[Goanet] Conspiracy against P.Chidambaram ?

2011-09-28 Thread Nelson Lopes
Jayalalita  is not to friendly with him. In fact she sees him as a
rival to her grand plan, who can be thorn in her flesh and thwart
close relations with Madame. The election petition  in Tamil Nadu
against P.C. is hanging like a Demoscles sword over his head  Pranab
Mukeerje. has been in the Govt/ Cabinet ever since, but without ever
winning an election. He has the single distinction of back door entry
through Raja Sabha . He has been christened as the trouble shooter of
Madame and unofficially enjoys number two position in the cabinet
hierarchy after the P.M. On the other hand P.C. has long been
associated with Manmohan Singh , as a confidant in pushing forward
liberalisation and economic reforms Naturally he is very close to the
P.M. ,as can be judged by spontaneous reaction of trust and
confidence.There appears to be  a hidden motive to displace P.C in
order to climb the ladder The Chairperson of UPA is too well aware of
the equation between P.M.and P.C.and therefore her directions to
defend him is politically logical P.M.minus P.C could be a dangerous
concoction fraught with serious consequences At this juncture it is in
the fluid stage with P.C. maintaining stoic silence, gauging the
possible outcome Why did Pranab had to resort to this subterfuge
against his own close colleague and then come out in self defense,
that the truth was revealed by RTI Act ? Why he could not have taken
him and others into confidence, before this innocuous, highly damaging
observation ,appropriating the blame to P.C.?  Was it a displacement
strategy, securing safe position in the  eventuality? It certainly
smells fishy as all kings men are trying top put Humpty Dumpty back on
the wall. How did the individual have pointed knowledge to seek the
precise document? Was there a leak regarding its existence to sully
the image of P.C and dethrone him.? P.C is always known to have a
clean image and is far beyond public rebuke for corrupt practices in
his glorious innings as the Finance Minister for many a term.
Nelson Lopes Chinchinim 9850926276

[Goanet] Conspiracy against P.Chidambaram ?

2011-09-28 Thread SOTER
That there exists a deep seated conspiracy to oust PC Chidambaram is obvious. 
But this politician, an agent of the mining cartel, does not deserve any 
sympathy. His launch of operation 'Green Hunt' to shoot down militant tribals 
to make way for the mining companies to enter the mioneral rich forests in the 
North East. The economic adventures of Montek Singh, Manmohan Singh and PC 
Chidambaram to furhter corporate interests has spelt doom for the ordinary 
citizens of this country. had it not been for Jairam Ramesh's stubborn bouts, 
the sell out would have been complete. 
The BJP is just chipping at the top brass of the UPA, rendering it headless and 
in the process driving a wedge between the politicians. It hopes that this will 
destablise the Government and usher in a mid-term poll.

Soter D'souza
Socorro, N. Goa