Attached please find my letter and comments in regards to the proposed
Campal grounds to be constructed by GSUDA. I strongly object to this fancy
ground coming up at the parade ground at Campal as it will block the
traffic flow, and cause accidents  as well as flooding and damage to the
entire Campal region of Panjim Constituency. I had also exposed the nexus
between Dr. Joe D’Sousa and Mr. Manohar Parrikar ex-CM that are responsible
and the brain behind this idea of the Campal ground for sports activities.
My attached letter  had indicated that both Dr. Joe and Mr. Parrikar are
non residents of Panjim and hence have no right to propose the football
ground at Campal.

Now, I understand that Prime TV on 30th June 2015 too is supporting Mr.
Parrrikar and Dr. Joe D’Sousa for their foolish venture for ulterior
motives. I still do not know and I hope that people of Panjim come together
to see that the white elephant in the name of Campal ground is stalled and
another major scam is averted. Unfortunately I do not have Dr. Joe article
published on Gomantak Times dt. 24th Nov. 2014.

Stephen Dias


Date: 2.7.2015


This is in response to the article published in Gomantak Time dated
24th November,
2014 by Dr. Joe D’Souza.

Dr. Joe D’Souza mentions in his article that former Chief Minister Manohar
Parrikar had been a MLA from Panjim for the last 20 years. In fact he is
not originally from Panjim but from Bardez side. Also Dr. Joe himself is
not from Panjim but from Vagator near Calangute. He may be right that
Parrikar has given his parting gift for a football stadium at Campal for
Panjimites. But I am sure both of them never played football in any
divisional team especially my friend Dr. Joe. What knowledge they will have
of football stadiums? To understand about the stadium or football matches
one has to be associated in football games which I do not think so.

Now, since Dr. Joe writes an article saying that football stadium of
international standard must come at Campal he is completely wrong. First of
all there is not enough area for the parking and other facilities of
international status. The main road of Panjim to Miramar will be completely
obstructed and jam for motor traffic vehicles.

  No doubt we had a small playground during Portuguese regime in this
locality but one has to forget to have of international stature.

It is advisable that the ground may be selected or acquired possession of
land at Merces where Prime Minister Modi had delivered his speech for over
a lack crowd. It is definitely suitable for the games of international
caliber as there exist a vast parking.

He also mentions that the city fathers of the Corporation of City of Panaji
started dumping garbage and concealing it with debris of gravel and mud and
the CCP has misused and abused this prime property under the very nose of
residents of Panjim and also dumping hospital waste, plastic and the
hazardous leachates is all humbug and cheap utterances which are uncalled
for.  He has forgotten being an environmentalist that the garbage could be
easily cleared within a month’s time and that this is not the type of
Sonsodo garbage accumulation at Margao. Once a stadium is built than this
will become a permanent solution.

The idea of pressing for football ground in his article is just to please
the new Government and GSUDA officials for ulterior motives and that
probably government may sympathize.

We request the authorities of Panjim and the future MLA whoever may be
should give us a gift to real Panjimites by opposing this football ground
stadium at Campal-Panjim.

Stephen Dias-D.Paula (ex- Football Lar de Estudantes Academica and Portais
club player and lover)


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