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       International Cuisine Conference on Traditional Asian Diet 
    Panaji, Goa, September 2-5, 2007  -  http://www.indologygoa.in
              Online Media Partner:  http://www.goanet.org

Dear friends,

Greetings to each one of you in the Gulf !

I have come over so many times to  the Gulf  that I thought I should write 
to you at this time to share with you so many things that are happening in 
the work I do with Sailors/Seafarers/People on the Move. I share because in 
all my meetings with you ,you have always been generous in so many ways of 
support and help in whatever ways you could- arangements for my work , 
transport, food, money, or just being there as friends and supporters in all 
I do. I  appreciate this very much and thought you must know of the 
important event of the Apostleship of the Sea(AOS) about to happen in Poland 
XXII World Congress of the AOS, organized by the Vatican office .

This event happens once every five years. The last one was in Rio De 
Janeiro, Brazil, 2002. It was after this event that I was asked by the 
Vatican to serve as the Regional coordinator of  the AOS South Asia Region, 
while I am also the National Director for India.

I  have charge of the Pastoral activites to be done in the major ports; and 
have to over see what can be done for the welfare of sailors but more 
importantly for their PASTORAL care. The following are the number of ports - 
India  ( 12) , Bangladesh(1) , Pakistan (1) and Sri Lanka(1).Each of these 
ports have Priest Chaplains and volunteers doing thier job. I try to 
coordinate what they do and it is my job to report to the Vatican once a 
year. The Tsunami took much time and energy with the survival of fishing 
communities in south India and Southern Sri Lanka. There are eight such 
regions in the world and each has a coordinator appointed.

A ninth Region is in the process of being added. - The Gulf States Region. I 
am appointed by the Vatican as the interim coordinator for this job too. My 
task is to establish the AOS in this Region which we all know is of "major 
Islamic" nature. Not a difficult job , but certainly a challenging one! Last 
year, 16th June 2006  I started the AOS in the Port of Fujairah in the UAE; 
they are doing well and will be represented by their Bishop , the Chaplain 
and three lay men volunteers at the Poland Congress. This year- end 
(hopefully) will see Kuwait begin. Training for their volunters is already 
completed. When about five or six such units are established the Regiona 
will be declared "official" . The follwing are the countries in the region 
of the Gulf as per the organization of the AOS - The UAE ( seven Emirates - 
Dubai is the important one, Abu Dhabi is the Capital.) Kuwait, Bahrain, 
Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Yemen &  Dijibouti.

Here in Poland the XXII World Congress of the AOS, organized by the Vatican 
office;  is being held in the port city of Gdynia. 24th to 29th June 2007. 
This also is a Redemptorist Parish and the Chaplain in-charge is a 
Redemptorist. Fr. Edward Pracz is also the Regional coordinator for the 
whole of Europe.

This congress will bring together about 250 participants of all AOS units 
worldwide. I have presented two reports of the Regions I am cordinator of. 
These will be collated with other Regional Reports and presented as one 
large report to the entire body. At the congress I have been asked to 
coordinate the Morning prayers at the start before each day. These I have 
done on Power Point and also in print form in English. Translations of this 
as well as the sessions will be in accordance with International standards.

I have mentioned above regarding representatives from the Gulf Region. AOS 
South Asia is being represented by three Bishops, One Vicar General, 4 
priests, and a Captian and his wife from India.

And lastly the theme : "In Solidarity with the People of the Sea, as 
witnesses of Hope through Proclamation of the Word, the Liturgy and 
Diakonia" (this last word = service) "

The Logo is created by Australia. I lost out in the " competetion" ! :-)  I 
too had sent in my suggestions to the Vatican.

Please pray for the Congress and its success. The deleberations are chaired 
by the Vatican, the workshops will see various topics connected with the 
theme being discussed and plans for aciton made.

You can access info in your free time at our international website of the 
Vatican and see what is happening in the work I do < www.stellamaris.net>

I am planning to visit the Gulf again in the months of Oct/Nov .  If things 
work out Ill see some of you again .

with every good  wish,

grateful for all you do for me ,


Fr. Xavier Pinto, C.Ss.R.

Redemptorist Fathers ,
876, Alto Porvorim
Goa 403521

*** Forwarded by Carmo Santos *** 

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