[Goanet] Fwd: Song for the day...

2015-04-20 Thread Gabe Menezes
A Time For Us (Romeo  Juliet) - andy williams



Gabe Menezes.


2015-04-20 Thread Jose
On Apr 19, 2015, at 11:23 AM, Stephen Dias steve.dia...@gmail.com wrote:



Very Good decision.


[Goanet] Music, words and a website... at Margao (the launch of Valmiki Faleiro's Soaring Spirit)

2015-04-20 Thread Frederick FN Noronha * फ्रेड्रिक नोरोन्या * فريدريك نورونيا

 Some sweet sounds to usher in the programme,
 courtesy the Maravilhas de Margao.  This is a group
 of four young college students who got together to
 voice Portuguese and other rhythms out of the region
 sometimes called the 'Athens of Goa'.  Listen to
 Jeanette Barbosa Noronha, Shannon Lobo and Ashlesha
 de Noronha (all students of Chowgule College) and
 Marise Barbosa Noronha (from St.  Xavier's College).
 Mercy de Noronha accompanies them on the keyboard.

Tune in to Passear Contigo (a hit of the 1980s from Broa de
Mel); Amazing Grace (the hymn whose roots probably go back to
1779); Bairro Alto and Portugal Ai Que Saudade, the 1993 work
by singer Emanuel [till 11:54].

This is followed by the launch of the Holy Spirit Church
website by Fr Avinash Rebelo, assisted by Fr Marcelino
Rodrigues, who briefed what exactly the site would contain,
and conducted by Antonio Paes [14:04 onwards].

  Lynn Barreto Miranda offers an audio-visual
  presentation titled 'The Margao You Thought You
  Knew' [from 22:36 onwards].  Tamsin Pereira
  explains what's in the book [1:08:46 onwards].  The
  book launch is at 1:22:04.

Finally, to end with some more music at 1:25:45 from
Maravilhas de Margao -- Roberto Leal's Que Bela a Vida; The
Beatles' Let It Be (1970): charming Konkani dulpods
(including ; and Kanimambo, which is a catchy number tracing
its roots to Mozambique.


  [This book is available at Golden Heart Emporium,
  on Rua Abade Faria, Margao]
P +91-832-2409490 M 9822122436 Twitter: @fn Facebook: fredericknoronha
Goa,1556 Shared Content at https://archive.org/details/goa1556

Re: [Goanet] Music, words and a website... at Margao (the launch of Valmiki Faleiro's Soaring Spirit)

2015-04-20 Thread Gabe Menezes
Congratulations Valmiki on the launch of your book.

Best wishes and appreciation for preserving for posterity.

On 20 April 2015 at 09:17, Frederick FN Noronha * फ्रेड्रिक नोरोन्या *
فريدريك نورونيا fredericknoron...@gmail.com wrote:


  Some sweet sounds to usher in the programme,
  courtesy the Maravilhas de Margao.  This is a group
  of four young college students who got together to
  voice Portuguese and other rhythms out of the region
  sometimes called the 'Athens of Goa'.  Listen to
  Jeanette Barbosa Noronha, Shannon Lobo and Ashlesha
  de Noronha (all students of Chowgule College) and
  Marise Barbosa Noronha (from St.  Xavier's College).
  Mercy de Noronha accompanies them on the keyboard.

 Tune in to Passear Contigo (a hit of the 1980s from Broa de
 Mel); Amazing Grace (the hymn whose roots probably go back to
 1779); Bairro Alto and Portugal Ai Que Saudade, the 1993 work
 by singer Emanuel [till 11:54].

 This is followed by the launch of the Holy Spirit Church
 website by Fr Avinash Rebelo, assisted by Fr Marcelino
 Rodrigues, who briefed what exactly the site would contain,
 and conducted by Antonio Paes [14:04 onwards].

   Lynn Barreto Miranda offers an audio-visual
   presentation titled 'The Margao You Thought You
   Knew' [from 22:36 onwards].  Tamsin Pereira
   explains what's in the book [1:08:46 onwards].  The
   book launch is at 1:22:04.

 Finally, to end with some more music at 1:25:45 from
 Maravilhas de Margao -- Roberto Leal's Que Bela a Vida; The
 Beatles' Let It Be (1970): charming Konkani dulpods
 (including ; and Kanimambo, which is a catchy number tracing
 its roots to Mozambique.


   [This book is available at Golden Heart Emporium,
   on Rua Abade Faria, Margao]
 P +91-832-2409490 M 9822122436 Twitter: @fn Facebook: fredericknoronha
 Goa,1556 Shared Content at https://archive.org/details/goa1556


Gabe Menezes.

[Goanet] Easy listening selection......Barbra Streisand.

2015-04-20 Thread Con Menezes
   Women in Love. 

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

[Goanet] Remembering father of Goa's Opinion Poll Dr. Jack de Sequeira

2015-04-20 Thread JoeGoaUk
  20.4.2015, 100th Birth day today

Remembering father of Goa's Opinion Poll 
Video Prof  Prajal Sakhardande Speaking
more here
Flowers /Wreaths 
Dr. Jack de Sequeira
First Opposition Leader in the Goa Assembly who is mainly responsible for 
keeping Goa in Goa  
by not merging Goa into Maharashtra
Father of Opinion Poll

Family members
Radharao Gracias
Prajal Sakhardande
Aleixo Reginaldo Lourenco, Swati Kerker etc

Road directions
Ashoka Tree
Video Prof  Prajal Sakhardande Speaking
more here

for Goa  NRI related info... 

For Goan Video Clips 

In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc

[Goanet] Way of like to make in India

2015-04-20 Thread Robin Viegas
From: bcsabha.kal...@gmail.com

From: Sunny Fernandes sunnyfernan...@hotmail.com

A blog on the subject matter. 
Look forward to your comments
Monday, April 20, 2015 Way of life to make in India 

Mr. Narendra Modi who said on his recent visit to Canada that Hinduism is not a 
religion but a way of life. He said “The Supreme Court in India has given a 
nice definition to 'Hindu Dharam'...The Supreme Court has said that Hindu 
Dharam is not a religion but a way of life...I believe the SC's definition 
shows the way,. He said Hindu religion has worked for the benefit of nature, 
including wildlife, through the scientific way of life”.
Just that I am still trying to see the benefit of nature, as Delhi the capital 
of India is in a smog. The capital of India which seats the honorable, 
President, Prime Minister and the seat of Governance is a place one cannot 
breathe. Trying to prove Hinduism to be a ‘way of life’, seems other religions 
show the ‘way to hell’. Is the Supreme Court a Religious Court? Is yes then I 
would like to have interpretation for all religions, to know which way they are 
directing their followers. Depleting forest cover and Land Acquisition Act, to 
make way for land sharks can benefit nature is something I am yet to learn, and 
I am sure I will find the answer ‘in the way of life’. Benefitting wildlife is 
something I am still to find as forests decreasing, wild life diminishing, 
means ‘way of life’ is having its direction boards blown wrong directions with 
the wind politicians break wind in parliament. 

Scientific way of life is another ‘way of life’ is again something I am trying 
to figure out. Is it our proving we had flight invention before the Wright 
Brothers, and getting fighter jets from France? Is it proving that banning beef 
good for the ‘way of life’ when cigarettes warnings be increased on cigarettes 
packs gets debated, as no Indian study has proven it is harmful and can cause 
cancer? The Prime Minister prided of India scientific community able to reach 
Mars at Rs 7 per km, when a one km auto rickshaw ride in Ahmedabad takes Rs 10. 
Priding India's talent pool and potential to become one of the top most 
countries in the world. Can we achieve the same price for a ride in our public 
transport? Can we have faster mode of commuting, not at the speed the space 
craft shot to Mars, but definitely not the speed of bullock carts, which we are 
now subjected too. We also want a decent ‘way of life’ and not only a ‘way to 
Still trying to figure out what ‘Make in India’ means. Does it mean foreign 
companies are invited to ’Exploit in India’ by exploiting cheap labor? As that 
is all one can figure out. Is the ‘way of life’ wanting us to manufacture from 
foreign technology, and have Indians consume the inferior stuff that they ‘Make 
for India’, and export the best overseas. Why not ‘Made by Indians for Indians’ 
and the world wanting us to make it for them. Wouldn’t that be a better and 
more challenging approach? As otherwise it would be just another McDonalds, 
Pepsi or Coke which is ‘Fake in India’ when one compares it to a Mac or a Coke 
or a Pepsi overseas. It’s time we tell the world ‘Compete with India’.

The last BJP slogan was ‘Shining India’ and we are still wondering what is 
shining, as we are struggling with ‘power crises’. Pun intended; as it is a 
battle for power in governance, with the amount of coalition governments, and 
with no electric power to shine rural India, it has become a ‘Joke in India’. 
Slogans before elections were ‘Acche Din Ayengey’ (Good days will come). Latest 
is Swacch Bharat (Clean India). We sure have ‘Good Day’ which is only a brand 
name of a Biscuit we can much on, and we also have ‘Clean India’ which is 
cleaned off its coffers.
Wish I could take a sabbatical from India like Rahul Gandhi, and come back and 
wonder ‘What to do in India’. The guy is so stressed out with the pressure on 
him to don the crown of the Congress Empire, poor chap does not even have time 
to find a ‘Wife in India’. If he does find one in India or overseas or over 
Mars, his predicament is, will he be ‘Killed in India’?# posted by Sunny 
Fernandes @ 12:53 AM 0 comments 


[Goanet] [JudeSundayReflections] 4th Sunday of Easter

2015-04-20 Thread Jude Botelho judesundayreflecti...@yahoo.co.in [JudeSundayReflections]
Dear Friend,
During this Easter season we are given many signs of the presence of the Risen 
Lord. We see his presence when he appears to the apostles many times after he 
has risen from the dead. We also see his presence in the community that was 
formed around the Risen Lord, and the witnessing of the apostles. Today we are 
given one more characteristic of the Risen Lord, his care for his sheep, and 
all who wish to belong to his flock. As people of the Resurrection we are 
assured that He is our Good Shepherd. Do we in turn show a caring attitude 
towards others? May we have a nurturing weekend! -Fr. Jude
Sunday Ref. 4th Sunday of Easter Jesus the Shepherd, Searches, Safeguards and 
Saves us! 26-Apr-2015
Acts 4: 8-12;          1John. 3: 1-2;          John 10: 12-18;

In today's reading we see the power of the Risen Lord, which had transformed 
Peter, who preaches eloquently and takes on the establishment. Peter was 
speaking to the elders, the scribes, Pharisees, Sadducees, a powerful 
opposition for an uneducated fisherman, yet he and the other apostles displayed 
courage and greatness as they confront them head on. If we are being 
questioned and asked how this man was healed, let it be known, that this man is 
standing in good health by the name of Jesus of Nazareth. Peter could have 
taken the credit for the miracle. Peter has learnt his lesson and knows that if 
he relies on himself he will fall, but his confidence is in the Lord, who never 
fails. Peter moves from the immediate fact of the healing, to the thing 
signified, namely the power of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Good ShepherdsIn San Salvador on March 24, 1980, an assassin killed Archbishop 
Oscar Romero with a single shot to the heart while he was saying Mass. Only a 
few minutes before, Archbishop Romero had finished a hope-filled homily in 
which he urged the people to serve one another. Since Archbishop Romero was 
demanding human rights for his people under oppression, he knew that his life 
was in danger. Still he persisted in speaking out against tyranny and for 
freedom. He once told newspapermen that even if his enemies killed him, he 
would rise again among his people. Today, good shepherds who lay down their 
lives mean husbands and wives who can't do enough for each other to demonstrate 
their commitment to each other; parents who make countless sacrifices for the 
good of their children; teachers who spend untold hours instructing the weak 
students; doctors and nurses who work untiringly to show they care for their 
patients; employers who share profits with their workers; politicians who 
unselfishly promote the common good of their voters and parishioners who 
generously support their parish community.Albert Cylwicki in 'His Word Resounds'
One of the most beautiful descriptions of God given by Jesus is contained in 
today's gospel reading where he proclaims: I am the good Shepherd. The good 
shepherd lays down his life for his sheep. Jesus was the visible sign of God's 
constant care for his people. In our present day set-up the image of the 
shepherd may be alien to us but in Palestine the shepherd was a common figure 
in the countryside. The shepherd in Palestine led his flock, he did not drive 
them as shepherds elsewhere did. The shepherd literally lived with his flock, 
spent most of the day and night with them. Though there were hundreds of sheep 
belonging to different shepherds, the shepherd knew his own and his own sheep 
recognized his voice and followed him to the pastures. The good shepherd cared 
for the sheep to the point of death. He does not just surrender his life for 
his sheep, but he gives his life willingly, as He said at the last supper.
Knowing His sheepOne of the memories I have of the home of my birth was a dog 
we had, called Roxy. We lived on a fairly quiet road, but as the years went by, 
the number of cars increased. Irrespective of how many passed by, Roxy was 
quite indifferent. Then suddenly, the ears were at full stretch, up he sprang, 
and raced at full speed along the road. There was no sign of anything coming, 
but we all knew that my mother was on her way, driving back from town, and was 
probably several hundred yards away. With all the cars, this was the sound that 
Roxy recognized from a distance. By the time he met the car, my mother had 
rolled down the window on the passenger side, slowed down slightly and with the 
car still moving, Roxy sprang right into the front seat and accompanied her on 
the latter part of the journey. I'm sure most of us have known unique 
relationships between animals and humans.Jack McArdle in 'And that's the Gospel 
A Good ShepherdAfter a particularly brilliant concert, Beethoven was in the 
centre of congratulating friends and admirers, who praised his piano magic. One 
unusually enthusiastic woman exclaimed: Oh, sir, if God had only given me the 
gift of genius! It is not genius, madam, replied Beethoven. Nor magic. All 
you have to 

[Goanet] Emotional Intelligence; Daniel Goleman

2015-04-20 Thread Con Menezes

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[Goanet] The man who wanted Goa to be a ‘ROLE-MODEL STATE OF INDIA’ (Times of India)

2015-04-20 Thread Robin Viegas
From: rdsg2...@gmail.com

The man who wanted Goa to be a ‘ROLE-MODEL STATE OF INDIA’Apr 20, 2015
For Goencho Bapui—'Father of the Opinion Poll', Joao Hugo Eduardo de Sequeira, 
widely known as Jack de Sequeira or JakSiker—politics was a pure calling to 
serve Goa and Goans selflessly and not as an avenue to embezzle public funds, 
the seeming mantra of most present-day politicos.

For pai (father), offering altruistic service to Goem (Goa) and Goenkars 
(Goans) was his lone mission, and politics was the route to achieve the ideal 
of a chokchokit bhangarachem noketr (illuminating golden star) where good, 
honest, corruption-free governance would be the only credo. Politics was not a 
way of life; he wanted Goa to be developed as an important tourism destination. 
In a nutshell, he wanted Goa to be a role-model state of India, recalls 
Sequeira's daughter, Lillia Sequeira e Sukhija, a paediatrician popularly known 
as Dr Lily.

Mission: Save Goa's identity

After Goa was liberated in 1961, all-out attempts were being made by then 
politicians of neighbouring Maharashtra, including by its then chief minister 
Vasantrao Naik, and ably assisted by the 1963-founded regional outfit in Goa, 
Maharashtrawadi Gomantak Party (MGP), led by Dayanand Bandodkar, to merge Goa 
with its larger neighbour in the north.

MGP, which was at the helm of power in Goa from December 1963 to 1979, had a 
large following, particularly among the economically-weaker, non-Brahmin Hindu 
sections that were numerically larger than any other ethnic group in Goa at 
that time.

The sole endeavour of Sequeira was to safeguard Goa's distinct identity by 
keeping its separate territory status within the Indian union.

To fructify his dream of Goa not getting merged with Maharashtra, his 
1962-formed political outfit, Goencho Paksh, and four other political 
parties—Partido Indiano (Alvaro de Loyola Furtado), United Fronts of Goa 
(Melicio Fernandes), Democratic Party (Joao Da Costa Pereira) and Goan National 
Union (J M De Souza)—were united under one banner to form United Goans Party 
(UGP) on September 13, 1963.

Sequeira was helped in his endeavour by close comrades from across Goa and 
hailing from different communities, such as: Margao's Narcinva Naik (father of 
late politician Babu Naik), Abdula Bhai Laljee, Pandurang Silimkhan from 
Taleigao), Alvaro de Loyola Furtado from Chinchinim), Umakant Sarlicar, 
Vasudeva Sarmalkar aka Anna Sarmalkar, Mahambre from Bardez and Cristovao 

Sequeira's cordial relations with central government leaders such as Jawaharlal 
Nehru, Lal Bahadur Shastri, Indira Gandhi, etc helped a great deal in deciding 
Goa's future—to stay separate or be merged with Maharashtra—through an Opinion 
Poll and not the simple vote in the Goa legislative assembly sought by the MGP, 
which enjoyed a majority in the House.

Sequeira's efforts received a further boost through the awareness efforts made 
by Purushottam Kakodkar, president of the then Goa Congress, tiatrists and 
writers like , Manohar Rai Sardesai, , etc.

In the run-up to the Opinion Poll, Pai addressed Goans in over 1,200 public 
meetings across Goa, Maharashtra, Karnataka, etc, recalls Lily, His 
phrase—Goa will not become the backyard of Maharashtra—became immortal. Though 
the MGP had a large support base in Goa, by Opinion Poll day, even hardcore MGP 
supporters voted in line with anti-merger-ists. Niz Goenkars (real Goans) voted 
against a merger with Maharashtra. I am sure even Bandodkar would have voted in 
favour of Goa remaining a separate territory as he also knew that his chair of 
CM would go the moment Goa went to Maharashtra.

Lost '1979', quit politics

Apart from Sequeira's son, Erasmo, who served as a UGP leader from the time of 
its inception and went on to serve two terms as Lok Sabha Member of Parliament 
(1967-77) from Mormugao, no other member of the Sequeira clan has stepped into 

We do not have any regrets about not entering politics. Pai wanted his 
daughters to concentrate on their families, he was against us entering 
politics, says Lily, the fourth of nine children born to Sequeira and his 
wife, Lilia Margarida de Gouveia Pinto e Sequeira. The other eight children, in 
ascending order, are Erasmo (died in 1997), Julia (2010), Margarida, Teresa, 
Jack (1959), Joana, Jose Manuel (2009) and Manuela.

Sequeira, a three-term MLA (1963, 1967 and 1973) from Santa Cruz, and the first 
leader of opposition in the Goa assembly, never contested again after losing 
the assembly election in 1979. People have rejected me and I will accept the 
verdict with full humility, Lily remembers her then 64-year-old father's 
candid admission, I will have nothing to do with politics anymore.

The children, who were Sequeira's election agents, saw their father personally 
congratulate the victor after the election results were announced at the 
Institute Menezes Braganza hall, Panaji, and walk away.

That poignant 

[Goanet-News] Music, words and a website... at Margao (the launch of Valmiki Faleiro's Soaring Spirit)

2015-04-20 Thread Frederick FN Noronha * फ्रेड्रिक नोरोन्या * فريدريك نورونيا

 Some sweet sounds to usher in the programme,
 courtesy the Maravilhas de Margao.  This is a group
 of four young college students who got together to
 voice Portuguese and other rhythms out of the region
 sometimes called the 'Athens of Goa'.  Listen to
 Jeanette Barbosa Noronha, Shannon Lobo and Ashlesha
 de Noronha (all students of Chowgule College) and
 Marise Barbosa Noronha (from St.  Xavier's College).
 Mercy de Noronha accompanies them on the keyboard.

Tune in to Passear Contigo (a hit of the 1980s from Broa de
Mel); Amazing Grace (the hymn whose roots probably go back to
1779); Bairro Alto and Portugal Ai Que Saudade, the 1993 work
by singer Emanuel [till 11:54].

This is followed by the launch of the Holy Spirit Church
website by Fr Avinash Rebelo, assisted by Fr Marcelino
Rodrigues, who briefed what exactly the site would contain,
and conducted by Antonio Paes [14:04 onwards].

  Lynn Barreto Miranda offers an audio-visual
  presentation titled 'The Margao You Thought You
  Knew' [from 22:36 onwards].  Tamsin Pereira
  explains what's in the book [1:08:46 onwards].  The
  book launch is at 1:22:04.

Finally, to end with some more music at 1:25:45 from
Maravilhas de Margao -- Roberto Leal's Que Bela a Vida; The
Beatles' Let It Be (1970): charming Konkani dulpods
(including ; and Kanimambo, which is a catchy number tracing
its roots to Mozambique.


  [This book is available at Golden Heart Emporium,
  on Rua Abade Faria, Margao]
P +91-832-2409490 M 9822122436 Twitter: @fn Facebook: fredericknoronha
Goa,1556 Shared Content at https://archive.org/details/goa1556

[Goanet] Air India

2015-04-20 Thread Con Menezes

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

[Goanet] Arjuna: the herb for the heart.

2015-04-20 Thread Con Menezes

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

[Goanet] FRIDAY BALCAO to focus on the role of Banks in promoting financial literacy amongst consumers

2015-04-20 Thread Goa Desc
Welcome to the FRIDAY BALCAO
the fortnightly discussion event since 1999

Dear Cybergaonkars on Goanet,

We continue with FRIDAY BALCAO
on 24th April from 4pm to 6pm
at Goa Desc Resource Centre
No.11, Liberty Apartments,
Feira Alta, Mapusa.

TOPIC:Role of Banks in promoting financial literacy amongst consumers
SPEAKER: G. Satyanarayana Retired Officer, State Bank of India

We invite you to express your viewpoint
by attending the FRIDAY BALCAO.
If you cannot attend, then please send
your views and action plan suggestions
by email to goad...@gmail.com

best wishes,

Roland Martins
Don't miss out on the discussion. Information is power,
Share it equitably. Lets make things happen in Goa !!

11 Liberty Apts., Feira Alta, Mapusa, Goa 403 507
mail to: goad...@gmail.com

[Goanet] Senior citizens cards

2015-04-20 Thread Nelson Lopes

There is no doubt of the commendable social work done by the SCF Margao for
the benefit  o f its registered  Members.  All these activities involve
financial liabilities, which are perhaps met through the revenue of issuing
cards . The Govt also sanctions some  maintenace funds to SCF.The Govt had
promised SCF a suitable premises, which still remains a dream. The charges
are about Rs260- plus, where as similar Govt. cards are issued free .When
SCF cards are not recognized for disbursement of incentives by the Govt,
transcribed at the back of the card, the S.C. Forum could at least help the
senior citizens to obtain the same from the Social welfare Dept. The
proforma  of Govt cards by Social welfare dept. are to be signed by MLA or
gazette officers and submitted at Panjim only, which procedure is not very
convenient. Then there is no time limit, within which these cards are to be
issued and frequent personal inquiries are endless discomfort. The
suggestions to reduce the size like PAN and,debit cards, Driving licence
and to include the emergency phone No. on the card is met with silence of
non committal. The Chinchinim Citizens Committeee have in the past obtained
about 400 cards to senior citizens .Senior citizens cards of Social welfare
Dept not submitted through Legislators are unduly delayed.

 Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

[Goanet] Goa news for April 20, 2015

2015-04-20 Thread Goanet News Service
Goa News from Google News and Goanet.org
Visit http://www.goanet.org/newslinks.php for the full stories.

*** Karnataka and Goa head for faceoff over plans to evict 200
Kannadiga families - Daily Mail
m-rejects-bjps-demand.htmlGoa CM rejects BJP's demand to
arrest Karnataka minister

*** Salgaocar FC 0-2 Sporting Clube de Goa: Odafa and Brandon
secure bragging ... - Goal.com
 in the Goan derby, courtesy of goals from Odafa ...

*** Shah Rukh Khan spends time with AbRam on a beach in Goa -
The Indian Express
Rukh Khan and son AbRam spend some alone time in Goa! (See
adorable ...

*** Goa miners say re-starting mining operations unviable -
Business Standard
rade ore (i.e. fines with less than 58 per cent iron or Fe
content) are starving since the ban on mining was imposed in
2013 to prevent illegal mineral excavation. Only some meagre
imports were made by ...

*** Was Goa minister responsible for NRI's suicide? - Times of
mes of IndiaPANAJI: With text messages doing rounds in Goa
alleging that one of the state Cabinet ministers was responsible
for the suicide of an NRI, Chief Minister Laxmikant Parsekar
today said that if anyone has a proof against the minister, they
should name him.

*** The man who wanted Goa to be a 'ROLE-MODEL STATE OF INDIA' -
Times of India
oast-to-Father-of-the-Opinion-Poll/87508.htmlA toast to Father
of the Opinion Poll

*** Goa, going, gone! Fun in the sunny state - The Star Online
ringed Varca Beach (27km from Dabolim Airport) in south Goa was
practically empty. And it was just a ...

*** Vodafone ties up with Goa postal dept for payment of bills -
Economic Times
aid bill payment facility will significantly enhance the
convenience factor for our valued customers, in remitting their
monthly mobile bills, Ashish Chandra, Business Head,
Maharashtra and Goa, Vodafone India said. The ...

*** Goodness of Goa, India's popular tourist destination - Times
of Oman
mes of OmanThe beautiful beaches in Palolem and Baga, old Goan
churches like the Bom Jesus Basilica and Se Cathedral, the
towering ruins of forts like Aguada and Chapora are interesting
destinations. There is also much more to see and enjoy in the
hippie flea ...a class=

*** Seminar demanding High Court for Goa - Times of India
mes of IndiaMARGAO: The South Goa Advocates' Association (SGAA)
has organised a seminar on the topic High Court for the State
of Goa as per the mandate of 

[Goanet] [Photo Blog by Rajan Parrikar] Hverfjall

2015-04-20 Thread Rajan Parrikar
Photo Blog by Rajan Parrikar has posted a new item, 'Hverfjall'

 The crater's many moods.

 Hverfjall is a massive tephra ring crater formed during a volcanic
 around 2800 years ago. It is part of the Krafla Volcanic System near
Mývatn in
 north Iceland. The crater is 1.3 Kms in diameter and 140 metres deep.

 As these images suggest, the Icelandic landscape is given to rapid and

 You may view the latest post at

 Warm regards,
 Rajan Parrikar