Re: [Goanet] Goanet Digest, Vol 6, Issue 637

2011-07-08 Thread francis d' souza

Dear Goanetters
What finally happened to the sad Melvin Gomes murder case... has the hands of 
the men in power been greased ? Was the lad's life worth only a few bags of 
cement ?
  Is transfering the corrupt cop the only solution? why are the murderers still 
at large ?

> 10. COLUMN: PI Jivba Dalvi is a cancer to the police department.
> Demand for his dismissal is very much justified (Nisser Dias)


Re: [Goanet] Goanet Digest, Vol 6, Issue 630

2011-07-05 Thread francis d' souza


> 8. Madame is no more (
> Date: Tue, 05 Jul 2011 15:48:01 +1000
> From:
> To:
> Subject: [Goanet] Madame is no more
> Message-ID: <>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Are you refering to 'Madame' who taught French at St. Britto's too...
Probably Fredrico can throw some light on this subject..

Re: [Goanet] Goanet Digest, Vol 5, Issue 598

2010-06-16 Thread francis d&#x27; souza


 Kudos to Cecil for the composition of a revised version of the Goan 
Medley...If only Remo could add up with his scintillating music and guitar 
strings  And off course we can add the lyrics of our famous melody queen 
Lorna.Yoo baila yooMickycho zalla ... Micky lagi yenai 
zallea fottolo tuzo tocklo... 
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Re: [Goanet] Kamat: Women should focus on economic status, not politics | Goa CM's sexist remarks anger women activists

2010-05-24 Thread francis d&#x27; souza
Looks like Kamat is afraid women may eat into his pie of corruption and 
racialism. Why don't his cronies too join him in his plea against women. 
After all women can be smart too  and could be a stiff competition to 
his clan !!

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Re: [Goanet] Goanet Digest, Vol 5, Issue 403

2010-04-27 Thread francis d&#x27; souza


 JC writes..

> It is true that 'at one time' the Portuguese were 'blamed for plundering Goa'
> Would you (or anyone else) happen to know the names of the Portuguese
> who plundered Goa?
> Are you sure that the 'same plunderers' have left Goa with the
> Portuguese in 1961 or thereafter?
> While you are researching the names of the Portuguese who 'plundered
> Goa', may I suggest that we research the names of Portuguese police
> who battled the 'freedom fighters'.
> May I ask too IF the vast majority of them ever left Goa post 1961?
> good wishes
> jc

JC seem to have misunderstood my point. I said the Portuguese were 
blamedI didn't say they did it


Based on my above comment your other queries become irrelevant.


Trust this clears the subject.


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Re: [Goanet] Goanet Digest, Vol 5, Issue 395

2010-04-25 Thread francis d&#x27; souza

 Kudos to Remo for coming out so openly against our totally corrupt politicians 
who have raped and sold Goa for a song only for their selfish ends. Today Goans 
are like immigrants in their own land and are being completely outnumbered. The 
politicians are playing their game of dividing goans and paving the way for 
these outsiders to step in.


Where is the Goa of the past...the serenity and calm atmosphere we lived 
in...the comfort of a secure house where I remember we could have an afternoon 
siesta with the doors and windows open. Today nothing can be left unattended 
for a second...thanks to our glamorous politicians who are living a life beyond 


Talking about drugs...we have our Home Minister proudly announcing that there 
are no drugs in Goa...What a laugh that statement made. Could there be any 
hidden agenda in that statement The Scarlette murder...the numerous rapes 
and murders once unheard of in Goa are today a daily affair making Goa the 
capital of notorious activities which naturally attracts the Mafias from around 
the world.


The recent arrest of a small drug peddlar Chimulkar at Anjuna - If this bloak 
can ammass a wealth of over RS. 2 Crores what about the kingpins who have been 
in this trade for decadesand don't be surprised we have our politicians 
among them some of whom have proxy owners for their wealth.


Then we have the Panchayats from the coastal areas who amass loads of wealth in 
terms of kickbacks and bribes for granting any civil permissions...and the list 
goes on.


At one time we blamed the Portuguese for plundering GoaNow things have 
changed.Indian Politicians are doing the job at a much greater pace.
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Re: [Goanet] Goanet Digest, Vol 3, Issue 1336

2008-10-18 Thread francis d&#x27; souza

Rape of Goa
I do no understand why so much hue and cry and a political furore is being 
created over the alledged rape of a German teenagerWhy is the law not 
allowed to take it's own course and pin the culprit ?? Why was a similar furore 
not created over the alleged rape and murder of Scarlett ..On the contrary 
besides harassing the mother to every level possible and hindering medical 
investigation our Home Minister went to the extent of trying to block her entry 
back to India. Even our Utt Goekara Chief was biased in this case where in he 
filed a case agaist Fiona for neglegence of her minor daughter. Adv. 
Aires...what is more grave ...rape & murder or neglect of the teenagerYes 
the neglect did lead to the rape & murder...does this mean that the culprits 
should go scott freeand the two boys in jail were only scapegoats covering 
influential main culprits. And Aires..why did you stay quiet on this...just 
because the Home Minister's son was involved.What are your issues with 
Babush...Is the Home Minister more educated than him it is not just the foreigers who are being raped by our 
politicians and their familiesIt's our land...our rivers...our future.
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Re: [Goanet] Goanet Digest, Vol 3, Issue 1326

2008-10-15 Thread francis d&#x27; souza

What a Shamewhere is Goa heading ? First it was the Scarlette episode 
and now the German girl .in both cases a Minister's son has been involved 
??? What a pity we have elected such criminals to represent us and safeguard 
our statetoday goans are outnumbered in our own den selling our land to 
outsiders...what a sorry state of affairs.
Another surprising fact in the Scarlette episode is instead of tackling the 
main issue of rape and murder...the authorities are circling around the 
mother's lack of responsibility and neglect. In this case what is more we have the right to rape and murder if a girl is left unattended 
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Re: [Goanet] Goanet Digest, Vol 3, Issue 1006

2008-08-12 Thread francis d&#x27; souza

Goa and Goans
A lot of repercussions are being felt and voiced on the influx of non goans in 
Goa and the way they treat the sons of the soil. The incidents voiced by Remo 
and another goan origin Brit are just tips of the iceberg. If a personality 
like Remo could be given that sort of treatment...what about the goans who do 
not share the fame and limelight enjoyed by Remo ? Today we read of keralites, 
Sindhis and Bengalis proudly proclaiming their mingling with goan 
culture.who would not like to enjoy goan culturetoday the non goans 
settled in goa are enjoying the cream thanks to our hospitable nature. The day 
is not far when our home will be filled with outsidersand we goans will be 
kicked out from our balcony.all this while our politicians are busy in sez 
and other money flaundering activies
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Re: [Goanet] Katrina to play Scarlett in movie

2008-05-04 Thread francis d&#x27; souza

Scarlette Keeling is set to haunt Goa not with her Ghost but with a movie 
depicting her life in Goa and her death. How comercial and cheap one can be to 
capitalise on one's sad and sorrowful destiny. Instead of joining hands to 
combat crime, our film industry is No. 1 to capitalise on it...after all isn't 
crime, drunkeness, drugs and sex the essense of our movies  And what is the 
Director of the film trying to potraythat Goans are druggist and 
rapist.they did it in Amar Akbar Anthony where Goans were potrayed as 
drunkardsand I also remember a film on Aids was to be shot in Goa..

Instead of tarnishing the image of Goa why don't they potray the lives of the 
Ministers and Builders who are gang raping the Goan landscapeWhy don't they 
potray the lives of Digu Kaka and Rane who are heading the corrupt regime..

Today Goans are outsiders in their own land .is it the age of Rip Van 

Francis De Souza
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