August 14 2020

Last Friday, an Air India Express Boeing 737 landed at Kozhikode airport in
Kerala. Kerala, couldn't stop, overshot the runway and fell 35 feet down
the slope there. 18 people, including both pilots, died. 172 survived,
though dozens were badly injured.

The website tracks commercial flights around the world;
this one included of course. My mathematics column for Mint today uses
their data to reconstruct the last half hour of this flight that ended in

Take a look:

And do let me know what you think.



Up, down and all around: IX1134’s last half hour

At about 710pm, the altimeter shows that they are at just about 10,000 feet
above sea level. It’s been about three-and-a-half hours since they took

Not that they have been at 10,000 feet all that while, not at all. At the
start, they had climbed steadily — just the usual — reaching their cruising
altitude of 35,000 feet within half an hour. They stayed there for nearly
three hours, barreling along at 800km/h and tracking a constant 124° — just
east of south-east — all through. The descent began fifteen minutes ago: a
rapid 3000 feet per minute for the first few minutes, then easing up to
about 1000 fpm. While descending, they have also slowed significantly, to
about 580 km/h now. A few gentle banks to left and right too, and now they
are tracking a little closer to due east than 124°; in fact, at 105°, they
are almost perfectly aligned with the runway that’s ahead.

What is this tracking measure, you ask? Superimpose a clock onto a compass,
so that north coincides with 12 on the dial. That is, if you travel due
north, you’re said to be tracking 0°. If you then turn 90° clockwise,
you’ll end up facing east, looking at 3 on the dial: thus tracking 90°
means heading directly east. 105°, then, is 15° further clockwise, or
further to the south. That’s about the orientation of the runway.
Naturally, if they want to land there the plane must fly in on that heading.

There’s no milestone marking 10,000 feet, of course. Nor is it likely that
veteran pilots will notice the number on the altimeter. But think of it
here as a reminder that the landing is not far away. Actually, at that
moment they are a little less than 20km out at sea, about 40km from the
airport — but at 580 km/h, those are not large distances. Indeed, a minute
later they cross the coast, just north of the mouth of a river, and are now
down to 9,000 feet. There’s an almost nonexistent beach below, and a short
stretch of coastal plain dotted with plenty of houses, then they cross the
river itself. More houses on the other side, and from here, the flight path
is a straight line more or less through the shallow valley of a stream that
empties into the same river. The land below now rises into low hills, still
with plenty of houses and structures, if not quite as dense as near the

Two minutes pass and they have descended below 7000 feet and are just 4km
west of the runway. They have slowed even more and are now flying at about
480 km/h. Only a few seconds later, the runway is a mere half kilometre

But they will not land. For they are at 6000 feet, far too high to land
when just half a kilometre from the runway. And 480 km/h is far too fast as
well. If you were on the ground and could see the plane above, you’d
conclude that this is just an approach. In fact, if it flew directly
overhead, you may even realize that they are not really aligned with the
runway either. The 105° heading is right, but they are on a flight path
that is parallel to and about 100m south of the runway. There’s a road of
sorts there, but of course it’s no runway.

No, this flight is not landing.

Flying parallel to the runway and several thousand feet off the ground, the
plane roars over the airport. About a fifth of the way along the runway’s
3km length, they bank left till, shortly before flying past the end of the
runway, they are tracking 90°, due east. The plane is losing both height
and speed steadily, an indication that they are indeed planning a landing.
Only, they want to do it by approaching the other end — the eastern end —
of the runway.

Three minutes that they fly due east. At 20km east of the airport, they
have slowed to 400km/h and are down to about 3300 feet. That’s when they
bank right into a broad semicircle, some 4km in diameter. The huge turn
takes a couple of minutes and when they come out of it, they are on a 285°
heading, just north of due west — so in fact, they made slightly more than
a semicircle. 285° means they are once again aligned with the runway, only
this time from the east. They are also now flying at just 310km/h.

This time, they will land.

Five minutes pass. They have lost another 20km/h and well over a thousand
feet in altitude. They are perfectly aligned with the runway as they soar
in over its eastern end. But wait — it’s clear already to anyone watching
that they are too high to land. They should be much lower than 1900 feet by
now. The runway is some 350 feet above sea level, of course, but even with
that reduction they are too high. They cannot safely lose the remaining
1600 feet to the ground.

So about halfway down the runway, they take the split-second decision all
pilots are trained for: abort the landing, climb and circle around to try

The time is 723pm. The two pilots take the decision and execute the
manoeuvre to perfection.

The engines roar to give the plane speed and lift. Even before the plane
passes the western end of the runway, it has accelerated to 330km/h. About
a kilometre further on, now at 3000 feet, they bank sharply left, tracking
230° — or nearly southwest — for a minute or so. Then they turn right.
These two turns mark out one end of an enormous figure 8 — an infinity
symbol, more like it — that they will trace in the air over the next
fifteen minutes.

The right turn leaves them tracking 300°, heading nearly northwest and now
straight out to sea. Flying at 390 km/h, they are climbing steadily, taking
the next 7-8 minutes to get up to 7175 feet. They are over ten km from the
coast when they start banking left, readying to trace out the other end of
the infinity symbol.

Again, there’s a semicircle to make in the air. When they start on it a
couple of minutes and another ten or so km out to sea later, this
semicircle is about 8km in diameter. They descend as they make it, crossing
their original flight path from some 25 minutes earlier. The semicircle
ends at 733pm, when they find themselves at 4650 feet and tracking 90° —
due east, again. At 735pm, some 15km from the coast, they make the
adjustment to align with the runway again, turning right till they are
tracking about 109°. Not quite lined up — they have turned past the
required heading — but there’s still time.

At 737pm, they cross the coast again, this time almost directly over the
mouth of the river. This time, though, they are at 2350 feet, almost 7000
feet below where they were on their first approach. They are also flying at
350 km/h, far slower than on that first approach. And they have turned and
are tracking 101° — almost lined up with the runway.

In other words, they are in good shape to land.

At 738, they descend below 2000 feet. Less than 10km to go to reach the

At 739, they are at 925 feet, flying at 325km/h, still on a 101° heading.
The runway is only 2 km ahead. Still in good shape to land.

But that’s the final position the flight tracker site
records for Air India Express flight IX1134 on August 7 2020, the Boeing
737 Vande Bharat flight from Dubai to Kozhikode.

Though we do know what happened to IX1134 a minute or so later. They touch
down a little too far along the runway for safety. With a tailwind, rain
and a wet surface, they cannot stop before the end of the runway. They roll
through a buffer zone beyond the runway. They plunge over the edge and down
the slope of the hill on which the runway is built. The aircraft finally
comes to a halt on the ground some 35 feet below. It breaks in two. 18
people are killed.

That includes both pilots. The men who have tried so hard over the last
half hour to bring their 184 passengers and 4 crew in safely.


All data in this column taken from a replay of IX1134 on August 7 on

My book with Joy Ma: "The Deoliwallahs"
Twitter: @DeathEndsFun
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