2019-03-01 Thread Aires Rodrigues
The performance of the current BJP led cocktail government would have to be
rated as a big Zero, given that Goans were promised the moon with Zero
Tolerance to Corruption and Good Governance. It has been only U turns and
rampant corruption all the way. The cavalier manner in which the current
government is heartlessly and mercilessly destroying Goa should be a matter
of great concern.

It is very distressing to see and be witness to the continuing rampant
destruction and devastation of Goa. This government had promised us to
protect the interests of Goem, Goenkar and Goenkarponn, but Goa is sadly by
the day just getting further corroded beyond recognition. It should have
been the endeveaour of those in power to at least salvage and safeguard
what remains of Goa. Unfortunately Goa is getting defaced at an
electrifying speed. Posterity will never forgive the current rulers for
their selfish and dubious role in this further irreparable damage and
destruction of what was once a beautiful Goa, the Paradise of the
East. Sorrowing lies our Goa.

Aires Rodrigues

Advocate High Court

C/G-2, Shopping Complex

Ribandar Retreat,

Ribandar – Goa – 403006

Mobile No: 9822684372

Office Tel  No: (0832) 2444012

Email: airesrodrigu...@gmail.com



You can also reach me on

Facebook.com/ AiresRodrigues



[Goanet] The Most Widely Spoken Languages in the World

2019-03-01 Thread Roland Francis
Did you know?



[Goanet] Gomantak Times 24-Feb-2019

2019-03-01 Thread Vincent Toscano
Goa is silently logging into social change as good samaritans join hands
with  Vincent Paul Toscano's IT company Uzoorba Technologies to raise money
through crowdfunding for reviving defunct computer labs in schools located
in Goa for ensuring brighter future of students, writes Nibedita Sen.

Even as the State government wants to have a sprawling IT park in Chimbel,
Goa, many schools in the State are grappling with defunct computer
laboratories, which can adversely affect the future prospects of students.

However, with an aim to give a brighter future to Goa’s youth, a team of
engineers started Uzoorba Technologies in October 2017, has taken upon
itself to change the situation by reviving the defunct school computer labs
in many parts of the State through public support.

“IT professional Sangeeta Naik and I began Project GEIT (Goans Empowered
with IT) in August 2015 putting in our own resources (ie time, money,
things) and with active support and donations from friend network to revive
computer labs in three schools. Highly positive findings from this
initiative were presented to the then state government in January 2016 for
them to carry out state-wide computer lab upgrades,” Managing Partner,
Uzoorba Technologies Vincent Toscano says.

 But nothing happened despite follow-ups till that government’s term ended.
Unable to sustain this free social work Toscano made it a commercially
self-sustaining professional service at Uzoorba when the company began
operations in October 2017 and upgraded a local school’s computer lab with
funding from their PTA.

“Despite positive commitment from CM Manohar Parrikar in February 2018
bureaucratic impediments within Department of Education ensured nothing
moved once again. In the meanwhile, at the suggestion of our friend, Prasad
Sawant (Managing Partner, Buoyancy Consultants, St. Inez), we created a CSR
(Corporate Social Responsibility) model to fund such computer lab upgrades
and his company became our very first CSR customer in September 2018
funding a village school, Abhinav Vidhyamandir (Mollem),” he says.

Chief Minister’s Office got CSR sponsorship in October 2018 for the
Government High School (Alto-Betim) part of which was used for Government
High School (Dona Paula).

“With 17000 students per annum going through Goa’s high school educational
system barely getting any meaningful computer education in this technology
era, we could either continue waiting for things to happen while
handicapping these young Goan futures or we could do whatever lay within
our means with support of our friends to change this dismal situation. We
chose the latter and hence this crowdfunding campaign for our RPi-4-Schools
project,” the social entrepreneur says.

Lauding Toscano’s efforts, Sangeeta Naik says crowd funding is not a
popular concept in Goa. But through consistent efforts by team Uzoorba, it
is getting acceptance.

“Some of these schools don’t have basic infrastructure support like regular
electricity supply. If the government spends Rs 2 crore only, then all the
computers labs can be revived. The money raised through crowdfunding can
then be utilised towards strengthening the peripherial infrastructure,”
Naik says.

The school administrators are extremely happy with the results achieved
after intervention from Uzoorba team.

“Five years ago, government had provided our school with ten computers out
of which only two were in working condition. This year I met with Vincent
who gave us the idea of fixing all our computers. Now all the computers in
our lab are working fine,” Headmistress of Matoshri Marathe High School at
Dharbandora, Sushma Kunkolienkar said

IT experts generally agree that a computer should last anywhere between
three to five years before needing to be replaced. Factors like computer's
quality, care and scope for upgrades play a vital role in extending its
shelf life.

“School computers are regularly used by different standard students. Apart
from buying new mouse we did not spend a penny. After upgrading the
computers with Raspberry Pi, the students are also happy,” Headmistress of
Government High School at Alto-Betim, Anjali Malik said.

Through its RPi-4-Schools social-impact project team Uzoorba aims to
transform lives of Goan children by helping upgrade their school computer
labs, the most under-rated, dilapidated and under-utilized yet the most
life-transforming tool in schools today.

“We call on all those who truly care for a bright Goan future in Goa to
contribute any amount above Rs 500 to our crowd funding campaign where
every Rs 10,000 that we collect will help to revive a dead computer,” said
Vincent Toscano.

Effective and modern Computer Education in Goan schools, and hence their
Computer Labs, holds the key to the future of Goans in Goa. Additionally,
the Computer Teachers need significant enablement for this to succeed.

“Preparing our children as a Netizen for the future is very important.
Uzoorba showed us that there is an 

[Goanet] The Spirit Of Vatican II

2019-03-01 Thread Roland Francis
There is still a hard core of supporters of the Tridentine mass that ended in 
1969 who have not reconciled themselves to the changes that came from the 1965 
Vatican II. Small in number though the protestors are, they continue to slowly 

The current problems of Pope Francis are music to their ears and they trace all 
the current problems of the clergy to those changes.

This video allows a glimpse into their thinking. 



[Goanet] The Biryani Anthem

2019-03-01 Thread Roland Francis
This South Asian originated dish deserves its own Rap song. 

It’s so popular throughout the world, it’s as often sought after as the Samosa. 

Each region will tell you of the virtue of their own versions - Hyderabadi 
(Sindhi), Bohri, Ismaili, Lahori, Dindigul (Madrassi), Konkani,  Mopla, Arab or 
Malaysian but they are all spectacular if cooked well and always by Muslims, 
though Goans of Karachi Pakistan make it surprisingly good.

You have a wide choice too and in my travels and food adventures I have tasted 
it in all forms: Goat, Chicken, Fish, Prawn, Kheema (meat mince) and with a 
Muslim family in Florida, Alligator. Wonder how a Pork Biryani would taste. If 
it’s made with vegetables then it’s not a Biryani, it’s a Pilaf (Pulao). 

If I were asked which was the best biryani I ever had, it would hands down be 
the Kheema Biryani made by a Malabar coast Mopla cook in a dingy restaurant in 
Bombay’s Abdul Rehman Street, just off Crawford Market. The year was 1973, the 
price Rs. 7. 

Some things you never get to experience again.



Re: [Goanet] Jesuit Fr. General Arturo Sosa

2019-03-01 Thread Roland Francis
Wikipedia has this interesting commentary on Arturo Sousa Abascal (shown in 
quotes below).

It contains nothing surprising with regard to criticism of Jesuit thinking. 
They are educated and conditioned to think outside the box and this has to a 
large extent been responsible for their success.

What really amuses me are the arguments that all theists use when defending 
interpretations of their own Holy Book.

Look at the semantics here:

Argument: Permitting  the reception of Communion by the remarried contradicts 
Jesus's words in the Bible that marriage is indissoluble.
Counterpoint: The Gospel is relative being written by human beings and 
understood by human beings.

Point: The Church’s teaching has been historically consistent and there is no 
precedent in the Bible to interpret otherwise.
Counterpoint: The doctrine of the Church is in continuous development and never 
in black and white.

Point: The Gospel should be adapted according to the times as Jesus’ words were 
not recorded verbatim.
Counterpoint: That amounts to “liquefying” the Gospel.

Point: We have formed symbolic figures like the devil to express evil.
Counterpoint: The devil is a real creature.
Counter-counter point: To say the devil symbolizes evil is not to deny the 
existence of the devil.

One would have thought that an omniscient god would have left no room for 
various interpretations of his word whether revealed or inspired.

The Catholic Herald criticized Sosa for being one of over 1,000 signatories of 
a 1989 letter welcoming Cuban President Fidel Castro to Venezuela in 1989, 
having repressed the Catholic Church in Cuba during his time in power.[13] Pope 
Francis biographer George Neumayr described Sosa as a "Marxist", "a Venezuelian 
communist, and modernist".[14]
In February 2017, in response to Cardinal Müller's argument that permitting the 
reception of Communion by the remarried contradicts Jesus's words in the Bible 
that marriage is indissoluble and Müller's insistence that those words are 
unchangeable, Sosa argued for a "reflection on what Jesus really said", and 
described the Gospel as "relative", being "written by human beings" and 
"accepted by (...) human beings".[15] Sosa also argued that that the doctrine 
of the Church is in "continuous development", and "never in white and 
black".[15]Sosa's remarks drew criticism.[16]Priest and consulting editor of 
The Catholic Herald Alexander Lucie-Smith disagreed with Sosa, arguing that the 
Church's teaching on the indissolubility of marriage has been historically 
consistent, and that there was no precedent set in the Bible to interpret these 
words otherwise.[17] Theologian Chad Pecknold criticised Sosa's views as 
"reflect[ing] a profound skepticism about Holy Scripture", countering that 
although a variety of interpretations are allowed, they must "fit with the 
established doctrine of the Church and do not contradict the deposit of the 
Faith". Contradicting Sosa's own claim that his views were "not 
relativism",[15] Pecknold characterised Sosa's remarks as "historicist 
relativizing".[18] Catholic author Vittorio Messori accused Sosa of 
"'liquefying' the Gospel itself" by suggesting that the Gospel should be 
adapted according to the times on the basis that Jesus’s words were not 
recorded verbatim or "on tape".[19]

In June 2017, in an interview with El Mundo, Sosa said, “We have formed 
symbolic figures such as the devil to express evil. Social conditioning can 
also represent this figure, since there are people who act [in an evil way] 
because they are in an environment where it is difficult to act to the 
contrary.” This was criticised as contradicting the Catechism of the Catholic 
Church which teaches that the Devil is a real creature.[20]A spokesman for Sosa 
later argued that Sosa was not denying church teaching, saying, "to say the 
devil symbolizes evil is not to deny the existence of the devil."[21]

In October 2018, in an interview with EWTN, Sosa argued that "the pope is not 
the chief of the Church, he's the Bishop of Rome". This was opposed by 
Pecknold, who argued that it would be wrong to believe that Pope was "merely 
'first among equals'", and insisted that the pope has "supreme authority" over 
all bishops and faithful.[22]



> On Mar 1, 2019, at 4:41 PM, Frederick Noronha  
> wrote:
> .   

> Just this month, Sosa announced four new Universal Apostolic Preferences --
> that will guide the Jesuits' mission for the next 10 years, Crafted through
> a 16-month dialogue with Jesuits around the world, the UAPs are: promoting
> discernment and the Spiritual Exercises; walking with the excluded; caring
> for our common home; and journeying with youth. This underlines
> spirituality with concern for the weak, and a priority to the environmental
> and youth.
> -- 
> FN* फ्रेड्रिक नोरोन्या * فريدريك نورونيا‎ +91-9822122436
> AUDIO: https://archive.org/details/@fredericknoronha
> TEXT: http://bit.ly/2SBx41G PIX:

[Goanet] Nullcon going on in Goa.... right now

2019-03-01 Thread Frederick Noronha

International Security Conference, Training & Exhibition - the neXt
security thing! Training: 26th - 28th Feb 2019 Conference: 1st - 2nd March
2019 #Security 
Joined June 2009
1,832 Following


FN* फ्रेड्रिक नोरोन्या * فريدريك نورونيا‎ +91-9822122436
AUDIO: https://archive.org/details/@fredericknoronha
TEXT: http://bit.ly/2SBx41G PIX: http://bit.ly/2Rs1xhl
Can't get through on mobile? Please SMS/WhatsApp

[Goanet] CCR TV Schedule for 2nd March

2019-03-01 Thread CCR TV
Cable Channel of God's love

You can also watch CCR TV live on your smart phone via the CCR TV App
Available on Google PlayStore for Android Platform.
Click the link below.

Schedule for Saturday 2nd March  2019

12:00 Midnight
Rosary - Joyful Mysteries

12:30 AM
Career Guidance- BSc Electronics- St Xaviers College

01:00 AM
Health Matters - ENT  - Dr Jorson Fernandes

01:30 AM
Music- Vakhann'nni 2- followed by Povitr Atmeak Dispottem Magnnem

02:00 AM
Praise and Worship -  Fatorda 1- followed by Daily Prayer to the Holy

02:30 AM
Bhajans 5

03:00 AM
Apologetics - Mary by Adv F.E. Noronha

03:40 AM
Kalliz Jezuchem- Orlando D'Souza

04:10 AM
Saibinnichi Ruzai- Sontosache Mister

04:30 AM
Katkulio- Sammy Coelho interviews Julius Mesquita

05:00 AM
Talk on Repentance by Jorim Mendonca

06:00 AM
Bangalore Men's Choir at Mary Immaculate Church, Panjim

07:00 AM
Bhajans 5

07:30 AM
Music- Vakhann'nni 2- followed by Povitr Atmeak Dispottem Magnnem

08:00 AM
Praise and Worship -  Fatorda 1- followed by Daily Prayer to the Holy

08:30 AM
Talk on God's Love - Dr Silvia Noronha

09:00 AM

09:05 AM
Our Father / Amchea Bapa- Telegu

09:10 AM
LIfe in the Spirit Seminar Introduction- By Savio Mascarenhas

09:30 AM
Laudato Si

09:55 AM
Psalm 95- Read by Alfwold Silveira

10:00 AM
Dan Udar Kallzachem- Orlando D'Souza

10:30 AM
Kristan Vadd ani Jivitachi Dekh- a talk by Victor Mascarenhas

11:00 AM
Amchi Bhas Amche Borovpi- Brazinho Soares interviewd by Daniel F. de Souza

11:30 AM
Mass in Konkani followed by  Jivitacho Prokas and Saint of the Day

12:00 Noon
Inner Wounds- a talk by Fr. Henry Falcao

12:50 PM
Maria Maria- Hymn by Ivy Ferrao

01:00 PM
Holy Hour - St Andrews Vasco - Fr Gabriel Coutinho

02:00 PM
Literally Goa-  Frederick Noronha Interviews Silviano Barbosa

02:30 PM
Koixtt, Dogd- Piddapidd- By  Mathew Fernandes

03:00 PM
Divine Mercy Konkani 2

03:20 PM
Entrepreneurship- Astra Metals Systems- Charlton Collaco interviewed by
Basil D'Cunha

03:40 PM
In Conversation With : Baptist Lobo interviewed by Frederick Noronha

04:00 PM
Rosary - Joyful Mysteries

04:25 PM
Reflection on the Gospel- Dominican Media Mission

04:30 PM
Exercises for Sr Citizens- 9

05:00 PM
Tell Me A Story- Blind Leading the Blind

05:30 PM
Career Guidance: TISS course in HR in Goa

06:00 PM

06:02 PM
Immunization- Dr. Lorraine Dsa interviewed by Runa Aggarwal

06 30 pm
Mass in English followed by Daily Flash

06:55 PM
Hymn- Vakhann'nni  Tuka

07:00 PM
Aimorechem Magnnem followed by Prayer for India  3

07:05 PM
Ximpientlim Motiam - Bhag 21 - Kens - Fr. Pratap Naik sj

07:30 PM
Saibinnichi Ruzai- Sontosache Mister

08:00 PM
Poilo Updes- Talk by Adv. F.E. Noronha

08:45 PM
India needs the Church and Church needs India- Sr. Saral

09:00 PM

09:05 PM
Our Father / Amchea Bapa- Telegu

09:10 PM
Ratchem Magnnem

09:30 PM
Youthopia- Footballer- Rebecca Mascarenhas

10:00 PM
Over the Rainbow

10:40 PM
Konknni Bhas Eps 08 Fr Pratap Naik sj

11:00 PM
Mass in Konkani followed by  Jivitacho Prokas and Saint of the Day

11:30 PM
Secular Institutes: Dr. Ivan Netto  MD interviews Giorgio Mazzola

[Goanet] Jesuit Fr General Arturo Sosa has been in Goa this week....

2019-03-01 Thread Frederick Noronha
Creating a better humanity and better tomorrow for all: a message

Mass at Bom Jesus Basilica
For the final vows of Kelvin Monteiro and Rinald D'Souza

Francis Xavier, a source of inspiration

Basilica of Bom Jesu: Steeped in Jesuit history

More about the SJs

Some links via Twitter

Photo album: Fr Sosa in Goa

Just this month, Sosa announced four new Universal Apostolic Preferences --
that will guide the Jesuits' mission for the next 10 years, Crafted through
a 16-month dialogue with Jesuits around the world, the UAPs are: promoting
discernment and the Spiritual Exercises; walking with the excluded; caring
for our common home; and journeying with youth. This underlines
spirituality with concern for the weak, and a priority to the environmental
and youth.
FN* फ्रेड्रिक नोरोन्या * فريدريك نورونيا‎ +91-9822122436
AUDIO: https://archive.org/details/@fredericknoronha
TEXT: http://bit.ly/2SBx41G PIX: http://bit.ly/2Rs1xhl
Can't get through on mobile? Please SMS/WhatsApp

Re: [Goanet] Narendra Modi v. Imran Khan

2019-03-01 Thread Eddie

In short, IMRAN KHAN HAS STATESMAN-LIKE QUALITIES as befits a true Leader.


-Original Message- 
From: Roland Francis

Sent: Friday, March 1, 2019 8:28 PM
To: goa...@goanet.org
Subject: [Goanet] Narendra Modi v. Imran Khan

Regrettably the Pakistani PM has come out on top in the public relations and 
perception war between the two.

Here’s why:
Khan’s demeanour exhibits humility, a worried look and constant mouthing of 
requests for peace (mostly hypocritical no doubt).

Modi comes across as a braggart, war-mongering demagogue and revenge seeking 
leader with more intent to do harm than promote peace.

Khan’s statements are measured, planned and ready with proof of his armed 
forces actions.

Modi just throws things in the air and when they fall to the ground his 
claims are exposed as lies and hollow boasts.

Khan lulls the Indians with warnings like “we will retaliate at a time of 
our place and choosing” and the very next day they send air strikes while 
the other side is still readying (dance like a butterfly and sting like a 

Modi and his cohorts are all talk and little action. Instead of a sizeable 
air strike-force intended for shock and awe, they send across their most 
outdated air armour and are dumbfounded when they are shot down (growl like 
a lion and bite like a goat).

Khan does a good job of making friends of former enemies (Russia) and better 
friends of current friends (China, Iran and Saudi Arabia).

Modi on the other hand has nothing to show for all his tours and bear hugs. 
He has alienated traditional ally Russia, played toady to the United States 
and breaks no new ground with China who is sure to dump Pakistan quickly if 
India makes meaningful long term gestures of friendship. It should choose to 
side with Iran more visibly and often since that Shia State is a natural 

If the BJP wants to make any sense of India’s strength, throw out Modi and 
his defence minister Sitharaman (who is doing as poorly as Manohar Parrikar 
whom she replaced) and put in some capable replacements before things become 


[Goanet] Narendra Modi v. Imran Khan

2019-03-01 Thread Roland Francis
Regrettably the Pakistani PM has come out on top in the public relations and 
perception war between the two.

Here’s why:
Khan’s demeanour exhibits humility, a worried look and constant mouthing of 
requests for peace (mostly hypocritical no doubt).

Modi comes across as a braggart, war-mongering demagogue and revenge seeking 
leader with more intent to do harm than promote peace.

Khan’s statements are measured, planned and ready with proof of his armed 
forces actions. 

Modi just throws things in the air and when they fall to the ground his claims 
are exposed as lies and hollow boasts. 

Khan lulls the Indians with warnings like “we will retaliate at a time of our 
place and choosing” and the very next day they send air strikes while the other 
side is still readying (dance like a butterfly and sting like a bee).

Modi and his cohorts are all talk and little action. Instead of a sizeable air 
strike-force intended for shock and awe, they send across their most outdated 
air armour and are dumbfounded when they are shot down (growl like a lion and 
bite like a goat).

Khan does a good job of making friends of former enemies (Russia) and better 
friends of current friends (China, Iran and Saudi Arabia).

Modi on the other hand has nothing to show for all his tours and bear hugs. He 
has alienated traditional ally Russia, played toady to the United States and 
breaks no new ground with China who is sure to dump Pakistan quickly if India 
makes meaningful long term gestures of friendship. It should choose to side 
with Iran more visibly and often since that Shia State is a natural ally.

If the BJP wants to make any sense of India’s strength, throw out Modi and his 
defence minister Sitharaman (who is doing as poorly as Manohar Parrikar whom 
she replaced) and put in some capable replacements before things become worse.


[Goanet] Did IAF shoot down Pak F-16? No clear evidence

2019-03-01 Thread Eddie

- One Pak Air Force F-16 brought down in aerial combat
- parts of missile fired by PAF recovered and displayed
- Indian Army troops on the border sighted two pilots ejecting from the 
- F-16 shot down by IAF MIG21 by Wing Commander Abhinandan Varthaman [same 
name as the pilot shot down?]

- evidence has been shared with the US
[Clearly Modi acknowledges the US as Master in military matters at least]


Pak claims that the serial number on the engine bay is 80269 while the 
Indians claim it as 78-0629. The Indians are comparing with General Electric 
GE F110 engine, whereas PAF uses Pratt & Whitney engines.

Read more 

Modi is proud to have the US and Israel as 'partners'. But this is not equal 
partnership. It simply means that India (which manufactures no worthwhile 
military equipment) has to keep on buying stuff from these two predators.
Israel has been supplying India with various weapons systems, missiles and 
drones over the past few years, making India one of Israel’s largest buyers 
of military hardware. The Israeli regime has inked an arms deal worth $630 
million with India to provide the Indian Navy with an advanced long-range 
surface-to-air missile system.
As US 'major defence partner', India has spent over $15 billion in military 
purchases in the last decade or so. As long as India keeps buying, the US 
and Israel will be happy with Modi's India. To keep Modi happy, the US even 
coined the phrase Indo-Pacific region to avoid including the South China 



[Goanet] OPINION: Our Captured, Wounded Hearts: Arundhati Roy On Balakot, Kashmir And India (Huffington Post)

2019-03-01 Thread Goanet News


Our Captured, Wounded Hearts: Arundhati Roy On Balakot,
Kashmir And India

By deploying the IAF, Narendra
Modi has ensured that Kashmir
is conclusively

By Arundhati Roy

NEW DELHI -- With his reckless "pre-emptive" airstrike on
Balakot in Pakistan, Prime Minister Narendra Modi has
inadvertently undone what previous Indian governments almost
miraculously, succeeded in doing for decades. Since 1947 the
Indian Government has bristled at any suggestion that the
conflict in Kashmir could be resolved by international
arbitration, insisting that it is an "internal matter." By
goading Pakistan into a counter-strike, and so making India
and Pakistan the only two nuclear powers in history to have
bombed each other, Modi has internationalised the Kashmir
dispute. He has demonstrated to the world that Kashmir is
potentially the most dangerous place on earth, the
flash-point for nuclear war. Every person, country, and
organisation that worries about the prospect of nuclear war
has the right to intervene and do everything in its power to
prevent it.

  On February 14 2019, a convoy of 2,500 paramilitary
  soldiers was attacked in Pulwama (Kashmir) by Adil
  Ahmad Dar, a 20-year-old Kashmiri suicide-bomber
  who, it has been declared, belonged to the
  Pakistan-based Jaish-e-Mohammad. The attack that
  killed at least 40 men was yet another hideous
  chapter in the unfolding tragedy of Kashmir. Since
  1990, more than seventy thousand people have been
  killed in the conflict, thousands have
  "disappeared", tens of thousands have been tortured
  and hundreds of young people maimed and blinded by
  pellet guns. The death toll over the last twelve
  months has been the highest since 2009. Associated
  Press reports that almost 570 people have lost
  their lives, 260 of them militants, 160 civilians
  and 150 Indian armed personnel who died in the line
  of duty.

Depending on the lens through which this conflict is viewed,
the rebel combatants are called "terrorists", "militants",
"freedom fighters" or "mujahids". Most Kashmiris call them
'mujahids' and when they are killed, hundreds of thousands of
people -- whether they agree with their methods or not--turn
out for their funerals, to mourn for them and bid them
farewell. Indeed, most of the civilians who were killed this
past year, are those who put their bodies in the way of harm
to allow militants cornered by soldiers to escape.

In this long-drawn-out, blood-drenched saga, the Pulwama
bombing is the deadliest, most gruesome attack of all. There
are hundreds, if not thousands, of young men in the Kashmir
Valley like Adil Ahmed Dar who have been born into war, who
have seen such horror that they have become inured to fear
and are willing to sacrifice their lives for freedom.

Any day there could be another attack, worse, or less-worse
than the Pulwama attack. Is the Government of India willing
to allow the actions of these young men to control the fate
of this country and the whole subcontinent? By reacting in
the empty, theatrical way that he did, this is exactly what
Narendra Modi has done. He has actually bestowed upon them
the power to direct our future. The young Pulwama bomber
could not have asked for more.

Indians who valorise their own struggle for Independence from
British Rule and virtually worship those who led it are for
the most part strangely opaque to Kashmiris who are fighting
for the same thing. The armed struggle in Kashmir against
what people think of as "Indian Rule" is almost thirty years
old. That Pakistan has (at one time officially and now mostly
through non-government actors) supported the struggle with
arms, men and logistics is hardly a secret. Nor is it a
secret that no militant can operate in the war-zone that is
Kashmir if they did not have the overt support of local

  Who in their right mind could imagine that this
  hellishly complicated, hellishly cruel war would be
  solved or even mitigated in any way by a one-off,
  hastily executed, theatrical "surgical-strike,"
  which turns out to have been not-so-surgical after
  all? A similar "strike" that took place after the
  2016 attack on an Indian Army camp in Uri achieved
  little more than inspiring a Bollywood action film.
  The Balakot strikes in turn seem to have been
  inspired by the film. And now the media reports
  that Bollywood producers are already lining up to
  copyright "Balakot" as the name of their next film
  project. On the whole, it has to be said, this
  absurd waltz looks and smells more "pre-election"
  than "pre-emptive."

For the Prime Minister of this country to press its
formidable Airforce into performing dangerous theatrics is
deeply disrespectful. And what a

[Goanet] This is new India, will return damage done with interest: PM Modi on IAF air strike

2019-03-01 Thread Gabe Menezes

Gabe Menezes.

[Goanet] BALAKOT AIRSTRIKE: satellite analysis

2019-03-01 Thread Eddie

The recent Indian Air Force attempts at air strikes come out as amateurish.
Not surprising, considering that it has limited experience in external 

More impressive is the satellite imagery techniques used to analyse the 
airstrikes in the Balakot area.
At around 3:30 a.m. local time on February 26, a flight of 12 Mirage 2000 
multi-role fighters reportedly attacked facilities of the terrorist group 
Jaish-e-Mohammad (JEM) near Balakot town in Mansehra District, Pakistan. 
Using open-source evidence, experts were able to geolocate the site of the 
attack and provide a preliminary damage assessment.

While most sources at the time identified the strike as taking place in the 
Pakistani town of Balakot, others located the strike at “Jaba Top,” a likely 
reference to a mountain top near the village of Jaba, about 10 kilometers 
south of Balakot.
It appears that the payload was dropped in a hurry and impacted an open 
area. Photographs taken in a wooded area did not show any damaged 
Initial reports stated that Mirage 2000s dropped 1,000-kilogram 
(approximately 2,000 pound) bombs on their targets. The Israel-made 
SPICE-2000 bomb was used in the strike.

India claimed that the facility, roughly 10 kilometres into 
Pakistani-administered Kashmir and near the town of Jaba, was largely 
destroyed, resulting in the death of hundreds of militants.
Satellite imagery, acquired by Planet Labs Inc. on the morning of 27 
February, calls this claim into question.

Read details with supporting images.


[Goanet] India/Pakistan conflict

2019-03-01 Thread Vivian A. DSouza
Several days after India's alleged decimation of a terrorist camp in Pakistan, 
and the alleged shooting down of an American madeF-16 fighter jet, there is no 
conclusive evidence of either incident. 
Foreign media (read American media) keep reporting that Pakistan shot down two 
Indian Mig 21 fighter jets, (while India claims that only one of its planes was 
shot down,)  with no mention of an American made F-16 being shot down, or any 
damage allegedly caused by. Indian bombers on the terrorist camp. Does Pakistan 
have more credibility in the Foreign media than India ?
With modern technology, satellite imagery,  drones, and  cameras aboard  the 
planes accompanying the bombers, we should have been able to see some imagery 
of the damage inflicted in Pakistan..  With the Indian media replete with fake 
news following the so-called "Surgical strike 2), one wonders if we are victims 
of an hoax  and media hype ?
Even after making allowances for cloud cover etc., enough time has elapsed for 
India to provide the evidence.  The longer it takesto present the evidence, the 
more it gives credence to the Pakistani narrative. Living in India, I was 
cheering India's punishment of the terrorists who so cowardly, killed 40 police 
troops.  Now doubts are beginning to creep in. 

[Goanet] What did India really bomb in Pakistan this week?

2019-03-01 Thread Frederick Noronha


_/  FN फ्रेड्रिक नोरोन्या * فريدريك نورونيا‎
_/  https://archive.org/details/@fredericknoronha

Re: [Goanet] Mobile Tower radiation hazards for Students, Teacher, Parents and Public

2019-03-01 Thread John Nazareth
I am curious as to how the potential radiation issues in Goa would compare with 
other parts in the world.

-Original Message-
From: Goanet [mailto:goanet-boun...@lists.goanet.org] On Behalf Of Sebastian
Sent: March 1, 2019 5:04 AM
To: goa...@goanet.org
Subject: [Goanet] Mobile Tower radiation hazards for Students, Teacher, Parents 
and Public


Date: 1st March 2019

Chief Secretary, and Chairman of State Level Telecom Committee (STC), 
Secretariat, Porvorim, Goa

Secretary (Urban Development),
Secretariat, Porvorim, Goa

Secretary (Education)
Secretariat, Porvorim, Goa

Secretary (Health)
Secretariat, Porvorim, Goa

Principal Secretary (Environment)
Secretariat, Porvorim, Goa

Subject: Mobile Tower radiation hazards for Students, Teacher, Parents and 

Dear Sir/Madam,

We wish to draw your attention to the indisputable evidence of radiation 
hazards from mobile towers presented in Bio initiative 2007 that got upgraded 
in 2012 and 2017. All the three editions are available online with simple 
google search is prepared by 29 scientists from 10 countries in the world 
including 02 of them from India. The report that contains over 1500 pages is 
not sponsored by any electrical or telecom company and is outspoken on 
radiation hazards faced by human beings and need for the applicability of 
Precautionary Principle to face the radiation emitting from towers, mobile 
phones etc.

We write this letter to you after our tryst with Goa Government to request for 
the monitoring of mobile tower radiation in Goa. From our correspondence with 
Goa State Pollution Control Board it has been revealed that Goa Government does 
not have facility for monitoring of mobile tower radiation and people who are 
raising this issue are directed towards term centre in Nagpur, Pune etc. This 
has been the experience for past three years.

Now we have come across Bio imitative Reports and realized that mobile phone 
and mobile tower radiation is one of the cause of several diverse sicknesses 
such as breast cancer, rising infertility, high hearing frequency loss, 
fatigue, Partial memory loss, Dizziness, Sleeping Disorders, Skin infections, 
Hearing impairments, Cardiac Problems,  Cancer, depression, insomnia, ovarian 
cancer, vision loss in school children from smart phones, brain tumors, 
migraine, joint pains, memory loss, effects on gene and protein exposure, 
damage to immune system, Effects on neurology, childhood concerns, Alzheimer's 
diseases, Autism,  etc.

In view of the above dangerous scenario created by mobile phone technology you 
are requested to take up following urgent steps:

1.   Review the guidelines for installation of Mobile Base Stations Towers, 
Goa State in the light of evidence of radiation hazard contained in 
Bio-initiative 2012 and its upgraded version of 2017. We will be happy to share 
the soft copies of these reports on request.
2.   Examine the enforcement of the guidelines for installation of Mobile 
Base Stations Towers, Goa State. There are over 50 complaints received at GSPCB 
office and many are hanging in limbo as no radiation monitoring is done for 
four years either from Nagpur or from Pune. Induct efficient radiation testing 
capacity for the State of Goa.
3.   Initiate mobile tower audit for all the Educational and residential 
localities in Goa. Installations, it is observed, are carried on in violation 
of the guidelines mentioned. Barely 10 meters away from the residential house 
of Mr. Placid D'Souza there is mobile tower in Mapusa with 17 antennae. Barely 
20 meters from Holy Cross High School, Siolim, there is mobile Tower with 
nearly 20 antennae. Mobile Tower is being installed in residential areas in 
Curduwada, Khandola, Ponda and opposed by villagers. And so is the case in 
Merces, Tiswadi. Mobile Towers set up in residential areas in Bambolim-Nauxim 
villages in spite of public opposition. All these are without any monitoring 
facility of radiation.
4.   Initiate discussions and awareness on radiation hazard in schools, 
colleges and public forums like media, Panchayats. Goa boasts of being most 
literate state. Its time Goa also becomes most radiation literate rather than 
surrender our destiny to vested interests and telecom bullies who does not like 
questioning of mobile tower radiation.

All these measures are necessary otherwise Goa will face accumulated impact of 
low intensity radiation over the next few years, and we request you to oblige 
and take action.
Thanking you,
Yours sincerely,
Maggie Silveira
President, Goa Unit

Re: [Goanet] Mobile Tower radiation hazards for Students, Teacher, Parents and Public

2019-03-01 Thread Bernice Pereira
About time mobile towers and hazards thereof are highlighted.

Bernice Pereira

Sent from my iPhone

> On 01-Mar-2019, at 3:34 PM, Sebastian  wrote:
> http://bharatmukti.blogspot.com/2019/03/mobile-tower-radiation-hazards-for.html
> Date: 1st March 2019
> To,
> Chief Secretary, and Chairman of State Level Telecom Committee (STC),
> Secretariat, Porvorim, Goa
> To,
> Secretary (Urban Development),
> Secretariat, Porvorim, Goa
> To,
> Secretary (Education)
> Secretariat, Porvorim, Goa
> To,
> Secretary (Health)
> Secretariat, Porvorim, Goa
> To,
> Principal Secretary (Environment)
> Secretariat, Porvorim, Goa
> Subject: Mobile Tower radiation hazards for Students, Teacher, Parents and 
> Public
> Dear Sir/Madam,
> We wish to draw your attention to the indisputable evidence of radiation 
> hazards from mobile towers presented in Bio initiative 2007 that got upgraded 
> in 2012 and 2017. All the three editions are available online with simple 
> google search is prepared by 29 scientists from 10 countries in the world 
> including 02 of them from India. The report that contains over 1500 pages is 
> not sponsored by any electrical or telecom company and is outspoken on 
> radiation hazards faced by human beings and need for the applicability of 
> Precautionary Principle to face the radiation emitting from towers, mobile 
> phones etc.
> We write this letter to you after our tryst with Goa Government to request 
> for the monitoring of mobile tower radiation in Goa. From our correspondence 
> with Goa State Pollution Control Board it has been revealed that Goa 
> Government does not have facility for monitoring of mobile tower radiation 
> and people who are raising this issue are directed towards term centre in 
> Nagpur, Pune etc. This has been the experience for past three years.
> Now we have come across Bio imitative Reports and realized that mobile phone 
> and mobile tower radiation is one of the cause of several diverse sicknesses 
> such as breast cancer, rising infertility, high hearing frequency loss, 
> fatigue, Partial memory loss, Dizziness, Sleeping Disorders, Skin infections, 
> Hearing impairments, Cardiac Problems,  Cancer, depression, insomnia, ovarian 
> cancer, vision loss in school children from smart phones, brain tumors, 
> migraine, joint pains, memory loss, effects on gene and protein exposure, 
> damage to immune system, Effects on neurology, childhood concerns, 
> Alzheimer’s diseases, Autism,  etc.
> In view of the above dangerous scenario created by mobile phone technology 
> you are requested to take up following urgent steps:
> 1.   Review the guidelines for installation of Mobile Base Stations 
> Towers, Goa State in the light of evidence of radiation hazard contained in 
> Bio-initiative 2012 and its upgraded version of 2017. We will be happy to 
> share the soft copies of these reports on request.
> 2.   Examine the enforcement of the guidelines for installation of Mobile 
> Base Stations Towers, Goa State. There are over 50 complaints received at 
> GSPCB office and many are hanging in limbo as no radiation monitoring is done 
> for four years either from Nagpur or from Pune. Induct efficient radiation 
> testing capacity for the State of Goa.
> 3.   Initiate mobile tower audit for all the Educational and residential 
> localities in Goa. Installations, it is observed, are carried on in violation 
> of the guidelines mentioned. Barely 10 meters away from the residential house 
> of Mr. Placid D’Souza there is mobile tower in Mapusa with 17 antennae. 
> Barely 20 meters from Holy Cross High School, Siolim, there is mobile Tower 
> with nearly 20 antennae. Mobile Tower is being installed in residential areas 
> in Curduwada, Khandola, Ponda and opposed by villagers. And so is the case in 
> Merces, Tiswadi. Mobile Towers set up in residential areas in Bambolim-Nauxim 
> villages in spite of public opposition. All these are without any monitoring 
> facility of radiation.
> 4.   Initiate discussions and awareness on radiation hazard in schools, 
> colleges and public forums like media, Panchayats. Goa boasts of being most 
> literate state. Its time Goa also becomes most radiation literate rather than 
> surrender our destiny to vested interests and telecom bullies who does not 
> like questioning of mobile tower radiation.
> All these measures are necessary otherwise Goa will face accumulated impact 
> of low intensity radiation over the next few years, and we request you to 
> oblige and take action.
> Thanking you,
> Yours sincerely,
> Maggie Silveira
> President, Goa Unit

[Goanet] Report of the illegal fishing in Zuari River Siridao to Odxel belt February 2019

2019-03-01 Thread Sebastian

For Tabular presentation visit the link below:


1.   Coastal Security Police has refused to shoulder burden of illegal 
fishing in Zuari river saying that it is not their primary duty as per media 
2.   Most illegal fishing in month of February 2019 was carried on by 
Trawlers while there was one incident of illegal fishing by purse seine boats.
3.   30 incidents of illegal fishing reported in February 2019 involving 
374 boats of which 372 are trawlers. In January 2019 there were 15 incident of 
illegal fishing involving 152 boats of which 151 was trawlers.
4.   Intensity of illegal fishing by trawling in Zuari river has doubled 
from January 2019 (151) to February (372). There is progressing deterioration 
of law and order situation in Zuari river due to illegal fishing by trawlers in 
2019 within 5 kms from the coast where in trawl nets as well as purse seine 
nets are prohibited from use as per prevailing law – Marine Fishing Regulation 
Act 1980.
5.   Such large scale violation is leading to destruction of fisheries in 
Zuari river due to destruction of river bed reefs by use of trawl nets.
6.   There is need to carry on estimate of damage caused by trawling to 
Zuari river bed ecology during first two months of 2019 and take effective 
measures to enforce total ban on trawling including impounding to offender 
trawlers under section 18 of the Goa, Daman, and Diu Marine Fishing Regulation 
Act, 1980.
7.   Primary duty to maintain law and order at Sea is with Fisheries 
department under section 4(2)(c) of the Goa, Daman, and Diu Marine Fishing 
Regulation Act, 1980. The capacity of Goa Fisheries department in this context 
of law and order is in completely damaged state. This needs drastic turn around.

[Goanet] Objections to Marinas in Zuari river filed before Collector of North Goa

2019-03-01 Thread Sebastian

Date: 01/03/2019
The Collector (North Goa),
Panjim, Goa
Subject: Objections to Marinas in Zuari river
Dear Sir/Madam,

It has come to our attention though media reports that Goa State Pollution 
Control Board has approached your office to initiate process for Public Hearing 
for installing marina in Zuari river off coast of Nauxi village in Tiswadi.

We write this let you know that we continue to oppose both the marina projects 
in Zuari river not only because it will adversely affect fishing communities 
engaged in fishing activities but also because of the undemocratic process of 
leasing out of River Zuari followed by Marmagoa Port Trust (MPT). Without 
consulting fisher people dependent on Zuari river MPT leased out 2,00,000 
square meters of Zuari river bed for two marinas within 3 days (12-14, October, 
2010) for 30 years each.

While the two lease deeds took enough precautions to protect mining barge 
traffic in Zuari the same precautions are not taken for fishing activities in 
Zuari river. In fact lease deeds makes it clear that setting up of marina will 
require large scale dredging of river which will surely result in destruction 
of Zuari river fisheries.

MPT carried on these lease deeds by virtue of the Central government 
notification of May 24, 2000 that asserts Jurisdiction of MPT up to Cortalim 
bridge. MPT is controlled by Union Ministry of Shipping. This notification too 
was issued without consulting fishing communities connected to Zuari river.

If process for marina project is initiated by holding public hearing then it 
will symbolize Union Shipping Ministry’s commitment to destroy Zuari river 
fisheries. Already there is lots of misery spread out to Vasco residents due to 
MPT’s handling of Coal resulting in dredging of Arabian Sea as well as Coal 
dust pollution. With marina in Zuari this misery will enter Zuari river and it 
will destroy fisher community’s livelihoods as well as ecology resulting in 
Port-led Poverty.

We also wish to convey to you that Central Government 2019 notification 
relating to CRZ has already set in unrest amongst fishing communities in the 
State of Goa and installation of marinas will only facilitate further 
escalation of tension.

The sizable affected people on Zuari river bank are also Scheduled Tribes whose 
livelihoods were destroyed due to setting up of various projects in the past 
resulting in no benefit to the community. Few of these projects include Goa 
University, Goa Medical College, National Institute of Oceanography, Goa 
International Centre etc. This development forced these people to take up 
fishing. Marina spells doom to the livelihood of these People. Should one more 
project of be imposed at Nauxim sacrificing adivasis for prosperity of few rich 
Yacht owning tourists and five star hotels like Hotel Grand Hyatt and Cidade de 
Goa that are located on Zuari river bank? Amongst adivasis there is already 
nation wide unrest is underway due to eviction threats of those living in 
forest landscapes. Central Government has failed to depute lawyers to defend 
government law protecting Tribal People and Other Forest Dwellers in India. 
This has already affected 23 lakh people all over India. Marinas too are 
destined to provoke eviction of river bank tribal people in Nauxim-Cacra 
People on Zuari river banks are insecure as river has been declared as National 
Waterway 111 as Inland Waterways Authority of India (IWAI) has assertive 
control over riparian areas. In this context Installation of Marinas in Zuari 
has been viewed as frontal attacks on the livelihood of people particularly 
dependent upon fishing.

Kindly convey our objection to marinas in Zuari to the State and Central 

Thanking you,

Yours sincerely,
Maggie Silveira,
Goa Unit

[Goanet] Protest and Objection against TCP guidelines granting exception for tourism related projects for change of Zone in Ecologically sensitive areas

2019-03-01 Thread Sebastian


Date: 20/02/2019
Mr. Vijay Sardessai,
Minister of Town and Country Planning,
Government of Goa,
Secretariat, Porvorim, Goa

Secretary (TCP),
Government of Goa,
Secretariat, Porvorim, Goa

The Chief Town Planner,
Town and Country Planning Department,
Government of Goa,
Panjim, Goa

Subject: Protest and Objection against TCP guidelines granting exception for 
tourism related projects for change of Zone in Ecologically sensitive areas


It has come to our attention from the news report in Herald on February 19, 
2019 Page 2 with caption “Ecologically sensitive areas not to be considered for 
change of zones: TCP”. The report quotes new guidelines in a box item with 
caption as “Noteworthy Point” as follows: “Projects which are recommended by 
Goa Investment Promotion Board (IPB) shall be given due consideration. The area 
to be considered under Section 16B shall have adequate access and shall as far 
as possible be in the vicinity of existing settlement / developed area and 
projects in isolation from the existing developed area shall be as far as 
possible discouraged except for public utility and tourism related projects”.
We wish to let you know the context of our protest against the guidelines as it 
constitutes encouragement for land conversion - even in low lying paddy fields, 
water bodies, biologically active mud flats, khazan lands, flood prone areas - 
into settlement zone. The Capao (Vanxim) Island proposed tourism plans consists 
of five star hotel and several luxury villas in Mandovi river and two proposed 
marina projects in Zuari river near Nauxim and Sancoale villages are located in 
such eco-sensitive areas destined to destroy Zuari river fisheries; all 
regrettably recommended by IPB in spite of public objections. These guidelines 
of TCP department to provide exception for zone conversion to settlement to 
facilitate tourism related projects are unfortunate, thoughtless, malicious and 
insensitive to ecologically sensitive Areas. We condemn these TCP guidelines.

You are therefore called upon to immediately intervene and withdraw exception 
granted to tourism related projects in ecologically sensitive areas in TCP 
guidelines under reference.

Thanking you.

Yours sincerely,


Maggie Silveira
President - Goa Unit

Enclosed: Copy of Herald report published on 19th February 2019 referred in the 
above letter.

Copy to:
1.  Chief Executive Officer, Goa Investment Promotion Board, Spaces, 
Panjim, Goa
2.  Minister of Industries, Government of Goa, Secretariat, Porvorim, Goa
3.  Secretary (Industries), Government of Goa, Secretariat, Porvorim, Goa
4.  Minister of Fisheries, Government of Goa, Secretariat, Porvorim, Goa
5.  Secretary (Fisheries), Government of Goa, Secretariat, Porvorim, Goa
6.  Director of Fisheries, Government of Goa, Panjim, Goa.
7.  Secretary (Tourism), Government of Goa, Secretariat, Porvorim, Goa
8.  Minister of Tourism, Government of Goa, Secretariat, Porvorim, Goa
9.  Director of Tourism, Government of Goa,Panjim, Goa

[Goanet] Mobile Tower radiation hazards for Students, Teacher, Parents and Public

2019-03-01 Thread Sebastian


Date: 1st March 2019

Chief Secretary, and Chairman of State Level Telecom Committee (STC),
Secretariat, Porvorim, Goa

Secretary (Urban Development),
Secretariat, Porvorim, Goa

Secretary (Education)
Secretariat, Porvorim, Goa

Secretary (Health)
Secretariat, Porvorim, Goa

Principal Secretary (Environment)
Secretariat, Porvorim, Goa

Subject: Mobile Tower radiation hazards for Students, Teacher, Parents and 

Dear Sir/Madam,

We wish to draw your attention to the indisputable evidence of radiation 
hazards from mobile towers presented in Bio initiative 2007 that got upgraded 
in 2012 and 2017. All the three editions are available online with simple 
google search is prepared by 29 scientists from 10 countries in the world 
including 02 of them from India. The report that contains over 1500 pages is 
not sponsored by any electrical or telecom company and is outspoken on 
radiation hazards faced by human beings and need for the applicability of 
Precautionary Principle to face the radiation emitting from towers, mobile 
phones etc.

We write this letter to you after our tryst with Goa Government to request for 
the monitoring of mobile tower radiation in Goa. From our correspondence with 
Goa State Pollution Control Board it has been revealed that Goa Government does 
not have facility for monitoring of mobile tower radiation and people who are 
raising this issue are directed towards term centre in Nagpur, Pune etc. This 
has been the experience for past three years.

Now we have come across Bio imitative Reports and realized that mobile phone 
and mobile tower radiation is one of the cause of several diverse sicknesses 
such as breast cancer, rising infertility, high hearing frequency loss, 
fatigue, Partial memory loss, Dizziness, Sleeping Disorders, Skin infections, 
Hearing impairments, Cardiac Problems,  Cancer, depression, insomnia, ovarian 
cancer, vision loss in school children from smart phones, brain tumors, 
migraine, joint pains, memory loss, effects on gene and protein exposure, 
damage to immune system, Effects on neurology, childhood concerns, Alzheimer’s 
diseases, Autism,  etc.

In view of the above dangerous scenario created by mobile phone technology you 
are requested to take up following urgent steps:

1.   Review the guidelines for installation of Mobile Base Stations Towers, 
Goa State in the light of evidence of radiation hazard contained in 
Bio-initiative 2012 and its upgraded version of 2017. We will be happy to share 
the soft copies of these reports on request.
2.   Examine the enforcement of the guidelines for installation of Mobile 
Base Stations Towers, Goa State. There are over 50 complaints received at GSPCB 
office and many are hanging in limbo as no radiation monitoring is done for 
four years either from Nagpur or from Pune. Induct efficient radiation testing 
capacity for the State of Goa.
3.   Initiate mobile tower audit for all the Educational and residential 
localities in Goa. Installations, it is observed, are carried on in violation 
of the guidelines mentioned. Barely 10 meters away from the residential house 
of Mr. Placid D’Souza there is mobile tower in Mapusa with 17 antennae. Barely 
20 meters from Holy Cross High School, Siolim, there is mobile Tower with 
nearly 20 antennae. Mobile Tower is being installed in residential areas in 
Curduwada, Khandola, Ponda and opposed by villagers. And so is the case in 
Merces, Tiswadi. Mobile Towers set up in residential areas in Bambolim-Nauxim 
villages in spite of public opposition. All these are without any monitoring 
facility of radiation.
4.   Initiate discussions and awareness on radiation hazard in schools, 
colleges and public forums like media, Panchayats. Goa boasts of being most 
literate state. Its time Goa also becomes most radiation literate rather than 
surrender our destiny to vested interests and telecom bullies who does not like 
questioning of mobile tower radiation.

All these measures are necessary otherwise Goa will face accumulated impact of 
low intensity radiation over the next few years, and we request you to oblige 
and take action.
Thanking you,
Yours sincerely,
Maggie Silveira
President, Goa Unit