Re: [Goanet] Retire with Grace

2021-01-25 Thread Frederick Noronha
What is more apt?
Retire with Grace
Retire with grace?

On Tue, 26 Jan 2021 at 12:35, Tony de Sa  wrote:

> Regarding this subject, I am sharing an article that I wrote under the
> theme, "The New Normal" to the Goa Writers group of which I am a member.

FN* फ्रेड्रिक नोरोन्या * فريدريك نورونيا‎ +91-9822122436

Re: [Goanet] Retire with Grace

2021-01-25 Thread Tony de Sa
Regarding this subject, I am sharing an article that I wrote under the
theme, "The New Normal" to the Goa Writers group of which I am a member.

TLJ The New Norm

-Tony de Sa

In *ilo tempore, *in those days when the Covid-19 did not run its writ, I’d
ride in to Mapusa several times a day for the flimsiest reasons. No errand
was too small and no excuse was trivial. Mapusa and I were in a
relationship. One of the many tasks that I carried out in Mapusa was to buy
my *poies. *I have a favourite baker. Yes, Babaji’s – the favourite rendez
vous of amorous Mapusa college students - purveyors of cold drinks
ice-creams and snacks – also make fabulous ­poies.

Well what’s so special about selling *poies *you might ask? Dozens of shops
and bakeries sell *poies. *Well Babaji’s ­*poies* are special because they
are large in size, have more whole wheat in them compared to the others in
the market and have a great flavour and taste. With the lock down and now
the pandemic scare, my visits to Mapusa are severely curtailed. In fact,
you can count on the fingers of one hand, the number of times I’ve been to
Mapusa since last March. So that puts the Kibosh on *poies *from Babajis.
I’m not so sure that they still do bake them, given that the demand must
have plummeted.

Whole wheat bread is something I am obsessed with for dietary reasons and
the local *poies *that we get are simply refined flour *poies *that are
dipped in rice/ wheat bran to give them the *asli *look. With no other
alternative, I have been living on the ersatz stuff and that was making me

About a little over a month ago, while surfing Youtube I came across “Atta
and Bread Makers.” Well that sounded interesting. So I started digging in
more. I discovered that an Atta and Bread maker is capable of making bread
for you using a “fill it, shut it, forget it” principle. That is, you dump
the ingredients into the machine, flip the switch on and hey, presto, a
loaf of bread awaits you at the end of the designated time. Exploring
further, I discovered that I could make no less than seventeen different
confections using the Atta and Bread Maker, (hereinafter called bread
maker). Some interesting stuff like chapatis, brownies, cakes, puddings,
pizzas and even jam.

So I trundled off to Amazon on my computer and a week later, I was the
proud possessor of a Kent Atta and Bread Maker. Yes, Kent – the R.O water
filter people. Because of the pandemic and a belief that the virus can
survive for up to 3 days on plastic wrapping, true or not, I tend to keep
all my Amazon purchases in my balcony for a period of 3 days – I fondly
call my balcony my Amazon quarantine.

As soon as the machine’s quarantine was over, with great fanfare the
machine was unveiled and the booklet hurriedly read. Basically, it was just
like a washing machine. Turn the machine on, shove your clothes in, select
your programme and wham! Punch the starter.

Now for my first venture. After listening to my wife’s advice, I decided to
make a loaf using all purpose flour – *maida. *The process was simplicity
itself. 3 cups (provided with the bread maker) of flour, One cup water, I
spoon instant dry yeast, 1 spoon salt, 2 scoops oil. All I had to do was to
arm the bread maker. Which consists of fitting the bread pan in the
machine, and fixing the mixing paddle). In go the liquids and the solids,
shut the machine, power on, select the programme, decide the colour of the
bread – light or dark and mashing the power switch. After three odd hours,
there was a lovely loaf of bread. The success was beyond my expectations.
Nevertheless, home-made bread is something to look forward to.

After my initial successful foray, I decided to be more adventurous and
settled for a whole wheat loaf of bread. Now, I was stunned to discover
that whole wheat bread isn’t necessarily whole wheat. It contains a good
bit of refined flour because a whole wheat bread when baked will fall on
itself unless it has gluten from refined flour to support it. My effort at
making a whole wheat loaf was successful but not entirely satisfactory
because the surface of the loaf was pitted and though it tasted good, it
was not aesthetic in appearance.

My third attempt was a disaster. The loaf turned into a biscuit. This was,
as I later discovered, because I had not proven the yeast which in this
case was active dry yeast, whereas previously, I had used instant dry

My next loaf was accidentally the best I had baked. It happened quite by
accident. I had decided to use 2 parts of *maida *to one part of* atta. *While
preparing the ingredients, instead of my usual 500 g loaf, I measured out
ingredients for a 750 g loaf. Unexpectedly, it turned out very successful.  It
was spongy, had a great golden crust, the top was smooth and the bubbles
evenly spread.

My quest for the perfect whole wheat loaf goes on. I have bought ‘bread
stengthener’ – vital wheat gluten to bring perfection to my fully whole
wheat loaf, but succe

Re: [Goanet] Retire with grace

2021-01-25 Thread Linken Fernandes
One of my favourite poems, it's a villanelle, which is "a lyrical poem
of nineteen lines. A villanelle is structured with five tercets, that is to
say a three-line stanza, and a quatrain, a stanza consisting of four lines,
at the end." Each tercet expresses a distinct sentiment and seems to stand
on its own, all tercets being nicely wrapped up in the final verse, the
quatrain. You don't get the full effect without the necessary pauses
between the tercets and the concluding quatrain.
Another villanelle worth checking out is William Empson's Missing Dates.

[Goanet] {Dilip's essays} Sexual assault is sexual assault, skin or no skin

2021-01-25 Thread Dilip D'Souza
Jan 26 2021

Rarely have I found myself shaking with anger, frustration and worry as
much as I did after reading news about a recent court judgement.

In brief: a man was convicted of sexually assaulting a 12 year-old girl in
2016. One of the convictions was under the Protection of Children from
Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act of 2012. He appealed to the Bombay High Court
(Nagpur Bench). A few days ago, Justice Pushpa Ganediwala there acquitted
him under POCSO (while upholding his convictions under other penal code
sections). She argued that what he had done did not amount to sexual
assault because there was no "skin to skin contact". (e.g. this report:
- and see the attached photo of part of the front page yesterday.)

Anyway, I channeled my shaking into an article that went on air today:

Let me know your thoughts.



Sexual assault is sexual assault, skin or no skin

I'm trying hard to write this calmly. Truth is, I am infuriated as I write.
Not least, because I have a young daughter.

Many years ago, I was a teenager in Delhi. My sister, two years younger
than me - about 13 or 14, please note - had an informal "summer job" with a
friend who ran a travel agency nearby. She would go there every day,
arrange papers and address envelopes and such like. It was really just a
chance for her to help out and feel like she was contributing.

But one day she came running home in tears, barely able to speak. A young
man at the agency had pawed her. We didn't ask if it was "inappropriate",
nor did she have to tell us. The state she was in said it all. He had
touched her as no girl should be touched and yet as pretty much every woman
in this country has been touched at some point in her life. You know what I

Leave aside legal language for a moment. An assault, and a sexual assault
in particular, is one of those things we recognize without needing it
defined. The tears and fear on my sister's face told the story well, that
day in Delhi. She knew what had happened to her. She knew it was wrong. All
at once, she was bewildered and betrayed and terrified.

I think of the 12 year-old girl whose case came before the Nagpur bench of
the Bombay High Court recently, and my sister's tear-streaked face from
many years ago swims up before me. That's why I know just how bewildered,
betrayed and terrified this 12 year-old must have felt, that day in 2016
when Satish Ragde lured her into a room and then grabbed her breast. Her
barely-formed breast, more than likely - as we all must know, as if that
even needs saying.

You want sexual assault? It's right there, in the terror and betrayal she

Whether the Court was aware of, or even empathized with, everything she
felt that day, I don't know. But in considering Ragde's appeal against his
conviction by a lower court, the language of the Protection of Children
from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act came up. Section 7 in the Act, which the
judgement quotes, reads in full:

7. Sexual assault - Whoever, with sexual intent touches the vagina, penis,
anus or breast of the child or makes the child touch the vagina, penis,
anus or breast of such person or any other person, or does any other Act
with sexual intent which involves physical contact without penetration, is
said to commit sexual assault.

The girl told the Court that Ragde "tried to remove her salwar and pressed
her breast." The judgement leaves no doubt that he did this much. Any
reading of Section 7 will conclude that his act was, therefore, a sexual
assault. After all, Ragde touched the "breast of the child." After all,
this was certainly a "physical contact without penetration." After all,
this was certainly with sexual intent.

But then the judgement has this baffling interpretation: "The act of
pressing of breast of the child aged 12 years, in the absence of any
specific detail as to whether the top was removed or whether he inserted
his hand inside top and pressed her breast, would not fall in the
definition of ‘sexual assault’." There's more bafflement lurking a little
further on: "There is no direct physical contact i.e. skin to skin with
sexual intent without penetration."

This is what infuriates me. It's one thing that the language in the POCSO
Act makes no mention of "skin to skin" contact (the word "skin" does not
appear anywhere in the Act). But I'd love an explanation - I imagine
hundreds of millions of women would, actually - of how, when a man grabs a
woman's breast as Ragde did this girl's breast, it is actually not "direct
physical contact".

Let's also ask a relevant question. Is there a woman in the world who would
say of such an event - "He only touched my clothes. He didn't touch my
breast"? Is there a woman in the world who would be less than outraged and
frightened by this? Is there a woman in th

[Goanet] Sex work, disability...

2021-01-25 Thread Frederick Noronha
Watch this video and you might change your perceptions of sex work,
disability and the intersection between the two (from Down Under):
FN* फ्रेड्रिक नोरोन्या * فريدريك نورونيا‎ +91-9822122436

Re: [Goanet] Rejuvenating SKIN & MUSCLE

2021-01-25 Thread BT Yahoo Mail

Hi E DeSouza and Roland,

I have heard about the Parsee CEO Poonawala's Serum Institute but sadly 
the foreign media usually tend to underreport or ignore India's 
achievements on anything.
I guess the reason is that India is not known for its scientific acumen 
and peasant types like Modi and his pals (like Shah or Yogi) keep 
hogging the limelight in virtually every area.
India has a very poor record in publishing world-class scientific 
papers. China is the world leader here, beating the USA itself from the 
last few years.

India claims to have hundreds of so called Universities'. What on earth 
do they do? How many are known for their research output? No wonder, 
Indian science is treated overseas as a joke, further corrupted by 
something called Vedic Science promoted by the likes of Modi.

Little is known overseas what India's Serum Institute is doing. Has it 
explained its role and its goals? You say it will supply the vaccine to 
several countries. Why is this not reported overseas? Why does the 
overseas media lack trust in Indian achievements?

Roland believes that "all your vaccines and all your pharmaceuticals 
come from Indian enterprise".
What does this mean? I am not talking of Indian successes overseas. But 
what on earth is happening in India itself?

Why is Indian governance so corrupt and chaotic?


-- Original Message --

From: "E DeSousa" 

To: "Goanet Org" 

Cc: "BT Yahoo Mail" 

Sent: Monday, 25 Jan, 21 At 18:21

Subject: Re:  At Last  a formula to rejuvenate SKIN & MUSCLE


Dear Eddie

There are, as you may have noticed plenty of claims by "Scientists" 
regarding human rejuvenation.

Earlier there was the claim by Israeli Scientists, who said they could 
reverse aging by using Oxygen hyperbaric chambers... Apparently this is 
a "thing" in Florida where old people of means are spending a lot of 
time inside such hyperbaric chambers- but so far there have been no 
Benjamin Buttons 

So as the Koreans are experiencing a birth rate crisis of epic 
proportions, maybe their priorities are directed to increase the life 
span and quality of life of the living?

Regarding the Indians, no need to sell them short. For example Adar 
Poonavala the CEO of Serum Institute of India in Pune, says his company 
is on track to produce and provide COVID 19 vaccines to over half the 
worlds population. That would be over 3.6 Billion people.

Also you may have noticed that India is so far, going to be donating 
Covid vaccines to neighboring countries like Bhutan, Bangladesh, Nepal, 
Myanmar, Seychelles,Sri Lanka, Afghanistan and Mauritius.

Best Regards,


Re: [Goanet] Rejuvenating SKIN & MUSCLE

2021-01-25 Thread Roland Francis
India has several hundred drug manufacturers but not all of them are to decent 
standard. Those are the ones that supply inferior product to Govt connected 
suppliers and schemes for example, all Govt free hospitals used by indigent 

The other kind are a handful and are world class with international branding 
usually supplying domestic markets on the higher price side and also sending to 
emerging countries (same items as in western countries but at much lower 
prices).Lastly there are the manufacturers supplying generic product makers in 
Canada like Apotex and Teva. There is also a very thriving raw pharma industry 
that supplies all the world’s big brands who then end-manufacture the finished 
product in western countries giving the impression that the whole item is made 

Of course Marshall Mendonca a Goanetter and former executive of Glen Pharma 
(owned by Glen Saldanha one of India’s richest men), can correct me and put 
what I said in better context and form.

Really the whole industry is s complicated Rubic’s Cube and needs good 
international regulation.

> On Jan 25, 2021, at 3:07 PM, BT Yahoo Mail  wrote:
> Hi E DeSouza and Roland,
> I have heard about the Parsee CEO Poonawala's Serum Institute but sadly the 
> foreign media usually tend to underreport or ignore India's achievements on 
> anything.
> I guess the reason is that India is not known for its scientific acumen and 
> peasant types like Modi and his pals (like Shah or Yogi) keep hogging the 
> limelight in virtually every area.
> India has a very poor record in publishing world-class scientific papers. 
> China is the world leader here, beating the USA itself from the last few 
> years.
> India claims to have hundreds of so called Universities'. What on earth do 
> they do? How many are known for their research output? No wonder, Indian 
> science is treated overseas as a joke, further corrupted by something called 
> Vedic Science promoted by the likes of Modi.
> Little is known overseas what India's Serum Institute is doing. Has it 
> explained its role and its goals? You say it will supply the vaccine to 
> several countries. Why is this not reported overseas? Why does the overseas 
> media lack trust in Indian achievements?
> Roland believes that "all your vaccines and all your pharmaceuticals come 
> from Indian enterprise".
> What does this mean? I am not talking of Indian successes overseas. But what 
> on earth is happening in India itself?
> Why is Indian governance so corrupt and chaotic?
> Eddie
> -- Original Message --
> From: "E DeSousa" 
> To: "Goanet Org" 
> Cc: "BT Yahoo Mail" 
> Sent: Monday, 25 Jan, 21 At 18:21
> Subject: Re:  At Last  a formula to rejuvenate SKIN & MUSCLE
> Comment:
> Dear Eddie
> There are, as you may have noticed plenty of claims by "Scientists" regarding 
> human rejuvenation.
> Earlier there was the claim by Israeli Scientists, who said they could 
> reverse aging by using Oxygen hyperbaric chambers... Apparently this is a 
> "thing" in Florida where old people of means are spending a lot of time 
> inside such hyperbaric chambers- but so far there have been no Benjamin 
> Buttons 
> So as the Koreans are experiencing a birth rate crisis of epic proportions, 
> maybe their priorities are directed to increase the life span and quality of 
> life of the living?
> Regarding the Indians, no need to sell them short. For example Adar Poonavala 
> the CEO of Serum Institute of India in Pune, says his company is on track to 
> produce and provide COVID 19 vaccines to over half the worlds population. 
> That would be over 3.6 Billion people.
> Also you may have noticed that India is so far, going to be donating Covid 
> vaccines to neighboring countries like Bhutan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Myanmar, 
> Seychelles,Sri Lanka, Afghanistan and Mauritius.
> Best Regards,
> E.


2021-01-25 Thread Aires Rodrigues
To ensure transparency in the recruitment, the Goa Government had in 2019
set up a three member Staff Selection Commission. The commission was set up
by the state government to allow recruitment for all posts in ‘C’ and ‘D’
categories in a very transparent manner and without any political

With an eye on the 2022 Assembly elections the government proposes to
recruit for over 10,000 posts. In yet another retrograde move the
government now wants to amend the Staff Selection Commission Act so that
the government departments themselves conduct examinations and select
candidates for the posts. With this proposed amendment, the Staff Selection
Commission will become toothless and redundant while defeating the very
objective of ushering the much needed transparency in the selection process.

Over the last few years thousands have been brazenly recruited into
government service with merit thrown to the winds. It has been a deceitful
attempt to create a vote bank while almost all jobs have been dished away
to those without merit. All this is reflecting in the functioning of the
government offices with very incompetent staff having managed to creep in
with the blessings of their political god fathers.

Any political or other interference and manipulation in the selection of
employees is unacceptable. Infact the selection, promotion and transfer of
all employees should be totally insulated from any political or other
machinations whatsoever. It should be all
strictly on merit and merit alone should be the sole criteria in the
selection and appointment of every employee to any post.

As government employees are paid by the State Exchequer, the public is
entitled to have the best and brightest to serve them. There also has to be
a very robust mechanism in place to check the authenticity of educational
and other certificates submitted by candidates aspiring for jobs. The sad
tale last year of how the Deputy Speaker’s son was trying to sneak in as
Awal Karkun should never repeat again.

The Civil and public service must always be of the highest caliber and
truly independent, defending its neutrality and impartiality while not used
or abused according to the whims of the political bosses. This is vital for
good governance if the public who are the real paymasters are to have any
faith and trust in the civil service and feel that they are getting value
for money and a good return on taxes they pay.  The bureaucracy in Goa
cannot be acting as caged parrots of the politicians in Power. .

Aires Rodrigues

Advocate High Court

C/G-2, Shopping Complex

Ribandar Retreat,

Ribandar – Goa – 403006

Mobile No: 9822684372

Office Tel  No: (0832) 2444012



You can also reach me on AiresRodrigues


Re: [Goanet] Retire with Grace

2021-01-25 Thread Frederick Noronha
Retirement at 62, 60, 58 (or whatever age the political class of the day
decide to make us redundant) is too early! Btw, I retired at 32... the age
at which I gave up (voluntarily) my full-time job, and never regretted that
decision for a single day of my life. So far. (Apart from the fact that
some snarky Goanetters would wonder how I made a living, and though there
was something fishy about it!)

Of course, "retirement" is more of an emotional thingy. We feel redundant
and useless after this "milestone" is crossed. I've never worked as hard,
partly because I needed to make it work (no going back), but also because I
was "in control" (more or less) and enjoyed the creativity that flowed out
of it.

My friend, Dr Ajit Shirodkar, the US-educated
chemist-turned-horticulturist, has this theory that we need a second career
in our 50s. This is just to keep ourselves intellectually alive and active.
God forbid, what if we actually live till 80? We would be bored stiff,
either carrying on with the same work, or doing nothing...

Secretly, I'm scouting around for other challenges :-) Sooner or later, I
hope to run into them. There's no fear of "retirement" then. Donkeys, and
journalists, they say, never retire. Thank god! FN
FN* फ्रेड्रिक नोरोन्या * فريدريك نورونيا‎ +91-9822122436

Re: [Goanet] Retire with Grace

2021-01-25 Thread Roland Francis
This was a Frank Kafka aphorism (pithy observation containing some truth) 
written during his recuperation from tuberculosis.

Later turned into a children’s story by Carl Fagan about a cage looking for a 
bird, getting rejected by many birds who preferred to be free and finally 
finding one who wanted a cage. The story later became an lower elementary text 


> On Jan 25, 2021, at 12:24 PM, E DeSousa  wrote:
> The following lines I can remember but not the name of the author. It is 
> indeed difficult to remember names after 70.
> "I am defined by what I do
> Said the cage in search of a bird
> and when I am empty
> I am absurd!"
> My suggestion to you Nelson Bab, is take up painting, perhaps. 
> You could follow  Bob Ross

Re: [Goanet] Retire with Grace

2021-01-25 Thread E DeSousa
Nelson Lopes writes:
After retirement one feels low, unwanted and discarded in the dustbin of 
History . During employment ,the position, power and influence, we wielded, 
makes us intoxicated with nostalgia of our great worth If it is the chair and 
position you nurtured with pride then the world around you will collapse like a 
deck of cards.

The following lines I can remember but not the name of the author. It is indeed 
difficult to remember names after 70.

"I am defined by what I do
Said the cage in search of a bird

and when I am empty
I am absurd!"
My suggestion to you Nelson Bab, is take up painting, perhaps. 
You could follow  Bob Ross tutorials on YouTube. You may yet find excitement!
Borem Zaichem,


Re: [Goanet] At Last a formula to rejuvenate SKIN & MUSCLE

2021-01-25 Thread E DeSousa
Eddie writes:

From: BT Yahoo Mail 
Subject: [Goanet] At Last  a formula to rejuvenate SKIN & MUSCLE
Message-ID: <>Content-Type: 
text/plain; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed; delsp=no

Great News.
Scientists at the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology 
(KAIST) have discovered a way to make skin cells ?grow younger.? They 
claim the original technique can be used to ?reverse the ageing process 
and prevent diseases related to ageing and prolong life span.? Speaking 
to RT from KAIST University, Professor Kwang-Hyun Cho, the lead 
scientist in the study, said  seeing the revitalized skin in the 
laboratory was ?dramatic,? and added that the newly discovered technique 
?applies not only to human skin but also to our whole body.? Professor 
Cho described his newly developed technique as ?opening the door for a 
new generation that perceives ageing as a reversible biological 

The results showed that the overall functionality of skin tissue was 
regenerated, giving the skin a healthy amount of collagen and elastic 
fibres, ridding the tissue of wrinkles. The promise of the technique 
could see an end to the ravages of age like dryness, creases, loss of 
elasticity and thinning skin.

And what about the Indians?
The BJP jokers  have a much simpler remedy to rejuvenate anything:
Just say: Sri Ram, Jai Sri Ram

Dear EddieThere are, as you may have noticed plenty of claims by 
"Scientists"regarding human rejuvenation.Earlier there was the claim by Israeli 
Scientists, who said they could reverse aging by using Oxygen hyperbaric 
chambers... Apparently this is a "thing" in Florida where old people of means 
are spending a lot of time inside such hyperbaric chambers- but so far there 
have been no Benjamin Buttons So as the Koreans are experiencing a birth 
rate crisis of epic proportions, maybe their priorities are directed to 
increase the life span and quality of life of the living?

Regarding the Indians, no need to sell them short. For example Adar Poonavala 
the CEO of Serum Institute of India in Pune, says his company is on track to 
produce and provide COVID 19 vaccines to over half the worlds population. That 
would be over 3.6 Billion people. 
Also you may have noticed that India is so far, going to be donating Covid 
vaccines to neighboring countries like Bhutan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Myanmar, 
Seychelles,Sri Lanka, Afghanistan and Mauritius.

Best Regards,

[Goanet] RIP Sylvestre Nazareth

2021-01-25 Thread Tony de Sa
Moira's illustrious son, nuclear scientist Sylvestre Nazareth passed away
in Germany today.

Condolences to the family.

Tony de Sa

Wishing you a very happy new year 2021

[Goanet] Making You Younger

2021-01-25 Thread Roland Francis
Eddie DeSa’s Post about the Korean Scientist reminds me of Cross Maidan in 
Bombay’s Dhobitalao in the 60s outside of which itinerant Pathans from 
Afghanistan would sit, with a wide cloth spread on the pavement, on top of 
which were displayed all sorts of roots, barks and powders. The Pathan would 
give a sales pitch in half Pashtu, half Hindusthani, mainly referring to a) how 
this would make you younger and b) how this would improve your sex life.

It was amusing to see young Goan couples who had come to the Maidan for 
relaxation, crowd around the Pathans hearing his spiel and wondering if it were 
true. The shy maidens would prod their male partners to ask for more 
information on the sex potions or even to pressure to buy them, eyes darting to 
and fro to ensure no friends or neighbours were in the crowd.

On another note Eddie’s obvious revulsion for the BJP does not apply to Indian 
ingenuity. BJP or no BJP, young Indians continue to be talented, ingenious and 
inventive even with the limited options open to them. Were it not for the 
culture of corruption, the money-grabbing politicians and their sycophantic 
bureaucrats, who knows where India would have reached. 

Don’t forget Eddie, even being in the UK, all your vaccines and all your 
pharmaceuticals come from Indian enterprise.

Scientists at the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) 
have discovered a way to make skin cells “grow younger.” They claim the 
original technique can be used to “reverse the ageing process and prevent 
diseases related to ageing and prolong life span.” Speaking to RT from KAIST 
University, Professor Kwang-Hyun Cho, the lead scientist in the study, said 
seeing the revitalized skin in the laboratory was “dramatic,”
Quote ends.


Re: [Goanet] Retire with grace

2021-01-25 Thread Roland Francis
Dylan Thomas - Always famous for his word imagery, this is one of his best
works. However his rostering, boisterous nature will not sit well with our
gentle, respected Nelson Lopes.


On Mon, Jan 25, 2021 at 11:55 AM Linken Fernandes 

> Do not go gentle into that good night,
> Old age should burn and rave at close of day;
> Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
> Though wise men at their end know dark is right,
> Because their words had forked no lightning they
> Do not go gentle into that good night.
> --
Roland Francis

[Goanet] Hero I-League Match Report: Gokulam Kerala FC steam past Neroca FC to move up the points table

2021-01-25 Thread Media Dept
Dear colleagues,

Please find below the match report from the second Hero I-League 2020-21
match of the day.

*Gokulam Kerala FC steam past Neroca FC to move up the points table*

Gokulam Kerala FC got back to winning ways, defeating Neroca FC 4-1 at the
Kalyani Municipal Stadium in Kalyani, West Bengal today (January 25, 2021)
to take their tally on the Hero I-League table to six points.

*Read more:*

*Match images:*


Please find below some of our previous articles.

*1. Churchill Brothers defeat Sudeva Delhi FC to extend lead atop Hero
I-League table*

*Read here:*

*Match images:*

*2. Discipline and teamwork most important learning at Indian Arrows:
RoundGlass Punjab FC’s Suranjit Singh*

*Read here:*


Request you to follow our OFFICIAL accounts:




Best Regards,

Media Department, AIFF.



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[Goanet] Retire with grace

2021-01-25 Thread Linken Fernandes
Do not go gentle into that good night,
Old age should burn and rave at close of day;
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Though wise men at their end know dark is right,
Because their words had forked no lightning they
Do not go gentle into that good night.

Good men, the last wave by, crying how bright
Their frail deeds might have danced in a green bay,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

Wild men who caught and sang the sun in flight,
And learn, too late, they grieved it on its way,
Do not go gentle into that good night.

Grave men, near death, who see with blinding sight
Blind eyes could blaze like meteors and be gay,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

And you, my father, there on that sad height,
Curse, bless, me now with your fierce tears, I pray.
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Dylan Thomas



[Goanet] The Fool That Is Boris Johnson

2021-01-25 Thread Roland Francis
This may be only a beginning perhaps?

The UK is adjusting to its new Brexit reality, and the fishing industry is 
being hit especially hard, with fresh catches reportedly being left to rot as 
exporters cannot get them to the European Union. Some logistics firms worry 
that importing and exporting may not even be viable for some businesses unless 
a different deal is struck with the EU. Shipping has become a problem, too, and 
businesses have reported piles of returned packages. The UK’s economy has 
contracted in the first quarter, leading to real concerns about a double-dip 
recession amid ongoing pandemic challenges.


[Goanet] ‘Silence’ Please.

2021-01-25 Thread Roland Francis
German Catholic Officials require ‘silence’ from reporters on Child Abuse 

The Archdiocese of Cologne called for a press conference on Tuesday, January 
5th, to discuss an unpublished report investigating child abuse in the German 
Catholic Church. 

Specifically, church officials were to explain issues regarding the report's 
methodology. According to Cologne Archbishop Reiner Maria Woelki, these issues 
were the reason for withholding the current document from the public. Church 
representatives said they would show journalists a redacted version of the 

They also asked reporters to sign a pledge to keep the contents "secret," 
including information on crimes, alleged perpetrators, and implicated church 
officials. The agreement read, "the journalist commits himself to exercise 
absolute silence regarding this information." 

All of the journalists at the event refused to sign the statement.


[Goanet] Schedule for Tuesday 26th January 2021

2021-01-25 Thread CCR TV
Channel of God's love✝

You can also watch CCR TV live on your smartphone via the CCR TV App
Available on Google PlayStore for Android Platform.
Click the link below.
Email ID:

Schedule for Tuesday 26th January 2021

12:00 AM
Rosary - Sorrowful Mysteries

12:24 AM
Hymns - St Thereza's HS, Raia

12:28 AM
Bhurgeanchem magnnem aplea avoi-bapaik

12:30 AM
Catechism for First Holy Communion -20

12:48 AM
Tell me a Story - Episode  7 - Noah build the Ark

12:57 AM
Bhurgem Zaunchem Asa Team Avoiancher Bhagevont Zuze Vazache Mozotin Magnnem

1:00 AM
Mass in Konkani for Monday

1:50 AM
Our Father - Kannada

1:55 AM
Song - Dubhav - Jerson Fernandes

2:00 AM
Saibinnichi Ruzai - Dukhiche Mister

2:25 AM
Amchi Bhas Amche Borovpi  - Silvestrina Pereira interviewed by Daniel F. de

2:55 AM
Ximpientlim Motiam - Bhag 25 - Bhiku - Fr Pratap Naik sj

3:06 AM
Session 7 - Pastoral Letter 2020-21

3:24 AM
Devachem Utor  - Matev Avesvor 2 - Vachpi Orlando D'Souza

3:32 AM
Apologetics - Peter - Talk by Steve Ray

5:00 AM
Mass Media and Role of Education - Talk by Sr Saral

5:12 AM
Jesus the Truth  -Sr Lissy Kurian

5:43 AM
Devai Podvi Asa - A Short Film

6:02 AM
How we got the Bible- Talk by Dr Sarita Nazareth

6:35 AM
Hymn -I will sing - Choir Praise Adonai

6:40 AM
My  Music Videos - Jezu Mhojo Raja - Myran Travasso

6:46 AM
My Music Videos - Ixtt Mhozo - Fr Mariano SIlveira

6:50 AM
My Music Videos  - Khuxe Monan Gorib Tim Subhagi

6:57 AM
Sokalchem Magnnem  -  Bhagevont

7:00 AM
Devachem Utor  - Matev Avesvor 2 - Vachpi Orlando D'Souza

7:08 AM
Bhajans 1

7:40 AM
Morning Prayer  -  Men and Women Saints

7:45 AM
Our Father - Hindi

7:50 AM
Ximpientlim Motiam - Bhag  125  -  Bebe - Fr Pratap Naik sj

7:56 AM
Novena Prayer to St Joseph Vaz

8:00 AM
Mass from Cuncolim Novena 3

9:00 AM
Bible Project -  Justice

9:08 AM
Katholik Quiz - Manevont Pri. Agnelo de Souza conducted by Shenaya Pereira

9:20 AM
Why did Jesus become incarnate , crucified and resurrected? - Talk by Dr
Sarita Nazareth

9:54 AM
Hymns - Amkam Puro Jezu - by Fabiola Lopes and Group

10:20 AM
Healing - Talk by Fr Thamburaj sj

10:47 AM
Poem - Are we free? Really? - Larissa Rodrigues

10:51 AM
Talk: Voch ani Tum-vui Tuxench Kor -  Manisha Pereira

10:55 AM
Catechism for First Holy Communion -20

11:15 AM
Intercessions (English)

11:30 AM
Mass in English from Panjim Church followed by Daily Flash

12:20 PM
Can Widowed Persons experience Abundant Life? - Prof Nicholas D'Souza

12:45 PM
Amchi Bhas Amche Borovpi  - Fr Michael Fernandes interviewed by Daniel de

1:13 PM
Desire for God - Talk by Godfrey Pereira

1:40 PM
Environment - Protecting our Oceans - Nandini Velho interviews Aaron Savio

2:08 PM
On the Third Day  - Brinjal Cultivation

2:34 PM
Concert - Mil Mel Nel Solo Singing Competition - Adlim Cantaram - 1

3:04 PM
Entrepreneurship -  Celestin Mascarenhas - Green Solutions - interviewed by
Basil D'Cunha

3:30 PM
Deivik Kaklutichi Magnneam

3:40 PM
53rd Mando Festival - Amchem Diaz, Assolna - Dance

3:54 PM
My Music Video - Soirik'kar - Matchmaker - Mil-Mel-Nel

4:00 PM
Rosary - Sorrowful Mysteries

4:24 PM
Reflection on the Gospel - Dominicans

4:30 PM
Senior Citizens Exercises - 9

5:00 PM
Praise and Worship -   Magno Menezes - SJVRC

5:28 PM
Talk  on 2 Itihas 7: 14 by Fr Eusico Pereira

5:55 PM
Prayer for India 5

6:00 PM
Angelus - English

6:02 PM
Homily on Feast of Our Lady of Fatima - Fr Joseph SIlva

6:14 PM
Xapai - Xamaichem Magnnem

6:18 PM
Intercessions (Konkani)

6:30 PM
Mass in Konkani from Archbishops House followed by Jivitacho Prokas

7:20 PM
Tell me a Story - Episode  7 - Noah build the Ark

7:30 PM
Saibinnichi Ruzai - Dukhiche Mister

7:55 PM
Prayer to St. Joseph by Pope Francis

7:57 PM
Prayer to St Joseph By Pope Francis (Konkani)

8:00 PM
Msgr Fr Alex Rebello interviewed by Prof Nicholas D'Souza

8:27 PM
Vocation Story - Sr Sushma Kullu

8:35 PM
Hymn - Yes, I Shall Arise- Fr Seville Antao OFM(Cap)

8:37 PM
Church - Talk by Gaurish Naik

9:00 PM
Devachem Utor  - Matev Avesvor 3 - Vachpi Orlando D'Souza

9:08 PM
Adoration 7 - St Anthony Church, Siolim

9:37 PM
Ratchem Magnem

9:52 PM
Literally Goa - Cyril A. Fernandes interviewed by Frederick Noronha

10:21 PM
Music - From Jazz Goa - 3rd Anniv

10:38 PM
Youtsing - All Goa Virual Choir - Part 1

11:30 PM
CCR TV visits Xavier Centre of Historical Research

Donations may be made to:
Beneficiary name : CCR GOA MEDIA.
Name of Bank : ICICI Bank
Branch Name: Panaji Branch
Savings Bank Account No : 262401000183

Re: [Goanet] Why The Emigration?

2021-01-25 Thread W.F.
 WOW thats great God Bless 
On Sunday, January 24, 2021, 11:15:34 PM GMT+4, Gabe Menezes 
 I am more than impressed!

I was born in Nairobi, Kenya. Went to London straight after school.  Joined
the RAF, left and joined Mitsui and Co, s major Japanese Trading Co. Left
and joined an USA Bank, in London, whose address was 1 Wall Street NYK.
Never looked back after that! Left them went to Saudi, with RIYADH BANK.
Finishing off working for a Saudi a prince. I'D do it all over again. I
retired @ 45. Amen.

On Sun, 24 Jan 2021, - A

> Reminiscent Tour.  2012; Goa,1556.]
> --
> FN* फ्रेड्रिक नोरोन्या * فريدريك نورونيا‎ +91-9822122436

Re: [Goanet] Retire with Grace.

2021-01-25 Thread W.F.
On Sunday, January 24, 2021, 11:27:12 PM GMT+4, Roland Francis 
 Nelson you are completely right in what you say, but there is no need to feel 
helpless and sad at one’s situation. Here are a few ways you can combat it.

1. Stopping running around to fulfill your children’s family needs. No 
babysitting (you have long completed that part), no doing their odd jobs 
because they do full time jobs and think you have time on your hands.

2. Get out of the house daily on any pretext and meet for breakfast or 
otherwise with a group of same age, like minded spirited friends who like to 
have a laugh and don’t relapse too much into their medical problems.

3. Go for every event you can. With your wife if she wants to, alone if you 
have to. Church feasts, cultural events, musical shows, village celebrations 
are all fair game. Do the small things you wanted to do for which you never had 
the time.

4. You have an in-hand voluntary project in P.C. Trust. Take it in new 
directions, bring in young volunteers and scholarship beneficiaries to do the 
physical work. You concentrate on the new creative ideas, delegation and 

These activities will dispel all your feelings of being made to feel redundant, 
unneeded and will bolster your self esteem.


> On Jan 24, 2021, at 9:12 AM, Nelson Lopes  wrote:
> After  retirement  one feels low, unwanted and discarded  in the dustbin of
> History  During employment ,the position, power  and influence, we wielded,
> makes us intoxicated with  nostalgia of our great worth  If it is the chair
> and position you nutured with pride  then the world around you will
> collapse like a deck of cards.

[Goanet] At Last a formula to rejuvenate SKIN & MUSCLE

2021-01-25 Thread BT Yahoo Mail

Great News.
Scientists at the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology 
(KAIST) have discovered a way to make skin cells “grow younger.” They 
claim the original technique can be used to “reverse the ageing process 
and prevent diseases related to ageing and prolong life span.” Speaking 
to RT from KAIST University, Professor Kwang-Hyun Cho, the lead 
scientist in the study, said  seeing the revitalized skin in the 
laboratory was “dramatic,” and added that the newly discovered technique 
“applies not only to human skin but also to our whole body.” Professor 
Cho described his newly developed technique as “opening the door for a 
new generation that perceives ageing as a reversible biological 

The results showed that the overall functionality of skin tissue was 
regenerated, giving the skin a healthy amount of collagen and elastic 
fibres, ridding the tissue of wrinkles. The promise of the technique 
could see an end to the ravages of age like dryness, creases, loss of 
elasticity and thinning skin.

And what about the Indians?
The BJP jokers  have a much simpler remedy to rejuvenate anything:
Just say: Sri Ram, Jai Sri Ram


Re: [Goanet] Why The Emigration?

2021-01-25 Thread Mervyn Lobo
 On Sunday, January 24, 2021, 08:03:02 a.m. CST, Frederick Noronha 
 Why do Goans migrate? Just tried to list some reasons... let me know if you
feel some don't swim... FN

01 Aspiring to a better life, at times illusory
101 Above all, it's a personal decision, something no logic

FN,The biggest reason Goans migrate is because they have a sense of adventure. 
Without that, you will remain in your parents house till the day you die. The 
more adventure there is in you, the stronger the call is.

Secondly, I had an ideal, pampered life in Tanzania when I decided to move. The 
unknown is more enticing than the known, to many. 

Lastly, Goa is always ready to embrace its prodigal sons. You can roam the 
umpteen seas - but will always be welcomed back. 



[Goanet] Voters prescription

2021-01-25 Thread Nelson Lopes
Voters prescription
Close  to the election time ,voters are in a flurry to prescribe
solutions,  but is there  apatient, who will be willing to dutifully abide?
No sooner the results are declared, the winners are free to make the
decision, irrespective of the party, voters or the moral ethical
prinnciples.An opportunity to be with those in power is their predominant
aim and obviously the reason is development of the constituency  albeit
carmouflaging  their own,The antidefection law is toothless.The defectors
resign and are re lected  by the very same voters.or onethird defect to
greener pastures  till  the next  term.Neither the voter or party has any
recourse.The clamour for recall is non starter  and provision  of NOTA, IS
TOO symbolic. When parties loose,theu resort to poaching   more easy and
convenient, of course, though  it comes with a stiff price and demand for
PARTIES cannot digest being in the desert,wilderness of opposition hence
flout all norms and bend legislations.
Parties are not serious about a
Full proof anti defection laws  as everyone stands to gain.Simple
solutions, limit term in office for two terms.Then all those who
defect,includinndepend ents defying will of voters,their manifestos  and
solemn promises be barred for two terms from contesting elections or
occupying any position  of power  and administrative posts. It will do away
with  prolonged court cases and purposive delays by speaker or his bias
decisions  to protect the fectors and safeguard party s fortunes.The lure
of tax free perks, influence,position,pensions makes it most attractive
profession sans educational qualifications and experience and needs to be
diluted  keeping common man in mind, remembering it  as a social
service,not gainful employment
The voters  are taken for a ride and can do nothing about it ,accept to
hold their vote or demand a price  ,neither of which makes significant dent
of electoral results with illiterate  masses being in the majority

Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

[Goanet] Retire with Grace

2021-01-25 Thread Mervyn Maciel
To the interesting list that Roland has suggested, I would
emphasise voluntary work.
  In retirement, I have never felt dull or unwanted but on the contrary
looked forward to the challenges ahead. In fact, I find myself busier in
retirement than during my working life. There is so much one can do in
  I have found doing voluntary work the most rewarding and uplifting.
  Some of us have this mistaken  idea that retirement means' putting one's
up and relaxing". This will lead to doom!  I have often been asked by fellow
Goans - " How do you pass your time"?   My answer to that is a simple one-
 "Not enough hours in the day".
Lending  a helping hand and making oneself available to others can change
your life.

Mervyn Maciel