[Goanet] Take Ten Pills and You're Fine

2015-11-22 Thread Roland


Roland Francis

[Goanet] Mumbai(Goregaon E): Details of Basic Skills in Counselling Course for Senior Citizens

2015-11-22 Thread Robin Viegas

From: b sabha 

From: "Nirmala Niketan Extension Centre" 

Dear Friends,

Greetings from Nilima!!!

I would like to inform you that the Extension Centre is going to begin a 2nd 
batch of 'Basic Skills in Counselling Course' for the Senior Citizens. The 
tentative date of starting the course is 18th January, 2016, Monday. The 
confirmed date will be informed to you shortly once Ms. Dinu Mathew gives okay 
for this date.

Attached please find the course syllabus and the assessment criteria.

The classes will be held on every Monday and Wednesday from 2 pm to 5 pm at the 
Extension Centre. The medium of instruction will be English and the classes 
will be conducted by Ms. Dinu Mathew. The course fees is Rs. 2,600/- to be paid 
only by cash.

The interested senior citizens can fill up the form and enroll for the course 
from the Extension Centre office. This course is only meant for the students 
who have completed the Certificate Course in Social Work for Senior Citizens 
from the Extension Centre.

For any further information, please contact us. We happily welcome you to 
enroll for this course.

Take care.

With warm regards,

Ms. Nilima Rodrigues.
College of Social Work,
Nirmala Niketan Extension Centre
St. Pius College Campus, Virwani Road,
Gate no. 2, Goregaon (East)
Mumbai- 400 063
Tel. no. 29271433/9930991953
Email : nnvirtuallearn...@gmail.com, 

[Goanet] Virtual Police Station- A tool to help us in our campaign for Better Policing.

2015-11-22 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha 

From: Dolphy D'souza mailto:dolphydolph...@gmail.com>>

 Dear Team and Friends,

Congratulations are in order to Ms Maja Daruwala, Director-CHRI 
and her entire CHRI -Police Team. Also to the Rajasthan Police, DGP and Addl. 
DGP and Director -
Rajasthan Police Academy, Shri B.L.Soni, IPS who were the 
active colloborators in making this happen. Thank you all.

I had attended the CHRI launch of the  Virtual Police Station in Delhi on 
November 17. This is a interactive tool and the programme was held at the India 
Habitat Centre. . There were about 105 people . A lot many police personnel and 
activists from different parts of the country attended.

Vivek of CHRI presented  the video which walks you through a police station 
much like in a video game. It also tells you about what each person in the 
police station does when you hover the mouse over it; it also has embedded 
videos which tell you what is in each room what is in the registers that you 
can flip open if you like, and who each person is.The videos also show you how 
to file a police complaint and how a complaint is taken wrongly by a cop and 
how it should be done. Most importantly text boxes on the side give you five 
key legal points that you should know about the subject at hand, like key 
things the police must do on arrest. If you want to know more there are links 
to judgements and law commission reports.

This was very well received. CHRI team had worked for over a year to prepare 
this tool .Anyway everyone thought it was very good and wanted much more. Lots 
of police asked for copies they could begin using and there were lots of folks 
willing to help with advocacy and dissemination.

Vivek Trivedi  of CHRI did a beautiful short presentation of the Virtual Police 
Station tool to the Media and the audience. . The other speakers were Dr. Kiran 
Bedi, IPS and Former DGP -BPR&D , Abha Singhal Joshi, Lawyer and Trainer, and 
Mr B.L.Soni, Addl. DGP , Director , Rajasthan Police Academy, Jaipur  [both of 
whom had a great role to play in preparing this tool] . In conclusion, the 
special remarks were made by Dr. Ronald Meinardus - Regional Director- 
Friedrich Naumann Stiftung .

In addition Vivek Trivedi of CHRI along with Devika Prasad of CHRI and their 
Police Team, Rajan  worked very hard on this project, offcourse under the 
guidance of Ms Maja Daruwala, Director -CHRI.  A  special word  for Ms Dona 
John of FNF was also mentioned.

 After Maja had thanked all , an IPS Officer Francis Kharshiing  said: 'you 
deserve a standing ovation!' and the audience spontaneously stood up and  gave 
a mighty applause.

Among the notable present were, Mr. Kamal Kumar, former DGP / Director , 
National Police Academy, Hyderabad, Mr. Prakash Singh, former DGP - UP. Dr. 
Ravinder Singal , [IPS][Special IG,Training] from Maharashtra and Officer Mr. 
R. S. Patil, Asst. Director, Maharashtra Police Academy also participated.

You can watch this video.  The link is 
www.virtualpolice.in  .  This is truly going to be 
game changer in our campaign for Better Policing. Do give us your feedback and 
forward this to your network.

warm regards,

Dolphy D'souza
NAGAR Coordinator - Better Policing
Cecil Court, 3rd flr.,
Mahakavi Bhushan Marg,
Colaba, Mumbai - 41
T: 022-22882018 T/F: 022-22021621
W: www.nagar.org.in  E: 
fb: www.facebook.com/nagar.org.in
Dolphy Dsouza - 9833884227

-- Forwarded message --
From: Farah mailto:farah.zi...@gmail.com>>
Date: 17 November 2015 at 16:40
Subject: WashingtonPost - There’s a new tool to empower women afraid to report 
rapes in India



There’s a new tool to empower women afraid to report rapes in India

One of the biggest barriers women face in seeking justice in cases of sexual 
assaults in India is their fear of the 
 they may face at the police station, legal analysts say.

A new, interactive tool that uses 360 degrees 
video technology wants to lessen that fear by giving citizens a virtual tour of 
every corner of the insides of an average Indian police station.

Welcome to India’s first virtual 
police station.

"If something goes wrong in India, the last thing people want to do is go to 
the police station. That is just how bad the public perception of the police is 
here," said Rajan Zaveri, the interactive videographer who helped produce the 
educational aid for the nonp

[Goanet] : Easy listening selection......James Last & His Orch

2015-11-22 Thread Con Menezes

  Happy Music & Mexican Hat Dance   

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[Goanet] Police attempt to derail justice to Fr Bismarque

2015-11-22 Thread Nelson Lopes

The police action to crush peaceful protest for justice to Fr Bismarque is
unbelievable. The police selective imposition of sec 144 to detain the
protesters alone is totally discriminatory. What apprehensions, inputs did
the police have of law and order problem related to the demonstration, when
they  had no inkling about the  strenght of gathering crowds at the venue.
The police not only thwarted the march, but used and unleashed brutal force
against women, seniors, priests peaceful demonstration, carting them away
to police stations as criminals. Why excessive force had to be used inside
the police van, severely injuring the  head  of singing warriors, a most
potential, knowledgeable witness.  They charged the people mercilessly
without any provocations demanding such blatant brutality. How could ladies
, girls be detained after sundown  against the rule of law.? A group of
Kariavdo movement proceeding to the venue were deliberately delayed at
Cortalim junction, so far away from the venue and it can only be termed as
preposterous knee jerk reaction

The hitting of panic button displayed by BJP Govt, is evident to suppress
legitimate, peaceful, democratic exercise. The police have been lethargic
in shoddy investigation ,almost dittoing the pre fabricated script written
by the witnesses and believed as the gospel truth by willing investigators.
Fr had rubbed wrongly the Govt, police, builders etc, The complaint of
threats by Fr remains neglected to date. Important clues that could throw
light at the scene of the crime were deliberately botched up. Fr has been
labeled as drunkard, drowned due to his own carelessness. Dalvi, Teotonio,
Jose DSousa  and others respectable individuals have debunked the theory of
Fr being a habitual tippler to give a slant to integrity and character of
Fr. His voluntary giving up priestly functions is given an oblique tinge
due to his disagreement with superiors to accentuate doubts ., The piece of
bloody evidence in the vicinity of the crime has raised eyebrows,
strengthening the belief that it was possible planned murder. The boys,
Jacinto, Parmeshwar,Sidney, Jackson the last contacts have been let off
conveniently without rigorous questioning as expected

The initial refusal to hand over the case to Crime Branch, institute SIT
demanded by Wagh  were cold shouldered,citing ridiculous argument of no
 ante mortem injuries.   Now it has been done, after bloody evidence, as
there is no alternative of giving impressions otherwise and fearing popular
revolt, backlash from catholic comunity, unwelcome by BJP in power to its
sagging image. Without waiting for the finger prints and viscera report the
conclusion of police,  as  case of drowning death was to foreclose the
cause of death. The first post mortem skipped the gash above the eyes and
damage to private parts. The second post  mortem report is withheld till
viscera report is made available. It is widely perceived that Fr could have
been poisoned earlier and cleverly deceived in going to the site with some
unfamiliar individuals at such odd hours Those in intimate contact with Fr
have amply clarified, vouched for his character and integrity and have
raised serious doubts

The report. was extensively covered in headlines, ONLY in front pages of
Heraldo, Besides the editorial page had views, write ups supporting the
cause of Fr Bismarque. As in the past Heraldo alone espouses the causes
dear to the hearts of Goans and is expected to feel rightly the pulse of
the Goans.  All the  of other English dailies just made a non committal
reference, casual gesture, buried in the inner pages. Heraldo alone has
conducted systematic investigation on its own, maintained relentless
campaign for justice, keeping the police on the edge. Heraldo has allotted
significant space, covering all aspects in the life and work of Fr  and
diverse views expressed by its readers after his death and continues to do
so unabated Readers are also apprehensive about the purpose of some private
investigative reports that seem to support the police version to the hilt
 without any discretion's and are now raising doubts, misleading the
 bloody evidence without any expertise.

The  concocted theory of drowning due to excessive drinking, the
fabricated well planned, rehearsed confessions of witnesses, the
willingness  of police to buy the stories are along expected lines. But his
supporters, admirers, co workers are convinced that there is more than what
meets the eye. They are collectively determined in unison that Fr will not
be buried until investigation as murder is complete The crime branch now
investigating the case has enthused his friends

The catholic community and priests who supported the change as the
alternative  to secular party must now rue the roast The brutal suppress
ions cannot be without hidden directives of higher ups having axe to grind
.The death of Fr will galavanise the  people even further and indicat

[Goanet] Roland Francis: Stray Thoughts of a Toronto Goan: Let The Music Play One

2015-11-22 Thread Eddie Fernandes
The 'G.O.A. Retirees' is an offshoot of the larger Goan Overseas Association
of Toronto and comparatively much younger than its parent. It is one of the
many older-member Goan-majority associations in the Greater Toronto Area,
and holds its own in terms of energy and organization.

Its recent function was a pre-Christmas treat. Rarely does one hear music
from the 60s and 70s played on real string, wind and percussion, nothing
synthesized, mixed or electric about it. The players were in the main,
resettlers in Canada from Africa, who knew how to select the pieces they
played by reading their audience well. The whole thing was reminiscent to me
of Bombay of the Golden Music Era of those years, the time of band-leading
stalwarts like Cyril Sequeira, Johnny Baptist, Micky Correia, Maurice
Concessio and the like. A week or two before that, was a similar treat;
another band just like this one, playing great music at an event of the 55
Plus Goan Association. When it rains, it pours.

It doesn't take much of an imagination to see these men as young boys in
Kampala, Nairobi or Dar-es-Salaam, playing their hearts out to make a few
bucks, or to impress pretty girls, or just because they carried the musical
genes of their parents. Two of the latter who played, were Errol and Tom
Francis with whom I proudly share grandparents though I have been handed
down no such talent myself.

There is a lot of music in the souls of the men and women of the Goan
Diaspora. Started in the rooms of the village church with violins and
guitars, or in the grand 'salles' of the landed gentry on expensive pianos
or in schools where music was an important part of education, albeit with
chrome-peeling saxophones or clarinets, the boys and girls in Goa, the
parents and grandparents of the current amateur musical talent in Toronto
and elsewhere, took to it like seeds in wet and fertile ground. 
Certain readers will recall with fond memory Johnson and His Jolly Boys
playing in Goa. Excellent musicians all and coming from all parts of Bardez,
they could read music well but played from memory even better. Those were
days when electricity was a very iffy thing even in the big towns, but
upstarts like the Tuna Sparks who depended on electronic instruments were
offering a challenge to JJB. Organizers of big functions whether weddings or
dances were engaging Johnson as well as his rivals in a two band billing.
Johnson would play his half of the function and when it was the other band's
turn, the electricity would go off and Johnson would quickly be asked to
return. Rumour had it that it was Johnson who arranged for the juice to fail
but since he didn't charge any more than he was promised, nobody knew the
truth. However what did happen was that people stopped engaging the other
bands, JJB regained their hegemony and their electronic rivals slowly bit
the dust, one by one. By the time utilities became more reliable, Johnson
had retired from his beloved music as undisputed king.

I have seen and written about our Goan musical talent before, in my article
on the Aunties of Dhobitalao, describing it as the music of much pleasure
wafting in the air as you walked down the narrow lanes of Dhobitalao.  Even
now it never ceases to amaze me any less than painstakingly cooked meals by
your grandmother in a Goa kitchen that was once filled with smoke from
burning twigs and leaves under a huge cauldron that was heated to give you
the hot water for a refreshing bath. That same smoke by the way, also cured
her sausages to perfection.

There must be many other things that Goans were, are and always will be good
at. Me, I am happy with just the music.
For the Roland Francis Linkedin profile, see
Comments can be sent to roland.fran...@gmail.com

Forwarded by Eddie Fernandes