When anyone hears the name of the village of Moira, the first thought that
comes to mind is that of the famous Moira bananas.  Moira in fact was a
typical village until recently with large tracks of fertile agricultural
fields.  It is in these fields that our ancestors connected with nature and
produced bountiful gifts of the land through which they earned their bread
and butter.

Apart from the bananas, the Moiddecars grew tenddli, chilies, vegetables.
The plateau called Gavar located somewhat in the centre of the village was
the land where they cultivated kattaconggies (a rustic crop) and nachne
(millet) during he monsoons.

I myself, now in my twenties, had the opportunity to witness my
grandparents working very hard manually in our fields.  Most of the
cultivation was done manually -- drawing of water with the latt (a
traditional instrument to draw water) was both an amusement and a tiresome

People now have unfortunately abandoned their agricultural lands. This
means that the village loses its charm and the people, their food.
Increasingly, Moira is becoming a suburban area, and is no longer a
productive village. Encroachments in the field are noticeable. Something
should be done to improve the situation.

Elroy da Gama.

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