Dear Goanetters,

The Corporation of the City of Panaji (CCP) has been labeled as a disappointing 
public body, that keeps on failing on many accounts, particularly in the 
management of garbage. I agree, as they are responsible for the mess they are 
in. However, at times, there are others that are at fault, but as usual, just 
the CCP gets its face blackened, and that's not right. I'm not defending 
anybody, but just stating facts that have been missed, misreported or distorted.

Take for example the recent events that have taken place.

* - The Anaerobic digester has developed problems because of faulty design and 
improper waste characteristics analysis. Besides the RCC platform developing 
leaks, as a result, a 1mt+ thick layer of fatty tissues and oil residues has 
formed within the digester and nobody including the experts and manufacturesrs 
have any solutions to fix this problem. Now while CCP gets flak for its 
failure, nobody's even investigating the consultant, Mr SR Malley, or the 
Manufacturer Hydro-Air Tectonics who have abandoned this plant and been paid 
substantial amounts for the construction of the same. CCP's repeated calls to 
the consultant have gone unheard, and has now sent him a notice.

Odour from this plant was not originating from this specific failure. It was 
instead from the accumulated waste stacked outside the plant for want of 
treatment within this plant or any larger alternate area. In the absence of any 
alternate treatment site, garbage was accumulating and rotting. Though CCP's 
staff did treat the waste with odour control inoculants, it was fairly 
inadequate, manually possible to only treat the surface waste and its 
periphery, and as a result, the majority of this waste did not get treated and 
hence the smell. About 10-15% of plastics, glass and metal mixed in by careless 
hotel and restaurants made things worse, slowing the effect of odour control 
mechanisms and causing mechanical failure once they accidentally entered the 
plant machinery.

* - Schools protesting this odour were right in marching upto the CCP office 
and protesting. However, students barging into the mayors cabin and littering 
the mayors cabin, table and chair with waste was most distastefully. Is this 
the kind of message that we want students to get? All meaning in the protest 
was lost with this action. Wether the students were led or not, it was the 
teachers responsibility and hence their failure. They too seem to have got away 
from whatever action, squashed by the education minister.

* - In the absence of an alternate site for treating hotel waste, it was 
decided to stop collecting the hotel waste in the last week of October. 
However, with discussions with the hoteliers, it was decided to give them a 
week, and then a fortnight to come up with alternate measures. The fact that 
the hoteliers did absolutely nothing on this front was also ignored. CCP on the 
other hand explored various ways of treating waste at alternate sites, with 
shorter disposal times and so on. However, none of the initiatives proved to 
provide a solution within a short time frame given. When the deadline was up, 
CCP gave a further extension of 3 days and then stopped the collection of the 
hoteliers. The media is given to understand that its a bad deal to th hotels, 
while the CCP ignores their basic responsibilities. The fact is that the hotel 
owners have not explored any alternate options and today the waste picked up 
and disposed out of CCP's jurisdictions is paid for by CCP itself, 
approximately Rs. 12-17,000 per day.

* - It's really strange that 12 persons from the same school all suffer from 
nausea and vomiting all on the same day, that too immediately after a petition 
was filed. Everybody knows that it was all made up, but the IMA, and various 
NGOs hyped it even further with their comments, stating one could even DIE if 
nothing was done. All this said about students that study at least 300-500 mts 
from the plant location. What about the workers at the site that work there for 
8 hours every day? Does anybody care about them? I've been at the site, and 
yes, the smell is foul. Spend more than 20 minutes at the site and the odour 
gets into your clothing and you smell of garbage for the entire day. However, I 
have regularly been at that and similar sites for hours in the past 3 years, 
but, I have never vomited or felt as nauseous as they claim. None of the CCP 
workers have ever been taken to hospital for any of these symptoms. It all 
seems to be hype, just because it was in their backyard. Classic NIMBY. Not In 
My Backyard.

*- Now it's Bainguinim. First, please use correct terms. CCPs not planning to DUMP 
garbage there. CCP needs sites for three major aspects of waste management. 
Composting, Recycling and Landfilling inert waste. I believe that there is enough 
space within Panjim's jurisdiction for setting up compost as well as recycling 
units. The land does not belong to CCP, so assistance from the Government needs to 
be taken in obtaining these sites. Composting & Recycling, if provided adequate 
space has absolutely no pollution, or odour. We will always have the NIMBY factor 
however, and while people have a right to protest if thse facilitates are not 
running properly, but they have no right to object to infrastructure being 
developed. If there is objection, or political interference, then the only option 
is to find other areas out of the jurisdiction such as Bainguinim for this purpose. 
Landfilling is unavoidable for inert waste.

We don't have a single 'sanitary landifll' in Goa as a good example. The Quarry 
at Bainguinim should suit the purpose only if it is prepared by further rock 
cutting to give it a rectangular shape, placing required layers of clay, rubber 
and HDPE linings, building supporting infrastructure such as groundwater 
monitoring stations, leachate collection ponds and treatment facilities. This 
would take at least a year to prepare before the first truck of inert waste is 
brought. As I've said before, composting and recycling have ABSOLUTELY NO 
PROBLEMS if done in adequate space. In the absence of sites within Panjim, 
Bainguinim looks like the next best place for the same. CCP has acquired 
1,70,000 sq kms for this facility, and proposes to leave a 500 mt buffer zone 
within its site to avoid any possible conflict. The site is remote, and is the 
need of the hour. A temple and a school in the vicinity have only come up in 
the last 2 years, with vested interests. If there is any similar site in Goa 
that has such open areas, within a 20km radius of Panjim, and no nearby 
residents or institutions, let the Government know, and it will explore those 
options too. There seems to be a lot of politics played in Bainguinim, so its 
not as simple as it seems in the newspapers.

The CCP needs to be working harder to get these problems addressed. It needs to 
nip the corruption it's famous for, It needs to be criticized, but others need 
their fare share too...

Will continue...
have a nice day!


From: Miguel Braganza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Goanet] Garbage Dump at Old Goa in the garb of Bainguinim?
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8


It is not every day that Fr. Valerian Vaz, Director of Caritas-India and of the Council for Social Justice and Peace, intervenes in public debates on socially relevant issues. The last time Fr. Valerian made a telling difference was when one tabloid tried to defame the Executive Secretary of CSJP with the assistance of quotes leaked by an "accidental social activist".

At a public meeting held at the Se-Old Goa Village Panchayat hall [between the Basilica of Bom 
Jesus and the Augustinian Tower archaeological excavation site]at Old Goa/Velha Goa on Saturday 22 
November, 2008, he said, "Let the Government tell the people of Goa that the proposed garbage 
dump is at Old Goa and then face the reaction." So far, the Government has refrained from 
indicating that the Bainguinim site is actually close to the Augustinain Church and Santa Monica 
Convent [where the mother of Abe Faria lived when he went to become a priest]  and other heritage 
structures of the World Heritage Site of Velha Goa or Cidade de Goa, the Rome of the East, while it 
is in a hurry to find a dump for the garbage from the emrging "Las Vegas of the East" in 
the river Mandovi.

The whole set of the protests against the "Anaerobic Digester" at Patto Plaza in Nova Cidade of Panjim were designed to reactivate the land acquisition at Bainguinim which was about to lapse due to the 2-year time bar of Section 6 notification under Land Acquisition Act, 1894. A colonial Act being applied to the colonial capital to promote neo-colonization.
It is not as if the Goa Government does not know that it owns and controls 
thousands of square metres of land under Survey Numbers 40/1, 40/2 and 40/3 in 
adjoining village of Chimbel [a former garbage dump area] that it wants to 
convert into a Film City. It has inherited it from the colonial rulers.

The Government can make public the plans and technical details of different 
kinds of Garbage Treatment Plants under its consideration in GSUDA, DMA, DoP or 
DSTE. the District Planning Committees can consider which model is suitable for 
their towns and which for their villages. The Gram Sabhas can choose from the 
options available for village scale treatment. Some villagers have already seen 
the working of the vertical Garbage treatment unit at the Codli mine of Sesa 
Goa Ltd in Snaguem taluka.

Perhaps, Panaji's hotels could set up such units. Some of these hotels are 
owned/managed by companies that dabble in iron ore mining.

Other hotels, owned by companies involved in real estate and construction could 
divert some old cement mixers to treat biodegradable garbage with EM or 
Panchagavya or other activated solutions to accelerate decomposition of 
garbage. they can have in-house construction of masonary garbage tanks.

Why terrorise the only ST MLA in his Cumbarjua constituency?

Mog asundi.

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