Re: [Goanet] I am a member of a 55-plus (age) Goan organization

2012-04-28 Thread TC
I am a 55+ Goan, too... but by jove, I am not ready to be considered a senior!. 
I am too busy and have so much to do before I can take time off to smell the 
flowers!. In response to Mr. Francis comments,  i disagree with a few points. I 
do not have any Goan friends, yet I used to be a member of early GOA club and 
played organized soccer among goans. Yet, all my personal and intimate friends 
have been and are of the main-line race. Why? On Death, it  is not welcome 
until and unless a person has made this world just a little bit a better place 
for his children and the less-privileged. I do not want to die, yet. I am a 
Catholic Goan and will remain a member of this strong Christian organization, 
as have my parents and their parents before them. THAT, to me,  is what it is 
to be a GOAN!. I, too, have noted the deaths in recent week of older Goans in 
Toronto, but I tell you that I have personal knowledge of some Goans living in 
this country, lonely!. Therefore, when they exit their doors to attend that 
once-a-week gathering among other senion goans, they look forward to getting 
out of their loneliness and enjoying some time playing that other african-goan 
pastime: card games. However, new senior-goans are taking on the reigns of 
these clubs and forcing these true senior amchi-bhas goans to forego these 
past-time card games and listen to borring talk on the business of running 
the club!!. I have commented in the past that these old goans spend that extra 
fare to travel to these gatherings and do not want to be disappointed with 
these hobos talking and forcing these members to listen to club business. Run 
the club like a good non-profit organization and let the fun go on. One of 
these years I too may join these clubs, solely to talk football ( even play!), 
trains and motor-car travels in Kenya, Goa, England, Canada, USA.I may not 
be able to communicate in amchi-bhas, nor will I care for the laziness, gossip, 
club-dancing, of supposedly goan lifestyle, but a Goan in attitude and 
character  I will be.  Who will join me?

Re: [Goanet] Goanet Reader: One humid morning in Byculla -- tiatr tales of another time (Roland Francis)

2012-03-15 Thread TC

Dear Mr. Francis...
thank you for penning these tiatr tales, especially for those of us that 
saw but could not understand. Your commentary of what was going on among 
the stage players and the musicians is not much different than the so 
many Goan tiatrist practices and stage shows held in Toronto, when 
konkanim first took to the stage here... Anthony Fernandes.

- Original Message -
From: "Goanet Reader"

One humid morning in Byculla: tiatr tales of another time

Roland Francis

It was around ten that humid morning and much of
the perspiring Goan population of Byculla was
streaming into the wide gates of the magnificent
Gloria Church for the Sunday high mass.  Ladies
were in their Sunday best, some of them with hats,
gloves and stockings but all of them in veils
covering their hands.  The men in their starched
shirts and cotton light summer jackets remained
behind, keeping in mind an exit route should the
priest repeat his tendency to a long and boring

  Protect Goa's natural beauty

   Support Goa's first Tiger Reserve

 Sign the petition at:


Re: [Goanet] NEWS: Woman hurls kids into Goa river, then jumps in

2012-03-03 Thread TC
I am Sorry...that life was so hard for her that she could not cope, that 
her love for her kids was expressed in this tragic manner. May Peace be 
with all.

- Original Message -
From: "Goanet News"

Woman hurls kids into Goa river, then jumps in
India Blooms News Service

Panaji, Mar 1 (IBNS) In a dramatic episode, a troubled mother in her
late thirties reportedly hurled her toddlers into Zuari River before
jumping in behind them Wednesday evening.

  Protect Goa's natural beauty

   Support Goa's first Tiger Reserve

 Sign the petition at:


Re: [Goanet] NEWS: Goa carnival cancelled after school bus falls into river (TNN-Times of India)

2012-02-18 Thread TC
Heartbreaking tragedy.. everytime a child dies, I feel for the his/her 
parents, family and friends. My sincerest condolences and may the 
departed find happiness where they go, and pray for the living!.

I will reserve comment on the cancellation of the Carnival because of 
this tragedy; as it is this was the off and on and off, again parade!.

anthony fernandes.

Read all Goanet messages at:


  Protect Goa's natural beauty

   Support Goa's first Tiger Reserve

 Sign the petition at:


Re: [Goanet] Goanet Reader: Honeymoon in the Wilds (Elsie Maciel)

2012-02-06 Thread TC


- Original Message -
From: "Goanet Reader"


> Elsie Maciel

> 1952:  I'd always dreamed about getting married on the
> roadside of the Great Rift Valley escarpment in the beautiful
> little chapel the Italian prisoners-of-war had built, to mark
> the end of their work on the building of the Nairobi-Nakuru
> highway.  But my parents wanted the wedding to be in their
> newly-built home in Kitale (in the White Highlands).  And so,
> we had a wonderful wedding day on August 16 (1952) at my
> family's Kitale home.

  Protect Goa's natural beauty

   Support Goa's first Tiger Reserve

 Sign the petition at:


Re: [Goanet] NEWS: Karnataka attack rumors spread panic (UCAN)

2011-08-28 Thread TC

THIS IS WHY I dislike being an INDIAN!!. DAMN!
IF Goans are to be Indians, where is the freedon of expressions, freedon 
from harassment, freedom!

- Original Message -
From: "Goanet News"

Karnataka attack rumors spread panic
Christians fear repeat of 2008 Hindu extremist violence after police
issue warnings

Re: [Goanet] Goanet Reader: Tttthe kkkking's sssssspeech (Adv. Jos Peter D'Souza)

2011-04-03 Thread TC
Man, so it is not only I that could never understand why I had to learn 
French in Goa!!!. Yet, French it was that got me through SSC, ( and 
maybe into Canada, where French is the official second language)  Hindi 
was a complete failure to me! never could understand the lingo, nor the 
script, even though I finished two years in a Bombay college.So, looking 
back, would Hindi have helped me??.. maybe, in the Hindu-reigned 
business world of finance and money management, even here in Toronto, 
where NOBODY speaks french! What the heck, though..., I am glad my 
parents spoke English with me.

Re: [Goanet] BACKGROUNDER: Goemchea Rakhondarancho Awaz ... andits demands

2011-03-12 Thread TC
as a outsider looking in, and lamenting the same facts about goa, i 
would like to lend my support to any goan organisation wanting to 
promote goa and goans as we have know it from the past and wishing it 
into the future. anthony fernandes, toronto.

- Original Message -
From: "Goanet News"

PANAJI: Disenchanted with the government's insensitivity to various
social problems in Goa, several citizens' groups have banded together
to form the Goemchea Rakhondarancho Awaz (Voice of the Protectors of
Goa) GRA.

Re: [Goanet] Goanet Reader: The Legend of *Xepto* by Augusto Pinto

2011-02-26 Thread TC

nice.. and thanks, Gusto, for the tale from the twilight zone!! ...

- Original Message -
From: "Goanet Reader"

Cheers for My Dears:

The Legend of *Xepto*
by Augusto Pinto

My Dears,

You'll never believe this, but the other day I happened to
pass by Purgatory when I suddenly saw *Xepto*, my fellow
villager from Moira. Purgatory is not Goa's latest night
club, but a kind of waiting room between *Sorg* and *Infern*
where confused souls are kept while the Authorities decide
their cases.

Re: [Goanet] Goanet Reader -- The Portuguese produced immense knowledge about India: Zupanov [FN]

2011-02-18 Thread TC
Sir, I , a post-portugese goan, have long agreed with my parents, that 
the positive influence of the  portuguese in goa, among goans, is either 
downplayed or ignored by the indian, and present-day goans. good that it 
takes an outsider to show us this! anthony.

- Original Message -
From: "Goanet Reader"

The Portuguese produced immense knowledge about India: Zupanov
History looks towards understanding "Catholic Orientalism"

Re: [Goanet] NEWS: Over 11,000 attend VHP Ponda meet (ToI)

2011-01-11 Thread TC

Please... would someone suggest to the Hindus, or whichever religiuos 
factions that would incite communnal discord, to let sleeping dogs 
lie how long must genuine goans suffer abuses, land scams, jobs 
scaricity, religious strifes caused or carried on by non-goans???. I 
have not been around when the portuguese ruled goa, but the hindus now 
seem wanting to continue a supposed rape by the portuguese of  goa , 
although my own ancestors deny that the portuguese raped goa!!
so, my indian friends, be happy and proud that goa is india... and do 
not be-little our lifestyle, our practices and our love for the good in 
the portuguese.

Re: [Goanet] Goanet Reader: The Catholic Bigot, the Hindu Right and Goan Citizenship

2011-01-07 Thread TC
I do not know what you are writing... but a bigot is a bigot why use 
the Catholic religion to distinguish that bigot???. rubbish

- Original Message -
From: "Goanet Reader"

Wheat from Chaff
The Catholic Bigot, the Hindu Right and Goan Citizenship

'Ghar ki murgi dal barabar' (the gravy of the home-bred
chicken tastes like lentil soup) and 'the grass is greener
on the other side of the fence' in addition to the obvious,
also seem to capture perfectly a widespread social tendency.

Re: [Goanet] Goanet Reader: Dr Cornel DaCosta, two reviews...

2010-09-13 Thread TC
As a Goan born in Kenya, of parents still wondering how the Indians took 
over "our" Goa, I do not agree with your anti-potuguese sentiments. I 
agree the "white" Portuguse in Canada may still harbour demeaning 
attitude towards Goans, but I do not subscribe to the theory that all or 
most Goans were exalted to be "freed" by the Indians. Only when India, 
that largest democratic republic, completely and fully recognises our 
differences, in religion and culture, and gives us the full support to 
continue our desire to remain Christian Goans, in peace and in harmony, 
yet in a distinctive indian society, in practice and in name, I shall 
classify ourselves as a people occupied.  anthony.

Re: [Goanet] [Goanet-News] Goanet Anniversary 25-08-2010 (16 years)

2010-08-26 Thread TC

CONGRATULATIONS!!. All the best! Fantastic Goans you have there!!

- Original Message - 
From: "Herman Carneiro" 

Sent: Wednesday, August 25, 2010 9:46 PM
Subject: [Goanet-News] Goanet Anniversary 25-08-2010 (16 years)

Dear Goanetters,

Today Goanet celebrates its 16th anniversary!! I'd like to take this 
opportunity to share my thoughts on this proud occasion.

First and foremost we owe thanks to those who work so hard to provide this 
service. We have two volunteers who are the pillars of Goanet: Frederick 
Noronha who has volunteered for 15 years; and Bosco D'Mello who has 
volunteered over 9 years now. That's an astounding commitment and 
contribution to Goanet and the Goan community. I thank them both on behalf 
of all of us.

This year we were sad to see Viviana Coelho retire. Viviana volunteered 
with Goanet for about 12 years and was an invaluable part of the team. We 
thank Viviana and wish her all the success and happiness life has to 

A word of thanks to Christina Pinto who regularly publishes the Goanet 

Many thanks too to Avelino D'Souza and Selma Carvalho for volunteering 
with Goanet alongwith with a few others who help us whenever they can. 
Their time and effort is certainly appreciated by all of us.

Thanks go to every member of Goanet as well. Your subscriptions are 
testament to our success. Obviously we cannot all contribute to the 
dialogue on Goanet. However, many thanks go to the contributors for 
sharing information and views on topics pertinent to Goans worldwide.

Goanet has a lot to be proud of this year:

* Helping in the launch of a successful book on the Goan diaspora, by 
Goanetter Selma Carvalho.

* Taking forward the debate on a number of issues crucial to Goa, and 
reflecting all points of view, including urban planning, infrastructure, 
people's movements, corruption, communalism.

* Supporting communications and spreading the word over positive Goan 
ventures, like Goa Sudharop and World Goa Day.

* Holding a successful Goanetters meeting in December 2009, where the 
focus was on a little noticed face of the diaspora -- Goans in Pakistan!

* Sharing information about initiatives relevant to the diaspora 
undertaken from Goa, by the Goa government, the NRI Commission and others.

* Helping build a better understanding of Goa by promoting visibility of 
Goa books globally, including those published by not-for-profit Goa, 1556 
Trust, Isidore Dantas and others.

I am sure you will all agree with me that Goanet is *the* communication 
network for Goans worldwide and provides an important service to our 
community. I hope that will continue into the future.

We need your help to make that happen. Invite you friends and family to 
subscribe to Goanet and publicize Goanet. Volunteer with us. From a 
network with thousands of members it's unfortunate that we only have a 
handful of volunteers supporting the day-to-day operations of the list and 
running various projects and initiatives. It doesn't take much to be a 
volunteer. All you would need would be a few minutes almost every day, if 
possible. No technical skills required.

Your financial support is also welcome. Donations currently go towards 
supporting the maintenance and growth of the mailing lists and website. 
When the day comes that we have a surplus, we will use that money towards 
community building projects in Goa. Make that happen by a financial 
contribution, even if just annually. Donations can be made at

Thank you all for your continued support.

On behalf of all of us on Goanet, Happy Anniversary!

Yours sincerely,


Herman Carneiro
Goanet Admin
Where Goans Connect!
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Goa-launch of the well-received *Into The Diaspora
Wilderness* by Selma Carvalho on Aug 29, 2010 (Sunday) at 11
am at Ravindra Bhavan, Margao. Meet the author, buy a signed
copy (only Rs 295 in Goa till stock lasts).

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Goa-launch of the well-received *Into The Diaspora
Wilderness* by Selma Carvalho on Aug 29, 2010 (Sunday) at 11
am at Ravindra Bhavan, Margao. Meet the author, buy a signed
copy (only Rs 295 in Goa till stock lasts).

Re: [Goanet] Goanet Reader: The joke is on us (FN, in Herald)

2010-06-10 Thread TC
What is "Sara", wife of Mickey, saying about all this?. Interview, 
please!. anthony

Re: [Goanet] Goanet Reader: Go, Goa, Goan! A tribute from Karachi...

2010-02-12 Thread TC
THIS, My friend, is what Goa and being Goan is to us, the non-resident 
Goan. Truly, I believe, sometimes, we love GOA, and are Goan, more than 
the native Goan.!. anthony fernandes, goan, I am.

- Original Message -
From: "Goanet Reader"

Go, Goa, Goan!
A tribute to the people of a beloved land

Re: [Goanet] Goanet Reader: Bad or good... the most influential ofthe decade (Dr Oscar Rebello, Goan Observer)

2010-01-12 Thread TC
YOUR list of most influential persons, with or without deliberations and 
your personal bias, omits a few defintely important persons/situations 
that I, a goan for over 55 years, but an outsider looking inside for 
over 50 years, would claim as being strongly influential in the past decade:

1. That scoundrel, that policician, that possible saint to the poor, 
that football team owner: I forget his name, but the Salcette Goans 
would know him from a mile away. He, I would say, based on numerous news 
and goannet emails, undeniably loathed and/or loved, for what he 
did/does and for what he said/says. and yet getting to the big politcal 
seat in New Delhi, ( still do not know how that terminated!) via the 
post as Goa Chief Minister, and the always available seat as a 
politican, whichever party he happens to want to represent at the time 
of an election!  and he, therefore needs to be reckoned up there in the 
top 10 list.
2..  Goan football. for its coming of age and putting its boot-print on 
the Indian soccer scene, which should have been so, many, many ages ago. 
After all, were we not trainees under  Europes power-house of soccer: 
3. this may be the new decade, but the Colva Catholic agitation against 
one of its own; somehow, I pity this scenario, this susegad-no-more 
lifestyle of the Goan. For good or bad, these residents have taken to 
arms and rocked the idyllic beach village.

Overall, I think of Navhind Times, still rolling off the press; those 
powerful bygone Goan actors/actresses, whose names rhyme with actors and 
singers in Amche Noxib, Nirmon, Claudia; powerful inksters like the 
Educators but now belittled are institutions like Loyola, Monte Guirim 
and Don Bosco.

-- anthony fernandes

Re: [Goanet] NEWS: Portugal's seven wonders spark controversy

2009-06-19 Thread tc
Just as I imagained: Too many goans want to deny their portuguese colonialism. 
I have no problem being christian, catholic, having western mannerisms and 
The indian in me has got me NOWHERE. not in love, not in monetary success; just 
racial backstabbing and inuendo. The western manners and dialect and english 
has opened doors to physical attraction from the opposite sex, wonderment looks 
comments from white folks... so you see, I have no problem letting the 
look at GOA as one of theirs, long time ago.
