Re: [Goanet] [Goanet-News] And the prize winners are ... Fundacao Oriente short story competition 2017

2017-12-05 Thread Arnold Noronha
Fred 😊I'm glad your are encouraging the young followers of your writing tribe 
to become escrivaos like  you.
Keep up the good work. This is the best part and climax of your splendid 
journalistic  career.


Arnold Noronha

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From: Goanet-News  on behalf of Frederick 
Sent: Thursday, November 30, 2017 3:14 PM
To: Goanet
Subject: [Goanet-News] And the prize winners are ... Fundacao Oriente short 
story competition 2017

Congratulations to all!



by Vithal L. Gawas
The Alban Couto Prize (Rs 20,000)

2 ND PRIZE - MURDER? (English)
by Rajyashree Dutt
The Semana da Cultura Prize (Rs 15,000)
Indo-Portuguesa Prize

3 RD PRIZE - DHIRIO (English)
by Mayabhushan Nagvenkar
The Fundação Oriente Prize (Rs 10,000)

by Sushmita Dessai


1. Kahat Kabira (Marathi) by Vithal L. Gawas
2. Murder? (English) by Rajyashree Dutt
3. Dhirio (English) by Mayabhushan Nagvenkar
4. Paavlli (Konkani) by Sushmita Dessai
5. The Thief Who Left Behind His Things (English) by Bina Nayak
6. The Mango Tree ( English) by Anusha VR
7. Kashmir to Goa – A Love Story (English) by Sunil Kumar Damodaran
8. Mathilda’s Bubbles (English) by Anita Pinto
9. Why Rita Doesn’t Eat Sausages Anymore (English) by Clara A. Rodrigues
10. Wings of Vertigo (English) by Aaron S. Rodrigues
11. Life’s Bumpy Ride (English) by Cherie Naroo
12. All You Need Is Love … (English) by Gouthami
13. Maria’s Boutique (English) by Brian Mendonça
14. Pavlov’s Daughter (English) by Noel Mark Sequeira
15. Margie Pereira Learns How To Swim (English) by Francesca Cotta
16. In A World Of What Ifs (English) by Jeanette Barbosa Noronha
17. The Devil Inside Me Smiled (English) by Preethy Sunil
18. Bavddo (Konkani) by Kiran Mahambre
19. Aayi … Birthday Kenna? (Konkani) by Naresh Chandrakant Naik
20. Gantten Sot Kelem (Konkani) by Suvarna Mahesh Bandekar
21. Sasay (Konkani) by Geeta Narayan Naik
22. Rakhandar – Part No.2, Survey No.25 (Marathi) by Narayan Mahale
23. O Migrante (Portuguese) by Maria do Céu Barreto
24. Not Your Time To Go Girl! (English) by Dinesh Patel
25. Mary Aylae Na (Konkani) by Shantan Sukhtankar

[Announced a few hours back...]
_/ Frederick Noronha फ्रेड्रिक नोरोन्या * فريدريك نورونيا‎
_/ +91-9822122436 (SMS if you can't get through)

<> Sent with Mailtrack

[Goanet] The President's benign reminder to Goa to heed Destiny's Call

2007-06-01 Thread Arnold Noronha
Lisbon, Portugal June 15-17, 2007 Details at: 

Citing the  1 Jun  post from From: "r.barreto" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

.HELD IN PANAJI ? GOA 3rd to 5th January 2007

By John Mascarenhas ? DTM*
In laudatory felicitations to the GLOBAL GOANS CONVENTION,
Dr A P J Abdul Kalam ? President of India, declared:
“?Our nation has a rich cultural heritage with vibrancy. The convention
could highlight the potential of Goa in tourism, biodiversity and its
history and culture?. On this occasion, I extend my greetings and
felicitations to the participants and the organisers and wish the
Convention all success?.”

Dear Goanetters:

Quoting the aforesaid epistle from India’s erudite President, as Goa’s 
paramount leader, it could be significantly used as Goa’s credo to chart its 
future growth and development. Reasonably, it could be interpreted as the 
Indian Republic’s official position vis-à-vis our Konkan Homeland in 
providing guidelines for the path to be taken in fulfilling Goa’s Destiny. 
Remarkably noteworthy, is the absence of any mention of industrial 
development and commercial enterprise in our State.  In particular, 
prominently omitted is any mention of exploiting mineral wealth, creating 
SEZs and crafting mega enterprises consequently despoiling this beautiful 
idyllic Land  by conversion into a concrete and steel jungles at the expense 
of our Natural flora and fauna, landscape and Historical heritage. Au 
contraire, President Kalam’s statement seems to strongly imply the 
imperative need to  zealously preserve  Goa’s heritage and culture for 
In fact the President’s gracious blessings appear to unmistakably envisage 
Goa as purely a Land of Leisure and Goodwill welcoming all the citizens of 
the World in the spirit of Peace, Harmony and Merriment to enjoy its Natural 
Beauty and Rich Unique Culture and History.

Does the President of India’s Messianic Manifesto mean anything to the 
Leaders and Administrators and general public of Goa?
Furthermore, can the esteemed Head of State’s possibly Idealistic Reverie, 
reflected in his vision for Goa, inspire a Righteous Revolution to bring our 
beloved land someday to an Utopian State?
The people of Goa can best answer these critical questions, by at least 
making a modest beginning in the right direction when they go to the polls 
this time.


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Goanet recommends, and is proud to be associated with, 
'Domnic's Goa' - A nostalgic romp through a bygone era.
This book is the perfect gift for any Goan, or anyone 
wanting to understand Goa. Distributed locally by 
Broadway, near Caculo Island, Panjim & internationally
by OtherIndiaBookStore.Com. For trade enquiries contact 

[Goanet] Restricting Sale of Liquor and Dry Days in GOA

2007-05-31 Thread Arnold Noronha
Lisbon, Portugal June 15-17, 2007 Details at: 

JoeGoaUk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on  May 28 wrote:

Restricting Sale of Liquor and Dry Days in GOA

You may be aware that in Goa there is a restriction on serving or sale of 
liquor items. NO LIQUOR TO BE SOLD OR SERVED AFTER 10 PM.  This restriction 
is  in place ever since the Assembly election dates were officially declared 
from early May.  It may also be reminded there were 4 complete DRY DAYS on 
4, 5, 6 & 7 of May 2007 on account Panchayat elections.  Again there are 
about 7 complete DRY DAYS  coming up soon starting from 31st May to 6th June 
due to the Assembly election to be held on 2nd June 2007.

Last week, they imposed 'naka bandi' on import of any liquor into the state. 
Several trucks with hundreds of beer cartons are stopped at the Goa Border 
areas and will be released only after 6th June.

So, what's happening in Goa?
Who rules Goa?
Why so many restrictions?
Why so many Dry Days ?
Who made these decisions and what grounds?

Dear Joe:

In addressing the alarming restrictions on the sale of liquor during the 
elections, the gravitas of the issue eloquently   raised  by you has much 
larger implications as a  threat  to  the very fundamental freedoms of Goa’s 
residents. By its very basic ethos, Goa is the  domain of the freewheeling, 
the feasting and the fun-loving.  Under Goa’s secular political 
Constitution, the inhabitants are guaranteed  unalienable rights to indulge 
in various activities including drinking  focusing on  making merry  as long 
as they act properly within the existing Laws of the Land.  Echoing your 
word to the wise, the Government  is duty -bound  to protect and not 
interfere with the sacred rights of the  people which include the right to 
potable pleasures. Of course excesses committed should be sternly 
discouraged and  condignly punished . But the unpleasantness of unnecessary 
restrictions on our good citizens’ social pastimes and activities are 
directly contrary to any sound democratic principles and should be fought 
tooth and nail. Most commendably, you have undertaken this crusade to uphold 
one of our most important freedoms …..the arm-bending Bacchanal Freedom. It 
reflects your lifelong mission to stand up for your people when their 
precious rights are trampled upon .

The irresistibly enticing charm of Goa’s idyllic, bright and Eden-like 
Thrives on the bedrock of its entertainment, polite Arts  and cordial 
Which lends itself freely, soulfully and gushingly to serenity, amity and 
Giving the lovely Land its openness, innocence, bucolic atmosphere and 
Not to be marred by unwarranted Prohibition through stifling Restriction’s 

Denying  ready access to fathom the depths of  the heart of our jolly Big 

Is downright unsporting, dog-in-the-manger like and unconstitutionally gross
Our noble  convivial traditions into the rotting garbage heap it does 
cruelly  toss

Around the people’s necks making Government’s Administration an albatross
Thus putting Goa’s finest customs of drinking and good cheer into dead loss

The queer unacceptable pretext for this Government  order is the coming 
When the voters are going to exercise their franchise to make legislative 
Confused enough the electorate is already with last minute party cross 

Goans are thoroughly disgusted with the Government’s unreasonable objection
To their seeking comfort and inspiration from liquor instead of teetotaler 

So what does the Government hope to achieve by declaring certain days dry?
For Liberty, Justice, Bonhomie and fair Government, do they hear the Goans  
To grant the voters and Goa’s guests Freedom,  who does  the politicians 
hands tie?
To come out in favour of keeping the people sated and smiling why are they 
so shy?
Beset by such abject  bureaucratic ineptitude and whim, can we let Democracy 

Keep up the good work, Senhor.

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Goanet recommends, and is proud to be associated with, 
'Domnic's Goa' - A nostalgic romp through a bygone era.
This book is the perfect gift for any Goan, or anyone 
wanting to understand Goa. Distributed locally by 
Broadway, near Caculo Island, Panjim & internationally
by OtherIndiaBookStore.Com. For trade enquiries contact 

[Goanet] The role of Money in the Elections.

2007-05-31 Thread Arnold Noronha
Lisbon, Portugal June 15-17, 2007 Details at: 

On 31 May 2007 From: JoeGoaUk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Goanet] Vote = POIXE POIXE POIXE - Money Money Money - PAISA



Rich politician would do anything to win.
For the most rich politicians contesting election over and over again is
like a game.
contesting for power
contesting for Minister's Chair
contesting for CM's chair
contesting for name & fame
Contesting for more money

Rich man can do anything..
Reminds me of late 70s ABBA's song

Must be funny
In the rich man's world
Money, money, money
Always sunny
In the rich man's world
All the things I could do
If I had a little money
It's a rich man's world

Dear Joe:

The pithy hard-hitting  mantra unleashed in your May 31 post is a bitter – 
sweet mélange of superb vernacular and patois that gives much food for 
thought.  Reinforced by  cute verse, your vitriolic litany sends a powerful  
message to Goa’s electorate at this awkward but critical  time of the 
upcoming elections.  The embarrassment caused by your concise revelations 
could work like upturning a big rock to expose and send a lot of hidden ugly 
creatures scurrying away from the sunlight and fresh air of Truth and 
Reform.   It looks  doubtful  you’re going to win any popularity contest 
among politicians with your tirade against their activities and objectives 
.but it  will encourage the voters to think carefully before casting their 
Yes, it’s difficult to refute your cynical observation   that  Money is  the 
root of all Evil, especially when you put it so bluntly and honestly in your 
adroit,  charming and  piquant style.
Senhor, you’ve done it again. Although rare,  as long as there are  “Knights 
in Shining Armour”, like you as sentinels to vigilantly and selflessly guard 
Goa’s real interests and clean its Augean stables, our Konkan Motherland 
will survive and flourish.

Viva Goa  !!!



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Goanet recommends, and is proud to be associated with, 
'Domnic's Goa' - A nostalgic romp through a bygone era.
This book is the perfect gift for any Goan, or anyone 
wanting to understand Goa. Distributed locally by 
Broadway, near Caculo Island, Panjim & internationally
by OtherIndiaBookStore.Com. For trade enquiries contact 

[Goanet] Can Goa go Greek for posterity?

2007-05-31 Thread Arnold Noronha
Lisbon, Portugal June 15-17, 2007 Details at: 

On 29 May 2007  Selma Carvalho <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
wrote Re: [Goanet] Is Goa heading the way of the Ojibwe Indian?

Dear, cher Arnold,

Being a Goan from the heart of Salcete, I cling to my
identity as a Goan Catholic and I can be as jingoistic
as Churchill if need be.

However, the older I grow and the more I travel, I
realise how futile it is to cling to our narrowly
defined identities because time is the great
assimilator. If we refer to the Greek civilisation, a
lesser known fact about it is, there was no Greece as
we know of it today. There were the Mycenaeans, the
Dorians, the Minoans, the Athenians, to name a few and
it took centuries of warfare to create Greece. And
yet, today these ancient principalities are seamlessly

Much of what you are proposing bears merit on economic
grounds but will do little to preserve us culturally.
Today, culture is not defined by clansmanship,
geography or religion. It's defined by economics and
access to information and education. There is a world
culture developing and my sincere hope is one day we
will define ourselves as citizens of the world.

Goa will be a pleasant footnote in the annals of
history, but it will assimilate seamlessly into the
folds of the Indian subcontinent.

Take care,

Sweet Shastikar Selma:
With regard to the accepted concept of “culture”, your astute and indulgent 
response is on point. Yes indeed “culture” is not an immutable quality.  Au 
contraire it’s an evolving human refinement dictating a code of behavior 
that is constantly subject to metamorphosis because of factors such as  the 
dynamics of new discoveries, political and environmental changes, scientific 
advancements and ideological  developments.  That moving quality of 
metastasis gives “culture”  its regal status in the Pantheon of   Diet, 
Etiquette,  Law and order, Value systems and Aesthetics.  The catharsis of  
new thinking and invention progressively acculturates our civilizations to 
improve cultures. : “The old order changes giving way to the new” Like   
Nature’s  behaviour patterns, culture  tends to mutate.inexorably.  Hence,   
I agree wholeheartedly that following the trends of History, eventually  all 
civilizations   become footnotes to the chronology of human events and as a 
result  their concomitant cultures become extinct or modified far beyond 
their original recognizable  identities. Ergo, there is no dispute about 
your contention that Goa’s extant culture will suffer evanescence with the 
passage of time and changing circumstances.
I also have congruency with the aspects of your notion that in this day and 
age, governed essentially by economics,  culture has no boundaries insofar 
as  religion or  geography goes.. But I believe clansmanship and 
geographical origins do still provide cohesive bonds of social  polarization 
and identity. .  I aver those among those of us who choose to be called Goan 
but  barely know any Konkani words or customs  still instinctively retain 
some of  our unique Goan heritage in habits or at least some of our Goan 
traits like  diets and other discernible  characteristics. Besides,  we 
instinctively tend to gravitate together in social gatherings, 
communications and private settings because we’re comfortable with one 
another despite our usual  bickerings and social  infighting, Our diatribes 
may not be on par with the sophistication of the Socratic Dialogues but we 
Goans can certainly give the Greeks a run for their money.   For a classical 
example, our very Cyberspace Goanet epitomizes this phenomena.
Your pertinent mention of Greek city states interrelationships and their 
role in shaping  the  History of the Civilized World has merit in explaining 
political phenomena and the incongruities of socio/political units within 
one of the  most advanced .civilized systems of its Era. However, let’s not 
forget, Greeks, despite their political differences, had a common culture. 
Their internecine warfare did not unite them but eventually their common 
enemy, the Persians did. The fabric of  Goa’s ethos shares two common 
characteristics  with Greece; it has a single homogenous culture and a 
common  language too, if you accept Konkan as our mother tongue.

 I’m no scholar of things Greek; in fact much of  Hellenic history is 
“Greek” to me.(no pun intended).  You’re absolutely right in citing Greek 
culture as a valid example to conceptually make your case  about the 
eventual obsolescence of  civilizations and related cultures. But original 
Greek traditions and philosophy  still solidly  remain  the underpinnings of 
modern civilization today. That’s the role I envisage for our Goan 
traditions and  native intelligence. Our cuisine and  h

[Goanet] Is Goa heading the way of the Ojibwe Indian?

2007-05-29 Thread Arnold Noronha
Lisbon, Portugal June 15-17, 2007 Details at: 

On 28 May 2007, Selma Carvalho <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
wrote: Re: [Goanet] Tales from the Ojibwe Indian

“Ojibwe Indians, like most native American tribes, live
on reservations. Reservations that the US federal
government set up. These proud warriors of the past
have refused to assimilate with mainstream America.
They march to the beat of their own pow-wow drums.

The Ojibwe Indians are a dying nation. Sadly their
dancing reminded me of our weddings where older men
and women strut to the tangos and the waltzes of their
time, while a younger generation limps along trying to
find their own ground.

Yes, Goans are a dying race. There is no doubt about
that but it's not because so many sought jobs in the
Gulf or emigrated to Canada or because we were run
rampant by other cultures. Ultimately it's because
everything living that doesn't have sustenance dies
and is replaced by something else. That's just the way
it is.

On a sombre note,

Dear Selma:

The pathos rendered in your laconic May 28 post is thought-provoking in its 
ominous tone. Your stirring account of the plight of the Ojibwe tribe is 
appealing.  Drawing a sympathetic parallel, your doomsayer comparison of the 
fates of the Ojibwe Indians and Goans is apparently daunting and 
discouraging. True there are grounds for credibility in the skepticism of 
your “Cassandra” like prediction. But, while respecting your worthy opinions 
and assessments,  being an incurable optimist, I  shall not give your dire 
predictions an outright cachet.

When  discussing Goans permanently residing outside Goa, it should  be 
recognized  the vicissitudes of Humankind’s History inevitably  make  a 
gradual morphing   to new  social   order through  miscegenation and 
cultural hybridization or blending . The overarching  fact is Goans are 
gregarious by nature, driven primarily by economics  and demographical 
pressures and  cannot live in Goan ghettos outside the Motherland.  Time and 
 again our learned friend Mario makes an excellent point here. But with 
promotion and  retention of certain facets of our culture distinctly within 
the World’s mosaic of cultures, we can continue to keep the Goan generic 
profile  extant for posterity. Our  Goan institutions and expatriate 
ambassadors of the Arts, Commerce and  various sciences in various parts of 
the West,  Australia, Africa are doing yeoman service to Goa’s cause, 
carrying its  proud banner and making indelible footprints with outstanding 
contributions  outside Goa. As long as Goans abroad continue to be proud to 
call themselves Goans and observe and introduce  our customs where practical 
with  our legendary  traditions of genteelness and hospitality, there is 
little to fear. Citing precedent, other ethnical expatriates have maintained 
their identities for hundreds of years.  Take for instance the Chinese, 
Italians, Polish, Irish and Spanish.

However on the home front, Goans can do a lot more about keeping up our 
proud heritage.  As you know,  the cornerstones of Goan identity in 
perpetuity depend entirely . on the arduous  preservation of linguistics, 
cuisine,  the polite sciences,  customs and etiquette,  traditional dress 
and old monuments, edifices and other landmarks. Not to be ignored is 
protection of  Goa’s natural landscape and littoral aspects of our 
geography, especially the flora and fauna and the concomitant  
characteristics of the soil and sea. This also means that one of the 
principal  ways to stem the tide of dilution of our culture is to prevent 
further inroads into Goa of external  influences be they  from other parts 
of India or abroad. Ownership of land should be absolutely restricted to 
people of Goan origin. The so called development of Goa’s resources and 
construction activity should be regulated vigorously. Goan economic activity 
should concentrated on Tourism, Education and Culturally-related products 
and services. Industrial activities that are not environmentally friendly 
and take away from the natural scenery and add to population pressures 
should be discouraged,  Most of all,  residency and voter registration 
should be strictly controlled. A special Non-Goan residency tax imposed  on 
all those who are not of Goan ancestry could be an excellent revenue earner 
and a sound method  to control the influx and permanent presence of non- 
Goans.  Of course,  a strong enforcement infrastructure is a sine qua non to 
implement residency laws. The rub lies in defining who is a true Goan from 
the point of  view of ancestry and established domicile. Let’s take a page 
from the existing enclaves of the world like Hong Kong, Monaco, Lichtenstein 
to learn how we can do better. But that means forgoing our petty

[Goanet] The folly of frog filleting

2007-05-27 Thread Arnold Noronha
Lisbon, Portugal June 15-17, 2007 Details at: 

On Fri, 25 May "Kevin Saldanha" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
wrote: Re: [Goanet] Mark Twain's Celebrated Jumping Frog of
“Hi Arnold,

The crux is not so much the gastronomic delights of the amphibian
appendages as it is the wanton cruelty of the dispatch methods by
starvation due to disambulation (is that a legitimate big enough word

This method of rendering food animals unconscious has now fallen out
of favour due to concerns about BSE but unfortunately still persists
in high school and university biology labs much to the apprehension of
animal rights activists.

However, they also are of the opinion that ANY vertebrate (and many
invertebrates with two neurons to synapse) have the capacity to
perceive discomfort enough to shy away from it.  That, and the
inherent desire to survive, make fishing a despicable sport.  (I
wonder what joy sport anglers get out of outwitting a brain many times
smaller than theirs, anyway.) “

Dear Kevin:
Your learned and profound May 25 comments are appreciated. Yes, I admire 
your humane attitude towards creatures other than man. As a biologist/doctor 
you have your heart in the right place. The inhumane methods used to kill 
animals by those of us who claim to be the image and likeness of God make us 
guilty of blasphemy of sorts.  Mind-boggling is the dilemma of killing and 
maiming animals for food and research as required for Mankind’s survival and 
at the same time making sure we don’t subject other species to unnecessary 
pain and suffering. Yes, from Humankind’s point of view, all creatures 
inhabiting this Planet are part of Creation or Evolution(as you will) and 
thus entitled to some consideration unless they’re a direct threat to our 
I’m an occasional recreational fisherman who is guilty of this cruelty.  
You’re absolutely right about the sadism inherent in this angling sport. 
Unfortunately, we don’t think of the ugly aspect of the  sport as we  go to 
challenge the creatures of the waters for an outing and pastime in the bosom 
of Nature. The true angler’s real objective is catching fresh air and 
sunshine with the charm of solitude and maybe some good company of fellow 
As you have scientifically revealed, it’s amazing how many forms of life 
come from the same genetic tree. Metaphorically, Man is the 800 lb gorilla 
dominating practically all other forms of multi-cellular animals and 
vegetation. As you scientists tell us, we are indisputably on top of the 
food chain and masters the ecological domain of Nature on this planet. It’s 
so ironic and poetic justice too that despite all our strength and brains we 
live in dread of those ephemeral microscopic organisms such as microbes and 
viruses because Nature has given them the power to destroy us so called 
Masters of the Planet Earth.
It always fascinating to get erudites like you and Dr Helekar to express  
authoritative opinions on matters of heredity and other biological facts. 
Pardon me if it appears I’m trying to infringe on your ambit. I have deep 
respect for persona of your genre in scientific matters wherein my knowledge 
and understanding is very limited.


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Goanet recommends, and is proud to be associated with, 
'Domnic's Goa' - A nostalgic romp through a bygone era.
This book is the perfect gift for any Goan, or anyone 
wanting to understand Goa. Distributed locally by 
Broadway, near Caculo Island, Panjim & internationally
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[Goanet] Mark Twain's Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County comes to Goa

2007-05-23 Thread Arnold Noronha
Lisbon, Portugal June 15-17, 2007 Details at: 

On Wed, 23 May 2007  "Clinton Vaz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Subject: ] [ Save the Frogs! Do your part as a

Hello Goanetters,

For centuries, at this time of the year in Goa, various species of
frogs come out of hibernation to celebrate the arrival of the
monsoons and play their part in the transformation of dry fields
into nature's orchestra of croaks, cricket creaking, thunder and of
course, the sound of rain.

Its unfortunate that misinformed and misguided locals hunt these
frogs for meal that not out of necessity, but because its considered
as an exotic delicacy. Frogs are often blinded by torches, clubbed,
thrown into sacks by the hundreds and sold to unethical
restaurateurs that simply skin and cut of their legs while they are
alive and leave them to die a slow and painful death..”

Dear Clinton:

Thanks for drawing our Goanet readership’s attention to the shameless 
slaughter  of our jumping friends to slake the voracious appetites of 
idiosyncratic and greedy gastronomes.  Apart from the unbridled savagery 
towards these wet seasons’ sons of the soil, its just not cricket (no pun 
intended to the chirping katydid’s cousins) to sabotage Nature’s monsoon 
symphony of the croaking creatures. After all, these amplifying amphibians 
joyfully provide that indispensable rich “base” key to the green fields’ 
vibrant music welcoming the annual rains.
It is contended the frog hunters are nothing but toady lackeys of the 
unscrupulous restaurant industry. The most alarming prospect is that 
perchance the delicacy of frog legs gormandizing could catch on to the 
hearty Goan palate. This eating metastasis may threaten the traditional 
supremacy of our Goan flesh-derived culinary masterpieces at our fine 
epicurean tables. This could spawn a tumultuous culinary revolution 
prompting a major overhaul of our recipe books.
Deprived of their principal staple, Man’s intrusion into the normal 
reptilian diet would also cause snakes the shuddering and slithering shakes. 
It could also give weight to what was long suspected by certain maverick 
biologists about Man’s serpentine tendencies.  Reinforced by the evidence of 
Man’s habitual frog ingestion, imaginative Darwinians may even fine tune the 
Theory of Evolution. Thus inferring from characteristics such as his/her 
frog diet and slimy behaviour, it may be concluded Humankind descended from 
the Snake,   rather than the Monkey.
Thank Heavens for the brave frog flirting volunteers sponsored by  WildGoa 
who probably nonviolently risk life and limb and the sophisticated caterers’ 
goodwill  to stop this putative sinful carnage of frogs. . Most heartening 
however, we are told their betes-noirs,   the poachers, are being gradually 
influenced by gentle persuasion. to give up their cruel profit oriented  
blood sport. Finding an alternate avocation however could present a big 
problem. Considering the serious canine menace, dog catching could afford a 
thrilling sport and pastime. This may stop our beloved Goa from going to the 
dogs literally.
Now it’s sincerely hoped these valiant well-meaning bleeding hearts don’t 
get overenthusiastic  thereby  extending their campaign  to  agitating 
against the slaughter of pigs too.  Offending the taste buds and selective 
carnivorous appetites of   our meat- hungry Goan citizens will incur their 
irreconcilable wrath.  All patriotic Goans can be expected to say  “ Mai 
Tzcho Go !!!  How dare any true Goan by unconscionably preventing pig 
slaughter, deprive the average manna and irmao of delectable porcine 
products such as sorpatel, vindaloo and Goa sausages”.  Alas, such 
shenanigans. could easily  create tremendous public outrage that these 
overtime paddy field  pacifists will live to  regret.

Well, all you lovable  frogophiles ( my preposterous  coinage), tree 
huggers,  pelt protectors and Nature lovers in general , Peace be with you.
But if you want to join in a real meat eating feast without  prejudice or 
predilection,   bring   your own sauce and   booze.


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Goanet recommends, and is proud to be associated with, 
'Domnic's Goa' - A nostalgic romp through a bygone era.
This book is the perfect gift for any Goan, or anyone 
wanting to understand Goa. Distributed locally by 
Broadway, near Caculo Island, Panjim & internationally
by OtherIndiaBookStore.Com. For trade enquiries contact 

[Goanet] What is Wrong? - A critique

2007-05-20 Thread Arnold Noronha
Lisbon, Portugal June 15-17, 2007 Details at: 

On 19 May 2007 From: Santosh Helekar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Goanet]  What is wrong  (Was: Creationism versus Evolution)
What is wrong with stating facts that contradict
someone's beliefs?
What is wrong with attempting to convince someone that
he/she is mistaken?
What is wrong with informing other readers that what
they read on Goanet is not true?
What is wrong with wanting to find out if our beliefs
are right or wrong?
What is wrong with having intellectual curiosity?
What is wrong with trying to educate ourselves?

--- "Frederick \"FN\" Noronha"

What's wrong if Orlando believes in what he wants
to? Why should we
try to convince him otherwise? I hope his beliefs
make him a better
person... that's all that matters. I wouldn't want
anyone judging the
rightness (or wrongness) of my own beliefs... as
long as it doesn't
harm them in any way. FN

Dear Goanetters:

Centrifugal ideological forces may have caused the current  hot debate’s 
theme on “The Origin of our Species”  to  be sidelined. . Apparently two 
mavens of our Goanet realm are engaged in vibrant repartee which, while 
thought-provoking, is a distracting spinoff from the main “cause celebre”. 
i.e. Darwinism vs Creationism. Like a “going nowhere”  whirlpool, this 
“tempest in a teacup” diverts from the original thread’s  mainstream, 
affecting its smooth flow.. Generally speaking, in pursuing a thread,  there 
is something to be said for the discipline of staying within certain 
parameters. This rule  may  minimize obfuscation of the main issues before 
they get lost in the shuffle and consequently suffer the  waning interest of 
our readers. . .

In this exchange, the pivotal confrontational   poser exclaims: “what is 
With  quizzically challenging taunts sounding much like a lyrical mantra in 

Exposing  two countervailing views one could   represent by divergent prongs
That in Goanet’s lively  portals could be drawn out prolix, contentious and 
Using adroit strategies like matching tiles played in the alien game of Mah 
Philosophically the two sides posture with the blustering ballyhoo of King 
or with moves strutting around each other like menacing  dancers  clad in 
While at each other’s egos, facts, ideas and doctrines, they go hammer and 
It’s been consolingly proposed they could be better off playing hectic ping 
But in the context of “Darwin vs Creation Dogma” does this spat  really 
belong ?


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[Goanet] Darwin's antithetical dilemma

2007-05-19 Thread Arnold Noronha
Lisbon, Portugal June 15-17, 2007 Details at: 

On 18 May 2007 From: Mervyn Lobo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Creationism versus Evolution vs Angels


There is no proof there Man has evolved from
primates, also there is no proof of any species  evolving into another over 
a period of time. However adaption …..(ellipsis)

I am not too sure if man has evolved from primates or
if that is the direction man is going. However, I am
quite convinced that angels have morphed from fairies.
Fairies being male angels…. .  . (ellipsis)

Hello Mervyn and Orlando:

While you learned gentlemen and a host of other illustrious Goanetters (much 
 better informed than I ) are obsessed with rattling one another’s 
Darwinian cages, may I join this charismatic chorus?
In the light of  Homo Sapiens ‘ astoundingly  irrational, self-destructive  
and immoral behaviour consistently  in  the framework of Nature, the moot 
question for  those  brilliant minds who subscribe to Darwin’s Theory of  
Evolution is : “ Did Man evolve from the Monkey or did the Monkey descend 
from Man?”  (With sincere apologies to the simians for the invidious 


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Goanet recommends, and is proud to be associated with, 
'Domnic's Goa' - A nostalgic romp through a bygone era.
This book is the perfect gift for any Goan, or anyone 
wanting to understand Goa. Distributed locally by 
Broadway, near Caculo Island, Panjim & internationally
by OtherIndiaBookStore.Com. For trade enquiries contact 


2007-05-19 Thread Arnold Noronha
Lisbon, Portugal June 15-17, 2007 Details at: 

Dear Goanetters:
The underpinnings of our linguistic Tower of Babel  reflect the kaleidoscope 
of Goa's enchanting  diversity. As you know, an intriguing, yet delightfful 
hybrid patois  has evolved through our Goan History's vicissitudes. The  
essence of its charm is the reconciling detente, nay  harmony,  this lingua 
franca has cultivated among various subethnic and social groups in our 
beloved Goa. This unique endemic socially  and culturally accepted 
communications  phenomenon is dramatized with hearty  drollery in the quaint 
anecdote (source unknown) related below :


And then there was our good ole Goan Gabru who met his friend Santan at the 
tinto one evening..

"Arre, Gabru, Boro morre! Where u men, no sign so long... You were trying 
for job no, at the Taj. What happened?"

"Arre, Santan... Kitem Sangonk... I no want such job!"

"Kiteak re? Kith zallem?"said Santan.

"I am good swimmer. I would be fantastic lifeguard for sure. I went for 
interview at the Taj. Thinga ek Baill ani ek Dadhlo.. Borim english 
mattalim.. I good speaking english you know. They ask me 'Who I' I say - I 
am Gabriel Joao Leitao from Fortavaddo Nerul. I want to be lifeguard. They 
say show your feet.. I showed my feet. Then mhaka sangttam show me your 
knees... I am thinking why for they want to see my Dhomppram but anyways I 
showing them..."

"Then what?" said Santan.

"Then, Sheeh Saiba, Loz dissta sangonk! That lady she tell me 'Show me your 
testimonials'. Testi.. Anka testi mhuntath thi kiteac pollounc zai ? I no 
showing nobody my testi nothing!!!

Hanv Dhaon ghara ailo!!! NAKA MHAKA OSLO JOB!!!"


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Goanet recommends, and is proud to be associated with, 
'Domnic's Goa' - A nostalgic romp through a bygone era.
This book is the perfect gift for any Goan, or anyone 
wanting to understand Goa. Distributed locally by 
Broadway, near Caculo Island, Panjim & internationally
by OtherIndiaBookStore.Com. For trade enquiries contact 

[Goanet] Nostalgic for good old Goa

2007-05-18 Thread Arnold Noronha
Lisbon, Portugal June 15-17, 2007 Details at: 

On  17 May,  JoeGoaUk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Subject: [Goanet] Welcome to Miramar Beach  (with Pics and Video)

Dear Joe:
Your latest post on Miramar is a pure delight.  I thoroughly enjoyed the May 
17 contribution.  Yes, you've eloquently made your point that  in Goa's 
littoral  beaches lie the quintessence of the cultural, economic, 
entertaining and social wealth of our beloved land. What better way to 
emphasize  that remarkable phenomenon than with beautiful  pieces like 
The sentimental deja-vu recalling sweet child memories of your dear mother 
pulled  powerfully at my heartstrings. At Goanet nobody represents the mind 
and heart of Goa better than you . A lot of fine writers delve into the 
grime of  politics,  quagmire of commercialism and "haute monde" values, but 
you focus on its natural pristine  beauty and the regular folk which is what 
the real Goa is essentially  about.
You're among the brightest stars in our Goanet firmament when it comes to 
revealing Goa intimately, accurately, and philosophically  and, more 
importantly, zealously defending its heritage, assets, strengths and 
integrity. Consistently espousing Goa's cause, you've  striven to inveigle  
Goans and the rest of the World to love, respect and enjoy our Motherland. 
You're a true son of Goa's sacred soil.

Keep up the good work, Senhor.

More photos, more messages, more storage—get 2GB with Windows Live Hotmail.

Goanet recommends, and is proud to be associated with, 
'Domnic's Goa' - A nostalgic romp through a bygone era.
This book is the perfect gift for any Goan, or anyone 
wanting to understand Goa. Distributed locally by 
Broadway, near Caculo Island, Panjim & internationally
by OtherIndiaBookStore.Com. For trade enquiries contact 

[Goanet] Restricting Sale of Liquor in North Goa during elections

2007-05-17 Thread Arnold Noronha
Lisbon, Portugal June 15-17, 2007 Details at: 

Subject : [Goanet-news] Goa news for May 17, 2007

*** Restrictions imposed on sale of liquor in Goa till June 7
(New Kerala)

Panaji, May 16: Sale of liquor was today restricted in North
Goa district in view of the June 2 assembly elections in the

Dear Goanetters:

Disconcerting to the North Goan electorate is the unfortunate official ban 
on the distribution of  alcohol during the upcoming  elections. . 
Traditionally having at least a couple of jolly good jolts before making 
important decisions is the birthright of every honest (and even dishonest) 
Goan citizen. How can any sensible person ever put on his/her thinking cap  
before ingesting that magical potion that brings cheerfulness,  good 
judgment,  and legitimate discernment into play?. Besides, when confronted 
with  choices  between two or more poor alternatives,  the magnanimity  
conjured  by booze  can  breed electoral  tolerance, a sense of sporting  
fatalism  and a feeling of laissez-faire humour. Most importantly, the 
euphoria of inebriation tends to invoke a  strong call to duty to exercise  
the right  to vote. . In a word,  such cruel proscription creating an 
unhappy dry spell  is tantamount to a severe and cleverly disguised form of 
disenfranchisementan egregious and loathsome breach of the Bill of 
Rights absolutely guaranteed under Goa’s and India’s democratic 

Unjustly denied that indispensable pleasure to quaff genuine “aqua forte”
Be it beer, caju and  madachi feni, whiskey, rum, gin, muscatel or port
When our fine Goan citizens are enthusiastically getting ready to vote
Is bound to vilely get the good-natured  fun-loving Goan  people’s goat
To call it “not cricket” blatantly is putting it mildly in plain cold 

Eloigning Goan's traditions of conviviality and joy to a domain remote

For the hearts of  Goan fundamental rights have been unreasonably smote
Sadly holding our yearning for freedom to enjoy life and  think by the 
Which only gives cruel  license to teetotalers and killjoys to gleefully 

But this flagrant breach of customs, with alarm decent  Goans should note
While corruption, violent crime and other gross decadence continue to bloat
The outcome may be an unfair election engineered to get a badly elected Tote


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Goanet recommends, and is proud to be associated with, 
'Domnic's Goa' - A nostalgic romp through a bygone era.
This book is the perfect gift for any Goan, or anyone 
wanting to understand Goa. Distributed locally by 
Broadway, near Caculo Island, Panjim & internationally
by OtherIndiaBookStore.Com. For trade enquiries contact 

[Goanet] Creationism versus Evolution

2007-05-13 Thread Arnold Noronha
Lisbon, Portugal June 15-17, 2007 Details at: 

On  13 May 2007 : "Sunith Velho" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> in response to 
Frederick Noronha's earlier post wrote:

Re: [Goanet] Tolerating Creationism

FN writes:

So, as far as these creationists don't block you on
believing what you want, why should you evolutionists >deny them of the

Sunith responds:
Because creationism (or the Catholic version of it) is trying to creep
way into schools all over the world in the guise of a legitimate
theory and is being used to brainwash young children.

There is as much evidence for Intelligent Design as there is for the
that years ago a galactic warlord called Xenu rounded up 13.5 trillion
beings from an overcrowded corner of the universe, dumping them on Earth
before killing them with nuclear bombs(which is what Scientologists


Hello Fred and Sunith:
Your intense discourse  on Mankind's Origins seems to have reached an 
impasse.  Apparently, the controversy surrounding this enigmatic scientific 
subject with religious overtones or vice-versa,( as you like it) will   not 
be settled until Hell freeses over. Hence to you and like-minded Juggernauts 
of Goanet engaged in this debate,  I proffer the following verse :

Choosing between Creationism and Evolution
What’s the most rational and moral solution
To terminate  “nip and tuck” strife and elocution?
Without a   face-saving  and  retarding dilution
Or the bathos of ravaging intellectual pollution

Scrubbing the intelligent with enlightening ablution
Could we develop an amalgamated   convolution?
forgoing predilection, passion and seminal intuition
Ere mankind reaches the bloodshed of a revolution
Requiring a Higher Power(s)' stern interlocution

But for Heaven’s sake why have all this bitter  consternation
Twixt  savants for their opposing theories seeking justification
In  the search for our Origins with scrutiny and elaboration
That seems to lead to Oblivion with internecine vilification
When what’s important is not our Origins but our Destination


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Goanet recommends, and is proud to be associated with, 
'Domnic's Goa' - A nostalgic romp through a bygone era.
This book is the perfect gift for any Goan, or anyone 
wanting to understand Goa. Distributed locally by 
Broadway, near Caculo Island, Panjim & internationally
by OtherIndiaBookStore.Com. For trade enquiries contact 

[Goanet] Feni

2007-05-12 Thread Arnold Noronha
Lisbon, Portugal June 15-17, 2007 Details at: 

ON  9 May 2007  kenneth fernandes wrote:
Subject: [Goanet] GOA FENI
"Feni is the native liquor of Goa famous all over the world and almost
synonymous with the region. This intoxicating locally brewed clear and
potent drink is mainly of two types - Feni made from palm sap drawn from
shoots of coconut trees known as Toddy or Madachi in the local language
and the Cajuchi or the Cashew Feni, which is made from the fruit of the
cashew tree or the cashew apple. The former is available all the year
round but the cashew feni can only be prepared around late March, during
the cashew harvest season. Goans love Feni and though booze here is
cheaper than other places in India, Feni tops them all. ."
Dear Kenneth:
That May 9 post was an excellent vignette on the "nectar" of bibulous Goan 
conviviality. Your synopses on Feni was a jewel in a nut shell.
However, with regard to the extraction of Toddy, I was always under the 
impression that the sap of the Targula and Coconut trees was tapped from the 
upper part of the  trunks. Slits are made at strategic points and pots 
installed beneath the incisions. Then the sap is allowed to drip all night 
long  into the collection pots.  Hence I don't get the drift of your 
reference to extraction from "shoots". What shoots are your alluding to? I 
did not know such "Palm type" trees had  sap laden shoots in their 
structures. The closest arboreal part that bears any semblance to shoots are 
the new growths emerging from the crowns of these trees.  I don't believe 
that sap can be extracted from the inchoate outgrowths in the crowns of 
these trees as the yields will be insignificant.  Please correct me if I'm 

Promoting hearty cheer and revelry is our good man Kenny
In propagating his zealous advocacy for inebriating Feni
True the Joys and good feelings of this drink are many
And the commercial profits may provide a pretty penny
Goans eagerly partake: rich, poor, wise, Jackass and his Jenny
Without status and ethnic distinctions the consumers could be any
It's Goan Society's irresistble magnet for a Carousing Hootenanny

Viva Feni, Viva Goa 

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[Goanet] Vintage e-mails coming back to haunt Goanet

2007-05-01 Thread Arnold Noronha 

   This month's Goanet operations sponsored by an Anonymous Donor

Hello Bosco:

With their grave sounding undertones, the  raging controversies about 
disclosing private e-mails and resurrecting old e-mails .are the latest 
fiercely conducted  “bones of contention” on Goanet.  Dominating the debates 
is the Rubric establishing a clear dichotomy between “private” and “public” 
domains with regard to disclosing information to others.  For the engaging 
mudslinging promoted .and invidious polemic provoked, the subject dubious 
e-mail disclosures take the cake (or should it be bathica?).Digging up old 
bones or revealing skeletons in the closet to bring back uncomfortable 
nostalgia oft trumps current gossip hands down for eye-popping 
sensationalism. The deja-vu of washing someone else’s past dirty linen in 
public could be the quintessence of what is construed as (and readily sells 
as)   History. Come to think of it, if its “old” we call it History, in 
contrast if it’s current, it’s “journalism”.  . Paradoxically, if timed and 
placed properly, old stuff can be so much more interesting and enjoyable 
than new (unless you and I are the unfortunate victims). Raking up damning 
past events and   behaviour is like upturning a long undisturbed rock that 
reveals the underside to the harsh glare of sunlight.  Such  upheaval. 
causes  hitherto hidden dreaded creatures of the underworld  and other 
shunned sheltered life to scurry out buck naked for all the world to see in 
the harsh glare of sunlight.. The allegory implicit in the aforesaid   in 
the context of  the present ‘cause celebre” is remarkable.
While conceding  proper standards of human decency demand respect for 
Confidentiality and Trust,  philosophically speaking,   the cathartic and 
humanizing  value of  being hansardised  should be recognized ,  Despite the 
perfidious breach of Trust , such documented  confrontation with one’s past  
is especially valuable  when a vituperative correspondent gets offensively  
too big for his or her breeches.

Judging strictly from ethics’ and honour’s pale
If anyone should disclose confidential e-mails
Even if this information is supposed to be stale
It’s absolutely disgraceful, worthy of hard  rail
The Judas fully deserves to rot in a Turkish jail
And should rightly  not be granted any relief in bail

‘Cause the sacred code of confidentiality one did  fail
Callously without conscience revealing private details
And through the Stygian River of Treachery did sail
Woeful Lack of Integrity and Skullduggery it does entail
“It’s letting the cat out of the bag” many would wail
Ranks more loathsome and punishable than blackmail

Resurfacing old e-mails is like reviving History
It may be needed to clear the cobwebs of mystery
It brings certain hidden matters to the obvious fore
Laying bare their quintessence to the red raw core
Of course the embarrassed make a terrible uproar
The saving grace is malicious gossips it won’t bore

The lesson to be learnt is beware of  what you write
For later it could cause a knock down drag out  fight
It could also reveal who’s wrong and who‘s right
And on the uncompromising Truth shed much light
Clearing up any mysteries and facts barely recondite
Notwithstanding causing the embarrassment it  might
And hopefully make the proven liar repentantly contrite

So keep all such secrets in your back pocket
Or for the ladies ensconced in your locket
And at the proper time don’t shyly  block it
in the court of public opinion show the docket
It will hit the right people like a terrorist rocket
And to your adversaries you can always sock it

So old e-mails not deleted are like the grim  Sword of Damocles
Hanging over senders’ heads they could earn blackmailers’ fees
Be not as surprised as a teen first learning about the birds and the bees
In life one should see also the forest instead of only the trees
Otherwise your outerwear of respectability you can badly crease
Thus when it comes to freedom of expression don’t do as you please


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[Goanet] Goa's contribution to the World of Chess

2007-05-01 Thread Arnold Noronha 

   This month's Goanet operations sponsored by an Anonymous Donor

Dear Mr Pinto:
Your absorbing April 27 feature on Chess was a great awakener to Goans. The 
meticulous narrative on the Stategic Game of Kings and Queens should give 
you  well deserved recognition. I hope you continue to cover this noble 
intellectual game with the same zeal after this opening salvo. Years ago in 
Bombay there was an ardent journalistic follower of the game called "Ramji", 
(his nom-de-plume). As a keen  analyst of Chess, he was second to none in 
the Bombay circuit and even at National level. He was an indispensible 
catalyst and inspiration to many up- and- coming enthusiasts. His 
wholehearted encouragement to aspirants for chess honours was a big impetus 
to India's eventual emergence as a World Chess power. At this hour Goa 
should be blessed with another "Ramji" to follow his journalistic footprints 
with the same dedication.
It's highly commendable you've given Goan Chess a big boost through your 
kudos for our little  Chess heroine Ivana Furtado. It behoves the child 
prodigy's career should be  adequately nurtured and guided. I hope Indian 
journalsm continues to give Ivana the spotlight of  publicity and promotes 
other forms of support. She definitely requires finance, publicity, solid 
mentoring and other facilities which can only come with enthusiastic 
sponsorship and public support. India needs a successor to Viswanathan and 
Mir Sultan Khan.
Incidentally, in the  Bombay of the  1950's-60's there used to be a great 
chess stalwart Dr da Cunha. I'm not sure whether he hailed from Goa. He was 
a superb player and a fine gentlemen  always encouraging the younger crop. I 
believe he was a Bandra resident,  His regular hangout was the Parisian 
Restaurant opposite Bombay House(Tatas) in the heart of Fort, Bombay. Dr da 
Cunha reputedly polished his chess skills in London under a then World Chess 
Champion  who could have been either Capablanca or Alekhine. I've not seen 
Dr da Cunha's name mentioned in your galaxy of Goan chess stars. Is this an 
oversight or was this highly respected chess doyen not of Goan ancestry? 
Please clarify.
Keep up the good work.

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Lisbon, Portugal June 15-17, 2007 Details at: 

[Goanet] Wanted : Richard Gere, the Kissing Don Juan

2007-04-29 Thread Arnold Noronha 

   This month's Goanet operations sponsored by an Anonymous Donor

On , 27 Apr 2007  "Bonefacio Lopes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

"Wonder what's happening , it looks like an association has been formed
somewhere in the remotest part of India whose duty is to monitor such
and baseless personal and entertainment issues , wonder what's the
behind of such groups.

Richard Gere's kiss and an arrest warrant being issued against him for
kiss, have we gone loopy upstairs , second ASH/HRITHIK kissing scene,
court ...(elipsis)"

Dear Bonefacio:
Thank you for drawing our Goanetters' serious attention to the outrageous
arrest warrant issued against Richard Gere for the innocent act of kissing 
in public an Indian actress on Indian soil. The hapless Gringo Gere is now a 
wanted Casanova accused of being a bold  Bandido stealing kisses in public.  
It behoves that such prudish official tartuffery should be soundly 
condemned. As you have adroitly pointed out,  there is so much scurrilous 
activity and disgusting behaviour prevalent "on the Q.T." these days. Ergo, 
it's abjectly hypocritical to prosecute mere kissing (though possibly 
germ-propagating and provocative to the narrow-minded). In these precarious 
circumstances, I concur with your  strong sentiments  about such frivolous 
exercise of  Indian criminal law that  could make beloved India the laughing 
stock of the World.

To express your abhorrence for the Indian legal Authorities' unjustified 
warrant against Mr Gere, I offer the following verse:

When audacious, fun-loving, amorous, cavalier Yankee Richard Gere
In the thespian spirit of dramatics with open amity and good cheer
And to prove conclusively he wasn’t really a downright happy queer
When he danced with Jap Premier Koizumi holding him intimately near
In a bold debonair act kissed an actress in India with passion sincere
Poor Richard would have fared better if he pinched her tempting rear
Like the salacious dons routinely perpetrate in Rome without any fear

Even the virtuous Pope so busy has not yet solemnly issued a Papal Bull
To curb this overly friendly offensive touching practice deemed cool
Followed by lusty oafs, vagrants and tardy truants absent from school
Drawing lovelorn divas to seek cheap thrills crowding St Peter’s full
Hoping to get lucky before Vatican changes this backsliding morals rule
Then for roving vixens it spells “mosti kabar zala” that would be awful
Until these lonely ladies find a Richard Gere-inspired frisky gigolos’ pool

Lopes vehemently contends the recent brouhaha about public osculation
Is a tempest in a teacup entirely without any wit, merit or foundation
This kissing surely didn’t come out of ulterior motive or infatuation
And did not even rise to the overt level of an impish act of flirtation
Not even able to invoke a romantic Shakespearean play lover’s quotation
Being a simple, innocent act of goodwill, it brought only sweet elation
Thus the Deshi Government’s inane arrest warrant has earned indignation

Lopes ominously claims even evil, unfettered Adultery is now in fashion
If you’ve got the blue chips and appetite for lustful fun, you can cash in
The craze for hot illicit sex has no strict daunting inhibition, ban or 

Porn movies, magazines, and wicked media don’t suffer severe redaction
All one needs is shameless bravado, sly opportunity and heady passion
By Jove, then you’ll shockingly come to know about real rakish action
So watch out for folk more sinister than Gere guaranteeing satisfaction

Viva Goa !!!

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Lisbon, Portugal June 15-17, 2007 Details at: 

[Goanet] DOMNIC'S GOA - a rejoinder

2007-04-29 Thread Arnold Noronha 

   This month's Goanet operations sponsored by an Anonymous Donor

On  27 Apr 2007, Miguel Braganza" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Wrote on “Domnic's Goa”
“ Dears,

Domnic Fernandes' book DOMNIC'S GOA was released at a wonderful function
the Kala Academy, Panaji, today. The audience was almost Who's Who [and
Whose Who?] of Goa's writers and avid readers. If the presence of
Rodricks made a fashion statement, so did the earthen "Gurgulet" 

Dear Miguel:
Despite its mildly disguised cynicism, your brilliant April 27 sortie into 
the hoopla crowning “Domnic’s Goa” has an impressive aura of 
vernacular-tinged endemic Humour. With subtle, satirical panache you have 
seemingly exfoliated Fred’s and Cecil’s special relationships and activities 
with respect to the publication and distribution of Domnic Fernandes’s 
magnum opus.
Incidentally, I have great personal admiration for Fred, Cecil and you as 
sanguine pillars of Goan elitist “crème de la crème” journalistic 
intellectualism and cathartic criticism. You worthy gentlemen formidably 
represent the “haute monde” of Goa’s literati (may your tribe increase). To 
Fred in particular, I owe a great debt for his encouragement and information 
in my humble efforts to write publicly through Goanet. Ironically, it 
appears whenever someone embarks on a venture in Goa, it invariably seems to 
create a mind-boggling imbroglio.  Dauntingly, the resulting pandemonium 
could detract from optimizing the value of the enterprise. Regrettably, a 
number of us lovable Goans are natural geniuses in creativity and 
implementation but we can’t seem to avoid the counterproductive whirlpools 
of “cloak and dagger” intrigue hamstringing, nay hemorrhaging, one another. 
The pejorative mystic of complex politics and socio-economic 
interrelationships does indeed naturally gratify the  
psychoanalytically-revealed insatiable appetite of Mankind for the bizarre, 
the grotesque and the forbidden; strangely at times, it appears our Goan 
ethos is unusually vulnerable to this anti-social phenomenon.

While Goans like you valiantly and selflessly fight the epic battle to 
preserve and elevate  traditional customs, values and ethos of our ancestral 
lands, people’s rights and traditions, you also provide inspiration to my  
expatriate ilk who look back with pride at our origins and revel in the 
charms of nostalgia. Hence, it’s ingratiating that idyllic vestiges of Goa’s 
indigenous scenario, on which nostalgia rests, are being stoutly defended. 
Thanks to your indefatigable and staunch efforts dedicated to preserve our 
unique, chequered heritage, we expatriates can still enjoy the fruits of 
“old time religion”. Exemplary is your mission to enshrine our original 
ethnical innards and complexion, bucolic landscapes including the 
synthesized and blessed biology. As a marvelous blend of East and West, they 
vindicate  our genesis and chronology echoed in  antiquity . Crafted by 
History and Sociology and cradled in a fascinating blend of multifarious 
beliefs and cultures, our beloved Goa is  redoubtably extant as a chimerical 
and charming monolith. Shielded by indomitable grit and miraculous privilege 
and sinewed with  culture, leisure and hospitality, this existential Fantasy 
of Nature’s bounty has hitherto thrived. In the process, this irresistible 
international magical magnet of mirth and mysticism has prevailed over 
inexorable vicissitudes dictated by Time and Socio-political evolution. I’ve 
been given to understand authoritatively, Goans of any persuasion should 
believe this homegrown book “Dominic’s Goa” congenially epitomizes with 
elegance a wonderful incisive description of this delightful Earthly mini 
facet of cozy  Surrealism known as Goa.  Furthermore, this opus purportedly  
goes a long way towards promoting Goa’s beautiful Image universally. Ergo, 
let us Goanetters join notables like Cecil, Fred and you to give this grand 
literary venture venerating Goa, our wholehearted approbation and  support. 
Thus we can heartily celebrate the Pride and Joy of being Goan.


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[Goanet] Upcoming World snooker championships in Goa

2007-04-24 Thread Arnold Noronha 

   This month's Goanet operations sponsored by an Anonymous Donor

Hello Bosco:

Alluding to the Goa News April 24 announcement "*** World snooker meet in 
Goa (The Hindu)

NEW DELHI: The 2007 IBSF Under-21 World snooker championship
will be held in Goa this September. The coastal State will be
the new destination for the cue sport, which is aiming to tap
the non-traditional cities to bring in new life in the ."

I would be  highly obliged to know the exact dates of this tournament 
scheduled for September 2007.

As a keen afficionado of this exciting velvet  green table game in years 
gone by, I'm very interesting in knowing about  all the salient achievements 
and whereabouts of  the legendary Thomas Monteiro who was to Snooker what 
Wilson Jones and Michael Ferreira were to Billiards in those halcyon days of 
the '50s.  If my memory serves me well, among  Mr Monteiro's notable 
international  nemeses were Chandra Hirjee  of Ceylon and Tom Cleary of 
Australia. These giants of the Sport that spawned the phrase "behind the 8 
ball" were a real pleasure to watch in action.  Importantly, their savoir 
faire and  dexterity with the cue stick and coloured balls were matched by 
their genteelness and sportmanship. It behoves fabulous players of yore like 
Thomas should be appropriately remembered and exulted at this marquee 
forthcoming Event as a part of the lore of this skillful and demanding, but 
by large, unsung sport. It could be an inspiration to the present and future 
generations of Snooker players and serve to promote this fine game for 
recreation and competition..

Could someone kindly shed light on  the past and present mavens of this 
fascinating  indoor Sport that should rightfully  gain the spotlight in Goa 
in the offing?


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[Goanet] The Charisma of Beer

2007-04-21 Thread Arnold Noronha 

   This month's Goanet operations sponsored by an Anonymous Donor

On 14 Apr "Dr. U. G. Barad" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
" On King Fisher started fishing in troubled waters of Goa!
"King Fisher breweries had installed a beer fountain in front of
Multiplex Inox Theater during celebration of IFFI 2004. Goans did raise 
strong protest against the beer fountain. To add to the feelings succeeding 
government started issuing no objection to organize wine festival every year 
in front of Inox….”
Reacting to this, Congress loyalist said "This is all because of BJP. In the 
first place, they should have never allowed King Fisher to set up a beer 
fountain during opening ceremony of IFFI 2004.

BJP loyalist immediately responded saying "You see BJP allowed King
Fisher to set up a beer fountain only temporarily for the benefit of tourist 
and to add to the glamour of IFFI 2004 celebration. The very same beer 
fountain was dismantled on the closing day of IFFI. Today Congress party has 
allowed King Fisher to open a beer bar in Inox with permanent legal license. 
Hence the entire blame should go to congress and not on BJP"

Dear Dr Barad:
As you very well know, BEER is the great common denominator in any modern 
society’s drinking consuetude. Its mild, soothing intoxication and 
compatibility with other types of liquor has earned it general acceptance. 
Besides, its miscibility with lemonade derivatives to concoct a delightful 
lady’s drink called shandy gives it fuddy-duddy respectability and status. 
It also serves as a fine stimulant to polite as well as polluted causeries 
and arguments.
In light of the above statement, your aforesaid April 14 post should raise 
serious concerns in quaffing Goan circles.
Ergo, the step-motherly treatment accorded to beer during the recent 
IFFI-related fiasco restricting its commerce and consumption is considered a 
rude slap in the face of any Goan’s unalienable birthright to unfettered arm 
bending freedom and observing historical traditions of convivial gaiety. 
Protestations are agog about the pathetic, dog-in-the-manger tactics 
perpetrated by certain killjoys to disenfranchise the respectable consumers 
of this darling meek Occidental beverage. They indicate an alarming 
anti-social trend. Remember beer not only supplements the average Goan’s 
hard core drinking habits but actually refines them.  To wit, by 
Machiavellian tactics, this alleged impediment to free and suave 
distribution and consumption of beer could develop into a weird weir 
blocking the River of Revelry.
Hence to prevent a catastrophic bottleneck, an elegant solution could be to 
rely on “King Fisher”, a premier beer supplier. This widely acknowledged 
fountainhead of beer should be given the wherewithal to ensure the 
uninterrupted flow of this liquid exhilaration produced by the miracle of 
fermenting hop and barley juices.

Thirsty friends, guzzling Goans, dry countrymen lend me your ear
To hearken my earnest message wetting, assuaging and sincere
To quench your parched throats giving great intoxicating cheer
There’s nothing as universally pleasing as a nice cold foamy beer

This libation rejuvenates, relaxes and entrances imbibers far and near
Augmenting hearty conviviality, the dragon of abstinence it does spear
Especially in proper merry-making facilities as a balcao and belvedere
You’ve got to sip the frothy brew gingerly lest you suffer a hangover

It doesn’t matter at all whether or not beer tipplers are secular
Our Goan culture demands boozing Bacchus we should always revere
For regardless to what religion, community or ideology we adhere
And whether we seek Salvation, Nirvana, Comfort or just Good Cheer

Pursuing happy hedonism it deftly unravels snobbery’s veiled veneer
While promoting hearty song, bubbly laughter and bonhomie among peers
Who often gather for a good time in harmony any season of the year
The consumer’s gender doesn’t matter whether Man, woman or queer

The recent controversy about beer sales at IFFI’S annual affair we hear
Escalated way beyond a minor tiff to much protest and anguished tear
Threatening unfairly Goa’s tourists by making certain gala locales sere
Thus ruffled feathers should be soothed to restore a fine atmosphere

Snide accusations are rife that commercial interests seek to profiteer
by manipulating when and where distributors could legally sell beer
A political clash between parties like Congress and BJP over this furor
Has engendered a cause celebre fractious to many Goan hearts yet dear

Ideally, could we smart Goans an Utopian beer-serving place conjure?
Affording the permanence, peace and warm jollity of a Hun Rathskeller
Where in soaked harmony, animosity and strife would magicall

[Goanet] Tony Martin vs Dr Barad

2007-04-13 Thread Arnold Noronha 

   This month's Goanet operations sponsored by an Anonymous Donor

On Wed, 11 Apr 2007  "Albert Desouza" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Tony 
Martin V/S Dr.Barad

Dear Goanetters
I have noticed long ago when I began to write Tony Martin was there to
critise me. I do not remember the topic on which I wrote by I remember
Tony Martin who used to send me nasty emails after which I had decided
to quit…..
On Wed, 11 Apr 2007, Sunith D Velho <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
wrote: Re: Debating opinions instead of grammar


It would be in everyone's interest to stick to debating ideas or
opinions rather than grammar.

We all get what Dr. Barad is trying to say. Minor errors like a wrongly
placed full stop hardly qualify as 'murder'. I also think he meant FLOP
rather than flock. Looks like you missed the pun.


P.S. As a man 'passionate' about the English language(or is it just the
English) you must be aware that it is bad practice to start a sentence
with a conjunction(But) and quite unacceptable to start two successive
sentences with the same conjunction. P.P.S. It is also usual to follow
the conjunction with a comma when used in this way.

Dear Albert and Sunith:

Reading your posts often, I find you two erudite gentlemen have a lot of 
interesting things to express and do so succinctly and pleasantly, generally 
Your blistering invective against Mr Martin’s draconian stance on the 
diction and grammar used by certain individuals may portend the ominous 
shaping of  a knock down, drag out battle-royal. I believe Tony Martin is an 
exceptionally good English writer as demonstrated in certain articles he 
invited me to read. But so are you too my worthy  Goanet contributors. Maybe 
Tony is being an overzealous but  well-meaning Apostle of pure English, 
seeking to improve the general standard of communications at Goanet. On the 
other hand, one could surmise Tony is subtly trying to introduce Konkani as 
the sole medium of communication at Goanet. His vituperative censure of 
those he thinks have committed unacceptable solecisms, could really be a 
broad hint to many of us blokes that when it comes to the Queen's English,  
we just don’t have it right and need intensive guidance and support. His 
reprimands to those deemed outrageous transgressors, may be prima facie  
hurtful but not disingenuous. His barbs could be akin to the oxymoronic 
“kind cruelty of a surgeon’s knife”.  Ergo, those of us affected should 
seriously think of improving their knowledge of English or in default 
gracefully reverting to the language of our ancestors and be truly Goan in 
spirit, tongue
and culture. This sounds quite rational because indeed Konkani is our real 
“lingua franca”. It’s not difficult to see from the conservative, indigenous 
Goan point of view that certain xenophiles have unscrupulously usurped the 
Cyberspace that rightfully belongs to lovers of Konkani, the real McCoy. Of 
course that leaves  a nondescript  fellow like me out in the cold for 
regrettably I’m neither fish nor fowl.

Tony’s obsessive Anglophile fetish for purity makes him punctilious
But his perceived carping criticism of other’s usages makes one bilious
Each asserting he’s logically, grammatically and conventionally right
Could create the framework of an engaging and bitter  Goanet fight
Let’s hope the final outcome does not sadly make anyone supercilious

Viva Goanet!!!


Interest Rates Fall Again! $430,000 Mortgage for $1,399/mo - Calculate new 

[Goanet] Is togetherliness best cemented by flocking or flopping?

2007-04-12 Thread Arnold Noronha 

   This month's Goanet operations sponsored by an Anonymous Donor

Hello Tony:

 Pardon me for interjecting into your amusing though apparently acerbic 
polemic with Dr Barad,  but I opine your latest boomerang to your  learned 
bete noir seems  to cast you astonishingly in the stickling role of a 
linguistic  purist cum Avenging Angel. This is commendable for the benefit 
of humble half baked readers like me. After all,  I learnt the niceties of 
the English language , derived  from  Mumbai billingsgate, in the dirty, 
swinging streets of Bombay. With a coterie of fellow truants ( bootli marao, 
mai tcho go !!!) who were natural geniuses and avid readers to boot,  I 
learnt the "gully" parlance that gave us so much freedom of thought and  
bawdy expression in the real world. Thank you, sir for improving formal 
education-deprived povwalas of my ilk.
In response to your vitriolic criticism of Dr Barad, my sense of conjecture 
tends to give your adversary the benefit of the doubt.  At the risk of being 
accused of naivete I'd like  to assume, Barad may have been no bumbling 
bungler  in reciting this time worn metaphor. Since you may expect at least 
some clarification of my stance, I offer the following elucidation in verse.

Contending that while reciting the "togetherness"  metaphor,  Dr Barad's  
use of "flop" instead of  "flock" could have been no mere slip of the pen. 
Au contraire, it smacks of a devious and deliberate eyebrow raiser examining 
the minds,  hearts and  movements of a gaggle of fun-loving "bebdos".

Addressing the alleged outrageous misdeed of a wanton malaprop
Who, citing an Anglophile purist, rules of idiom did flagrantly drop
Overreaching sparse language skills with diction inept to adopt
That strong remedial English classes may not be enough to prop
But read on with sympathy to Dr Barad's subject of the profligate fop

Though by solecism to wreck an old adage he did wryly opt
Using the flat out wrong word insouciantly for “flock” atop
His shockingly half-baked choice of words befitting a wop
With gaps in his education because he was schooled “coop”
It’s not difficult to imagine his teacher gave him many a wallop

Gathering with his convivial coterie freely guzzling slop
But of course after a wild wassail, birds of a feather do flop
Emerging together inebriated from the same jolly grog shop
Stinking like pigs and singing falsetto, they’re all over the top
Since losing all inhibitions, they brazenly pull out all the stops

Even if they are under the vigilant observation of a strict cop
Who is ready to haul them in and give each one a big bop
Having more than enough to drink, they’re soon ready to drop
But let’s not take umbrage at these heady hipsters on the hop

Each maybe just trying to forget his household henpecking trollop
Whose hot nagging to deter, the chap can’t use the legal estop
Because of the habit of past carousals he’s been wont to adopt
Now his Xanthippe is waiting menacingly roiled but all dolled up
To give her bibulous man a tongue lashing and also bust his chops

After fond goodbyes, willy-nilly he saunters home not exactly at full gallop
To greet his battle-ax Dame with the congeniality of a 5 star hotel bellhop
For penance he’ll recite the Holy Rosary after the floors he’ll have to mop
As his irate Delilah her staggering Samson’s hair is very anxious to crop

Take care and keep up the good work.

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[Goanet] Desecration of Goa's old Medical Building

2007-04-11 Thread Arnold Noronha 

   This month's Goanet operations sponsored by an Anonymous Donor

On Tue, 10 Apr 2007, Selma  responding to Dr Helekar apropos "Desecration  
of Goa's old Medical Building", wrote:

Dear Santosh,
We must simply get over the idea of thinking in terms
of "all or nothing". Let's be realistic here. Even if
we all contribute, and I assure you when push comes to
shove, you will have a minuscule minority
contributing, can a contribution or even donation
alone, sustain 43 lakhs in perpetuity for .
--- Santosh Helekar wrote:

Dear Arnoldbab,

Excellent suggestions! Yes, the best way to restore and preserve the GMC 
heritage building is to convert it into a museum. I think there might be 
room in it to house, not just our scientific and medical heritage, but the 
broader historical and cultural legacy as well. Perhaps, we should all 
contribute to making this a reality.

Dear Selma:
Let’s never forget  Goa’s prestige, pride, international appeal and 
ultimately marketability, even in a purely commercial sense, lie deeply 
embedded in its traditional  history, culture, ethnicity, native dynamism as 
well as laissez-faire insouciance. Hence Goa’s  Life Blood is the 
preservation whether good, bad, obsolete or vibrant of what has been handed 
down through the Annals of our glorious History and blessed by our 
ancestors. Many of the facets of the foregoing are manifest in our old 
physical infrastructure  Accordingly, we should be exceedingly proud of and 
jealously guard this precious Heritage unless change is inevitably required 
in appropriate circumstances.
While conceding your adroit April 10 counterpoint to Dr Helekar has 
pragmatic merit  quintessentially, let me emphasize we cannot entirely 
ignore the obvious current erosion of a unique heritage of pristine 
Indo-Iberian culture and values. This devastating phenomena apparently has 
unfettered and poorly planned growth and modification among the principal 
culprits to blame.  Prima facie, in the interests of social justice and 
public good, a contemplated deviation from tradition and extant 
infrastructure should be carefully examined not only in terms of pure 
Economics. Many other factors should also be given due weight. But most 
importantly the Will, Conscience and Welfare of the real stakeholders, i.e. 
the citizens of Goa’s wishes must be respected in the light Goa's viability 
as a political and socio-economic entity.  The Old Medical College, I 
understand, was one of the prestigious cornerstones of Goa's advanced 
educational system in  most vital public service-related fields  of Learning 
and a salient determinant in Goa's Health system. Besides, I gather this 
institution provided the World at large with a myriad of  health providers. 
If true, surely its special status as a "Sanctum Sanctorum of  Scientific 
Learning" should be honoured appropriately.  Hence its preservation as a 
significant element in the on-going integrity of the Land could be 
Additionally,.could any such  perceived vitiation of Goa’s popular and 
revered edifices and monuments be toxic to the cultural environment and 
public morale of Goa’s people?.
To this end, let there be a plebiscite conducted for all important matters 
such as this one polling only validly domiciled citizens. To choose from,  
Resident Goans should be offered reasonable alternatives in the ballots, 
including the suggestion of housing  a Science Museum.  Given Goa is a small 
state, such polls anent important issues appear to be  feasible.
Your concerns about financing the costs of creating a Museum at the Medical 
College site are valid and should be addressed. Donations and even a State 
Bond issue to cover the necessary outlays could provide the answer. Also 
Goa's tycoons could be solicited for patronage. But probably the best source 
of financial support could be non-Goan visitors to Goa. Taxing the aliens to 
the maximum at every possible point will not only help the coffers of the 
State to finance the preservation of  heritage momuments but help keep out 
the undesirables. It could also provide some additional employment to 
resident Goans and relieve the locals' tax burden..
On the macro level, I agree  Goa needs a regular stream of adequate revenue 
to sustain its viability. In that I believe well planned, controlled  and 
executed Tourism activity is the goose that can lay the golden eggs of 
fiscal prosperity. Furthermore, nurturing Tourism as a lucrative, employment 
generating  industry  requires the mystic of our Monuments properly 
preserved and protected  in order to allure the free-spending rubberneckers.
Preliminary feasibility studies should be conduct


2007-04-10 Thread Arnold Noronha 

   This month's Goanet operations sponsored by an Anonymous Donor

Hello Francis:

Rumour was rife our beloved Aunty like a shrinking violet  had retired into 
Withdrawing coyly into reclusive silence with the reticence of a clammed up 

But then like Easter's dawn, quoting the  famous poet Alexander Pope's 
lines: "Hope springs eternal in the human breast.."

On Sat, 7 Apr 2007, you surprisingly wrote under the caption: **AUNTY ON 

"Dear 'Aunty' fans everywhere,

All yer dudes, from A to Z (Alfred/Stockholm, Bosco/TO,
Carmo/ Zeno/Mexico!), we're touched by your
concern for Aunty's health, given her prolonged absence (ellipsis)..

'Aunty' should be back at Easter - trite, banal, cheesy, inane
and bumptious certainly, but without a doubt - far, far worse!

Kator re baji!

As a jubilant rejoinder, I’m as pleased as Punch to know Goanet’s
Mary Poppins is back like the Swallows of Capistrano to resume her
Herculean tasks of cleaning out the Konkan’s Augean stables with
a vengeance.
They say it’s not over until the fat lady sings. After perusing  with utter 
relief, Goanet’s   Maestro of  Humour’s  quizzical yet apologetic 
explanation for his  battle-ax  Aunty’s sojourn in mothballs, let’s embrace  
our  Grand Old Manna and her nephew  who created the delightful ( but to 
some, dreadful) diva. Aunty and you  certainly deserve   a hearty  “welcome 
back” into the portals of Goanet's Cyberspace with  big garlands of cordial 

Consistent with the élan of Easter, let’s celebrate your resurrecting  Aunty 
from her hibernation with the following verse.

  To honour Aunty’s sanguine but naughty nephew, Francis

A rambunctious witty scion of the reputable Rodrigues  clan is Francis
Whose caustic bons mots have sent Goanetters into corybantic dances
Lasciviously using  the subterfuge of his verbal daredevil Aunty’s romances
With Goa’s affairs covering politics, customs, tourism, people and finances
Harnessing this daunting dame’s sardonic ribaldry replete with subtle 
As she hurls her awesome thunderbolts of wit and wisdom with arcane 
An acerbic activist, his fairy godmother’s open “billets doux” air Goa’s 
Is also manifest as a mystical Oracle dispensing laughter, advice, tears and 
Using this provocative  spinster as his mordant mouthpiece who makes no 
For the high and mighty, the holy, the popular, the rich, with glee he 
mercilessly bounces
In shadow boxing his foes magically, never changing his mind-boggling  firm 

His puckish satire has provoked much more than angst with malevolent glances
Preposterously arousing rancour, with attracting libel lawsuits he takes 
serious chances
His detractors claim his weird inspiration comes enigmatically from 
psychedelic trances
Conjuring taunting jibes from stygian sources like ominous, mysterious 
With burlesque comedy he intrepidly dares make grossly indecent intellectual 
Wielding his pet bombshell Aunty’s mighty pen subtly in Goa’s vernacular 
And harrowing his hapless, incensed betes-noirs with trenchant raillery he 
Reigning supreme in Goanet’s Kingdom of Humour, with insouciance he wildly  
To wit, this virtuoso’s quaint weaponry of words, Goa’s Wellbeing gloriously 

Cheers and keep the good ones coming with alacrity.


Interest Rates Fall Again! $430,000 Mortgage for $1,399/mo - Calculate new 

[Goanet] Desecration of Goa's old Medical Building

2007-04-08 Thread Arnold Noronha 

   This month's Goanet operations sponsored by an Anonymous Donor

Hello  Dr Helekar:
With keen interest, I have been following your valiant and astute efforts to 
preserve structurally hallowed dated portals of Medical learning in Goa. I 
commend your yeoman efforts to  oppose this undesirable  usurpation  of 
intellectual-related  physical  property for filthy lucre.  Apparently 
certain  powers-that- be  seek to favor Lakshmi at the expense of Saraswati.
It's wonderful Goa has eminent mavens of your caliber dedicated to upholding 
the Banner of our treasured  Scientific  Heritage. If we Goans don't realize 
the intrinsic value of these precious monuments to Science which are the 
seminal cradle of scientific knowledge, how do we expect our future 
generation to pick up the baton of scientific progress and run with it for 
posterity ?.
Has any serious thought been given to viable alternatives for  future 
disposition of this pristine medical property?  How about due consideration 
to setting up a suitable Museum housing  Goan science-related relics, 
information on  inventions, lterature and cognate topics  related to  
medical and other science   fields.  Native Biology especially  germane to  
Botany and Zoology could find a suitable place in this institution.  It 
could be a revenue maker and also the nucleus of a repository of data for 
research. Also an impressive display of  Goa's contribution to the World of 
Science  could  attract afficionadoes and tourists thus stimulating  a 
renewed interest in Science. Enhancing Goa's international prestige, this 
would flesh out a relatively unknown dimension of Goa's multifaceted genius. 
Consequently, it will help Goa's  assertion of  its "raison de etre" as a 
distinct, viable identity today and futuristically.
There could definitely be an important role for native scientists like you 
to play in the planning and development of such a project. In a parallel 
situation,  the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Colaba , Mumbai 
started as the brain child of the visionary Dr Homi Bhabha that  eventually 
gave India  Atomic Power and many other benefits.
Drawing from the inspiration of a New Testament  episode:" Let's promote a 
campaign to drive away the money changers and keep inviolate our Temple of 
Learning" by preventing the outrageous  cupidity of commercial interests 
from intruding on  our erstwhile Medical  Edifice of Erudition.
May the People of Goa be aroused to thwart the rapacious forces of Titanism 
conspiring to deviously desecrate this proud symbol of our pristine 
scientific infrastructure as a malevolent sacrifice at the Altar of Mammon.

Exercise your brain! Try Flexicon.

[Goanet] A Caveat to Plagiarists

2007-03-29 Thread Arnold Noronha
Quibbling and pussy footing about the exact concept and branding of 
Plagiarism, and even snidely defending it with disingenuous argument, the 
raging polemic among Goanet's version of " MENSA" has been quite an 
education, nay delightful distraction,  for  the  hoi polloi of this 
Cyberspace. At times what the debaters woefully  lack in wit, they amply 
make up in grit. While much erudite analysis, semantics and reasoning 
(degenerating in splitting hairs with spin occasionally) has been proffered 
eloquently, it appears scant attention has been paid to the question of 
consequences for blatant, indefensible  plagiarism. Should we acquiesce in 
this miisdeed as a mere puckish misdemeanor with a  reprimand i.e.a 
perfunctory slap on the wrists (say three Our Fathers and three Hail Marys 
as penance; but repentantly kneel , rotten  heel ) or should draconian 
punishment be imposed on such transgressors as condign retribution and a 
stern deterrent?

A Caveat to Plagiarists

From a purely logical and fair point-of- view

All publishing authors should give the devil his due
When borrowing, if posing as if it’s entirely new
The dire consequences one should regretfully rue
The aggrieved originators could indignantly sue
If with their seminal work someone did screw
Demanding retraction or compensation in lieu
For the vile, brazen skulduggery, plagiarists do
Like a bat out of Hell their morals and ethics flew
When sadly out of dishonesty this faux pas grew
Woe betide for the trouble this crime could brew
Such sly thieves could spot themselves in a stew
Besides the ignominy of having their own words to chew
They could find it very difficult to start their careers anew

Plagiarism is stealing and its consequences should be revealing.


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[Goanet] Plagiarism

2007-03-27 Thread Arnold Noronha

An extract from Wikipedia states:
Plagiarism is the unauthorized use or close imitation of the language and 
thoughts of another author and the representation of them as one's own 
original work. Ergo, it's tantamount to the perceived pilferage of published 
products for profit and prominence. Detection can Illwill and Censure 

The proscription against plagiarism is about protecting Ownership and 


Plagiarism is unauthorized use of other's material that belies
The author’s competence and in the face of Originality flies
It  smacks of soiled  creativity and misplaced  enterprise
Overstepping  boundaries of propriety with such unfair device
Manifests abject dishonesty  the Establishment does  despise
As all the desirable  merit accruing  to such work ignobly dies
The product of an author should be unassailably seminal and wise
Of its purity and integrity, no aspersions and doubts should arise
Powers-that-be judge the work’s value not merely by craft and size
Failing the touchstone test of circumspection, Society will sternly 

After due process, censorious standards of justice the Law will exercise
Thus to many a good reputation,  offending pirates have said "Goodbyes"

Stealing intellectual eggs from another's nest, could make you a dubious 
Book Club guest.


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[Goanet] Goan Etiquette in chowing down

2007-03-12 Thread Arnold Noronha

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Hello Cecil:
Your "noblesse oblige" to make bon vivants out of us Goanetters is highly 
Rendered in cute catechism form, your elegant dissertation involving dining 
decorum is an intriguing  classic.  In an authoritative vein, you have 
adeptly  reiterated Goan table traditions with a marvellous combination of 
structured solemnity  and ribtickling  humour. The canons of conviviality 
delivered with such chutzpah are not just entertaining. To many of us 
Goanetters, your rules could  also be an edification on the observances of 
authentic customs  requisite for  survival socially in  polite circles 
upholding the last vestiges of Goa's haute monde . Adroitly guiding us 
Goanet readers through the heady labyrinth of Konkan consuetude with all its 
nooks,  crannies and pitfalls, you've proved once again our Goa is a complex 
and vibrant realm. Consequently, you've revealed a mind boggling and 
fascinating domain where living is a daily adventure. It may irreverently 
appear to some half-baked mavericks that through your epicurean "Ten 
Commandments" you're subtly attempting  to put lipstick on Goa's pigs, 
metaphorically speaking.  But  normal Goans ( especially the  conservative 
intelligentsia), seriously interested in preserving our precious original  
inheritance of time honoured customs,  should  hail you as  a Messiah of 
Let's hope your masterpiece can instill fresh blood  in order to stem the 
tide of constant, but hopefully not yet inexorable, erosion of Goa's unique 
cultural ethos caused by the vicissitudes of Time and menacing Political,  
Social and Economic overrides.

Keep up the good work, maestro. Bon Appetit !!!

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[Goanet] Unjustified aspersions cast on our expatriate brothers and sisters

2007-03-12 Thread Arnold Noronha

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
 There is no better, value for money, guest house.
  Confirm your bookings early or miss-out

  Visit for details/booking/confirmation.


There's been an unpleasant wave of frothy, invidious derision directed 
against Goan "shippies" and "gulfies". It's reminiscent of  our erstwhile 
foreign masters and their parvenu lackeys who arrogantly labelled us Goans 
as "Goanese".  I have known many of these fine, pioneering sons and 
daughters of our ancestor's soil. They are the salt of the earth. It's their 
honest, humble toil and guts that has brought golden opportunities for 
prosperity and prestige  to  many  of their scions who are the thriving 
"noveau riche" of today. I compare them with the legendary Argonauts of 
Greek mythology. Undaunted by the risks and hardships of the  unknown,  the
hostilities encountered as aliens, the handicaps of humble antecedents and 
lack of formal education, these valiant people have persevered and 
established themselves heroically. The fruits of their noble endeavors are a 
predominance of the "arrives" we hobnob with in this day and age. I'm proud 
and privileged to have known these brave, industrious pioneers who have 
marvellously blazed the Trails to Glory for their fortunate descendants. 
Their loyalty to family, innate patriotism and intrepid sacrifices are an 
inspiration to all of us Goans. Importantly, their monetary remittances and 
investments have made  substantial contributions to Goa's economy that could 
have turned moribund. True the Nonresident Goan's inevitable ostentation and 
xenophilia has raised the dander of the locals frequently. However  one can 
scarcely deny the expatriates have created a new Westernized dimension in 
our culture  that could prove serendipitously to be an "Open Sesame" to 
blend the old with the new. If you remember, the conquistador Vasco Da Gama 
did that just that for Goa nearly 500 years ago!!!.

Quoting Thomas Gray's Elegy written in a Country Courtyard, I would like to 
cite in part what the great poet wrote in 1751:

Let not ambition mock their useful toil;
Their homely joys, and destiny obscure;
Nor grandeur hear, with a disdainful smile,
The short and simple annals of the poor.

Around the turn of the 19th-20th Century, an exodus of Jewish immigrants 
arrived in New York City to start life anew after fleeing pogroms and other 
persecution. Many, including even children, worked in the garment industry 
twelve hours a day, seven days a week. Paraphrasing their motto,the gist ran 
thus: We'll work our fingers to the bone and our backs into bows so that our 
children can stand on our shoulders to challenge posterity". I believe our 
Goan diaspora/denizens/seafarers embody the noble spirit of that sanguine 


[Goanet] Goan "shippies" and "gulfies"

2007-03-10 Thread Arnold Noronha

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
 There is no better, value for money, guest house.
  Confirm your bookings early or miss-out

  Visit for details/booking/confirmation.


There's been an unpleasant wave of frothy, invidious derision directed
against Goan "shippies" and "gulfies". It's reminiscent of  our erstwhile
foreign masters and their parvenu lackeys who arrogantly labelled us Goans
as "Goanese".  I have known many of these fine, pioneering sons and
daughters of our ancestor's soil. They are the salt of the earth. It's their
honest, humble toil and guts that has brought golden opportunities for
prosperity and prestige  to  many  of their scions who are the thriving
"noveau riche" of today. I compare them with the legendary Argonauts of
Greek mythology. Undaunted by the risks and hardships of the  unknown,  the
hostilities encountered as aliens, the struggles of humble antecedents and
lack of formal education, these valiant people have persevered and
established themselves heroically. The fruits of their noble endeavors are a
predominance of the "arrives" we hobnob with in this day and age.
I'm proud and privileged to have known these brave, industrious pioneers who
have marvellously blazed the Trails to Glory for their fortunate
descendants. Their loyalty to family, innate patriotism and intrepid
sacrifices are an inspiration to all of us Goans. Importantly, their
monetary remittances and investments have made  substantial contributions to
Goa's economy that could have turned moribund. True the Nonresident Goan's
inevitable ostentation and xenophiliia has raised the dander of the locals
frequently. However  one can scarcely deny the expatriates have created a
new Westernized dimension in our culture  that could prove serendipitiously
to be an "Open Sesame" to blend the old with the new. If you remember, the
conquistador Vasco Da Gama did that just that for Goa nearly 500 years

Quoting Thomas Gray's Elegy written in a Country Courtyard, I would like to
cite in part what the great poet wrote in 1751:

Let not ambition mock their useful toil;
Their homely joys, and destiny obscure;
Nor grandeur hear, with a disdainful smile,
The short and simple annals of the poor.

Around the turn of the 19th-20th Century, an exodus of Jewish immigrants
arrived in New York City to start life anew after fleeing pogroms and other
persecution. Many, including even children, worked in the garment industry
twelve hours a day, seven days a week. Paraphrasing their motto it ran
thus:" We'ill work our fingers to the bone and our backs into bows so that
our children can stand on our shoulders to challenge posterity". I believe
our Goan diaspora/denizens/seafarers embody the noble spirit of that
sanguine credo.


[Goanet] FW: Goa is nearer to Heaven than you can imagine

2006-11-17 Thread Arnold Noronha

 2006 * * * Y  E  A  R * * * O  F * * * T  H  E * * * S  E  N  I  O  R

Goa Sudharop Annual Awards on November 20, 2006 @ Mandovi Hotel @ 4:30pm
Chief Guest: Dr. Asha Vishwanath Sawardekar

A series of essays as a tribute to Goan Seniors can be found at:


An American planned to write a  book about famous churches around the world 
for tourists. So to begin with he bought a plane ticket and took a trip to 

On his first day inside a Chinese church taking photographs  he noticed
a golden telephone mounted on the wall with a sign that read "$10,000
per call".   Intrigued by this, the American  asked a priest  strolling
by what the telephone was used for.   The priest replied that it was a 
direct line to heaven and  for $10,000 you could talk to God.   The American 
thanked the priest and went along his way.

 Next stop was in Japan. At a very large  cathedral there, he saw the same 
golden telephone with the same sign under it.  Wondering whether this was 
the same kind of telephone he saw in China, he asked a nearby nun what its 
purpose was. She too told him that it was a direct line to heaven and that 
for $10,000 he could talk to God.   The American thanked the nun..

 He then traveled to Pakistan, Srilanka, Russia, Germany and France.

 In every church he saw the same golden telephone with the same "$10,000 
per call" sign under it.
Finally this USA citizen heard about the famous Churches of Goa. So the 
Yankee decided to travel to  Goa to see if the churches in Blessed Land of 
St Francis Xavier  had the same kind of phone.

 He arrived in Goa, and  entered the Basilica of Bom Jesus. Right enough
there was the same golden telephone, but this time the sign under it read
"One Rupee per call."

 The surprised American  asked the attending  priest about the telephone 

"Father, I've traveled all over World and I've seen this same
golden telephone in many churches. I'm told that it is a direct line to
Heaven, but everywhere the price was $10,000 per call.

 Why is it so cheap here?"

 The Holy Padre smiled and answered, " Son, you're on the Sacred Ground of 
Old Goa  now".


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Goanet mailing list

[Goanet] Goanet Commands deserve "Roger Wilco"

2006-11-15 Thread Arnold Noronha

Hello Roland:

You have disseminated a resounding echo of the Good Book's applicable edicts 
for the benefit of us Goan tellurians ensconced in  Cyberspace's recesses at 
Enshrined in your sagacious Decalogue is an overwhelming epistle. I feel 
awfully embarrassed as utterly unworthy to be commingled with this almost 
Scriptural message. I'm no bard by any stretch of the imagination. Were you 
to grant me the meagre status of an inchoate  poetaster playing the 
struggling  jester at Goanet's court, it would be flattering.
Your enunciation of the tenets of good, wholesome fellowship at Goanet is 
most timely and appropriate. And it is not I but you who are among  the few 
real Apostles of the sanguine caliber of Fred and Bosco carrying  on the 
arduous campaign for good communications, righteousness and decency in the 
portals of this Goan nook of Cyberspace. In relation to its members and the 
outside world, your  definition of the scope of Goanet has perspicuously 
envisaged an unalienable forum as refined and farreaching as the Founders 
and Moderators  could ever contemplate. To be properly absorbed by Goanet's 
membership, it will need much rumination and introspection with  open and 
keen minds and resolute hearts. Assuming the simulated mantle of Moses, 
you've didactically brought down to Goanetters  the allegoricalTablets 
conveying Enlightenment, Goodwill and Peace to overhaul and invigorate 
Goanet's exchange. As you descend from the Commanding Hills of Utopian 
aspirations, I hope you succeed in your noble  mission to create a 
harmonious tessellation of interrelationships within this internet community 
. May you and your ilk never have to dash these Tablets, conceived in 
metaphor,  on the Rock of Frustration and Disappointment.
Motivated by "noblesse oblige", you've delivered a convincing,  
"piece-de-resistance". I hope the Goanet faithful take heed deeply and are 
positively influenced by its power. My learned friend, in producing this 
wonderful prose blending wisdom, pacifism and elegance with magnificent 
panache, you have greatly exceeded what Goanet could ever expect from a 
subscriber. Indeed a catharsis- driven Messenger you truly are  for the  
Survival, nay Glory, of Goanet.

Message: 1
Date: Mon, 13 Nov 2006 23:34:36 -0500
From: "Roland Francis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Goanet] Goanet Commands
To: Goanet 
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

I consider Arnold Noronha a prophet of Goanet's well-being. If Arnold
is offended at what is happening (the other Noronha has enunciated
it), then people on Goanet need to work on it. For Arnold is a
mystical bard whose tribe diminishes.

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[Goanet] Aunty's oracle

2006-11-08 Thread Arnold Noronha

Hello Francis:
Where the hell have you been absconding, our Goanet's favourite punster?
I was beginning to believe you were kidnapped and held for ransom and/or 
repentance. Using your lofty fairy godmother's oracle for  gleeful, unfair 
advantage, you've become the "enfant terrible" of Goanet in certain staid 
and self-righteous circles.  Your egregious  and unforgiveable bons mots 
ridiculing certain venerable parties could get you shanghaied. For your 
puckish pranks in Cyberspace you could be condignly sent to a remote Goan 
Gulag in the unknown  fastness of the Ghats. There you will be held  to 
repent and promise to sin no more against the prim and proper prudes.
You were missed, Mister Witty Bull in the China shop ruthlessly attacking 
Goanet's element of drab conventionality and humourless boredom. Your latest 
insouciant digs at everyone and his uncle or aunt are fabulous. Keep coming 
back to Goanet's Cyberspace to cheer us grumpy, cantankerous and somber ones 
with your delightful and subtle ribaldry.
You kick every other humorist off center stage. Your wit is to die for when 

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2006-11-06 Thread Arnold Noronha
Dear Veronica:

Apropos the imbroglio of complicated  politics, your resounding manifesto 
for justice in the sports arena is impressive. Your startling revelations 
are dismaying to the uninformed reader. You have effectively portrayed Dr 
Susane D'souza as a target of malevolent intriques. I'm delighted you 
revealed her father's identity. I knew the great footballer Joviniano who 
wore Tata's colours. In his heyday, he was a great one both on and off the 
field . If I remember correctly, he had to give up playing  this sport 
during his peak years  because of bad injuries. This tall and graceful 
player gave Bombay football  boundless glamour and excitement.  He was a 
class act any way you sliced him. It behoves Destiny that his daughter took 
up where he left off at the lofty heights of Sport.. Your insights into the 
innards of sports goings-on in our Motherland are fascinating to outsiders 
of Goan extract who are not privy to Goa's inside
story. It's hoped you're successful in your arduous campaign for justice and 
improvements in Goa's world of Sport. May you have the wind at your back as 
you take up the daunting task of cleaning the Augean Stables  where Goa's 
ugly spots reside.

>From: "A. Veronica Fernandes" To: CC:
>Nov 2006 17:34:31 +

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[Goanet] Putting our cards on the table

2006-11-05 Thread Arnold Noronha

Hello Mario:
Thanks for your perspective on the scope of Goanet's activiities in the 
light of its Cyberspace mission. You're right in asserting that the focus 
should be on Goa and Goan-related matters. It was a glaring  faux-pas  on my 
part to to omit that important fact. I appreciate your supplementing my 
In response to your curiosity about my opening remark: "Is the game worth 
the candle?".  I borrowed  this from a  time worn cliche. It idiomatically 
means:" I wonder whether whatever you're doing is repaying the time, money 
or effort you're putting into it". Its etymology is derived from the English 
translation of the Essays of Montaigne (1603).
Your rejoinder is interesting.

Date: Sat, 4 Nov 2006 11:11:59 -0800 (PST)
From: Mario Goveia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Putting our cards on the table

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[Goanet] Michael Ferreira, World Billiards Champ

2006-11-05 Thread Arnold Noronha

Hello Eugene:
Thanks for the expose on World billiards champ Michael Ferreira. 
Incidentally, if community attributes really matter, Michael is/was an East 
Indian attorney based in Bombay. He became King of the Billiard table in the 
wake of Wilson Jones, an Anglo-Indian, who was India's first World Amateur 
Billiard top dog. In fact, Wilson was India's first ever World Champion in 
any sport.
When Wilson won his World crown, a legislator proposed in the Indian 
Parliament that he be recognized  suitably for the honour he brought his 
country as World Billiards Champion. The extant  Union Sports Minister's  
bland response was: "What is Billiards?" I believe Wilson, Michael's 
predecessor, was  awarded a national honour eventually.
At the time, the Bombay Tiger  was fortunate he was even offered the Padma 
Shri. Of course he deserved much better. Please let us know what this 4 time 
champion, Mr Ferreira is doing now. I know his career was in the practice of 
law in Bombay. As an interesting titbit did you know Michael's mother, a 
prominent Bandra socialite attended practically every match her son ever 
played in his early career?
Well, Michael showed he had sports pride and self-respect of the highest 
order in refusing to compromise on the proper award he was entitled to. Way 
to go, champ!!!.


Message: 8
Date: Sat, 4 Nov 2006 22:00:36 -0800 (PST)
From: Eugene Correia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Anglo-Indians (Michael Ferreia)
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

To correct myself, Michael Ferreira won the world
billiards (not snooker) four times.
Here's what I picked from the net (partly).
"Born Bombay (Now Mumbai), 1 October 1938
Nicknamed ?Bombay Tiger?, Michael Ferreira, four times
world Billiards champion, was a rebel with a cause
during his playing days. In 1981, after winning the
world title for a second time, he was offered the
Padma Shri while Sunil Gavaskar was conferred with the
more prestigious Padma Bhushan. His reply to the
Government of India letter was, ?My achievements in
Billiards are in no way inferior to that of Sunil
Gavaskar?s in Cricket. If he deserves a Padma Bhushan,
I do too. The Government should treat all games
equally.? He refused to accept the award.

Eugene Correia

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[Goanet] Putting our cards on the table

2006-11-03 Thread Arnold Noronha

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
 There is no better, value for money, guest house.
  Confirm your bookings early or miss-out

  Visit for details/booking/confirmation.

Hello Bosco and Frederick:
Is the game worth the candle?  In Goanet's posts the trend of puerileness 
and supercilious posturing in reciprocity continues unabated. Repartee which 
should be a healthy, mutually and universally beneficial exchange has 
degenerated to the nadir of snide and snotty mudslinging.The hallowed ground 
of Goanet cyberspace should not be desecrated and sacrificed for internecine 
personal vendettas.  The persistent repetition of vindictiveness and rubbing 
salt in old wounds appears to provide indefensible gratification to certain 
subscribers notwithstanding their putative lofty academic and professional 
qualifications. This forum should be dedicated to battles of intelllects and 
wits not Billingsgate, Socratic dialogue not street brawling, happy and 
healthy conversations not the Hatfields and McCoys.
You've tried very hard to reverse this grotesque scenario. Now I  ask:" 
Whither goest thou". Goanet's management is being pilloried for doing its 
duty to maintain high standards and promote the image of a Jewel in 
Cyberspace internet communications. I opine it's really a section of the 
readership that is the fly in the ointment.  I've now noticed  even some of 
those I thought of as "classy"  are really turning out to be utter 
I realize I've contributed very little to Goanet but I'd like to voice my 
opinion to you two individuals whom I respect and learn from in the grim 
world of journalism and human relations. Enough said.

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[Goanet] East Indians

2006-11-03 Thread Arnold Noronha

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
 There is no better, value for money, guest house.
  Confirm your bookings early or miss-out

  Visit for details/booking/confirmation.

Selma et al:
The current debate on Ethnicity is a refreshing breath of fresh air, setting 
a desirable standard for Goanet's exchanges. The contributing opinions and 
facts presented have been synergistic. Besides, most of the information 
disclosed thus far during the discussions is accurate and pertinent.
However when describing the ethos of "East Indian" ethnicity, the 
participants seem to have left out one significant characteristic. The Upper 
Crust until at least  a generation ago spoke Portuguese, or a strong derived 
dialect thereof, in polite society and even within their households. This 
has added to the piquant flavour of their unique culture. Now I consider 
these indigenous people the original sons of the soil. They've irrevocably 
and unequivocally identified themselves as native Bombayites and/or citizens 
of Salsette.  But to define their true identity and culture holistically can 
be a rather formidable undertaking. They're complex social hybrids. Many of 
their ilk worked for the British East India Company, hence the 
classification nomenclature. But socially although Christian they are 
distinctly identifiable with the seminal endemic populace. Linguistically 
speaking they are fairly polyglottic. They speak Marathi, English, and a 
fair number of them Portuguese with equal facility. If we concede that 
"Language" is the main driver of social customs and culture then we dealing 
with an enigmatic pot pourri of an evolved group buffeted by the winds of 
History and Sociology.
I'm enjoying this discussion.

>Message: 9 Date: Thu, 2 Nov 2006 14:09:18 -0800 (PST) From: Carvalho 
>Subject: Re: [Goanet] Lost tribe of Africa, Mestizoes, Anglo-Indians and 
>East Indians

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[Goanet] Goan goodies.

2006-10-31 Thread Arnold Noronha

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
 There is no better, value for money, guest house.
  Confirm your bookings early or miss-out

  Visit for details/booking/confirmation.

Frederick and Bosco:

The folowing  Quips are intended to put some spring into Goanet's step to 
bring in theThanksgiving and Christmas Spiirit  as we come to the close of 
the Year 2006.

Being a part of Goanet is like escorting Cinderella to a glittering ball;.
You get the reflected glory of being in fabulous company.

A discussion within Goanet is like climbing coconut trees;.
You go for the nuts but could land on your butts.

They say to get out of a hole you've first got to stop digging
To leave Goanet's ship your heart's got to be free of its rigging

The difference between a Goan melody and a malady is:
One is a sonorous "kantar's" lovely tune
The other provides a "dottor" with a boon

In Goa there's trepidation over the menace of aggressive stray dogs
But we still love pigs for hot sorpatel , after modernizing the bogs

With moribund reader interest, Goanet's Moderator must oft close a thread
But shall we honor it with a solemn requiem and maudlin tears being shed?

The Moderator's draconian measure of censure is Goanet's grim touchstone
To rescue suffering readership from ennui, flame-baits and cant not to be
Goa's enchantment lies in an idyllic land of warmth, feasting, song, palms, 
and sea breezes
A romantic's heartstrings it gently pulls and every craving appetite its 
halcyon zephyr teases

Considering current economic trends, some may have to cease contributing to 
Goanet's posts;
it's getting difficult to pay for ghost-writers

Happy Holidays!!!

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Re: [Goanet] Death of Footballer Angela.

2006-10-30 Thread Arnold Noronha

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
 There is no better, value for money, guest house.
  Confirm your bookings early or miss-out

  Visit for details/booking/confirmation.

Dear Veronica:
That is a beautiful tearjerking essay on the egregious injustices prevalent 
in Goa's society today. To all of us Angela should be considered a martyr in 
the service of Sport. Suicide is a desperate act in case of emotional 
distress and extreme deprivation. I don't believe it should be condemned. 
It's a dismal act born out of extreme frustration with the system and the 
unfairness of  Fate reflected in life's misfortunes. Very often it's the 
crime of society's neglect and insensivity towards the plight of the 
persecuted and downtrodden. You have brought out the depravity of Society's 
mistreatment of Angela brilliantly. I commend you for your adroitness and 
candour. May your arduous crusade for justice and sympathetic public outcry 
be recognized by the proper Authorities.
May the Souls of departed Angela and Pratima rest in peace in the all 
compassionate, understanding  and  healing arms of the  Lord. Amen.


From:  "A. Veronica Fernandes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:  Death of Footballer Angela.
Date:  Sat, 28 Oct 2006 16:25:18 +


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[Goanet] The cancer debate

2006-10-29 Thread Arnold Noronha

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
 There is no better, value for money, guest house.
  Confirm your bookings early or miss-out

  Visit for details/booking/confirmation.

Apropos the overwrought  “cancer” issue, the protracted discussion among 
certain of Goanet’s contentious scientists has reached an  “ad nauseam” 
stage.  This situation has left lay people following this debate in 
confusion worse confounded.  We, the nonscientific readership, seem to be 
learning more about one-upmanship than oncology in this epic battle. Alas, 
this debate is giving umbrage to the hitherto high esteem of scientists in 
general. The tone and trend of the discussion in our cyberspace suggests 
Goanet may be accommodating savants on a wild goose chase looking for Mickey 
Mouse. It has turned out to be a long drawn out imbroglio “Of Mice and Men” 
(with apologies to John Steinbeck). Let’s hope a mutually satisfactory 
denouement unfolds soon.
To all those brilliant minds involved in this raging match of wits and 
self-righteous breast-beating, may I remind you of the wise words of the 
renowned biologist Thomas Henry Huxley:

“The greatest tragedy of science is the slaying of a beautiful hypothesis by 
an ugly fact”.



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[Goanet] Bellittling communal labelling

2006-10-28 Thread Arnold Noronha

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
 There is no better, value for money, guest house.
  Confirm your bookings early or miss-out

  Visit for details/booking/confirmation.

Roger Wilco!!!
You're a straight shooter.  In denouncing the ugly, supercilious, 
hand-me-down, demeaning labelling inherited  from hoity-toity colonial 
times, you've exposed a longstanding social evil. I fully endorse your 
deprecating views on the insidious practice of  prejudicially calling 
southerners "Madrassis" generically.  I witnessed it myself growing up in 
Mahim, Bombay in a predominantly Goan enclave or wadi. The sad part is we 
still perpetuate this evil parochialism today as it's innate in our social 
Keep up the good work.

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[Goanet] Thimas Pereira, Norwegian Goan Footballer

2006-10-28 Thread Arnold Noronha

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
 There is no better, value for money, guest house.
  Confirm your bookings early or miss-out

  Visit for details/booking/confirmation.

Goan Voice UK
Dear Circulation Editor:
Thank you for including me in your circulation lists. I thoroughly enjoy the 
synopses of Goa-related news, profiles and views you dispatch via e-mail.
I draw your particular attention to the profile of Norway's stalwart 
footballer, Thomas Pereira, appearing in your October 26 issue. It has 
reproduced a purported extract from The Times of India's October 24 print. 
In the extract, Thomas is described as a footballer of "Goanese" descent".  
I hope you're aware that term "Goanese" is downright derogatory. It harkens 
back to the colonial days when the menial crew of Goan origin serving on 
British merchant vessels were classified as "Goanese"  on board. As a 
visitor, I witnessed this personally on P&O ships. The dichotomy between 
"Goan" and "Goanese" should be clearly established not just as a matter of 
semantics but to avoid regurgitating the demeaning memories of those times. 
True, History cannot be rewritten or expunged but it certainly can be kept 
in proper perspective. We as Goans are very proud of Thomas and hope his 
declared ethnicity is properly identified in today's nomenclature which is 
unequivocally "GOAN". I hope you will pursue this item as you see fit.
I request you to give me your Times of India contact's e-mail address so 
that I can pursue this matter further on my own too.  Thank you for the 
excellent network news service provided.

Arnold Noronha
Wilmington, Delaware, USA


Norway: Soccer: Thomas Pereira: Goan Viking
24 Oct: Times of India. Thomas Pereira, a nifty footballer of Goanese 
descent, has broken new ground in Norway. He plays for Viking FK, who made 
European headlines after sending Chelsea crashing out of UEFA Cup in 2002-03 
and has represented Norway eight times … Pereira says his roots go back to 
Benaulim in South Goa. “My father was a teacher who left India for Africa in 
the Sixties. Later he came to Norway in 1972.” … “My finest football moment 
is winning the FA Cup in 2001,” he says …
The footballer of Goanese origin has never been to India. But that could 
change in future. “I would like to visit India and see the place where we 
originally came from.” Soccer-serious Goa would look forward to that. 407 
words. Click here.
Thomas is the son of Kirstin and Austin Pereira ( ex Masaka, Uganda). He is 
married to Hanne and they have three sons. For his profile click here.

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[Goanet] renewing matrimonial vows

2006-10-27 Thread Arnold Noronha

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

  House for Sale: Recently restored and renovated 350 sq. mtr
   Antique Type House on 1,125 sq mtr property in Coimavaddo, Aldona
  No brokerage offered. Serious buyers only

 Visit for details

Your hearty invitation to married couples to renew their vows appears 
romantic and laudable at first blush. Serious thought should be given to 
your enthusiastic and well meaning proposition especially by the bridegroom. 
My conservative take on your bright idea may not find unanimous agreement. 
Nonetheless let me give you some points to ponder in verse .
Marriage is all exciting, glamorous and nice
As the warm bread of life's most delicious slice
To start up a family with love it's the ideal device
Relatives and friends celebrate, cheer and throw rice
Believing one wedding a lifetime should most suffice
But when a sincere friend does eagerly try to entice
You to make the very same binding commitment twice
Perhaps it could turn out to be more than a terrible vice
Looking for more fun, you may be throwing risky dice
And be possibly in for an unwelcome spousal surprise
The second time's affair, you may not hotly romanticize
Also this time your mother-in-law won't say: "Be nice
and gentle to my fresh daughter to night" with sighs
The bride from your lusty advances no longer shies
The thrill of first time lovemaking no longer applies
As through lapse of wedded years the passion dies
It's doubtful she'll be emotional with tears and cries
Charms, lingerie and perfume she may not utilize
As the yearning need for seduction does not arise
and the second honeymoon could be cold as ice
Arnold Noronha

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Goanet mailing list

[Goanet] The Goanet Moderator

2006-10-22 Thread Arnold Noronha

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

  House for Sale: Recently restored and renovated 350 sq. mtr
   Antique Type House on 1,125 sq mtr property in Coimavaddo, Aldona
  No brokerage offered. Serious buyers only

 Visit for details

The Goanet moderator has a long, arduous road
Carrying heavy responsibilities and a big workload
Into his task, his heart and soul he’s gladly poured
Charged with enforcing Goanet’s Rules and Code
Created by the Founders and run by Admin’s synod
Upholding this cyberspace’s mission is never slowed
To display Goa’s best and brightest cyberspace hoard
He strives to present lavishly Goa’s network smorgasbord
With certain powers and discretion he’s readily bestowed
To guard against letting the network’s goals ever erode
But equitably to all participants he’s got to fairly afford
Equal opportunity to have their e-mail posts not ignored
So this Goa-related information and ideas have to be scored
To let Goanetters talents and intellectual powers be showed
Thus for Goa’s glory, valuable thoughts and actions have soared
As long as the rights and views of others they don’t flatly maraud
On occasion with criticism a moderator’s demeanour  is floored
By disgruntled parties feeling their contributions are unfairly cored
By rejections of posts that don’t cut the mustard in line with code
To stop flame-baits, non-Goan topics and repetitious episode
Also to control flaps and abuse causing debates to badly explode
Blocked to prevent the readers from being sad, offended or bored
To ensure all members are royally treated and none feels like a toad
And to keep the communications pleasant and interesting a la mode
Most importantly to observe the organization’s fine operating code
While serving its 9,000 plus members proudly wherever their abode
The moderator has to be smart and vigilant to avoid falling on his sword
Promoting Goanet’s achievements with éclat and honour to be crowed


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Goanet mailing list

[Goanet] FW: Pedro Pokhol the hot shot(revised)

2006-10-20 Thread Arnold Noronha

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

  House for Sale: Recently restored and renovated 350 sq. mtr
   Antique Type House on 1,125 sq mtr property in Coimavaddo, Aldona
  No brokerage offered. Serious buyers only

 Visit for details

Pedro Pokhol of Panjim (a.k.a. Peter Pacheco )  had recently moved to the 
States. He was naturally trying to improve his status by impressing people 
in his new environment.  Pedro used to brag regularly  to his boss at work , 
"You know sir , I know everyone important there is to know in this world. 
Just name someone, I mean anyone and I know them."
Tired of his boasting, his boss  was determined to call his bluff, "OK, 
Pedro how about Tom Cruise?"
"Sure, yes, Tom and I are old friends, and I can prove it."
So Pedro and his boss fly out to Hollywood and knock on Tom Cruise's door, 
and sure enough, Tom Cruise shouts, " Pedro, Great to see you! You and your 
friend come right in and join me for lunch!"
Although impressed, Pedro's boss was still skeptical. After they leave 
Cruise's house, he tells Pedro that he thinks his knowing Cruise was just 
"No, no, just name anyone else", Pedro says.
"President Bush," his boss quickly retorts.
"Yes," Pedro says, "I know him, let's fly out to Washington."And off they 
go. At the White House, Bush spots Pedro on the tour and motions him and his 
boss over, saying, "Peddyboy!!! , what a pleasant surprise, I was just on my 
way to a meeting in the West Wing, but you and your friend come on in to the 
Oval office and let's have a cup  of coffee first and catch up."
Well, Pedro's  boss is much amazed by now, but still not totally convinced. 
After they leave the White House grounds, he expresses his doubts to Pedro 
about the completeness of his universal contacts. Thus Pokhol  again invites 
  the boss to name anyone else.
"The Pope," his boss exclaims in a challenging tone. "Sure!" says Pedro.  
Soon Pedro and his boss are in Rome jostling through the hoi polloi 
assembled in Vatican Square. Then  Pedro  declares in frustration,"This will 
never work. I can't catch the Pope's eye  and get his personal attention 
among all these masses.
"Tell you what chief, I know all the Swiss guards, so just  let me  go 
upstairs and I'll come out on the balcony with the Pope.
So he disappears into the crowd, headed toward the Vatican . Sure enough, 
half an hour later Pedro emerges with the Pope on the balcony.
But by the time Pedro returns, he finds that there is a big commotion. 
Unfortunately his boss appears to have  had a minor heart attack and is 
surrounded by paramedics.
Working his way to his boss's side, Pedro bends over and asks him, "What 
happened, sir?"
His boss looks up and says, " Pedro, I was doing fine until you and the Pope 
came out on the balcony and this white European looking stranger next to me 
said, " Who's that chap on the balcony with Pedro?
Moral of the story -
NEVER underestimate a Goan !!!

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[Goanet] Left wing vs Right Wing

2006-10-20 Thread Arnold Noronha

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

  House for Sale: Recently restored and renovated 350 sq. mtr
   Antique Type House on 1,125 sq mtr property in Coimavaddo, Aldona
  No brokerage offered. Serious buyers only

 Visit for details

As you know, Goanet' forum can frequently become the venue of an 
interminable  pitched battle between liberalism and rightism. Among the 
combatants it's apparently perceived as  a free-for-all, no-holds-barred 
melee between adversarial forces of free-thinking vs fundamentalism. Amusing 
and even informative and thought-provoking the conflicts can be. However at 
times , the  overarching ennui and sense of futility engendered by the 
bitter obfuscatory arguments with no end in sight tend to vitiate Goanet's  
cyberspace. Despite the 'best efforts' catharsis of Goanet's moderators, 
such squabbles seem to degenerate  into  cantankerous exchanges. If not 
stemmed and reconciled amicably, one day the outlook could  resemble a 
medieval shrieking witches' coven on Halloween Night.  It's high time some 
of the warring correspondents learn to differentiate between  debate and  
dog fight, adroitness and acrimony, elegance and egotism. Hence I yield to  
expressing in verse deep chagrin, perplexity and concern but optimistically 
also hope of ultimate reconciliation.
Trouble could be brewing in Goanet's cyberspace ring
Hostility is rife between antagonistic left and right wings
The fractious environment is beset by undesirable baiting
The oxygen of Goanet's erudite and social air depleting
The contest spilling over is sadly good old Goa cheating
Frustrating the noble objectives envisaged in creating
This wonder cyberspace concept for Goa's well being
It's Fabianism vs Capitalism, one another's guts tearing
Each side vigorously vying to prove it's absolute king
In  logic, morals and knowledge, vicious  head butting
As each opponent indulges in criticism and mud slinging
Carping that their foe in principle and reason is ailing
Making the other side, sour wiseacres and ding-a-lings
Not marching in step, in cacophony different tunes sing
Going at each other flailing like prize fighters in a ring
With a tempest in a teacup each flap has its beginning
But next lo and behold a perfect storm is fast  brewing
And with intense intellectual food fights they've a fling
Between them there's no love lost, only lack of feeling
Goanet's moderators role is to promote the right thing
using a commonsense approach and to virtue appealing
Hence let's all cooperate with Goanet Admin's inspiring
Behind all that  bewildering welter causing perspiring
Secretly the two hot sides may be one another admiring
Envisage an end in sight with compromise in the offing
Let's import Goa's revelry with feast, dance and singing
With bonhomie shake hands exchanging friendship rings
Seeing  peace, understanding and serenity it will bring
One day let's hope this rivalry has an Utopian ending

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Goanet mailing list

[Goanet] Mazagon Docks Ship Building

2006-10-18 Thread Arnold Noronha

Thanks for enlightening Goanet's readers with such authoritative clarity 
about the warship building activity at Mazagon Docks. This kind of 
information deserves to be publicized more widely. It makes us denizens 
proud of our ancestral Homeland. It's also good to remember that in the 18th 
and 19th centuries the Wadias (also known as the Readymoneys) built many 
battleships for the British. Hence  India does have a rich tradition in 
naval architecture and construction. Many British ships also came to Bombay 
for drydock repairs and overhauling to be done by the Wadias. It's rumored 
that even HMS Victory, Nelson's flagship in the Battle of Trafalgar, was 
drydocked  in Bombay or Surat.
You're a fountainhead of knowledge and have a well rounded perspective on 
history, culture and politics. I always enjoy and learn from your posts.

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[Goanet] Your halcyon school days in Guirim

2006-10-18 Thread Arnold Noronha
Dear Tony:
That was a very touching account of your school days in Guirim. Sanguine in 
its sincerity and heartwarming nostalgia, your spirit  basked in the 
vigorous  brightness of  fine sensitivity dovetailed into vivid prose. 
You're a writer with a lot of heart who can reach down emotively into the 
reader's feelings and give a good sense of what typical Goan boyhood was in 
the '60's in the milieu of rural society and an authentic Goan home setting. 
The essential charm of your piece was its flow with facility graced by its 
simplicity, candour and lack of redundant flourish. It is easy to understand 
what you mean to say.  Your unpretentious style sets a benchmark for 
maturity and decency in literary thought and word; precious qualities many 
can learn from you. It obviously behoves your fine upbringing and idyllic 
environment in your salad days.
Thanks for sharing that beautiful piece on your early life with Goanet's 

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Goanet mailing list

[Goanet] The sensational sari

2006-10-13 Thread Arnold Noronha

From: "Arnold Noronha" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: the sensational sari
Date: Wed, 11 Oct 2006 12:12:11 -0400

Dear Vivian:
Yours is an appealing exultation of that irreplaceable dress emblem of 
feminity embodying grace and modesty, the Indian  "sari". With pithiness you 
said  it all, expressing  your proud reverence for the  beautiful, elegant 
garb covering the distaff side of our  society.

  Yes, my mother and aunts wore saris too.  This beautiful "wrap around" 
enshrining the "hand that rocks the Indian cradle" is universally unequalled 
and as charming as it ever gets in the female fashion world. It has stood 
the test of time, enduring and immutable in its majestic appearance. It's 
coy yet curvaceous, saintly yet seductive, prudish yet pizzazz-poised. 
Fashions may come and go but no haute couture can ever better this simple 
yet attractive and delicate feminine wear. It's the girl's get up that makes 
our women look like Godesses whether they be rich or poor, young or old.  
Overarching  the finest sartorial splendour,  a sari is the clinging magic 
that makes the manna look magnificent, be she matron, maushi or maiden.
Viva La Femme!!! God bless them all.

Goanet mailing list

[Goanet] The Kashtti

2006-10-13 Thread Arnold Noronha
The hot-button issue engaging Goanet's cyberspace these days is that 
provocative piece of Goan manhood's pristine attire... the Kashtti. This 
ultimate in informality equivalent of the West's jock, while bordering on 
risque semi-nudity, has received a lot of attention and invoked much 
discussion. Hence I'll proceed to give this topic a rhyming thrust to 
galvanize further words of wisdom on this amusing and piquant subject.
A sartorial strip of pristine masculinity is the Kashtti
The prim and proper prude could find primitively nasty
Backed solidly by tradition it needs no ironing for its mag
Its grandeur is hardly assessable fairly by its price tag
Rightly viewing the wearer as a gentleman in a ball rag
By consuetude well accepted socially, his jock's no gag
In tintos, agoras and other haunts  on the main drag
Sporting his  Adam's leaf gamely though tongues  wag
Of maintaining seminal dress code he can stoutly brag
His prestige, Modesty, Decorum and Solemnity can't sag
No indecent exposure charge'll land him in a Goan Gulag
Given his personality from smile and  posture doesn't lag
And with coconut oil and comb he's groomed his shag
In any fancy dress competition, first prize  he could bag
Outright beating suited dandies and taking all the swag
Now consider the flexibility afforded by donning this rag
His agility and ease would prevail up  tree, river or crag
to traipse his way around he'd be a lightning fast scrag
And if he suffers a Xanthippe who constantly does nag
Being on his nerves and appetite a mean harrowing drag
To avoid his battle-ax spouse, swiftly sleek he can zigzag
His string and sac outfit is deemed a second national flag
Admiring lovelorn mannas behold in him a desirable stag
and how his popularity soars when attracting many a fag

Goanet mailing list

[Goanet] Propagation of a Falsehood

2006-10-07 Thread Arnold Noronha
One of Goanet's "causes celebres" in vogue these days appears to be 
"Propagation of a Falsehood". Observing the proceedings of this vitriolic, 
verbal donnybrook has piqued my appetite for  bizarre belligerence  and 
drollery. The raging polemic manifesting platitudes galore, incongruously 
mixed with invective and  ostentatious oneupmanship has been highly 
provocative to the bystanding subscriber.  All the putative wisdom and 
inspiration generated by this intellectual shenanigan, one can ill-afford to 
let go by the board. Ergo, at the risk of inadvertently antagonizing some as 
an articulate kibitzer, I take the liberty of expressing my true feelings in 
In the eternal grim  blood sport of fighting against Good
Evil's principal weapon is the " Propagation of a Falsehood"
It takes all kinds of strategies and tactics sly and lewd
Twisting the facts and darkening purity to be vilely crude
When lies are spread wide and the real picture is booed
Astutely the Gospel of Untruth is spreading silky smooth
Thru' various media and arenas when the fat is chewed
Especially using swift  Internet, slick, devious and shrewd
For that could be the clever old Devil's poisonous fast food
These mass false disseminations are devices to support screwed
Egotistic theories, fads and ideologies with fanaticism  spewed
To promote prejudice, special interests and power that's wooed
That could all be highly offensive and sound unfair to the prude
And could put the truth crusaders  in an awfully unsavoury mood
Hence exposing such devious misrepresentations definitely should
Be an absolute necessity  to have such skullduggery withstood
Hence let's muster the Knights of Cyberspace valiant and good
For gone are the days of yore when we could count on Robin Hood

Goanet mailing list

[Goanet] The magic of Xenn

2006-10-07 Thread Arnold Noronha
Dear Dominic:

Cordial thanks for your heartwarming account of life in Goa with the focus 
on "Xenn". I'm impressed by your bucolic humility and sense of nostalgia. 
You're a genuine dyed-in-the-wool "Son of the Soil". You earn bonus points 
for inserting  equivalent Konkani words strategically in your vivid 
descriptions of housing construction and maintenance.

This is a lovely "no-holds-barred" expose on important aspects of life in 
Goa. The clean rustic charm of your article is something I'll cherish for a 
long time. I look forward to reading more of your sweet recollections of 
good old Goa. An article on Goan social customs would be most welcome.

It's one of  the main reasons I became a member of Goanet.

Regards and best wishes.

Arnold Noronha
Wilmington, Delaware, USA 

Goanet mailing list

[Goanet] Your characterizaton of local Goans

2006-10-07 Thread Arnold Noronha

Dear Mike:
This refers to your post appearing  in Goanet on October 4.
While commending your enthusiasm and genuine interest in Goa's prosperity 
and good name, I take exception to your maligning indigenous Goans for being 
lackadaisical and disinterested in the goings-on in their Homeland.
As I understand from reliable sources, many locals feel disenfranchised i.e. 
overwhelmed,  overrun  and under seige from aliens, hostile elements and  
exploitative special interests who ignore the core welfare of Goa. Their 
xenophobia is augmented by a sense of feeling dispossessed of their 
exclusive  rights, entitlements and recognition as their unalienable 
inheritance. They believe they've been unfairly denied as the residuals of 
the original Goan population who chose to stay home through all the 
vicissitudes of Goa's chequered history and its vagaries of fortune and 
social changes,  come hell or high water.  Some of the other reasons for 
their apparent low morale are enumerated as follows. The consensus of our 
fellow home Goinkars opine they don't have  good Government to protect them 
and run the affairs of state well. It is claimed the extraordinary 
"post-Lusitanian" era growth has not been properly planned and regulated.  
They fear Goa's seminal way of life and culture is being ravaged and the 
original Goan identity is fast disintegrating.  It's contended the politics 
of Goa is in pandemonium and the law and order situation is deplorable. They 
also complain  corruption is rampant. I could go on ad infinitum with this 
reported litany of Goa's woes and  apparently unsurmountable problems 
engendered by chaotic conditions. Ergo, the "Last of the Mohicans" have 
apparently developed stoic indifference and pathetic fatalism predicated on 
a dismal sense of  abject hopelessness.
You probably know much more about the real prevailing state of affairs than 
I do. I appreciate your valour and loyalty to the Motherland by going down 
to our ancestral abode to make your presence felt.  Granted you're a genuine 
corker, putting your money where your mouth is, I doubt you can catalyze the 
local inhabitants  to action merely by harsh criticism. Visiting Goa and 
trying to help directly through social interaction as you're doing is the 
way to go. Let's be more sympathetic and understanding, senor so that your " 
Goan patriotism/fealty" can be more effective.
Incidentally, I'm a denizen of Goan extract, now a citizen of the USA. I 
visited Goa only once 55 years ago. I'll never forget the genuine deep 
affection, boundless hospitality, honesty, piety and rich culture, 
especially in music that I witnessed among our Goan people back home. It was 
a beautiful, halcyon environment I enjoyed immensely. And the best of all, 
the fishing, coconut and mango tree climbing and cashew bulb gathering were 
the "icing on the cake".
Keep up the good work. Have a great trip to Goa.
Viva Goa!!!
Arnold Noronha
Wilmington, Delaware, USA.

Goanet mailing list

[Goanet] FW: RE: PONNOS (Pake v/s Agullim)

2006-10-07 Thread Arnold Noronha

To:  Arnold Noronha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:  RE: PONNOS (Pake v/s Agullim)
Date:  Fri, 6 Oct 2006 23:10:39 +0100 (BST)
>Waghot we say vagullim or agullim and the same name for a type of fish with 
>long tail
>(vagullea sole -dried fish very coomon with Goan para or paro.
>Thanks once again for your words.
>--- Arnold Noronha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Thanks for the clarification and the nice lesson on Goa's biology. Your 
>superb ability to
>explain the Goa environment in terms of natural life is pleasing and 
>valuable. Is there much
>of Nature left after all the indiscriminate development without regard for 
>Ecology these days?
>What I hear is alarming and sad. Badly planned industrial growth and 
>overpopulation are
>ruining the natural beauty of Goa I hear.
>In conclusion, I'm assuming that the Waghot is the same as the Agullim.
>From:  JoeGoaUk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To:  Arnold Noronha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,, 
>Subject:  RE: PONNOS (Pake v/s Agullim)
>Date:  Fri, 6 Oct 2006 21:36:24 +0100 (BST)
> >Thanks a lot for your lovely feedback.
> >
> >   Yes, you are right.  By quoting PAKE I was refering 'agullem ou 
>agullim' the one seen in
> >churches, banana ghello/top, Anteram, Antonam, Anona, Zagma, chickoo, 
>Peram, Zam etc.
> >   However, pake also seen eating small fruits like jagma.  Once we put a 
>net (kanttalli)
> >around the Jagomi Tree to trap agullinm and next monring we saw not only 
>trapped agullim but
> >two medium size pake and a green bird (kukur) too.
> >   Such agullim (bats) also seen in caves or bumyar/tunnels as in Raschol 
> >
> >   However, most prefer saying PAKE when it is actually agullim/bats.
> >
> >Agullim and Pake only seen during the night as I thing they are blind 
>during the day as in
> >owl.
> >
> >Pake/Agullim are Mammals (they don't lay eggs like birds)
> >

Goanet mailing list

Re: [Goanet] PONNOS

2006-10-06 Thread Arnold Noronha
Thanks for that excellent repertoire of derivatives from "ponnos". You're 
doing more for the propagation of Goan harmony, culture and cuisine, and 
ultimately Goan pride, than all the sensational and invidious platitudes and 
acrimonious diatribes published ad nauseam. Your enlightening etymological 
throwbacks are fascinating especially when you link  genuine Goan customs 
and patois endemically. I wish you could delight  Goanet's readership 
consistently with a systematized compilation of your precious knowledge and 
interpretation of various facets of seminal Goan culture. It could include 
the fine arts, the culinary science and leading personalities from all walks 
with focus  on culture and fine arts.  If serialized it would facilitate 
Goanetters  absorbing and digesting your fine presentations more 
effectively. I'm really enjoying what you give us readers.
There's one item  I'd like you to clarify. I always thought the "Bat" 
(flying fox) was called "Waghot". But you have referred  to this airborne 
creature as "Pake". Is  "Waghot" the larger version of the "Bat" or is the 
terminology/diction modified regionally.? If cooked by expert "cusneres", I 
can attest the resulting delicacy makes an excellent "amot tickh", mouth 
watering hot curry that will knock your socks off.
Keep up the good work. Your contributions are a dignified and unique breath 
of fresh air in Goanet's cyberspace. Please give us more!!!

>What ponnos ?
>Path Ponnos, Nirponnos, Katteam Ponnos, Rosal Ponnos, Kapo Ponnos, Borkoi 
>Ponnos ??
>KAPO (in Bardes) the same is BORKOI in Shashtti
>ROSALL in Bardes the same is just PONNOS in Shastti
>NIR-PONNOS in Bardes the same is PATH-PONNOS in Shastti
>So, what is katteam Ponnos ?
>This is another variety of Ponnos.
>Green in colour (little yellowish when riped) about 1 foot long and about 
>half foot wide
>Inside is all while like cotton but juicy
>Taste sour & Sweet
>Most people don't eat it.
>But it is my favourite, chill it for sometimes before eating 'Hobodda 
>Some people call it 'Paum' (bread) yet some call it 'nir-ponnos'
>The fruit attracts 'pake' (bats)
>Usually June-July-August i think
>Any body remember this ?
>Other related terms/words about PONNOS
>Ponnsa pana Viddi (cigar with leaf)
>Ponnsa pana Folle (Sweet dish, funnel shape)
>Ponnsa moder (Wood-Chairs, table etc)
>Ponnsa Ghore
>Ponnsa Bhiknamm (nuts)
>Ponnsa Char
>Ponnsa Pank/dhink (Gum -use to trap parrots etc)
>Ponnsa Sattam (again, my favourite)
>Some related sayings:
>Daddoun pikoilolea ponnsak ghost asoan
>Ponnos kitloi dapun dovor, tacho vas eilea xivai ravona
>Nak nak mun voklem deddxem ghore khaile
>Pott bhorlem munntorich ghore ambott

Goanet mailing list

[Goanet] Minguel Rod

2006-10-06 Thread Arnold Noronha

Dear Veronica:
Thanks for that splendid narrative on Minguel Rod. Appearing in Goanet, the 
graphic visceral account of his life with all its pathos read like a Greek 
tragedy. With your prodigious contribution on his 51st death anniversary, 
probably many have been  impressed by his thespian genius. Based on your 
vivid expose,  Senor Rod has remarkable semblance to a kind of Don Quixote 
with his Sancho Panza played by Young Menezes. Maybe the hallucinatory 
effects of  his constant inebriety endowed Minguel the Maestro with the 
psychedelic inspiration to produce his masterpieces.
If  swayed by the quality of his theatrical works,  the protagonists of 
Konkani should seriously contemplate starting a movement to get his 
important masterpieces translated into English. We have precedents in Edward 
J. Fitzgerald's translation of the Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam that made the 
Persian genius world famous. Goa has a number of scholars who are well 
versed in both the Konkani and English languages. Let's get organizations 
like Sudharop to sponsor and organize funding for these translations of at 
least his magnum opus, so that the world can enjoy this humdinger's 
marvellous theatre output. Promoting Minguel's plays outside Goa through an 
universally known  language could make the bon vivant World more aware of 
Goa's charming environment, unique classical culture and  abundant talent. 
Burning bright, his gems will also be an excellent way to give Konkani 
international recognition as a language to be reckoned with. Ultimately, his 
legacy could help foster badly needed uniformity in our "lingua franca" and 
provide  the vindication of Konkani's status as a "language" in the Indian 


Goanet mailing list

[Goanet] The furore over consuming dog's meat

2006-10-01 Thread Arnold Noronha

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
 There is no better, value for money, guest house.
  Confirm your bookings early or miss-out

  Visit for details/booking/confirmation.

So what's all the big hullabaloo about canine cuisine?

The apparent fastidious discernment about what we Goans eat is utterly 
perplexing. I remember enjoying delicious hot "waghot" curry in India. If my 
shamefully limited Konkani vocabulary is recalled accurately, "waghot" means 
bat (or flying fox, euphemistically). This Goan delicacy was eagerly sought 
from night hunters who used shotguns with buckshot or airguns to bag their 
prey. When preparing this exquisite Goan recipe dish one had to be 
meticulous about  carving out the entrails carefully or the sparse meat 
would get irretrievably spoilt. Now mind you this gourmet fare was rumored 
to be served at middle class dinner tables with pride and joy to entertain 
special guests. I kid you not!!!.

So if we notoriously carnivorous Goans do graduate(or degenerate) to 
relishing dog meat down the road it should not
surprise anyone at all. While  getting inured to the litany of Goa's 
problems,  all the bellyaching  about the menace of aggressive strays 
loitering around the streets of Goa brazenly takes the cake. Ergo, it's 
logical to think seriously of culling the dog population in Goa drastically.

Propelling a proposed organized move to dispose of these mongrels is the 
stream of reports that they frequently growl at and  bite our peaceful, 
law-abiding God-fearing (and Atheists too ) Goan citizens without 
provocation. This outrageous canine appetite for Goan flesh is absolutely 
unacceptable and needs to be curbed forthwith. Fie upon you bleeding heart 
liberals; the death penalty must be reinstated at least for errant dogs. 
Let's have neither lassitude nor lugubriously lament departed "Lassie"!!!.

Now let's also consider the commercial potential of this plethora of the dog 
population in Goa. Setting up abattoirs to handle dog slaughter could 
relieve Goa's purportedly high unemployment  problem.

This abundant  blessing in disguise  could also be a gold mine for our 
exports especially to China. We already have a thriving export market for 
chickens and frog legs, so why not dogs too?

Our offer to supply the Red Dragon prime cuts of dog meat will bring 
precious goodwill,  promote international amity, and most importantly, earn 
valuable foreign exchange. Mind you, 2006 is the Year of the Dog in China 
and should be propitious for Goa and India too. The insatiable demand for 
dog meat cannot  be easily satisfied. The Chinese have epicurean restaurants 
specializing in dog meat dishes and would welcome our slaking their eager 
appetites for this prize flesh. To boot, it's an opportune time to revive 
"Hindi-Chini bhai-bhai" as long as our Yellow race North-eastern neighbours 
don't  cross the McMahon line again without official invitation.

With a burning question I begin this prologue

Why is it so ghastly to eat the flesh of the dog?
Does this hitherto exotic diet make one a golliwog?
Goans love to dine on chicken, beef, bat and frog
Conceding between dog and pig, there's no analogue
Of course nothing  compares to  sorpatel from hog
Called   "dukor" affectionately in our native brogue
In days gone by it  provided yeoman service in our bogs
Alas, roving canines now our streets menace and clog
Roaming freely in any weather, rain, shine, and fog
With impunity the public they chase and bite agog
Let's pray  in church, temple, mosque and synagogue
That many Goans don't end up the gloomy morgue
So the time is ripe these tail wagging canines to flog
Now I end this anti-dog verse with a grim epilogue
Expressed in royal Konkani for them we have no "mogh"
Curb them with carnage, no mourning with black togs
If we Goans want to freely walk, stagger, run and jog
Can we afford to let our beloved land go to the dogs?


Goanet mailing list

[Goanet] FW: The furore over consuming dog's meat

2006-09-28 Thread Arnold Noronha

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
 There is no better, value for money, guest house.
  Confirm your bookings early or miss-out

  Visit for details/booking/confirmation.

From: "Arnold Noronha" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: The furore over consuming dog's meat
Date: Wed, 27 Sep 2006 15:07:13 -0400

So what's all the big hullabaloo about canine cuisine?
The apparent fastidious discernment about what we Goans eat is utterly 
perplexing. I remember enjoying delicious hot "waghot" curry in India. If my 
shamefully limited Konkani vocabulary is recalled accurately, "waghot" means 
bat (or flying fox, euphemistically). This Goan delicacy was eagerly sought 
from night hunters who used shotguns with buckshot or airguns to bag their 
prey. When preparing this exquisite Goan recipe dish one had to be  
meticulous about  carving out the entrails carefully or the sparse meat 
would get irretrievably spoilt. Now mind you this gourmet fare was rumored 
to be served at middle class dinner tables with pride and joy to entertain 
special guests. I kid you not!!!. So if we notoriously carnivorous Goans do 
graduate(or degenerate) to relishing dog meat down the road it should not 
surprise anyone at all. While  getting inured to the litany of Goa's 
problems,  all the bellyaching  about the menace of aggressive strays  
loitering around the streets of Goa brazenly takes the cake. Ergo, it's 
logical to think seriously of culling the dog population in Goa drastically. 
Propelling a proposed organized move to dispose of these mongrels is the 
stream of reports that they frequently growl at and  bite our peaceful, 
law-abiding God-fearing(and Atheists too ) Goan citizens without 
provocation. This outrageous canine appetite for Goan flesh is absolutely 
unacceptable and needs to be curbed forthwith. Fie upon you bleeding heart 
liberals; the death penalty must be reinstated at least for errant dogs. 
Let's have neither lassitude nor lugubriously lament departed "Lassie"!!!.
Now let's also consider the commercial potential of this plethora of the dog 
population in Goa. Setting up abattoirs to handle dog slaughter could  
relieve Goa's purportedly high unemployment  problem.
This abundant  blessing in disguise  could also be a gold mine for our 
exports especially to China. We already have a thriving export market for 
chickens and frog legs, so why not dogs too?
Our offer to supply the Red Dragon prime cuts of dog meat will bring 
precious goodwill,  promote international amity, and most importantly, earn 
valuable foreign exchange. Mind you, 2006 is the Year of the Dog in China 
and should be propitious for Goa and India too. The insatiable demand for 
dog meat cannot  be easily satisfied. The Chinese have epicurean restaurants 
  specializing in dog meat dishes and would welcome our slaking their eager 
appetites for this prize flesh. To boot, it's an opportune time to revive 
"Hindi-Chini bhai-bhai" as long as our Yellow race North-eastern neighbours  
don't  cross the McMahon line again without official invitation.
With a burning question I begin this prologue
Why is it so ghastly to eat the flesh of the dog?
Does this hitherto exotic diet make one a golliwog?
Goans love to dine on chicken, beef, bat and frog
Conceding between dog and pig, there's no analogue
Of course nothing  compares to  sorpatel from hog
Called   "dukor" affectionately in our native brogue
In days gone by it  provided yeoman service in our bogs
Alas, roving canines now our streets menace and clog
Roaming freely in any weather, rain, shine, and fog
With impunity the public they chase and bite agog
Let's pray  in church, temple, mosque and synagogue
That many Goans don't end up the gloomy morgue
So the time is ripe these tail wagging canines to flog
Now I end this anti-dog verse with a grim epilogue
Expressed in royal Konkani for them we have no "mogh"
Curb them with carnage, no mourning with black togs
If we Goans want to freely walk, stagger, run and jog
Can we afford to let our beloved land go to the dogs?


Goanet mailing list

[Goanet] FW: RE: Escaped women prisoners

2006-09-19 Thread Arnold Noronha

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
 There is no better, value for money, guest house.
  Confirm your bookings early or miss-out

  Visit for details/booking/confirmation.

From:  "Arnold Noronha" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:  RE: [Goanet-news] Goanet News Headlines: Sept 18,2006: Margao 
municipality seeks help for maintaining century-oldbuilding
Date:  Tue, 19 Sep 2006 01:21:13 -0400
>It is intriguing to learn that 7 fallen daughters of Eve escaped from a 
>Goan penitentiary in Merces by removing the roof tiles of their Protective 
>custody facility. Using verse,  I would like to express my amazement at 
>their initiative and gall to get past the prison guards. I wonder whether 
>they were eventually caught and returned to their destined premises.
>Displaying guts and employing rare guile
>The redoubtable seven removed roof tiles
>In order to get away, then hopefully resile
>Jumping beyond the prison walls in a pile
>These naughty ones must  use  their wiles
>As they flee the law for many a desperate mile
>To get to the badlands beyond the police revile
>and have a chance their burdensome chains to file
>Their bold actions may seem rash and  infantile
>But caged inside they abhorred the harsh domicile
>Deciding  to dash hard for Freedom after a while
>The Dreams of Liberty engaging their minds fertile
>But alas if caught to the possibility will they reconcile
>By the time they ever got out again they'd be senile?
>The Goanet News headlines are interesting. They give a realistic flavour of 
>what transpires in the Motherland and the daily trends of life on the Goan 
>scene. From the above news item is one to infer there's a rise in female 
>criminal activity? Also are the prison systems understaffed?
>Keep up the good work.
>Arnold Noronha

Goanet mailing list

Re: [Goanet] Goanet News Headlines: Sept 18, 2006: Margao municipality seeks help for maintaining century-old building

2006-09-18 Thread Arnold Noronha

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
 There is no better, value for money, guest house.
  Confirm your bookings early or miss-out

  Visit for details/booking/confirmation.

It is intriguing to learn that 7 fallen daughters of Eve escaped from a Goan 
penitentiary in Merces by removing the roof tiles of their Protective 
custody facility. Using verse,  I would like to express my amazement at 
their initiative and gall to get past the prison guards. I wonder whether 
they were eventually caught and returned to their destined premises.

Displaying guts and employing rare guile
The redoubtable seven removed roof tiles
In order to get away, then hopefully resile
Jumping beyond the prison walls in a pile
These naughty ones must  use  their wiles
As they flee the law for many a desperate mile
To get to the badlands beyond the police revile
and have a chance their burdensome chains to file
Their bold actions may seem rash and  infantile
But caged inside they abhorred the harsh domicile
Deciding  to dash hard for Freedom after a while
The Dreams of Liberty engaging their minds fertile
But alas if caught to the possibility will they reconcile
By the time they ever got out again they'd be senile?

The Goanet News headlines are interesting. They give a realistic flavour of 
what transpires in the Motherland and the daily trends of life on the Goan 
scene. From the above news item is one to infer there's a rise in female 
criminal activity? Also are the prison systems understaffed?
Keep up the good work.
Arnold Noronha

Goanet mailing list

Re: [Goanet] Goanet Reader: Inconvenient truths about Goa,2006...

2006-09-15 Thread Arnold Noronha
Dear Dr Giese:

I enthusiatically commend your "Jeremiad" exposing Goa's extant woes. It's 
wonderful that US denizens have a vibrant organization such as "Goa 
Sudharop" to campaign for preservation of the unique culture of this 
fairyland Konkan coastal enclave. It is indeed a extraordinary blended 
amalgam of Indian and Portuguese cultures that's worth striving to enshrine 
for posterity. Apart from the malaises and adverse trends astutely 
identified by you, I see two major impediments. One is the language problem.
In elevating Konkani to the august status of a "Language" we are putting the 
cart before the horse. Let's first develop the vital and credible 
credentials to qualify it as such. As far as I know, we have not yet even 
agreed on an uniform official  script. Language is a endemically a powerful 
unifying force. Finance scholarships and organize institutions  to create 
harmoniously a viable and universally acceptable "linga franca" using the 
minds and resources of all linguistically interested parties in Goa. This 
may look like pie in the sky but I sincerely believe it's a sine qua non to 
establish a truly monolithic identity for Goa as a cultural and social 
entity. It will foster unity within Goa's diversity and give Goa's people 
and its administration a solid foundation to plan and execute a proper 
blueprint for the present and future. Another item for consideration is 
residency restrictions in the geography of Goa. Draconian measures if 
necessary by  visa (with strict time limits) and other means should be 
imposed on residents who are not domiciled. True Goa is now a Union State 
and interstate freedom of movement is guaranteed under India's "Republic and 
Democratic" constitution. But a high tariff on non-Goans would not only be a 
great revenue generator but would also discourage non-bona fide entrants. Of 
course that would lead to clearly defining the dichotomy between Goans and 
non-Goans and could open a Pandora's box. I aver measures like this will 
help regulate Goa's uncontrolled and "overburgeoning" population and at 
least decelerate total dilution of its moribund ethnicity.

I wish we could use applicable parts of the models of suzerainties like 
Monaco and Hong Kong to craft Goa's political, social and economic 
infrastructure for the lasting benefit of Goa and India.

The immense problems you have enumerated in able Cassandra-like fashion are 
formidable and credible. As  stalwart evangelists for Goa's cause, Goa 
Sudharop is wished all the best in your noblesse oblige.

Arnold Noronha
Goanet mailing list

[Goanet] The concept of a "lie"

2006-09-14 Thread Arnold Noronha
Pursuant to the recent flap arising out of  differences of opinion over the 
personality and political philosophy of Hitler , Frederick assumed the role 
of moderator.  He resorted to tapping Wikipedia for a comprehensive meaning 
of the word "lie" in order to put the at times visceral  arguments into 
proper perspective. This post  in verse attempts to augment Frederick's 
enlightening views.

In the context of debate framing Hitler as a  bad guy
Spinning acronym, synonym and elucidation Fred did try
To reveal the appearance, essence and anatomy of a LIE
Delving in its shape, structure, and implications let's pry
It's misrepresentation, libel, canard, trying to get by
Deviously misstating facts that make the Truth look wry
Saying falsehoods prime facie Biblical people will decry
ranked with the seven deadly sins it's a very  close tie
The 8th precept of the Decalogue to judge strictly  by
A lie deserves punishment where in Hot Hell we'll fry
If caught, one would make every prude  say "my oh my"
Of course plainly the moralist's reaction is to say "Fie"
Consider extenuating circumstances ere to judge we fly
for dodging the Truth one may have a plausible  alibi
when unfettered imagination conjured has gone awry
embellishing the truth 'till it appears unbelievably sly
Is it  devious subterfuge that bad when hiding an ally?
Or discretely suppressing Truth in confidentiality a lie?
Some facts undressed could make us redfaced to decry
So does dodging the truth when good intentions imply
for reasons of national security and pledges kept high
Are such secrets undisclosed by exigency per se a lie?
A bride on her wedding night sweet innocence does ply
Using discretion to keep connubial calm appearing shy
Would you query her comport on the bed she does lie?
In the gamut of Evils when pure Veracity is not nigh
yes, to terminological inexactitude it is a close ally
Yet are backbiting, gossip, ugly censure not worse Sin by
any standards of morality and decency to  comply?
When Malice's deleterious hurt makes Mankind's spirit die
Then let's rather bid inhumane Truth a hearty goodbye

Arnold Noronha

Goanet mailing list

Re: [Goanet] Sainthood Still A Long Way For Mother Teresa

2006-09-09 Thread Arnold Noronha

The impending canonization of the Blessed Mother Teresa is a matter of 
serious concern to many of us. Her formal elevation to the pedestal of Roman 
Catholic Hagiology will be a crowning moment in the History of the Church. 

We live in troubled times and it is appropriate that we honor holy and 
worthy personages with accolades in a timely manner where fully deserved. It 
is an effective way to promote peace and harmony in the world.

I'm very pleased you're proactively promoting the cause of " The Saint of 
the Gutters". It's long overdue. Her missionary zeal ranks with the great St 
Francis Xavier's. It seems people of other religious denominations have given  
the Church the lead in giving  this humdinger of a humanitarian in the name of 
Christ her rightful place in the Book of Saints.

We hope and pray the process of canonization of Mother Teresa will be 
handled with greater alacrity and enthusiasm for the sake of the Church and 
Humanity. Her highest veneration is for the Glory of Christ.

It took the Church over 500 years to canonize St Joan of Arc. Let's hope we 
don't  have to endure undue procrastination  in case of Mother Teresa. Honor 
delayed is honor denied.

Arnold Noronha

Read all Goanet messages @
Goanet mailing list

Re: [Goanet] For Arnold...

2006-09-04 Thread Arnold Noronha

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
 There is no better, value for money, guest house.
  Confirm your bookings early or miss-out

  Visit for details/booking/confirmation.

It's regrettable I couldn't get through to you with "Plain Text" script. I'm 
going to try again. The last time I tapped my "send" copy to transmit. This 
time I'm typing a original in that is inherent in this note.
Yes, thanks I did receive your kind invitation to use G-mail. As a last 
resort, I'll take advantage of your offer. My daughter who is out of town 
could probably help me. I don't want to bother you unnecessarily. You plate 
is already full.
Thanks for your and Bosco's enthusiastic  support.
Here it goes!!!

From:  "Frederick \"FN\" Noronha" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To:  "Arnold Noronha" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
CC:  "Bosco - Goanet Volunteer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Viviana 
Subject:  For Arnold...
Date:  Sun, 3 Sep 2006 14:07:06 +0530
>Sorry Arnold, It's not coming through in plaintext. I suggest you
>create and use a Gmail account to post to Goanet. Please...
>Did you get the Gmail invite I sent? FN
>Bosco: I'm
>trying to transmit to you in PLAIN TEXTagain, using the instructions
>provided on the website incorporated in your note. I tried before but
>could not send the message intended. Hiope this works.
>The limitation here is I can barely read what I've written.
>Consequently, I can easliy make spelling and other errors.
>Hope the transmission works this time. Let me know whether
>it was properly received and acceptable in the desired form for
>reproduction in Goanet. Hopefully it does work this time and we're all
>set to go.
>Frederick Noronha  9822122436 +91-832-240-9490

Goanet mailing list

[Goanet] The Passing of Pluto

2006-09-01 Thread Arnold Noronha

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
 There is no better, value for money, guest house.
  Confirm your bookings early or miss-out

  Visit for details/booking/confirmation.

The current astronomical tempest in a tea cup over reneging of Pluto's august 
status as a planet in our solar system seems to have set our Goaneters agog 
like the Tower of Babel. Considering the hullabaloo, the world could easily 
get the impression that a Saligao star gazer or a Panjim peeper hit the 
jackpot in 1930 to first  discover this Johnny-come-lately in our solar 
system's visible ambit of planets.

In this homespun elegy, an attempt is made to ponder the humbling loss of this 
dwarf planet's hierarchical status in our solar planetary system's ennead.
Astronomers have abjured the status that was Pluto's
(of course its juxtaposition to the Sun is not close)
 Little darling of a planet must have felt its heart froze
The powers-that-be did their omniscient Will impose 
Among giant constellations Pluto's with the minnows
As a major Heavenly body the dwarf can no longer pose
In the garden of recognized and watched spatial shows
It's now a downtrodden celestial weed not a sweet rose
Alas like tides, the prestige of everything ebbs and flows
Now certain afficionados this drastic demotion oppose 
Lamenting the dethronement like weeping widows
Denied galactic respect Pluto's every fan well knows
to them is like saying wood does not contain cellulose
They're really absolutely outraged while being morose
And don't intend to take it lying down flat comatose
 Believing to spite the face, hasty ones did bite the nose
The mean arbitrary injustice they seek to hotly expose
If the interplanetary torn fabric to mend one sows
using persuasion's thread, not an attitude bellicose
to find a solution without stepping on one another's toes
 It could take this planetary spat is as far as it goes
and as the strife between opposing parties grows
like happy Goans let's retire to tavern of Flo's and Joe's
and while  carousing find out the cruxes' cons and pros
checking thru' fake telescopes, if Pluto still hopeful glows
but if our pseudo-starlet no movement legally restores 
To our petite cynosure let's reluctantly say tearful adieus
In requiem
Goanet mailing list

Re: [Goanet] Plutoed - my hopes for salvation

2006-08-31 Thread Arnold Noronha

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
 There is no better, value for money, guest house.
  Confirm your bookings early or miss-out

  Visit for details/booking/confirmation.

It is observed that Goanet is rampant with unsavory diatribes, personal 
attacks and put-downs which tend to vitiate the quality of debates and deflect 
the focus from the real issues. If Goanet's "post" circle can be compared in 
hyperbole to the Knights of the Round Table we have way too many Modreds and 
not enough Lancelots and Galahads. 

Let's make the environment more benign in order to avoid the appearance of 

In GoaNet's august word exchangeMart
when opinions and facts are far apart
let's avoid vile language hurtful and tart
hurling affront and slur like a vicious dart
for such behavior belittles Writing's Art

Goanet mailing list

[Goanet] Gonadians

2006-08-25 Thread Arnold Noronha
Hello Frederick:
 As a recent subscriber to GoaNet's posting service and related e-activities, 
I have perused with delight and interest the daily debates between the 
intellectual giants and mavens who seem to often think of each other as 
wiseacres in the heat of battle. In my opinion, the current "WW III" between 
certain correspondents over the "Gonadian" coinage   has turned out to be a 
titanic clash of egos,  generating more heat than light.  To bring levity to 
this conflict, I offer the following doggerel. It is not intended to offend 
Certain Goan immigrants to Canada show deep outrage
At the audacity of a seemingly derogatory coinage
When the Maple Leaf Land's denizens, some envisage
 As "Gonadians" thus inevitably setting the hot stage 
For conflict with invidious debate and verbal rampage
Battle lines are drawn between opponents for vantage
 anent this unflatteringly viewed hybrid, not of badinage
an alliance of abridgement and manipulation to enrage
using a misaligned derivative  skewed for anchorage
 to create this seeming perversity of modern Goan age 
Sad future for Goan's foreign identities some presage
The final outcome could be really difficult to guage
The debaters assail each other with contending verbiage
Mercilessly, the foes each others reputations pillage
It's now friend vs friend, village against village
They're  uncompromisingly not on the same page
The threatened antagonists feel  their Goan heritage
Has been tainted and cast under a diaspora umbrage
And acrimonious war as foes they must vigorously wage
Ferociously like lions and tigers in GoaNet's e-cage
In futile polemics over ethnic nomenclature  engage
To resolve this dispute, if we consulted a revered sage
Who's wise, impartial, respected and of old vintage
He'd shake his head in dismay wondering about this rage 
Grimly querying rhetorically,with candour and courage
"Is  a Toronto hotdog different from a Goa sausage?"
Viva Goa!!!
Arnold Noronha
Goanet mailing list

Re: [Goanet] The language question in Goa

2006-08-24 Thread Arnold Noronha
That was one gem of an expose on the linguistics embroglio in Goa.
This is the first time I've read a perspicuous unravelling of this
complicated subject. Do we have a language pandemonium or what? You've
astutely explained the Goa language brouhaha in the light of so many
factors and forces.cultural, religious, historical and
regional, etc. What you have produced is nothing short of a
"piece-de-resistance". Bravo!!! You can write.

After the day is done what is it that the language advocates on all
sides of this debate are really trying to achieve? If they're truly
worried about Goa surviving, nay thriving,  in the modern world and
the future, let's be realistic. When are they going to shed their
differences and prejudices be they regional, religion-based,
caste-derived or cultural for the common good of India and Goa in
particular?  To the outsider  it appears the contending parties
concerned are missing the forest because of the trees. Metaphorically,
Goa is a gold mine from so many aspects. I hope the good inhabitants
of this lovely land will stop dissipating their energies and resources
in this futile controversy and give common sense, harmony and true
patriotism a fighting chance. Yes, I'm fascinated by the lilt of
Konkani and its bucolic charm and idiom and hope it's preserved ad
infinitum to perpetuate Goa's and the Konkan's rich culture and
heritage. But let's not lose sight of reality. Let's get the
protagonists to develop it's classical  literature regardless of the
script used. That's the best way to initiate its universal
recognition. Give the world a Shakespeare, a  Cervantes, a Hemingway,
a Jane Austen in the Konkani language. Then have these works
translated into the leading languages of the world starting with
English. That's the best way to answer the critics of this charming
language honoured recently with  recognition in the Indian
constitution. Politics alone cannot do it, but literary genius and
hard work can. As a reputed  maven of cyberspace and an excellent
writer in the English medium, I hope you can convince  fellow Goans
back home to sink their differences and realize that only by adopting
and promoting a uniform language of international stature with a
technical and expanding  vocabulary can we make true progress.
Multiculturism in a harmonious environment should by no means be
suppressed but should not be confused with fissiparous divisions that
could only lead to jingoism and ultimately disintegration.

Keep up the good work.


Goanet mailing list

Re: [Goanet] Tragic drownings in Goa

2006-08-18 Thread Arnold Noronha
Dear Frederick:

I'm utterly dismayed about the tragic spate of recent drownings in Goa 
reported in the Goanet news yesterday. Drownings during the monsoon on the 
Konkan coast are  not a frequent occurrence resulting from Mother Nature's 
natural turbulence in the Indian Ocean.  Those who venture forth into the sea 
for recreational purposes are generally not familiar with   local conditions. 
The visiting public should be warned of the potential  hazards lurking in the 
waters especially  during the rainy season.

 I'm surprised there's no mention of life guards and life boats for rescue 
missions at popular beaches. Are there any warning signs posted on the beaches 
used by tourists?.  The local inhabitants are normally aware of the prevailing 
dangers and go out generally  for commercial purposes only, weather conditions 
reasonably permitting.  

Living in Mahim, Mumbai near the beach as a young boy, I did go swimming with 
my friends once in a while when the sea was relatively calm i.e. the waves 
were not huge and violent during the monsoons. And despite our cautious 
attitudes, I did get towed away sometimes but managed to get back to land 
safely. We were lucky we escaped mishaps. Of course, my parents were 
absolutely not aware of our juvenile follies or we would have not been allowed 
to expose ourselves to such dangers. There are  several other cases of 
swimmers who fell fatal victims to the cruelty of the sea. 

 I strongly recommend that Goanet, as an influential news service and powerful 
opinion disseminator, should launch a serious and consistent safety campaign 
to prevent further loss of lives through drownings.

Keep up the good work. 

Regards to your family


Arnold Noronha 
Goanet mailing list

[Goanet] Protecting Goa's environment.

2006-08-06 Thread Arnold Noronha

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
 There is no better, value for money, guest house.
  Confirm your bookings early or miss-out

  Visit for details/booking/confirmation.

As a  US expatriate and recently enrolled reader of the Goanet news, your 
publication reports tremendous development projects planned and executed in 

I am interested to know what safeguards  are currently in place to preserve 
the natural beauty,  historic monuments, cultural milieu, etc.  and to promote 
balanced regulated growth and prevent environmental pollution and sociological 
disruptions. Does the Goa Government  have bodies like the USA's Environmental 
Protection Agency with mandated rules and regulations and related 
administrators with statutory enforcement powers?. Are  public hearings held  
on social and environment impact of  development and new business( such as SEZ)
projects? I've not yet observed  reports of such activities. Please let me 
know whether there are other internet sources devoted to this area. .

I enjoy reading Goanet's coverage daily. It opens an engrossing and 
enlightening window to keep abreast of Goa's and the rest of India's important 
current events.


Goanet mailing list

Re: [Goanet] Query about: S.S. Ramdas

2006-08-06 Thread Arnold Noronha

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
 There is no better, value for money, guest house.
  Confirm your bookings early or miss-out

  Visit for details/booking/confirmation.

Dear Mr Fernandes:

Thank you for your valuable input into the sinking of the Ramdas. You have 
helpfully corroborated your story with an extract from the "Times of India". 
In the bargain, you've   also cleared the cobwebs from my memory about the 
exact date and location of this coastal plying vessel's sinking mishap. It's 
also interesting to note the passengers were not predominantly Goan. You have 
also dispelled a misimpression I had about the Ramdas being called the 
the "Queen of the Konkan Coast" by Mumbai's proletariat.  I do remember 
vaguely the illfated ship went down during the early part of the monsoon 
season. I understand, notwithstanding the Indian Ocean's monsoon-related 
hazards  facing small  ships, short voyages may have been  made infrequently 
if storms were not imminent. I wonder whether we can get more information about
this tragedy from the ship's owners and the Bombay Port Trust.

Your thorough research is commendable. I looked up "Google" too some time ago 
but did not have your alertness. Your find is definitely enlightening.




>-- Forwarded message --
>From: Eddie Fernandes 

>There are brief reports of the tragedy in The Times (UK) of Jul 18
>19 1947.
Goanet mailing list

Re: [Goanet] SS Ramdas

2006-08-02 Thread Arnold Noronha

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
 There is no better, value for money, guest house.
  Confirm your bookings early or miss-out

  Visit for details/booking/confirmation.

Dear Mr Menezes:

I'm obliged to you for enlightening me on the tragic  happening of the S.S. 
Ramdas's stormy dispatch to Davy Jones's locker.  Hitherto, the chequered, 
variegated sea career of this sunken vessel was buried in relative oblivion.  
Thanks to your friend, the venerable Admiral Nair's vivid memories, your 
fascinating revelations caused this interesting vignette of a part of naval 
history to be brought forth. By authorship, I sincerely hope someone of yours 
or the Admiral's calibre would take the initiative to recount this  Event and 
related happenstances. The media used could be our esteemed "GoaNet" with  
permanent enshrinement maybe in "Google" later. It would not only  give the 
redoubtable ship its rightful place in naval History but also pay a proper 
tribute to the unfortunate departed that went down with the Ramdas.

I clearly remember the November 22 cyclone that hit Bombay. I vaguely recall 
it was accompanied by record rainfall of something like 24 inches in 36 hours. 
However  Hitherto, I didn't connect the Ramdas's sinking with this awesome 
cyclone. I always thought they were two separate occurrences. I'm glad you 
straightened me out.

Once again, thank you very much.


Arnold Noronha

Wilmington, Delaware, USA.


From:  "gilbert menezes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:  Re: SS Ramdas
Date:  Wed, 2 Aug 2006 18:07:15 +0530
>I have a friend, Admiral KR Nair, now retired , aged 91, but still
>with an exceptionally lucid memory.  He told me that HMIS Ramdas was 
>converted merchantman which was fitted with guns and based at Bombay
>during  World War 2.  He served on the ship as a young officer and 
>many interesting tales to tell about this ship, during the war.  
>the war, the ship , now known as SS Ramdas, reverted to the Bombay
>Steam Navigation Company, and was deployed on the bombay-Goa route.
>The ship capsized and sank without survivors during a cyclonic 
>off Khanderi Island, which is just outside Bombay.
>Im not sure about the date of the mishap, but it could be 22 nov 
>because that is the date a large cyclone storm caused a lot of 
>at bombay.  The ship was a small one, about the sizes of SS Rohidas
>and St. Anthony, so there could not have been a thousand people on
>board, more likely a couple of hundred.
>Gilbert Menezes.
Goanet mailing list

[Goanet] RE George Menezes' July 21 Expose on Mumbai

2006-07-25 Thread Arnold Noronha
Dear Mr Menezes:

I'm appalled to read your gripping article on the dismal state of affairs 
prevailing in my native city,good old Mumbai. For a moment I thought you were 
living in Iraq or Lebanon today and describing the pandemonium that reigns in
those territories. Having had the pleasureof reading a marvellous anthology of 
humorous anecdotes authored by you, I'm shocked to read your Jeremiad on our 
beloved city. Your subject piece published in "Goanet's" July 21 edition is a 
stark antithesis of what I have enjoyed from your fine satirical and humorous 

Your great happy-go-lucky, military spirit that hitherto  exuded bonhomie, 
sportmanship and optimism seems to have suffered a severe battering. I 
commiserate with your frustrations and deep concerns. It's sad 
that mavens with your staunch patriotism and civic-mindedness feel 
hopelessly discouraged at times.

Wishing you all the best in your heroic endeavours to "clean the Augean 
stables" in your neck of the woods,


Arnold Noronha
Wilmington, Delaware,

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