[Goanet] Noise pollution at Dandeavado Junction on NH 66

2022-12-07 Thread Nelson Lopes
 Noise pollution at Dandeavado
 Junction on NH 66

The residents are grateful for fixing rumblers at this  intersection of
five roads. Residents now  are from frying pan into  the fire. The existing
rumblers are replaced by 6
Strips  each, raised rumbles in 4 places instead of two as of  earlier. The
much needed zebra crossing are also in place and great relief  to
pedestrians It has solved one problem at the deadly accident prone site but
added another serious, unexpected noise pollution. The suggestion was to
expand the Junction, a blind spot   by 2 m of acquired land  as   notices
are served recently to remove all encroachments   At the distances of 50 to
100 meres  radius from the site all around ,the noise blast with thunder
enters the residential houses, rattling windows and vibrating the
surrounding,24 hours  a day. At nights  specially it is unbearable  to
senior citizens afflicted with hypertension, heart ailment .The blast
disturbs normal sleep pattern  and aggravates health conditions .The Govt
has strict  provision to stop loud music by 10 p.m  and same yardstick
holds good here.The police should be directed to check the sound decibels
at night.The sound decibels need to checked  also at day to  understand the
magnitude  and gravity of this sound menance. The residents in a show of
solidarity and anxiety demonstrated  at the site on 6 Dec 2022 at 10.30 a.m
and the event has been documented by the media.
No cautionary sign boards as needed before 25 meres  on either side are
installed.The light  blinkers too mandated  that could help too at mights
are missing. The main aim to slow the traffic is in vain as the motorist
zoom pass at same speed without slowing down unless the vehicles in front
do so and at night  time care two hoots to respect the rumblers and add to
our woes  of unvearable noise  and vibrations

Mandatory speed control should  reduce the noise levels. The sign board
with speed limit 70 must be removed forthwith , just 20 metres from
rumblers . The blast is generated mostly by container trucks, trucks,
busses an speeding cars at nights and enforce rigorously speed limit. Such
noise generating, disturbing rumblers  in  residential surroundings are
best avoided. Cameras must  be installed to check speed by errant drivers
and fine them as a deterrent. If measures to avoid blast of noises 24 hours
a day and more so at Night  cannot be avoided ,better to remove them and
install signals as in other places.  This proposal mooted by the M.P is
lying in cold storage without justification. The  road safety organizations
have  suggested to do away with rumblers on NH, limiting to internal roads,
as they badly cause spine injuries ,spondylitis and  are a potent danger to
pregnant women.
First check the decibels of noise around  ,both at night and  day within
 60 to 100 metres to  verify ,salsify the magnitude of blast of noise that
is a  positive   health hazard to all specially those with ailments and
senior citizens  who are denied their right to peaceful rest
This issue is to be attended expeditiously with seriousness it deserves.
Besides the residents have been agitating with representations to all
concerned for the last 15 years and more pleading for the bypass of just 2
As the  Chairman of P,C Trust and on behalf of  myself, together  with
affected, aggrieved, residents and  senior citizens, this request may be
treated as legal notice to further  proceed legally, if our legitimate
grievances for relief of blast and thunder of noise much beyond tolerable
limits and at nights aided  with provision against noise pollution beyond
10 p,m is ignored
The relief sought is a legitimate grievance ,as court has directed to stop
sound nuisance after 10 p.m.This is an odd example coming within its purview
The representations have been mailed to all concerned authorities,
including the Hon'ble  Minister of PWD

Adv Nelson Lopes


2022-12-07 Thread Aires Rodrigues
We need to be all very concerned of the fact that in a small State like Goa
there is a very enormous pendency of cases in various Courts across the
State. A mountain of cases are dragging and remain pending which includes a
huge pendency for over a decade and the pile up even involves cases
pertaining to Senior Citizens, for many of whom Justice eludes and evades
in their life span. This utter sorry state of affairs is untenable as
justice delayed is justice denied.

After coming to power in March 2012, the BJP had vowed that it would be the
endeavor of the government to bring down to half the number of pending
Court litigations involving the government. But nothing whatsoever has been
done in that direction. It should also be the sincere intent of
the government to bring down the escalating government  expenditure on
litigations on account of government decisions being taken without proper
application of mind.

Every government move and decision should be legally sound and strictly
within the framework of law. But less said the better, about the despicable
caliber of some of our lawmakers on whose account our Goa is further
sinking by the day.

Rajendra Menon, the former Chief Justice of the Delhi High Court had said
that until and unless we are able to deliver timely justice to the
citizens, the faith in the system may erode and if such a thing happens, it
would be a disaster for the democratic system of this country, while
expressing concern over the huge dependency of cases and long delays in
their disposal.

The huge backlog of cases is unacceptable. The Judiciary and the
Legislature have a duty and owe a responsibility towards the citizens and
are bound by the mandate of the Constitution to dispense justice to the
last man in the queue in a timely and diligent manner.
Adv. Aires Rodrigues

C/G-2, Shopping Complex

Ribandar Retreat

Ribandar – Goa – 403006

Mobile No: 9822684372

Office Tel  No: (0832) 2444012

Email: airesrodrigu...@gmail.com

You can also reach me on

Facebook.com/ AiresRodrigues




[Goanet] Some observations on fifa world cup 22

2022-12-07 Thread Nelson Lopes
Fifa world cup 22 some highlights

India got opportunity to watch  many games due to time zone.Out of 22
penalties 12 seemed to be flawed.  The tough Brazilian  referee was not
repeated. The reviews many a times disappointed but gladden  the opponents
 For the first time most of the stadiums were running  full capacity
irrespective of  the Nations playing the matches
Red by and large was  a popular colour of choice both for teams and
spectators. The dress code for ladies saw them dressed decently.Referring
many a times left the spectators and players wondering about their
decisions.Many a National teams performance was disappointing and
unbelievable upsets too upto quarter finals.Japanese deserve a salute for
cleaning the mess  after the games
New Stars on the horizon seen  as old stars of yester years were pushed to
the background and will fade away
FOR many it will be their last world cup due to age.It will be a life long
memory for those who scored for the the very first time  and those that
have  more goals to their credit.Pity that some teams failed in penalty
shoot outs and those who missed crucial penalties will repent for life  The
goalkeepers who were a saving grace for their teams  will have the joy of
being honoured as heroes
Iran  team for the first time refused in protest to sing their National
anthem.Moroco is the only African Nation to be among the eight teams .The
non whites  players formed a vital part of many world teams and most number
of players played for teams  of other countries
 World cup in Qatar is success in matters of organisation, infrastructure
and meeting the highest standards of international requirements
Perhaps for a change many females were visible  in various capacities
enhancing women power.One officiating  female referee would send a happy
message of women liberation and empowerment
Pele the soccer legend  could not participate  in the finals of world cup
for the first time
Many may not live to watch the next world cup too

Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

[Goanet-News] VIDEOS: An international Lusophone festival in Goa, with State support

2022-12-07 Thread Frederick Noronha
An international Lusophone festival in Goa, with State support

Socorro de Santa Cruz and Team... at the Lusophone show

Socorro de Santa Cruz ... Kampala, etc.

Band Kanaka of Mozambique

At the Lusophone music fest

Swizel on the sax, and Jaazmatazz

Lusophone performers... Goa 2022... Cabo Verde

Timore-Leste ... with a fusion dance

Timore-Leste dancers in Goa

Timore-Leste dancers

Cabo Verde, singers and drummers

Cabo Verde performers

Cabo Verde 3

A Goa view of Lusofonia

Socorro de Santa Cruz... Mhojem Goem

Cabo Verde

Brazil and other Lusophone nations

Brazil steals the show... it's not the World Cup


Swizel... Jaazmataaz... Cucurucucu

Dancers from TImore-Leste fusion dance

Brazil acts as a crowd-puller

FN * +91-9822122436 * 784 Saligao 403511 Bardez Goa

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FN https://www.youtube.com/c/FrederickFNNoronha/videos

or https://bit.ly/FNOnYouTube

FN1 https://bit.ly/FNVideos1 FN2 https://bit.ly/FNVideos2

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[Goanet-News] Band Kanaka... of Mozambique

2022-12-07 Thread Frederick Noronha
Band Kanaka, of Mozamibque. Performing at the Lusophone music fest. Goa ...
https://youtu.be/8daS394U9ug via @YouTube #Goa #music #Lusophone #Lusofonia


FN * +91-9822122436 * 784g Saligao 403511 Bardez Goa

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FN https://www.youtube.com/c/FrederickFNNoronha/videos

or https://bit.ly/FNOnYouTube

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[Goanet] Fwd:  ""Konkani and 'Goan Identity’ in Post-Colonial Goa", Journal of the Japanese Association for South Asian Studies 14: 121-144, 2002" by Kyoko Matsukawa

2022-12-07 Thread Mel de Quadros
Am I not a Goan, as I speak not Konkanni ?

[image: Academia.edu] 

>From your Reading History:
"Konkani and 'Goan Identity’ in Post-Colonial Goa", Journal of the Japanese
Association for South Asian Studies 14: 121-144, 2002

[image: Paper Thumbnail]

[image: Author Photo] Kyoko Matsukawa

View PDF ▸

  Download PDF ⬇

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2022-12-07 Thread Eddie D'Sa

Hi Express Editors,
The UK media seem lost without constant references to the Royals.
I guess that nothing really exciting is going on in the UK.

But why endless views on the Queen (long dead), the King who doesn't 
know what to do with his time and the lesser Royals?

Please go easy on the boring Royals.


[Goanet] Missionaries, Merlins, and Merchants | William Dalrymple | The New York Review of Books

2022-12-07 Thread Antonio De Quadros
India, the greatest of civilizations. 

Sent from my iPhone

[Goanet] "So Quick The Deep Sea Did Swallow Them All" - O Heraldo, 3/12/2022

2022-12-07 Thread V M

Last month, I received an unusual email from Mervyn Maciel, my long-time
correspondent (although we have still not met in person). “I don’t know if
you are aware that I lost five members of my family when the ship they were
returning to East Africa from Goa was torpedoed by the Japanese in November
1942,” wrote the sprightly UK-based 93-year-old, “my father, step-mother
and three very young siblings perished. And while there were many
survivors, amongst those who lost their lives on this ill-fated ship
included young Goan brides on their way to Mombasa, and several other
Indian families. Mine, I gather, was the only entire family that was lost.”

Maciel pointed me to an article published in *The Eastern Eye*, a
publication for and about British Indians, which mentioned the launch of a
new website: www.tilawa1942.com. This account by Emile Solanki contained
many fascinating details of this almost entirely overlooked incident: “On
November 20th, 1942 at 17:00, the British-built ship left Mumbai for South
Africa. There were 222 crew members, with 732 passengers, 9 lifeboats, and
over 6,000 tons of cargo, including 60 tons of silver bullion. Its route
was from Mumbai to South Africa via the Seychelles, Mombasa, and Maputo,
ending in Durban. Passengers were mainly Indian nationals.”

Here, we must zoom out to understand the geopolitical scenario. World War
II was ablaze on multiple fronts. In that same month in 1942, the Americans
were surging to victory at Guadalcanal, and (mostly) British troops began
their invasion of what had been French North Africa. On November 11, the
second battle of El Alamein ended in decisive Allied victory, and two days
later General Montgomery seized Tobruk. On November 19, the day before
Mervyn Maciel’s family shipped out from Bombay, British troops used gliders
to fly into Telemark in Norway to try and sabotage a chemical plant, but
failed with 41 casualties, and on November 21, defying all reason, Hitler
forbade his severely depleted 6th Army from retreating from Stalingrad.

War historians tend to remember November 23 for two important shifts in the
balance of power: the Soviet Red Army’s Operation Uranus succeeded in full,
with the hapless Germans fully encircled at Stalingrad, and the
strategically vital port city of Dakar in what was French West Africa
shifted to Allied control. Most accounts also record the German submarine
U-172 ambushing and sinking the British merchant ship SS Benlomond off the
coast of Brazil (from which wreckage the second steward Poon Lim famously
survived 133 days adrift before being rescued).”

What has been generally not been remembered is detailed by Solanki: “in the
early hours of the morning, 930 miles northeast of the Seychelles, Tilawa
was attacked by the Japanese Imperial Army. The I-29 B-1 Submarine, twice
torpedoed Tilawa. After the first torpedo attack, the first officer
transmitted SOS messages. Unfortunately, little could be done, and once the
second torpedo hit the ship sank quickly. For the next 2 days, all aboard
would fight for their lives and see their fellow passengers and loved ones
drown to death. Eventually, a rescue mission led by a Royal Navy Cruiser
HMS Birmingham and S.S. Carthage ensured 682 people were rescued. A total
of 280 lives were lost. Those rescued were taken back to Mumbai by November
27th 1942.”

Solanki, whose great-grandfather Nichhabhai Chibabhai Solanki drowned in
the attack, writes, rather poignantly, that “it is unknown why S.S. Tilawa
was sunk in the Indian Ocean. Did the Japanese Imperial Army know there was
bullion on the ship, or, did they see the ship as a military threat? Where
were HMS Birmingham and S.S. Carthage when Tilawa was attacked? Did the
British, Indian, or Japanese Governments hold any classified information,
including any communication between these vessels during the attack? It is
believed S.S. Tilawa was the only passenger cargo liner attacked in the
Indian Ocean during the war. Few know of the incident, yet many families

Why are some losses remembered and memorialized, while others ignored
almost entirely? The short answer, of course, is racism: most of those who
died (and all those who kept the torch of memory alive) are of Indian
origin. But there’s also the question of post-colonial nationalisms, and
the inherently in-between “African Asians” whose life histories tend to
fall outside the tendentious, blinkered narratives of nativism. In this
regard, Mervyn Maciel’s family and their ilk pose profound conundrums to
contemporary simplifiers. Should their deaths be “acknowledged as part of
India’s war efforts”, as Alex Gemmel, the British High Commissioner, argued
at a memorial last month? Or does that medal belong on the opposite set of
chests, because that same deadly Japanese submarine went on to transport
Subhas Chandra Bose safely from Madagascar to Tokyo?

Here, it’s 

[Goanet] Petra Diamonds to keep Williamson mine idled until mid-2023 - MINING.COM

2022-12-07 Thread Antonio De Quadros
Very sad state of affairs:

Sent from my iPhone

[Goanet] AIFF REPORT: 49 teams to participate in AIFF Elite Youth League 2022-23

2022-12-07 Thread Soumo Ghosh
*49 teams to participate in AIFF Elite Youth League 2022-23 *

*AIFF Media Team*

* NEW DELHI:* The AIFF Elite Youth League 2022-23 will kick off on December
22, with the tournament set to be played across two phases. While the group
stages will be played from December 22, 2022 to January 5, 2023, the final
rounds, the venue for which will be announced later, will take place from
January 20 to January 31, 2023.

There will be a total of 111 matches across 11 locations (Group Stages +
Final Rounds) during the course of the tournament.

A total of 49 teams from 29 State/Union Territories have been divided into
10 groups, which will be played across 10 locations in the country in a
single-leg round-robin format in the group stage. The 10 group winners and
6 best second-placed teams will qualify for the Final Rounds.

The Final Round will be played in a knock-out format, starting from the
round of 16 stage.

AIFF Secretary General Dr. Shaji Prabakharan said, “We are coming up with
the Elite U-17 League involving different academies and clubs from more
than 30 states, which will see participation from more than 50 teams. This
would definitely help us find talent for our India U-17 team, which is
already in preparation for participating in the final rounds of AFC U-17
Asian Cup in May 2023.

“As we see it, the players, especially the youth players, didn't have the
opportunity to play in any competition during the pandemic, which is why we
have created this league, which would definitely inspire the youth,” he
said. “We plan to have a robust youth and Elite League structure going
forward. This will be announced when we come out with the roadmap for our
long term vision that could set our youth and elite development structure.

“This is just the beginning, and I'm sure the participating teams and clubs
will be inspired with this opportunity, and we will find exceptional talent
that could become future stars for India going forward.”

*The following are the groupings: *

*Group A, Bengaluru: *Alchemy International FA (Karnataka), TBD (Kerala),
Lakshadweep Football Academy (Lakshadweep), Churchill Brothers FC Goa
(Goa), Mumbai Kenkre FC (Maharashtra).

*Group B, Kolkata:* ATK Mohun Bagan (West Bengal), Sanju Football Academy
(Sikkim), FAO Academy (Odisha), Minerva Academy FC (Punjab), Football 4
Change Academy (Manipur).

*Group C, Patna:* Alpha Sports Academy (Bihar), Hyderabad FC (Telangana),
Odisha FC (Odisha), Techtro Swades United FC (Himachal Pradesh), Young
Heroes (UP).

*Group D, Imphal:* Classic Football Academy (Manipur), Gauhati Town Club
(Assam), Shillong Lajong (Meghalya), East Bengal (West Bengal), Jamshedpur
FC (Jharkhand).

*Group E, Hyderabad:* Sreenidi Deccan FC (Telangana), Mumbai City FC
(Maharashtra), Gandhinagar FC (Gujrat), Silvassa United FC (Daman and Diu),
Jeppiaar Institute of Technology FC (Puducherry).

*Group F, Chohal:* Punjab State FA U-17 (Punjab), Kumaon Heroes (Uttar
Pradesh), Real Lona FC (Ladakh), Real Kashmir FC (Jammu & Kashmir),
Himalayan FC Kinnaur (Himachal Pradesh).

*Group G, Bokaro:* Sail Football Academy, Bokaro (Jharkhand), KR Football
Leaders (Uttarakhand), Rajasthan United FC (Rajasthan), Madan Maharaj FC
(Madhya Pradesh), Adani Sarguja Football Academy (Chhattisgarh).

*Group H, Rudrapur:* Corbet FC (Uttarakhand), Hero FC (Jammu &  Kashmir),
Ladakh Football Schools and Academy (Ladakh), Chandigarh Football Academy
(Chandigarh), Sudeva Delhi FC (Delhi).

*Group I, Bhilai:* RKM Football Academy (Chhattisgarh), Premier Sporting
Football Academy (Bihar), TBD (Kerala), Chennaiyin FC (Tamil Nadu), The
Diamond Rock FA (Madhya Pradesh).

*Group J, Goa:* FC Goa (Goa), Bengaluru FC (Karnataka), ARA FC (Gujrat),
Zinc Football Academy (Rajasthan).

Soumo Ghosh,
Assistant Manager, Media, All India Football Federation,
Mobile: +91-9051857227
Alternate Mail: soumo.gh...@the-aiff.com

[Goanet] A wartime story

2022-12-07 Thread Mervyn Maciel
Dear Friends,

Sending you this link to an article just published in the Goa
paper - Herald - and written by my journalist friend, Vivek Menezes.
Now trying to get someone interested in producing a documentary on
this forgotten tragedy - "The Indian Titanic"



03:17 (3 hours ago)



2022-12-07 Thread Stephen Dias
Nowhere in the world will have roads in the city like we have in Panaji
Goa. Wherever you go, you find digging and digging with JCBs and some
places the depth of holes are  more than 3 metres deep without exaggerating
and it continues its deep passages quite a long distance especially at
areas near Municipal Garden near Cine Nacional, Panjim church, St Inez,
Tonca, Lal Bhavan, Panjim cemetery, and Taleigao etc There is not a single
road clear for us for motoring our vehicles at ease. When I plan to go to
buy in a particular shop we need to plan which route I must take and
wherever you reach the road is closed and go on taking all the routes until
you get fed up. Waste of petrol, vehicles suspension damaged and by the
time you reach home the clothes are turned red. This is our situation of
Panaji city which our Government still thinks to make this city as SMART
CITY. Several cables and pipes are seen in these holes and I am sure they
must have been by now damaged and very soon within a year again the same
digging and breaking the road will continue that means this Panjim will
always remain in the same  state. Luckily this government have labourers
from outside state to work as our Goenkar have left to London and other
parts of world for better prospects. These same outsiders workers they
start searching places to sleep and plans to rob our houses. What a
disgusting situation we are facing in Panaji? Instead of taking up the
repairs in phase manner they have damaged all over the city these roads.
And our Chief Minister still chanting to the people of Goa BIUPACHI GOROZ
Enclosed few photograhs

Stephen Dias
7th December 2022

[Goanet] Mervyn’s fishing yarn!

2022-12-07 Thread Antonio De Quadros
Great story. Enjoyed every word. 
I hear those drums. In my experience this is what happens at distant drumming:

-- next part --

Sent from my iPhone

[Goanet] Indian movie epic RRR (Rise, Roar, Revolt)

2022-12-07 Thread Mel de Quadros
There’s a lot of hubbub about this Kannada  movie from Andra Padesh, India.
Have watched it, it’s on Netflix Dubbed in Hindi. Referred to as RRR.
Rise Roar Revolt (2022) - IMDb

A story very fictional about two young men fighting for independence from
the British. Great fun, a saga of over three hours. Some Academy Awards
buzz about this movie. Enough English so you can follow the story.
Recommended. B

[Goanet] Angelo da Fonseca's 'Indian Madonna' - an Exhibition of Selected Paintings organized by XCHR

2022-12-07 Thread XCHR Info
Dear Friends,

Xavier Centre of Historical Research, Porvorim cordially
invites you for an Exhibition of Selected Paintings of Goa's renowned
painter, Angelo da Fonseca, on the theme 'Indian Madonna'. This exhibition
will be curated by Dr. Savia Viegas at Xavier Centre on Tuesday, 6
December 2022 at 6 PM. (Tea will be served at 5:30 P.M.

On this special occasion of Angelo da Fonseca's 120th Birth Anniversary,
invited school students from Goa will paint a tribute to Angelo, on the
theme, MOTHER.

All of you, along with your friends and colleagues are
cordially invited for the Exhibition. Kindly refer to the attached
invitation and poster for further details.

Malcolm Barreto, S.J.
Xavier Centre of Historical Research
B B Borkar Road, Alto Porvorim, Goa 403521, India.
Tel: +91-832-2417772 (Office)

*facebook.com/xchr.goa *

[Goanet] Press Release : ENGN signs India’s first female iQFoiler, windsurfer Katya Coelho

2022-12-07 Thread Chayanka Talukdar
Hi ,

Please find attached the press release on 'ENGN signs India’s first female
iQFoiler, windsurfer Katya Coelho'

Please go through the release and consider taking it forward.

Also, do let me know if you would be interested in connecting with the
founder of  ENGN in case of any further queries.


Chayanka Talukdar


ENGN signs India’s first female iQFoiler, windsurfer Katya Coelho


   Katya Coelho is the  first female iQFoiler to represent India on
   International podiums

   ENGN is an athlete representation company that exclusively works with
   Indian sportswomen and is an entity of Varanium Lifestyle Pvt. Ltd.

Mumbai, December 1st  ,2022: Athlete representation company, ENGN to
exclusively represent Katya Coelho, India’s first woman iQFoiler, an
extraordinary windsurfer and environmental advocate.

Megha Desai, Co-Founder, ENGN, states on the new addition, “ENGN’s vision
has always been to support and empower female athletes. We are thrilled to
sign Katya and add her to our roster of athletes. Katya’s passion towards
the sport of windsurfing and her will to do better each time has made her
one of the best windsurfers in India, and we can’t wait to take our
association ahead and take the sport of windsurfing to a wider audience.”

ENGN is a Mumbai-based athlete representation & performance wear company
that, besides financial support via investments and sponsorships, also
provides infrastructural support with nutrition, training, mental health
coaches and any other need the athlete may require to improve her
performance. ENGN is currently associated with female athletes including:

1.  Maana Patel, Olympian Swimmer

2.  Anisha Aswal, All India Rank 1, World Rank 65, Taekwondo

3.  Nithyashree Ananda, International 400m Track Athlete

4.  Shivani Soam, National Level Long Jumper

5.  Anoli Shah, International Medallist, Speed Skating

6.  Lakshmi G M – National 400m Hurdles Athlete

Kathya Coelho is the first and only Indian female windsurfer to compete in
the Youth Olympics in 2014 and continues to top most of the windsurfing
podiums in the country. She has won 10 national gold medals, 2 bronze at
Asian Open Championship in Techno 2015. She was also the first female
Indian surfer to represent at Asian Games 2018.

She has also one silver Asian Medal in 2022 – the first international medal
in iQFoil by any Indian.

Katya recently won gold at Senior Nationals, Yachting Association of India
and 1st round of Asian Games Selection Trials for the IQ Foil Category held
at INWTC Mumbai. The young athlete aims to qualify for the Asian Games,

Katya Coelho, Windsurfer, says, “I am excited to join the ENGN family and
can’t wait to get started on this new journey with the team. I have always
wanted to represent and win for India at the global stage and truly believe
my association with ENGN will help me achieve my goals and bring
windsurfing and iQFoiling to the forefront in India.”

About ENGN

ENGN, part of Varanium Lifestyle, was founded in 2021. It focuses
exclusively on female athletes and helps them reach their goals. In its
endeavour to encourage all women to make health and fitness a part of their
life, ENGN also offers a product line of high-quality performance wear at
affordable prices and recently signed Esha Deol as brand ambassador for its
D2C performance wear.

Its future plan is to help its athletes participate in Asian Games 2023, as
well as qualify for the Olympics 2024 and help them achieve the dream that
every sports-person dreams of – making India proud. ENGN believes that the
only way to impact a long term change is by supporting and encouraging more
young girls to take up sports as a career and fitness as a lifestyle.


Chayanka Talukdar


[Goanet] The Immigrant World Cup (O Heraldo, 4/12/2022)

2022-12-07 Thread V M

Sometimes the images streaming out of Qatar are almost too
contradictory to process. Here’s only one example - just last month on
October 3rd, the French parliament was suspended after Grégoire de
Fournas – a newly elected far-right member – kept shouting “go back to
Africa” to Carlos Martens Bilongo (whose parents migrated to France
from Congo). After that, the National Front leader Marine Le Pen, who
recently led her openly xenophobic party to its best electoral
performance with an unprecedented 89 MPs, was defiant, posting on
Twitter that “"the controversy created by our political opponents is
obvious and will not fool the French people.”

But while that ugly racism is undeniably one face of France in 2022,
we saw another one altogether earlier this week on November 30, when
‘Les Bleus’ took the field against Tunisia with exactly one ethnically
European player in the starting 11. All the other ten had African
roots that derive from a range of different countries, while Steve
Mandada (Zaire) and Eduardo Camavinga (Angola) were actually born
“back in Africa”.

Of all the remarkable stories on and off the field at this year’s
World Cup, above all is the narrative of globalization, and its
inevitable corollary of migration. It’s also the main story underlying
global football, about which, the Switzerland-based International
Centre for Sports Studies (known by its French acronym as CIES) tells
us “the number of expatriate players within the teams of 135 leagues
[from UEFA to CONCACAF to our own AFC] has strongly increased” over
the past five years. “On the 1st of May 2022, 13,929 footballers were
playing outside the country in which they grew up: +1,946 players in
comparison to the same date in 2017 (+ 16%). Expatriates now represent
22% of the total number of players.”

In its 75th monthly report issued in May this year, the CIES noted
“Brazil remains the principal exporter of footballers. However, after
the peak recorded in 2019, the number of Brazilians abroad has fallen
for the third consecutive year. Conversely, the foreign presence of
nationals from the second biggest exporting country, France, has
reached its all-time high in 2022. The gap between Brazilians and
French has thus passed from 407 expatriates in 2017 to 241 in 2022. In
the not-so-distant future, France could thus become the number one
exporter of footballers.” That prediction has become reality in Qatar,
where an astonishing 59 players representing 10 countries were born in

Those numbers are part of an unstoppable trend: 137 players – or 16%
of the overall total -are foreign-born, and many others have dual or
multiple citizenship, with the choice of playing for other teams.
Consider the case of Tim Weah, the silky-smooth USA forward who scored
against Wales on 22nd November. He is the son of George Weah, who is
not only the only African to ever win the Ballon D’Or (which is
awarded to the world’s best player) and FIFA’s World Player of the
Year Award, but also reigns as the popular President of Liberia. In
fact, the younger Weah was actually born in New York, but five of his
team-mates were not, including Antonee Robinson (who came up through
Everton’s youth academy), Sergiño Dest (formerly Ajax), and Cameron
Carter-Vickers (Tottenham Hotspur).

Nonetheless, before anyone gets too cynical about carpet-bagging, we
must recall that migrant stars have always been prevalent at the very
top of international football. Look at the very great Eusebio, for
instance, who top-scored at the 1966 World Cup for Portugal, but was
born and raised in Mozambique, and only moved to Lisbon as a teenaged
recruit for Benfica (where we went on to score an almost unbelievable
473 goals in just 440 matches). Much less straightforward – and
perhaps more interesting – examples have created overlapping, and even
conflicting narratives on the pitch, such as the exhilarating,
unforgettable 2018 World Cup match between Switzerland and Serbia,
where Granit Xhaka and Xherdan Shaqiri drove half of Europe into
frenzy after they flashed the Albanian eagle hand signal of Kosovar
identity after scoring against the country which had warred brutally
against their ancestral homeland.

Here it’s interesting to note it is actually Qatar – along with some
other countries -which originally forced FIFA to tighten its rulebook
about switching countries. Back in 2010, the controversial honcho Sepp
Blatter had declared that “if we don't take care about the invaders
from Brazil, then at the next World Cups we will have 16 teams full of
Brazilian players. It's a danger, a real, real danger." That was after
emergency rule changes when it emerged that Qatar had offered the top
scorer in the Bundesliga, the Brazilian forward Ailton, who had never
even been to the Middle East, at least $1 million to come play for
their country. Eventually, FIFA clarified “the existence of a genuine
link” was required between the 

Re: [Goanet] A Racist Conversation

2022-12-07 Thread Eddie D'Sa

Hi Roland,
These Brit Royals don't know what to do with their time and, and as a 
past time, enjoy questioning & boring normal people.

These Royals should be abolished. What purpose do they serve?
The immense sums of money given to them by state for their upkeep can be 
used for much needed services for poorer people.

Best wishes

-- Original Message --
From: "Roland Francis" 
To: "GOA2" 
Sent: Thursday, 1 Dec, 22 At 20:06
Subject: [Goanet] A Racist Conversation
An interesting conversation showing overt racism by a British Royal 
Householder when taking to a born-in-Britain black woman (as reported by 
the BBC).
If you think it compares to a teeth pulling dental session, you wouldn’t 
be wrong.

Here is the full conversation, as recounted by Ms Fulani:
Lady SH: Where are you from?
Me: Sistah Space.
SH: No, where do you come from?
Me: We're based in Hackney.
SH: No, what part of Africa are you from?
Me: I don't know, they didn't leave any records.
SH: Well, you must know where you're from, I spent time in France. Where 
are you from?

Me: Here, the UK.
SH: No, but what nationality are you?
Me: I am born here and am British.
SH: No, but where do you really come from, where do your people come 

Me: 'My people', lady, what is this?
SH: Oh I can see I am going to have a challenge getting you to say where 
you're from. When did you first come here?
Me: Lady! I am a British national, my parents came here in the 50s 

SH: Oh, I knew we'd get there in the end, you're Caribbean!
Me: No lady, I am of African heritage, Caribbean descent and British 

SH: Oh so you're from...

[Goanet] Fwd:  "asians in east africa" by Gijsbert Oonk

2022-12-07 Thread Mel de Quadros
In case other Goans may find it of interest.

[image: Academia.edu] 

>From your Reading History:
asians in east africa

[image: Paper Thumbnail]

[image: Author Photo] Gijsbert Oonk

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2022-12-07 Thread Eddie D'Sa

What do you expect from a semi-literate PM like MODI who can barely 
speak decent English?
Modi should take a break from duties and enroll in a 6-month's course in 
basic English.

He should also take a course in basic discussion techniques.
And henceforth he should stop dabbling repeatedly in religious issues 

There are lots of other issues to attend to.

Time to act as a responsible leader for all, not just Hindus.


-- Original Message --
From: "Aires Rodrigues" 
To: "goanet" 
Sent: Saturday, 26 Nov, 22 At 18:50
On 26th November we observed our Constitution Day which is also known as
National Law Day. We have a lot to reflect on what has been going wrong
with the very guiding principles of our Constitution being flouted with
impunity. On 26 November 1949, the Constituent Assembly adopted our
Constitution which was drafted by a committee headed by Babasaheb 

who played a pivotal role in its drafting.
Perhaps the founding fathers never visualized or anticipated that Money 
Muscle Power would one day rule the roost in our country’s political 

with persons lacking morals and ethics assuming Power. So now there is a
need for urgent amendments to our Constitution to safeguard those
fundamentals while leaving no grey areas for manipulation and towards 

the Legislature, Executive and Judiciary must look within.
The loopholes that have crept in the Anti-Defection law must be plugged.
The Autonomy of the Reserve Bank, Election Commission, Enforcement
Directorate and the CBI must be restored. And more importantly the very
vital Independence of the Judiciary can never ever be compromised. Let 

all sincerely commit to protect and ensure that the doctrine of our
Constitution is strictly adhered to in letter and spirit with no room 

fudging or fraud.  Only then will there be something to rejoice and
celebrate on our Constitution Day.
Adv. Aires Rodrigues
C/G-2, Shopping Complex
Ribandar Retreat
Ribandar – Goa – 403006
Mobile No: 9822684372
Office Tel  No: (0832) 2444012
Email: airesrodrigu...@gmail.com

You can also reach me on
Facebook.com/ AiresRodrigues

[Goanet] The Global Goan December 2022 edition

2022-12-07 Thread Anita Dias
Enjoy the December issue!
And continue to share...thx

From: The Global Goan 
Sent: December 2, 2022 8:43 AM
To: The Global Goan 
Subject: The Global Goan December 2022 edition

Pleased to announce the release of the December edition of The Global Goan.

Packed with articles of interest, it is a cool enjoyable read.  Do enjoy it and 
pass the link on to all your contacts with the same request.  Our readers have 
been doing this month after month, and today we have more than half a million 
readers!!  Thanks for your support.

Comments and criticism are welcome too - they help us grow!!  We take every 
suggestion seriously and that is how we deliver this magazine as we do.  What 
you see in the magazine today, is the result of taking in every suggestion from 
you our readers.

Enjoy yourselves and do keep sharing.



Salus Correia


A smile is definitely better than a smirk…

keep smiling.

Save a tree.  Save this message if it’s important, AVOID PRINTING.

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[Goanet] VIDEOS: An international Lusophone festival in Goa, with State support

2022-12-07 Thread Frederick Noronha
An international Lusophone festival in Goa, with State support

Socorro de Santa Cruz and Team... at the Lusophone show

Socorro de Santa Cruz ... Kampala, etc.

Band Kanaka of Mozambique

At the Lusophone music fest

Swizel on the sax, and Jaazmatazz

Lusophone performers... Goa 2022... Cabo Verde

Timore-Leste ... with a fusion dance

Timore-Leste dancers in Goa

Timore-Leste dancers

Cabo Verde, singers and drummers

Cabo Verde performers

Cabo Verde 3

A Goa view of Lusofonia

Socorro de Santa Cruz... Mhojem Goem

Cabo Verde

Brazil and other Lusophone nations

Brazil steals the show... it's not the World Cup


Swizel... Jaazmataaz... Cucurucucu

Dancers from TImore-Leste fusion dance

Brazil acts as a crowd-puller

FN * +91-9822122436 * 784 Saligao 403511 Bardez Goa

--- YouTube Channels ---

FN https://www.youtube.com/c/FrederickFNNoronha/videos

or https://bit.ly/FNOnYouTube

FN1 https://bit.ly/FNVideos1 FN2 https://bit.ly/FNVideos2

--- --- 

[image: Mailtrack]

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