Dear members of Goan media,

Goa IT Professionals [GITP] lauds the efforts made by Mr. Ameya Abhyankar
IAS, who is currently the Director of IT among other portfolios; in setting
the ball rolling towards building the prospects of the IT industry in the
state. GITP feels that what he has achieved after assuming his office in
the IT department is truly remarkable. Given the track record of the
Department of IT prior to him assuming office, it was very much in need of
such a dynamic leadership.  Laying the roadmap for the Tuem ESDM park and
Chimbel IT park, efforts made for local interaction with the various
stakeholders, Partnerships/MoU with Google and Amazon, Development of
Incubation facilities in the State, exploring options like Google Loon to
counter internet bandwidth shortfall, spearheading Governments Outreach
program to the various IT majors are some of the milestones that Mr.
Abhyankar has achieved with his team.

Mr. Abhyankar has taken significant proactive steps that have not been
witnessed in the past. He is highly approachable, receptive to suggestions
and a go-getter in his approach. The IT community and the State of Goa at
large need more leaders like Mr. Abhyankar in the Administration.

GITP believes that there still a long way to go and that the vigour and
enthusiasm that Mr Abhyankar brings with him is needed to be sustained and
encouraged at all levels of governance, more particularly IT industry
development. Over the years, the lack of suitable IT infrastructure in the
state has driven away a lot of Goan youth to the neighbouring cities, and
thus causing the dilution of the Goan Identity.

GITP insists that Mr. Abhyankar be suitably recognized by the Government
for his efforts and ensure he is allowed to serve the State for another
term with ever increasing zeal and passion.


*Goa IT Professionals – GITP *| |

*Important links: About GITP <> | GITP on
Social Network <> | GITP Core Team
<> | *Goa Skills Registry - GSR

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