[Goanet] Fascinating developments on Goanet

2010-01-11 Thread Mario Goveia
Date: Tue, 12 Jan 2010 00:29:32 +0530
From: Tony de Sa 

Comments addressed to Carmen Miranda:

What makes you think we are fighting a losing battle? Is your
perception coloured by your Western 'comfort zone' glasses? If you want to
do something good for Goa and Goans, then how about starting with the Goans
who live in not so well appointed circumstances in your comfort zone?

Other than that if you really want to do something for Goa, then we the
natives of this place would appreciate it if you translated your words in to 

Well frankly if you don't care then why bring it up? Do you have statistics
of how many Goans were 'forced' by circumstances to work abroad? My
perception is that most Goans who migrated did so to better their lot.

I reiterate, we Goans living in Goa do not want sermons from NRG's. We are
perfectly capable of electing our own Government and taking our own

Date: Mon, 11 Jan 2010 06:46:21 -0800 (PST)
From: Samir Kelekar 

Response to Anil Desai with threats aimed at Rajan Parrikar:

Take a good break, refresh yourself and be prepared for more.
?Let me tell you you have seen nothing yet.
There is more to come.

The only way opportunists like Rajan will gain respect is if they
have the guts to take Indian citizenship. Why, Indian citizenship
is no good for Rajan ? The white man's boots look better is it ?

Rajan, the American boot licker, thorn on my side ?
Give me a break man and talk sense.

Now tell me what do you do there sitting in UK except perhaps
increase your bank balance ? Why did you vamoos from Goa?
The public would like to know.

The proof of the pudding is in the eating. It is very clear that
Rajan has adopted a hit and run technique, something which is
very easy to do when someone is an American citizen. 

Any trouble in Goa and Rajan will not be seen around  -- that
is Rajan's plan. A PIL here or there does not count. We have to see what 
happens when this bloke comes in a bit of limelight (of course, other than 
abuse coming from his mouth) and really becomes a nuisance or a threat to the 

As of now, everything indicates that the bloke is going to scoot
to America when the going gets tough.

Mario observes:

I am absolutely fascinated with this recent phenomenon on Goanet, where the 
primary targets of some angry local Goan activists are not the corrupt 
politicians and scurrilous business interests in Goa, but their fellow Goans 
who happen to live abroad, even Carmen and Rajan and Arwin, who only seem to 
want to help, with nothing in it for them that I can see.

This probably goes a long way in explaining why Goa is in such a mess to begin 
with.  Even Goa's fabled crabs must be cowering in their holes in embarrassment 
at being so upstaged:-))

Could there be some guilty consciences that are suddenly thrashing around to 
gain some traction after being asleep at the switch lo these many years since 
Goa was handed over the the Goans in 1987.

In the meantime I plead guilty to all the charges against me.  I grew up a 
Goan-Bhayya, and was always a lesser Goan-than-thou than the chest-thumpers.  
My freedom-fighter relatives did not live long enough for the pensions I keep 
hearing about.  It never occurred to me to brazenly claim I was a SuperGoan 
like some who have also left Goa ostensibly to make a buck, but want us to 
ignore that little detail.

I left India in search of those lousy greenbacks after Indira started putting 
ceilings on corporate salaries in India.  I stayed away when I found to my 
delight that Americans are shamelessly consumerist and believe the good earth 
is far more rugged and sustainable if we could only get the elites who know 
what's good for everyone else better than they do, out of the way, politically 

In America, they actually do something about their problems folks, and some 
other country's problems as well, which infuriates some people.  

I think Samir is stuck in the John Wayne era:-))  Today, Indian-American boots 
must taste better than white man's boots, because Indian boots are in great 
demand among bootlickers:-))  

I used to be an Indian first, when I had no choice, until India decided to 
screw me, and am now an American first.  I do appreciate the good things about 
my ancestry and my homeland, without being weighed down by any debilitating 
sentimental baggage.  I have invested some of my greenbacks in India because it 
suited me to do so.  India has changed for the better since I left and 
Manmohanji began to impose some common sense on the place.

I don't have "the guts" to become an Indian citizen.  Sorry about that.

When you are an American - the name ends in "I can" - you actually can do a lot 
as the old Soviet Union and Saddam found out the hard way.  We're still working 
on the Taliban.

If you don't like any of this, please sue me in the Hague:-))

[Goanet] Fascinating developments on Goanet

2010-01-12 Thread Tony de Sa
The self styled Goan-Bhayya states: I am absolutely fascinated with this
recent phenomenon on Goanet, where the primary targets of some angry local
Goan activists are not the corrupt politicians and scurrilous business
interests in Goa, but their fellow Goans who happen to live abroad, even
Carmen and Rajan and Arwin, who only seem to want to help, with nothing in
it for them that I can see.

Angry, who me? Says who? Goans who live abroad are not my targets but I am
just trying to tell pontificating, holier-than-thou, Toledo (or Mississauga
or Swindon or Lisbon or Melbourne)-is-better-than-Goa,
you-country-yokels-haveto-learn, etc spouting NRGs to button up. Corrupt
Politicians, you mean to insult our intelligence by telling us that America
or Canada or US or wherever does not have them? Scurrilous business
interests - they are absent in your adopted homeland? What have you done
about them?

If you have somuch as fought against corrupt politicians, scurrilous
business interests or even actively participated in the political life of
your adopted country then only presume to tell us. Otherwise, you are free
to skim the fat of your adopted land.


 Tony de Sa
  M   : +91 9975 162 897
  Ph. : +91 832 2470 148


[Goanet] Fascinating developments on Goanet

2010-01-12 Thread Mario Goveia
Date: Tue, 12 Jan 2010 14:11:07 +0530
From: Tony de Sa 

Angry, who me? Says who? Goans who live abroad are not my targets but I am
just trying to tell pontificating, holier-than-thou, Toledo (or Mississauga
or Swindon or Lisbon or Melbourne)-is-better-than-Goa,
you-country-yokels-haveto-learn, etc spouting NRGs to button up. 

Mario responds:

Hey, Tony, calm down, man.  We can all see that you are angry, perhaps have a 
tinge of a guilty conscience.  If you locals had taken care of business all 
these years, Rajan and Carmen and Arwin wouldn't have to waste their time, now, 
would they?

BTW, I still haven't found that mythical Goan in Toledo, even though I live 
close by.

Tony wrote:

Corrupt Politicians, you mean to insult our intelligence by telling us that 
America or Canada or US or wherever does not have them? Scurrilous business 
interests - they are absent in your adopted homeland? What have you done about 

Mario responds:

Tony, I'm trying to focus your intelligence on the corruption and mess in Goa, 
and not on the NRGs who are trying to help.

Unless you come here I cannot show you the difference, man.  Yes, we have 
corrupt politicians and businessmen from time to time, but the difference is 
that when we find them we put them in jail and vote the political bums out when 
they do not perform.  We do not keep re-electing them year in and year out.  
Just watch what we do with the Democrats in Congress in November of 2010.

Date: Tue, 12 Jan 2010 01:44:42 -0800 (PST)
From: Samir Kelekar 

Very good point indeed. What qualifies you to come to India and fight ?
What have you done in your neighborhood --- your adopted land?
As they say, charity begins at home. Those who have indeed something
in their adopted land --- we can definitely learn from them.

Mario responds:

Not a good point at all because it is speculative and argumentative and has 
nothing to do with the corruption and mess in Goa.

What qualifies us is our Goan DNA and our interest in Goa and the fact that the 
locals have allowed the place go to hell, so to speak.

There are all kinds of things some of us have done in our adopted homes, where 
they mostly operate based on common sense.  BTW, the USA would not be able to 
function today if you removed the entire Indian community.  The Protestant work 
ethic has been replaced by the Indian work ethic.  Too bad this could not have 
been used in India until recently, after Manmohanji started imposing some 
common sense in India.

For example, in every community in America we have local Zoning Boards with 
elected members who scrutinize every new building project to make sure it is up 
to the legal standards set by local interests and fits within the existing 
ambiance, history, architecture, etc.  If anything is passed that does not 
conform it can be challenged in court by any citizen.

Homeowners must maintain their properties up to local standards.

Open faced pit miners are required to rehab and landscape the property after 
they have extracted the ore.

There are more trees in North America now than when the first European settlers 
came here, even though most building construction uses wood and vast forests 
had to be cleared so that crops could be planted.  Why?  Because more trees 
were planted than were cut down.  Common sense.  When you use a lot of wood you 
cannot keep cutting down trees without replacing them.

You cannot just stop your vehicle and urinate or defecate by the side of the 
road.  You cannot throw thrash in a public spaces.  When you drive you have to 
display the utmost respect for the right of way of other drivers.  When you see 
a stop sign, you must come to a complete stop and look both ways for cross 
traffic before proceeding, even if there is no cross traffic at the time.

Samir wrote:

Or are you being hypocrites ? While you do nothing for your adopted land, you 
come and tell Goans philosophy and how to lead their lives.

Mario responds:

This snotty comment is what we call a cheap shot in America - a petulant 
criticism that is not based on any known facts.

It also proves how little Samir understands of what is going on.

What the NRG activists like Rajan, Carmen and Arwin, among others, are doing 
has nothing to do with Goan philosophy and how any Goan leads their lives.  It 
has everything to do with the unholy alliance between corrupt politicians and 
business interests that are ruining the ambiance and environment in Goa.

With all your bloviating and bluster, Samir, one would think you would at least 
have grasped these basic facts by now.

We have a saying in America that I would recommend very highly, "Lead, follow, 
or get out of the way!"

[Goanet] Fascinating developments on Goanet

2010-01-12 Thread Samir Kelekar
>Arwin response: Will this view change on some NRG's; if you have proof
>that there are NRG's have done something  significant for Goa??

Sorry I wasnt clear. I was refering to those who have discarded
Indian citizenship and taken some other citizenship
, and are trying to meddle in Indian political
affairs. NRGs holding Indian passports have legal rights to take
part in Indian politics.
