[Goanet] Don’t Get Set Up Again

2021-09-04 Thread Roland Francis
Dear America,
The Taliban has not only made you run like a dog with tail between legs, but 
you are now being played once more by the wily Pathans.

They have just realized that they are now facing a huge crisis of governance, 
that fighting a guerrilla war and vanquishing a powerful enemy does not equal 
food on the table for their already deprived population.

So they are setting the stage for a huge “humanitarian crisis” so that you and 
the rest of the world can rush in with money, supplies and food.

If you’re not a fool, you’ll ignore them completely. Innocent or not don’t fall 
for their sob story, or there’ll be a great irony in not only winning against 
you but getting you to pay for their problems too. If you do want to help, 
first tell them to sell all the billion dollar armaments you left them and feed 
their people with it. After that is over make Qatar who look like they are now 
the key people to the solve Afghan issues, spend from their treasury before you 
dig into yours again.

It’s high time the rich Muslim countries took care of their own. Not only with 
money but by taking in all the other Muslim hard cases from all over the world 
for whom Europe’s and your heart bleeds.

If you continue with the trend of taking people in as refugees caused by 
circumstances of their own people in their own countries, at least ensure that 
when you give them shelter you insist that in your own country, they change to 
your ways rather than ask you to change to theirs. People in Australia, 
Denmark, Germany and others are showing you the way.

If you stop your bleeding hearts that cause you so much trouble and end up 
sucking you dry, perhaps you will stop losing wars and borrowing from yourself 
those trillions of dollars your children will be landed with paying.


[Goanet] Gaunty Dogs

2021-09-04 Thread Joao Barros-Pereira

look after
gaunty dogs


give bath
once a week

to our
gaunty dogs

next life

gaunty dogs


gaunty dogs


what does joao want to say?

[Goanet] Modi going to USA to see Biden?

2021-09-04 Thread Eddie D'Sa

It seems that PM Modi has decided to visit the USA.
Wonder why. With  his poor comprehension & articulacy of English, how 
will he be able to make his point?

He could take interpreters.
So why is he going there? He is perhaps going to make a case for his 
Guju pals Adani and Ambani.
And buy a few weapons with which to bash Pakistan and a new enemy, the 

In return, Modi may gift Biden
1) a copy of the latest adventures in the Ramayana
2) a couple of cows and possibly a gallon of a health drink like cow 


[Goanet-News] A mixed bag called school: A tribute to teachers and a school in Poona (Alvita Fernandes)

2021-09-04 Thread Goanet Reader
Alvita Fernandes

  School was a mixed bag, as was growing up in the
  Goa of the mid-1970s and then in Poona, till the
  mid-1980s. Among my early memories going back to
  those times, that live on very clearly is wearing a
  pink ribbon dress and singing a poetry-song at a
  school function.

The song went something like this: "My stomach is paining, my
stomach is paining, my stomach is paining, just now. Call
the doctor, call the doctor, call the doctor, just now." It
was one of those songs rather popular in convent schools
then when teaching was still done in English.

A decade-and-half later, in the early 1990s, primary
schooling in Goa would shift to the Konkani medium. But,
when we were in school, believe it or not, in Goa you still
got fined a princely ten paisa for speaking in the local
language Konkani. Odd though this may sound, the goal was to
get children to learn faster their English, seen as the
language of opportunity.

Our village school at the time was St Anthony's, located in
the picturesque and river-surrounded village of Assolna,
almost at the southern end of Salcete taluka, the village we
called home. In those days, this coconut-fringed village
still had the ferries which everyone depended on to cross the
River Sal. It slowed down life, but perhaps the villagers
didn't see it in that way then.

Mum left for Kuwait, and we moved to Poona, some 450 kms
away. Two siblings, brother Emid (Emidio) and sister Ala
(Aldila), had made the transition before us, while my sister
Clemy and I found ourselves following their tracks.

After we shifted from our quiet village in Goa to the city
still (till 1978) called Poona, and the seventh-largest city
in India, we lost track of our village school. Sadly, we
later realised that the school in Goa does not exist anymore.

* * *

  At that time, Poona/Pune was then still the land of
  thousands of cycles, many statues (it still is) and
  quite a bit of green cover.  It was the late 1970s,
  two decades before the IT boom changed the city.

We settled down at our new school. Much later on, we
realised our attachment to it.

Early memories from St Anne's are registered strong.

In Class IV, along with some others, one got appointed to
mind the class during a teachers' meeting. Getting
responsibility, and being trusted by one's mentors, comes as
a morale booster always, but especially in those junior years.

Another high was participating in a spelling competition and
winning it. It seemed a tough task after having grown up in
Village Goa, where the Konkani language was still widely
spoken. It also meant having to cope with talent from a big
city like Poona.

Physical Training, on the other hand, came naturally to us
kids from the rough and tumble of village life. Happy
memories at St Anne's including regularly winning all the
P.T. house competitions, almost without fail, for us in the Greens.

Recess time was handball time, something which our circle of
girls took to without much prompting.


Our P.T. teacher, Mrs. Doctor, to my pleasant surprise,
once chose me to demonstrate how to march straight, in front
of the whole class.

  My Hindi teacher, Mrs Tressolar, was a real
  darling. She always wore a smile and was very
  beautiful even without the bother of make-up.  She
  taught me to think beautiful. My catechism teacher
  Sr.  Doreen taught us values and good ethics, and
  how to be good students.

Mrs Pinto and Mrs Sanyal taught me music; the first took
classes in Western music on the piano, and the latter, Indian
music classes on the harmonium. Their lessons rang out loud
in my little head, and it still does all these years later.
How I loved listening to the piano. Maybe that's where my
love for music -- and sharing it online via WhatsApp even
today -- comes from.

In the 1980s, our teachers usually wore sarees. This left me
wondering how on earth they made the time to dress up like
models on every single school day!

Mrs Varma, our Biology teacher, would drape her saree so
meticulously that it made her seem almost like a Barbie doll.
Maybe that influenced me to address my children as "my doll"
as an endearing pet name of sorts.

Nobody might disagree that all our teachers played a very
crucial role in shaping what we are today. In fact, our
teachers left their imprint on us in many ways.

  My teachers taught me to never give up, and instead
  to try my best in everything I do.  One cannot but
  look back with affection and love for all they have
  taught us.  For being my teachers and, of course,
  for not opting to teach in the other prestigious
  school of Poona, the boys' school of St Vincent's!

Talking about which, at most times, I would be secretly
envious of my brother's school, for reasons which I am yet 

[Goanet] A mixed bag called school: A tribute to teachers and a school in Poona (Alvita Fernandes)

2021-09-04 Thread Goanet Reader
Alvita Fernandes

  School was a mixed bag, as was growing up in the
  Goa of the mid-1970s and then in Poona, till the
  mid-1980s. Among my early memories going back to
  those times, that live on very clearly is wearing a
  pink ribbon dress and singing a poetry-song at a
  school function.

The song went something like this: "My stomach is paining, my
stomach is paining, my stomach is paining, just now. Call
the doctor, call the doctor, call the doctor, just now." It
was one of those songs rather popular in convent schools
then when teaching was still done in English.

A decade-and-half later, in the early 1990s, primary
schooling in Goa would shift to the Konkani medium. But,
when we were in school, believe it or not, in Goa you still
got fined a princely ten paisa for speaking in the local
language Konkani. Odd though this may sound, the goal was to
get children to learn faster their English, seen as the
language of opportunity.

Our village school at the time was St Anthony's, located in
the picturesque and river-surrounded village of Assolna,
almost at the southern end of Salcete taluka, the village we
called home. In those days, this coconut-fringed village
still had the ferries which everyone depended on to cross the
River Sal. It slowed down life, but perhaps the villagers
didn't see it in that way then.

Mum left for Kuwait, and we moved to Poona, some 450 kms
away. Two siblings, brother Emid (Emidio) and sister Ala
(Aldila), had made the transition before us, while my sister
Clemy and I found ourselves following their tracks.

After we shifted from our quiet village in Goa to the city
still (till 1978) called Poona, and the seventh-largest city
in India, we lost track of our village school. Sadly, we
later realised that the school in Goa does not exist anymore.

* * *

  At that time, Poona/Pune was then still the land of
  thousands of cycles, many statues (it still is) and
  quite a bit of green cover.  It was the late 1970s,
  two decades before the IT boom changed the city.

We settled down at our new school. Much later on, we
realised our attachment to it.

Early memories from St Anne's are registered strong.

In Class IV, along with some others, one got appointed to
mind the class during a teachers' meeting. Getting
responsibility, and being trusted by one's mentors, comes as
a morale booster always, but especially in those junior years.

Another high was participating in a spelling competition and
winning it. It seemed a tough task after having grown up in
Village Goa, where the Konkani language was still widely
spoken. It also meant having to cope with talent from a big
city like Poona.

Physical Training, on the other hand, came naturally to us
kids from the rough and tumble of village life. Happy
memories at St Anne's including regularly winning all the
P.T. house competitions, almost without fail, for us in the Greens.

Recess time was handball time, something which our circle of
girls took to without much prompting.


Our P.T. teacher, Mrs. Doctor, to my pleasant surprise,
once chose me to demonstrate how to march straight, in front
of the whole class.

  My Hindi teacher, Mrs Tressolar, was a real
  darling. She always wore a smile and was very
  beautiful even without the bother of make-up.  She
  taught me to think beautiful. My catechism teacher
  Sr.  Doreen taught us values and good ethics, and
  how to be good students.

Mrs Pinto and Mrs Sanyal taught me music; the first took
classes in Western music on the piano, and the latter, Indian
music classes on the harmonium. Their lessons rang out loud
in my little head, and it still does all these years later.
How I loved listening to the piano. Maybe that's where my
love for music -- and sharing it online via WhatsApp even
today -- comes from.

In the 1980s, our teachers usually wore sarees. This left me
wondering how on earth they made the time to dress up like
models on every single school day!

Mrs Varma, our Biology teacher, would drape her saree so
meticulously that it made her seem almost like a Barbie doll.
Maybe that influenced me to address my children as "my doll"
as an endearing pet name of sorts.

Nobody might disagree that all our teachers played a very
crucial role in shaping what we are today. In fact, our
teachers left their imprint on us in many ways.

  My teachers taught me to never give up, and instead
  to try my best in everything I do.  One cannot but
  look back with affection and love for all they have
  taught us.  For being my teachers and, of course,
  for not opting to teach in the other prestigious
  school of Poona, the boys' school of St Vincent's!

Talking about which, at most times, I would be secretly
envious of my brother's school, for reasons which I am yet 

[Goanet] Momondo, the DNA journey

2021-09-04 Thread Frederick Noronha


2021-09-04 Thread Aires Rodrigues
Today it’s yet another Teachers Day with the students kept away from
schools and colleges but being taught online due to the ongoing pandemic.
Nothing can replace the classroom especially in the formative years at
school. Our gratitude to our teachers has and should always be eternal. The
pandemic has served as a reminder that despite the best efforts of all,
learning without a classroom and a teacher remains soulless.

It’s not just on Teachers Day, but always that we need to remember our dear
teachers for the role they play in molding our future and being the guiding
light on our journey through life.

All through school and up to the completion of my Law degree, I was
tremendously blessed with very caring teachers who taught with hope,
passion, motivation and a sense of direction. Throughout my student days
they encouraged me in extra-curricular activities paving my way to
participate in elocution, debating and essay contests besides leadership

Great teachers can make a big difference on our future, for, besides making
a lasting impression in the classroom they can cast a positive influence on
our lives. My teachers were more than mere educators. They also played a
role as friend, counselor and mentor.

Many of my dear teachers have over the years passed away but the fond
memories will always linger. A regular teacher may merely direct us along
the right path, but great teachers inspire and challenge us to carve out
our path in life.

I shall always remain heavily beholden to all my teachers who imparted to
me all their knowledge and guidance that has immensely helped me through
life. To them all, ever so indebted, I shall always be for all the patience
they endured with this difficult, adventurous and argumentative student
that I always was.

Thank you, Teachers, for spending your time and effort in your noble
profession to bring out the best in all of us. No words are enough to
express our gratefulness to you.

As Henry Brooks Adams, historian and politician once observed ‘Teachers
affect eternity. No one can tell where their influence stops’. Bill Gates
accurately opined that ‘Technology is just a tool in terms of getting the
kids working together and motivating them, but that the teacher is the most

Adv. Aires Rodrigues

C/G-2, Shopping Complex

Ribandar Retreat

Ribandar – Goa – 403006

Mobile No: 9822684372

Office Tel  No: (0832) 2444012

Email: airesrodrigu...@gmail.com

You can also reach me on

Facebook.com/ AiresRodrigues



[Goanet] AFGHANISTAN Who Messes Up ....A few Goan Netters are even suggesting the return of USA ....Lots of Misinformation ,

2021-09-04 Thread Adolfo Mascarenhas
Dear Goans at Large

Peace and Knowlefge including History for Development

One also has a few netters who interpret the Afghanistan situation, from
the view that the good American might, and sophisticated weaponry of all
types should have remained and it would magically bring about
<<<>>> One even went so far as to suggest

>>Quote Decision to withdraw was taken by Republican President Trump
and Joe Biden complied with his predecessor> If Trump and Biden have
the same policy why are the Democrats and Republicans fighting each

So why are the Americans leaving in & <<>>or was it ,meant to be
>>>droves >>>) - rather the real question…is not leaving but *abandoning*
the country so bountiful in the RED POPPY flower to the pajama clad
soldiers called Taliban *


Unlike Goa or Switzerland or Tanzania, Afghanistan is not a not a
self-contained ethnic unit and neither is its culture uniform.  Contrary to
what some in this net, Afghanistan is not even uniform on the Islamic faith
and on paper Non-Moslems exist as long as such groups do not manifest their
faith too conspicuously.

Why is Grandolfo of Makongo Juu  is so Interested in what has taken place
in Afghanistan. Like other Goanetters  for general and a for a couple and
some special of reasons.

*What Special Reasons*

My special reasons are that a fellow called : Osama bin Laden was *the
founder of al-Qaeda* and its only leader. He brought together various
terrorist elements under one movement. He was the mastermind behind the
 9/11 in New York and the attacks on the American *embassies in Uganda and
Tanzania . Yes in Dar es Salaam* they blew up the US Embassy, I was on my
way past to the City Centre about 2 minutes drive, to the US Embassy  when
I heard the blast and decided to take a different route, to meet with a
Kenyan Official,  I had no idea about who were behind the blast,  but my
son in Stoneham MA. called me and asked me I was alright, He explained !!!
 . Dr. Soter de Silva, was there in the US embassy minutes after the blast,
he attended to several of the wounded.   A decade later whenDr Soter died
he was still a hero even the Acting US American Ambassador praised the
humanitarian Goan

This fellow called Osman bin Laden  commanded and condoned the killing of
Arabs…..including those from Egypt !!!  *Bin laden who  Founded: *Al-Qaeda
was not an Afghan but a National from Saudi Arabia

A Thursday ago we in Dar es Salaam had a killing of 4 soldiers by a
Tanzanian who had gone for <<>>> in Egypt.  There is much
speculation as to what transpired !!!  This fellow had a pistol, but then
snatched the gun from the guards in the Kenya Commercial Bank. He was
yelling that he was not after civilians but soldiers

* Lets get back to Afghanistan and understand it better:*

1) The Pathans/Pashtoons/Pukhtuns etc etc, really a cultural group, are
the largest ethnic groups and occupy nearly half of the country. More
important many live in NW Pakistan  adjacent to Afghanistan there are also
Pathans.  What happens if they decide to have a united independent entity
 called <<>>Will the minority in India join the group. To
compound matters their Language is related to PERSIAN.  They are mostly
Sunnis and have played a prominent role in  Afghanistan and Pakistan.

2) The TAJIK make up 25 % of the Population and are the majority in the
state of the Soviet Union called Tajikistan and while mostly Sunnis have a
small element of Ismailia Shiates. But they are also linked with Uzbeks. *They
are part of the Northern Alliance*

3) HAZARAS (have you heard of them) They are predominantly Shias and
have been persecuted. Although numbering just about a million they resisted
the Russians with great success !!  Those Goannetters will know that the
Hazaras were linked to the *Genghis Khan ..* Genghis Khan (1162-1227). A
real genius with numerous children and concubines. First he started on the
Mongolian Plateau he  established the largest land EMPIRE in history. His
Empire stretched from  Hungary in Europe  chunks of land in Central Asia
all the way to China. He accomplished all this with by uniting the nomadic
tribes but incorporated many of the scientific approaches of the groups he
met. His Units could travel a 100 miles per day , he conquered huge chunks
of central Asia and China

4) There are also Kafaris meaning infidels and resisted Islam


What is the significance of the above:

Which group will ally with the Russians or the Chinese and Why:The
obvious reason is that they will want to be Independent and run things for
themselves ….including to follow their own religion, language, cuture etc.
What do the Russians and the Chinese want and who knows whether the
Americans will not be back

So in this complicated situation  that was messed up ….The above
contribution is only one level of complications

Next On the TALIBANS and the Messy left overs related matters


In Taliban Free 

[Goanet] Corruption in South Africa | DW Documentary

2021-09-04 Thread Roland Francis
A story of rot and corruption in poverty ridden South Africa. An eerily similar 
story to that of India.

The biggest shame of it all - no accountability. A template Goa energetically 



[Goanet-News] TWO VIDEOS: Rediscover Crochet... digitising manuscripts in Goa

2021-09-04 Thread Frederick Noronha
Rediscover the Art of Crochet | By Various Artists | 29th August 2021

On digitising old manuscripts in Goa (recorded around 6-7 years ago)

August 2021 | Frederick Noronha. 784 Saligao 403511 Goa
Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa| Goa India +91 9822122436 @fn on Twitter
 1  2  3  4  5  6  7| 
 8  9 10 11 12 13 14| fredericknoron...@gmail.com
15 16 17 18 19 20 21| Alternate Publishing. Columnist. Photography.
22 23 24 25 26 27 28| Wikipedian. Online Networker.
29 30 31| VIDEOS: https://youtube.com/c/frederickfnnoronha


Join a discussion on Goa-related
issues by posting your comments
on this or other issues via email
to goa...@goanet.org
See archives at

[Goanet-News] My cyclying diary... icons of Goa (Lynn Barreto Miranda)

2021-09-04 Thread Frederick Noronha

Join a discussion on Goa-related
issues by posting your comments
on this or other issues via email
to goa...@goanet.org
See archives at

[Goanet] Schedule for Sunday 5th September 2021

2021-09-04 Thread CCR TV
Channel of God's love✝

You can also watch CCR TV live on your smartphone via the CCR TV App
Available on Google PlayStore for Android Platform.
Click the link below.
Email ID:  ccrgoame...@gmail.com

Schedule for Sunday 5th September 2021

12:00 AM
Rosary - Glorious Mysteries

12:27 AM
Abundant Life - Can we pray with Whatsapp? - Prof Nicholas D'Souza

12:49 AM
The Butterfly Song - Rihana Diniz

12:53 AM
Our Father - Khasi

12:57 PM
Poem - True Development - Larissa Rodrigues

1:00 AM
Mass in Konkani for Saturday

2:00 AM
Saibinnichi Ruzai -  Orkache Mister

2:26 AM
Devachem Utor  - Dhormdutancho Itihas - Avesvor 27 - Vachpi Orlando D'Souza

2:40 AM
Prayer for Preparation of Feast of Nativity - Eps 4

2:55 AM
Ximpientlim Motiam - Bhag 52 - Nosay - Fr Pratap Naik sj

3:03 AM
Hymn  - Jezu Jezu - Stanley Severes

3:07 AM
Adoration - St Jose de Areal - Lindinha D'Cunha

3:38 AM
Mandos - Goychim Lharam led by Flossy Gracias- 3rd Annniv

3:55 AM
Health Matters - Blood Donation - Dr Ravin Rego

4:28 AM
My Music Videos - Martyrinchi Rani - Ivor Dcunha

4:34 AM
Magnnem - Talk by Orlando D'Souza

5:17 AM
Song - We are the World - Cover

5:25 AM
The Church - One, Holy, Catholic,  Apostolic -  Dr Sarita Nazareth

5:49 AM
Song - Nhespak Man - Josephine Dias

5:54 AM
Called to Excel - Talk by Savio Mascarenhas

6:50 AM
Hymns -  Rosary H.S. Navelim

6:54 AM
Psalms  23 - Read by Alfwold Silveira

6:57 AM
Sokalchem Magnnem  -  Bhagevont

7:00 AM
Novena Mass 7 Colva Church

8:00 AM
Novena 3 - Chinchinim

9:00 AM
Morning Prayer  -  Men and Women Saints

9:05 AM
Khuim thanv hanv ailam? - Talk by Orlando D'Souza

9:33 AM
Ximpientlim Motiam - Bhag  157  - Itzak Perlman - Fr Pratap Naik sj

9:43 AM
Tell Me a Story  - Eps 38 - Moses and the Burning Bush

9:49 AM
Devacha Utor - Hebrevank - Avesvor 12 - Vachpi Orlando D'Souza

10:02 AM
Senior Shepherds  - Fr A.P. Vas sfx interviewed by Colin Pereira

10:28 AM
Bhajan - Tu AniTuzaa Ekach Sutu - Fr Glen D'Silva sfx

10:33 AM
Hymn - Jesus, Jesus - Sung by Rebecca De Souza

10:38 AM
Consecrated Life - Sr Joeyanna D'Souza DSP

10:48 AM
Jezuchea Adharan Sosnikaen Jieum-ia -- Fr Mario Noronha

11:15 AM
Mass from Basilica Old Goa

12:15 PM
Intercessions - English

12:27 PM
Angelus - English

12:30 PM
Mass in English from Jesuit Houe

1:20 PM
Pray for Goa -2

1:20 PM
Pastoral Letter 2021-22- Talk in English - Fr Jorge Fernandes

1:37 PM
Bhokti Lharam - Bhag 4

1:45 PM
Bhagiancher Niyall VIII - Br Malvino Alfonso  ocd

2:02 PM
Pastoral Letter 2021-22 - Talk in Konkani- Fr Jorge Fernandes

2:17 PM
Prayer over Children - St Jospeh Vaz

2:20 PM
Hymn - Noman, Noman Marie- Fr Seville Antao OFM(Cap)

2:22 PM
Adoration - led by Glenn Nunes

2:59 PM
Health Matters - Mental Health - Dr Melvin Silva and Dr Doreen Dias

3:30 PM
Deivik Kaklutichi Magnneam

3:40 PM
Prayer for Preparation of Feast of Nativity - Eps 8

4:00 PM
Rosary - Glorious Mysteries

4:27 PM
Magnificat (English)

4:30 PM
Senior Citizens Exercises - 14

4:54 PM
Song - Upkari Padrinche - Myran Travasso

5:00 PM
Vakhann'ni ani Bozonn  - 2

5:30 PM
Patience - Fruit of the Holy Spirit - Lavinia Gonsalves

6:09 PM
Aimorechen Magnnem

6:12 PM
Dance  - Students of St Xavier's Academy, Old Goa

6:19 PM
Intercessions - Konkani

6:30 PM
Novena Mass 7 Colva Church

7:30 PM
Saibinnichi Ruzai -  Orkache Mister

7:56 PM
Bhurgeanchem magnnem aplea avoi-bapaik

8:00 PM
Power of Faith - Gourish Naik

8:46 PM
The Butterfly Song - Rihana Diniz

8:49 PM
Devacha Utor - Hebrevank - Avesvor 13 - Vachpi Orlando D'Souza

9:00 PM
Mass in Marathi

10:00 PM
Ratchem Magnem

10:17 PM
Concert - Vem Cantar (2019) 16 to 20 yrs & prizes

11:02 PM
Music - Jezu Novem Ietolo - Fr Eusico Pereira

11:10 PM
Bhurgem-Ball Nasloleancher Bhagevont Zuze Vazache Mozotin Magnnem

11:12 PM
Power of Forgiveness - Talk by Colin Calmiano

Donations may be made to:
Beneficiary name : CCR GOA MEDIA.
Name of Bank : ICICI Bank
Branch Name: Panaji Branch
Savings Bank Account No : 262401000183

[Goanet] P.CTrust awards for Std XII Arts& Science

2021-09-04 Thread Nelson Lopes

P.C.Trust awards for Std XII Arts& Science  2021
Mrs Alba Falcao memorial award  founded by Mr A P  de Melo is bestowed on
Ms Lizel  Gomesand Ms Muscan  Mallick Mulla

Ms Correlie Correia Std XII Science receives Mr JP De Melo and Mr
Rogaciano/ Joanita awards by Mr Manuel deMelo
All the 3 are students of Rosary Higher Secondary School Navelim

[Goanet-News] PLAY -- Getting to Goa (Chanis Fernando-Boisard)

2021-09-04 Thread Goanet Reader
Chanis Fernando-Boisard


  Flight XX563 is scheduled to leave to Goa in India.
  Just before takeoff, the Captain is informed that
  another company has cancelled its flight.  The
  problem is that were he to wait for the connecting
  passengers to that cancelled flight, he might miss
  his allocated slot.  Still, at the news that a Goan
  actress as well as the best players of a Brazilian
  football team would be on board, the Captain
  agrees to wait.

  Sensing the general dissatisfaction on board, the
  Captain requests that drinks be served.  A few
  hours after takeoff, flight XX563 goes through a
  turbulent zone and then suffers a fuel leak.  The
  Captain warns the passengers to prepare for an
  emergency landing.  The aircraft is authorized to
  land in Bombay instead of Goa.  General complaints
  and dismay follow.

Characters in order of appearance:

Station Manager, around thirty-five, very self-assured,

The Captain, in his forties, good-looking in a Latin Style,

The First Officer, young, good-humoured, slaps everyone on
the shoulders,

The Flight Attendant, young and slim.  She exhibits a certain

The Control Tower Operator,

The football team, among them Hector the footballer, a jovial
person, ready to help others,

The Italian nun Sister Matilda, a dual personality of the
praying sister, but secretly very fun-loving,

Goan Actress Julia Fernandes travelling to her wedding, her
bridal dress on her knees.  She is pretty, snobbish and

Businesswoman, a complaining type in her forties,

Passenger Lopez, rather unfortunate in life, and it shows.

The Station Manager walks across the stage, climbs into the
airplane Cockpit and hands over documents to the Captain.

"Today, we have 171 passengers in economy, two in business
class and two children."

He addresses the Flight Attendant.

"We only have two special meals today.  We have ordered the
wheelchair for arrival at Goa airport."

Captain: "Very good.  We'll be off as soon as the football
team arrives."

First announcement.  The captain speaks into the microphone:
"Welcome aboard Air Bangaga Airlines.  Right now we are
waiting for the connecting passengers from Tamtam Airlines.
Our destination today is Goa, India.  Our route today takes
us over Germany, Eastern Europe, Turkey, the Arabian Gulf and
the Arabian Sea.  Flying time is estimated at nine hours and
ten minutes.  My crew and I will do everything in our power
to make you comfortable."

A few minutes later:

"This is the Captain again.  We are just waiting for our few
remaining passengers and Actress Julia Fernandes.  I think
everybody knows who she is?"

A murmur goes around at the mention of the actress' name.

Captain: "We are also awaiting the Brazilian football team
and an Italian nun, and then, we'll be off."

Control Tower Operator:

"Captain, you have our authorization to leave the parking
point in preparation for takeoff.  Estimated time of
departure in half an hour."

Captain: "Thank you.  I'll be flying out once Ms Fernandes
and the other passengers are on board."

The Captain turns aside to speak to the Flight Attendant.
"Please offer a glass of champagne to the passengers in
business class."

The Flight Attendant: "Only those in business class Sir?
What about those in economy?"

The Captain: "Don't worry, a glass of orange juice or a glass
of cider will do for them."

The Flight Attendant (shrugs a shoulder) : "As you wish,
Captain.  I think it would be a good idea to offer sandwiches.
I could check the stuff that Skychefs just brought in."

The business woman: "Do you realize I've a connecting flight
at 09.30 tomorrow morning?  I really hope we get there in

The Flight Attendant: "We'll make it in time, don't worry."

A noisy football team enters.  Some members carry baggage,
some drop objects.  Discreetly, a nun enters too.

The Flight Attendant shows them to their seats.

The Flight Attendant: "Sister, seat 44A is just here."

Sister Matilda: "I need to pray during the journey; I'd like
a place where I‘m not disturbed."

The Flight Assistant guides the team to their seats.

The Flight Attendant: "44C is just here, the rest of the team
will occupy row 45."

The football player named Hector enters into conversation
with the nun.

"May I help you store your baggage away, sister?"

The nun acquiesces.

The actress enters last of all, disdainful, nose up in the
air.  The Flight Attendant shows her to her seat.  "We have
placed you just here, Madame Fernandes, 2C.  Your frequent
flier profile mentioned that you prefer an aisle seat."

A little later.

Flight Attendant: "What would you like to drink, Miss

Actress: "Just Champagne."

Flight Attendant: "Very well, we've ordered a bottle of Veuve
Clicquot just for you."

Actress: "Thank you very much indeed."

[Goanet] PLAY -- Getting to Goa (Chanis Fernando-Boisard)

2021-09-04 Thread Goanet Reader
Chanis Fernando-Boisard


  Flight XX563 is scheduled to leave to Goa in India.
  Just before takeoff, the Captain is informed that
  another company has cancelled its flight.  The
  problem is that were he to wait for the connecting
  passengers to that cancelled flight, he might miss
  his allocated slot.  Still, at the news that a Goan
  actress as well as the best players of a Brazilian
  football team would be on board, the Captain
  agrees to wait.

  Sensing the general dissatisfaction on board, the
  Captain requests that drinks be served.  A few
  hours after takeoff, flight XX563 goes through a
  turbulent zone and then suffers a fuel leak.  The
  Captain warns the passengers to prepare for an
  emergency landing.  The aircraft is authorized to
  land in Bombay instead of Goa.  General complaints
  and dismay follow.

Characters in order of appearance:

Station Manager, around thirty-five, very self-assured,

The Captain, in his forties, good-looking in a Latin Style,

The First Officer, young, good-humoured, slaps everyone on
the shoulders,

The Flight Attendant, young and slim.  She exhibits a certain

The Control Tower Operator,

The football team, among them Hector the footballer, a jovial
person, ready to help others,

The Italian nun Sister Matilda, a dual personality of the
praying sister, but secretly very fun-loving,

Goan Actress Julia Fernandes travelling to her wedding, her
bridal dress on her knees.  She is pretty, snobbish and

Businesswoman, a complaining type in her forties,

Passenger Lopez, rather unfortunate in life, and it shows.

The Station Manager walks across the stage, climbs into the
airplane Cockpit and hands over documents to the Captain.

"Today, we have 171 passengers in economy, two in business
class and two children."

He addresses the Flight Attendant.

"We only have two special meals today.  We have ordered the
wheelchair for arrival at Goa airport."

Captain: "Very good.  We'll be off as soon as the football
team arrives."

First announcement.  The captain speaks into the microphone:
"Welcome aboard Air Bangaga Airlines.  Right now we are
waiting for the connecting passengers from Tamtam Airlines.
Our destination today is Goa, India.  Our route today takes
us over Germany, Eastern Europe, Turkey, the Arabian Gulf and
the Arabian Sea.  Flying time is estimated at nine hours and
ten minutes.  My crew and I will do everything in our power
to make you comfortable."

A few minutes later:

"This is the Captain again.  We are just waiting for our few
remaining passengers and Actress Julia Fernandes.  I think
everybody knows who she is?"

A murmur goes around at the mention of the actress' name.

Captain: "We are also awaiting the Brazilian football team
and an Italian nun, and then, we'll be off."

Control Tower Operator:

"Captain, you have our authorization to leave the parking
point in preparation for takeoff.  Estimated time of
departure in half an hour."

Captain: "Thank you.  I'll be flying out once Ms Fernandes
and the other passengers are on board."

The Captain turns aside to speak to the Flight Attendant.
"Please offer a glass of champagne to the passengers in
business class."

The Flight Attendant: "Only those in business class Sir?
What about those in economy?"

The Captain: "Don't worry, a glass of orange juice or a glass
of cider will do for them."

The Flight Attendant (shrugs a shoulder) : "As you wish,
Captain.  I think it would be a good idea to offer sandwiches.
I could check the stuff that Skychefs just brought in."

The business woman: "Do you realize I've a connecting flight
at 09.30 tomorrow morning?  I really hope we get there in

The Flight Attendant: "We'll make it in time, don't worry."

A noisy football team enters.  Some members carry baggage,
some drop objects.  Discreetly, a nun enters too.

The Flight Attendant shows them to their seats.

The Flight Attendant: "Sister, seat 44A is just here."

Sister Matilda: "I need to pray during the journey; I'd like
a place where I‘m not disturbed."

The Flight Assistant guides the team to their seats.

The Flight Attendant: "44C is just here, the rest of the team
will occupy row 45."

The football player named Hector enters into conversation
with the nun.

"May I help you store your baggage away, sister?"

The nun acquiesces.

The actress enters last of all, disdainful, nose up in the
air.  The Flight Attendant shows her to her seat.  "We have
placed you just here, Madame Fernandes, 2C.  Your frequent
flier profile mentioned that you prefer an aisle seat."

A little later.

Flight Attendant: "What would you like to drink, Miss

Actress: "Just Champagne."

Flight Attendant: "Very well, we've ordered a bottle of Veuve
Clicquot just for you."

Actress: "Thank you very much indeed."

Re: [Goanet] Crystal Ball Gazing

2021-09-04 Thread Frederick Noronha
... it's also: to buy or not to buy that is the question.
Mir Jaffar sold out. But the East India Co/Brits paid.
Who is to be blamed more? The corruptor or the corrupted? Or both?
That politics is not attracting men of character (on the contrary) is a
What about the systems and rulers we have brought into power?

One finds a lot of blame-gaming going on these days.
* The media is targeting its fire mostly on the ineffectual Opposition
* Girls (young women) being blamed for being on the wrong beack at the
wrong time
* Locals for selling out their lands while there is a huge real estate
takeover going on
* Emigrants for being "ashamed" to speak the Konkani language
* Goans in Goa for not speaking English with the Queen's accent.
The list can go on... FN

On Sat, 4 Sept 2021 at 16:03, Joao Barros-Pereira <
joaobarrospere...@gmail.com> wrote:

> To sell or not to sell is the question
> On 9/4/21, Frederick Noronha  wrote:
> > What about the BJP's money power?
> > They'll buy anything or anyone that comes within miles...
> > ᐧ
> >


   September 2021   | Frederick Noronha. 784 Saligao 403511 Goa
Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa| M (after 2pm) +91 9822122436 Twitter @fn
  1  2  3  4| 
 5  6  7  8  9 10 11|

12 13 14 15 16 17 18| Books. Words. Photos. Wikipedia. Networks.
19 20 21 22 23 24 25| PHOTOS: https://flickr.com/photos/fn-goa/

26 27 28 29 30  | VIDEOS: https://youtube.com/c/frederickfnnoronha

[Goanet] Are there any legit power saving devices that work?

2021-09-04 Thread Frederick Noronha
Just been reading about Power Volt, and other such options such as:

Your suggestions would be helpful. Thanks, FN

Re: [Goanet] Crystal Ball Gazing

2021-09-04 Thread Joao Barros-Pereira
To sell or not to sell is the question

On 9/4/21, Frederick Noronha  wrote:
> What about the BJP's money power?
> They'll buy anything or anyone that comes within miles...
> ᐧ

[Goanet] Goa, coconut... V-HG

2021-09-04 Thread Frederick Noronha
Goanet, 11 years ago
One tree, many trades: the versatility of the coconut in Goa (Victor Hugo
Gomes, ToI)


Re: [Goanet] Crystal Ball Gazing

2021-09-04 Thread Frederick Noronha
What about the BJP's money power?
They'll buy anything or anyone that comes within miles...

[Goanet] Should Kannada ride on the back of masjids and churches?

2021-09-04 Thread Frederick Noronha

[Goanet-News] Study connects Konkan Roman Catholics to Gaud Saraswat Brahmins

2021-09-04 Thread Frederick Noronha
Send your comments to goa...@goanet.org
Visit the Goanet archives at

Deccan Herald: Study connects Konkan Roman Catholics to Gaud Saraswat

The Hindu: Roman Catholics in West Coast trace lineage to Gaud Saraswats
and Jews, reveals study

BusinessLine: Variety Roman Catholics of west coast of India have Brahmin
lineages: CCMB Study

Times Now: Roman Catholics of Goa & Mangalore regions remnants of early
lineages of Brahmin community of India: Study

   September 2021   | Frederick Noronha. 784 Saligao 403511 Goa
Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa| M (after 2pm) +91 9822122436 Twitter @fn
  1  2  3  4| 
 5  6  7  8  9 10 11|

12 13 14 15 16 17 18| Books. Words. Photos. Wikipedia. Networks.
19 20 21 22 23 24 25| PHOTOS: https://flickr.com/photos/fn-goa/

26 27 28 29 30  | VIDEOS: https://youtube.com/c/frederickfnnoronha


Join a discussion on Goa-related
issues by posting your comments
on this or other issues via email
to goa...@goanet.org
See archives at

[Goanet] Study connects Konkan Roman Catholics to Gaud Saraswat Brahmins

2021-09-04 Thread Frederick Noronha
Send your comments to goa...@goanet.org
Visit the Goanet archives at

Deccan Herald: Study connects Konkan Roman Catholics to Gaud Saraswat

The Hindu: Roman Catholics in West Coast trace lineage to Gaud Saraswats
and Jews, reveals study

BusinessLine: Variety Roman Catholics of west coast of India have Brahmin
lineages: CCMB Study

Times Now: Roman Catholics of Goa & Mangalore regions remnants of early
lineages of Brahmin community of India: Study

   September 2021   | Frederick Noronha. 784 Saligao 403511 Goa
Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa| M (after 2pm) +91 9822122436 Twitter @fn
  1  2  3  4| 
 5  6  7  8  9 10 11|

12 13 14 15 16 17 18| Books. Words. Photos. Wikipedia. Networks.
19 20 21 22 23 24 25| PHOTOS: https://flickr.com/photos/fn-goa/

26 27 28 29 30  | VIDEOS: https://youtube.com/c/frederickfnnoronha


Re: [Goanet] Crystal Ball Gazing

2021-09-04 Thread Joao Barros-Pereira
thanks but it is a sad story

On 9/4/21, Nascy Caldeira  wrote:
> Correct.
> On Thursday, 2 September 2021, 02:02:56 pm AEST, Joao Barros-Pereira
>  wrote:
>  Girish Chodankar
> great navigator
> docked
> a victory
> for
> Congress Party
> in last
> elections
> three cheers
> after
> elections
> 10 winning
> MLAs
> leapfrogged
> to the
> BJP Party
> two cheers
> what does joao want to say?

[Goanet] India’s DNA COVID vaccine is a world first – more are coming

2021-09-04 Thread W Nunes
Goanet:  Please post thanks  wn


India’s DNA COVID vaccine is a world first – more are coming

Re: [Goanet] Crystal Ball Gazing

2021-09-04 Thread Nascy Caldeira

On Thursday, 2 September 2021, 02:02:56 pm AEST, Joao Barros-Pereira 
 Girish Chodankar

great navigator

a victory

Congress Party

in last

three cheers


10 winning

to the
BJP Party

two cheers

what does joao want to say?


2021-09-04 Thread Aires Rodrigues
Two of the three Ribandar Councillors, Sandra Da Cunha and Silvestre
Fernandes have already assured that they would this week meet MLA Babush
Monserrate and seek an update on the promised Community Health Center at
the Old Ribandar Hospital.

Both the Councillors have been requested to clearly convey to the MLA that
a day dispensary was not acceptable and that the promised must be

The Old Ribandar Hospital was Asia’s first medical school with a very
glorious history and this priceless heritage structure needs to be
preserved by restoring the premises with all possible Health Care

On 8th October last year MLA Babush Monserrate promised that Health
facilities there would start as 30 bedded with a 24X7 Casualty cum Trauma
unit equipped with all the required facilities and that it would be
expanded in stages to be a full-fledged Hospital while that very week the
same was also assured by Chief Minister Pramod Sawant.

We are aware that Union Minister Shripad Naik and his son Siddesh with
vested interests have been sabotaging the setting up of our Health Center
but it is for the MLA to live up to his promise which he had said would be
done ‘hook  or by crook’.

We will ensure that no stone is left unturned to see that our Health center
becomes a reality. In this struggle we will explore all options. And of
course those sabotaging the setting up of our Health Center or reneging on
the solemn promise made would at the ensuing Assembly elections be
politically quarantined.

The promised Community Health Center at the Old Ribandar hospital would
benefit not only a densely populated Ribandar but also neighboring
residents of Chimbel, Merces, Old Goa and in the Island of Divar.

Adv. Aires Rodrigues

C/G-2, Shopping Complex

Ribandar Retreat

Ribandar – Goa – 403006

Mobile No: 9822684372

Office Tel  No: (0832) 2444012

Email: airesrodrigu...@gmail.com

You can also reach me on

Facebook.com/ AiresRodrigues



[Goanet] ABBA announce new album Voyage and spectacular new live show

2021-09-04 Thread Roland Francis


[Goanet] Medicine For The Memories

2021-09-04 Thread Roland Francis
ABBA stages a comeback after 46 years in the wilderness.

I Still Have Faith In You

Don’t Shut Me Down
