[Goanet] Ven. Fr. Angelo D'Souza - 150th Birth Anniversary celebarations at Rachol 21.1.2019 - Pics and videos

2019-01-22 Thread JoeGoaUk
 Rachol Church 1576
Our Lady of Snows 

or visit here


150th birth anniversary celebration for Fr. Agnelo D'Souza
Born 21.1.1869, studied and lived Rachol Seminary for more than 9 years
Collapsed in the pulpit while preaching and soon died 20.11.1927
Buried at Rachol Cemetery and His mortal remains were transferred to Pilar 
Monastery in 1939.
 Let us pray for beatification of Pe. Agnel


150th Birth Anniversary of Ven. Fr. Agnelo Gustavo Adolfo de Souza was 
celebrated at 
Rachol Seminary, Cemetery and the Church on 21.1.2019
Holy Hour, blessing, Procession, Veneration of bone relic, open air Mass at 
Church square 
attended by large number of devotees 

3 videos 
 1. Seminary, Pulpit, blessed sacrament
 2. Procession, Cemetery, Tomb, Relics
 3. Rachol Church, part of mass

Video 1


Video: 2


Video: 3


over 180 Pics here 

Rachol Seminary Church
Where Fr. Agnelo lived more than 9 years until His death



where he collapsed while preaching and died few hours later 




Cemetery, tomb, grave
Where Fr. Agnelo was buried, tomb still exists see pic









Fr. Agnelo's finger bone relic



Mass at Rachol Church square











More pics and videos
Ven. Fr. Agnelo - His Birth place (Anjuna),  Rachol, Pilar etc 
Visit here

For Goan Video Clips 

In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc


2019-01-22 Thread Aires Rodrigues
After decades of hectic lobbying, the efforts of civil society for getting
the Right to Information law in place bore fruit on 15 June 2005 when the
President of India gave assent to the Right to Information Act 2005. Over
the years however the greater challenge has been the actual implementation
of the Act. Unless the RTI Act is further strengthened Good Governance,
Transparency in the Administration and Zero Tolerance to Corruption will
never be a reality.

The Right to Information Act has been hailed as the hallmark of our
democracy. The Act aims at making the government transparent and more
accountable. The effective use of it would, in the long run, curb
corruption. Right to Information Act has become a powerful tool in exposing
corruption at top places in the government.

The Right to Information is derived from our fundamental right of
expression under Article 19. If we do not have information on how our
Government and public institutions function, we cannot express any informed
opinion on it. This has been reiterated by various Supreme Court judgments
since 1977.

Bureaucrats have been conditioned to conceal and not to reveal information.
They are not accustomed to providing information freely. This has all
changed with the RTI Act. The 'good' bureaucrats, who have nothing to hide,
and thus, nothing to fear, have welcomed this change. These are the good
officials who are genuinely interested in the betterment of Goa. However
the 'bad' bureaucrats, who are either corrupt, or simply have a
non-cooperative attitude, are now compelled to fall in line with the RTI
Act. After having been exposed by the RTI act, politicians are attempting
modifying the act to escape its ambit. Any attempt to dilute the RTI Act
should not be allowed and must be vehemently opposed. There is need infact
to reinforce this Transparency law and bring the political parties too
within its ambit.

We are all part of society and if there is something wrong we must all take
responsibility. A lot of information was earlier suppressed by the
Government, allowing room for corruption. The RTI Act is a tool that can be
used by every individual to make an impact and bring about change. A
properly worded RTI application with a 10 rupee stamp on it is all it
takes. We have finally woken up to realize that Right to information is a
key component in the attainment of economic, social and political rights of
an individual as well as the community at large.

The RTI should give the common man a feeling of participation.  A few
thousand RTI applications across Goa by concerned citizens on issues
concerning the public can usher in a major change in Goa. There should be a
determined move towards our true liberation. There is a need to spread
across every village the usage of this Act so that transparency and good
governance triumphs. We now have the power; we only need to use it. The RTI
Act is very simple and user friendly. It is not enough to be only a desh
premi, we all need to be RTI premi too.

We all have to be ardent followers of the RTI Act. It needs to be a
people’s movement for transparency, so that even if RTI activists are
gunned down, the spirit of RTI and the crusade   never dies.

The 37th President of the United States of America Mr. Richard Nixon had in
1972 very rightly said “When information which properly belongs to the
public is systematically withheld by those in power, the people soon become
ignorant of their own affairs, distrustful of those who manage them, and -
eventually - incapable of determining their own destinies."

Aires Rodrigues

Advocate High Court

C/G-2, Shopping Complex

Ribandar Retreat,

Ribandar – Goa – 403006

Mobile No: 9822684372

Office Tel  No: (0832) 2444012

Email: airesrodrigu...@gmail.com



You can also reach me on

Facebook.com/ AiresRodrigues



[Goanet] Goa's Liberation By Dr Fitz De Souza

2019-01-22 Thread nestor carvalho
As a member of the Central Legislative Assembly and Member of Parliament, Pio 
showed his brilliance in a quiet way

|  | 
As a member of the Central Legislative Assembly and Member of Parliament...




Goa's Liberation
by Dr. F. R. S. De Souza, Member. of Parliament 

MY train arrived at Nairobi Railway Station at 8 a.m. one morning in February 
1952, after five years as student in the United Kingdom. There was no one to 
receive me, indeed I was not expecting anybody. My parents lived at Magadi. and 
I was hoping to give them a surprise. I left my suitcase at a shop in 
Government Road and walked to the office of the Kenya Indian Congress, I had 
never met Pio, although he had once written to me in London asking for 
information about some books he wanted to buy.

His welcome was very warm. I felt, I had somehow known him for years. We 
immediately began discussing the problem of East Africa, and how we could help 
in the struggle for independence. We had much in common. To begin with were 
both almost penniless and terribly dressed. We were at ease with one another 
and our ideas of independence and socialism were similar. We must have talked 
for three or four hours. It was lunch time and he invited me to lunch with him, 
at a place which was then the most expensive and luxurious that non-Europeans 
could go to. Our meal cost us about Shs. 3/- each.

We returned to his office and continued our discussions. I read the speeches of 
past Presidents of the Indian Congress, of the President of the Kenya African 
Union, Mr. Jomo Kenyatta (as he then was) now our President, I was very 
impressed, and from then on we worked closey together. At about 6.30 p.m. he 
asked me what I was doing about accommodation. He invited me to stay with him 
and I readily accepted. He shared a small room with three others in Pangani in 
a house run as a "mess" by a large number of his friends. He insisted on giving 
me his bed and slept on the floor for the next few days until I went to see my 
parents in Magadi.

His work in Kenya politics is discussed by other friends, but I know and 
history will record that Pio had a hand in the preparation of most of the 
memoranda and statements issued by K.A.U. in those days. He often used to sit 
up to 5 a.m. in the Congress Office drafting political papers in the 
nationalist cause. For all this he never expected payment. His reward was in 
the contribution he made to the struggle. He never looked for personal credit.

Visiting Mzee Kenyatta when was in detention at Lodwar

A couple of years later when he was the Editor of the "Daily Chronicle", the 
Royal Commission on Land asked

for evidence and there was no one to put forward the African case for all the 
leaders were in detention. Pio resigned his job, and for three months read the 
voluminous Carter Commission Report and other documents on the land issue and 
took statements from Kikuyu Elders and others. He then wrote out, and 
personally typed and cyclostyled, always working into the early hours of the 
morning, the 200-page Kikuyu Tribe's Memorandum as well as Memoranda for other 
individual Mbaris in the Central Province. Pio never told anybody about his 
work. I sent a copy of this Memorandum to the President at Lodwar. He was so 
impressed that he suggested we publish the Memorandum but for lack of funds the 
work was never done.

One day during our discussions Pio suggested that we should do something in 
East Africa to assist in the Liberation of Goa. I was a little surprised and 
told him that while I was very sympathetic to the liberation of Goa, and indeed 
of the rest of the world, I thought that as we were East Africans we should 
confine our activities to East Africa. We might dissipate our slender resources 
and there was also the risk of being misunderstood, even by our friends. He 
explained that as a student and young man in India he had taken an active part 
in the struggle for the liberation of Goa. He had actively assisted in the 
formation of the Goa National Congress, and had escaped from Goa only when 
police were searching for him with a warrant to arrest and deport him to an 
island off West Africa. It was our duty, he suggested as socialists to assist 
all liberation fronts. Even if we did not now consider ourselves Goans we had 
names such as De Souza, Pinto, etc. which could be used with some effect. 
Portuguese colonialism was as bad as any other.

Pio and Fitz holding "Anti-Imperialist Demonstrations" placards

The Goan Organisation in East Africa was being used by the Portuguese whose 
constant propaganda was that Goans overseas - even the educated ones supported 
the regime and were happy with the Portuguese. Pio had already started a Goan 
vernacular paper in Nairobi "The Uzwod" to arouse feeling against Portugal. Pio 
was, unfortunately arrested before we formed the East African Goan National 
Association in 1954. Mr. J. M. Nazareth, Q.C. was selected Preside

[Goanet] My Interview on Goa's CCR-TV by Frederick Noronha

2019-01-22 Thread Silviano Barbosa

Literally Goa - Interview - Silviano Barbosa by Frederick 
Follow us on our Social Media- Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/ccr_tv/ 
Twitter- https://twitter.com/CCRTVGOA Facebook- 
https://www.facebook.com/CCRGOA/ GOA INDIA A CCR TV Production

Dedicated to all NIZ GOYKARS
Mog assum di!
Silviano Barbosa

[Goanet] US Presidential Race 2020

2019-01-22 Thread Roland Francis
The Indian connection, both women - one with an Indian Tamil Hindu mother and a 
Jamaican father and the other with a Samoan father of European ancestry and an 
American mother also with European ancestry who chose to practice Hinduism.

The first, the one with the Tamil mother who is a cancer scientist, is Kamala 
Harris, a United States senator from California and the second is Tulsi Gabbard 
a Representative from the Congressional district of Hawaii.

Both are capable ladies with impeccable credentials and accomplished parents.

Good luck ladies hope one of you gets the Democratic Party nomination and makes 
America great again, after a Trump who has reduced it almost to the credibility 
of the rubble heap.


[Goanet] Pandya and Rahul bowled over for a duck

2019-01-22 Thread Nelson Lopes
Pandya and Rahul bowled over for a duck

The controversial talk show with Karan Johar has topped the headlines and
pushed the publicity,ratings at nadir. It was not a live show and  hence
gender sensitive, sexist remarks should have been edited,censored as a self
restraint on public broadcasts. The anchors know  very well that
objectionable content must not be publicly aired. The anchor was egging
them to make deliberate comments. Some constraint must lie on the channel
and seasoned anchor. The answers to deliberate provocative questions, no
doubt are in bad taste, demeaning  to the Indian women, who are already a
punching bag of sexual harassment ,lewd comments . Their dignity and self
respect is violated with impunity ij Indian society. They have apologized
in public for their transgressions and also meted  ban on playing, What
punishment does cricket manual prescribe in such deviations in behavior ?
Is it the first of its kind act? The punishment appears to be excessive not
keeping with magnitude of so called crime. There are no such public
comments in the near past by cricketers to serve as sign posts .The
stretching of the issue beyond limits of elasticity and continuously
bashing the cricketers to pulp is undesirable. If it is to conscientize and
sensitise  on gender issue, it has highlighted enough because the
popularity of the sport in India  and its following as a religion. The
impact on society is only hypothetical. There are no adverse reports of any
sexual  behavior, misdemeanor on both the cricketers from their daily lives
,that they are habitual offenders given to loose morals of words or
actions. For all practical purpose it appears to be an empty boast, without
any proof of their brash  utterances, carried away in their  appearance on
public platform.

As a matter of fact the lewd and suggestive posters ,crimes against women,
rapes, women trafficking, child rapes, child marriages ,girl infanticide,
dowry deaths, depiction of women in cinemas in poor light,  etc this
incident pales into insignificance and smacks of total hypocrisy in male
dominated society.

One wonders whether  the politicians even at the highest level need to be
cautioned, warned and hauled up for their most disparaging and insensitive
remarks against women. They hold much more much more elevated platform of
influence, position, power and following in public domain in comparison to
the cricketers. Politicians have got away lightly without even censure from
their own parties. The recent comment on Mayawati is debased and offensive.
boys will be boys,  publicly chiding and ridiculing of  Renuka Chowdary ,
fifty core girl friend are notable remarks against dignity of womankind by
politicians of repute and standing and must be revisited with same
yardstick of deterrence

The two  cricketers have become easy pawns to send the message to treat
women with respect and selected for harsh treatment ,baying for their blood,
in comparison and even after expressing regret Enough is enough.

Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

[Goanet] Best German, a dead German.

2019-01-22 Thread eric pinto
       Emotions ran high then, I am inclined to believe the Brits considered 
the killings business best not  left unfinished. The poverty era Ports were 
probably on the take at both ends. Salazar collected a  neutrality bounty, we 
know that, and the German captains kept the sausage and beer flowing in port.   
  Do visit the Vasco 
 Highly improbable that the sunken ships’ captains would have been executed on 
neutral Portuguese territory.

Portuguese authorities would have never dared do it (for fear of German 
reprisals) and the British men who scuttled the ships off Mormugao would not 
have killed enemy personnel who were not an imminent physical danger to them on 
neutral space.

Most probably they would have quietly melted away on a neutral ship back to a 
friendly port and eventually to Germany, or not, knowing a court martial 


> The captains disappeared immediately after the sinking. The Noronhas
> believed that they were executed behind a wall the same night.
> Joe  

Re: [Goanet] Goa in Iceland

2019-01-22 Thread Mervyn Lobo
On Monday, January 21, 2019, 4:12:28 p.m. CST, Rajan Parrikar 
 Photo Blog by Rajan Parrikar has posted a new item, 'Goa in Iceland'

Finding home in the High North.

The Góa seen here is an Icelandic chocolate company named after the
second month of the old Norse calendar that signals the beginning of

You may view the latest post at


Warm regards,

Rajan Parrikar

Re: [Goanet] A Poder in Every Goan Home

2019-01-22 Thread Bernado Colaco
 The word poder could reek havoc on the uninitiated Lusitanian. O poder faz 
pao. Would probably mean the government is producing bread.
On Monday, 21 January 2019, 04:40:10 GMT+8, E DeSousa  
   Bernado Colaco 
 I thought poder = power or is it padeiro?
Being a borrowed word from the Portuguese language  "Padeiro"  has evolved and 
found a niche in the konkani language as "poder" meaning bread maker or baker.

My handy dandy Konkani dictionary even lists "Poderkhon" as being a bakery.

Peace brother.

Best Regards,
E. Joaquim.


Re: [Goanet] My Interview on Goa's CCR-TV by Frederick Noronha

2019-01-22 Thread Roland Francis
Good job!


> On Jan 22, 2019, at 5:06 AM, Silviano Barbosa  wrote:
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-KyjB175zNw
> [https://www.bing.com/th?id=OVF.XDnP%2f8RcSGehoTJCDlWJcA&pid=Api]
> Literally Goa - Interview - Silviano Barbosa by Frederick 
> Noronha
> Follow us on our Social Media- Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/ccr_tv/ 
> Twitter- https://twitter.com/CCRTVGOA Facebook- 
> https://www.facebook.com/CCRGOA/ GOA INDIA A CCR TV Production
> www.youtube.com
> Dedicated to all NIZ GOYKARS
> Mog assum di!
> Silviano Barbosa