[Goanet] OffTopic: Meryl Streep. Speech The Golden Globes 2017

2017-01-08 Thread Albert Peres


Meryl Streep Speech The Golden Globes 2017

Published on Jan 8, 2017


Albert Peres

416.660.0847 cell

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Re: [Goanet] Calangute beach on New year's day

2017-01-08 Thread Jim Fernandes
I watched only half of the first video - Awesome!

This is exactly how I want folks to adverstise Goa to the rest of the world. 
This way, no sane foreigner with a wad a dollars would ever want to step on 
Goan soil. Unfortunately, the "Ghantti's" will continue to roll in droves ... 
to see Colva and Calangute ...

The Ghanttis have spoiled our beach at Colva - Now-a-days, its one of the 
dirtiest beaches out there. As per a neighbor, at the early hours of New Year's 
day when he happened to go there for a stroll, the Colva beach was full of 
these shitty guys puking in the sand and defacating right in the open. This is 
how Goans have sold their souls in the name of tourism ... what a pity!

Obviously, I didn't go all the way to Goa to show this ugly scene to my 
American born kids. We never visited Colva beach this time - even though the 
beach is just a mile away from our house. Instead, we took them to other 
prestine beaches (not going to advertise here) just a few miles away. There are 
still plenty of prestine areas in Goa that are untouched by the Ghanttis. The 
only way to find these clean spots is to talk to the locals. In my case, I was 
born and raised there - so I don't need locals to show me around.

If you are a Goan you should avoid these over-hyped names. They are the 
dirtiest places just like any crowded place in the rest of the country.

While on my recent trip to Goa, I had to make a quick one-day dash to Mumbai. I 
flew in early in the morning and returned back to Goa late at night - just a 
few hours - that's all I could take of Mumbai. The whole city is filthier than 
a toilet. 

They have huge slogans down there - Swach Desh - Sundar Desh  Yeah right 
... keep hallucinating my man. 


Jim Fernandes
Scarsdale, NY.

On Mon, 2 Jan 2017 17:07:43 + (UTC), JoeGoaUk  wrote:

>   1.1.2017   
> Between 5pm and 6pm
> Videos: 
> Calangute beach (4min) 1800 views
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MNKsDW7enWk
> Video 2
> Calangute beach 2 (27mins)
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xM8M8SKFq2A
> Video 3
> Clangute to Panaji 
> Boarding a bus (2min)
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Jtiv25h2SA

[Goanet] What do Israelis think of India?

2017-01-08 Thread eric pinto

What do Israelis think of India?Amir E. Aharoni, living in Israel and loving it 
despite all the messUpdated Jun 10I can only speak for myself.I visited India 
four times for work and a tiny bit of travel. Here's what I think of India:   
   - Best food in the world hands down.
   - Mess. India is messy. The roads seem impossible to navigate. The non-stop 
honking looks pointless - honking is supposed to draw attention to danger, but 
if everybody is honking all the time, how can anybody notice it? And so many 
people walking the streets everywhere. The busiest streets of Tel-Aviv and 
Jerusalem can't compare to an average street in Mumbai, Pune or Bangalore (the 
cities I visited). Yet somehow everything works out.
   - I keep hearing a lot about hostility between Hindus and Muslims in India, 
but I see Hindu buildings and Muslim buildings everywhere side by side without 
any apparent problems between them. More broadly, India has many religions and 
ethnic groups, and even though not everything is smooth, Indians don't kill 
each other much because of that. I envy this.
   - It's strange and sad to me that the native languages of India are not used 
more in communications, education, advertisement, government etc. More English 
makes it comfortable for tourists, of course, but you should feel more pride 
about your own languages. You should stop thinking that English is so 
important. From what I heard, all higher education in India is in English, and 
it's almost impossible to find a decent job without knowing this foreign 
language. My Indian friends are very surprised every time I tell them that we 
speak Hebrew at work, even in software companies, and that almost all of our 
schools and universities are in Hebrew medium. Although we could do much better 
ourselves, India could still learn some things from us about respecting the 
native language. Letting people use their languages more will unleash India's 
huge human and economic potential.
   - Bureaucracy. Israeli bureaucracy can easily make a reasonable person 
desperate, but Indian bureaucracy often goes beyond ridiculous. The consulate 
promises a business visa for five years and forces me to fill a lot of weird 
forms and eventually gives me a six-month visa. The consulate clerk asks me 
whether I have a permission from the government of India to have the business 
meetings; surprised, I ask whether I need a permission to have a meeting and he 
says that I don't. And so on.
   - The head bobble is baffling. I have no idea whether it's a yes or a no. 
Can be both.
   - Weird internal racism is taken for granted. I went over personal marriage 
announcements in newspapers and I was shocked: They were meticulously sorted by 
language, religion and caste, and if that's not enough, bright skin of both 
boys and girls was presented as a positive thing. At most, I would imagine that 
it's fine to mention skin color in a neutral way, as an innate characteristic 
of a person, but definitely not as a positive or a negative thing. Such a thing 
wouldn't fly in western countries these days.
   - The taxi drivers don't know where to go. I would think that the whole 
point of being a taxi driver is knowing all the streets in the city, but taxi 
drivers in India don't.
   - Best food in the world hands down!
   - An odd and somewhat unpleasant point: A surprising number of Indians see 
Hitler positively. To almost all people in Europe, Russia and America, and 
especially in Israel, Hitler is the worst monster ever, World War II is the 
most destructive event ever, which hurt all the countries that participated in 
it, including Germany, and "Mein Kampf" is a disgusting and hateful book. In 
India, apparently, some people think that Hitler was a powerful and good 
leader, and "Mein Kampf" is a bestseller, and they ignore his responsibility 
for the death of many millions of people. It may be due to lack of education, 
or maybe for some other reason.
   - India is so cheap. A taxi for an hour in Mumbai costs like a taxi for five 
minutes in Jerusalem. A whole lunch in Pune costs less than a sandwich in a 
coffee shop in Tel-Aviv.
   - Cricket, cricket, cricket everywhere. A lot of people in Israel love 
football and basketball, but my impression is that it's nowhere near the 
passion that India has for cricket. Everybody loves it. Young, old, men, women, 
Muslims, Hindus, everybody.
   - I frequently think that even though Israel is a heavily militarized 
country, India is even more so. But maybe that's because when I'm in India, I 
spend most of my time in Pune, with all its military camps.
   - I have this strange feeling that people in India don't really understand 
each other even when they speak in their own language, be it Kannada, Hindi, 
Marathi, Tamil or anything else.
   - Though some of these things may read as kind of negative and strange, it 
doesn't change the most important part: Indians are friendly, well-meaning and 
clever people.

[Goanet] Responsibility to speak out boldly to expose Vanxim scam

2017-01-08 Thread Sebastian

Status of Vanxim land grab

Official Gazette, Government of Goa, Series II No. 40 dated 5th January 2017 
published notification from Department of Industries bearing no. 3/10/2016-IND 
regarding demarcation of Capao (Vanxim) Island’s 46 survey numbers under the 
Goa Investment Promotion Act, 2014. Notification mentions that corporate entity 
M/s Ozone Leisure and Resorts Pvt. Ltd. had applied for setting up of an 
integrated 5 star Resort and Villa Estate Development in Capao on September 03, 
2015, two months and two days before Fr. Bismarck was killed and disposed off 
in Mandovi River on November 05, 2015. Vanxim too stands in Mandovi River. Goa 
Investment Promotion Board had granted in principle approval for this project 
on December 14, 2015, forty days after Fr. Bismarck’s gruesome murder and 
suppression of evidence.  On December 16, 2 016 - after 13 months and 10 days 
of Fr. Bismarck murder and its cover ups - Goa Cabinet cleared the project on 
behalf of Goa Government. And now on  January 05, 2017 after exactly 14 months 
of Fr. Bismarck’s killing official notification is published on Vanxim (Capao) 
Island. Certain reflection is warranted as this is not only a legal fraud but 
an ultimate moral fraud as well as it was born in the Office of the Goa 
Archbishop in 1999 with Agreement to Sale Vanxim to Mahendra Gaunkar or to any 

Silence of the office of the Archbishop

After admitting that Vanxim sale was morally wrong publicly Goa Archbishop has 
maintained silence on the issue of criticizing the Goa Cabinet decision on 
Vanxim. Admission on the part of Archbishop that Vanxim sale is immoral makes 
entire Vanxim venture immoral including Cabinet decision. Although there are 
environmental grounds on which this contest is proceeding in the Goa Bench of 
Bombay High Court – to which we do not object – the happenings in the office of 
the Archbishop are totally suicidal as the lobby of priests has been intensely 
involved in all round manipulation and liquidation of Church lands all over 
Goa. Future generations are robbed off precious lands granted for community use 
in past. The office of the Archbishop that is meant uphold the morals have 
dedicated to doing away with them. Frankly speaking this Vanxim scam is begins 
with Archbishop Raul Gonsalves in the decade of 1990s. Agreement to sale of 
Vanxim was signed in 1999, now 18 years has passed by. That means the scam is 
visibly in existence for at least two decades. Immorality of the office of Goa 
Archbishop has engulfed Goa Cabinet in most certain way. There is need, an 
urgent need to address the rot going on in the office of the Goa Archbishop for 
so long. Vanxim sale besides being an ecological scam is also a moral scam. 
Jesus Christ -whose body the Church is- has been taken over by Satanists and 
being robbed off its splendor and Glory. Priests may have made some money for 
sure but time has come for Fr. Arlino D’Mello, Parish Priest of Aldona to 
publicly apologize to selling Vanxim and come out openly on what is going on. 
Same is required to be done by Fr. Victor Rodrigues, Parish Priest of Nuvem who 
signed agreement of Sale with Mahendra Gaunekar.

Emeritus Archbishop Raul Gonsalves too has duty to speak up publicly and shed 
his cover of silence as he had authorized Fr.Victor Rodrigues to sell Vanxim. 
Similarly Goa Archbishop Filip Neri Ferrao too needs to come out boldly 
condemning the Goa cabinet decision to include Vanxim under IPB Act. Public 
condemnations of Cabinet decsion from the Church authorities at various levels 
are what are needed. If Church authorities persist in their way of silence then 
their divine punishment is inevitable. The behavior of Church authorities has 
caused tremendous confusion and demoralization amongst mass of people.

Taking responsibility for irresponsibility

The affairs in the office of the Archbishop have sunk all time low. Over the 
past few decades degeneration has cropped in and damage that is caused to the 
diocese and to the social fabric of Goa through manufacture of scams has 
generated tensions of faith and livelihood. The irresponsibility is not only 
visible in Vanxim deal but over several more instances in different parts of 
Goa. The tentacles of corruption have taken cancerous proportions and money and 
greed decides the affairs at the office of the Goa Archbishop and can be 
confirmed from the Vanxim deal in secrecy. Over several years these things has 
remained without rectification and even have worsened. Now however things have 
reached towards the limits of tolerance and blood of Fr.Bismarck Dias cries out 
for Justice. Before things go out of hand any further there is an urgent need 
to reverse criterion of decision making of leadership at the office of the 

It is a good admission to begin with from the Archbishop Ferrao that Vanxim 
sale is immoral. However it i

[Goanet] IDYLL OF A PORCINE CHASE ( Episode of GOAN life)

2017-01-08 Thread eric pinto

From: Jean & Marcos Catao
Idyll of a Porcine Chase(Episode of GOAN folk life of yore)   At dawn the men 
with pariah dogsSurvey eagerly the array of well-fed hogsSeeking among those in 
the visible foreThe one bargained for the night before. But, theirs stands 
apart, on farther site,Blissfully nescient of impending plightNimbly swishing 
its ungainly tail,Its fleshy underbelly a pinkish pale. Stealthily the chasers 
hie the hill,Leashed dogs rearing for the kill.Moving by the flanks with 
careThey hope to catch the best on the rear But the animal senses the imminent 
perilAnd scampers like a newly exorcised devil.It swerves to the left, veers to 
the rightEluding the hunters try as they might. The yelping dogs close on its 
heelsNip its feet; it stumbles and reels,Picks itself up and scurries 
anewPanting, grunting for any shelter in view. The hunter dogs scent it is now 
a 'gonner'And skilfully box it in a cornerWhere the men turn it on to the 
groundRopes swiftly pinioning the feet around. Hanging dispirited from a bamboo 
poleRaucously squealing at loss of role,The animal baffled by the inverse 
positionCan hardly guess its dire condition It wrestles and writhes as the 
knife cutsIt now no longer has the old guts.On the morrow one will partake of a 
'cabidel'Or, may be, a scrumptious 'sorpotel'!   From “VOICES of PASSION” a 
book of eclectic poems on Nature, Animals, GOA, Music, Belgaum etc published by 
Amazon. Com KINDLE BOOKS  



[Goanet] Figada, do you know the recipe?

2017-01-08 Thread Frederick FN Noronha * फ्रेड्रिक नोरोन्या * فريدريك نورونيا
A query from Brazil. Would you be able to help me with an answer? FN

On 9 January 2017 at 06:04, cperesc  wrote:

> Hi Frederick
> Wonder if you can inform/find out the recipe for Figada made out of Moira
> bananas. Here we get them but not fertilized as they do/used to do in
> Moirá.   A friend of mine who has a banana plantation just gave me a bag
> full of Moira type bananas.
> I would like to make FIGADA as my mother used to make and I lost her
> recipe. My mother  used to make figada and still when hot used to pour it
> in a empty Nestlé milk tin.  The next day you could take a knife and have
> it slices !  My question is what are the ripe banana fruit / sugar weight
> ration ?
>   Can you  help  ???
>Thanks in
> antecipation
>Carlos Peres da Costa.

_/  Frederick Noronha | http://about.me/noronhafrederick | http://goa1556.in
_/  P +91-832-2409490 M 9822122436 Twitter @fn Fbk: fredericknoronha
_/  Goa,1556 CC shared audio content https://archive.org/details/goa1556


2017-01-08 Thread AIFF Media

*AIFF Media Team*

*NEW DELHI:* Russia U-18 hammered India’s U-17 World Cup squad 8-0 in a
Group B match of the Valentin Granatkin Memorial Cup being played in St.
Petersburg, Russia on Sunday night (January 8, 016).

The result could have been worse had not Russia missed a penalty just
before the half-time. The hosts led lead 5-0 at the interval.

The first goal came as early as the 2nd minute when Glushkov headed in the
first corner of the match. It wasn’t the start which the Indians were
looking for.

The second goal came off another corner in the 12th minute – this time
Goalkeeper Dheeraj Singh fumbling to collect it and it was gleefully tapped
in by Denisov.

Glushenkov made it 3-0 in the 21t minute. He followed up a long ball played
behind the defence, beat his marker for speed and lobbed it over Dheeraj.

Rudenko made it 4-0 in the 25th minute and Gluskenov scored his second in
the 31st to make it 5-0. Following a cross from the left, he trapped in
between the two defenders and made space with a deft feint to blast it in.

Russia scored the sixth goal immediately after the changeover when
Tsypchenko tapped it in after dribbling past Boris Singh.

It was 7-0 in the 67th minute -- this time Tsypchenko heading in a corner.

With nine substitutions being allowed in the match, Coach Nicolai Adam
brought in as many as six substitutions but they failed to make any impact.
Late in the second half, India did have a shy at the rival goal but first,
Sanjeev’s shot sailed wide and then Komal’s shot went straight to the rival

Latchevic completed the rout in added time when he made no mistake to slot
in from the penalty spot.

India next play Belarus U-18 Team on Tuesday (January 10).


Media Department, AIFF.
Alternate: me...@the-aiff.com
Website: www.the-aiff.com

Re: [Goanet] Who's in Goa this year-end? (Dec 27, 2016... planning a Goanetters' meeting)

2017-01-08 Thread Jim Fernandes
Thanks Francis.

We are back in New York, but judging by lack of response, I guessed as much 
that this year's gathering was probably going to be as boring as dead men' 

There could be several reasons for the waning enthusiam - Here are few that 
cross my mind:
1. People stay off the grid when on vacation. I did, so I know this very well. 
Didn't check my inbox for days on.

2. Every single day you get in Goa is very precious. So people do not have much 
time to hang out with other GoaNetters/strangers.

3. People in the South aren't going to spend half day travelling to the North, 
just to meet a bunch of GoaNetters. A place convenient for both sides would 
make sense.

4. It makes more sense to publish tentative meeting dates/place in advance - 
such as in the month of October or November so that folks get ample time to 
decide on where and when to meet.

5. The meeting ought to be more than just meeting and eating. There's too much 
food flowing in Goa in December and folks are bored to death eating Goan 
delicacies. Frankly, I don't visit someone just to meet and eat anymore - it's 
got to be more than that. For example, this time, we organized a picnic and had 
all my friends come and join us at the beach. This way, it saved me travel time 
and effort to go around meeting each of my friends individually. Other times, 
we had friends and family visit us at our place - booze, music, games and 
dancing ... all to be found in one place. Had a really fun time.

While I am at it, I should point out that Goans have become more creative about 
entertainment. Some of the best entertainment is never advertised in local 
media nor the web. It's all about the word of mouth. 

Why the secrecy?

I think Goans are done with having 'Ghanttis' spoiling their dances and 
parties. Unless you know the local party crowd or are familiar with the local 
entertainment scene, you will be left out of the action. For example, we 
learned of a nice Christmas eve dance but saw no advertisement in the media. My 
local contacts organized a bunch of tickets for us. The tickets weren't cheap 
and cost double as much for stags. We were pleasantly surprised to find awesome 
bands playing great music. But above all, the ALL GOAN crowd was FANTASTIC. 
Everybody was well heeled and absolutely no 'Ghanttis' - which is how good 
entertainment should be!

I could go on and on ... but if you ever want to have great entertainment in 
Goa, get in touch with the local party goers. Let the Ghanttis spend their big 
bucks at the five star hotels - that crap ain't for us, Goans.

Cheers  and ... Happy New Year to all.

Jim Fernandes
Scarsdale, New York.

On Mon, 2 Jan 2017 23:06:22 +, Francis Rodrigues  

> Hey All, 
>  Rico did try, but it was a lost cause - too few takers, and nary a 
> suitable venue in sight, not to mention Rico's overloaded schedule!
> I had the distinct pleasure of being hosted by him at his residence in
> Saligao last week, before we return to the UK and N. America this week. 

[Goanet] Sunita Williams the astronaut who brought samosas into space.

2017-01-08 Thread Con Menezes


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2017-01-08 Thread AIFF Media

*I-League Media*

*NEW DELHI: *The much anticipated battle between the two newcomers, Chennai
City FC and Minerva Punjab FC failed to provide a winner as it finished 0-0
at the Jawaharlal Nehru stadium in Chennai, thus enabling both the teams to
notch their first ever Hero I-League point.

Chennai City decided to line up in a 4-5-1 with Debabrata Roy and Joseph
Clemente playing as full-backs while Dharmaraj Ravanan and Aniyeche
Echezona were the central defenders. Dhanpal Ganesh, Denson Devadas and
Haroon Amiri were deployed in midfield with Brazilian striker Charles De
Souza leading upfront.

For Minerva, Ravi Kumar started in goal with Nigerian defender Loveday
Okechukwu and Arashpreet Singh in defence. Germanpreet Singh and Vinit Rai
were in midfield while captain Manandeep Singh and Joel Sunday assumed the
attacking mantle in a 4-4-2 formation.

It was the visitors who started the game on a better note but Chennai City
fashioned the first real chance of the game in the 5th minute but no one
could latch on to a square-pass from Charles.

5 minutes later, Lalnun Mawia had a free header at goal but it went
straight at Minerva Goalkepeer Ravi Kumar.

Joel Sunday, who was under tight marking from Echezona, created a chance
for Manandeep but the shot was well saved by Karanjit, who was excellent
all throughout the match.

The match soon settled into a midfield battle but it was Lalnun Mawia who
had the best chance of the night in the 34th minute. Dhanpal Ganesh started
the move, brilliantly winning a ball in midfield and played Haroon Amiri
clear. Though his first cross was blocked, the second one fell to an
unmarked Lalnun Mawia but his left-footer went straight to Ravi Kumar.

Changing over, Minerva decided to make two changes -- Uttam Rai and Vishal
Kumar coming in for Nuruddin and Gurjinder Kumar.

But it did not seem to have an effect as the home side seemed to be
creating more chances. Charles went close in the 47th minute while Amiri
did well to get into the Minerva box before the alert defenders cleared the
danger around the 60-minute mark.

In an effort to open their account, Marcos Tank was introduced in place of
Charles for Chennai City. The burly Brazilian got into a couple of
promising positions towards the end of the game but could not hit the

Minerva now face a long trip to Aizawl while Chennai face the daunting task
of taking on the defending champions Bengaluru FC in the next round.

[Goanet] Launch of the Joao Roque Literary Review by Selma Carvalho

2017-01-08 Thread Mervyn Maciel
A message from Selma Carvalho:

Dear Friends,

Rochelle Poktar and I, along with our partners take great pleasure in
launching the *Joao Roque Literary Review*. The primary objective of the
Review is to showcase the Goan short story. The secondary objective is to
further audiences for Goan books, art and related writing.

Hopefully the Review will also jump out of our virtual world and present
itself in real life by way of literary evenings, newspaper publications and
printed anthologies. Please do browse through our *About* and *Submit* section
for more information on our hopeful plans. There is also an overall
excellence annual award of Rs 10,000. Our first guest-editor is the elder
statesman of Goan literature Victor Rangel-Ribeiro, who briefly tells us
about his forthcoming work.

Our launch issue has turned out to be a treat, almost without design.

In Fiction, enjoy:

*Salad* by Rochelle Potkar, shortlisted in the Fundacao Oriente Short Story
Competition 2016.

*Anatomy of Desire* by Selma Carvalho shortlisted in the Almond Press Short
Story Competition 2015.

*The Yellow Window* by Rochelle Potkar published in Four Degrees of

In Non-Fiction

*Reading Goan Women* by Christopher Larkosh, Ass. Prof of Portuguese at
Umass. Excerpted from the paper he presented at the symposium Goa:
Cultures, Languages and Literatures.

*Goan Institute Nairobi, 1905*, by Selma Carvalho excerpted from the book
Goan Pioneers of East Africa.

*Art* featuring John Pereira

*Upcoming Book Reviews*

In the end, the success of the Review depends entirely on the submissions
we get. Writers get out your pens and start writing, and submitting.
There is a subscribe button at the end. Subscribe to our quarterly
newsletter to receive fresh short stories and other writing from Goan


Best wishes,

Selma Carvalho


[Goanet] Easy listening selection........Childhood memories......Isla Grant.

2017-01-08 Thread Con Menezes

Isla Grant - Childhood Memories - YouTube

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[Goanet] Goa elctions and uncertain outcome

2017-01-08 Thread Nelson Lopes
Goa elections uncertain  outcome

Last assembly elections were decided by insensitivity, corruption, scandals
and family interests of ruling Congress mauled with single digit MLA`s.
Voters wanted a change , so BJP was an untried alternative  that filled the
vacuum and supported by minoriy community. Corruptions did not stop, but
clever deceit by BJP did not spill the beans publicly., Time bound promises
vanished by shifting of the CM to Delhi. BJP continues to provide sops to
various sections of voters to keep them connected to the party despite
being non productive expenditure with heavu burden on the exchequere

The scene is altered now, MGP has parted ways with BJP, The rise of GSM in
combination with BJP is threatening their  security with sole aim of MOI
and Marathi language focuss, Micky  has  departed from Vikas Party and
revived the fortunes of  Goa Suraj Party . Caitu too will  now contest
independently , so is Benjamin, Avertano Furtado, who closely allied with
BJP for personal gains cloaked with development veil, Their fate is hanging
in balance. Close too elections Congress is still to announce the  full
list and so is BJP fighting internal revolts and  desertations., Congress
with all its  talk of  promoting  large youth brigade has once again leaned
on elders tried and tested in the past, as rightly said that experience and
wisdom is better qualifications.  The justification of mobs forcing Faleiro
to contest is not surprising, though dictat of High Command would be more
acceptable.Congress has no representations for women, Schedule caste or OBC
&  youth.  Modcoicar who came to naught with in his push  Panjim municipal
elections , has deserted the Congress to join hands with BJP. Monica Dias,
Babu Azaokar have left Congress to join Goa Forwad, Mouvin Godinho dared
Congress to sack him, a la Monsearte and has join BJP long awaited move.
Now Congress is toying with the idea of supporting Monserate in Panjim, in
a  unprincipled U turn.  Reginald once a fierce critic and outspoken
appears to be subdued and taken political vanvas., Ranes still have two
tickets in the family and Viswajit idea of  being given the  right to
decide some seats have just evaporated. If an when NCP ties up with
Congress, the backing of Churchill in Benaulim is to be watched with
interests. United Goans party has thrown in the towel unable to finance
costly elections and no takers for their tickets. The Goa Forward party
seem to be in the reckoning of sort, but has to be seen how far it will
connect with the voters all over. Shiv Sena has found new partner in MGP
making a common cause and test political waters

Enter AAP, making a possible alternative with galvanized youth favouring it
to a large extent, AAP win in Delhi,and forays in Punjab and Goa seem to
inspire voters, AAP has not consolidated its position in Delhi, but had
been fighting daily battles with the now retired Governor Jung. Goa is not
Delhi, Corruption scandals has dodged AAP, though shift actions after much
hesitations and public outcry, it may win here and there  but not majority
.Only BJP is positive of resting power once again much to the discomfiture
of general public The BJP  at the centre with polorisation ,demonetasisation,
Hindutwa agenda, insensitivity has not found favour with many of the
people. The discontent with central BJP rule will have its echo here too
The popular sentiment is to keep BJP away with your precious vote.

With BJP, Congress, AAP, Goa forward, MGP,  Shiv Sena, NCP Suraj party all
making big announcements post results are likely to have a hung assembly or
collation Govt, with no party gaining majority

Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

[Goanet] NYTimes.com: As Donald Trump Denies Climate Change, These Kids Die of It

2017-01-08 Thread eric pinto

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Op-Ed Columnist
As Donald Trump Denies Climate Change, These Kids Die of It 
 Droughts caused by global warming have left southern Africa starved for food.  





[Goanet] Illegal treaty by Portugal and Bharat on the status of Goa.

2017-01-08 Thread Gilbert Lawrence

From: Bernado Colaco 
[Goanet] Illegal treaty by Portugal and Bharat on the status of Goa.

Today Goans are crying all over the place for their identity. Even those 
'filhos de' Freedom Fighter are now saying that they sent Goa in the wrong 
GL responds:
This holiday season is a good occasion for the Goans of all castes and creed to 
get-together and celebrate their unique Indo-Iberian identity.  We had 
Parrarikar share with us some great photographs of native Goans upholding their 
traditions.  Thank-you.
To cap the season is another major Goan event coming up.  The first and only 
Goan saint will have his feast celebrated soon.  Once again Goans in Goa and 
all over the world should give their full-throated praise to this "son of the 
soil" and share his story with the next generation of Goans.
There is no use crying about identity if when the occasion arises, "everybody 
is too busy doing nothing".:=))
Regards, GL

[Goanet] NYT Places to visit in 2017. Canada.

2017-01-08 Thread Con Menezes

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[Goanet] Bird family takes up residence in a family Christmas tree.

2017-01-08 Thread Con Menezes


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[Goanet] TRAVELOGUE: The Algarve. Portugal

2017-01-08 Thread Con Menezes


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[Goanet] Portuguese PM in India

2017-01-08 Thread Bernado Colaco
It is every Goans wish to keep the Goan identity. Even after the illegal 
contract was signed the occupation of Goa continues. The contract is illegal 
because it does not contain the desires of the Goan people. Goa was handed from 
one colonizer to another.


India and Portugal sign six MoUs, including one with defence. Shouldn't
Parrikar be happy?
Those pro-Portuguese Goans who waned Costa to tear off the India-Portugal
treaty given India official blessing to the take over of Goa should be
unhappy. Will these Goans stage a protest against the PM when he visits Goa?

Hindustan Times has two photos and Costa's address at the Pravasi Divas,
which began today. The PD was started 14 years ago to celebrated Mahatma
Gandhi's return to India from South Africa on this day in 1915.

Pro-Portuguese Goans wanted Costa to tear off the India-Portugal treaty
(between Mario Soares and YB Chavan). but they must be disappointed. Will
these Goans stage a protest when Costa visits Goa?


[Goanet] Illegal treaty by Portugal and Bharat on the status of Goa.

2017-01-08 Thread Bernado Colaco
Many Goans do not know how they were sent to doom by the illegal treaty signed 
by Portugal. There was zero input from Goans in this matter. Today Goans are 
crying all over the place for their identity. Even those 'filhos de' Freedom 
Fighter are now saying that they sent Goa in the wrong direction.

The President of the Republic of India and the President of the Republic of 

Recalling the Joint Communque signed in New York on 24 September, 1974 by the 
Minister of External Affairs, Government of India and the Minister of Foreign 
Affairs, Government of Portugal stating, inter alia, that the Government of 
Portugal was ready to recognise the full sovereignty of India over the former 
Portuguese territories of Goa, Daman, Diu, Dadra and Nagar Haveli, which had 
become integral parts of the territory of India, 

Noting that the Constitutional Law No. 9/74 of 15 October 1974 published in the 
State Gazette of Portugal authorises the President of the Republic of Portugal 
to conclude an agreement between Portugal and India by whcin Portugal 
recognises the full sovereignty of India over the territories of Goa, Daman, 
Diu, Dadra and Nagar Haveli and that this recognition would imply the 
abrogation of the corresponding part of Article 1 of the Portuguese 
Constitution of 1933, 

Bearing in mind the desires of the peoples of India and Portugal to usher in a 
new era of friendship and cooperation, 

Have decided to conclude a TReaty between their two counTRies to implement the 
understanding expressed in the aforementioned Joint Communique and to take 
steps to reestablish normal relations between their two counTRies on the basis 
of sovereign equality and mutual benefit, and have appointed for this purpose 
as plenipotentiaries: 

The President of the Republic of India: His Excellency Shri Y. B. Chavan, 
Minister of External Affairs 

The President of the Republic of Portugal: His Excellency Dr. Mario Soares, 
Minister of Foreign Affairs 

who have agreed as follows: 

Article I. Portugal acknowledges that the territories of Goa, Daman, Diu, Dadra 
and Nagar Haveli have already become parts of India and hereby recognises the 
full sovereignty of India over these territories with effect from the dates 
when they became parts of India under the Constitution of India. 

Article II. Diplomatic relations between India and Portugal will be resumed 

Article III. The two ConTRacting Parties agree to settle through bilateral 
negotiations all questions between them including those concerning the 
property, assests or claims of citizens of their respective counTRies, as well 
as questions concerning the State property and assets of either State in the 
territories of the other State. 

The two Parties also agree to settle through bilateral negotiations rights and 
claims of Indian citizens and other persons who had to return to India from 
territories under Portuguese adminisTRation concerning their property and 

Article IV. A cultural Agreement between India and Portugal will be concluded 
as soon as possible. The ConTRacting Parties agree to take steps to develop 
contacts in the cultural field and in particular in the promotion of the 
Portuguese language and culture and the preservation of historical and 
religious monuments in Goa, Daman, Diu, Dadra and Nagar Haveli. 

Article V. Portugal agrees in principle to return to India all archives, 
records, papers, documents and other material relating mainly to the 
territories mentioned in Article I including those which may have been 
TRansferred to any place outside these territories. Similarly, India agrees in 
principle to TRansfer to Portugal all archives, records, papers, documents and 
other materials which may be maintained within the territories mentioned in 
Article I and which do not relate mainly to these territories. 

The modalities of their return, mutual access, supply of copies and 
consultation will be settled through diplomatic channels. 

Article VI. Any question of interpretation or application of this TReaty shall 
be resolved between the two counTRies through bilateral negotiations. 

Article VII. The present TReaty shall be subject to ratification and shall 
enter into force on the date of exchange of insTRuments of ratification which 
shall take place at Lisbon. 

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the respective Plenipotentiaries have signed this TReaty 
and affixed thereto their seals. 

DONE in duplicate at New Delhi this the 31st Day of December 1974 in Hindi, 
Portuguese and English languages, all texts being equally authentic. 

For the Republic of India: Signed by Y. B. Chavan 

For the Republic of Portugal: Signed par Mario Soares 
1 Came into force on 3 June 1975 by the exchange of the insTRuments of 
ratification, which took place at Lisbon, in accordance with article VII.

[Goanet] COMMUNITY AUDIO: Easy Cooking With Chef Chandan ... a recording from Bastora

2017-01-08 Thread Frederick FN Noronha * फ्रेड्रिक नोरोन्या * فريدريك نورونيا

Published January 7, 2017

Usage Attribution-Share Alike 3.0

Topics cooking
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coastal india

, goan food 
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dishes , fish
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galmo , sukhey
khube , rava
friend fish

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