That's fantastic news for the residents of the U.A.E.  Howevr, how about 
something for workers in this country who need redress?  My daughter is facing 
problems with non payment of salary for several months due to being a 
freelancer, however there seems to be no one who oversees the rights of 
freelance workers in this country, even though there is a huge number of 
working freelance.

If anyone knows whom she can approach, I would be most grateful.


From: Goanet News <>
To: "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!" <>
Sent: Thu, November 25, 2010 4:39:21 AM
Subject: [Goanet-News] NEWS-GULF: Pratibha launches Indian Workers Resource 

Pratibha launches Indian Workers Resource Centre
Smita Gupta

Low wages, delayed salary payments, isolation, combined with a lack of
knowledge of the laws under which they can seek redress have, only too
often, turned the dreams of Indian blue collar workers living abroad
into a nightmare.

The Union Ministry of Overseas Affairs has now initiated as a pilot
project, a free, walk-in resource centre providing Indian workers,
especially semi-skilled and unskilled labourers, direct access to
welfare services in the United Arab Emirates, located in Dubai. The
Indian Workers Resource Centre (IWRC) was inaugurated late on Tuesday
by President Pratibha Patil, who is on a goodwill tour of the United
Arab Emirates (UAE) and Syria.

Later, briefing journalists, Secretary (East) Latha Reddy said that
while such visits provided an occasion to celebrate the success
stories of Indians living abroad, it was important not to forget those
less fortunate.

Secretary (Ministry of Overseas Affairs) Didar Singh said the IWRC
experiment followed the setting up, four years ago in Delhi, of the
Overseas Workers Resource Centre, especially for workers from Kerala,
Andhra Pradesh, Haryana and Punjab. Dr. Singh said the objective was
to provide a “seamless service” for those who wished to go abroad to
work from the moment they took the decision to do so. He added that
while the UAE centre was the first, the government hoped to create
such facilities in other countries with a large NRI population.

Of the 25 million overseas Indians, 10 million are NRIs, Indian
passport-holders, and of these 5.5 million are in the Gulf. The United
Arab Emirates accounts for 1.7 million, of which close to 70 per cent
are blue collar workers, many working in appalling conditions.

Now, workers in distress can call a toll-free number, 800 46342
(800-India), from anywhere in the UAE to seek counselling, information
or advice relating to legal issues such as contracts and financial

The centre, located on Khalid bin Waleed Street, will be open from 3
p.m. to 7 p.m. every day, with phone lines open 24 hours a day and
available in seven languages, including English, Hindi, Tamil,
Malayalam and Telugu. In cases of disputes concerning contracts and
other legal documents, workers will be referred to a qualified
adviser. In addition, sessions will be arranged for labourers in need
of psychological counselling.

Clearly, the need to set up such facilities was felt as Indian
missions abroad did not have the resources or expertise to cater to
the welfare of expatriate workers adequately. These services will be
in addition to the existing services offered by Indian missions and
social cultural organisations of India running in the UAE.

Keywords: India-UAE, Pratibha Patil visit

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