There are Goan Domestic Workers Too in NY. (vjp)
“Women’s Work”

Ending the Exploitation and Abuse of Domestic Workers

Film screening and panel discussion in conjunction with the ACLU and
the 54th Session of the United Nations Commission on the Status of
Join us to commemorate International Women's Day and Women's History Month.

Thursday, March 11, 2010
United Nations Church Center, 10th Floor
777 United Nations Plaza
(44th St. and First Avenue)

The event will begin with a screening of a short documentary film
about the exploitation and labor trafficking of South Asian women as
domestic workers in the United States:

BEHIND CLOSED DOORS, a film by Brown Girls Productions

Followed by a panel discussion with domestic workers and advocates
engaged in local, national, and international movements to protect the
human rights of domestic workers and re-value their labor:

NAHAR ALAM, Executive Director of Andolan: Organizing South Asian Workers
RAZIAH BEGUM, Domestic Worker and Member of Andolan
PRISCILLA GONZALEZ, Director of Domestic Workers United (DWU)
ALLISON JULIEN, Domestic Worker and Member of DWU Steering Committee
LINDA OALICAN, Domestic Worker, Community Organizer for DAMAYAN
Migrant Workers Association and Representative for the National
Domestic Workers Alliance
IVY SURIYOPAS, Staff Attorney at the Asian American Legal Defense and
Education Fund

Moderated by ARACELI MARTINEZ-OLGUIN, Staff Attorney at the ACLU
Women’s Rights Project

The filmmakers, PRACHETA SHARMA and JESSICA HOPPER, will introduce the
film and be available for questions.

For more information, please visit:

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