2009-03-09 Thread SJPRASHANT, Ahmedabad




A time to reflect on where we are and how much more all of us should be doing 
to ensure that women have their rightful place in Church and in society.  

 A fitting first step will be to read, reflect and to implement this document 
which the Bishops of India have given us.  

Let's make a beginning today !

The 'PRASHANT' Parivar





28th General Body Meeting of CBCI



- As the Universal Church celebrates the 20th anniversary of the Apostolic 
Letter of Pope John Paul II , 'Mulieris Dignitatem', on the Dignity of Women, 
we, 160 Bishops, belonging to the 3 Individual sui juris Churches of the 
Catholic Communion in India, are gathered at XLRI in Jamshedpur, from 13th to 
20th February 2008, for the 28th Plenary Assembly of the Catholic Bishops' 
Conference of India. The theme was the Empowerment of Women in the Church and 
Society. There were 40 lay and religious women and 7 lay men representing all 
the 12 ecclesiastical regions of the country as invitees for the meeting. 

Already in 1984, there was a CBCI initiated Consultation on Women held in 
Mumbai, on the "Role of Women in the Church and Society". In 1992, the concerns 
of women were taken up again at the Plenary Assembly of the CBCI in Pune and 
consequently a Women's Desk was instituted with the appointment of the first 
Woman Secretary to the Office of the CBCI. In 1996, the Women's Desk was raised 
to the status of a Commission. While the Church and society undergo rapid 
changes, women are being marginalised and continue to suffer and since their 
concerns are not adequately addressed both in the Church and in society the 
Bishops thought it opportune to discuss this theme.

1. Situation of Women in the Church and Society in India - 

The socio-cultural situation of women should not be understood in the same way 
among all social classes and ethnic groups especially among the marginalised 
and the oppressed. It has its lights and its shadows. Though we have examples 
of empowered women in leadership positions and role-models like Blessed Mother 
Theresa and Blessed Alphonsa, nevertheless the reality of women of all sections 
reveals instances of domestic and societal violence on young girls and women. 
Depending on the regions, female feticide, infanticide, rape, molestation, 
kidnapping, abduction, battering, dowry deaths, murdering, trafficking for sex 
and slavery exist even today. 

Women of the marginalized groups such as dalits, tribals, backward castes and 
minorities suffer much due to poverty, ill-health, lack of access to literacy 
and appropriate knowledge and lack of hygiene and potable water. In addition, 
they are being displaced from their lands and livelihoods. They suffer systemic 
and structural violence that enslave them and dehumanize them economically, 
socio-politically and religio-culturally.

Gender discrimination has negative effects on boys and men as well. It damages 
their psyche and increases the incidence of morbidity and crime among them. 
Relations of distrust, conflict, competition and many forms of subtle abuse 
emerge instead of those rooted in values of caring, sharing, compassion, mutual 
respect, collaboration and partnership. Such discrimination thus has negative 
consequences on human relations.

It was noticed that the structures which facilitate collaborative partnership 
between women and men as well as clergy and laity needs improvement. In 1992, 
the CBCI General Assembly stated, "with a sense of sorrow we must admit that 
the women feel discriminated against, even in the Church". In the 
decision-making and the consultative structures like the Parish Pastoral 
Council, Diocesan Pastoral Council, Diocesan Finance Committee which are 
canonically advocated structures in the Church, the presence of women is 

In spite of the great contribution of lay women in spheres of education, health 
care, etc., their potentials are yet to be sufficiently tapped in the 
administrative and executive roles, as well as theological, liturgical, 
pastoral and missionary apostolates of the Church.

2. An Analysis of the Causes - 

The culture of domination, marginalization and exclusion which embodies ideas, 
beliefs, values, traditions, rules, norms, perspectives (ideologies) that 
prefer males/sons has been styled the culture of patriarchy. Through dominating 
social structures men own, control and manage financial, intellectual and 
ideological resources as well as the labor, fertility and sexuality of women, 
and thus perpetuate gender discrimination. Such a culture produces stereotyped 
notions of how a woman or man should behave (in words and actions), whereby 
they themselves become transmitters of the above value system. Consequently 
women also become both victims and victimizers. 

The process of globalization which is market-centered and profit-driven, lea

[Goanet] LET'S NOT BE NAÏVE ABOUT NA VEEN PATNAIK....by Fr. Cedric Prakash s j

2009-03-09 Thread SJPRASHANT, Ahmedabad


-   Fr. Cedric Prakash sj *





Mr. Naveen Patnaik, the suave Chief Minister of  Orissa, has received the 
applause of several across the board for having pulled the carpet from under 
the feet of the BJP and now aligning himself with the Left.  This ofcourse, is 
a smart piece of political opportunism, but in order to actually shed his 
spots,  Patnaik has to come clean on several counts.


Ø  Why did he allow first the Muslims and then the Christians, to be soft 
targets for Hindu extremism  in Orissa ?

Ø  Why did he not reign in goons of the Sangh Parivar when they very 
strategically disrupted Christian lives and events in 2007 and created mayhem 
for the Christians for a good part of 2008 ?

Ø  Why did he not have the courage to contain Togadia and his ilk when they 
spewed venom all across the State against the Christians ?  (He could have 
easily have emulated several other Chief Ministers of other States who easily 
put a halt to Togadia's vicious march in their States)

Ø  Why did he not ensure the safety and security of the Christians of 
Kandhamal District when thousands were languishing in the forests ?

Ø  Why has he not guaranteed the safe return of those who have been 
dispossessed of their houses and lands from Kandhamal District ?

Ø  Can he oversee a complete and just compensation package to the victims 
of the violence in Orissa ?

Ø  Thousands of minorities, very specially Christians, have been 
disenfranchised in Orissa.  Will he come out with a very honest political 
decision to ensure that their names are on the Electoral Rolls and that they 
are able to exercise their franchise in an environment which is free and fair ?


Naveen Patnaik will have to answer and act on these and several other questions 


There is tremendous pressure on him, we know, from the Western world; and being 
"a true Westerner", he really would not want to go into oblivion and be treated 
as an international political "Pariah" the way Narendra Modi is treated just 
now.  Given his situation, the best thing he could have done, was to distance 
himself from his political masters and mentors, the BJP and the Sangh Parivar.


Leopards really do not change their spots;  but  the age of miracles is also 
not dead !!!


Naveen Patnaik definitely needs to be given a chance but until such time, we 
should not be naïve...






(* Fr. Cedric Prakash sj is the Director of PRASHANT, the Ahmedabad based 
Jesuit  Centre for Human Rights, Justice and Peace)








9th  March  2009

' PRASHANT ',  Post Box  4050,  Navrangpura,   Ahmedabad  380 009,  Gujarat

Tel: 079 66522333,  27455913   Fax:  079 27489018   Email:  
sjprash...@gmail.com  www.humanrightsindia.in



Re: [Goanet] Salt... in Gujarat and in Goa

2009-03-27 Thread SJPRASHANT, Ahmedabad

Dear Fredrick,

Greetings and thanks for this !

Yes, this is a very timely piece by Anosh Malekar  (He spent several years 
in Gujarat as a Journalist.) on the reality of the Salt Pan Workers in this 
State and ofcourse there are striking similarities with what is happening to 
their counterparts in Goa. The great tragedy is that, there is no political 
will to help sustain the livelihoods of the poor and marginalized and where 
many of us are concerned, we have eyes but do not see..have good 
intentions but no courage to act.

Keep up the good work !

Warm wishes,

Fr. Cedric Prakash

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - -   - - - - -
PRASHANT  -  A Centre for Human Rights, Justice and Peace

Street Address : Hill Nagar, Near Kamdhenu Hall, Drive-in Road, Ahmedabad - 
380052, Gujarat, India
Postal Address : P B 4050, Navrangpura PO, Ahmedabad - 380 009, Gujarat, 

Phone : 91  79   27455913,  66522333
Fax : 91  79  27489018
Email: sjprash...@gmail.com

- Original Message - 
From: "Frederick "FN" Noronha" 

To: "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!" 
Sent: Friday, March 27, 2009 6:08 AM
Subject: [Goanet] Salt... in Gujarat and in Goa

Came across this article on Gujarat recently: Bleak future for traditional 

It says, "In 1930, Mahatma Gandhi turned salt into a powerful symbol
of freedom for Indians. In Independent India, the traditional salt pan
workers of Gujarat say they are living like slaves, thanks to the
government’s negligence and privatisation policies."

And this is what I read about the situation in Goa... amazing:

From a net exporter of salt, Goa today has turned into a net importer

as the traditional salt industry is now on the verge of collapse.
During earlier times, salt from Goa was exported to Thailand, Burma
and even African countries, while in 1855 Goa dominated Asian market
as regards to the salt export. In 1964-65, 200 salt pans were
operational in Goa, in 13 villages of four talukas of Pernem, Bardez,
Tiswadi and Salcete, which produces around 25,000 metric tones of salt
annually and by 2002, the number came down to around 16.

FN * http://fredericknoronha.wordpress.com
M +91-9822122436 P +91-832-2409490 http://twitter.com/fn
On Facebook: http://www.new.facebook.com/people/Frederick-Noronha/502514643

"Always drink upstream from the herd." - Will Rogers 


2009-03-28 Thread SJPRASHANT, Ahmedabad

Earth Hour 2009 
 Earth Hour invites one billion people in more than 2800 cities representing 83 
countries to turn off their lights for one hour â?¦quot; tonight, Saturday, 
March 28 from 8:30pm to 9:30pm in their local time zone. On this day, cities 
around the world, including Paris, Sydney, London, Cairo, New York, Los Angeles 
and Cape Town, will join together to demonstrate their commitment to energy 
conservation and sustainability. Here's how you can participate:
  a.. All you have to do to Vote Earth is turn your lights out for one hour 
tonight, Saturday, March 28 from 8:30pm to 9:30pm local time, in your city. 
Your light switch is your vote! 
  b.. Set your computer's power management and save up to $60 on your 
electricity bill and nearly half a ton of C02 over the next twelve months. 
Climate Savers Computing Initiative provides instructions on how you can save 
electricity all year long through efficient computing. 
  c.. Join Earth Connect and share your opinions about climate change through 
blogs, e-mails, and Twitter. The goal is to gather one billion words to present 
at the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen in December. 
  d.. If you are affiliated with a college, help your university reduce its 
environmental impact by adopting green computing practices. Pledge to Power 
Down for the Planet and create a video to teach others about the importance of 
energy efficient computing in the fight against climate change. 
Earth Hour is about more than dimming lights for sixty minutes; itâ?Ts about 
making a commitment to reduce energy consumption throughout the year. We want 
to make sure we minimize our impact on the Earth's climate through responsible 
environmental practices every hour, every day.

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[Goanet] Whitewash Job by TIMES NOW for NARENDRA MODI

2009-04-03 Thread SJPRASHANT, Ahmedabad

 Remembering Aquino Braganca (b. 6 April 1924), who fought for freedom
 of the former Portuguese colonies in Africa. An online tribute
 http://aquinobraganca.wordpress.com/ (includes many historical
 references, some photographs and documents)

TIMES NOWa pathetic whitewash job for NARENDRA MODI

Reference Modi Interview on Times Now, March 31, 2009, 10.30 p.m. by Arnav 

While the tragic seige of mumbai was on, between November 26 and November 30, 
2009, Narendra Modi came to the city and angered Mumbaikars by his crass 
politicisation of terror; Though long minutes of this interview was devoted to 
this subject Goswami was silent on this. Not a single question was asked to 
Modi about his crude offer of Rs one crore to Kavita Karkare Hemant Karkare's 
widow --- a police officer heading the ATS' Malegaon investigations who had 
been personally attacked by Modi himself weeks before!!!an offer that was 
thrown back at him by Smt Kavita KarkareSurely this once once in a life 
time chance interview of Modi deserved in fairness that these questions were 

Even assuming Goswami wanted to be cautiously and consciously avoiding even a 
passing mention of the genocide of 2002 -- surely the fact that the justice 
process has led to the arrest of Smt Maya Kodnnani, a Minister in Modi's 
cabinet  just four days ago dserved rigorous questioning??  

The remake of Modi has been possible with the help of supine corporates but 
from the journalist community one expected finesse and some hosnety. Or is that 
a naive expectation?

The interview on Times Now ended up being a wonderful PR job ...Check the 
archives and watch Karan Thapar's interview of july 2007 with the man himsef 
when Modi walked out of the studio simply because  he was aked if he was SORRY 
for 2002!!!

Teesta Setalvad 


Modi: No time to waste on Gandhi family 

3/31/2009 4:00:50 PM 
After his bitter verbal duals with Congress President Sonia Gandhi and her 
putative successor and son Rahul, Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi now  
tells TIMES NOW editor-in-chief Arnab Goswami that he has no time to waste on 
the Gandhi family. 

Modi also chose to ignore comment on the other Varun Gandhi who is being  
projected as the new poster boy of Hindutava politics.

Arnab: You said that 'We are the flowers of jungle and they are the flowers of 
gardens', this was a reference to Rahul Gandhi.

Modi: I did not take anybodys name. You may think that way but I don't need to 
give so much importance to anybody. 

All I said was that, we have a candidate in Goa called Narendra who is 30 years 
old so I asked the media is he not the youth of the country? Just because he is 
a member of the of BJP he is not the youth? Because he was born in the slums 
you won't accept him? In that context I said, will you call a well gardened 
flower a flower and not the one born in the jungles?

Arnab: But you were referring to Rahul Gandhi?

Modi: I did not take his name anywhere. I dont have the time to waste on any 

Arnab: Tell me that whether the reference you gave is applicable on Rahul 
Gandhi or not?

Modi: It is upto political scholars to decide. I just had to tell the people 
about my candidate from South Goa who is the youth of the country and is 
connected to the soil. 

Arnab: Rahul Gandhi is not connected to the soil?

Modi: I have not discussed that. That may be your agenda but why should I waste 
my time talking about Rahul Gandhi.

Arnab: In this election it is Mr Advani versus Manmohan Singh, in the next 
election it will be between Narendra Modi versus Rahul Gandhi.

Modi: I dont think he'll come to fight elections in Gujarat.

Arnab: In 2014 will you fight Gujarat election or National elections?

Modi: If my party gives me ticket I'll fight from Gujarat and if my party asks 
me to work for the organisation I will.

Arnab: Mayawati stopped Varun Gandhi, she implemented the National Security Act 
(NSA) against him. I want to know what is your understanding and view about 

Modi: Now it is a sub-judice matter and in the court and I belive that the 
court will do justice.

Arnab: You have avoided any comment on Varun Gandhi, Why?

Modi: I am saying that it is a court matter and they will decide.


[Goanet] 10 Commandments to Indian Voters

2009-04-06 Thread SJPRASHANT, Ahmedabad

 Remembering Aquino Braganca (b. 6 April 1924), who fought for freedom
 of the former Portuguese colonies in Africa. An online tribute
 http://aquinobraganca.wordpress.com/ (includes many historical
 references, some photographs and documents)

Dear Brothers and Sisters, 

Greetings of Peace to you! 

The CBCI Commission is pleased to present to you Ten Commandments for the 
Indian Voters in view of the forthcoming elections. 

Please translate into local languages and distribute this widely to all your 
friends and networks.

Yours sincerely,

Bishop Yvon Ambroise, 


Bishops Mathew Arackal, Kanjirapally, Member

Bishop Gerald Almeida, Jabalpur, Member

CBCI Commission for Justice, Peace and Development

New Delhi

Catholic Bishops' Conference of India
National Commission for Justice, Peace and Development

CBCI Centre, 1, Ashok Place,  New Delhi 110 001

Tel: (011)2336 6127, Fax 2336 4615. E-mail: jpdcommiss...@gmail.com

Chairman Most Rev. Bishop Yvon Ambroise Member: Most Rev. 
Bishop Mathew Arackal

Exec. Secretary Fr. Nithiya ofm cap.  Member: Most 
Rev. Bishop Gerald Almeida 



I. You shall ensure that your name is on the Electoral Roll (ER) and that you 
have an updated Electors Photo Identity Card (EPIC).

II. You shall help the poor, marginalized, underprivileged people to have their 
names on the ER by sending a filled-in Form No. 6 to the Chief Electoral 
Officer of your State immediately.

III. You shall scrutinize Election Manifestos of various political parties to 
ascertain their stand in favour of vulnerable groups likes tribals, dalits, 
children, women and minorities before you decide to support a candidate. 

IV. You shall vote neither for parties/candidates that are communal, casteist, 
criminal, corrupt and fascist nor for those that have not kept their previous 
electoral promises. 

V. You shall not accept any bribe/reward to vote for any party/candidate. 
Taking bribe is as much an offence as giving bribe, under Section 171B of IPC.

VI. You shall cast your vote early and also get others to do so on voting day. 
Remember that any other valid Government Photo ID can be a useful substitute 
for your EPIC provided your name is on the ER. 

VII. You shall insist on Tendered Vote under Rule 49-P of the Conduct of 
Elections Rules 1961 – after convincing the Presiding Officer of the 
genuineness of your identity – even If someone else has already voted in your 

VIII. You shall exercise your "electoral right" by declining to cast your vote 
(under the provision of Rule 49-O of the Conduct of Elections Rules 1961) if 
you are not satisfied with any of the candidates. After having signed on the 
Register of Voters and after having received the voters’ slip from the Second 
Polling Officer, you must inform immediately the Presiding Officer at the 
polling station of your decision. 

IX. You shall report immediately, in writing, cases of bribery (for votes) 
booth-capturing, bogus voting (which is an offence of Personation under Section 
171D of IPC), etc. to the Chief Electoral Officer of your State by fax / email 
(Find your CEO’s e-mail ID at 
http://eci.nic.in/Directories&photogallery/e-mailaddress-ceos.asp) and also 
lodge a complaint at the nearest Police Station.

X. You shall bring serious concerns like the disenfranchisement of a whole 
community/village to the notice of: The Chief Election Commissioner of India, 
Nirvachan Sadan, Ashoka Road, New Delhi-110001.Tel: (011) 23717391; Fax:23713412


· CBCI Commission for Justice, Peace and Development, CBCI Centre, 1, Ashok 
Place, New Delhi- 110001 Tel: 011-2336 6127 Fax: 011-2336 4615 Email: 

·  ‘PRASHANT’, (A Centre for Human Rights, Justice and Peace), Near Kamdhenu 
Hall, Drive-in Road, Ahmedabad-380052, Tel:079.66522333 / 27455913, 
Fax:079.27489018. email: sjprash...@gmail.com

CBCI Commission for Justice, Peace and Development, 
New Delhi - 110001
Tel: +91-9868511018

[Goanet] The Politics of Hate, Divisiveness and Sectarianism....by Fr. Cedric Prakash sj

2009-04-10 Thread SJPRASHANT, Ahmedabad

 Remembering Aquino Braganca (b. 6 April 1924), who fought for freedom
 of the former Portuguese colonies in Africa. An online tribute
 http://aquinobraganca.wordpress.com/ (includes many historical
 references, some photographs and documents)

The Politics of Hate, Divisiveness and Sectarianism

-   Fr. Cedric Prakash sj   *




Varun Gandhi has today become a symbol of the disease, that has stealthily 
crept into several sections of Indian society :   Politics which is hateful, 
divisive and sectarian !  Whilst he will definitely attain the  "halo" of 
martyrdom, and become an icon for the right-wing elements, it is also important 
for civil society across the board to do all it can to contain the deadly 
poison that  continues to permeate several sections of our society.   


Lalu Prasad with his revengeful response and several other political parties 
are also guilty of this brand of polities. However, the BJP and its cronies of 
the Sangh Parivar must take full responsibility for this  vicious agenda that 
divides people across the board.   Ever since its inception, they have never 
abandoned their core doctrine of treating all minorities as "alien".  This is 
borne by their constant posturings, their meticulous propaganda, their violent 
attacks on minorities and the way they rake up issues in order to defocus from 
the grim realities which the country faces.


This  divisive campaign over the years has indeed done well for them in terms 
of "political gains", be it in Gujarat, Orissa, Karnataka or elsewhere.  For 
want of any other substantial agenda, their slogan remains the very 
same."Muslims are Terrorists", "Christians are Converters".  Very 
mischievously, in a subsection entitled "Religious Conversions", they have once 
again raised, in their Election Manifesto, their bogey against the Christians.  
 Instead of defending the rights of dalits to embrace Buddhism, or for an 
Adivasi to embrace Hinduism or any other citizen to embrace the religion of 
their 'choice' (as guaranteed by the Constitution of India and the 
Universal Declaration of Human Rights),  they very conveniently put the onus 
only on the Christians and call for a "dialogue", and  ofcourse, some Christian 
leaders will very naively fall into their well set trap ! 


The draconian Gujarat Freedom of Religion Act 2003 (which  finally became Law 
on April 1st 2008, full five years after it was promulgated) was recently 
challenged in the Gujarat High Court by the Gujarat United Christian Forum for 
Human Rights and other co-Petitioners.  In a major step forward, the Gujarat 
High Court has sent a notice to the Government of Gujarat on this matter and 
the judgment is now eagerly awaited by the Petitioners. 


In Karnataka, after bashing up the Christians, Chief Minister Yeddyurappa  has 
promised an anti-Conversion law.  In Orissa,  after partnering the BJP for 
several years and presiding over the death of several Christians and the 
destruction of their property, Naveen Patnaik, in a totally opportunistic move, 
now seeks to distance himself from the misdoings of the BJP instead of 
acknowledging his responsibility as the Chief Minister.


Civil Society therefore has to come out in large numbers to ensure that the 
communal politics of hate, divisiveness and sectarianism is quelled once and 
for all.   The ballot box has to be our decisive answer to stop the juggernaut 
from destroying what is left of  the harmony, the diversity and the pluralism 
of our country.





(* Fr. Cedric Prakash sj is the Director of PRASHANT, the Ahmedabad based 
Jesuit  Centre for Human Rights, Justice and Peace)


9th April 2009

' PRASHANT ',  Post Box  4050,  Navrangpura,   Ahmedabad  380 009,  Gujarat

Tel: 079 66522333,  27455913   Fax:  27489018   Email:  sjprash...@gmail.com


















2009-04-11 Thread SJPRASHANT, Ahmedabad

 Remembering Aquino Braganca (b. 6 April 1924), who fought for freedom
 of the former Portuguese colonies in Africa. An online tribute
 http://aquinobraganca.wordpress.com/ (includes many historical
 references, some photographs and documents)


E A S T E R  !
















H A P P YE A S T E R   !






Fr. Cedric Prakash and all at  "PRASHANT"



 (A Centre for Human Rights, Justice and Peace)

Post Box 4050,   Navrangpura Post Office

Ahmedabad  380 009,  Gujarat,  India

Tel:  0091 79 66522333 / 27455913

Fax:  0091 79 27489018

Email :  sjprash...@gmail.com



12th April 2009