2015-07-05 Thread Stephen Dias
*Dear Goenkaranum,*

*Everywhere Goa roads are opened up and under repairs  either due
to underground cabling or  ditches, cuts and pot holes due to bad condition
of asphalt and rain. The main reason is due to heavy vehicles plying in
cities which includes trucks carrying sand  cement, supply essential goods
for the market and  JCBs plying  for the construction of illegal high rise
buildings, and importantly mainly due to  underground cabling which is a
disaster for Goa and it will never materialize  for its quality electrical
connection for the state of Goa. Both the Government have failed miserably
and made mockery of this underground work as money is already siphoned into
their pockets on roads repairs. Now, the  responsibility lies mainly on PWD
and Transport Minister Sudin Dhavlikar who is under controversy for his
qualifications discrepancies and cheating the Govt by furnishing false
affidavit during election. What will be the faith of Goa roads in future?
Will any future Chief Minister be able to revive our roads and attend this
misery for damaging roads in Goa? Parsekar must give the answer soon and
tell us in the absence of Dhavlikar who is going to be a GOOD minister of
PWD and Transport non corrupt if he has to face the law for his cheating on
his educational qualification issue?*

*Stephen Dias*



*Underground cabling across Goa the only solution to power problems, says

Team Herald MARGAO: Power Minister Milind Naik stated that the only way Goa
could get rid of its power problems was if the electricity department was
allowed to lay 11 KV underground cabling across the State. He added that
such a project would cost around Rs 20,000 crore, while the department’s
budget was only Rs 300 crore.

Naik was speaking to the press after inauguration two transformers in
Navelim. Responding to a query about the hike in electricity charges, he
clarified that neither the power ministry nor the electricity department
were responsible. Instead, it was the decision of the Joint Electricity
Regulatory Commission.

He pointed out that it was the first such hike in 12 years, and despite it,
Goa was the only State with such low charges.

He informed that, according to a report from Goa Electronics Limited, the
monthly billing system had been started in 95 per cent of Goa.

Regarding the safety of linesmen, Naik said that an order for safety kits
for the linesman had already been placed. The equipment will arrive within
a month.

On the issue of streetlights, Naik said that in many areas the
responsibility was not on the power department, but other government
departments, including tourism. He further said that the department was
reviewing the issue of handling complaints on the phone. He said his
department had to face several difficulties and occasionally had to attend
to four problems at the same time.

Naik also called for greater coordination and flexibility with the forest
department over trimming of trees.

Regarding problems where underground cabling connections had already been
set up, Naik said that the problem was obviously not with the underground
cabling, but where the power was coming from. The power department is
looking into the issue. Naik added that if one spends time with his
engineers, they would better understand the difficulties faced by the

Meanwhile, Navelim MLA Avertano Furtado said that he would soon be holding
a review meeting with Naik regarding his constituency’s problems. He will
also hold similar meetings with other government departments.

While thanking Naik for his support, Furtado requested the power department
to provide a sub- station for Navelim. He further said that Rs 84 crore had
been sanctioned for underground cabling in Navelim and that the work order
should be tendered within a month.

• Underground cabling for ent i re State would cos t Rs 20,000 crore, but
department’s budget only Rs 300 crore• Joint Electricity Regulatory
Commission increased tariff• Monthly billing had started in 95 per cent of
Goa• Safety gear for linesmen has been ordered and should be here within a
month Power Minister, Milind Naik, Fisheries Minister Avertano Furtado and
Parish Priest inaugurating the power transformer centre at Navelim on
Retired as TO (E-1)
Former Scientist A-1 and Leader of GOD/INSTRUMENTATION Group
CSIR- National Institute of Oceanography
Dona Paula-Goa 403004
Email: steve.dia...@gmail.com
Tel 0832-2452915 ( Res)
Mob: (0) 9422443110

Re: [Goanet] Lost posts on Goanet?

2015-07-05 Thread Mervyn Lobo
JoeGoaUk,People have been complaining for more than five years that what they 
have to say does not get posted on Goanet. 
Nobody cares!
I would advise you to do what others have done, pack up and leave. 

 - Original Message -
 From: JoeGoaUk joego...@yahoo.co.uk
 To: Goanet goa...@goanet.org
 Sent: Saturday, July 4, 2015 4:49 PM
 Subject: [Goanet] Lost posts on Goanet?
I know I am not posting that many post I used to be (Facebook to blame I 
But whatever I manage to post to Goanet, almost half of it lost in the Goanet 

Nor I remember any of my posts been rejected during last 4-5 years.

thank you

[Goanet] Marooned-by-history-in-india-and-bangladesh

2015-07-05 Thread Con Menezes

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

Re: [Goanet] From Greece to Goa: The Anatomy of Debt Traps

2015-07-05 Thread Floriano Lobo
Belt tightening exercises were incorporated in GSRP's constitution in the
year 2000, fifteen year ago, under articles 34 and 38, in order to tackle
the profligate attitude towards spending tax-payer's money by our Goa's
elected representatives. It is little wonder that those interested in
contesting elections find GSRP a bit too strict, advocating advices likeIf
one wants to clean clogged/choked gutters, one needs to dirty one's hands,
 and want us to relax these two articles which of course GSRP refuses
saying that we shall use the bypass methods to remove chocked/clogged
gutters without dirtying hands. Anaticipating such demands, GSRP went
ahead to SEAL these sensitive articles from future amendments for life.

On Sat, Jul 4, 2015 at 7:11 PM, Mervyn Lobo mervynal...@yahoo.ca wrote:

 V M wrote:


 Despite large hikes in Goa's share of cash from the Central fund (this
 year up a whopping 10%), Goa's public debt is heading upward of 10,000
 crore and the state is reduced to the fatal strategy of borrowing at
 market rates to service interest payments. No less than Greece, this
 is the definition of unsustainable economic policy.
 That highly reasonable analysis by (Laxmikant) Parsekar has been
 turned on its head by his own BJP government's outsized spending spree
 of a scale never seen before in Goa. A third Mandovi bridge for more
 than 600 crore, the controversial bridge to Tiracol (home to exactly
 300 Goans) for more than 80 crore, extraordinarily dubious
 road-building and road-widening exercises for additional hundreds of
 millions of rupees.
 Just as the hated 'troika' of lenders and finance ministers imposed on
 Greece, Goa's political elites are now also talking of selective
 austerity which does not allow increased spending on the inadequate
 healthcare system, or on the state's woefully mediocre education

 Pay close attention to Greece by all means, because much the same is
 happening in Goa too.


 Well written, VM.

 I only learned about the debt accumulated by the Goa Govt a week ago. The
 figures mentioned were higher than yours. The problem of course is, who is
 going to pay for these loans? Just like Greece, the day will come when the
 Goa Govt will not be able to service its loans and pay its bills. The first
 Govt service cut usually effects education, the next is health care and
 then it is the services provided to everyone else.

 There is an easy way to resolve this problem of overspending. All you need
 is a law that says any representative who votes to spend more than 106% of
 income received, will not be eligible for re-election to that position

 This is the only way elected representatives will come to their senses.
 They will either increase income collection (taxes) or decrease spending.

 Grexit is going to adversely effect more than Greece. You will soon hear
 of British banks who lent money to the German banks, who in turn lent money
 to Greek commercial banks. A week after the Greek businesses stop paying
 their invoices, US financial institutions will admit to have lent money to
 British banks that ultimately reached the Greece er, financial system.

 We are in for some interesting times (if one is not a Greece resident.)

 PS. I wonder if it is too late to get some short positions? :-)

[Goanet] Goa news for July 5, 2015

2015-07-05 Thread Goanet News Service
Goa News from Google News and Goanet.org
Visit http://www.goanet.org/newslinks.php for the full stories.

*** Goa HSSC (XII) Supplementary Results 2015: Where to Check
Grades Online - International Business Times, India Edition
Board Class 12: Supplementary exam results declared

*** SC ban on 'voracious' mining saved Goa: CM Laxmikant Parekar
- Economic Times
1, nearly 54 million tonnes of iron ore ...

*** ISL 2015: FC Goa coach Zico to arrive in the city on 6 July
- Firstpost

*** Want Entertainment Wagons in Holiday Trains: Travel and
Tourism Association ... - NDTV
TVGoa's organised tourism market, which relies significantly on
tourists from Russia and Europe, registered a drop in the number
of arrivals from Europe due to the ongoing economic crisis in
the continent as well as the prolonged hostilities between ...

*** BJP set to shunt Dhond out of Goa - Times of India
mes of IndiaThe national joint secretary, during his visit to
Goa, more than two months ago, had come across many complaints
against Dhond during his interactions with party functionaries
and legislators over the functioning of the party in the state.
It was ...

*** Teri report finds faults in Goa's clean picture - Times of
eport-finds-faults-in-goas-clean-pictureTeri report finds
faults in Goa's clean picture 

*** Two Nepalese arrested in Goa for possessing narcotics
substance - Times of India
charas worth Rs 2 lakhs. Accused Kushal Ganesh Puri, 24, native
of Kathmandu, Nepal and resident of Grecko restaurant ...

*** Probe conducted into dealings of 82 mining leases in Goa -
Hindu Business Line
ndu Business LineIn a major step towards recovering the money
involved in illegal mining in Goa, a team of chartered
accountants constituted by the state government has submitted
details about 82 of the total 118 mining leases. The team was
constituted by then Chief ...a class=

*** From Greece to Goa: The anatomy of debt traps - Times of
mes of IndiaTiny Goa is cushioned by the vast Indian Union, a
much more effective support system than the Europeans have
managed to create. Budget shortfalls engineered in Porvorim are
highly unlikely to set off the kind of chain reaction feared if
Greece is ...a class=

*** Parents put up weak case in Goa's defence against AIFF -
Times of India
 12 of whom signed the 


2015-07-05 Thread Aires Rodrigues
The convicted now jailed former Minister and Nuvem MLA Mickky Pacheco after
having tried every possible stunt has now sought recourse of Article 161 of
the Constitution of India which confers on the Governor the right to grant
pardon to any person convicted. Mickky Pacheco on 1st June started
undergoing his six month jail sentence for having in 2006 as a Minister
slapped Electricity department Junior Engineer Kapil Natekar.

The nature and scope of the power of pardon and the extent of judicial
review over such power has come up for consideration in a catena of cases
and has now virtually crystallized into a rule of law.

In Maru Ram  Ors. v. Union of India  Ors. Krishna Iyer J, speaking for
the Constitution Bench, held that although the power under and 161 was very
wide, it could not run riot. His Lordship held that no legal power can
run unruly like John Gilpin on the horse, but must keep sensibly to a
steady course. According to His Lordship, all public power, including
constitutional power, shall never be exercisable arbitrarily or mala fide
and, ordinarily, guidelines for fair and equal execution are guarantors of
the valid play of power.

In Swaran Singh v. State of U.P.  Ors, a three-Judge Bench held that this
Court has no power to touch the order passed by the Governor under Article
161 of the Constitution. But if such power was exercised arbitrarily,
malafide or in absolute disregard of the finer canons of the
constitutionalism, the by-product order cannot get the approval of law and
in such cases, the judicial hand must be stretched to it.

Pardon is to help save an innocent person from being punished due to
miscarriage of justice or in a case of doubtful conviction. The pardoning
power is founded on consideration of public good and is to be exercised on
the ground of public welfare. This power cannot be misused to deviously
rescue the likes of Mickky Pacheco whose conviction by four Courts has been
even upheld by the Supreme Court. Any attempt to grant Mickky
Pacheco pardon would amount to making a mockery of the Judiciary and the
justice delivery system.

Ironically Mickky Pacheco who is involved in a string of criminal cases had
all along vowed that he had full faith in the Judiciary, is now crying wolf
that he did not get justice from the Courts. After having slapped and
assaulted so many officials, Mickky Pacheco should infact thank his stars
that he is facing punishment only for slapping Kapil Natekar.

Mickky Pacheco’s conduct after the Supreme Court verdict on 30th March
rejecting his appeal cannot be lost sight off. He absconded for two long
months with tax payers’ money squandered on his alleged search. That he was
evading arrest with the tacit support of the police and the government is
no secret. His gross misconduct in jail after his surrender on 1st of June
has left much to be desired from the unruly lawmaker. Two days after his
surrender Mickky Pacheco sought his release on parole for a month feigning
critical illness of his mother, when in actual fact, no such ‘critical’
ailment existed. Having now withdrawn that parole application the Nuvem MLA
has opted to gamble his luck with an application for pardon.

It is a dubious distinction achieved by Goa that for the first time an MLA
is undergoing imprisonment on conviction. If Pacheco is indeed granted
pardon, he would be the first such convict in Goa to be pardoned under
Article 161 of the Constitution. This would then, naturally, open a
Pandora’s Box by way of all other convicts who will, rightly, cite this
precedent and demand that they, too, be pardoned.

Does there exist even ONE single valid reason why Pacheco, a habitual,
repeat offender be extended this benefit of pardon? Should the Government,
by virtue of its brute majority, act high-handedly and arrogantly to shield
Mickky Pacheco it would be the last lethal nail in their coffin. Their
record of bad governance and corruption has already added up to a
voluminous encyclopedia.

Aires Rodrigues

Advocate High Court

C/G-2, Shopping Complex

Ribandar Retreat,

Ribandar – Goa – 403006

Mobile No: 9822684372

Office Tel  No: (0832) 2444012

Email: airesrodrigu...@gmail.com



You can also reach me on

Facebook.com/ AiresRodrigues


[Goanet] Singing Dancing by SURYA' a Goan group in Portugal.

2015-07-05 Thread Con Menezes

RTP intro 4 mins.

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

[Goanet] Goanet@Facebook: Food forest, eco damage, monuments lack respect...

2015-07-05 Thread Frederick FN Noronha * फ्रेड्रिक नोरोन्या * فريدريك نورونيا
Now, on Goanet @ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/goanet/

* Rosie Harding: A harvest from our kitchen garden and food forest, Assagao
* Arwin Mesquita: Goa heading towards ecological damage (via Herald)
* Aureo D'Cunha: Monuments are given respect to by today's youngsters
* Arwin Misquita: Is Mickky Pacheco entitled to a pardon?
* Marius Fernandes: It's raining festivals in beautiful Socorro
* Jane Alphonso: Robin, Jacquelin king, queen of Konkani singing (ToI)
* Jane Alphonso: Ponda lad's app belts free Konkani music (ToI)
* Jane Alphonso: Mickky seeks Guv's mercy because kids tramautized (ToI)
* Joel D'Souza: Pics of a walk up Assagao hillock, wild trees.
* Avinash Tavares: Save Dabolim airport and Mopa plateau photos
* Jane Alphonso: Cheddua-Go, tradicional de Goa (music)
* Jessie D'Souza: chicken puffs, step by step...
* Anto Rg: Protecting nature...
* Mayabhushan N'kar: A Goan boy normally needs a white collar job --CM
* Rene Barreto: Official WGD food and cultural celebrations
* Cecil Pinto's Portuguese singing for English speakers
* TR de Souza: Need to free from culture jails
* Gabe Menezes: Freddy  The Dreamers -- I'm Telling You Now (1966)
* Jazz Goa: in the news http://www.goastreets.com/jazz-goas-hot-new-music/
* Jane Alphonso: The story of how music bridged oceans

* Nelson Lopes: What is progress?
* Tony D'Sa: Let's protest in increease in pension/emoluents of MPs
* Fernandez Cip: Rich foreign tourists without bikinis arriving in Goa
* --: Society has become so fake that the truth actually bothers people
* Jessie D'Souza: Xacuti de Galinha (chicken xacuti)
* Karen Pereira: Malaika line dance
* Tony D'Sa: Churchill Mama and politics...
  ... and more. Visit online https://www.facebook.com/groups/goanet/
P +91-832-2409490 M 9822122436 Twitter: @fn Facebook: fredericknoronha
Goa,1556 Shared Content at https://archive.org/details/goa1556

[Goanet] Mali ambassador to India has a Cuncolim conncetion

2015-07-05 Thread armstrong augusto vaz
Yeah nominated as the next Ambassador of Mali to India has a Goan
connection his wife Marissa Coutinho Samake
https://www.facebook.com/marissa.samake is from Cuncolim, wish the couple
all the best in India cheers.
[image: Marissa Coutinho Samake's photo.]
Marissa Coutinho Samake

We are honored for Yeah to be nominated by President IBK as the next
Ambassador of Mali to India.
In a month, we will go to India. I am excited to return back to my country
with a full understanding of the culture and Malian people, who I consider
my own. We are excited for this new step in our journey to help Mali and we
hope to strengthen the relationship between our two countries.
While we will be based in New Delhi, India, the post will cover 10
countries: India, Bangladesh, Nepal , Bhutan, Sri Lanka, Malaysia,
Singapore, Indonesia, Brunei Darussalam and Thailand

Nous sommes honorés par la Nomination de Yeah Samake par le Président de la
République SEM Ibrahim Boubacar Keita comme Ambassadeur Extraordinaire et
Plénipotentiaire du Mali auprès de la République de l'Inde, du Bangladesh,
du Népal, du Bhoutan, du Sri Lanka, de la Malaisie, Singapour, de la
République d'Indonésie, du Brunei Daru Salam, du Royaume de Thaïlande avec
résidence à New Delhi.
En Août, nous allons notre poste à New Delhi. Je suis heureuse de retourner
dans mon pays avec la pleine connaissance de la riche culture et du grand
peuple Malien dont je me considère comme partie intégrante.


2015-07-05 Thread Jose
Dear all,

I waited for a good 48 hours to see IF enough sense would prevail upon Aires 
Rodrigues for him to withdraw his attack on Dr. Salkar.

Allow me to place the following for your attention:

1: Aires is an LLB. I wish he had equipped himself better by doing the LLM or 
Ph.D in Law. And IF he wished to comment on Medical Ethics and  Negligence, I 
wish his LLM was in Medical Law  Ethics.

2: As Aires is NOT a physician, I expect him to be Clueless about the practice 
of medicine. Hence, I will invite him to read what my esteemed colleague, Dr. 
Santosh Helekar has written.

3: Aires also has accused Dr. Salkar of administering Chemotherapy to DEAD 
patients (plural).

4: AiresLast night on CNN, a Justice of one of the Appeals Courts (US) had 
a few choice words for a rather Aires-esque Prosecutor who according to the 
Court 'did NOT make his case' but was carrying on.in the press.  I will 
paraphrase them and re-address them to you: 

Be a Man. Take Dr. Salkar to court and Allow him to Defend himself in a court 
of law

As you would NOT be QUALIFIED to talk about Medical Matters in court, Get a 
hold of some qualified Expert Witnesses who will do that for you. Let Dr. 
Salkar (or his lawyer) Cross Examine your experts.  Don't leave them 
Faceless.Bring them out in the open.

5: Otherwise.like the Justice said (No Paraphrase): JUST SHUT UP and Go to 
the Next Case!

PS: Am copying this to Target Goa. Let me see IF TG will give unedited and 
uncensored coverage to a view critical of your view! 

With permission of Dr. Helekar...will also post this on Goa Speaks and GX. I 
personally believe that THIS, until proved otherwise, is a senseless attack on 
the Medical Professionals of Goa.

PN: This post of mine has zero to do with Dr. Salkar's involvement with 
politics, politicians and the tainted Goa Cricket Association. My view on that 
is clear: Physicians in Practice MUST stay clear of such involvements.

FROM  Santosh Helekar MD. Ph.D, Houston Texas (July 3, 2015)

Shekhar Salkar is a well-trained cancer surgeon. He obtained his specialty 
training in cancer surgery or surgical oncology in Tata Memorial Cancer Centre 
in Mumbai more than two decades ago. Medical/Surgical residency at this 
institution of high repute in the cancer field is recognized by the Medical 
Council of India and respected all over the world.

In the medical field rigorous training at a recognized and renowned tertiary 
teaching hospital in a particular field, coupled with long clinical experience 
in that field, after one has obtained a postgraduate degree such as an MD or an 
MS, are considered not only sufficient to be recognized as a specialist in the 
field, but indeed something that trumps any number of paper fellowships, 
diplomas and certificates. Please see for example the fact that the following 
two famous surgical oncologists of Mumbai, namely Drs. Rajesh Mistry and Raman 
Deshpande have MS degrees in General Surgery as their highest recognized 
academic qualifications: 

- Original Message -
 From: Aires Rodrigues airesrodrigu...@gmail.com
 To: goanet goa...@goanet.org
 Sent: Thursday, July 2, 2015 8:11 PM
 The Dr Shekhar Salkar issue needs to be highlighted only to save further 
 innocent patients falling victims to this quack. The issue was raised only 
 after confirming with Senior Enviado do meu iPad
 Yesterday I was sent five questions on the issue and below are the answers 
 that were sent by me.
 1. Would you describe Dr Salkar as a fraud? If so on what level?
 Yes I would, because a doctor who styles himself as a Super Specialist should 
 possess a super specialty qualification over and above his general specialty 
 qualification which Dr Shekhar Salkar does not possess.
 2. What has he been doing that can be construed as malpractice?
 Dr Shekhar Salkar has been faking himself to be an Oncologist and Oncosurgeon 
 which he is not. It is a gross malpractice in misleading the patients and in 
 rank violation of professional ethics.
 3. Do you know exactly what degrees he has, and what these allow him,
 ethically, to do as a doctor?
 Dr Shekhar Salkar possesses an M.B.B.S degree followed by M.S Degree in 
 General Surgery. So he can only market himself as a General Surgeon alike all 
 other surgeons who practice either at Goa Medical College or Directorate of 
 Health Services or in the private sector. There are so many of them who 
 possess the same qualification as Dr Shekhar Salkar without labeling 
 themselves as a Super specialist.
 4. When he claims to be an oncologist, is he faking? What proves this?
 Yes, he is blatantly faking that he is an Oncologist or a Oncosurgeon. Please 
 note that Oncology and Oncosurgery are super specialties which include 

[Goanet] Lost posts on Goanet?

2015-07-05 Thread Dom Martin

Although I post about once at every other lunar eclipse, I have noted that my 
posts for some time now have been similarly eclipsed.  

Dom Martin


2015-07-05 Thread Jose
Dear Santoshbab

Have done so..there also is a (partially related) post by a Francis 
Coutinho which merits further review.


 On Jul 5, 2015, at 1:00 PM, Santosh Helekar chimbel...@gmail.com wrote:
 Please post this also on the following Facebook thread because it
 provides a link to a journalistic interview of Aires on a newly
 created website:
 It also has comments from Drs. Darrell de Mello and Anil Desai,
 setting the record straight.
 On Sun, Jul 5, 2015 at 11:05 AM, Jose cola...@gmail.com wrote:
 Dear all,
 I waited for a good 48 hours to see IF enough sense would prevail upon Aires
 Rodrigues for him to withdraw his attack on Dr. Salkar.
 Allow me to place the following for your attention:
 1: Aires is an LLB. I wish he had equipped himself better by doing the LLM
 or Ph.D in Law. And IF he wished to comment on Medical Ethics and
 Negligence, I wish his LLM was in Medical Law  Ethics.
 2: As Aires is NOT a physician, I expect him to be Clueless about the
 practice of medicine. Hence, I will invite him to read what my esteemed
 colleague, Dr. Santosh Helekar has written.
 3: Aires also has accused Dr. Salkar of administering Chemotherapy to DEAD
 patients (plural).
 4: AiresLast night on CNN, a Justice of one of the Appeals Courts (US)
 had a few choice words for a rather Aires-esque Prosecutor who according to
 the Court 'did NOT make his case' but was carrying on.in the press.  I
 will paraphrase them and re-address them to you:
 Be a Man. Take Dr. Salkar to court and Allow him to Defend himself in a
 court of law
 As you would NOT be QUALIFIED to talk about Medical Matters in court, Get a
 hold of some qualified Expert Witnesses who will do that for you. Let Dr.
 Salkar (or his lawyer) Cross Examine your experts.  Don't leave them
 Faceless.Bring them out in the open.
 5: Otherwise.like the Justice said (No Paraphrase): JUST SHUT UP and Go
 to the Next Case!
 PS: Am copying this to Target Goa. Let me see IF TG will give unedited and
 uncensored coverage to a view critical of your view!
 With permission of Dr. Helekar...will also post this on Goa Speaks and GX. I
 personally believe that THIS, until proved otherwise, is a senseless attack
 on the Medical Professionals of Goa.
 PN: This post of mine has zero to do with Dr. Salkar's involvement with
 politics, politicians and the tainted Goa Cricket Association. My view on
 that is clear: Physicians in Practice MUST stay clear of such involvements.
 FROM  Santosh Helekar MD. Ph.D, Houston Texas (July 3, 2015)
 Shekhar Salkar is a well-trained cancer surgeon. He obtained his specialty
 training in cancer surgery or surgical oncology in Tata Memorial Cancer
 Centre in Mumbai more than two decades ago. Medical/Surgical residency at
 this institution of high repute in the cancer field is recognized by the
 Medical Council of India and respected all over the world.
 In the medical field rigorous training at a recognized and renowned tertiary
 teaching hospital in a particular field, coupled with long clinical
 experience in that field, after one has obtained a postgraduate degree such
 as an MD or an MS, are considered not only sufficient to be recognized as a
 specialist in the field, but indeed something that trumps any number of
 paper fellowships, diplomas and certificates. Please see for example the
 fact that the following two famous surgical oncologists of Mumbai, namely
 Drs. Rajesh Mistry and Raman Deshpande have MS degrees in General Surgery as
 their highest recognized academic qualifications:
 - Original Message -
 From: Aires Rodrigues airesrodrigu...@gmail.com
 To: goanet goa...@goanet.org
 Sent: Thursday, July 2, 2015 8:11 PM
 The Dr Shekhar Salkar issue needs to be highlighted only to save further
 innocent patients falling victims to this quack. The issue was raised only
 after confirming with Senior Enviado do meu iPad
 Yesterday I was sent five questions on the issue and below are the answers
 that were sent by me.
 1. Would you describe Dr Salkar as a fraud? If so on what level?
 Yes I would, because a doctor who styles himself as a Super Specialist
 should possess a super specialty qualification over and above his general
 specialty qualification which Dr Shekhar Salkar does not possess.
 2. What has he been doing that can be construed as malpractice?
 Dr Shekhar Salkar has been faking himself to be an Oncologist and
 Oncosurgeon which he is not. It is a gross malpractice in misleading the
 patients and in rank violation of professional ethics.
 3. Do you know exactly 


2015-07-05 Thread Santosh Helekar

Please post this also on the following Facebook thread because it
provides a link to a journalistic interview of Aires on a newly
created website:


It also has comments from Drs. Darrell de Mello and Anil Desai,
setting the record straight.



On Sun, Jul 5, 2015 at 11:05 AM, Jose cola...@gmail.com wrote:
 Dear all,

 I waited for a good 48 hours to see IF enough sense would prevail upon Aires
 Rodrigues for him to withdraw his attack on Dr. Salkar.

 Allow me to place the following for your attention:

 1: Aires is an LLB. I wish he had equipped himself better by doing the LLM
 or Ph.D in Law. And IF he wished to comment on Medical Ethics and
 Negligence, I wish his LLM was in Medical Law  Ethics.

 2: As Aires is NOT a physician, I expect him to be Clueless about the
 practice of medicine. Hence, I will invite him to read what my esteemed
 colleague, Dr. Santosh Helekar has written.

 3: Aires also has accused Dr. Salkar of administering Chemotherapy to DEAD
 patients (plural).

 4: AiresLast night on CNN, a Justice of one of the Appeals Courts (US)
 had a few choice words for a rather Aires-esque Prosecutor who according to
 the Court 'did NOT make his case' but was carrying on.in the press.  I
 will paraphrase them and re-address them to you:

 Be a Man. Take Dr. Salkar to court and Allow him to Defend himself in a
 court of law

 As you would NOT be QUALIFIED to talk about Medical Matters in court, Get a
 hold of some qualified Expert Witnesses who will do that for you. Let Dr.
 Salkar (or his lawyer) Cross Examine your experts.  Don't leave them
 Faceless.Bring them out in the open.

 5: Otherwise.like the Justice said (No Paraphrase): JUST SHUT UP and Go
 to the Next Case!

 PS: Am copying this to Target Goa. Let me see IF TG will give unedited and
 uncensored coverage to a view critical of your view!

 With permission of Dr. Helekar...will also post this on Goa Speaks and GX. I
 personally believe that THIS, until proved otherwise, is a senseless attack
 on the Medical Professionals of Goa.

 PN: This post of mine has zero to do with Dr. Salkar's involvement with
 politics, politicians and the tainted Goa Cricket Association. My view on
 that is clear: Physicians in Practice MUST stay clear of such involvements.

 FROM  Santosh Helekar MD. Ph.D, Houston Texas (July 3, 2015)

 Shekhar Salkar is a well-trained cancer surgeon. He obtained his specialty
 training in cancer surgery or surgical oncology in Tata Memorial Cancer
 Centre in Mumbai more than two decades ago. Medical/Surgical residency at
 this institution of high repute in the cancer field is recognized by the
 Medical Council of India and respected all over the world.

 In the medical field rigorous training at a recognized and renowned tertiary
 teaching hospital in a particular field, coupled with long clinical
 experience in that field, after one has obtained a postgraduate degree such
 as an MD or an MS, are considered not only sufficient to be recognized as a
 specialist in the field, but indeed something that trumps any number of
 paper fellowships, diplomas and certificates. Please see for example the
 fact that the following two famous surgical oncologists of Mumbai, namely
 Drs. Rajesh Mistry and Raman Deshpande have MS degrees in General Surgery as
 their highest recognized academic qualifications:

 - Original Message -

 From: Aires Rodrigues airesrodrigu...@gmail.com

 To: goanet goa...@goanet.org


 Sent: Thursday, July 2, 2015 8:11 PM


 The Dr Shekhar Salkar issue needs to be highlighted only to save further
 innocent patients falling victims to this quack. The issue was raised only
 after confirming with Senior Enviado do meu iPad

 Yesterday I was sent five questions on the issue and below are the answers
 that were sent by me.

 1. Would you describe Dr Salkar as a fraud? If so on what level?

 Yes I would, because a doctor who styles himself as a Super Specialist
 should possess a super specialty qualification over and above his general
 specialty qualification which Dr Shekhar Salkar does not possess.

 2. What has he been doing that can be construed as malpractice?

 Dr Shekhar Salkar has been faking himself to be an Oncologist and
 Oncosurgeon which he is not. It is a gross malpractice in misleading the
 patients and in rank violation of professional ethics.

 3. Do you know exactly what degrees he has, and what these allow him,

 ethically, to do as a doctor?

 Dr Shekhar Salkar possesses an M.B.B.S degree followed by M.S Degree in
 General Surgery. So he can only market himself as a General Surgeon alike
 all other surgeons who practice 

[Goanet-News] 'Marriott hotel case has restored people’s faith in the rule of law' (Devika Sequeira, Times of India)

2015-07-05 Thread Goanet News
'Marriott hotel case has restored people’s faith in the rule of law'

Devika Sequeira devikaseque...@gmail.com
TNN | Jul 5, 2015, 02.59 AM IST

The writ petition in the Marriott hotel case was filed in
1993 and interim relief rejected in 1994. So in effect this
case has gone on for 22 years. How does this reflect on the
process of legal remedy and justice in this country?

Very poorly indeed. If the (NGO) Goa Foundation had known
that it would have taken 22 years to get a judgment in a CRZ
case, it is doubtful we would have approached the high court
at all.

It is not that the Foundation was not on time when filing the
petition. We approached the high court when the Gaspar Dias
beach was still in existence. There was no construction -- a
small plinth had just commenced. Only the entire grove of
casuarina trees had been felled, which is what alerted the
public and caused the citizens of Miramar and Dona Paula to
protest with the captain of ports department.

Even the governor of Goa, in an unprecedented move, protested
the use of the beach for the hotel.

  Today, 22 years later, the high court rules that we
  were right all along.  But now, a monstrous
  construction occupies the once pristine beach and
  it remains to be seen how much of the beach will be
  restored to the public after the extent of illegal
  construction is identified by the town and country
  planning (TCP) department.

So the destruction has happened which could easily have been
prevented had the court either heard and decided the petition
in 1993 itself, or had stayed the construction work until the
court could decide the issue. Under the guise of ensuring
that no injustice was done to the company, the state's
environment was the loser.

Even now the matter is perhaps not finally concluded. If the
Marriot/the Salgaocars appeal the judgment, it may take
another 10 years before the Gaspar Dias beach is restored to
the public, which was the reason why we moved the court in
the first place.

This is among several major hotel projects where the Goa
government played a proactive role in facilitating and
acquiring land for private players (Salgaocars in this case).
Was it a coincidence that some of these were mining entities?

I do not think all hotel projects in Goa are connected with
mining companies though Cidade de Goa and Marriott (earlier
called Palm Hotels) are owned by people who are also into
mining.  But even other cases of hotels violating the CRZ
have always been assured of close collaboration and support
from the Goa government.

  The Goa government has never believed in the CRZ
  notification, which is why, in almost all cases,
  the government's performance in court has been
  extremely pitiable and shabby.  In the case of the
  Aldeia petition (Grand Hyatt) all files in the
  custody of the government disappeared with the
  connivance of the hotel authorities.  Justice R K
  Bhatta already 10 years ago had opined that the
  corruption in the government was so rampant that
  one had to presume mala fides behind every
  government action.

The apex court has come down quite heavily on government
officials who collude in facilitating illegalities. But
rarely is action taken against such people.

Except for the apex court, high courts rarely take action
against corrupt government officials even when there is
evidence brought before them. We expect the high court to
punish government officers who collude with private parties
against public interest so that a message goes to the
administration that such collusive behaviour in violation of
statutory laws will not be tolerated.

  Even the former chief minister Manohar Parrikar had
  openly stated that if the government had to take
  action against town and country planning department
  officials for corruption, they would have to arrest
  all the town planners.  We do not know what the
  citizens of Goa have done to be punished with an
  entire army of corrupt individuals.  If the
  corruption only led to the redistribution of
  income, we would not object.  But in all such
  cases, the acts of corruption have destroyed the
  natural environment of Goa, something which is
  irreversible and for which our only hope lies in
  the judicial system, which unfortunately also lets
  us down, even when it rules in our favour.

What do you take away from the Marriott case? This is after
all one of the many cases Goa Foundation has taken up 

[Goanet] 'Marriott hotel case has restored people’s faith in the rule of law' (Devika Sequeira, Times of India)

2015-07-05 Thread Goanet News
'Marriott hotel case has restored people’s faith in the rule of law'

Devika Sequeira devikaseque...@gmail.com
TNN | Jul 5, 2015, 02.59 AM IST

The writ petition in the Marriott hotel case was filed in
1993 and interim relief rejected in 1994. So in effect this
case has gone on for 22 years. How does this reflect on the
process of legal remedy and justice in this country?

Very poorly indeed. If the (NGO) Goa Foundation had known
that it would have taken 22 years to get a judgment in a CRZ
case, it is doubtful we would have approached the high court
at all.

It is not that the Foundation was not on time when filing the
petition. We approached the high court when the Gaspar Dias
beach was still in existence. There was no construction -- a
small plinth had just commenced. Only the entire grove of
casuarina trees had been felled, which is what alerted the
public and caused the citizens of Miramar and Dona Paula to
protest with the captain of ports department.

Even the governor of Goa, in an unprecedented move, protested
the use of the beach for the hotel.

  Today, 22 years later, the high court rules that we
  were right all along.  But now, a monstrous
  construction occupies the once pristine beach and
  it remains to be seen how much of the beach will be
  restored to the public after the extent of illegal
  construction is identified by the town and country
  planning (TCP) department.

So the destruction has happened which could easily have been
prevented had the court either heard and decided the petition
in 1993 itself, or had stayed the construction work until the
court could decide the issue. Under the guise of ensuring
that no injustice was done to the company, the state's
environment was the loser.

Even now the matter is perhaps not finally concluded. If the
Marriot/the Salgaocars appeal the judgment, it may take
another 10 years before the Gaspar Dias beach is restored to
the public, which was the reason why we moved the court in
the first place.

This is among several major hotel projects where the Goa
government played a proactive role in facilitating and
acquiring land for private players (Salgaocars in this case).
Was it a coincidence that some of these were mining entities?

I do not think all hotel projects in Goa are connected with
mining companies though Cidade de Goa and Marriott (earlier
called Palm Hotels) are owned by people who are also into
mining.  But even other cases of hotels violating the CRZ
have always been assured of close collaboration and support
from the Goa government.

  The Goa government has never believed in the CRZ
  notification, which is why, in almost all cases,
  the government's performance in court has been
  extremely pitiable and shabby.  In the case of the
  Aldeia petition (Grand Hyatt) all files in the
  custody of the government disappeared with the
  connivance of the hotel authorities.  Justice R K
  Bhatta already 10 years ago had opined that the
  corruption in the government was so rampant that
  one had to presume mala fides behind every
  government action.

The apex court has come down quite heavily on government
officials who collude in facilitating illegalities. But
rarely is action taken against such people.

Except for the apex court, high courts rarely take action
against corrupt government officials even when there is
evidence brought before them. We expect the high court to
punish government officers who collude with private parties
against public interest so that a message goes to the
administration that such collusive behaviour in violation of
statutory laws will not be tolerated.

  Even the former chief minister Manohar Parrikar had
  openly stated that if the government had to take
  action against town and country planning department
  officials for corruption, they would have to arrest
  all the town planners.  We do not know what the
  citizens of Goa have done to be punished with an
  entire army of corrupt individuals.  If the
  corruption only led to the redistribution of
  income, we would not object.  But in all such
  cases, the acts of corruption have destroyed the
  natural environment of Goa, something which is
  irreversible and for which our only hope lies in
  the judicial system, which unfortunately also lets
  us down, even when it rules in our favour.

What do you take away from the Marriott case? This is after
all one of the many cases Goa Foundation has taken up 

[Goanet] Urgent press note: Interactive public meeting- Police -Citizen partnership programme with the Women at Dharavi

2015-07-05 Thread Police Reforms Watch


Join the campaign for Better Policing

Dear Madam/ Sir,

Today, Sunday, July 05 at Dharavi we organised the Police -Citizen interactive 
programme  in association with the All India Thowheed Jamaath for their womens 

There were more than 200 women present for this meeting.

We had requested the Mumbai Police Commissioner to depute a Senior Woman Police 
Officer. The  Police Commissioner of Mumbai, Shri Rakesh Maria deputed Smt. 
Sujata Patil, Sr.  Inspector of  Police- Kherwadi Police Station for this 

Sr. Police Inspector, Smt Sujata Patil in her opening remarks said, the Mumbai 
Police is here to serve you and we definately pay more attention to the issues 
and problems of the children and women in particular.

In her lucid style she  also advised them and guided them that in case of 
difficulties, you need not go to the Police Station but  dial 100 so that the 
police could help those women who are in problems. One of the good ideas she 
shared is to always keep the telephone number of your local police station and 
the Beat Chowky so that prompt and quick action could be taken.

Dont be afraid to share your problems and the Police Commissioner Shri 
Rakesh Maria has given us instructions to attend to children and women's 
problems promptly. Mumbai Police are your friends, she remarked.

If there are concerns of any illegal things happening in your areas do bring it 
to our notice for prompt help.  Please support us in our work so that the area 
is crime free.

This was followed by an interactive session where some of the women raised 
various concerns and issues. One of the question raised was  Do you have to 
pay money  when we visit the police station to file a complain? That's the 
reason why many of us do not go to a police station when we have a problem . 
In reply, Sr. Inspector of Police Sujata Patil said the Government pays us our 
salary and you do not have to pay anything while filing your complaints. If 
such a thing happens please go to the Senior Police Officers in the police 
station and inform them.When we dial the police helpline 100 number, they ask 
us to identify ourselves, was another question raised by one of the 
participants. Smt Patil explained that when you call the number 100,  your 
number gets logged into the system and than it is accordingly passed on to the 
respective police station where the problem has happened. But she said there is 
nothing to get worried. Smt. Sujata Patil encouraged the participants to raise 
their various questions and were answered by her.

Overall this meeting  was an excellent method to build confidence in the 
citizens about the police and explain to them about their rights. The talk 
would also  help them to approach the police in the event of any problems. 

Mr. Mouddin , Trustee of All India Thowheed Jamath spoke about Islam being a 
religion of peace. Also he said we are safe because the Mumbai Police work hard 
to protect all citizens. We must seek their help when we have problems . He 
thanked the Mumbai Police for all its good work. 

In his concluding remarks, Shri Dolphy Dsouza urged the women not to be afraid 
but approach their respective police stations in case of difficulties and 
problems. Police are meant to attend and solve our problems. We also have to 
work in colloboration with the Mumbai Police in ensuring that we have  Better 
Policing for all of us. 

Dolphy also handed over the the Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative [CHRI] 
Police Handbook:  101 Things You Wanted To Know About The Police But Were Too 
Afraid To Ask to Sr. Inspector of Police, Smt Sujata Patil. Also  the 
participants  got a copy each of the Handbook. He said if there are specific 
problems that they must contact the Trustees of their Organisation for help and 
redressal with the concerned Police Station.

Among the other notable Police Officials were Smt, Gosavi, and Police 
Constables Ms Banu Tadavi and Ms Jayshri Dhoble from the local Dharavi Police 

Sreeniwas one of our team members helped arrange this programme. The other team 
members who attended were, Bhavesh Pandya, Salil Rameshchandra and Stanley 

We intend to organise many such Police -Citizen partnership meetings in 
different parts of Mumbai.

We thank the Police Commissioner Shri Rakesh Maria for deputing Sr. Inspector 
of Police -Smt. Sujata Patil for this programme. 

Dolphy D'souza
NAGAR Coordinator - Better Policing 
Cecil Court, 3rd flr.,
Mahakavi Bhushan Marg,
Colaba, Mumbai - 41
T: 022-22882018 T/F: 022-22021621
W: www.nagar.org.in  E: i...@nagar.org.in 
fb: www.facebook.com/nagar.org.in

[Goanet] Fwd: Funeral for Loris Desa

2015-07-05 Thread goansofamerica

 Hi All,

Forwarding an email regarding the passing of one of our GOA members.


Selma Rodrigues


 Subject: Funeral for Loris Desa   
 Date: Sat, 4 Jul 2015 17:47:25 +   


 Could you please send this message out to the Goan association.   

 After fighting the good fight against cancer, Loris Desa peacefully passed 
away on July 2nd, 2015, two   

 weeks shy of his 42nd birthday. He was surrounded by his loving wife and 
soulmate Roopa, daughter   

 Kaitlyn, and son Kevin. A funeral service will be held on Tuesday, July 7th at 
1:00 p.m.   

 at St. Killian's Church in Mission Viejo, followed by a burial at the 
Ascension Cemetary in Lake Forest.   

 Loris Desa was a cousin of Anthony Azavedo, James Heredia, and Juliet DeSouza  




[Goanet] Goa news for July 6, 2015

2015-07-05 Thread Goanet News Service
Goa News from Google News and Goanet.org
Visit http://www.goanet.org/newslinks.php for the full stories.

*** Goa HSSC (XII) Supplementary Results 2015: Where to Check
Grades Online - International Business Times, India Edition

*** Goa 'examining' pardon for convicted former minister -
Business Standard

*** 'Ban on voracious mining saved Goa' - The Statesman (press

*** ISL 2015: FC Goa coach Zico to arrive in the city on 6 July
- Firstpost

*** Want Entertainment Wagons in Holiday Trains: Travel and
Tourism Association ... - NDTV

*** Parents put up weak case in Goa's defence against AIFF -
Times of India
 12 of whom signed the letter -- said in a memorandum submitted
to Goa Football ...

*** Goan restaurants going the farm-to-table way - Times of
mes of IndiaEmily Pereira's Cafe de Goa in Calangute is known
for its European, Continental and Italian dishes and desserts.
Not many of the restaurant's patrons are aware that the
ingredients behind the popular menu are sourced from her
husband, Darryl's ...a class=

*** Cries grow louder to stop the rape of Goa's silver sands -
Times of India
m long coastline is also dotted with cliffs and only about 70km
of it has sandy beaches, but, large stretches of the eco-fragile
zone (0 to 200m from the high tide line) and beyond have been
transformed into a concrete maze to cope with the ...a class=

*** FC Goa coach Zico has Rs 2.5cr to spend at ISL auction and
draft - Times of India
 Narayan Das and Debabrata Roy -- and ...a class=

*** Teri report finds faults in Goa's clean picture - Times of
mes of IndiaDespite its high per capital income, Goa projects a
higher unemployment rate in rural areas with 391 persons per
1,000, as against the national average of 101/1000. This
indicates a gap between the educational policy in the state and
the industrial ...a class=

Compiled by Goanet News Service

[Goanet] Easy listening selection.......Bing Crosby. Louis Armstrong.....

2015-07-05 Thread Con Menezes
   You have Jazz.   

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

[Goanet] Fwd: Message from Herald Epaper

2015-07-05 Thread Stephen Dias
( REF:  enclosed herald site published on 6th July 2015)

Stephen Dias
Senior Citizen and Social Activist from Panjim

-- Forwarded message --
From: steve.dia...@gmail.com
Date: 6 July 2015 at 05:36
Subject: Message from Herald Epaper
To: steve.dia...@gmail.com

This message was sent to you by steve.dia...@gmail.com
as a service of Vast Digital

Comments from sender :
to be sent To CCP commissioner and MLA OF PANJIM AND OTHER MINISTERS.
BY:  STEPHEN DIAS social activist and senior citizen from d.paula

Full Story can be found at

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = =
For news updates throughout the day, visit
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

[Goanet] 4 July Independence day

2015-07-05 Thread Nelson Lopes
 4  July  Independence day

There are no ceremonies  of public flag hoisting functions. The schools,
Educational Institute are closed for summer Holidays .It is not compulsory
or obligatory for Govt employees to be present at the work place, USA Flags
fly at all places on cars, private houses, malls and Govt Buildings. There
are no restrictions on flag hoisting., People are attired with USA flag
printed and ties are very prominent in the  display of flag in sigma. The
Independence Day being a Saturday, which is a public holiday, Friday is
compensatory off Hence it is a long week end. People are at home
celebrating the joys of Independence Day .Most of the stores are closed for
the day, except for a few exceptions of food stalls. Most of the counties
have spectacular fire displays. There is strict care , protection with
police presence, ambulances and fire engines, The roads are cordoned off
and residents bring their own chairs. The address by the President followed
by State dinner is a key function, This does not make the USA citizens less
patriotic There is absolutely no comparison  of Independence Day
observation and celebrations in India. The TV or the electronic media does
not go ga, ga over the Independence Day, nor the politicians resort to
fiery speeches or promises, plans and welfare schemes. For all practical
purposes, it is a holiday, spent on get together at home and community. It
is believed that the liquor stores do brisk business and few eateries as
well .The parks are usually full on the day Citizens are proud of the
Nation , but are not called physically to demonstrate their sense of
patriotism in anyway

Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

[Goanet] Catholic Church should not have 'leaders for life', Pope says

2015-07-05 Thread Robin Viegas
From: bcsabha.kal...@gmail.com


Pope Francis waves as he arrives to lead a special audience for members of the 
Renewal in the Holy Spirit movement in Saint Peter's square at the Vatican July 
3, 2015.
The Roman Catholic Church should not have leaders for life in its ranks, 
otherwise it would risk being like a country under dictatorship, Pope Francis 
said on Friday.Francis, 78, has said before that he would be ready to resign 
instead of ruling for life if he felt he could not continue running the 1.2 
billion-member Church for health or other reasons.Let's be clear. The only one 
who cannot be substituted in the Church is the Holy Spirit, the 
Argentinian-born pontiff said in an address to some 30,000 people at an 
inter-denominational rally of Christians in St. Peter's Square.There should be 
a time limit to positions (in the Church), which in reality are positions of 
service, he said in an address that was in part prepared and in part 
extemporaneous.Making clear his comments were not confined to the clergy, 
Francis added: It is convenient that all (positions) in the Church should have 
a time limit. There are no leaders for life in the Church. This occurs in some 
countries where a dictatorship exists.In February 2013, Francis's predecessor, 
Pope Benedict, became the first pontiff to resign in 600 years.In an interview 
with Mexican television last March, Francis said what Benedict, now known as 
Pope Emeritus, did should not be considered an exception, but an 
institution.But in the same interview he said he did not like the idea of an 
automatic retirement age for popes, for example at 80.(Reporting by Philip 
Pullella; Editing by Gareth Jones)


[Goanet] Mumbai (Bandra W): Kind Reminder: Holy Family Hospital - Special Discount on Health Check Plan to DIMENSIONS

2015-07-05 Thread Robin Viegas
From: bcsabha.kal...@gmail.com

From: dimensions.secret...@gmail.com
CC: cmatrics_...@yahoo.com

Dear Friends,


As informed earlier, given below is the details of
the Health Check-up Plan that is being offered by the
Holy Family Hospital. The regular cost for it is Rs. 9000/- But, as a special
case for Dimensions, they are giving us 15 % discount for general and 20 %
discount for senior citizens. 


The offer is valid to all who
register from 1st May to 15th July, 2015. The test can be done from 1st July to
31st August, 2015. The dates will be given to you.


Kindly confirm and send us the name,
age, sex and the mobile no. of the persons who wants to do the health check-up. 
Note: This offer is available only to those who register through us.



Leo Antony

Secretary - Dimensions 

Mob: 8080319988 / 9320825011

Email: dimensions.secret...@gmail.com



Master Gold


Consultation by a physician



Complete Haemogram

MCH, TC, DC, Platelets)



Urine Routine

USG Abdomen and Pelvis

Chest X-Ray

PAP Smear (F)

PSA [Prostate Specific
Antigen] (M)

Sono-Mammography (F)


Bone Marrow Densitometry
(Full body)



Fasting Blood Sugar (FBS)

Post-Prandial Blood Sugar



Lipid Profile (Total
Cholesterol, HDL Cholesterol, LDL Cholesterol, Triglycerides, LDL / HDL Ratio)


Stress Test

2-D Echo





Bilirubin (Total, Direct,



Total Protein (Albumin,
Globulin, AG Ratio)

Alkaline Phosphatase





Uric Acid

Serum Calcium





Surgical Consultant /
Urologist (M)


Gynaecologist (F)

Post consultation with




2015-07-05 Thread Robin Viegas
From: bcsabha.kal...@gmail.com

From: felix rebello frfelixrebe...@gmail.com


in PowerPoint Presentation (PPT)


Pope Francis in his recent encyclical on environment (LAUDATO
SI, PRAISE BE TO YOU) says, “Get back to nature -- the caress of
God -- to recharge. Be more attentive to its beauty and wonder and
revisit places that left you with happy memories. (para nos 84, 97, 215, 233).


For the PPT visit our website – www.stfrancisxavierpanvel.in, go
to GEM  section, click GEM POWERPOINT PRESENTATION-PPT- 32 (last in the list of
PPTs). This PPT may be widely used to educate and bring awareness on
environmental issues and Pope’ s concern for the future of the Mother Earth.


Also  visit – www.stfrancisxaveirpanvel.in for
various resource materials including Bible Quest, Bible study and various types
of contests for all age groups. 


Forward this mail to your contacts.
This will be your small contribution to spread the message of Pope’s encyclical
on environment.


 Fr Felix