Re: [Goanet] An update on the sexual harassment case in a popular cable news channel....

2015-08-14 Thread Venantius J Pinto
Hope he commits suicide. Do it. Do it you combo.
Please all support his decision. Push this shithead to do just that.

If the victim is reading this, talk to me. Do not bend.

Venantius J Pinto

On Fri, Aug 14, 2015 at 12:01 PM, Mayabhushan  wrote:

> An update on the sexual harassment case in a popular cable news channel
> No formal enquiry as mandated under the Vishakha Committee, has begun at
> the news channel, whose top news anchor has been accused of sexual
> harassment by a woman staffer three days ago.
> For now, aggressive overtures are being made to the victim, by the anchor
> to not formally complain to an external agency, even as the victim could
> not report to work today. Sources in the news channel, which also operates
> a newspaper, said that the accused has been 'given' one more day to
> 'compromise' the case with the victim and to ensure that she does not
> pursue the case legally.
> Sources close to the victim have alleged that the anchor, also a senior
> print media journalist has threatened to commit suicide, if she comes
> forward with a formal complaint.
> In the past too, the anchor, who has been accused of sexual harassment on
> more than one occasion in the past, has used the ‘suicide’ route to weaken
> the resolve of his victims. And it has worked to his advantage.
> Meanwhile, the victim’s contact details have been forwarded to the Goa
> State Women’s Commission by the undersigned so that she could be contacted
> independently by the Commission.
> ends

Re: [Goanet] An update on the sexual harassment case in a popular cable news channel....

2015-08-14 Thread Jose Colaco
Totally weird scenario.

I would have thought that the primary route for handling this would have
been for the alleged-victim to (1) Approach a lawyer, preferably from
Baillancho Saad (2) Report the matter to the Police and take it from there.

If 'aggressive overtures' are being made to prevent the proper course of
justice, there are (or ought to be) appropriate sanctions in the law to
deal with obstruction of justice. Please use them.instead of waiting
for some Vishakha Committee to hold an Inquiry.

The main obstacles would be: (1) It is a She said He said situation (2)
Both sides are unknown or uninvestigated by the investigative reporter yet
(For Heaven's Sake...Ask the alleged perpetrator Na?) (3) IF there is NO

This "Trial by Media" is ridiculous.

File the report and Let the accused confront the accuser in Court, Na!

And Please..Let us hope there is NO Crapola like the "Penile Potency test"
EVEN IF the Penis is NOT alleged to have been involved.

BTW: I did not see any Investigation updates on Goa Net about that TEST by
any alleged Investigative Reporter.


On 14 August 2015 at 12:01, Mayabhushan  wrote:

> An update on the sexual harassment case in a popular cable news channel
> No formal enquiry as mandated under the Vishakha Committee, has begun at
> the news channel, whose top news anchor has been accused of sexual
> harassment by a woman staffer three days ago.
> For now, aggressive overtures are being made to the victim, by the anchor
> to not formally complain to an external agency, even as the victim could
> not report to work today. Sources in the news channel, which also operates
> a newspaper, said that the accused has been 'given' one more day to
> 'compromise' the case with the victim and to ensure that she does not
> pursue the case legally.
> Sources close to the victim have alleged that the anchor, also a senior
> print media journalist has threatened to commit suicide, if she comes
> forward with a formal complaint.
> In the past too, the anchor, who has been accused of sexual harassment on
> more than one occasion in the past, has used the ‘suicide’ route to weaken
> the resolve of his victims. And it has worked to his advantage.
> Meanwhile, the victim’s contact details have been forwarded to the Goa
> State Women’s Commission by the undersigned so that she could be contacted
> independently by the Commission.
> ends


2015-08-14 Thread Stephen Dias

In the musical chair game the one who remains last is the winner and he
gets the prize. Nobody knows which person on Louis Berger bribery case will
remain the last to get the prize. If the music stops than the game is over.
There are strong chances for the music to stop and all will go home to
relax. It is pity that the public are made to sweat and waiting for the
good outcome of this game. Let us wait and watch the game  but I have
strong feeling that nothing will happen to anybody as the game is just to
pass on the buck.


Stephen Dias


[Goanet] OROP (One Rank One Pension)

2015-08-14 Thread Roland
There is a huge problem on the Govt's plate causing 

Sent from my iPhone

[Goanet] An Indian By Accident ....TOI 14 Aug pg 20

2015-08-14 Thread Robin Viegas

An Indian By Accident

Pritish Nandy 

We contain multitudes, let's
 celebrate the freedom of being Indian the way we want to be

Curious as it may sound, i 
have always felt i am an Indian by accident.Letme explain why i 
say this. I was born in Bhagalpur. This ought to make me a Bihari. 
But i am not because my mother was a Bengali whose family had settled in
 Bihar. Within weeks of being born i came to Calcutta, where i spent all
 my growing up years. My school was founded by a Frenchman, a soldier of
 fortune. And though i scored far better marks in Bengali and Hindi 
there, the only language i learnt was English. How and why i have no 
clue since we all spoke Bengali at home.

   My first English 
article appeared in The Statesman when i was 13. Soon i published my 
first book of poems, again in English. I dropped out of college. Wrote 
more books till the desire to change the world (yes, in those days we 
actually thought we could) brought me to what was then Bombay   , to be a

   Mumbai is where i have lived for most of my life. 
In between, for what seemed like six long years, i also lived in 
Lutyens' Delhi. In a charming bungalow just opposite the BJP office on 
Ashoka Road, eating subsidised meals in Parliament and representing 
Maharashtra's interests on a Shiv Sena ticket.

   So am i 
Mumbaikar? Or a Bengali from Calcutta? A Bihari? Or a born again 
Anglophile like Nirad C Chaudhuri? I have no clue. Most Indians are like
 me, put together by accident.That's the magic of being a migrant in 
your own land, trying to discover yourself through your many identities.

   My mother's maiden name seemed to suggest that someone in her family 
in the past had a Muslim connect though her first name was Hindu (or 
Bengali, depending on how you see it).The only place of worship i ever 
saw her visit was the St Paul's Cathedral on New Year's eve, more out of
 convention than faith. 

My father was born a Hindu and his family home was in Kalighat. His 
father remarried and chucked them out. My father, his mother and two 
sisters found themselves on the street trying to fend for themselves 
when a passing Jesuit took pity on them. He gave them shelter in 
Bishnupur where he ran a school.

  The freedom struggle brought my
 parents together. They married and we three brothers were born. Never 
did it once strike me what my religion was, which state i belonged to, 
what my language ought to be, which culture i should fight for. (My 
adolescent years went in protesting against the Russians invading 
Czechoslovakia and the Americans, in Vietnam. My Bengali DNA

[Goanet] They Also Serve Who Only Stand And Wait

2015-08-14 Thread Joao Barros-Pereira
They Also Serve Who Only Stand And Wait

When in Goa, Milton's words ring loud and clear as Goan waiters are always
eager to stand and wait; in fact, too eager.

Whenever I enter a restaurant along the coastal belt in particular the
waiters greet me with a welcome and familiarity of a long lost friend.
Frankly, at times, I'm embarrassed beyond words but then given a choice,
extra warmth is better than a cold chill. In Japan where I work waiters are
efficient background music.

Where one stands on this planet is a matter of geography, a matter of
detail. Some Goans stand and serve in a shack on a beach in Goa while
others stand and serve in a foreign country as I do. We both are standing
and serving somewhere on this planet - Mother Earth - people in the service
of other people.Thankfully, in the mist of time and space in a lot of
countries nowadays nationality, language, religion, race, culture and other
differences are a blur and mere footnotes.

International corporations are making cries of nationalistic fervor sound
more like the braying of donkeys or is it asses? The wealth of some
companies, and perhaps even individuals compares favorably with the GDP of
a small country or state. In the twenty-first century a lot more than wind,
clouds, rain and smog cross our international borders. And so we need to
learn how to live together in harmony or we may not live at all. And there
is no harm in remembering it has rained blood at one time or other in every
country in the world so no one need live in self-denial. Human history,
that's all.

As an expatriate Goan and Indian living away from the place of my birth I
can only say how wonderful it is for me to feel at home anywhere in the
world. "Nice to meet you, Mr Human Being." "And, you too Ms Human Being."
No problem.

Some folks run away from their villages, and as they used to say in the
good old days - all roads lead to Bombay! Nowadays all roads lead to Goa,
though. Come by ship, rail, road, train, fly - but come! You are all

We're slowly entering a world without borders with all kinds of amazing
advances in science and technology. Our world is shrinking faster than the
shirt I bought the other day at the Saturday Night Bazaar. It is no doubt a
tight fit. Too tight. And here is a life lesson I learned from it: next
time buy a bigger size. Experiences, good and bad, teach us the art of
living and adjusting to a variety of circumstances in a rapidly changing

The waiter serving tourists from all over the world in Goa is working as
much in an international space as I do in Japan. There is a continuum which
we should not overlook and need to appreciate much more, even as we know
job descriptions differ among us who stand and wait around the world
including Goa.

All work has dignity if done honestly and sincerely. Without electricians
we'd all be in the dark. And, teachers too.  And chefs no doubt give us a
taste of food culture as we don't simply eat but live to eat. And, last but
in no way least, the waiters who serve us the food and drinks.

Yes, the list of people who we need to thank goes on and on, and so does
the story.


2015-08-14 Thread Aires Rodrigues
This Independence Day as usual the Goa Government will felicitate many but
as expected not the most deserving Kapil Natekar. Let us however salute and
applaud this young and brave Soul.

On July 15th 2006 the then Animal Husbandry Minister Mickky Pacheco
slapped Electricity
department Junior Engineer Kapil Natekar. Possibly because Kapil Natekar
was not from an affluent family, the police tried to hush up the case to
shield the politically well connected Mickky Pacheco. The issue however had
to be pursued because it was not a mere slap on Kapil Natekar but an
assault by a Lawmaker Mickky Pacheco on the entire bureaucracy.

Despite the government and the police have been all out hand in gloves with
Mickky Pacheco, after a nine yearlong battle right up to the Supreme Court,
the truant Mickky Pacheco was brought on the tracks of Justice and caged.
The long arm of the law finally caught up with the habitual delinquent
Mickky Pacheco who otherwise over the years has got away flouting the law
with impunity. After absconding for two long months, Mickky Pacheco
surrendered on June 1st and is undergoing a six month sentence at Sada Jail
for having assaulted Kapil Natekar.

Let us salute and commend Kapil Natekar, the young valiant Junior Engineer
who has silently endured all that pain and agony. Kapil Natekar fearlessly
faced this entire ordeal without succumbing to any pulls and pressures. We
need to be proud of an exemplary public official that Kapil Natekar has

Our country may be celebrating the 69th year of Independence. But we are
far from being free, and we may never be, unless we are unchained from this
failing and faltering system that is corroded beyond repair.
Aires Rodrigues

Advocate High Court

C/G-2, Shopping Complex

Ribandar Retreat,

Ribandar – Goa – 403006

Mobile No: 9822684372

Office Tel  No: (0832) 2444012



You can also reach me on AiresRodrigues


[Goanet] Easy listening selection..... Bob Eberly & Helen O; Connell

2015-08-14 Thread Con Menezes

Green Eyes

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This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

[Goanet] Insight

2015-08-14 Thread Con Menezes

In the  last episode we saw the descendants of Nazi Germany  rulers as well as
the opinion of Stalin’s grandson.
Here we will see the opinion of  grandson of President Harry Truman  who 
authorised  the bombing of Hiroshima & Nagasaki  where tens of thousands died 
and are
still suffering the effects of radiation of those bombs.
We see the great grandson of Japan’s General Tojo.

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

[Goanet] Thyroid disorders cross gender barrier, affect more men in their 30s

2015-08-14 Thread Robin Viegas
 08 2015 : The Times of India (Mumbai)Thyroid disorders cross gender barrier, 
affect more men in their 30sTIMES NEWS NETWORKSince treatment largely focuses 
on women, men continue to endure it without detectionThyroid disorder is no 
longer an exclusive concern of women. A recent study has revealed that a rising 
number of men are suffering from thyroid dysfunction eventually leading to 
heart and mental health problems, and infertility. And alarmingly, urban men in 
the most productive age group of 30-45 years are at a higher risk (30.33%) than 
those in the age group of 46-60 years (25.81%).
In the three-year-long data mining survey (2012-2014) conducted by national 
diagnostic chain SRL diagnostics, around 14.24 lakh people were screened and 
22.68% of the sample was found with abnormal thyroid-stimulating hormone levels.

Among the four zones, east zone had the highest percentage of abnor mality with 
25.2%, south India stood at 19.4%, while northern and western zone had 23.9% 
and 21.1%, respectively .

Endocrinolo gist Dr R Venkatachalam said since thyroid treatment largely 
focuses on women, men continue to endure it without detection. The symptoms of 
the disease are often confused with other disorders, thus making it one of the 
most under-diagnosed with no permanent cure.

“However, with medication and proper treatment, thyroid can be controlled, 
thereby, helping patients to lead normal lives. The most reliable test for 
diagnosing hypothyroidism is thyroid stimulating hormone,“ he said.
Dr B R Das, president of research and innovation at the diagnostic centre, 
said, “It also causes fertility problems.Studies have shown that many couples 
who have trouble getting pregnant conceive after their thyroid problems are 
fixed,“ he said.

“This is a shocking trend we have observed, not just with thyroid dysfunction, 
but with several other diseases where many people in the younger age bracket 
are becoming victims,“ said Dr Das.

To be sure, doctors usually prescribe specific free T3 and free T4 follow-up 
tests. If a person is diagnosed with hypothyroidism, they have it for life. So 
the focus is mainly on preventing complications, rather than trying to cure it 
completely .

“Depending on whether your thyroid is over-active or under-active, the 
thyroidhormone replacement drug may be prescribed. It can be taken as a 
supplement to manage the disorder effectively,“ said the doctor.


[Goanet] Goacom Newsclips on 14 August 2015

2015-08-14 Thread goacom newsclips
Goacom Newsclips
Foreign tourist numbers not on the decline, says tourism minister
Click here to

Soni’s bail application dismissed 
Click here to

46 new projects to generate over 8,000 jobs: Mahadev NaikClick here to read 

Six amendment bills passed
Click here to

Continuous evaluation of aviation security needed: Coast Guard DIG
 Click here to

Unaided HSS to log into cyberage scheme
Click here to read more... 

NRI’s Sangolda property sold using forged power of attorney!Click here to read 

Press Note: workshop for story writers 
Click here to

MMC vehicles exposed to vagaries of nature 
Click here to

No fishing for these souls
Click here to
Click below link to read more articles

[Goanet] Court Order Teesta

2015-08-14 Thread Robin Viegas

From: Dolphy Dsouza 

Dear All,

:) Here is the copy of the order of the High Court granting Bail to 
Teesta and Javed for your information.
warm regards,
Dolphy Dsouza 
Dolphy A. D'souza
Cell: 9833884227
Please note my new number


[Goanet] An update on the sexual harassment case in a popular cable news channel....

2015-08-14 Thread Mayabhushan
An update on the sexual harassment case in a popular cable news channel

No formal enquiry as mandated under the Vishakha Committee, has begun at
the news channel, whose top news anchor has been accused of sexual
harassment by a woman staffer three days ago.

For now, aggressive overtures are being made to the victim, by the anchor
to not formally complain to an external agency, even as the victim could
not report to work today. Sources in the news channel, which also operates
a newspaper, said that the accused has been 'given' one more day to
'compromise' the case with the victim and to ensure that she does not
pursue the case legally.

Sources close to the victim have alleged that the anchor, also a senior
print media journalist has threatened to commit suicide, if she comes
forward with a formal complaint.

In the past too, the anchor, who has been accused of sexual harassment on
more than one occasion in the past, has used the ‘suicide’ route to weaken
the resolve of his victims. And it has worked to his advantage.

Meanwhile, the victim’s contact details have been forwarded to the Goa
State Women’s Commission by the undersigned so that she could be contacted
independently by the Commission.



2015-08-14 Thread Vivian A. DSouza
This is just one of the lofty broken promises.  You can fool some of the 
people, some of the time, but you cant fool all the people, all the time.  Talk 
about good governance and atransparent corruption free government.   The game 
is up, and hopefully the next time aroundthe rascals will be thrown out.
   From: Aires Rodrigues 
 To: goanet  
 Sent: Thursday, August 13, 2015 9:39 PM
While the Leader of the Opposition Manohar Parrikar had branded Casinos as
a “social evil” and called them "dens of vice". While leading that
agitation against Casinos, Manohar Parrikar had vowed to make sure that all
Casinos were thrown out of Goa if the BJP came to power.

But in a dramatic U turn in March 2012 after coming to power Manohar
Parrikar allowed yet another Casino the monstrous ‘M.V. Horseshoe’. The BJP
in Goa has since fallen in love with the Casino brigade which is now
getting the government’s total patronage and support. While the BJP is
feasting and making merry with the abundant funds flowing from the Casinos,
Goa has sadly become the country’s gambling hub with the allied vices of
prostitution and the narcotics trade also flourishing by the day.

On 10th October 2013 then Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar had finally
assured the Goa Legislative Assembly that all the Casinos would be removed
out of the River Mandovi by September 2015.

With that date now fast approaching the Government has started through an
advertisement released in all the news papers today a so called public
consultation process to only fool the people. The Casinos are meant to be
off shore and that is where they should be asked to relocate. Does the
government have to be told the definition of off shore?

While the BJP continues to milk the Casinos nothing will be done to
relocate them. The people of Goa can read between the lines. The government
should not underestimate the intelligence quotient of Goans who have been
patiently enduring the manner in which the people are being taken for a
ride. March 2017 is when the BJP will be shown its place for having
betrayed on almost every issue the faith the people of Goa had reposed.

Aires Rodrigues

Advocate High Court

C/G-2, Shopping Complex

Ribandar Retreat,

Ribandar – Goa – 403006

Mobile No: 9822684372

Office Tel  No: (0832) 2444012



You can also reach me on AiresRodrigues


[Goanet] Fwd: Fwd: Unnecessary letter

2015-08-14 Thread Stephen Dias



Stephen Dias

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Re: [Goanet] Alex's Acid or What do you do about slippery moss?

2015-08-14 Thread Venantius J Pinto
Hi Floriano,

Although you retracted, what you were saying is not off base. Its just that
in Konkani, at least in the past and in my place often caustic substances
were referred to as being acidic. We certainly did not have the vocabulary
for certain things, qualities, moods, or other affects as the case would
be. To mean that this was not necessarily true when relating to say
sulphuric acid. This was certainly true in my home. Of course both my
parents studied only up to 4th grade, so that has something to with the
distinctions we assigned and made to phenomena. Others, I am sure could
distinguish between alkaline/alkalinity and acidic/acidity. But I was not
born in them homes.

Oh the joys of education or at least of a reasonably well formed mind.

Venantius J Pinto

On Thu, Aug 13, 2015 at 10:41 PM, Floriano Lobo 

> Mervyn, point well taken. However, handling caustic soda in the
> raw/concentrated form affects the skin. Wanted to make it clear by saying
> it is acidic. Cheers
> On Thu, Aug 13, 2015 at 6:50 PM, Mervyn Lobo  wrote:
> >  Floriano Lobo wrote:Get a kg of caustic soda from Pankar, Mapusa. Make a
> > solution ( it is
> > acidic so  do not handle it with raw hands). sprinkle and brush it out.
> > --
> Floriano,Caustic
> > soda is an alkali.  At this point, I would also suggest that you do a
> > little reading on how acids and alkalis effect the human body and ones
> > health. Mervyn
> >