*‘’Chalo Panjim with a Political touch’’*

The ‘’Chalo Panjim’’ unity supporting English as Medium of Instruction has
demonstrated the capability and strength of the concerned parents in
organizing mass rallies in the interest of their children’s future.  However
these efforts will be a pure waste since only education policy cannot
guarantee bright and prosperous future when the present legislators continue
to loot and plunder, and function with corrupt and selfish motives. Today
Goa is on the brink of destruction from all spheres and how much goodies
will be left for their hapless children to enjoy in the future? This rally
had the spectacular support of many wolves ranging from Monsarettes, Alemaos
and Goudhinos disguised as shepherds and leading guardians of the Goan
sheep. This make me wonder whether this was a political ploy keeping the
next assembly elections in mind and to divert the people's attention from
the loot and plunder that is taking place ranging from MOPA, mining, slums,
 to various custodial deaths and police-politicos-drugs nexus. From the past
experience, these effort  from the parents will surely be like a leaking tap
with water running down drip, drip, drip as they run from pillar to post to
legislators who are only interested in filling their own pockets. This has
always been the farce and deceptive way of today’s MLAs assuring control on
crimes, drugs, rapes, migrants, slum dwellings in Zuari Nagar moti dongor
and fukat nagar, illegal mining, promising special status
and even promising the heaven and moon in Goa. Educated and concerned
parents should first realize that praying and calling upon uneducated,
communal and illiterate and criminal legislators cannot bring in a good
education policy for their offspring unless they elect the right people to
guarantee this. Instead, their efforts should culminate in a well organized
unity on one platform to announce their candidature or support for honest
and integral people who will uphold the dignity and respect of ethnic Goans
who are fighting today for justice and thier own survival through the
various courts.

Rupert Coutinho,


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