BJP stood for principles and discipline. It is a
party comprising mostly of educated people at the helm of affairs and  with
wide wedge of religious practices, caste consciousness and accommodation
.The lower castes are considered as vote getter's, but will never be
integrated as equals. The difference in perception is to real to be taken
at face value. The caste divide with Hindus can never be bridged easily.

Last time around the temple issue was dominant adhesive of cohesion of
communal forces .The hate against minorities has reached alarming
proportion of intolerance and insensitivity. All the sweet talk of P.M  and
dead silence is only emboldening the fringe elements to strike at the root
of culture.attempts are made to change the Christmas ,teachers , valentine
days, Gita, Sanskrit language  into confined conformity of new cultural
ethos dictated by RSS strategy, Voters in India were always  apprehensive
of Hindutva  agenda, but never expected  BJP to strike with such  ferocious
brutality and hoped with times , massive majority in Parliament, BJP had
mellowed   as they put the Mandir issue on back burner, The communal
flare-ups, mindless attacks on religious place of worships and even
peaceful protesters seeking protection and safety granted by the
constitution. Unfortunately the development plank is on the back foot and
precious efforts directed towards political ideology of ruling party. The
rise of AAP in Delhi  has sent a clear message to BJP that covert
approach is no alternative to prove their sincerity in Governance as a
priority, BJP is under illusion that voters will invest further after
seeing their real intention to remain in the saddle for long time beyond
their limits

Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

[Goanet] Allignment of BJP and PDP

2015-02-13 Thread Nelson Lopes
BJP is undergoing metamorphosis of being different

BJP has always claimed to be different to place itself in the perception of
voters. At times principles and philosophy are thrown to the winds for
expediency, Corruption in other parties is highlighted while their own
similar sins are muted, rationalized. Family rule in politics is seen on a
different platform of one man brigade with remote steering backhand, BJP is
blamable of the same omission and commission accusing other political
parties accepts they can camouflage their actions well.

In Maharashtra the aged old, tried and tested alliance was divorced due to
irretrievable,  inconceivable differences. What it said about their
opponents would make one wonder, whether they could ever reconcile. But
power is a great binder, that in spite of unconditional support of NCP, BJP
stitched the unity on their own terms, with Shiv Sena  had to bite the dust
or be irrelevant. Hence  principles and ideology thrown to winds at the
altar of expediency of power. The association is more predictable,
manageable with Shiv Sena

Now there is a talk of aligning with PDP in Kaskmir, but unlike in
Mharashtra the issue of C.M is not  bargain able and had to settle with
deputy C.M.  What is common with two parties is not imaginable, but
differences are, How they got at each throat at elections confirms that in
elections and politics there are no permanent friend or enemies, Politics
is the fine art to make strange bedfellows BJP has strong  views on  AFSA,
art, 370,  relation with Pakistan resettling of displaced Pandits from the
valley among the contentious issues, Will BJP now to share power dilute, go
soft, pretend that it is no more stead fast on its manifesto earnestly in
its hunger for power for latent  agenda How the two parties   pole apart
can co exist and for how long. Is it an exercise of political engineering
to get a foothold in a new environment? The softening of stand of P.M on a
sudden talk with Pakistan is a sign of secret understanding with joining
power with PDF. Is this new alignment of power in Kasmir lead to better
relations or giving up the hitherto  stand of India vis a vis Pakistan

Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

[Goanet] [JudeSundayReflections] Ash Wednesday

2015-02-13 Thread Jude Botelho judesundayreflecti...@yahoo.co.in [JudeSundayReflections]
Dear Friend,
Once again we begin the season of Lent with this Ash Wednesday celebration. 
Lent is a time for repentance and renewal yet the Preface of Lent will call it 
the joyful season of Lent. We should remind ourselves that originally Lent was 
a time for preparation for Baptism and for Easter. Later on as the practice of 
adult baptisms died out, it became a time of baptismal renewal as well as a 
time of repentance and a proximate preparation for Easter. As we begin this new 
season may we find our joy in coming back to God. Have a ‘prayer-filled’ 
weekend! –Fr. Jude
Sunday Refl. Ash Wednesday “Harden not your hearts! Repent and believe in the 
Gospel” 18-Feb-2015 Joel 2: 12-18                                       2 
Corinth. 5: 20-6: 2                            Matt. 6: 1-6; 16-18

The key ceremony on Ash Wednesday is the imposition of the ashes on our 
forehead. “Remember thou art dust and to dust thou shall return.” In a sense, 
this ritual reminds us of our beginning and our end, we are back to basics. It 
is meant to give us a right perspective of life. We are dust, we are finite, we 
are human, we are creatures, dependent and capable of mistakes. At times, with 
all our successes, our possibilities, our capabilities and the power we try to 
acquire, we are led to believe we can manage on our own, that we don’t need 
anybody, we don’t need God! Lent puts things in proper perspective. We need 
God, who does not look down on the dust that we are, our humanness, our 
weakness, but renew his covenant to human beings, he breathes life into the 
earth and creates us and recreates us.
The first reading from the prophet Joel reminds us that sometimes God invited 
the people of Israel to come back to Him through the great disasters that 
befell them. It was after one such disaster that the prophet Joel conveyed to 
the people the message that God would come to their rescue. The disaster that 
befell the Israelites at that time was the invasion of locusts that came in 
large numbers from the desert and devoured everything. The prophet Joel called 
them to prayer and to penance. He assured them that if they came back to 
Yahweh, He would provide them with food they needed. He reminded them that 
everyone should do penance, the priests and the laity, the young and the old, 
even the children. They needed to ask God’s pardon as a family, as one 
community and God would forgive them all.
The Nail PostA father wanted his son to really understand the importance of 
making right choices, of obeying and doing what’s right. So if his son made a 
bad choice or a wrong decision, he’s give him a hammer and a nail to take out 
into the backyard and pound into a fence post. When the son went through the 
whole day making good decisions, he’d let the boy go out and take out one of 
those nails. Until the boy was fifteen, there were always two or three nails in 
the post, -seemed he’d be nailing new ones as often as he’d pull out others. 
The youth started to mature and make better decisions and finally one day all 
the nails were removed from the post. That was when his dad took him back and 
said, “I want you to notice something about the post.” The son looked at the 
post for a moment and realized that all the nails that once were driven in and 
then later removed had left small holes in the post. The holes were the 
remaining effects of the nails. His dad said, “I want to tell you something 
about bad choices and decisions. Even though you may be totally forgiven from 
your bad choices or decisions, and there are no nails visible, there are the 
remaining effects, the consequences, of those choices or decisions; just like 
the holes in that fencepost.”Author Unknown
The Gospel of today speaks to us of three paths that can lead us back to God: 
Prayer, Fasting and Alms. Jesus reminds us that these three practices by 
themselves will not lead us to God unless we perform them with a humble heart. 
Lent is firstly a time for renewing our prayer life. When we pray, do not pray 
to be seen or heard by others? Is Jesus against praying in public with the 
community or prayer group? What Jesus is speaking about is the motive of our 
prayer practices. Are we putting on a performance? Would we do the same if no 
one was watching? Our community prayer life needs to be balanced with private 
and personal prayer. The second practice recommended is fasting and abstinence 
during lent, but we are reminded that how we do it is more important than what 
we do. If fasting makes us irritable, if we fast with long faces and put on a 
gloomy look and make all around us miserable, there is something wrong. The 
heart of fasting is to do without something that we like and believe we can’t 
do without, in order to realize that God can supply our every need. What about 
a weekly fast from our favourite TV serial? The third practice of the devout 
Jew was almsgiving. Again the admonition is the same: “So when you give alms do 

[Goanet] Goa news for February 14, 2015

2015-02-13 Thread Goanet News Service
Goa News from Google News and Goanet.org
Visit http://www.goanet.org/newslinks.php for the full stories.

*** Goa: Voting begins for Panaji bypoll - IBNLive
lection began on Friday at 8 AM with Defence Minister Manohar
Parrikar among the first few to cast his vote. The bypoll was
necessitated following the resignation of the former Goa Chief
Minister Parrikar.

*** Holiday guide to Goa: the best beaches, hotels and
restaurants - The Guardian
Chronicle of Goan Shores

*** What to watch out for at this year's carnival in Goa - Daily
News & Analysis
waited festivals of the year. Carnival 2015, scheduled from 14th
to 17th February this year, is all set to dazzle with colour ...

*** The keys to Vijay Mallya's Kingfisher villa in Goa lie in
Lisbon - Financial Express

*** Science meet in Goa: Before Newton, Kerala's Madhava gave
key mathematical ... - Firstpost
rstpostThe Sammelan, which had scientists from across 24 Indian
states and was attended by several thousand people over the
three days ending Sunday, had four union ministers including
Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar as well as Goa Chief
Minister ...http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&ct2=us&usg=AFQjCNFiGi8Oi4bspkCgmh94mD57BnxP7w&clid=c3a7d30bb8a4878e06b80cf16b898331&cid=52778738268968&ei=C5feVMCxLuDW3AGrioDoCA&url=http://www.firstpost.com/living/science-meet-goa-newton-keralas-madhava-gave-key-mathematical-concepts-2097127.html

*** Goa's Mining Logjam - Economic and Political Weekly
onomic and Political WeeklyThe stage is all set for the
resumption of iron ore mining in Goa after it was suspended in
the state in 2012, to curb its indiscriminate and illegal
mining. The Goa government's decision to renew the mining leases
comes at a time when the economics of ...http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&ct2=us&usg=AFQjCNFWcmei-GEbSvy-IcD4EgWU7Rl_uQ&clid=c3a7d30bb8a4878e06b80cf16b898331&ei=C5feVMCxLuDW3AGrioDoCA&url=http://www.epw.in/reports-states/goas-mining-logjam.html

*** Goa Seeks to Upgrade Tourism with High End Hotels -
avelPulseGoa, the former Portuguese outpost on the west coast of
India, about an hour's flight from Mumbai, is growing its
tourism fast and feeling some growing pains. Goa's international
tourism really began in the 1960s as a popular port of call on
the ...http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&ct2=us&usg=AFQjCNEDqeKu36do3-MvzAxN3kRDaScCYw&clid=c3a7d30bb8a4878e06b80cf16b898331&ei=C5feVMCxLuDW3AGrioDoCA&url=http://www.travelpulse.com/news/hotels-and-resorts/goa-seeks-to-upgrade-tourism-with-high-end-hotels.html

*** IFB commences washing machines manufacturing in Goa -
Business Standard
siness StandardIFB commences washing machines manufacturing in
Goa. The company, which began mass production of top loader
washing machines in its Goa factory, has stopped imports and
hopes to significant increase its sales. BS B2B Bureau 

*** Goa Carnaval 2015 to begin on Feb 14 - TravelBizMonitor
(press release) (registration)
avelBizMonitor (press release) (registration)Addressing the
media today in Mumbai, Amey Abhyankar IAS, Director, Goa Tourism
Development Corporation (GTDC), said, "The Goa Carnaval is one
of the biggest highlights in the state and the country. It is a
colourful and vibrant spectacle that gives ...http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&ct2=us&usg=AFQjCNG4xWd0BjYPVjGs6wVyaqbkmr_DLg&clid=c3a7d30bb8a4878e06b80cf16b898331&cid=52778736656769&ei=C5feVMCxLuDW3AGrioDoCA&url=http://www.travelbizmonitor.com/Top-Stories/goa-carnaval-2015-to-begin-on-feb-14-26595

*** Eijaz Khan and Nat

[Goanet] OPINION: Was Goa sidelined at the Canonization Mass?

2015-02-13 Thread Gilbert Lawrence
Was Goa sidelined at the Canonization Mass?
By Melvyn Misquita
It was a month ago that over a thousand Goan devotees and pilgrims had 
participated in the historic canonization of St. Joseph Vaz by Pope Francis in 
Sri Lanka.  But the joy of witnessing their illustrious son of the soil 
elevated as Goa's first saint in the Roman Catholic Church on January 14 was 
also accompanied with a tinge of sadness.

There is a growing belief among a number of priests and people, who attended 
the canonization ceremony and those who witnessed live coverage on TV and 
internet here in the State, that Goa was sidelined to a considerable extent at 
the Canonization Mass at Colombo in Sri Lanka.

Incidentally, the only contribution allotted to Goa -- a Konkani hymn dedicated 
to St Joseph Vaz -- was sung well after the Mass had ended and the pope and his 
entourage had left.  Not many may be aware that the hymn was included at the 
last moment and that too, only after the persistent intervention of a prominent 
Goan tour operator
GL responds:
Finally there is some dialog on St. Joseph Vaz and his recent canonization on 
goanet, the erstwhile Goan e-website.  
I was disappointed that Goa did not have its own diocese-wide celebration of 
the event.   
JoegoaUK did a great job of posting the celebration of St. Joseph Vaz feast 
celebration at the saint's home.  There was also a short account of the 
service.  The 'take home message' of the celebrant priest in his sermon, was 
exhorting his listeners for donation and funds because "the alter needs a 
statue of Saint Joseph Vaz."  For those who missed 
In fact it would be a proud and uniting cause for Catholic Goans all over the 
world to work towards building a church / mini-basilica for St. Joseph in Vaz 
in Goa. Then we will not have to fault Rome or Colombo for not doing enough for 
the FIRST Goan saint.
Regards, GL

[Goanet] Modi's concern ???

2015-02-13 Thread Con Menezes
   Read the earlier article ‘Modi’s dangerous silence.
Is  his concern merely to reassure  us?  Will he act? Wait & see.   

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[Goanet] It's carnival time - Check what's going on at Samba Square

2015-02-13 Thread JoeGoaUk
 Check what's going on at Samba Square 
more hre

[Goanet] On the eve of Goa Carnival 2015 - a short tour

2015-02-13 Thread JoeGoaUk
Parade streets, Circles, Samba Square etc

For Goan Video Clips 
In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc

[Goanet] Siolcars...

2015-02-13 Thread Frederick FN Noronha * फ्रेड्रिक नोरोन्या * فريدريك نورونيا
P +91-832-2409490 M 9822122436 Twitter: @fn Facebook: fredericknoronha
Goa,1556 Shared Content at archive.org https://archive.org/details/goa1556

[Goanet] Breaking News: Convent School in South Delhi Vandalised, Robbed; Alumnus Smriti Irani to Visit

2015-02-13 Thread Robin Viegas
From: bcsabha.kal...@gmail.com


The police at Holy Child Auxilium School in Vasant Vihar, which was allegedly 
vandalised on Thursday night
NEW DELHI:  A convent school in south Delhi's Vasant Vihar was allegedly 
vandalized and robbed last night. Arvind Kejriwal, Delhi's chief 
minister-designate, has condemned the attack on the Holy Child Auxilium School 
and tweeted this morning, "This kind of acts will not be tolerated."

School officials say the window of the principal's room was broken by the 
unknown attackers. A swarm of police officers was seen in the premises today; 
all students were sent home and a notice at the gate says, "No classes will be 
conducted today."The police claim it is a case of theft. Sources say around Rs. 
8,000 was stolen from the principal's office.

Education Minister Smriti Irani, who studied in this school, is expected to 
visit it shortly.

"Certain people came at night, broke the CCTV camera, went into the principal's 
room and ransacked it," said Father Dominic Emmanuel, spokesperson of the Delhi 

He alleged that the incident is in line with recent attacks on churches in 

After massive protests by Christian groups, Home Minister Rajnath Singh had 
tightened security around churches and other religious institutions.Story First 
Published: February 13, 2015 10:25 IST
Christian school vandalized in south Delhi

Christian school vandalised in 

Christian school ransacked in DelhiCCTV cameras installed in the school 
premises were damaged and the office of the principal was ransacked




[Goanet] Indian women take up Bodybuilding

2015-02-13 Thread Con Menezes
more here  

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[Goanet] Conquering Fear.

2015-02-13 Thread Con Menezes


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[Goanet] Easy Listening & watching selection.......Fred Astaire & Judy Garland.

2015-02-13 Thread Con Menezes
 ‘ We’re a couple of Swells ‘   

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[Goanet] Fwd: Song for the day...

2015-02-13 Thread Gabe Menezes

Can't Help Falling In Love


Gabe Menezes.

[Goanet] Coming on Channel 4 this Sunday @ 9 p.m.

2015-02-13 Thread Gabe Menezes
Sex and the memsahibs: A major TV series portrays the bed-hopping antics of
the oh-so proper Brits of the Raj. The truth is even steamier

Read more:

Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter
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on Facebook 

Gabe Menezes.

[Goanet] What is SnapChat?

2015-02-13 Thread Con Menezes



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This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

[Goanet] Frederick Noronha to lead the discussion on building a culture of books, readers & libraries in Goa.

2015-02-13 Thread Goa Desc

FRIDAY BALCAO to focus on building
a culture in Goa of books, readers & libraries.

Friday Balcao the fortnightly discussion event
to be held on 13th February will focus on building
a culture in Goa of books, readers & libraries.

In the recent past there have been a number of books
that have been published by authors from Goa. Many
writers have lamented that the number of readers are
dwindling. While many readers are of the opinion that
there is not enough being done to promote reading of
books in Goa, librarians want more readers to become
active members in their libraries.

The discussion which will be led by Frederick Noronha
- Founder Publisher Goa 1556 will examine possible
strategies to build networks of readers, writers, authors
and librarians in Goa.

The discussion will identify what needs to be done to
make book reading among school children a mass
movement and how to support existing initiatives of
book clubs and book exhibitions to get a bigger response.

The discussion will also cover the importance of promoting
School, Village and Taluka Libraries and supporting the
District Libraries in their efforts to reach more readers.

Friday Balcao will be from 4pm to 6pm at the
Goa Desc Resource Centre No.11 Liberty Apartments,
Feira Alta, Mapusa and is open to members of the public.

Interested citizens who want more information on
Friday Balcao can email  goad...@gmail.com
Welcome to the FRIDAY BALCAO
the fortnightly discussion event since 1999
Don't miss out on the discussion. Information is power,
Share it equitably. Lets make things happen in Goa !!