Aires Rodrigues has posed the question which is the caption of his post. What 
are the people of Goa doing to ensure that their voices are heard by the 
Parrikar Government in relation to their demands that this Cancer of Corruption 
is totally annihilated from the fabric of Goan society? Is he Going to execute 
truthfully his professed policy of ZERO TOLERANCE TO CORRUPTION?. Without 
pressure on the Chief Minister and his cabinet by the voters who put him into 
office, nothing is going to change. Therefore, we the people [aam aadmi] must 
keep on pressuring the government to take corrective measures starting with the 
Mining Issues for which there is no excuse but to adopt the recommendations of 
the Shah Commission, arresting all those responsible for the excesses in 
promotion and operating of illegal mining operations. THERE SHOULD BE NO 
ANYONE. Justice must be meted out fairly and without prejudice. If this is 
done, it will dissuade those thinking of following suite and engaging in 
illegal activities of any kind to redirect their plans and stick to the legal 
means of obtaining wealth. I disagree with the proposed pardons or leniencies 
proposed by the Parrikar Government which favours those in power previously. 
This opens the door to pardoning every successive group of scoundrels who enter 
politics in order to enrich themselves at the behest of the people of Goa. This 
mining wealth must be controlled and shared by all the people of Goa. NOT ONLY 
THE FEW WHO HAVE STRINGS TO PULL in the Government and get away with 
murder.This action will benefit the whole of Goa and improve the livelihoods of 
every Goan if properly administered bringing about lower taxes, improved 
schools, hospitals, roads, etc. The overall benefits will be immense.

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