2010-08-26 Thread Maurice and Clarina Coutinho


A decade has elapsed since the inception of the movement for the 
solidarity of world goans initiated in the year 2000 by Mr. Rene 
Barreto,  the coordinator of goans world over.

The response by goans to the call by Rene to show their love for their 
mother tongue, Konkani, which was accepted by the government of India as 
a state language, by celebrating August 20 as World Goa Day each year, 
was overwhelming and spontaneous. Goan associations throughout the world 
wasted no time in showing their interest in this worthy and challenging 

Since then Goa Day has been celebrated in every nook and corner in all 
the continents where goans are located and the movement continues to 
gallop at a rapid pace and in the ensuing years promises to envelop many 
of the unchartered areas. This year Rene requested that the ladainha be 
included as the main theme to commemorate the completion of a glorious 
decade of solidarity between goans everywhere.  The Divar Association of 
Toronto has celebrated this day each year in August together with the 
Bonderam Festival. This year being the decade year they decided to 
celebrate in a grand way at the Sapphire Banquet and Conference Centre, 
959, Derry Road, Mississauga on 22 August. This function  proved to be a 
tremendous success in every way and was attended by a huge gathering of 
divarkars including a dozen who were visiting Toronto. As usual many of 
our well wishers and friends also joined us and enthusiastically lent 
their most welcome support. The demand for invites was beyond 
expectation but because of limited capacity of the hall we were 
constrained to refuse the late comers. Many of the the attendees 
expressed their feelings to me and I quote " the food was good, the 
music was good, the lighting was good, the venue was good, the guests 
were good and the show was organized well".

The program began with the singing of the Litany in latin, followed by 
the Salve Rainha in portuguese in honor of Our Lady of Fatima who paid a 
special visit to celebrate the occasion, thanks to Mr. Anthony Pereira. 
Then we sang the oracao of St. Francis Xavier in konkani for the patron 
saint of Goa.  Then, after a brief speech by the president welcoming the 
attendees, the merrymaking began with Richard Coutinho of DJ-Symphony 
providing excellent music to suit the occasion and exhibiting a dazzling 
combination of multi-colored lights. The attendees were thrilled and 
danced their heart out until the announcement of dinner. The sumptuous 
meal consisted of yellow pilaf, butter chicken curry, sorpotel, goa 
style prawn curry, spinach and paneer, dal makhani, green salad, raita 
and nans. Gulab jamuns were served for dessert. We express our thanks to 
Clarina Coutinho who was largely responsible for the preparation of 
sorpotel and the prawn curry which gave a goan flavor to the meal.

The parade of the sixteen flags of the vaddos (wards) of the island of 
Divar carried by prominent divarkars began soon after. The grand march 
moved around the hall to the accompaniment of march, polka and goan 
masala music. After circling around four times the flag bearers gathered 
in the centre of the hall for photographs. At this juncture several of 
the attendees in the hall could not restrain themselves any longer and 
joined in the parade. As the crescendo of music accelerated the 
spectacle of dancing and merrymaking crossed new boundaries and was a 
treat to watch.

During the course of the evening the song composed by Mr. Basilio Magno 
‘proud to be a goan’ was played and at popular request of the guests, 
mandos and dulpods were sung by the them during the dinner.

It was indeed a very successful and enjoyable evening and all had a very 
good time. A special word of thanks to our secretary Juliet Diamante 
(nee Pinto) for her tremendous effort in the printing of the invites and 
controlling the arrival and reception of the guests. I must also express 
my appreciation to Suzanne DeSa for her very much appreciated assistance 
in ensuring the attendance of over 30 of her friends. Last but not the 
least, I cannot adequately express my thanks for the performance of my 
son Richard who excelled beyond expectations and steered the function so 
very well with the assistance of Max Pinto.

At the conclusion of the function the president and his wife thanked the 
attendees for their participation and fond farewells were exchanged with 
the promise to meet again next year.

Maurice Coutinho
Divar Association of Toronto
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Goa-launch of the well-received *Into The Diaspora
Wilderness* by Selma Carvalho on Aug 29, 2010 (Sunday) at 11
am at Ravindra Bhavan, Margao. Meet the author, buy a signed
copy (only Rs 295 in Goa till stock lasts).


2010-08-12 Thread Maurice and Clarina Coutinho


A decade has passed away and it seems we have not had enough of Rene 
Barreto the coordinator of Goans world wide. Such leaders among Goans 
are rare specially those that are passionate for the cause of Goans' 
unity and are prepared to devote their time for it.

The craving for Goans' unity is in the hearts of all Goans but it is an 
elusive objective and many a Goan has strived but has not been 
successful to the extent necessary but Rene Barreto set the wheels in 
motion in 2000 which such enthusiam that it evoked a response unheard of 
in the past.

There are many Goan groups scattered all over the globe but garnering 
them and keeping them focused for the cause of Goans was a feat 
requiring leaders such as Rene.

The mobilisation of Goans began in 2000 and I recalled receiving an 
appeal from Rene, when I was in Karachi, requesting that a function be 
organied to show solidarity with the world Goans who were being asked to 
do the same. I requested the president of Karachi Goans Association, Mr. 
Angelo Lopes to join with my association Goinkars Own Acedemy to 
organise a function worthy of such a  cause and he readily agreed. 
Within a forthnight a function was arrnged at the KGA hall which was 
attended by over 300 people. There was such a clamour to participate 
that we ran out of chairs to accommodate them and emergency arrangements 
had to be made. The function was a roaring success attended by prominent 
Goans of Karachi.

The tradition of celebrating World Goan Day in August each year 
continues and the seed sown by Rene continues to florish and grow. We 
say Viva World Goa Day, Viva Goans Goan all over, and Viva Rene Barreto.

We are saddned that Rene wishes to retire from this role and hand over 
to his successor. Dear Rene we thank you for your exceptional efforts 
for the Goan cause and wish you all the best. We know you will be there 
for all of us to assist and provide guidance when needed. We know for 
sure your name will go down in Goan history as the pioneer who showed us 
the way to unite. God bless  you.

Maurice Coutinho, President Divar Associaion of Toronto