[Goanet] "Pig's Delight"

2009-10-23 Thread Francis Rodrigues

"Pig's Delight"

It's not just a rumour or idle talk,
That pigs re-cycle the sh*t into pork;
So where would be Goa's disposal rights
If the pigs did not have good appetites?

They gobble with relish and pray for more,
And patiently wait at the sh*t-house door;
So with Epsom salts and syrup of figs
Please do think kindly of Goanese pigs,
So sh*t well and truly and do what's right,
For what you don't want, is a pig's delight!

from Vol 2 no 1. "Full Moon" November 1975
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2009-10-23 Thread manuel tavares
The short poem by Dadaji gives me an idea. I hear that the Gattis are poluting 
the fields with their blatent ignorance of basic sanitary procedures. Graham 
Green the famous author had travelled  through India and had landed in Goa and 
of course observed first hand the sanitary and recycling methods that were in 
use in Goa, namely our pig cleaned toilets. He was so impressed with the 
sanitation in Goa which, though primitive and to a certain extent disgusting, 
still ranked as the foremost in cleanliness in the whole of India. He suggested 
in his book that India would do well to emulate the example of the Goan 
sanatiry system. I wish the Gattis would learn something from this and not turn 
our sanitary Goa into one big toilet as they have turned Bombay (Mumbai) into. 
In fact we could ask them to leave Goa and institute this system in areas where 
they came from. It would beneift them in two ways. They will have a sanitary 
system and the pigs will then provide them with meat and perhaps they can also 
learn to prepare and sell Goinche Cherisam.

Manuel (Eddie) Tavares