[Goanet] Condolences and a prayer

2010-08-29 Thread sameer naik
Its very sad to hear about the demise of Shri Ravindrabaab Kelekar. may his 
soul rest in peace.

Also, i find it sad the the current generation lacks adequate knowledge about 
this great goan son. Can anyone here suggest the inclusion of a small chapter 
about him in the school textbooks?? We should not let his memories die

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Goa-launch of the well-received *Into The Diaspora
Wilderness* by Selma Carvalho on Aug 29, 2010 (Sunday) at 11
am at Ravindra Bhavan, Margao. Meet the author, buy a signed
copy (only Rs 295 in Goa till stock lasts).

[Goanet] Modern Dhrithrashtra and multiple Duryodhanas .........

2010-08-20 Thread sameer naik
Dear All 

An interesting piece by Rajdeep Sardesai.

Hope Manmohan  aka Dhrithrasthra- the blind King gets the message.


[Goanet] Re Re: Caste and Creed

2010-08-17 Thread sameer naik

Dear Nascy...

i tried to ignore ur ignorant ramblings but u jus dont know when to head home. 
So here goes. 


nascy said:

> Dear Vasant,

>U remove the 'serious causes' that are making me point out the Bad >things 
>Indian, and I will have no reason to indulge in pointing them >out. OK?

>I have said that U and Sameer have mixed up deliberately, freedom of >religion 
>issues etc, with Caste and Casteism practices. Why do U want >to confuse and 
>mislead readers?

MY REPLY : this is ur very first commnt on this thread
"I wonder, what caste, U G Barad, R Parrikar. M Parrikar, CM Kamat, and other 
saffron wallahs belong to. And Santosh Helekar, is he of mixed caste?"

By making a personal attack on some of u fav punching bags, it is U (i repeat ) 
U (U = Nascty) who tried to divert from an objective criticism and sought 
shelter behind personal mudslinging.
Also it is U who first referred to any Political person etc. so dont accuse me 
or vasant of digressing. next time pl think bfore u type. i know ur not used to 
thinking, but hey, theres a first time for everything.

>I am trying to be objective against these evils in Hindu society. U >think I 
>enjoy writing about these things? NO! I cry when I see such >inhumane 
>prejudices are being practiced in the Land of my birth.

MY REPLY : objectiv ?? u ??? gimme a breakive already got u on that one.
2ndly is it only hindu society??? why dont u accept responsbility for allowing 
this horrendous tradition in ur own community???
U cry??? am sure u must get a high every time u malign a hindu.forget 

>U guys are impervious to this; as U are one of them. 

>OR Renounce Casteism and Seperatism now. OK? and Redeem yourselves.

>Are U trying to defend the indefensible?

>Why do U not answer my question: What is your choice? a casteless >society 
>with no caste; or a society where everyone is a brahmin, or >everyone is a 

>U have not even attenpted to answer the above.

MY REPLY : not attempted to reply?? pl sample thes:
from me : 
1)"it is unfortunate that today it is used by political parties for divisive 
votebank poltics. " mark that i have agreed that it is "unfortunate" 

2)"i agree that this system needs to be eradicated"
self explanatory.

from Vasant :

1) "I can't agree with you more-Hindu India is laughable indeed-the caste 
system isa scourge and a disgrace"

2) "I have repeatedly said that Caste has no place in our lives-I do not claim 
caste and it is irrelevant to me-Caste is an accident of  birth and is
abominable.Our family consider ourselves Global Citizens with an open mind and
Caste,Creed  and Religion is of no consequence to us-good and decent human
beings who respect  one another are.

All religions have faultlines and none are flawless,"

So u see nascy both of us have always said no to casteism ,yet , u cal us 
names. Is this fair??

>Until such time that the whole of India is not a casteless society, I >will 
>campaign for it and take it to the world at large, to take >action like the 
>world did against South Africa against Racism and >Apartheid. The Indian 
>version is worse, as the same is entrenched for >centuries by their own 
>people. Indian against Indian.

MY REPLY : this is from an older post:
"It is upto us to unite and fight this menace instead of pointing fingers at 
particular communities blaming them for the mess, or blaming political parties 
as they will always use the caste card , as long as we the electorate allow 
them to do so"

I hope my stand is clear

and i really admire ur spirit of fighting tooth n nail for this issue. I 
suggest u start from ur own community as thats where u have some sort of 
influence i suppose. for our part we are doing are bit. 


Re: [Goanet] reply to Nascy C : Caste system in Goa -

2010-08-13 Thread sameer naik
Dear Mr. Nascy

It saddens me that u are so biased against some parties. It is definitly ur 
emotion rather than ur intelligence thats speaking. Can u back ur claims with 
any prof whatsoever, like the links i gave u??

I am not saying that BJP is guilt free, but it definitley isnt Facist. At best 
they are at par with the congress. The worst damage is being done by smaller 
regional parties which are openly using the Caste card : RJD,BSP,Mayawati etc.

And i completely agree with Mr. Vasants reply. if this were facebook, i would 
"like" his post a million times over ;)

- Sameer

Date: Fri, 13 Aug 2010 07:49:31 -0700 (PDT)
From: Nascy Caldeira 
To: " estb. 1994!Goa's premiere mailing list"
Subject: Re: [Goanet] reply to Nascy C : Caste system in Goa -

I agree with you in what U say below; that there are persons in the Congress 
too who are casteist and caste political; and there are persons that switch 
parties often like 'a merry go round' and a transistor switch!.

However in the case of the RSS, BJP and like groups,it is their doctrine and 
party preamble, and their Manifesto, on Hindu Fascist Supremacy; and these 
consider only the top castes as real Hindus; all others are only pawns in their 
filthy game of 'alcat Raj'. Low caste and casteless hindus are used by the top 
caste people to serve them up to a point; but in reality these people are 
slaves and a means to an end.

Re: [Goanet] reply to Nascy C : Caste system in Goa -

2010-08-12 Thread sameer naik
Dear MR. Nascy

apologies for getting ur gender wrong...but i sure have got r mentality right.

U r without doubt one of the ignorant lot who like to pint fingers all around.

Caste system is the truth, and it hurts everyone who opposes it. and so it does 
hurt me too. I am not sure it hurts u though
And u seemed to have completely (and conveniently) ignored my 2 comments:

"it (Caste)  is unfortunate that today it is used by political parties for 
divisive votebank poltics."

"i agree that this system needs to be eradicated."

But i dont think u squarely blaming the the RSS and BJP is justified..

NCP in maharashtra has always depended on the Maratha votes for survival.
And dont forget the first "divisive politics" of free india, of ensuring caste 
based reservations was the ploy of the Congress.

these links should further clarify my point (provided u have the open mind and 
rational thinking to consider them in an unbiased manner, which i highly doubt)




All in all i belive almost all political parties have used / are using / will 
use caste for politics
Its no point blaming them, cause they are feeding off the sentiments of the 

No political party can/will put an end to this. It is we INDIANS( all religions 
plagued by caste) who have to take the first step and reject anything and 
everything caste based and support those who take initiatives to bridge this 
divide through measures like Inter-caste marriages.

In this initiative the Church should have taken a primary step a long time ago 
as , such Casteim has no place in Christianity and also because The Church has 
considerably more influence over its followers, as compared to the hindus who 
are divided by too many deities and shrines. The church should have pioneered 
even more, because of the substantially less population to convince. But it has 
failed / or rather not even tried.

It is upto us to unite and fight this menace instead of pointing fingers at 
particular communities blaming them for the mess, or blaming political parties 
as they will always use the caste card , as long as we the electorate allow 
them to do so. if ur not a part of the solution u definitely are a part of the 

- Sam 

From: Nascy Caldeira 
To: " estb. 1994!Goa's premiere mailing list"
Subject: Re: [Goanet] reply to Nascy C : Caste system in Goa -

Oh Sammeer.
I know the TRUTH HURTS!
U have just proved that U love to be a casteist/ racist and will never change. 
I hope U see 'the writing on the wall' and Reform. Read my response to Vasant 
Baliga, please, OK? then u will understand me.

Thank you.
Nascy (for Nasciment)

[Goanet] New topic: Congress- truly secular

2010-08-12 Thread sameer naik
The congress has always said its the most secular party in India. Very often i 
felt that this is just a propaganda to get votes from minorities , but today i 
was enlightened.

I received the following news (which quite a few over here might have heard abt 
earlier) from 2 separate industry friends :

The fastest way to get an electricity connection in a particular industrial 
estate is by "donating " the asked amount of money to Congress Party Fund. this 
irrespective of the whether ur a genuine law abiding consumer.. or a someone 
who wants to make a quick buck (No discrimination). The amount can vary from 
3lacs to 10lacs as per the wishes of 'whoever asks for it"

The interesting part is 1 of my industry friends is a catholic and the other a 
hindu. And both were asked for exactly the same amount as "Donation". Now 
wouldnt u call that Secularism??? no Discrimination on the grounds of faith 
what so ever. I am sure the communal parties would not have done the same. A 
fitting tribute to the Congress , a day after they complete 125 years as the 
only Secular party of India.

I wish the Congress good luck in furthering the cause of secularism in the 
years to come.

- Sam naique

[Goanet] reply to Nascy C : Caste system in Goa - Wik ipedia, the free encyclopedia

2010-08-11 Thread sameer naik
Dear Nas(t)cy madam

ur comment : "Hindu India is laughable indeed! A BIG LOL."
is probably the most racial comment ever so either ur d REAl racist or i am the 
king of france

2ndly Caste system when founded was to allot people on the basis of the work 
they doit is unfortunate that today it is used by political parties for 
divisive votebank poltics. 

3rdly i agree that this system needs to be eradicated. But (at the risk of 
being racist) i am pretty sure that such castes also exists among catholics in 
Goa at least. What are ur institutions doing to eradicate this Evil? Especially 
ur "world community" which is predominantly Christians. Those who live in glass 
houses should refrain from pelting stones at others.

- Sameer naique

Subject: Re: [Goanet] Caste system in Goa - Wikipedia, the free


Nasty nascy wrote :
I wonder, what caste, U G Barad, R Parrikar. M Parrikar, CM Kamat, and other 
saffron wallahs belong to. And Santosh Helekar, is he of mixed caste?

Hindu India is laughable indeed! A BIG LOL.

Giving all Indians a BAD Name.

I think it is high time that the world community takes action against this type 
of racism, and segregation. 
