[Goanet] FW: Food For Thought

2010-12-21 Thread Ashley.D'silva




From: sankar dasgupta [mailto:s_ds...@yahoo.co.in] 
Sent: Wednesday, December 15, 2010 9:44 AM
To: Ashley.D'silva
Subject: Food For Thought



“Direction of every religion is towards GOD……

Love and compassion is the vehicle to that direction. It is the handiwork of 
some people, who are creating confusion by interpreting Holy Scriptures for 
their personal gains, which has no place in the house of GOD”.




Sankar Dasgupta


[Goanet] FW: Mumbai's Wellingdon Catholic Colony Sold-out

2010-01-17 Thread Ashley.D'silva

From: The CSF [mailto:trinitygr...@mtnl.net.in]
Sent: Monday, January 11, 2010 2:38 AM
To: Ashley Dsilva
Subject: Mumbai's Wellingdon Catholic Colony Sold-out

Dear Friend in Christ,

For those not from Mumbai or Catholic, feel free to ignore this email.

Here is a request to those who are not Mumbai-centric Catholics, as this 
issue is nearer to them. But is an eye-opener for any Christian, even as 
property scams  scandals by Christians are taking center stage. We are 
degenerating into Christians in name, without in Spirit being 
Christians. How else would one account for deals, in which the needy are 
deprived of justice  their rights, even as a few Christians remain 
unanswerable for their nefarious deeds?

This is a case where a few Catholics have set a bad example, rather than 
be the light to the world or salt of the earth. We not only need to be 
alert about the forces outside, but also the Enemy within. Please pray 
for those who are being used by the Evil One and also those fighting 
against injustice, for when Hundreds Crores of Rupees are involved, the 
danger for those fighting against such forces is high.

In HIM - Joe Dias


The Catholic Secular Forum (The CSF), led hundreds of parishners, 
begining with a prayer by Fr. Conrad Saldanha of Sacred Heart Church in 
Santacruz West, after the 8 am religious service. The protest march from 
the church went into the Wellingdon Catholic Colony to express 
solidarity with the inmates - many of who are senior citizens and home 
bound. This was necessitated because the Bombay Catholic Co-op Society, 
which manages the 5.5 acre prime property on SV Road, had sold out to 
one, Sumer Associates to develop the colony. Sad but true, some of our 
very own are involved in the scam. The CSF team's finding are presented 

Background: Over 34 acres of property acquired around 1917 to be 
developed as community land by our ancestors – complete with a church, 
school, convent, gymkhana, residences, etc. Now, around 6 acres, valued 
at over Rs. 600 crores is sold for a song (Rs. 70 crores) by the 
Society, destroying not just the heritage value, but putting hundreds of 
senior citizens on the streets to fend for themselves.

Who is Responsible: The office-bearers of the Society, most of who do 
not live there in the Catholic Colony and who have been in Court with 
the tenants, living on the property for years have in an illegal, not 
transparent move entered into a deal with one, Sumer Associates, who 
have overnight turned the colony into a jail. Apart from being illegal, 
the rush and amount of pressurizing the Society went into, makes it very 
suspect. All the stakeholders, did not know anything until they received 
a notice for a special general meeting on 6th December, 2009. It was a 
hurried meeting, conducted by Frederick Noronha which voted for Sumer 
Associates, in so hushed a manner, that even the Registrar’s 
representative, was asked to keep out. His report is worth reading 
highlights the nefarious going-ons.

To highlight just 2 important observations of The CSF Investigations, 
arrived at after talking to a number of residents and going through 
hundreds of documents:

•   The deal with Sumer Associates is highly suspicious because 
of the way it was done. For instance, even before the Society members 
voted, the Society adjudicated the deal on 5th December, which means 
they were in touch to pay the stamp duty much before the special general 
meeting. On 7th December, inspite of around 50 members objecting, they 
signed the conveyance  on 8th December, they registered it. Further, 
the Society even indemnified Sumer Associates of many lapses. Not to 
mention the fact that one, hitherto unknown Robin Homes was brought into 
picture, inspite of the Society being in litigation with another 
builder. Only about 200 of the around 800 member attended the meeting.

•   About 100 armed men and notorious looking characters were 
seen in the colony. They were checking every visitor and even threatened 
parents of the St. Teresa’s Convent students, one of whom, we were given 
to understand, even complained to the police. We ourselves were 
subjected to searches and did not object because we were mortally 
afraid, looking at the characters around. Sumer Associates has illegally 
started unauthorized construction and put building material in the 
colony to inconvenience the residents.

Preserving Catholic Identity: The vision of our forefathers, when they 
developed the Wellingdon properties was that the prayer of Jesus - 
Father that all might be one - which is the need of the hour. Over a 
hundred years later - greed, selfishness  return on investment 
dominates, to the detriment of our lesser fortunate brethren. Even the 

[Goanet] FW: Industrial Garbage burnt every day at Verna

2009-12-23 Thread Ashley.D'silva



From: shailendra mehta [mailto:shailendrame...@hotmail.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, December 22, 2009 11:52 AM
To: ashley.dsi...@mycareinternational.com
Subject: FW: Industrial Garbage burnt every day at Verna




Date: Thu, 10 Dec 2009 22:32:30 -0800
Subject: Industrial Garbage burnt every day at Verna
From: pravinsab...@gmail.com

On 10 December, SVM activists led the media to a private site on Verna

where Industrial Waste is being burnt in a private property

sans any procedures  for the last 8 months. 

Children as young as 15 years are doing the toxic job. 

Seeing the media coming, they began to douse the fire with water.


This environmental crime is happening in the backyard of Goa's Environment


check out the pics on





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[Goanet] Agriculturla land not for construction

2009-12-23 Thread Ashley.D'silva

Pls publish this as the Goa Govt should take note in terms of allowing
construction on precious agri land. 

What a calamity!

From Ashley 

Thu, Dec 24 02:47 AM

The government must allocate sufficient resources for transferring close to
25 million hectare of acidic agricultural land, which could be used for
augmenting food production in the country, Mangala Rai, the outgoing
director general of Indian Council for Agricultural Research (ICAR) on
Wednesday said.

He said that under the 12th Five Year Plan, the government should set aside
financial resources for transferring atleast 1.2 million hectare of
agricultural land annually for meeting the rising demand for food in the
country. Besides acidic or toxic land, the total wasteland is estimated to
be around 107 million hectares in the country.

As population grows, there had been increasing pressure on agricultural
land which is why we must allocate sufficient resources towards conversion
of waste land into agricultural land for significantly increasing food
production, Rai said at the 81st AGM of ICAR.

He said there are several methods like use of lime and industrial waste into
toxic agricultural land for enhancing their qualities.

Sharad Pawar, the agriculture minister while speaking at the ICAR AGM said
that the research body is at present undertaking a major capacity building
exercise to deal with the present and future challenges facing the
agriculture sector in the country.

These efforts have resulted in filing of over 50 patents applications from
13 ICAR institutes during the year and two patents applications have entered
into national phase in US, France and Japan, Pawar said.

Pawar noted that in order to infuse new blood in research efforts, over 430
scientists are being recruited into ICAR. In an effort to build capacity in
high-end research such as molecular breeding, genomics and transgenics,
bioremediation, nanotechnology, diagnostics etc. scientists from ICAR
institutes and teachers from state agricultural universities were trained in
best of the laboratories of the world, he said.

Crop improvement programmes resulted in release or identification of 131
varieties of major food crops for different agro-climatic regions of the
country, besides a few varieties in plantation and horticultural crops and
nearly 7000 tonne of breeder seed of centrally released field crop varieties
were produced for distribution among farmers, he said.



[Goanet] Can the Goa's Politician stopp so low ?

2009-12-02 Thread Ashley.D'silva

Dear Friends,

This is pathetic - Can are our Goan politicians stop so low?


Russian tourist accuses Goa politician of rape attempt

.  http://www.indiaenews.com/email/?id=235290 Email

.  http://www.indiaenews.com/print/?id=235290 Print

.  http://www.indiaenews.com/pdf/235290.pdf Download PDF

.  http://www.indiaenews.com/india/20091203/235290/comments.htm
Comments (0)

From correspondents in India, 12:02 AM IST

A Russian woman tourist has accused a Goan politician of attempting to rape

According to a complaint filed at the Colva police station Wednesday, the
Russian, 25, said that John Fernandes, an aspiring politician from a
regional political party, tried to rape her after offering her a lift in his
car Tuesday night.

'We have booked an attempt to rape case against Fernandes. We have not been
able to trace him yet. Investigations are on,' an official at the Colva
police station said.

The Russian was here on a vacation and was staying at a hotel in Colva, a
coastal resort village about 35 km from here.

She said that Fernandes promised to drop her to the hotel, but instead took
her to a lonely spot and tried to rape her.

She said that she managed to wrest free and fled back to the hotel.

The police have booked Fernandes, 34, under sections 376 and 511 of the
Indian Penal Code.

Fernandes had narrowly lost against Tourism Minister Francisco alias Mickky
Pacheco in the state assembly elections.

Crimes against women in Goa have come under the spotlight, especially after
the brutal rape and murder of British teenager Scarlett Keeling in Anjuna
last year.

(Staff Writer, C IANS)



Kind Regards,





[Goanet] Congratulations from The Mumbai Goan Association

2009-11-13 Thread Ashley.D'silva
Dear Mario,

A hearty Congratulations to you on being honoured with the  'Orden de Isabel
La Catolica' in recognition for the work you have done in strengthening ties
between India and Spain.
It gives greater pleasure that you were once a Mumbaikar now settled in Goa.


Kind Regards,



Gen Secretary

Mumbai Goan Association

Affiliated to the 'World Alliance of Goan Associations'

[Goanet] Most Urgent

2009-09-22 Thread Ashley.D'silva


Please provide me with the following details ;

ü  Who is the person in charge of the Environment dept – Minister/ Sec/ Etc

ü  Please provide the address and emails 



Kind Regards,




[Goanet] Congratualtions Herman

2009-09-01 Thread Ashley.D'silva
Dear Herman Ji,

Congratulations on weaving  a beautiful tapestry of fellowship for all the
dwindling Goans in India  abroad  which keeps us together like 'fevicol' ;
through this yeoman service that carries us through seasons and climes.  For
one, we can listen to the incessant chatter of our dear motherland viz- a -
viz Goa knowing that there are Goans around the world who are very much in
sync with the rough and tumble development of the hyphenated growth 
evolution of newer aspirations of all. 

God Bless you and the family because without the Ghar ka support its tough.


Kind Regards,




2009-08-09 Thread Ashley.D'silva

Goanetter Francis Rodrigues (Vasco/Toronto) unveils his book,
The Greatest Konkani Song Hits. Launch dates: Goa (Kala
Academy) on 9 Aug. 4 pm. U.K. (Staines) on 15 Aug. Canada on
20 Aug and US on 30 Aug. Details http://www.konkanisongbook.com/




The Western states of Gujarat, Maharashtra and Goa are stealing a  march
over the REST OF THE NATION when it comes to infrastructure growth, the very
foundation of economic  activity. 



Tourism-friendly Goa attracts more than 2 million tourists every year. Among
the few states with 100% rural electrification, Goa is now attracting droves
of IT/ITES companies, with the government having identified a 95 acre area
to be developed as the Rajiv Gandhi Habitat at Dona Paula. Over 20 million
tonnes of iron ore from the state is exported to countries like China, Japan
and Korea.


Known for azure beaches and coconut grooves, the state also prides itself on
7,000 industrial units from 3,000 small scale industrial units and 46
medium-and- large scale units in 1987 when Goa attained statehood. The small
scale sector provides employment to nearly 50,000 people and the 209 medium
– and large—scale units employ over 25,000 people. 


Apart from an expansive road network, Goa is currently ranked eighth in an
all –India- traffic.





What accounts for rapid growth? – a combination of location, history
circumstances and the most important ingredients – INITIATIVE to excel 


In the context of Goa what should happen to achieve economic growth? Can
these be the factors ?

Ø  Make Goa a center of higher education and higher learning – no region can
grow without higher learning

Ø  Improve level of governance – law and order measures

Ø  Improve levels of state Government machinery  - bureaucracy should
function better and quicker to respond to changing conditions and

Ø   Every government from which ever political conglomerations MUST PUT IN
all efforts to build the state in all respects.

Ø  Governments should avoid short term political pay-offs.

With high growth there are requirements for greater human inputs. Therefore
you will have high in-migration levels. But remember the success story of
regions cities is always built on the efforts of migrants. For e.g. Kolkata
in the pr-independence days, Mumbai Later, Delhi since the nineteen fifties,
Bangalore since the nineteen  eighties with Pune  Surat in the nineties,
all examples of in-migration and local conditions complimenting each other
for the betterment of all.


So where does GOA stand in the scheme of things ? UNLESS GOANS want to defy
the evolution of growth. What is stated is a research done over two decades.
Any Takers ?


Kind Regards,




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