[Goanet] Beyond the Grave: Looking back at the Belief in God

2019-12-06 Thread Joao Barros-Pereira
my God
your God

his God
her God

our God
their God

How many Gods?

O God!

What does Joao want to say?

[Goanet] Minor boy trained for two months to steal

2019-12-06 Thread Gabe Menezes
Minor boy trained for two months to steal: Police

Read more at:

Gabe Menezes.


2019-12-06 Thread Aires Rodrigues
Rapes and Murders have become the order of the day. The recent gruesome
Hyderabad gang rape and murder of a lady veterinarian has further sullied
the reputation of our nation. That the alleged four rapists had a quick and
swift encounter with the law has come as a relief and spared the state
exchequer from a looming financial burden. There was rightly a nationwide
uproar and demand that the four rapists be hanged. And now it has all ended
up as a virtual death sentence without requiring a trial.

The rising crime graph across the nation is a matter of concern and the
situation will only worsen as long as the nexus between politicians and
criminals is not aborted. The wheels of Justice continue to turn
exceedingly slowly with many twists and turns along the way with
politicians and other vested parties doing everything to make political and
personal capital.

The Supreme Court has time and again reiterated the intention to cleanse
the political spectrum of criminally tainted persons but has not been able
to achieve the desired results. Our political leaders as law makers should
lead by example and be role models but even in a small State like Goa we
have a couple of Ministers charge sheeted for serious offences and the MLA
of our capital city is facing Rape charges. Crime must never pay and nobody
must be above the law. Justice must be done and be seen to be done to
protect our vulnerable citizens.

But there is no hope whatsoever that our polity and political turf will
ever improve. It is only further deteriorating and awfully decaying by the
day. The unacceptable antics and behavior of some of our politicians in
recent times has turned it into a despised profession and looked upon with
disdain and held in low esteem by the very people that they are meant to
serve. Some years  ago Supreme Court Judges B.N.Agarwal and G.S.Singhvi had
observed that even God cannot save our country from such politicians. Amen

Aires Rodrigues

Advocate High Court

C/G-2, Shopping Complex

Ribandar Retreat,

Ribandar – Goa – 403006

Mobile No: 9822684372

Office Tel  No: (0832) 2444012

Email: airesrodrigu...@gmail.com



You can also reach me on

Facebook.com/ AiresRodrigues



[Goanet] SFX and Inquisition

2019-12-06 Thread Gilbert Lawrence
The diatribe on SFX in one of the post on Goanet appears to come from Jonathan 
Wright's book "God's Soldiers." (Double Day). The book, which is an anti-Jesuit 
account, has a few historical facts, much conjecture and even greater measure 
of fictional commentary.  The book reads like a docu-drama. The Sunday 
Telegraph describes the book in its review (on the book cover) as "witty book 
. makes for a roller-coaster read."  Despite the anti-Jesuit and 
anti-colonial slant, the book does not credit SFX with bringing the Inquisition 
to Goa, (which was alleged in a couple of the posts).  The inquisition was 
introduced to Goa nearly a decade after SFX's death.  
SFX references to inquisition in his correspondence with the Portuguese king 
(chiding him for the corruption and brutality of the colonial government) are 
no different than suggestions made on Goanet by some that today's Goa needs the 
inquisition to control the current widespread political and other corruption. 
Interesting how history repeats itself.  So over the next two decades, the 
introduction of the inquisition to Goa (or the RSS version of it) may now be 
attributed to BC.   Why not?   We are doing that to SFX.
I would request that those writing about SFX and / or the Inquisition could / 
should review the archives of Goanet, where these topics have been discussed 
extensively in factual detail.  Please do not destroy one's credibility and 
standing on Goanet, with off-the-cuff remarks and hubris.    
Regards, GL

[Goanet] Take your dog to work?

2019-12-06 Thread E DeSousa


"Finley (the Dog) is more than just a good boy. He is the C-suite mascot for a 
pilot program offered to 1,300 office employees at Ford allowing them to bring 
their dogs to work. It’s part of a larger effort by Ford to attract hard-to-get 
tech talent to the Motor City."

Comment: "very interesting..."

Re: [Goanet] Goanetters meet

2019-12-06 Thread George Pinto
Hi Ana: 

The annual Goa Sudharop meeting is Monday, Dec 30, from 4-7pm at GASPAR DIAS. 
More information to follow. Please mark your calendars. All welcome.

The meet referred to by Ana Maria Goswani is separate. 


On Thursday, December 5, 2019, 08:40:32 AM PST, 

Just an information. Is there a goanetters meet this December. If I remember 
correctly, last year it was announced that this year it will be at Inst. 
Menezes Braganca around the 28th of this month.

Kind regards

Ana Maria Goswami

[Goanet] St. Francis Xavier Another Perspective From Tanzania on Inquisition

2019-12-06 Thread Adolfo Mascarenhas
*Let me preface my remarks by the following observation:*

*1)Under no circumstances should politics and religion get mixed up.*

*2)The oppression of men, women and children is wrong….its  a crime against

*3)Priest, Bishops and even Popes are humans and cannot know everything
about sciences etc*

*4)There are more “educated people in the world today than at any other
time in History  *

*5)Most “HIStory” are exclusive meaning “women are excluded” :”OURSTORIES
are at best Oral History”*

*Last Tuesday, 3rd; December  I, went to St. Josephs Cathedral (SJC) in Dar
es Salaam for the Feast of SFX.  Immediately as you enter SJC In a +metre
high wooden statatue of SFX , The Cathedral was completed in 1905.  However
under the statue is a plaque. The statue was donated by the Goan Community
about 10 years before the church was built. Who were these Goans, what were
their names ?  Since the event took place when the Germans ruled this part
of East Africa, I know where to get the names. *

*Yes the Mass was celebrated by Fr. Mario Dias. (OFM Cap) but there was no
Celebartions in the Goan Institute, Instead we celebrated the life of Abel
DSilva, brother of John DSilva, the formost Goan artist  from Zanzibar   I
am glad to have met all the folks from that Island*

*Expansion of:*

*1)Under no circumstances should politics and religion get mixed up.*

To understand the Inquisition in Goa and Portugal, we have to go to Spain.
The Grand Inquisitor , was
selected by the King and was a member of the royal family  Inquisitor,
named by the Pope  but selected by the
king, always from within the royal family
. He in turn appointed the
Inquisitor in Portugal, Goa etc The first Grand Inquisitor was D. Diogo da
Silva,  personal confessor of
King John III and Bishop of Ceuta
. He was
followed by Cardinal Henry ,
brother of John III ,
who would later become king.

The major target of the Portuguese Inquisition were those who had converted
from Judaism to  Catholicim;  the Conversos
, or New Christians
. were suspected of secretly
practicing Judaism . Many of
these were originally Spanish Jews
 who had left Spain for
Portugal, when Spain forced Jews to convert to Christianity or leave. The
number of victims is estimated as around 40,000.

*Did SFX torture and force Hindus, Early Christians and Moslem to became
Catholics? Was he the *Grand Inquisitor.  NO! NO !  Perhaps the Dominicans

SFX preached the Gospel, cared for the sick.  He was a linguist.  He
suffered a lot during his travels.  During one trip when the boat sunk and
he lost his cross, the crab dropped the cross near him.  (Talk of Goans &
Crab Mentality)   He spent only 10 months in India but he was more
impressed by the Far East. Malaysia, Japan and China.

The reality in today's  world  from Trump to Modi, Brazil to Philippines
there is  the mixing of Politics and Religion it cases  Greed
substitutes Gods I

End to Part One

Adolfo Mascarenhas

Not too Peaceful Dar es Salaam


[Goanet] Schedule for Saturday 7th December 2019

2019-12-06 Thread CCR TV
Channel of God's love
You can also watch CCR TV live on your smart phone via the CCR TV App
Available on Google PlayStore for Android Platform.
Click the link below.
Email ID:  ccrgoame...@gmail.com

Schedule for Saturday 7th December 2019

12:00 AM
Rosary - Joyful Mysteries

12:25 AM
A Call to Grow in Commitment - Talk by Savio Mascarenhas

01:34 AM
Spiritual Communion Prayer

01:35 AM
Hymns - St Bartholomew's HS, Chorao

01:40 AM
Precious blood of Jesus - Leela Moraes

02:00 AM
Saibinnichi Ruzai - Sontosache Mister

02:25 AM
Testimony - Rupa Colaco

03:10 AM
Am I a Generous Giver? - Talk by Severina Fernandes

03:40 AM
Growing in Jesus - Talk by Dr Silvia Noronha

04:20 AM
Our Father - Ho

04:25 AM
Sat Sovnskar - Talk by Orlando D'Souza

05:00 AM
Nokhetram - Michael Gracias chats with Film Team Amori

05:35 AM
Literally Goa - Valmiki Faleiro interviewed by Frederick Noronha

06:05 AM
Concert - Vem Cantar (2019) 16 to 20 yrs & prizes

06:50 AM
Konkani Short Film on Pollution - Challa Kitem?

07:00 AM
Bhajans 5

07:22 AM
Hymn - Saibinichi Bhett Tujea Ghorant - Fr Ronaldo Fernandes

07:30 AM
Music - Spiritual Music 3  followed by Povitr Atmeak Dispottem Magnnem

08:00 AM
Praise and Worship - Glenn Nunes 1 followed by Daily Prayer to the Holy

08:40 AM
Talk on St Monica - Dr Sarita Nazareth

09:00 AM
Archbishop's Engagements

09:01 AM

09:05 AM
Our Father - Malayalam

09:10 AM Program on Childline

09:35 AM
Advent - Talk by Dr Brenda Nazareth Menezes

10:10 AM
Povitr Zaunk Apovnne - Talk by Victor Mascarenhas

10:40 AM
St Ignatius and the  Ignatian Spirituality - Fr Varun Rodrigues sj

11:13 AM
Soimbachi ani Povitr Atmeachi ek Kudd - Talk by Mathew Fernandes

11:30 AM
Mass in Konkani followed by Jivitacho Prokas and Saint of the Day

12:00 PM
Prayer for Vocations

12:01 PM
Spiritual Communion Prayer

12:02 PM
Literally Goa  - Alexyz interviewed by Frederick Noronha

12:30 PM
Twins in the Bible - Talk by Maria Ana Da Costa

12:56 PM
Music - Devache Mate - Victor Da Costa

01:00 PM
Archbishop's Engagements

01:01 PM
The Law and You -  Consumer Protection - Eps 4

01:26 PM
Poem - Jezuchem Ponn by Sandhya Fernandes

01:30 PM
Apologetics - Catholic Church Pt  2 - Adv. F.E. Noronha

01:55 PM
Hymn - Saibinichi Bhett Tujea Ghorant - Fr Ronaldo Fernandes

02:05 PM
Konkani Bhas - Bhag 12 - Fr Pratap Naik sj

02:30 PM
What's Cooking - Episode 8 - Seeradura

02:52 PM
Konkani Short Film on Pollution - Challa Kitem?

03:00 PM
Divine Mercy - Konkani 2

03:20 PM
World Goa Day, Abu Dhabi

03:39 PM
The Importance of Introspection - Talk by Sr Saral

03:50 PM
Ximpientlim Motiam - Bhag 66 - Khuxalkay  - Fr Pratap Naik sj

03:56 PM
Ask Dr Sweezel - Which side is preferabe to sleep?

04:00 PM
Rosary - Joyful Mysteries

04:24 PM
Reflection on the Gospel - Dominicans

04:30 PM
Senior Citizens Exercises - 7

04:55 PM
Couples Prayer - English

05:00 PM
Tell me a story - Noah

05:25 PM
Psalms  40 - Read by Alfwold Silveira

05:30 PM
Career Guidance - Tata Institute of Social Sciences

06:00 PM
Angelus - English

06:02 PM
Intercession - Talk by Francis D'Souza

06:27 PM
Bhurgeanlem Angonn - Bhag 11

06:30 PM
Mass in English followed by Daily Flash

07:00 PM
Angelus - Konkani 1

07:02 PM
Khuim thanv hanv ailam? - Talk by Orlando D'Souza

07:30 PM
Saibinnichi Ruzai - Sontosache Mister

07:55 PM
Carol - Peace Child - Don Bosco Choir Panjim

08:00 PM
Media Track - Frederick Noronha and Devika Siqueira

08:30 PM
Nokhetram - Michael Gracias chats with Team Rochna

09:00 PM
Archbishop's Engagements

09:01 PM

09:04 PM
Hymn -St Rita's HS - Maina, Curtorim

09:10 PM
Ratchem Magnem

09:25 PM
Young Talents - Angel Resort

10:55 PM
Tiatr Song - by Fr Eusico Pereira and Maria Lourdes Fernandes

11:00 PM
Mass in Konkani followed by Jivitacho Prokas and Saint of the Day

11:30 PM
He is alive - Talk by Kenneth D'Sa

Donations may be made to:
Beneficiary name : CCR GOA MEDIA.
Name of Bank : ICICI Bank
Branch Name: Candolim Branch
RTGS/NEFT Code : ICIC0002624
Savings Bank Account No : 262401000183


2019-12-06 Thread Aires Rodrigues
One of the Casinos has its lounge cum sales counter on part of the ground
floor of the Fisheries department building on Panaji’s D.B Marg. After
having merrily defaced the premises, now as part of the further Casino
promotion they are altering the entire frontage of the building itself and
are carrying out the work despite being told by the Fisheries department
officials not to commence work until necessary permissions are in place.
The Mayor of Panaji who not long ago had led a raiding party of the CCP to
check the violations by the Casinos is now conspicuous by his absence.

Nobody can be above the law but the reality is that in Goa the Casinos are
a law to themselves. There is no Casino policy formulated yet and no Gaming
Commissioner in place while the Casino vehicles are the only ones to be
allowed to cheerfully park all along D.B.Marg which is a designated No
Parking Road. The eye sore and inconvenience to the public and violations
of regulations continues unabated, while the politicians in power who cry
foul of casinos when in Opposition continue to fall prey to the greed of
the rupee at a single roll of the dice.

Do we need any further evidence that it is the Casino Raj that rules the
roost in India’s gambling hub?

Aires Rodrigues

Advocate High Court

C/G-2, Shopping Complex

Ribandar Retreat,

Ribandar – Goa – 403006

Mobile No: 9822684372

Office Tel  No: (0832) 2444012

Email: airesrodrigu...@gmail.com



You can also reach me on

Facebook.com/ AiresRodrigues



[Goanet] MS Dhoni Cricket Academy launches talent hunt exchange program in Qatar

2019-12-06 Thread armstrong augusto vaz
MS Dhoni Cricket Academy launches talent hunt exchange program in Qatar
MS Dhoni Cricket Academy has launched the Talent Hunt Exchange Program
in Qatar with Absolute Sports as the local partner it was announced

 MS Dhoni Cricket Academy - MSDCA is an institute of Aarka Sports,
which comes from a simple thought of "giving back" from MS Dhoni and
Mihir Diwakar and it is completely set to transform the standard of
coaching and the development of cricket in India and abroad. Equipped
with all of the modern technologies, high-class coaching facility and
certified coaches, MSDCA spreads its centers to every corner of India
and abroad,

Aarka Sports was established in 2014 and has focused on sports
management and sports consultancy services in India and abroad. Aarka
Sports was founded by Mihir Diwakar, a sportsman himself. Mihir was a
part of the India U19 World Cup winning team and has performed at the
highest level to relate to the needs and wants of Sports and
Sportspersons. Aarka Sports is his extension of creating excellence in

Mihir Diwakar says "MSDCA is formed with the sole objective to provide
a platform to aspiring cricketers in the country through a structured
program, to help children learn cricket in a fun and engaging manner,
and to shape them into quality sportspeople. I am very confident about
the fact that a systematic learning program will help teach the basics
of cricket at a young age. With the right kind of basics for cricket
coaching in place, a child can learn and adapt easier and successfully
in order to succeed in the different formats of modern cricket".

Mihir Diwakar further added, "We took the initiative to start our
Talent Hunt Exchange Program in Qatar to create learning opportunities
for children, and to engage with local facility partners for the
future developmental projects in Cricket for the community before a
fully-pledged MS Dhoni Cricket Academy starts in Qatar.

Khalid Al Khayarin, Chairman of Absolute Sports said that "It's a
great opportunity for cricket aspirants in Qatar avail the Talent Hunt
Exchange Program from MS Dhoni Cricket Academy to learn the nuances
and skills Tom renowned and accredited coaches from MS Dhoni Cricket
Academy". He further added "We in Absolute Sports believe that Qatar
needs a structured Cricket Coaching Center and we are proud to be
associated with MSDCA LO provide the same. We are looking forward to
start a world-class Cricket Coaching Academy in the future to make it
as one of MSDCA's flagship centers in the region. We are thrilled and
are looking forward to a long-term association Aarka Sports and

MSDCA India is currently operational in 12 centers in India, 2 in
Singapore and in Dubai. MSDCA India has 20 more centers that will
function by March 2020. It aims to surpass 100 centers in India by
March 2020 and 2021. With this aspiring objective and mission to
provide quality coaching across India, MSDCA India organized a 7-day
Cricket Coaching Clinic in 40 different cities in India and London
where children were exposed to the MSDCA Coaching Program. In total,
5,000 children were trained under the MSDCA Cricket Coaching Clinic
Program both in India and the United Kingdom.

MSDCA organized a 2-Coach Education Program in July and September
2019, where more than 250 applicants registered for the course. 45
applicants were selected for the course, and 20 coaches are now
working with MSDCA as full-time coaches. Batches are comprised of both
fresh and experienced coaches with a cricketing background. Learning
during the course was not limited to cricket-skill coaching only;
coaches were educated on the role of coaching, how to interact and
communicate with parents, given knowledge on first aid and the use
technological tools for enhanced coaching.

Mihir Diwakar said that "Aarka Sports and MSDCA invest heavily in the
training and development of their coaches to ensure a high-quality
training program for participants across every center in India and
worldwide. At MSDCA, we are aspiring to be present in more than 100
cities by 2020 and 2021, so we require quality resources in all
aspects of our MSDCA verticals". Mihir further added, "We are coming
up with mobile applications and different technological tools to
manage our academies, students and opening up assistance and coaching
to all aspirants through touch of a button across the globe".

MSDCA wants to spread structured and standardized modern cricket
coaching across the globe and wants to create infrastructure and
world-class facilities in India to expose children to different
cricketing conditions and different cricketing formats for advanced

Muhammed Habibunnabi - General Secretary of Indian Sports Centre, and
Srinivas TS Cricket in charge at Indian Sports Centre all attended the

[Goanet] Preview of Bread and Belonging

2019-12-06 Thread eric pinto


Goa’sbread, pão, successfully made the journey from ‘outsider’ to ‘insider’. 
Pão wasfirst introduced in India’s smallest state, Goa, when it was under 
Portugueserule for nearly half a millennium. Now, traditional bakers are 
leaving thetrade, even as nostalgia for this unique bread grows and a new set 
of bakersfrom across the state border fill in.

In Bread and Belonging unfold three stories in and around Goan bakeries.Stories 
of people dealing with migration, changing culture and the ever presentneed to 
earn a living. 

A preview of our film will be held on Friday, 13th December, 2019 at 6.30pmat 
Maquinez Palace, Old GMC Precinct, D.B. Marg, Campal, Panjim. The screeningwill 
be followed by a discussion with the team. We’d love to have you there, please 


Asa prelude, we invite you to a view our short film, The Meal, at 





watch the film’s trailer at 


[Goanet] 15 bars and restaurants in Goa that need to be part of your year-end vacation

2019-12-06 Thread Gabe Menezes

Gabe Menezes.