[Goanet] The True Face of India at its Best (Dhaka Tribune, 6/8/2021)

2021-08-06 Thread V M

Every four years in predictable rotation, the Olympic Games become another
pearl-clutching moment for India’s chattering classes.

As every day passes, the nation of 1.3 billion continues to fall far down
the medal standings. At the time of writing, it’s ranked 64th  in Tokyo,
behind the four-way tie of Kyrgyzstan, Dominican Republic, Colombia and
Armenia, whose combined population is less than that of Rajasthan.

Zoom into those athletes who do win, and it’s apparent that genuinely
world-class India is far removed from the images that are usually projected
by its triumphalist majoritarians.

This is the boxing champion Lovlina Borghoain from Golaghat in Assam, whose
rural home is reached by a road that was only begun to be paved after she
was guaranteed a medal.

It is Saikhom Mirabai Chanu of Imphal in Manipur, whose weightlifting
heroics have made her celebrated as “India’s daughter” by the same
constituencies that usually treat her people with suspicion for being
allegedly insufficiently patriotic.

Most compelling is the relentlessly resilient women’s hockey team that
pulled off one of the greatest upsets in the sport’s history, by holding
off overwhelmingly favoured Australia to make it into the semi-finals.

Here is the true face of India at its best: former child labourer Neha
Goyal, Nikki Pradhan whose hometown in Jharkhand is controlled by Maoist
militias, 21-year-old Lalremsiami of Mizoram, who didn’t speak Hindi or
English at all when first selected. Their captain Rani Rampal’s father
pulled handcarts to feed his family.

All these are invisible Indians from the vast silent majority that serves
the whims and fancies of the urban affluent (who comprise at best one-fifth
of the country’s population). Once the Olympic Games are over, they will go
back to being “the servant class.”

In his Mint column this week, Manu Joseph (his 2010 *Serious Men* is one of
the best novels of the 21st century) struck bullseye by pointing out “the
very existence of Indian athletes of global calibre is not because of
India, but in spite of India.”

Joseph says “to be young in India and be talented in any sport other than
cricket is among the great human misfortunes. The whole nation seems
designed to treat every Indian as a poor person. Any comfort, even
air-conditioning, is wrongly perceived by administrators as a luxury. If
you have ever been on a school or college team, and participated in
government-run competitions, you will know how gloomy the sports scene is.”

Those responsible for this extraordinarily shabby state of affairs
constantly make excuses for their incompetence and mismanagement.

As Joseph says, “the talented poor do not know that they deserve better;
that it is very easy for their nation to organize meets that start on time,
provide bottled water for every athlete, offer hotel accommodation instead
of lodging contestants in unused railway compartments, offer shelters so
that athletes don’t wait for their events in the hot sun, ensure that girls
are not harassed and no one has to endure the petty politics of sports
administrators who use sporting federations as spring-boards to low-rung

“Indian nationalism is chiefly about the rich recruiting the poor to do the
difficult job of making India proud,” concludes Joseph. This leads to a
grotesque situation, where “one of the most unfit societies in the world,
with a majority who cannot sprint 50 metres [is] filled with strong
opinions about athletes who have reached the global stage despite the
mediocrity of their politicians and administrators.”

That precise scenario has been playing out at length on social media all
through these Olympics. One set of exchanges on Twitter involved the
outstanding cricket all-rounder Shikha Pandey (she is the first Air Force
officer to play for India), who has been posting infectiously enthusiastic
messages of support to the Olympians.

On July 31, she posted a meme that means “I’ve got my eyes on you” with the
message: “Indian #olympics women athletes to patriarchy right now…and

Amongst some messages of support came the predictable hate: “Stupid
westernised bullshit thought process... Get well soon in your head... We
are children of Aadhi Shakthi Don't mix sports with your Feminazi

I am a huge fan of Pandey – who belongs to my home state of Goa – and her
entire Indian women’s cricket team, which plays with the verve and élan
that was long ago sapped from the game of their male counterparts.

 When I asked her what it takes for Indian women to play sports at the
highest level, Pandey responded, “The single most difficult thing about
being a sportswoman from and in India is overcoming the social taboos and
the cultural baggage that come along.”

She said, “Patriarchy is such a vast subject, and its roots are so deep
into our system and society. A simple example is - a boy growing up is

[Goanet] The chair is empty?

2021-08-06 Thread Joao Barros-Pereira
we are
not in charge

the English
my friend

after all

is dead

who is?
i ask

no idea
cover 19

what does joao want to say?


2021-08-06 Thread Nelson Lopes
Bhumiputra adikarni bill

Bumiputra Adikarni bill

The BJP  Govt is under sustained  ,unprecedented  pressure  against it  ,
both about intent and title.The hurry to rush legislation without due
process and opposition strategy to  boycott facilitated it
Lawyers and legal luminaries  have opined that it will not stand the test
of  legal scrutiny.It is clear that it was an act of  appeasement  to
placar vote bank with false hopes  . It is illegality per se and amounts to
robbing Peter to pay Paul
Goa geographically  is a small Area  and land resource is finite and
limited. Conferring ownership rights by allocating House numbers to illegal
structure is blatant indiscretion.Already electric and water connections
are released to these dwelling units built on encroachment on communidade
and private lands.Now to confer ownership rights  on rented premises
irrespective of other factors and legal contracts is absurdity.
Now a piquant situation  for accomodation  will arise as no one will be
prepared to rent the premises   ,once bitten twice  shy. The Govt,
contractors will be forced to provide temporary accomodation to the
floating, migrant labour force.Ot may be best fall out of this legislation
Years ago Willuam de Curtorim   , Francis de Tuem had premonition of this
exact  situations and warned them to be cautious
No one except politicians see merit in this legislation  The whole  of Goa
and organisations, groups  have mounted  a campaign  that has sent jitters
in BJP camp  forcing a rethink ,retract ,as adverse publicity will damage
their electoral prospects at the hustings Besides Mauvin others sitting on
the fence ,directing tirade against him are beneficiaries  of migrant
appeasements and enjoying ring side view

Nelson Lopes Chinchinim 9850926276

[Goanet] Monkey bhaat

2021-08-06 Thread Nelson Lopes
Monkey Bhat
Desh vassiyom
India a Nation of 1.3 crore population could show  not a single gold medal
as yet
Boria mujamdar  predictions of double digit medals have come to naught
Compare number of  olympuc medals  that great Indian athletes won in
comparison  with less population   ,less popular  countries which are by
far in disadvantageous  condition in comparison with resourceful,
scientifically advanced India
A great India has no sports minister and time to put in place a sports
That will not just  live on hopes, promises, missed opportunities until
next Olympics  as a soothing balm at our failures
Instead of capitalising,hype at the highest level on dismal performance,
start on right earnest right away
Provide incentives, training, infrastructure,kits and food supplements
Much may have been  done but much more  needs to be done to meet Olympic
standards and success at the pidium
First time Nari Shakti is in view

[Goanet] A Horrendous Nuclear Anniversary Hiroshima

2021-08-06 Thread Adolfo Mascarenhas
Yes On Aug 6 1946 the US took the decision to drop the Bomb to shorten
the War . Three days later another was dropped in  yet another city.

It is estimated that over 150,000 people die, some pulverized, others by
falling debris . Men, wom en and children killed indiscriminately, The
explosion travelled at the rate of 182,000 miles per second.

All I can say is PEACE ..Let us spend a second at least  for the souls
of those who perished

Adolfo Mascaarenhas
Makongo Juu

During the war MacAuther Wanted to drop yet another Bomb..he was dismissed
by Truman

[Goanet] Schedule for Saturday 7th August 2021

2021-08-06 Thread CCR TV
Channel of God's love✝

You can also watch CCR TV live on your smartphone via the CCR TV App
Available on Google PlayStore for Android Platform.
Click the link below.
Email ID:  ccrgoame...@gmail.com

Schedule for Saturday 7th  August 2021

12:00 AM
Rosary - Joyful Mysteries

12:24 AM
Away from the Madding Crowd - Prof. Nicholas D'Souza

12:43 AM
Psalm 118 - Read by Alfwold Silveira

12:49 AM
Pray for Goa -1

12:55 AM
Pray for Goa - 2

1:00 AM
Mass in Konkani for Friday

1:45 AM
Bible Project - Messiah

1:52 AM
Our Father - in Punjabi

1:54 AM
Song - Rup Mhojem Polloi - Fr Eusico Pereira

2:00 AM
Saibinnichi Ruzai - Sontosache Mister

2:26 AM
Devachem Utor  - Juanv Avesvor 19 - Vachpi Tancia Pires

2:37 AM
Ximpientlim Motiam - Bhag  151  - Don Landdge - Fr Pratap Naik sj

2:44 AM
Alcoholics Anonymous - Testimony of Roquezinho D'Souza and Sidney D'Souza

3:18 AM
Bhokti Lharam- Bhag 7

3:25 AM
Walking in the power of the Holy Spirit - Alfwold Silveira

3:52 AM
Katholik Quiz - Manevont Pri. Agnelo de Souza conducted by Shenaya Pereira

4:04 AM
Career Guidance - Veterinary Science

4:33 AM
InstrumentaL Music - Shanaya Carvalho and Joshua Fernandes - 3rd Anniv

4:48 AM
Youthopia - Amanda Rodrigues - Violin - interviewed by Mysticka Deniz

5:11 AM
Song - Gonvlliank Bhovman - Cleta Souza

5:16 AM
Talk on Magnificat in Konkani by Br Malvino Afonso OCD

5:37 AM
Song - Amchem Daiz - Brijesh Vaz - Ashley Fernandes

5:41 AM
Kalliz Jezuche - Talk by Orlando D'Souza

6:08 AM
Soimbachi ani Povitr Atmeachi ek Kudd - Talk by Mathew Fernandes

6:25 AM
Mando - Mogachem Channel -Cleta Sousa Fernandes and troupe -3rd Anniv

6:40 AM
Holiness in the Pauline Family - Ven Andrew Borello  - Talk by Sr Flora

6:57 AM
Sokalchem Magnnem  -  Rogtsakxi

7:00 AM
Mass from Archbishops House

7:50 AM
Morning Prayer  -  Martyrs

7:55 AM
Mary, Our Mother for all intercessors - Ivy Ferrao

8:31 AM
Devachem Utor - 1 Tesalonikekarank - Avesvor 5 - Vachpi Orlando D'Souza

8:39 AM
Fatherhood - Talk by Kenneth D'Sa

9:10 AM
Ximpientlim Motiam - Bhag  153  - Magnnem - Fr Pratap Naik sj

9:20 AM
Santam-Bhoktanchim Ladainh

9:30 AM
St Cajetan Feast Mass in Konkani from Pastoral Institute, Old Goa  followed
by Jivitacho Prokas

10:45 AM
Pastoral Letter 2021-22 - Intro (E)- Fr Henry Falcao

11:10 AM
Song - Gonvlliank Bhovman - Cleta Souza

11:15 AM
Bhagevont Zuze Vazache mozotin Bhurgeancher Magnnem

11:18 AM
Imtercessions - English

11:30 AM
English Mass from Holy Family Convent Chapel, Sancoale.

12:20 PM
Angelus - English

12:25 PM
Literally Goa  -  Pogoat (Alfred Almeida)  interviewed by Frederick Noronha

12:53 PM
Hymns - St Anthony's HS , Galgibaga

1:00 PM
Adoration 4 - St Anthony Church, Siolim

1:27 PM
Bhurgeanchem magnnem aplea avoi-bapaik

1:30 PM
Rosary of St Joseph Vaz

1:54 PM
On the Third Day - Eps 5 - Cultivationl Practices for Pest Management Part
1 - Nelson Figueiredo

2:21 PM
My Music Videos - Polkeponnantlem Polkeponn - Cielda Pereira

2:30 PM
Magnificat (Konkani)

2:32 PM
Talk on Magnificat in Konkani by Br Malvino Afonso OCD

2:52 PM
Marian Reflections -8 -  DCC

3:21 PM
Hymn - Saibinichi Bhett Tujea Ghorant - Fr Ronaldo Fernandes

3:30 PM
Divine Mercy Chaplet (E)

3:40 PM
Emauscho Rosto - Talk by Orlando D'Souza

3:58 PM
Hymn - All  over the world, the Spirit is moving -  Fr Seville Antao

4:00 PM
Rosary - Joyful Mysteries

4:23 PM
Song - He's got the whole world in His hands

4:30 PM
Senior Citizens Exercises - 8

4:57 PM
Our Father - in Punjabi

5:00 PM
Praise and Worship - Neville Pinho

5:22 PM
Spiritual warfare - Talk by Dr Silvia Noronha

6:00 PM
Aimorechen Magnnem

6:04 PM
Maria Mai - Talk by Mathew Fernandes

6:20 PM
Intercessions - Konkani

6:30 PM
Konkani Mass from Archbishop House followed by Jivitacho Prokas

7:20 PM
Tell Me a Story  - Eps 34 - Joseph's Reunion with his family

7:30 PM
Saibinnichi Ruzai - Sontosache Mister

7:56 PM
Hymn - Shepherd of my Soul - Assenca Fernandes

8:00 PM
The Church - One, Holy, Catholic,  Apostolic - a talk by Dr Sarita Nazareth

8:24 PM
Music - Maria Maria - Ivy Ferrao

8:30 PM
National Prayer Service

9:32 PM
Devachem Utor - 2 Tesalonikekarank - Avesvor 1 - Vachpi Orlando D'Souza

9:37 PM
Ratchem Magnem

9:54 PM
Concert - Vem Cantar(2019) 12 to 15 yrs

10:44 PM
Goychea Futtbolachea Vostad Ep 2- Peter Vales interviewed by Daniel de Souza

11:35 PM
Tersachem Kont Devachi torsad - Fr.Jose DSouza OFM Cap

Donations may be made to:
Beneficiary name : CCR GOA MEDIA.
Name of Bank : ICICI Bank
Branch Name: Panaji Branch
Savings Bank Account No : 262401000183

Re: [Goanet] The True Face of India at its Best (Dhaka Tribune, 6/8/2021)

2021-08-06 Thread Venantius J Pinto
I am beginning to believe that, we Indians are an unfit society. In the
many doing so; it will help us see our frailties better - the extent to
which we turn a blind eye on most measures of sanity, our wanton hubrises,
as also, the lackadaisical concerns to be treated as human beings!

-venantius j pinto

On Fri, Aug 6, 2021 at 5:59 AM V M  wrote:

> https://www.dhakatribune.com/opinion/op-ed/2021/08/06/op-ed-the-true-face-of-india-at-its-best
> Every four years in predictable rotation, the Olympic Games become another
> pearl-clutching moment for India’s chattering classes.
> As every day passes, the nation of 1.3 billion continues to fall far down
> the medal standings. At the time of writing, it’s ranked 64th  in Tokyo,
> behind the four-way tie of Kyrgyzstan, Dominican Republic, Colombia and
> Armenia, whose combined population is less than that of Rajasthan.
> Zoom into those athletes who do win, and it’s apparent that genuinely
> world-class India is far removed from the images that are usually projected
> by its triumphalist majoritarians.
> This is the boxing champion Lovlina Borghoain from Golaghat in Assam, whose
> rural home is reached by a road that was only begun to be paved after she
> was guaranteed a medal.
> It is Saikhom Mirabai Chanu of Imphal in Manipur, whose weightlifting
> heroics have made her celebrated as “India’s daughter” by the same
> constituencies that usually treat her people with suspicion for being
> allegedly insufficiently patriotic.
> Most compelling is the relentlessly resilient women’s hockey team that
> pulled off one of the greatest upsets in the sport’s history, by holding
> off overwhelmingly favoured Australia to make it into the semi-finals.
> Here is the true face of India at its best: former child labourer Neha
> Goyal, Nikki Pradhan whose hometown in Jharkhand is controlled by Maoist
> militias, 21-year-old Lalremsiami of Mizoram, who didn’t speak Hindi or
> English at all when first selected. Their captain Rani Rampal’s father
> pulled handcarts to feed his family.
> All these are invisible Indians from the vast silent majority that serves
> the whims and fancies of the urban affluent (who comprise at best one-fifth
> of the country’s population). Once the Olympic Games are over, they will go
> back to being “the servant class.”
> In his Mint column this week, Manu Joseph (his 2010 *Serious Men* is one of
> the best novels of the 21st century) struck bullseye by pointing out “the
> very existence of Indian athletes of global calibre is not because of
> India, but in spite of India.”
> Joseph says “to be young in India and be talented in any sport other than
> cricket is among the great human misfortunes. The whole nation seems
> designed to treat every Indian as a poor person. Any comfort, even
> air-conditioning, is wrongly perceived by administrators as a luxury. If
> you have ever been on a school or college team, and participated in
> government-run competitions, you will know how gloomy the sports scene is.”
> Those responsible for this extraordinarily shabby state of affairs
> constantly make excuses for their incompetence and mismanagement.
> As Joseph says, “the talented poor do not know that they deserve better;
> that it is very easy for their nation to organize meets that start on time,
> provide bottled water for every athlete, offer hotel accommodation instead
> of lodging contestants in unused railway compartments, offer shelters so
> that athletes don’t wait for their events in the hot sun, ensure that girls
> are not harassed and no one has to endure the petty politics of sports
> administrators who use sporting federations as spring-boards to low-rung
> politics.”
> “Indian nationalism is chiefly about the rich recruiting the poor to do the
> difficult job of making India proud,” concludes Joseph. This leads to a
> grotesque situation, where “one of the most unfit societies in the world,
> with a majority who cannot sprint 50 metres [is] filled with strong
> opinions about athletes who have reached the global stage despite the
> mediocrity of their politicians and administrators.”
> That precise scenario has been playing out at length on social media all
> through these Olympics. One set of exchanges on Twitter involved the
> outstanding cricket all-rounder Shikha Pandey (she is the first Air Force
> officer to play for India), who has been posting infectiously enthusiastic
> messages of support to the Olympians.
> On July 31, she posted a meme that means “I’ve got my eyes on you” with the
> message: “Indian #olympics women athletes to patriarchy right now…and
> forever.”
> Amongst some messages of support came the predictable hate: “Stupid
> westernised bullshit thought process... Get well soon in your head... We
> are children of Aadhi Shakthi Don't mix sports with your Feminazi
> crap...”
> I am a huge fan of Pandey – who belongs to my home state of Goa – and her
> entire Indian women’s cricket tea

[Goanet] Goa News 7th August 2021

2021-08-06 Thread Frankey Fernandes
7th August 2021
Goa News in Konkani Language.
Please enjoy watching, subscribe if you haven't and share with family and
friends especially those living overseas.


2021-08-06 Thread Aires Rodrigues
The recent hit and run case  at Jharkhand in which the Dhanbad Additional
District and Sessions Judge Uttam Anand was crushed to death while on his
morning walk was very outrageous and should be thoroughly investigated from
all angles given that the departed Judge was hearing important cases
against the mafia in Dhanbad. This chilling case should ring alarm bells
and act as an urgent eye opener on the lack of proper facilities and
security cover for Judges.

In Goa, while politicians have a fleet of Government vehicles to ferry them
and their families around with more than enough security, we sadly have
some lower court judges precariously traveling by public transport and even
on a two wheeler.

This is an unacceptable situation putting the lives and the wellbeing of
our Judges in jeopardy especially in view of the alarming increase in crime
that our once very peaceful State is now witnessing.

It is a travesty of justice that the judiciary despite being one of the
three pillars of our democracy does not enjoy the same privileges as the
other two pillars, namely the Legislature and the Executive.

Steps must be taken to ensure that every Judge be given a designated
official vehicle with a Personal security officer at all times. This is the
least that is expected from the Government to ensure that every Judge is
safe and secure while we never witness a repeat of the Dhanbad tragedy in

This would also give the Judges and their families the much needed peace of
mind enabling the Judges to discharge their duties fearlessly at the
Temples of Justice.

Adv. Aires Rodrigues

C/G-2, Shopping Complex

Ribandar Retreat

Ribandar – Goa – 403006

Mobile No: 9822684372

Office Tel  No: (0832) 2444012

Email: airesrodrigu...@gmail.com

You can also reach me on

Facebook.com/ AiresRodrigues



[Goanet] Link for webinar on Grief

2021-08-06 Thread Edith Cassel
My registration has been acknowledged and a ticket number given. Please advise 
whether I will get a link to get into the webinar
Thank you 

Edith Cassel

Sent from my iPhone

[Goanet] Eng Francis Bomdin Lopes memorial award

2021-08-06 Thread Nelson Lopes
Eng Francis Bomdin  Memorial award

Master Manas Manoj Desai Patil  , Regina Mundi  High School , Chicalim
scoring 550 marks at SSC 2021 ,stands first amongst   the students of
ZACL(Utilities) employes
He receives Rs 10 ,000= along with citations.Son of Manoj  B Patil
(C.M.)/MRS Shucita M.Patil The award is under P.CTrust
 Nelson Lopes