2016-12-25 Thread John Eric Gomes
The BJP continued with doles to remain a popular government and it appears
from pronouncements by the AAP Chief Minister designated candidate that
they promise to outdo the BJP in this respect! This is bad and a
disgraceful policy which no self respecting goan should encourage. What is
the use of Christmas if it has no meaning and we do not sponsor an ethical
government? We have also have  had enough of arrogance. Generation of
revenue by plugging leakages is generally vague.
Exactly how  must be at least hinted;  instead used to generate employment
for goans and render good governance, not allowances to unemployed youth
and doubling BJP benefits in popular doles? Also praising himself as
the best CM candidate and crying being framed on being called by the ACB in
a corruption case does not indicate a new political behavior expected of a
Chief Minister heading the AAP. Leave it to others to draw this conclusion
by careful and meaningful word and deed ? Honesty, transparency and minimum
arrogance are sorely lacking commodities these days!

On Sat, Dec 24, 2016 at 10:25 AM, Stephen Dias 

> -Dear Elvis,
> Goa Convenor
> Candidate for AAP CM
> Just for info what I wrote;
> AAP announced doubling the Govt schemes plus Rs 5000/- p.m. for unemployed
> youth and many other schemes which is a welcome step. Now that CM has
> become shaky wants AAP to come clear on revenue generation rise for such
> schemes? My question to Parsekar whether he made any provisions earlier and
> whether there is any accountability and transparency of these schemes which
> is presently on record?
> Earlier nobody questioned you as you did now.
> Definitely if AAP fails on these promises,  then the people has full right
> to reiterate.
> Stephen Dias
> Dona Paula
> Mob: 9422443110
> date: 24.12.2016

[Goanet] 2016 Christmas letter

2016-12-25 Thread Gilbert Lawrence
To All Goanetters:
Wishing you-all a Merry Christmas.

Please see the attachment for my family Christmas letter to all our friends
Blessings to your family and you.  
Best wishes to you-all for the New Year. 


2016-12-25 Thread Aires Rodrigues
As was expected the Government has rewarded R.K.Srivastava with a post
retirement plumb posting as State Election Commissioner so that Goa can be
his retirement haven and resting place for the next six years. R.K
Srivastava who was due to retire on June 30th was given two extensions as
the BJP chose to continue with the very incompetent and  pliable Yes-man
Chief Secretary to enable it bulldoze through without any hindrance all the
 illegal moves it had up the sleeve.

The bureaucrats should be independent and impartial but sadly in Goa they
have totally surrendered to the political rot. The Chief Secretary who
heads the bureaucracy should have led by example and kept the
administration free from political interference, but the lackluster
R.K.Srivastava shamelessly bent, bowed and crawled all over, while blindly
signing on the dotted line at the dictates of the political bosses.

Government cannot be using bureaucrats as pawns in their political games.
We need to stem this interdependent chronic relationship that exists
between Ministers and Civil servants. For Good Governance and Rule of law
to prevail, the political neutrality and impartiality of the civil servants
is extremely vital.  With bureaucrats acting as colluding caged parrots,
the government has been able to carry on with the further destruction and
degradation of Goa. Once the Pearl of the Orient, it has now been reduced
to a Corruption embedded gambling, prostitution, narcotics and crime hub.
Slimy Officers like R.K. Srivastava cannot be allowed scot free, they must
be held accountable, prosecuted and punished for being responsible for
Goa’s further decay.

Aires Rodrigues

Advocate High Court

C/G-2, Shopping Complex

Ribandar Retreat,

Ribandar – Goa – 403006

Mobile No: 9822684372

Office Tel  No: (0832) 2444012



You can also reach me on AiresRodrigues


[Goanet] (no subject)

2016-12-25 Thread Aires Rodrigues
Season’s Greetings to you all,

While we ready to usher in the New Year, may I say a very big thanks for
your overwhelming affection and support. Am ever so humbled with your
towering strength.

May we be always empowered with the might and spine to fearlessly speak out
against any injustice and nepotism, which very sadly has become the order
of the day, with the rich getting richer and the poor turning poorer.

Let our firm resolve always be to relentlessly strive for a Better, Greener
and Corruption free Goa, where only Justice always prevails. We owe it to
this great land of ours.

Aires Rodrigues

Advocate High Court

C/G-2, Shopping Complex

Ribandar Retreat,

Ribandar – Goa – 403006

Mobile No: 9822684372

Office Tel  No: (0832) 2444012



You can also reach me on AiresRodrigues


[Goanet] What I want to be when I grow up

2016-12-25 Thread Roland
Whether private schools (public in the English system) in Bombay like Cathedral 
and John Connon or Scottish Orphanage or Jesuit schools like St Stanislaus or 
St Mary's or parish schools like Antonio de Souza or St Sebastian's, the most 
striking feature of them all was the group of teachers that taught there.

Their dedication and perseverance in the face of schoolboy naughtiness and 
oftentimes reluctance to apply themselves to learning was legendary. We were 
too young to recognize it then, but teachers like those are hard to find in 
today's world. 

Tuitions had not much of a role then. It was reserved for the dullest of the 
lot who  in turn were learning-handicapped because of home and neighbourhood 
environment. What the teachers brought to the table had nothing to do with 
their backgrounds. They were priests, lay people, Christian and Hindu. They 
came from cities and many times from rural areas on their first teaching jobs 
just after their BEd degrees. Some of them were many years experienced and some 
of them green as raw cabbage but they all brought with them a desire to impart 
something valuable their charges would take with them for life.

We too, like the CBC article says of young ones in Grade 4 in Canada, were made 
to write almost the same thing. "What do I want to be when I grow up". We were 
at the end of the day made to take and show
those paper slips to our parents at home.

In all seriousness, I had written "Cardinal". Not priest, not bishop, verily 
Cardinal. When my parents read that they laughed and praised me at the same 
time. Later on I understood why: the laugh was for Cardinal - Aiming for the 
top. The praise was that it was something noble, service to others. Nothing bad 
for me in their minds could come of that.

The Jesuits are nothing if not super detectives at things like these. From then 
on, I was secretly earmarked for a vocation and future as a Jesuit. My bright 
academics would have confirmed their silent selection. 

It was not until the last year of school when it is customary for Jesuit 
schools to send their Catholic students to a week's retreat at their Bandra sea 
face Retreat House that they were finally disappointed, as Hitler must have 
been when his deputy Rudolf Hess sought refuge in enemy England. 

What happened is: the constant preaching about God and his saints all day long 
except for meals and a little recreation, got to us gregarious types. We were 
the alpha-males though I was then more a follower than alpha or beta or 
anything else.

So when Walter Pires who knew that part of Bandra fairly well, suggested we 
have a party when the priests go to meditate prior to turning in, we said yes 
with great enthusiasm, not knowing what was involved.

Walter first led us in jumping the wall and onto the public road. It was about 
10pm and we marched to the fisherfolks village in Chuim where Walter easily 
procured a bottle of liquor followed by a few bottles of soda water from a next 
door shack. Tightly clutching these we returned, this time jumping the wall 
with some acrobatics due to our party possessions. Settling down in a dark 
room, we had just got around to enjoying the contraband when the meanest of all 
the priests pushed open the door, switched on the lights and was dumbstruck on 
seeing us with glasses, the liquor and soda bottles. We were then between 15 
and 16 mind you.

He barked twice only: the first was "Walter we need to talk", the next was 
"Roland? You?" But he didn't summon me like he did Walter. 

On returning to school on Monday, no one talked to me about a vocation again. 
No more one on one sessions with various priests on the joys of priesthood. 
Thankfully, I was unceremoniously "dumped". To me, it made no difference. In 
fact I was relieved of that ever-hanging sword of Damocles, sorry priesthood.

All these memories brought on by those Canadian kids writing in 1954: What I 
want to be when I grow up.

Roland Francis

Re: [Goanet] Goanet Digest, Vol 11, Issue 664

2016-12-25 Thread Bernado Colaco

With reference to the below info. after 55 years of the invasion and 
colonization Goa is not a priority but a spoils of war. Anni enkam kitem 
munpachem Doutor Jose Colaco?



GL responds:
Of course for many Goans, December 18, 1961 is a day etched in stone. ?But for 
most of the world, the day then and that day now is a fleeting and 
insignificant moment in time and history.
There is a now a book published of Kennedy's diaries and what was on his mind 
at every given time / week when he was in the White House. ?The events 
unfolding in Goa was more of a distraction to the US administration from the 
many pressing events going on in the world. ?All that Kennedy wanted to avoid 
is some pesky problem in some corner of the world disturb / distract the big 
picture of USA and Soviet Union, the Nuclear Threat, and Europe.?

Even Nehru did not prioritize Goa and did not want to use force - see his 
biography. ?There were three unrelated factors that forced his hand.

1. Contrary to Nehru's advise, the leaders of Goan freedom fighters (to 
embarrass Nehru) ?were doing things that were endangering their lives and that 
of their followers; and mouthing off (aka giving interviews) to the Bombay 
press to embarrass Nehru.

2. The African leaders at Non-Aligned meetings were prodding Nehru to do 
something about the Portuguese colony in India; as that was the first step for 
Portugal relinquishing its African colonies.

3. Portugal's intransigence even in the face of United Nations actions and 
resolutions. ?Portugal's act of making Goa part of "Geographic Portugal" and 
the colonies as "overseas provinces" was a clear act that Portugal was not 
going to relinquish its colony in India like France did vis-a-vis Pondicherry 
and Mahe - which was / would have been a great road map for all parties. ?This 
tom-foolery of "Greater Portugal" even caused?the NATO allies to give up on 

>From Wikipedia:
On 14 December 1960, the?United Nations?General Assembly?(UNGA) passed 
Resolution 1514 (XV) urging all countries to take steps to place their colonies 
and non-self-governing territories on the road to self-determination in 
accordance with Article 73 of the?UN Charter.??Portugal claimed this resolution 
did not apply to them, as her colonies were overseas provinces, 
constitutionally integral to the nation, and thus exempt. On 15 December 1960, 
the UNGA passed Resolution 1541 laying out 12 conditions by which the UNGA 
would determine the definition of a non-self-governing territory.???This was 
immediately followed by Resolution 1542 declaring that nine Portuguese overseas 
provinces met these conditions and were to be considered "non-self-governing" 
territories for the purposes of Resolution 1514, even if the Portuguese 
constitution did not recognise them as such.

Regards, ?GL



2016-12-25 Thread Stephen Dias

Never expected with so called intelligent people and that too being a
doctor by profession and leader of the AAP group in Siolim to act in this
manner, where I was told many times by my cousin who is a supporter of AAP
about his qualities and capabilities.
I was surprised to know that the same person has acted now, in so crookedly
manner, reasons for you not visiting the voters at their residences.
Whether  right or not but being a doctor by profession,  he should have
known before making nasty statement on his own party. He did "volta facia"
probably whether he  received "lollipos" or not from BJP because AAP is a
cashless party..
Now he made a Press statement could be  out of frustration in Navhind Times
today on the day of Christmas ;

"the broom can be used to clear garbage but if the broom is not strong then
it itself is garbage"


"Senhor Dr Prithviraj Amonkar
" if you cannot use your stethoscope properly then it itself is garbage"

In  Konkani there is a saying  " Nachonc Noko Zalear Hangon Vankdem"

If Dr. Amonkar thinks that AAP is losing out in Goa it could be because of
these kind of people like you. I am confident that AAP is  going stronger
day by day, under the leadership of our Goa Convenor Elvis Gomes who has
been projected as future CM of Goa,  and my advice to Dr. Amonkar  is WAIT
AND SEE how the broom will be used.

Stephen Dias
Dona Paula


[Goanet] What I want to be when I grow up

2016-12-25 Thread Bernado Colaco
Incredible childhood story by Roland, the moral is that hooch can also lead you 
in the right direction.

What happened is: the constant preaching about God and his saints all day long 
except for meals and a little recreation, got to us gregarious types. We were 
the alpha-males though I was then more a follower than alpha or beta or 
anything else.

So when Walter Pires who knew that part of Bandra fairly well, suggested we 
have a party when the priests go to meditate prior to turning in, we said yes 
with great enthusiasm, not knowing what was involved.

Walter first led us in jumping the wall and onto the public road. It was about 
10pm and we marched to the fisherfolks village in Chuim where Walter easily 
procured a bottle of liquor followed by a few bottles of soda water from a next 
door shack. Tightly clutching these we returned, this time jumping the wall 
with some acrobatics due to our party possessions. Settling down in a dark 
room, we had just got around to enjoying the contraband when the meanest of all 
the priests pushed open the door, switched on the lights and was dumbstruck on 
seeing us with glasses, the liquor and soda bottles. We were then between 15 
and 16 mind you.

He barked twice only: the first was "Walter we need to talk", the next was 
"Roland? You?" But he didn't summon me like he did Walter. 

On returning to school on Monday, no one talked to me about a vocation again. 
No more one on one sessions with various priests on the joys of priesthood. 
Thankfully, I was unceremoniously "dumped". To me, it made no difference. In 
fact I was relieved of that ever-hanging sword of Damocles, sorry priesthood.

All these memories brought on by those Canadian kids writing in 1954: What I 
want to be when I grow up.

Roland Francis


[Goanet] Pope Francis: Christmas has been ‘taken hostage’ by materialism (The

2016-12-25 Thread Goanet Reader
Pope Francis: Christmas has been ‘taken hostage’ by materialism

Birth of Jesus should remind
world of the suffering of
children today, pontiff says in
Christmas Eve address at

Pope Francis said Christmas has been "taken hostage" by
dazzling materialism that puts God in the shadows and blinds
many to the needs of the hungry, the migrants and the

  Francis, leading the world's 1.2 billion Roman
  Catholics into Christmas for the fourth time since
  his election in 2013, said in his Christmas Eve
  homily in Vatican City that a world often obsessed
  with gifts, feasting and self-centredness needed
  more humility.

"If we want to celebrate Christmas authentically, we need to
contemplate this sign: the fragile simplicity of a small
newborn, the meekness of where he lies, the tender affection
of the swaddling clothes. God is there," the Pope said at St
Peter's Basilica.

At the solemn but joyous service, attended by about 10,000
people as well as dozens of cardinals and bishops, Pope
Francis said the many in the wealthy world had to be reminded
that the message of Christmas was humility, simplicity and

"Jesus was born rejected by some and regarded by many others
with indifference," he said. "Today also the same
indifference can exist, when Christmas becomes a feast where
the protagonists are ourselves, rather than Jesus; when the
lights of commerce cast the light of God into the shadows;
when we are concerned for gifts, but cold toward those who
are marginalised."

  He then added in unscripted remarks: "This
  worldliness has taken Christmas hostage. It needs
  to be freed."

Security was heightened for the Christmas weekend in Italy
and at the Vatican after Italian police killed the man
believed to be responsible for the Berlin market truck
attack, while other European cities kept forces on high

St Peter's Square was cleared out six hours before the mass
began so that security procedures could be put in place for
those entering the church later.

Francis, who has made defence of the poor a trademark of his
papacy, said the infant Jesus should remind everyone of those
suffering today -- particularly children.

"Let us also allow ourselves to be challenged by the children
of today's world, who are not lying in a cot caressed with
the affection of a mother and father, but rather suffer the
squalid mangers that devour dignity: hiding underground to
escape bombardment, on the pavements of a large city, at the
bottom of a boat over-laden with immigrants," he said.

Outside the basilica, thousands of people who could not get
inside watched on video screens.

  "Let us allow ourselves to be challenged by the
  children who are not allowed to be born, by those
  who cry because no one satiates their hunger, by
  those who do have not toys in their hands, but
  rather weapons," Francis said.

On Christmas Day, the pope will deliver his twice-yearly Urbi
et Orbi ("To the city and to the world") blessing and message
from the central balcony of St Peter's.

[Goanet] Atheist China could have largest number of Christians in the world by 2030 (Sutirtho Patranobis, HT)

2016-12-25 Thread Goanet Reader
Sutirtho Patranobis

Hindustan Times. Beijing

PHOTO: People attend a Christmas Eve Mass at a Catholic
church in Shanghai, China, on Saturday. (REUTERS)

The Amity Printing Company in Nanjing city in eastern China
is the world's largest producer of Bibles. Between 1987 and
July 18 this year, it produced 150 million copies in 90
languages and sold them in 70 countries.

  If that's surprising, here's the controversy:
  Officially atheist China, according to an estimate
  sharply criticised by Beijing, could have the
  largest number of Christians in the world by 2030.

Actual numbers are hard to come by. The Chinese government,
which differentiates between Catholics and Protestants,
pegged it at between 23 million and 40 million in 2014. It
counted those who take part in religious activities in
government-sanctioned churches.

Independent estimates vary. A 2011 Pew survey said around 5%
of China’s population in 2010 -- or around 67 million -- were
Christians. It took into account those who are part of
non-registered or "home" churches that function informally
out of sitting rooms, attics and garages.

Then there are experts who suggest the number of Christians
in China is easily more than the number of Communist Party of
China (CPC) members, currently 88 million.

Take the cases of young professional Ling and Lily, an
undergraduate student at a top university in Beijing. Neither
visit formal churches but are regulars at informal gatherings
where they read the Bible and sing hymns.

"The gathering spot varies. We used to go to a fellow
student's home or a coffee shop or restaurant. Because it's
not very convenient to sing hymns in public, we would pick a
comparatively private place," Lily said.

"My friends and I don't go to normal churches, most of the
church-style buildings in China are Three-Self Churches (run
by the CPC-approved Three-Self Patriotic Movement). We
generally go to family churches. Those churches are not
legally recognised, so they’re illegal in a way."

Then there is the phenomenon of large but unregistered
churches in big cities, said Carsten Vala, an associate
professor of political science at Loyola University,
Maryland, who studies Christianity in China.

"The most interesting development to me is that of large,
unregistered churches in cities like Beijing, Shanghai and
Chengdu, where hundreds of high-status, white collar Chinese
participate in churches not officially registered but which
nevertheless exist due to permissiveness of local officials,"
Vala said.

An example, he said, is Early Rain Church in Chengdu, which
neither fits into the typical, small-scale "house" churches
nor the large-scale, official churches of Protestant

The informal churches fill two requirements -- first, they
make up for formal churches, and, second, they keep things
private for those who want to keep their faith away from the
CPC's prying eyes.

Beijing has kept a wary eye on, and strictly regulated,
Christianity since the CPC adopted a conciliatory approach to
religion four decades ago. The growth of Christianity in
China began at the end of the Cultural Revolution (1966-76),
a period when all religions were suppressed, often brutally.

  This coincided with economic reforms. As the
  economy boomed, a gradually wealthier China needed
  a spiritual belief system to invest in; the purely
  political CPC wasn't able to provide succour for
  the soul.

Sociology professor Yang Fenggang, founding director of the
Centre on Religion and Chinese Society at Purdue University,
Indiana, explained the phenomenon in terms of economics and

"Every convert has a uniquely personal story to tell about
their change of faith. However, so many Chinese have been
converting to Christianity in the last few decades, which
amounts to a social phenomenon that I would call 'mass
conversion' in modern times," he told Hindustan Times.

  "Sociological speaking, the social, political, and
  cultural changes in the process of modernisation
  are the contextual factors for this mass conversion."

Yang, author of *Religion in China: Survival and Revival
under Communist Rule*, explained it in his article Lost in
the Market, Saved at McDonald's: "The crucial contextual
factors are the increasingly globalised market economy under
political repression. Christianity provides peace and
certainty in facing wild market forces. The Christian faith
is liberating amid a stifling political atmosphere."

It hasn't been liberating all the time, with the CPC
launching intermittent heavy crackdowns on Christianity.

A high-profile crackdown in the past two-three years was
carried out in Zhejiang province, China's Christianity
heartland. Authorities took down crosses from nearly 2,000
churches, including government-registered ones.

Vala said: "In one province (Zhejiang), there has been a much
greater crackdown (with one church 

[Goanet] ACB summons - Truth must prevail

2016-12-25 Thread Sandeep Heble
Keeping politics aside, Goa would be much better if we had dynamic people
like Elvis Gomes in the new Legislative Assembly. An ex senior bureaucrat
with a wide range of experience in governance, someone known for his
efficiency, toughness and quick decision making - what more could one ask?
I had the opportunity to interact with him on quite a few occasions,
particularly when he was the Executive Director in the Sports Authority of
Goa (SAG). The best thing about him was his direct approach, the ability to
grasp issues thoroughly and no dilly dallying on matters. Rarely would one
find files lingering in his office and he was always quick to clear them.
He was all for transparency and very supportive to bring Sports
Associations under the ambit of the RTI act. His works on prison reforms
are well known and need no further elaboration. He supported the cause for
construction of a Football stadium in Campal, one of the long standing
demands of Goa's football loving fraternity. In fact, Mr. Gomes was one of
the key officials, entrusted by the then CM Mr. Manohar. Parrikar, with the
job of putting the stadium plans and approvals in place. ( A state-of-the
art stadium is expected to come up in Campal in the near future). Elvis
Gomes took the brave decision of quitting his distinguished service to
enter politics. Whether he wins or not, time will tell but it takes a great
lot of courage to do that which we must respect . I sincerely hope a person
of his calibre who has served Goa for so many years does not become a
victim of political tussle or one- Upmanship and that the Government and
the ACB treats him fairly. May the truth prevail!

warm regards,
Sandeep Heble

[Goanet] George Michael dies.

2016-12-25 Thread Con Menezes

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

[Goanet] Christmas at 'Jesus tomb' (?) in Srinagar.

2016-12-25 Thread Con Menezes

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

[Goanet] Easy listening Christmas Season selection.......Hallelijah.......Andre Rieu.

2016-12-25 Thread Con Menezes

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

[Goanet] Pope's message to the world at Christmas.

2016-12-25 Thread Con Menezes

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

Re: [Goanet] (no subject)

2016-12-25 Thread Frederick FN Noronha फ्रेड्रिक नोरोन्या *فريدريك نورونيا
Dear Joan and all:

It's delayed but still working it out.

Please send us your contacts so that we can keep you informed. Offlist,


On 24 December 2016 at 04:57, joan tellis  wrote:

> Dear Mr Frederico
> What happened to the get together/
> regards

_/  Frederick Noronha
_/  P +91-832-2409490 M 9822122436 Twitter @fn Fcbk:fredericknoronha
_/  Hear Goa,1556 shared audio content at

Re: [Goanet] ACB summons - Truth must prevail

2016-12-25 Thread Roland
Goa Suraj party has similar objectives to AAP and if what Sandeep Heble and 
Stephen Dias say about Elvis Gomes is true, then Floriano and his colleagues 
would be a good fit with him.

The GSP should really grab this opportunity to do good for Goa because on their 
own, sad to say, they have no leg to stand on.

Also if Gomes comes to power, Floriano and company would be a good reality 
check to his initiatives. For after all, power corrupts.

Roland Francis

> On Dec 25, 2016, at 12:54 PM, Sandeep Heble  wrote:
> Keeping politics aside, Goa would be much better if we had dynamic people
> like Elvis Gomes in the new Legislative Assembly. An ex senior bureaucrat
> with a wide range of experience in governance, someone known for his
> efficiency, toughness and quick decision making - what more could one ask?
> I had the opportunity to interact with him on quite a few occasions,
> particularly when he was the Executive Director in the Sports Authority of
> Goa (SAG). The best thing about him was his direct approach, the ability to
> grasp issues thoroughly and no dilly dallying on matters. Rarely would one
> find files lingering in his office and he was always quick to clear them.
> He was all for transparency and very supportive to bring Sports
> Associations under the ambit of the RTI act. His works on prison reforms
> are well known and need no further elaboration. He supported the cause for
> construction of a Football stadium in Campal, one of the long standing
> demands of Goa's football loving fraternity. In fact, Mr. Gomes was one of
> the key officials, entrusted by the then CM Mr. Manohar. Parrikar, with the
> job of putting the stadium plans and approvals in place. ( A state-of-the
> art stadium is expected to come up in Campal in the near future). Elvis
> Gomes took the brave decision of quitting his distinguished service to
> enter politics. Whether he wins or not, time will tell but it takes a great
> lot of courage to do that which we must respect . I sincerely hope a person
> of his calibre who has served Goa for so many years does not become a
> victim of political tussle or one- Upmanship and that the Government and
> the ACB treats him fairly. May the truth prevail!
> warm regards,
> Sandeep Heble
> Panaji-Goa
> 9326129171

Re: [Goanet] [Goanet-News] Pope Francis: Christmas has been ‘taken hostage’ by materialism (The

2016-12-25 Thread Avinash Patil
May the melody and spirit of the Christmas fill your home with love and
peace.  Wishing you a wonderful Christmas filled with memories you’ll
always treasure. Merry Christmas wishes to you!

On 25-Dec-2016 10:19 pm, "Goanet Reader"  wrote:

Pope Francis: Christmas has been ‘taken hostage’ by materialism

Birth of Jesus should remind
world of the suffering of
children today, pontiff says in
Christmas Eve address at

Pope Francis said Christmas has been "taken hostage" by
dazzling materialism that puts God in the shadows and blinds
many to the needs of the hungry, the migrants and the

  Francis, leading the world's 1.2 billion Roman
  Catholics into Christmas for the fourth time since
  his election in 2013, said in his Christmas Eve
  homily in Vatican City that a world often obsessed
  with gifts, feasting and self-centredness needed
  more humility.

"If we want to celebrate Christmas authentically, we need to
contemplate this sign: the fragile simplicity of a small
newborn, the meekness of where he lies, the tender affection
of the swaddling clothes. God is there," the Pope said at St
Peter's Basilica.

At the solemn but joyous service, attended by about 10,000
people as well as dozens of cardinals and bishops, Pope
Francis said the many in the wealthy world had to be reminded
that the message of Christmas was humility, simplicity and

"Jesus was born rejected by some and regarded by many others
with indifference," he said. "Today also the same
indifference can exist, when Christmas becomes a feast where
the protagonists are ourselves, rather than Jesus; when the
lights of commerce cast the light of God into the shadows;
when we are concerned for gifts, but cold toward those who
are marginalised."

  He then added in unscripted remarks: "This
  worldliness has taken Christmas hostage. It needs
  to be freed."

Security was heightened for the Christmas weekend in Italy
and at the Vatican after Italian police killed the man
believed to be responsible for the Berlin market truck
attack, while other European cities kept forces on high

St Peter's Square was cleared out six hours before the mass
began so that security procedures could be put in place for
those entering the church later.

Francis, who has made defence of the poor a trademark of his
papacy, said the infant Jesus should remind everyone of those
suffering today -- particularly children.

"Let us also allow ourselves to be challenged by the children
of today's world, who are not lying in a cot caressed with
the affection of a mother and father, but rather suffer the
squalid mangers that devour dignity: hiding underground to
escape bombardment, on the pavements of a large city, at the
bottom of a boat over-laden with immigrants," he said.

Outside the basilica, thousands of people who could not get
inside watched on video screens.

  "Let us allow ourselves to be challenged by the
  children who are not allowed to be born, by those
  who cry because no one satiates their hunger, by
  those who do have not toys in their hands, but
  rather weapons," Francis said.

On Christmas Day, the pope will deliver his twice-yearly Urbi
et Orbi ("To the city and to the world") blessing and message
from the central balcony of St Peter's.


2016-12-25 Thread Stephen Dias
Dear Goanet Readers

This article of friend of mine is published in Herald Edit page on
He requested me to forward to Goanet readers.

Stephen Dias




The Reserve Bank of India and the Ministry of Finance have to answer some
very fundamental questions. Big corporate that are the main financiers of
the BJP supposedly have the bulk of the money, maybe not in notes but in
value probably in very high proportions, a guess would be foolhardy to
hazard, but none-the-less proportionately very high. The demonetization has
had little if any effect on the black money, major proportion of which is
stashed in safe havens outside the country and not within the control of
the Indian authorities, it seems. The demonetization is definitely a cruel
joke on the common men and women who have been taken for a royal ride, an
exercise that was unnecessary. Where is the black money? Has it been
allowed to disappear in thin airy in connivance with the government or have
they had no power on it since it is mostly stashed abroad?
Now it is up to this very majority to speak out through the ballot in the
forthcoming Assembly elections to be held early next year. It is known
beyond doubt that the rich pay through their credit and debit cards for
luxurious purchases which the common men can only be window shoppers for.
The BJP government led by Narendra Modi is definitely the colluders for the
rich and the famous and do not give a damn to the common men and women, who
work hard for their living. Narendra Modi is using a by now, almost a
transparent subterfuge, that the common men have been able to see through.
Now it is up to the common men and the women to make their voices heard
loud and clear by summarily voting against the government who rode on their
subverted support in order to win an absolute majority. Will this majority
turn into a minority in the forthcoming elections due early next year? It
is for the common men to decide whether enough is enough or to fall prey to
the BJP’s cruel wiles that are only meant to deceive apparently. It is up
to the the people to decide who has the last laugh. Does this allegation
seem to be like an illusion or a reality?

[Goanet] Punjab, Goa... AAP, BJP, Congress...

2016-12-25 Thread Frederick FN Noronha * फ्रेड्रिक नोरोन्या * فريدريك نورونيا
In Punjab and Goa, the presence of AAP has upset the conventional poll
dynamics and BJP, which is in power in both the states is trying hard to
keep the Arvind Kejriwal-led outfit at bay while battling its traditional
rival Congress.

Read more at:

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