[Goanet] Fwd: Song for the day...

2015-12-04 Thread Gabe Menezes
Manuel & The Music of the Mountains - The Portuguese Washerwomen [1960]




Gabe Menezes.


2015-12-04 Thread Aires Rodrigues
The three member Goa Human Rights Commission (GHRC) headed by Justice
P.K.Misra and comprising of retired District Judge A.D. Salkar and Mr.
J.A.Keny has asked the Goa Government to provide food and toilet facilities
to the police personnel posted on duty during the sessions of the Goa
Legislative Assembly.

In its Inquiry report on the complaint filed over the ill treatment of
Police Personnel, the Commission has observed that police personnel are
human beings and are entitled to be so treated. The Commission has now
fixed the matter on 3rd February 2016 for the compliance report of the

The Commission in its report has also observed that not providing meals,
drinking water and toilet facilities to the police personnel posted for
long hours during the Assembly Sessions is a clear infringement of Article
21 of the Constitution of India and also amounts to violation of their
basic Human rights.

Expressing hope that meals would be provided meticulously to the police
personnel posted for duty during the Assembly Sessions, the Commission in
its report has stated that the toilet facilities currently provided are not
at all sufficient and has sought that adequate number of mobile toilets be
provided at appropriate places to meet the basic requirement of toilet
facility for the staff posted during sessions of the Legislative Assembly.

In a complaint to the Goa Human Rights Commission on July 27th this year
pointed out was the very disturbing fact that inhuman treatment was being
meted out to the police personnel posted for duty around  during the
Sessions of the Goa Legislative assembly by not providing them food and
toilet facilities.

As the treatment being meted out was a serious and gross violation of the
Human rights of the police staff it was sought that the government be
directed to explain this high-handed conduct which amounted to a clear
deprivation of Human Rights of the police personnel.

Aires Rodrigues

Advocate High Court

C/G-2, Shopping Complex

Ribandar Retreat,

Ribandar – Goa – 403006

Mobile No: 9822684372

Office Tel  No: (0832) 2444012

Email: airesrodrigu...@gmail.com



You can also reach me on

Facebook.com/ AiresRodrigues



[Goanet] Video: Old Goa feast - day 2

2015-12-04 Thread JoeGoaUk
 The video
Old Goa Feast (2nd day)



[Goanet] Old Goa feast, the next day - pics

2015-12-04 Thread JoeGoaUk
Some pics
over 50 pics 

video to follow

[Goanet] Please sign the Petition to Scrap the Regional Plan 2021

2015-12-04 Thread Avinash Tavares
*Click here to sign the petition


*The petition is as follows:*


The people of Goa are demanding that the Goa Regional Plan 2021 and ODP be
denotified and scrapped. BJP, in its 2012 Assembly Election Manifesto had
promised the people of Goa that they would scrap the RP 2021. They have
made a U-turn on this promise. On the Govt's directions, TCP has sent the
Regional Plans to the Taluka TCP Office and has kept the plans open for the
public for 30 days, for their suggestions and objections. But the TCP had
not incorporated the 3000 odd suggestions/objections they had received over
the years in these plan. When the finals plans are released, goans will not
be able to raise any further objections. Therefore it is very clear that
there is absolutely no transparency in the entire process.


>From a scientific point of view, many of the Zones declared in the Regional
Plan  are contradictory to ground reality and thus they will have an
adverse impact on the environment. The TCP has not taken any data from the
Forest Department, Agricultural Department, Biodiversity and the Heritage
Departments. Thus Khazan land (wetlands), forest, CRZ  heritage zones, wild
life sanctuaries etc have not been represented in the plans. Buffer zones
have also not been marked. All this will lead to encroachments on
environmentally sensitive zones.

In addition, the Regional Plans do not show open spaces even though much of
the Commundade land falls under grazing ground/open spaces. Such areas as
well as areas like hill tops are shown as settlement/orchard even though
the TCP knows very well that development on these areas could destroy the
aquifers underneath.

The Urban and Rural Plans do not have any scientific bases. They have been
created in connivance with the construction lobby. Many villages had
demanded that the width of the village road be restricted to 5 meters.
Instead, village roads are shown as 10 meters (proposed roads); a criteria
required for constructions of mega projects. Many houses, walls and trees
will have to be wiped off in order to accommodate these proposed roads.
Most modern cities implement ribbon development where plots along a major
road is marked under a uniform zone. If it is a commercial road, all the
plots will be marked as commercial and if it is a settlement zone, all the
plots will be marked as settlement. However, in Goa, zones on such plots
are marked arbitrarily. No new parks and open spaces have been proposed.


Many of the suggestions which were resolved in the Panchayat and Gramsabhas
have not been incorporated in some villages where as in others, suggestions
have been implemented which are a complete violation of environmental laws.

At present, many gram sabhas want their village plan to be sent to the
Panchayat before it is notified. This would have allowed the gram sabha to
discuss and make decisions in the interest of the entire village. The BJP
Govt, however, refused to send the plans back to the village.


When former CM's relative Pinky Lawande was raided this year, the
authorities found many files related to conversion. They even found
evidence that he charged Rs 300 per square meter for manipulating zones. It
is common sense that he is not the only agent involved in land conversions.
It is obvious that the exiting Regional Plan could have been manipulated by
such agents working with corrupt TCP officials.


The Government has to denotify and scrap the regional plan. They have to
re-initiate the process taking into account all the environmental data,
heritage data, communidade data etc. These plans have to be sent to the
village Panchayats/Gramsabhas for verification, after which it can be

We have all seen the flooding in Mumbai and Chennai which is a man made
disaster due to unplanned development. Goans do not want  this from ever
happening in Goa. Our petition is that the Regional Plan and Outline
Development Plan be denotified and scraped and the process be re-initiated
in the interest of the people.

*Phone : 9657210949*

Re: [Goanet] Fw: IFFI

2015-12-04 Thread Dan Driscoll
Yeah; as a journalist wag has defined *'The New Economic Order' --- "Poor
people from rich countries send money to rich people of poor countries, so
that they can better their condition".*

On Thu, Dec 3, 2015 at 8:22 PM, Bernado Colaco  wrote:

> Alas the new colonizers  have made us paupers, now a 'perk' should sustain
> our lives!
> BC
>  Dan Driscoll 
> I think that Goa is where it should be; I have seen *Spotlight *the sad
> story of youth sexual abuse in Boston---likely to get Oscars. I have a lot
> of family relations there, and a niece of mine knew Cardinal Law very well,
> personally.
> No doubt the IFFI is a Central Gov't funding perk that a lot of States are
> envious of.
> As Churchill said, "A preposition is not a word to end a sentence with"!

[Goanet] Modi & Obama on climate change.

2015-12-04 Thread Con Menezes


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[Goanet] Man in India who had cerebral palsy continues.........

2015-12-04 Thread Con Menezes


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[Goanet] A Proud Indian, A Proud Human Being

2015-12-04 Thread Joao Barros-Pereira
A Proud Indian, A Proud Human Being

After teaching part-time for 37 years in Japan in a total of nine
universities, I am still an Indian passport holder and declare: I'm a proud

Over the decades I've absorbed several cultural and religious influences,
not to mention food, drink and other aesthetics, values which move me every
day into a wider and, I hope, wiser space which makes me accept myself
wholeheartedly with my multiple identities, finally, as just one more human
being. When my students ask me where I'm from I always answer - Earth. And
when I enquire of them where they are from, invariably I get the same
answer! Yes, I am a proud Indian and a proud human being too.

If tomorrow there is an invasion from Outer Space and our planet is
threatened we will all join together as one human race. If there is no
invasion we will probably continue to fight as we do now, in the name of
one thing or another. I'm praying for aliens to land on our planet so there
will be peace at last. A student of mine the other day commented on how
much human beings love war, and the only way there will ever be peace on
this planet is if we all kill ourselves. Forgive me for hoping my student
is wrong.

The world unfortunately is divided into not a hundred-and-one but a
thousand-and-one adversarial poses. With the discovery of water on Mars,
have we arrived finally at a cosmic benchmark signal informing us how and
when technology reaches a certain level we can expect a group of privileged
human beings to take off to the new destination and planet only after they
have destroyed this one? And, of course, the first thing they will do is to
dig the ground and plant their flag on the conquered planet.

How long will our planet survive? As we all know, this planet will one day
die but do we have to destroy it ourselves before it dies a natural death?

Will suicidal politicians around the world give peace a chance? And also,
will we folks from around the world support the destruction of our
environment and our planet through relentless greed? Will the ice melt and
flood the whole earth taking with it hundreds of smart cities as well as
not so smart cities, making Noah's Ark look no more impressive than a
5-star Texas size swimming pool? Will tsunamis finish the job or will it be
nuclear bombs which human beings have invented and will destroy the
environment, including ourselves?

Fortunately, some questions cannot be answered one way or the other with
complete certainty even though a human being might have studied and
graduated from the world's best university. A silver lining?

[Goanet] Salt: Killer or Scapegoat?

2015-12-04 Thread Con Menezes

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[Goanet] Easy listening selection.........Dr. Hook & The Med, Show

2015-12-04 Thread Con Menezes

 When you’re in love with a beautiful woman.

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[Goanet] : Movie Preview-Mother Teresa‏

2015-12-04 Thread Con Menezes
A trailer of  just released movie about Mother Teresa.

The Hollywood movie based on the Epic life story of Mother Teresa was released 
on August 21, 2015 in theaters across the U S A. While the well-known British 
actress Juliet Stevenson plays the title role of Mother Teresa , there are four 
Mumbai Parsis playing   important small roles. Probably a first – 4 Parsis in a 
Hollywood movie.

The movie was shot in Goa, friend Rusi Mistry of Malcom Bagh plays the role of 
Dr. Ahmed

Here is a link to the movie preview.


Peace and Harmony

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[Goanet] Book Launch: New Songs of the Survivors by Yvonne Vaz Ezdani

2015-12-04 Thread V M
On 13th December, Goa Arts + Literature Festival 2015 is proud to
showcase the exclusive launch of 'New Songs of the Survivors' by
Yvonne Vaz Ezdani (introduction by Amitav Ghosh). The book will be
released by Jerry Pinto, with its publisher Ravi Singh also in


During the Second World War, many of the Indians settled in Burma were
killed following the bombing of Rangoon by the Japanese Air Force.
Thousands more were forced to give up everything—their homes, their
businesses and shops, even their families—and flee to India to escape
the invasion. The lucky ones flew home. Others followed by ship,
crossing the Bay of Bengal under constant threat of aerial and
submarine bombardment. But most walked all the way, to Manipur and
then Assam, braving hunger, disease, wild animals and exhaustion. Some
walked the more hazardous route further north, across the Hukaung
Valley, which came to be called the Valley of Death.

Drawing primarily on recollections from the survivors and descendants
of Burma’s once-thriving Goan community, this compelling book is the
first attempt to write an oral history of the ‘Forgotten Long March’—
one of the biggest and most harrowing migrations in recent history.